FRANK H. WILSON, Fire, Tornado an 1 Cyclono Insurance, Ol3t:, Basement of Bank of Cass Ouuty, PLATTSMOUTH, : NEBRASKA, Queen Insurance Company, of Liverpool. Washington Fire ami Marine Insurance Co., of Boston. Commercial Union Assurance Company, of London. Western Assurance Company, of Toronto, Out. Capital, - -Total Assets, Total losses paM since organization,- $ 4.f.00 000 20.100 000 52.047 09C Reliable Insunuice Cartful Underwriting and prompt attention guaranteed. Mi Assurance Co, Of" Toronto, Out. A. M. Smith. J. J.'. A. W. Donn. Presl 'ent. MaiiakIu Olr. Supt. Aj;-i.cie. 1'.ITC1 LTAI'IM TKIHTE!. Wiu. II. (iuioii, of VVllli.UU & Onion, OJuiou riteainsinn,; Iev h.ik. Win. A. Itoolu, I'iMUeiit I una ;nl .iiiil UaiiK. .'W r'x. AxUhxt H. O uves. I'rrsi-b'iii !.- 'I is frktt.iH.. ICW II'U, O.W. Hayes. Cueral Acut, Milwaukee, l UNITED STATES BiiANCII, AS:-KT-. Unite 1 Stare 4'i percent resist, r- ed lioillli UuiteJ rit.tte 1 per eui registered Boiid-t New Vora Central & 11u-jm.ii Kiver liailroad Mo i is UeorKia nt.tLe Hoinl- ... Casta dep-jsUed iu Male of Mivda sippl Cash iu Bank Premiums Iu course of collection.. ISAAC SWEEISEK, A. W. DAMON, 1'ivndeiit. Hecretary. Fl'ANiv K. sUEEiytlt. Vlce-1'rMdeiit. Washington Firs and Marine Iiisarao Ccmpaw BOSTON. Sj.).'xxt.o 2: 8.1' to o- tJ.JvM (H) Oo.lW lS.'HHI.tW 1 ll70 H loVJ 'lH..i LIABILITIES. 1W.517.62 Be-Inurance reserve SIjC.sch 31 Unpaid lo st 9 Other liabilities L'U.IU .:5 3 KS.153 89 Surplus lu United States .... $ Premium rfc l-its in Cuited Stites. 1871 to 13, Inclusive jo5 0J.3! Total Fire lomes. paid in United Stite.i871 to 1 a. hi"iuslve 3.:;itf.dA.09 STATEMENT. JAN. J, 18SA. Bank Slocks,.... .$ 4ni.f.4!87 "I roods. iaa.uxi.Mj LVlleu Malt-s 17 87.MJ -ai r-a.l st.K-ksH'Hl Bond. -11 ,ut,00 Bol.n is- l.iiflit 'O.StoCk, 6. nH),m Loans o.i MTKage M.'J'rtMWl Collateral Hi;:,--'.1). Marine Premium ote .ii.H;.3,;a i icim-nn iii course f ColVu 'jh,7i,i.j i ..asi. oil and I i;i.4',ii.ri J u.her a.H-t.-vaccruedIut.AO) . ,7H,o : Askt $1 .."!i,55r.:M LIABILITIES. Losses reported rHlnposcd 11 J,42.00 LertHCU I -r KeillMtlullfe, 2IVJt&.3ii Allot hoi i. labilities 2i '7 1 ;kos Liabilities, exoept Capita! $3a."..282 62 Surp us a rcuardit Pollcy-lioldero, 51.2K),ae7.72 I'aia-up l aplial i.HjO,u..o.n Net .jLiiluf, 2i0.2i7,72 V.'EsTEUN DEPAKTMENT, 174 La SALLE STREET. CHICAGO FltED. S. JAMES. General A cent. InszLTcirica Co OF LlVEKrOOL. fortil-a "buI sfutfin ot of tUo Unlieil Slate" biauca on tl; 31ft Uav of lie euincr, isJ. JOSSPif M. UOUS'.'S, Miinauer Weolcm De partment, CLicau, IU. Axuets in the United tstatts. Cash Items S lsx.uwco KalE.stat . L'uinuurubered X2,M- l Uuiled Mtat-s Utuids l.oiii.- : '. . Oiiit Securitie 16! I-hMj Oluei Items 24.611 1.752.2U7 S3 Liabilities in the United iituttn. Losses Uoadj listed and iu SuHprt ise 1J8.931 20 All other Clai um against tUe Coiu.aay. 4.n"s 75 113.01013 Amount neces ary to re insure all uuisl.iudi.ijf risks .7',072 4 Net surplus iu United caies Mrf i; m COiYiMERCIAL UNION AS317B.A2TCS CO., Telegraphic. CONVENTION CLOSED. or Sl.752.-V" 89 Net Surplus in L'nited St ttes Dec. 31 ism.. Kt 121 52 Losses paid siuee OrKaaiz:itiiu ! .!:.:! h LONDON. UXITEIJ STATES UKAKCII: 37nt.d.! vail Street. NEW VOKK CITY Ai.ritKU I'k.ll. Resident Man ago r. 1 has. 