Opera House Billiard Hall I PUTTSnOOTH iEHALD J. S. HARTMAN, Proprietor. lEverytltizag; Mew. Four Mew IFabics. flytcr(2&ILBasaela In coniicction Also a complete line o f tho best quality of -CIGARS, and TOBACCO, next dor to 1. O. Opera House Block. EASTWARD! WESTWARD ' Dally Express Trains lor Omha. i'lilcao, Kannas City, St. Louis, and all point fcsst. Through Cars via IVoria to Indianapolis. Kie- ii.iiifka.ftn Puiai nm nml Aw mphM on a'l through trains, uud Dmiiis cars east ol ivila- West, with scenery and advantages unequaled ourt river. I elsewhere. ThHv Exoress trains for Denver conneetlne in Union Depot, (or all points in Colorado. Utah. Califoruia and the entire West. The advent ol this line f?ives the traveler a New Koute to the Joal mmvrTT?. A T. Ml VJi"BAT MAEKE Us tlac place9 whe at all times yosi can fiiisl tli L; ilHcet5IPorl Muttosa and. Freslt Slsh. All kinds of game In season. Livery, and Sale Stable. RIGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DAY OR NIGHT. HVEKYTIIIXG IS FIRST CLASS THE BEST TEAMS IN THE CITY SINGLE AND DOUBLE CARRIAGES. Travelers will find complete outfits by calliDg lit the PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Corner Vine and Fourth Streets, Jonathan IIatt J. W. Mabths. Beef- Pork- Mutton and Vea ri'BLISHED uy The Plattsmontli Heral PuliMins Co. Hapublican County Convention. The republican electors of Cass Co. are hereby called to eenu delegates from the diffeient precincts in the county, to meet in county convention at LOUISVILLE, CATCRDAY, AUO. I6TII, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing thirteen (13) delegate to the state convention, thirteen (13) dele gates to the congressional convention, thirteen (13) delegates to the Judicial convention, also to place in nomination one candidal for state senator, four candidates for representatives, and one candidate for county commissioner from the second commissioner's dis trict, the basis of representation being one delegate at large from each ward and precinct and one delegate for every 15 votes or major fraction cast for J. M. Iliatt. for resent of the state uni versity. Wards and Freciccts to representation as Mncreasom to A. II ATT. ZETJEIDQTJ.Xi'riEIRS FOB CHOICE SSuW-Cured Hams, Bacon, Salt Meats of all kinds, Lard Bologna, and all other articles kept in a first-class meat market. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The Highest Market Price Paid tor Hides! Wool, Pelts, - Grease, Etc. KiLake Trout anTwhite; FiBh Every Tironday ... - Morning The several will be eutitle I follows: Precinct p. First Ward Second Ward Third Ward Fourth W ard Plattsmouth 1'recinct.. Weeping Water Centre Liberty Rock Blulla Tipton Greenwood. Delegates 5 6 11 6 : .6 17 .". 8 0 .16 ..5 8 Salt Creek 6 Stove Creek Elm wood 7 South Bend.... Louisville Avoca Mt. Pleasant 6 Eight Mile Grove 8 Total 144 The Primaries in the different pre cincts will be held Saturday. August 9th, at the following times and places, primaries in the city to remain open one hour: Tipton Laverty school house 5:00 p. m. . Greenwood Ramey S. II 7:50 p. m. Salt Creek -Greenwood Town 7:30 p. m. Stove Creek Stove Creek 8. h. 3 :00 p. m. Elm wood Elm wood Centre 8:00 p. m. South Bend South Berd 8. h. 7:30 Weeping Water School house 4 :00 p. m. Centre Grand Prairie s. h. 3:C0 p. m. Louisville Ossenkop's Hall 8. -00 p. m. Avoca nutch'ny 6. h. 2:00 p. m. Mt. Pleasant Grilmore 8. h. 3 K30 p. ra. Eight Mile Grove Heil 8. h. 3:00 p. ra. Rock Bluffs Berger s h. 3 00 p. m. Liberty Folden s. b. 3:00 p. m. Plattsmouth Precinct Taylor s. b. 3:00 p. m. rLATTSMODTH CITY: First ward County Judge's office 8:00 p. m. Second ward Ward s. n. 8:l)U p. m. Third ward Sullivan's office 8:00 p. m. Fourth ward Council chamber 8:00 p. m. 1 he usual rule in regard to proxies will be held in force ' M. M. Butler, Chairman. W. S. Wise, Secretary. Train Time, Under the change in time passenger traius leave the depot here as follow?: No. 1 west, 8 :15 aj m. No, 3 west, 6 :50 p. m. K. C. St. J. & C. B. north 5 :15 l W M MM U M U g .gj C. B. & Q. , north, 7 :45 a. in. Omaha stub north 8:55 a. m. V " " 5:40 p. m. Trains arrive as follows No. 2 , Denver express 0:25 p. m. No. 4, " 9.25 a. m. K. C. St. J. & C. B. east 9:45 a. rn. U ,i 4 M t 8.35 p II C. B. & Q. Omaha east 5:30 p. in, Hucklrn Arnica Salve, f The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruses. