FRANK H, WILSON, Firo, Tornado and Cyclone Insurance, Office, Basement of Bank of Casa Couuty, PLATTSMOUTH, : NEBRASKA? Queen Insurance Company, of Liverpool. Washington Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of Boston. Commercial Union Assurance Company, of London. Western Assurance Company, of Toronto, Ont. ! 4.500 000 20.100 000 52.047 096 Capital, - -Total Assets, - ' - Total losses paid since organization, Reliable Insurance Careful Underwriting and prompt attention guaranteed. Telegraphic GREELY KESCUED. Details of the SuryiTors. Western Assurance Co, t OK - Toronto. Out. , M. Smith, J. J. Kenkv, A. W. Dodd, President. Managing Dir. Supt. Agencies. IX1TEU ISTATKH TBl'STKES. Wm. II. Ouiun, ot Williams & Gulon, (Gulon Steamship Line,) New ork. Wm. A. Booth, President XUird National Rank, New York. Arthur B. Graves, President St. Nicholas Bank, New York, Cco.W. Hayes. General Agent, MHwaukee.Wis UNITED STATES BRANCH. ASSETS. United States 4Vi per cent register- ed Bonds $345,000.00 United Stated 4 per cent registered Bonds 218,210.00 New York Central & Hudson Kiver Kailroad Bonds 40.200.00 Georgia Slate Bond 27,trtxi.uo Cash deposited in State of Missis sippi. 15,000.00 Cash In Bank 18o.870.t Premiums In course of collection.. lo-,2W.7ti LIABILITIES. S W4.517.62 Re-Insurance reserve. . ..S4j6.8CG.31 Unpaid loeses 8H,l 44.23 Other liabilities . . . .' 20,441.35 $ CC5.453.83 Surplus in United States $ 369.0C3.73 Premium Receipts in Unit ed States, 1874 to 1SS3, Inclusive, g5,305C2.39 Total Fire losses, paid in United State. 1874 to 1843, inclusive 3.393.535.C9 ISAAC SWEETSEU, President. .FRAN K K. SWEE'lSER. A. W. DAMON, Secretary. Vlce-PrMdent. Washington Fire aiiu Marine Insurance Compan OF BOSTON. STATEMENT, JAN. 1, 1884. 1 ASSETTSZ Bank Stocks, S 401,649,87 City of Boston Bonds. I33,coo,oo United States 170.887,60 Kailroad Slocks and Bonds, 410,623,00 Boston tias-Light Co.Stock, 6,500,00 Loans on Mortgage 84,00o,ooj Collateral 102.400.00 1 Marine Premium Notes 35.8:t,79 I Premiums In course ot Col't'ii us.7l2,14,f Cash on naud t44,4!,o.iij UtherAsscts(accruedlnt.&c) f,744,oo Gross Assets, S1.635.S50.34 LIABILITIES. Losses reported supposedgl 13,412,00 lseerved for Reinsurance, 2tiO,2t&.30 All other Liabilities 21,571.32 Gross Liabilities, except Capital 5395,282.62 Surplus si regards Policy-holders, $1,200,267.72 laiu-up capital Net Surplus, $200,267,72 WESTERN DEPARTMENT. 174 La SALLE STREET, CHICAGO FRED. S. JAMES, General .Agent. IrcszurcuFLca Uo OF IIVEKPOOIi. Semi-annual statement of the United States branch ou die 311 dav of December, lis3. JOSEPH M. ROGERS, Manager Western De partment, Chicago, III. Assets in the United States, Cash Items Real Estate. Unincumbered United States Bouds Other Securities Other Items 1?,93 66 352,510 18 1,016.8531! 169 13i 39 21,641 65 1.752.207 89 Liabilities in the United States. Losses Unadjusted and ' in Suspense ?! 133,934 20 All other Claims against the Company 4.076 75 1143.010 or, Amount necesary to re insure all outstanding risks 7TC.072 42 Net surplus in United Bates 33,124 Net Surplus In United States Dec. 1882 Losses paid since Organization ,75:2,207 89 31 ....3.12l 52 . .8,910,993 00 COMMERCIAL UNION CO., LONDON. UNITED STATES BRANCH: 37 and 39 Wall Street, - NEW YORK CITY AiFKRD Pell. Resident Manager. Chas. Sewall, Assistant Manager. WESTERN DEPARTMENT: 157 and 159 LaSalle St., - - CHICAGO. ILL. C. F. Mullins. Resident Secretary. UNITED STATES BRANCH STATEMENT JAN. ISt, 1881. Reserve for total liabilities, includ ing re-insurance in United States $1,337,134 24 Net Surplus January 1st, 1S84 990,601 80 Assets held In the United States... $2,327,636 04 Income, 1883 $1,625,934 55 Expenditures, 1883 1,501,120 08 Surplus Income in U. S., 1883 184,814 47 Total losses paid by this Company since organization jfj.uo,b- uu All losses in the Western Department paid promptly tnrougn tne itrancn omce, ui ioa LaSalle St.. Chicago. HE ELKH SAL i HEAD QTJ ARTERS2 FOR ALE, WINES BEER AND CIGARS,- Old Kentucky Whiskies, IMPORTED WINES, MUilM'S EXTRA DRY" CHAMPAGNE, NATIVE WINES, - ST- LOUJS BEER Always oifi clrsiugflit. jSTTPIHIia EfllKTE of CXGJEL1E&.S ALWAYS IN STOCK, AT THE ,ELKHORN Fitzgerald Block - - - PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. JJ. IF. IBATDMIBlISariEffll;, Commission