'KWali., Alrt..ut Mauager. WESiEUN DEi'AUTMENT: 157 and 15! LaSalle St . - - CHICAGO. ILL. C e. Mllu.ns. iiesident Secretary. UNITED STATcS BHANCrf KTATl-MKNI JAN. 1st. 18. Kecervf fiioial liabilities, inclu l- ing re-lifiirance in L'uilcd Glutei 31,337.134 24 Sei. surpius Jai uary 1st. ls.?4 si..Ml 8o vsset held in the United States... $2,327,U3ti 04 Income. I itl $1.6-.9.14 55 fr.xp-i.diiui'ed. I8S3 lul.lJO Surplus Income iu U. S , 188-i . .. 184,814 47 Tota k-es paid by this Company organ. zatiou $37,713,624 TO All l.ise 'n the Western Department paid pr iuiilv through tho UraucUOltlce, 157 & LaSal.e Si.. Chicago. ON HE ELKHORN SALO HEDQUAaXRS FOR ALE, WINES EER AND CIGARS,- OW Kontiicky Whiskies, IMPORTED AVLNKS, JIUAlil'S EXTRA DRY CHAMPAGNE, NATIVE WINES, ST LOUIS BEERJ SSru's Omaha Beer Always osa drjaugrlil. J'FIHS of GIS&iUElS ALWAYS IX STOCK, AT THE ELKHORN PLAITSMOLTTII, NEB. Fitzgerald Block 3. W. IBATLTMlEIISarJElHl, Commission Merchant, HEAD Q,TJARTEES FOE TF-IESIESin),, IP'JLnCOTUIRi AND The Noinitiatioii of the Vice President. How the News was Received Migliet Cash price paid for An - unexcellod line of FLOUR always in stock, corner 6th an MainStreets, opposite First National Bank. j PLATTSMOUTH, - - - -HSBEASK t AT THE OOVFUXoR'S UOME. Buffalo, July 11. There whj the most iuteaxe excitoment this tuoruiDg. Im mense crowds surrounded the telegraph hiiJ Lewspaper offices. At the an iiounceiueut of Clcland'a uomination cheer alter cheer were ilven, men wv ed their hati and acted like mad. The emhnshwn was uubtttiixled. Iland- shaking bj democrats and repu lie ns was geoeral. A saline ot 1 0 jjuns was tired by the CU Velan t gun -quad, mi utr tiie dir-cti'i of the CVvHakd cen tra, club. A meeting of the club is called lor to-inorrow uight, when a gen eral celebration will be held. The Cleveland managers from this city to tun convention will le met on their re turn with u brnss batid and arude. AT TUG METKOPOI.IS. New York, Julj 11. News of ll. umiuation of Cleveland waa rereiv;d at the produce exchange with lontf 4'heerino;. In Wall htreet it ws receiv ed by every one in a manner indicating that it was a foregone conclusion. There was no excitement about the cit hall as no politicians w ere there. All tl e democrats are iu Chicago and t'.e republican uldermen are out of towD. Ma vol E Ison said: 'I consider the choice excellent. I have Dot a sin gle doubt of the governor's election. Republican officeholders declined to make comments for publication, but in private seemed phased with the nomi nation considering hiut an easy man t beat. AT THE NEW TOItK CAPITOU Albany, X. Y , July 11 One hun dred guus were fired in honor ot Clve .and's nomination the minute the news wa- received. The governor is in the XHiMitive chamber at thecapitol with A'iji.taiit (Jeuerai Farnsworth and a few other friends. The tiooming of cnnon first announced the nomination to him. Standing in his private loom with Farna worth on the right side and Colonel Lamont, h s private eecrtiary. on the left, he received the ciri"i a' illa tions of those present in a dignified nianuer. Senator Wallace, of rei.nsy'Vhiiia, paid that he nominated as a cuaidaie for vice president a man conveisant with public affairs throughout his whol lifi, an honored stvesinan, a pure and upright citizen, a victim of the grat est fraud ever perpetiated on the American people Thotuas A. Hen dricks. Cheers. The presentation of Hendricks' name w greeted with enthusiastic cheer ing. Menzie of Indiana, declared very em phatically that Mr. JJendiicks wib n-.t and could no be a caudh ute fur U.e vice prebid. ncy. He