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver sores Tetter Chapped Hands Chilb lains Corns and all Skin Eruptions and positivly cure Piles or no pay required. It is gau nan teed to give rfect satis faction, or money refunded. . Price 25 cents per box. For Sale By J. M. Rob ert's. Nov. 27 1883 ly The Best Coupb Medicine In the World. b AMPLE REE OF CHARGE. Call at WarrickV-druz store, and get a sample bottle of Brown's Expec torant free ot charge, it cureB ougns. Hoarseness. Whooping Cougn and Con sumption in its early stages. It is a scientific preparation, admirably adapt ed for the cure ot all Throat and Lung Diseases. It is pleasant lo take anu entirely barmless. Try it; it costs you nothing. Itt'galar size uoi lies, oucems. and 1.00. For sale by W.J. Warrick. Jan. i d&wly Free ! Free! Free ! NEW DISCOVERY FOR PILES. A Dew reined y for this dreaded dis ease has been discovered by Dr. Dening A single appl'catiou wi'I convince the most skeptical of its most wonderful healing powers. By catling on W.J Warrick druggist, you fan obtain a sample box tree of charge, wliich will satisfy you of its curative qualities. Jan 3 hawIj In the Future When you have a cough and want re lief, think o; Kemp's Btlt-am lor the Throai and Langs; a guaranteed reme dy lor those disease?. Price 50c and $1 ; tria' size free. Respectfully, apr 3 4m W.J. Warrick. Nebraska .-tate Gazeteer and Bi'sisess Directory to be issued in July. 1884, price $4 50. J. M. Wolfe, publisher 120 S. I4ih St., Omaha. 93tf All ti e best houses in Plattsmouth will sell you Bremner's choice crackers at reduced price by the box or barr-ll, and don't you forget it. Get these and you get the best. tf Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets be yond the reach of medicine. They often say. Oh, it will wear away, j,ut in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the puccee&ful medicine called Kemp'o Balsam, bat I sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would immediately see the excel lent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and 1; trial size free. Resp'y, faprS 4ml W. J. Warrick. COTTAGE HOUSE. Ctli St. IVcarMain, PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA. Having taken cl arge of the Cot tage House, I ehall try to furnish all patrons with comfrtcble quarters and keep the tables supplied with the best in tbe market. Transient custom and board by the day or week solicited. mayl7dtf. ED. FRAZIER ni. m. Fire mens' Notice. All members of the Fire department are requested to be present at their room on Tuesday next, July 15th, to arrange for tbe tournament at Omaha and have a drill for that purpose. 112tf. By order of the Fornian. Grand Fourth-of Juiy Poem. Cook and Yeats, the barber mates. The best you'll find in seven states ; If any doubt, they'll find it out By calling in when they're about, With good shampoo atid bergamot. They'll slick you up without a doubt. II j our hair is curly, they'll cut it stras"it. " Or shave your lace at any - rate. We'll warrant them to sh.ive with ease." And all their custom try to please. Their tools they keep la extra fcbape In order to, mens' faces scrape. The Ladies too, they now invite, Fort hem, you know, they must not slight : They'll cut your bangg Just in the style, JS'ow please call, and give them a trial. In the Court House shop you'll always find The doors wide open, from seven till nine ; And Sam and Billy youll find tlisre, too, Always ready to accommodate' U. Ysats a Cook. Fence Posts. 5000 dry fence posts for sale, inquire of W. S. Wis. 19tf. CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three story brick structure, on ower Maid street, has just been finished and tted up for the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS, AND REGULAR BOARDERS miX THING NEW AND CLEAN 1 ClrrH T'ir la connection with tho i UUOU Ui&L House. 'If. - FRED GOOS. Propr. W. H. MALICK, CARRIAGE G li you want to get yon a broom that will give the best satisfaction for the am money ask your dealer for Dor ck's brooms d28-lmo . Orders for hand made brooms at tended to promptly at the Wer era Jjroom&cWrr. 428-1 mo aialiflo, and triii SIGH & ORNAMENTAL J?JL1 JSTTIJSTG-, AH orders left with me will receive prompt attention. COR. FIFTn AND VINE STREETS, PLATTSMOUTn. - NEBRASKA. M. O'CONNOR. At the down-town saloon.f -PPOSFTE THE PERKINS HOUSE. Keeps a complete Ine of WI 3NT & Liquors, IND CIGARS, BOTTLED BEER. ALE AND PORTER, DRUG'S 0HAHA BEER and the best brands ot Kentucky "1 whiskies. J. PARLEMAH, Will BUY ana all kinds of FXTRITITURE METALS IR02T RAGS AUD FURS Will advance money on all SALABLE GOODS, - on lower Main street. One dcor west of Beck's Furniture sore Plattsmoutb. Feb. lgt 18 45tf. ' 2 ST 5 e o o & v Si E3 5T N P ft w ft A ? S ft ODD ODD vee ft A, ft ft e va tw i if ft 3. PT as keaive ft ft g a: BP ft ft ft &t e, 22 vat c y ! - Mr - 'waup" 1 1 jn j i fig 1 jJJ 1 -.j ua?,'Mii 1 W T-. 2 031 3 i4 aCT.,vrrasaecf