Merchant, Ttth A nQ.TJABTEBS TOR AND IHHGfllislfc (Dash price paid fmr jVn xmcxceliod line of FLOLTR always .in stock, corner :h an IImw Streets, opposite First National Bank, ' PLATTSHOtJTH, - - . IIEBR ASK A Washington, July 17. The acting secretary of the navy received a tele -gram from St. Johns this morning, slat ing that the Greely relief expedition bad found the survivors of reely' -rr v. The survivors number seven in I, - all Tht oace are Lieutenant Gree ly.Sergeant BraVr. rick. Servant T.o Sp.Ot ElllSOU vatc Connell. They were found by the relief ships, Thetis and Bear, five milts ou Cane Sabine in Smith Sound. Ser geant Ellison was very badly Irost bit ten, and died at Gort haven, July Ctli, undergoing Burgical operation. The relief ihips, Thetis and Bear, with the survivors are now at St. Johns, New Foundland. St. Johns, N. F. July 17. To the Hon. II. B. Chandler, secretary of the navy. Washington : The Thetis, Bear, and Luck Garry arrived here today from West Green land. All were separated from the Alert 150 miles north during a gale. At 9 p. m. June 22d, five miles off Cape Sabine, in Smith's sound, the Thetis and Bear rescued alive Lieutenant A. W. Greely, Sergeant Brainaid, Ser geant Frederick, Sergeant Long, Hos pital steward Beidenbcck, Private Con nell and Sergeant Ellison, the only sur vivors of the Franklin Bay expedition Sergeant Ellison had lost both hands by frost bite, and died July Cth ;at Godhaven, three days after the ampu tation, which had become imperative. Seventeen of the twenty five compos' ing the expedition perished by starva tion at the point where found. One was drowned while seeking to procure food. Twelve bodies ot the dead were rescued and are now on board the The tis andJBear. One Eskimos, Turned like, was buried at Disco, m accord ance with the desire of the inspector of Western Greenland. Five bodies- bur ied in the ice near the camp were car ried away to sea by the winda and cur rents before my arrival and could not be recovered. THE LIEUTENANT INTERVIEWED. St. Johns N. F., July 17.On the ar rival at anchorage of the relief squad ron today, an Associated Press corre spondent interviewed Lieutenant Grce ly and the other survivors of the Arctic colons. The following facts were dis closed : After passing two winters at Fort Congor in scientific research, Lleuten- antGreely with his whole party broke up encampment and commenced a southern descent. On the 29th of Sep tember winter quarters were establish. ed at Cape Sabine. The commissariat had become very meagre and the cache ot provisions left by the Proteus lat but poorly supplemented it. The first havoc in the ranks occurred early in January, when one of the men dropped off with scurvy. On the 9th of April Lieutenant Lock wood and William Rice, the photographer, suc cumbed after an heroic attempt to se cure for their starving comrades about 200 pounds of meat supposed to be cached at a place named Bad Creek, distant fifteen miles lrom the encamp ment. Israel, the astronomer, perished May 27. Lieutenaat Kishlingburg died June 1, and Dr. Pavf; the ratur alht, slept in death June 26. Not one of the victims realized that death was near. Two Eskimos also perished, one of starvation and the other was drowned by his koyak being pierced by some newly formed ice April 17, thus cut ting off all hope of getting any supply of seal meat for the explorers. The Eskimos were most faithfuland devot ed followers and helpers of Lieutenant Greely. Ellison was rescued and safely brought on board the steamship Bear, where he died a few days subse quently. This is an extraordinary in stance of human endurance. While away some ten miles from his hut last winter the temperature suddenly fell to 48 degrees below zero. His hands and feet were frozen to the very bone, and ho was dragged by his com rades ia an almost dying condition to his hut his feet and hands were liter ally amputated by incisive frost, and in this troubled state he lived through the dismal months tbaf intervened be tween that time and when rescued. The bodies of twelve of the victims have been brought up by the steam ers Bear and Thetis embalmed in tanks filled with alcohol. The survivors are all 'doing well and rapidly gaining flesh and strength. Lieutenant