18 FRANK H. WILSON, Fire, Tornado and Cyclone Insurance, Office, Basement of Bank of Cass Couuty, PLATTSMOUTH, : NEBRASKA Queen Insurance Company, of Liverpool. "Washington Fire and Murine Insurance Co., of Boston. Commercial Union Assurance Company, of London. "Western Assurance Company, of Toronto, Ont. Capital, - Total Assets, ... Total losses paid since organization, 4.500 20.100 52.047 000 000 090 Reliable Insurant guaranteed. -Careful Underwriting and prompt attention Western Assnrance Co., Z OF Toronto, Ont, , M. 8m ii ii, J. J. Kk.nmv, A. W. Dodd, President. Managing Dir. Supt. Agencies. UXITEU MTATGH4 TKl'HTKKH. Wui. II. Gulon, of Willbims & Ouiou, ((iulon Stf.iiii.sliif, Line.) ew ork. Win. A. Booth, 1'rcsiUeiit Third Natioual Hank, Kew York. Arthur 15. Graves, President St. Nicholas liauk, New York, Ceo.W. Hayes. General Agent, Milwaukee, Wis UNITED STATES BKANC1I ASMKT3. Uulted States iY percent regi.-ter- ei uoiido. Uulted States 4 per cent registered Honds New York Central & Hudson Kiver Railroad Kou-J.t Georgia State Bonds Caah deposited iu State ot Miisi- itlppL Cash iu Bank Premiums iu course ol collection.. S3iA.boo.oo 218,210.00 40,200.00 27,uOO.OO 15,000.00 1-0.87U.MJ lo2.20U.76 ISAAC SYVKKTSEK, President. ;FltANK K. SWEEXSEK. A. W DAMON, Secretary. Viee-l'risideiit. WashingtoNI Fire and Marine Insurance Company OK BOSTON. LIABILITIES. S 934,517.62 Ke-Inurance reserve $ rc,808.3l Unpaid loosen t"4,m;.23 Other liabilities 20,441.35 $ 065,453.89 Surplus in United States 5 S69.0C3.73 Premium Receipts in United States. 1874 to laa, Inclusive, $5,305,202.3; Total Fire losses, paid in United Stte.l874 to ltfW, inclusive, 3.jy3.535.ti9 STATEMENT, JAN. 1,1884. T ASSETTS.Z Bank Stocks, $401,649.87 City of Boston Bonds ISi.coo.oo Uulted States " 170.887.S0 Itaiiroad blocks and Bonds, 4lo.823.u0 Bostou U a- Light Co.Stock, 6.500.00 Loans on Mortgage S4.000,oo Collateral li)'2.4no.mi oianne x reniiuin notes,.... Premiums in course ot Col't'i ( ash ou baud OtlierAssets(accruedIiit.ic) 6,744,00 Gross Asskts, 51.595,550.34 LIABILITIES. Lossft reported aupposedSl 13,442,00 liesei ved for KHtisiTrauce, 26o,i9.3o All other Liabilities , ,21,571.32 Gross Liabilities, except Capital $395,282.02 Surplus as regards Policy-holders, $i.2o6VOT.72 Paid-up . ..pitai l.iHMouo.o? Telegraphic, T1IE ItESCUED. Some Experiences of the Greely Survivors as Re lated by Themselves. The Survivors. NetSurplu $200,267,' 72 WESTERN DEPARTMENT. 174 La SALLE STREET, CHICAGO FRED. S. JAM iiS, General Agent. iTLSZUrCLTXCa Uo OF LIVERPOOL. Seinl-atiutial statement of the United States uraucn on uie 31-t dav ot December. 1683. JOSEPH M. ROGERS. Manager Western De partmeut. Chicago. III. Assets in the United States. Lawn Items 3 18,93CC KeaiEstat. Unincumbered 352,590 Its United States Bonds 1,016.853 11 Other Securities Ib9i3!39 Winer items 24,641 65 COMMERCIAL UNION ASSOTRAITCE CO., OF 1,752,207 89 Liabilities in the United States. Losses Unadjusted and lu Suspense .138,934 20 All other Claims against the Company.. 4.076 75 I 113.010 95 Amount necesaary to re insure all outstanding risks 770,072 42 ret surplus in United oates 833,124 52 51,752,207 89 LONDON. UNITED STATES BRANCH: 37 and 39 Wall Street, - NEW YORK CITY Alfred Pkll, Resident Manager. Ciias. Skwall, AseiKtant Manager. WESTERN DEPARTMENT: 157 and 159 LaSalle St., - - CHICAGO, ILL. C. F. Mpllins. Resident Secretary. Net Surplus in United States Dec. 31 1882. Losses paid since Organization. ?33.124 52 .8,9JC,U98 00 UNITED STATES BRANCH STATEMENT JAN. 1st, 1884. Reserve for total liabilities, includ ing re-insurance iu United States SI. 337. 134 24 Net Surplus January 1st, 1884 990,501 80 Assets held in the United States... $2,327,638 04 Income. 