Greely, who was in an exceedingly critical condition when first transferred to the Thetis, is now able out for an hour's ride to get the coun try air and came back quite resuscitat ed. The rescue took place on the 22d of June under circumstances of great difficulty. The Thetis and Bear lay off lrom shore about 300 yards. There was terrific gale blowing from the south-west, a heavy sea was running, and a formidable ice nip was apparent ly inevitable. Lieutenaut Greely and the oher six survivors had to be trans ferred from their camp to the steam launch and whale boat in their sleeping bags, and while steaming from the land to the ships destruction of the whole party at one time seemed cer tain. The sea swept furiously over them and the fury of the wind threat ened to capsize them. At length they were safely placed on board the rescu ing squadron, where every possible preparation was made to insure their recovery and comfort. The Greely party reached a higher latitude than was ever reached by Polar explorers. PROr CARDS. E- W. COOK. M. D Physician and Surgeon, OFFICE At Fisher's Dnco Store, Platt8mouth. Nebraska. GEO. S. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice in all Courts ot the State. Office in k itzgerld Block. PLATTSMOUTH, - KEBHASKA. ai.lkn Bkbhon. a. N. Sullivan. IIEESOIV & SULLIVAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will give prompt Attention to an ousiness intrusted to tnem. Ui lice in Union Block, East side. PLATTSMOUTH - KKBBASKA. FRANK H. WILSON, Basement of Bank of Cass County. COBXEB SIXTH AND MAIN BTHKKTS. 2STOTAFLT PTJBI.IO I'articular attention gived to the preparation of papers for Caveats, Patents and Registration of Arade Marks and Labels. Wm. UKLLEM. Justice of the peace. Elm wood Xeb Collections a specialty and gives prompt attention. P. O. address Elm- wood Neb. M. O'DONOHOE ATTORNEY AT LAW & NOTARY PUBLIC. Fitzgerald's Block, PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA Agent for Steamship lines to and from Europe. dl2v521y l:t. XV. II. SCUILDKXECUT, Practicing Physician. Office, Corner Main and 7th Streets., PLATTSMOUTH, ------ NEBRASKA. K. It. K8TOX, M. !.. PHYSICIAN & SUKGKON. OFF! HOURS, from 10 a. m., to 2 p. m. cxamiri.r.K Burgeon ior v. a. rension. 1K. M. H1LLEB, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Can be found by calling at his office, corner 7th auu jnain oireeis, m j.u. waterman's House. PLATTSMWUTH. NEBRASKA. JAS. 8. MATIIEWM ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over Baker At wood's store, south side of Main between 5th and 6th streets. 21 tl MTICOUK A CLA UK. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice In all the Couns iu the State. Oixtrict Attorney and Public. VVilL, J. W1HK. COJ.LCTJOJVS i SiCJMX2 2. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Flr Tn. sursuive and Collection Agency. Office Union block hliittsiuouth Nebraska. 22ni3 l.H.WUEELBa CO. ... .. w.. .w., a.; cm ..a . l i r auu MilAK in surancu Aleuts. I'luttsniouth, Nebraska. Col lectois, tax -payers. Have a complete abstract o niies. Luy auu seii reai estate, negotiate Notary Public. A1TORNEYAT I.AW. WUl prastlce m Cass auu uujoimng counties ; gives epecial attention 10 collections ana aostracts ot title. Office in Sherwood Block, I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. 17yl HKKHT . riXIMAM, Notary Public ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office ever Carruth's Jewelry Store. riattsruouth. - - - - Nebraska. M. A. KARTICAN, Sj A W Y "E K . Fitzhkkald'8 Block. Plattsmouth Neb frompt mid ctkretfl altentjon to a general Ull. A. 8ALISBUUY, DE3-TTIST. Ufflce over Smith, Black A- Co's. Drug Store. r irst ciass aentistrv at reasonable prices, 231y Dr. C. A. Marshall! Successor to Clutter & Marshall.) Preservation of natural teeth a specialty. Teeth extracted withotitpain ly use of Laughing (las. All work wanranttd. Prices reasonable Fmorm Block! - Plattsmotth K. DRESSLER, . Merchant Tailor.. PLiATTSMOUTn. - - - NEB. . Republicans are especially invited to meet at Sehelecel and try the Blaine and Logan cigar j '. SSdtf r I V B 3 i i 01 n o n v 5 "J P S B 4 e arc; o o B xm SL e e S e '" f ; H 0 8 t) 7 ' ft S 'I ft feai a a 5 29 fi'J 9 f ! i i tdo a : i 2 (c 1 (c gill! r i mn eJ- i i t .1 : csfi ' 1 I A- r ..