1883, $1,625,934 55 Expenditures, 1883 1,541,120 08 Surplus Income in U. 3., 1883 184,814 47 Total losses paid by this Company eluce organization . . $37,715,624 00 All losses In the Western Department paid promptly through the Branch Oince, 157 & 159 LaSalle St.. Chicago. HE ELKH OR SAL HEADQTJARTERS&FOXl Washington, I. C, July 18 Rear Admiral Nichols, actiog secretary of uavy, and Gendrul Ilazen, chief signal officer, had a conference today, at which it was concluded to suggest to Com mander Schley that he bring the survi vors of the Greely party from S'. Johns to Portland, Maine, where they can remaiu until better prepared to stand the change of climate. Their families can join tin m at Portland if so desired. CARINO FOR THE A.RT1C DEAD. The following telegram from Com mander Schley was received at the navy department this afternoon: St. Johns, J uly 18. To Hon. Wm. E. Chandler, secretary of the navy: Iron caskets for the dead will be delivered July 25. Aa soon as the remains are transferred to them I will sail for New York, advising you when ready. A week ot rest, for officers and men after their incessant labor and peril of the past sixty days is most grateful to them. Your telegram and that of the acting secretary, Admiral Nichols, gave us great satisfaction. Please accept our thanks for them. Iu respect to the memory of the dead on board, thefligs of the ship will fly at half mast during my stay. Signed. W. S. Schley, Commander. THE WELCOME SOUND. St. Johns, N. F., July 18, Sergeant Long of the Greely party was the first to respond to the welcome tone of the steam whistle. He says he and Ser geant Brainard were first to hear the sound and they helped each other to crawl out of the tent. When Long got clear of the entanglement of the tent, which had been swept to the ground, he rose to his feet with great difficulty and succeeded in clambering up to a rock that gave the most exten sive view in that neighborhood. Brain ard went back to the tent but Long re mained looking out searchingly iu ev ery direction for some strange craft. At length he saw the unwonted sight of a large black object about a mile distant which at first looked like a rocs, but he knew there was no rock iu that line. Suddenly the approach ing steam launch changed its course and Long recognized the approach of the rescuers, lie came down from the rock and went towards the camp. RAISING THE FLAG pole and flag which had blown down during the gale and held it for about two minutes until his strength gave out and it was blown once more to i!n ground. lie then advanced in the di rection of the little stream and in a few navy to remain at St. Johns until there are twelve iron caskets constructed to receive the bodies of the deceased ex plorers. The survivors are all doing well, but are still weak and Buffering from nervous prostration. Lieutenant Greely has improved from 129 ouuds weight on the 22nd of June to 109 lb. today. IMPROVING IN UEALTn. Sergeaut Brainard and others, are pulling up proportionately. The weath er here is delightful and all that could be desired for the sufferers. Great sym pathy is evinced for the sufferers and dead, and every token of respect is man fested. THE THETIS AND BEAR, as they ride quietly at anchor in the harbor, wear a sombre and mournful appearance with the flag of the United States at half mast. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Z. W. COOK. M. D. Physician and Surgeon, OFFICE At Fisher's Dkcg Stoke. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ko. s. smith, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice in all Courts ot the State. PLATTSMOUTJI, Ofllce iu 1 itzgerl 1 block. NKltMASKA. Allkx Bekmon. a, Hi. Sullivan. IICEJsOA & SLULIVAX, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will give prompt attention to all business intrusted to them. Of fice in Union Block, East side. PfjATTSM OUTH - NEBRASKA. FRANK H. WILSON, Basement of Bank of L'asa County. Vo2vzn Hijcth avb Main btkekts. N-OTA3Y PVBLIO 1'articular attention t0 the preparation of papers lor Caveats, Patents all eiairilio of lrade Marks and Labels. Just Ire or the Peace. El in woo J . Xeb Collections a specialty and gives prompt attention. P. O. address Elm wood Neb. M. O'DONOHOE ATTORNEY AT LAW & NOTARY PUBLIC. Fitzgerald's Block. PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBKASKA Agent for Steamship lines to and from Europe. dl2w521y W. II. C1HLDH.ECUT, Practicing Physician, Office. Corner Main and 7th Streets., PLATT8MQUTH. PEBKASKA. K. K. LIVLXUMTOX, M. I PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. ui r i r. tiuuits, irora 10 a. m., to 2 p. m. examine surgeon ior u. a. .Tension. it St. t. ailLLKR, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Can be found by calling at his office, corner 7th and Main Streets, iu J. H. Waterman's house. PLATT&MOUTB. NEBRASKA. JAM. 8. 3IAT11F.WM ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofllee over Baker & Atwood's store, south side ui uiiuu ueiwt-en olu uua tan streets. 2ltl HTUOUB A CLAItJt. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice In all the Courts iu the State. District Attorney and Notary Public. Wiljli ki, WISH. COLlsJZCTZOJVS H SSJBClHZy I. All'OKNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In surance ana collection Agency. Ofilce Union uiukk. i uusiiiomi) neorasKa. 22in3 I. II. WJIKIULEK A. CO. LAW OFFICE. Real JCrftate, Fire and Life In surance Agents. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Col lectors, tax -payers. Have a complete abstract uiuura. sua sen reai estate, negotiate JAJ1.KS K. JllfKKISOX, Notary Public. ArroKNEYAT LAW. Wlprasttc- m Cass mm vujiMuuig counties ; gives ypecia: attention to collections and abstracts ot title. ;llce in Shcrwoi.d Block, Piattsiuouth, Nebraska. !7yl minnffla ffio nr.fm 1iim1 C V . ., a -.u -AJLJu. WIHL DLUn LIUAtt. had grasped his in greeting Old Kentucky Whiskies, IMPORTED WINES, MUMM'S EXTRA DRY CHAMPAGNE, NATIVE WINES, ST- LOUIS BEER SLrug's Omaha Beer Always ii draught ALWAYS IN STOCK, ATj THE fELKHOKN Fiugcrald Block - - - PLATTSMOUTII, NEB. jr. if. JBJLiDMiEaisarjBiHi, : Commission Merchant, .BAX3caTJ ATCTBBS FOE, IP'IESTESTTDq IP'ILnCOTnriRi AND iEiEsn'3riri , JHTisBicst (DasIIa price paid for An uncxcelioa - line ot x lu u k always in stock, corner C Jtf ain Streets,, opposite First National Bank. PJLATTSMO an UTH, NEBRASK4 Maurice Connell, who is still excess ively weak, stated ia n interview that for some days after Lis rescue he had no recollection of anything that traus t ired. He did not bear tbe awaken ing 3cream of the whistle. When Li comrades shook him up from his pros trate position in camp, and told him of the succor athaDd he wildly ticla:med. "For God's sake let me iie in peace. A teaspoouful of brandy was applied to his lips to call back feeling; The life spark for Connell could not have survived longer than a few hours. He Was by iar the weakest man of the sev- eu survivors, and the strongest man mu3t have succumbed in torty-eight hours. : THE STORY TOLD BY CONNELL, t orn his recollection of their stormy experience is simply heartrending. How they burned the hair off their seal kin boots and coats, cut them into strips, boiled them into a stew, and ate of them till their stomachs rebelled, and nausea and weakneq essued. , la several cases nature gave no ca'l for twelve, fifteen and even eighteen day?, an i then bloody hemorrhage and con sequent weakness ansued, prostrating the victim for several - days. The diffi culty in keeping heat in the body was very great. The rule of the camp was to permit no one to sleep . longer than two hours. He was awakened roughly and called upon to shake - himself " and beat bis bands and pound his feet and store circulation. This was found ab solutely necessary t prevent torpor aad possible death, tfce usual accompa- Limeats of iuieuse cold. IMMAAlflV 111. ibAVi I Commander Schley has received in- I thfttfoni from the secretary of the HiKT IS. UlXOKAJl. Kotary Public ATTORNEY AT UW. Office over Carruth's Jewelry Store. riattsinouth. - Nebraska. fVS. A. HARTIGAK, Is A W Y "E K . FitzokbaziD'b Block. PlattsmoitTh Nib Prompt and careful attention to a general a latntc. A. HALISBUlir. DElsTTIST. JfllceoverHmith. Black & Co's. Drug Store. First class deutitry at reasonable prices. 231y Dr. C. A. Marshall Successor to Clutter & Marshall,) EBESBJTIST1 ! Preservation of natural teeth a specialty. Teeth extracted imthout pain by use of L.augrang (Jos. All work warranttd. Prices reasonable. - Pl.ATT8MOt7TH.jr K. DRESSIER, Merchant Tailor. PL.ATTSMOUTH. - - NEB. Republicans are especially invited to meet at Schelegel's and try the Blaine and Logan cigar. P8dtf CORN COB pipes in every styia Schlesel's. irjftf 2 rr- B o o a4 i ft S9 2 feu ft ft & ft en ft e O ft e ft ft fca tstf 9 9 rm L ft- 85 lOl S9 ft 3. i ft ft 9 Xffi 0 0 8 ft sxaf 4 9 35 ft L a .$ 9 S. ft " s as ft H Q t3o .4 1 ()' : 13 tar 4 J r -