eaid that Mr Hend ticks had auiLoiized him to iay so. Walsh, of Georgia, asked Merzies if he was authorized to cay that Hendricks won d not eccept the unanimous nom ination of the naiionul d rn;craiic convention, for the office of vice prei (' t. ileazie reieatedtis state-nen" Wailac ', of 1'eniisylvauia, said that Mr. Hemtricks hud been once chosm vice prvoideut and had been despoiled of the office. He moed to suspend the rules and nominate Thomas A. Hendricks candidate for vice presi dent bv iiC&amation. Harris, of Va., united the voice of Virginia with that ol the Keystone State. Hubbard ot Tex a, made a ip'riUd speech in favor of giving Hendricks the office out cf w hicb he had been cheated. Weed, of New York, suggested that the roll of ttates be called to as to nut i on record the uuauimous vote for Hen dricks. Wallace accepted the suggestion, withdrew Irs motion and moved th-t th nominations close. Tl e motion Has agreed to, end the c'rk proceeded to rail the roll of states. The result wits the unanimous nomina tion ot Hendricks as candidate for viee president. Metiz e. of Indiana aked that his state be ex -used from voting. Load crle of No,qo"J He then asked wheth er ther- w.ts a iy na ue but Mr. II.-u-dric be ore he convintion ani on re It ng an answer n the n gntive, he said: Tfeo. rir. the state of. Indiana oss thirty tes for Tiioma A. Heu d icks." 'i bs emontration that .followed eg a:iy Bimil- r -ci i e Hat I as t tkcu piece during thin eveniftil day. All the Aug and banners were gather. d arniu.d the st'Ctiou occiipi' d by the Indiana dele gallon, and there waved amid the audi ence, and the tit rains of patriotic inu-ic, from the band, ending with "A old Lang Syne, t lie words of which were cung with feeling, the chorus beiug joined in by several thousand voices. The band H en t-truck up ' Old H'in dr d' and 1 j iied in the coh-ii n by n of praise. This was followed b the music and pong of "Americn" and that again by "Heme, Sweet Home." The acene wa quali'y grand and impres ive. Finrll v the chairman pot a chance to make a formal announcement of the vote. He said there had been 810 votes cast all of them for Thomas A. Heti drick.a, :ind that Mr. II n-i;ticks wan then-fore the candidate of the nationr.l democratic covention for vice preaident of t e Ui itsd S'nt . Iti'Solulious weie passed to the tem potHry chairiiniii, the permanent chair man and clerks and otlin -is of the con vention ; also to the n portorial cwipf ami preHa of the country for their ac curate ami impartial reports of the pr ceeoings. The chairman on his cwn lchrtlf, moved h vfe of tlianks to lliesereart at arms, Mr. liright, ot Indiana. Mo tion adopted. Votes of i hanks were also passed to the major of the city, Carter Harrison, and the chief of police and to the citi zMis of "hicago, for their I ospiiality. The convention then adjourned sine die. PROFiSSiONAi. CAkDS, E. W COOK. M. D. FllYSlClAN AND SfltGKOK, OFFICE At Fisiiek's Hjcco Store. l'lattsinouth Nebraska. t:i:o. S. t-MITH, ATT BNEY AT LAW. will practice in all Courts of the state. Office in Fitzgerld Block PLATTSMOUTH, - MB ASKA. Allen Bi-eson. a. N. Sci.mvn. ItlFNOV & SI LI.IVA. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will give nrompt ttentioi to a I buii:eHs intrusted to them. Of fice iu Union Block, East side. FLA TTSMnUTH - .VKBH4HKA. FRANK H. WILSON, Bas-meut of Bauk of Cass County. (.'OKSiK Sixth ami Main .-tkis.kts H" O T L JR Y PUBLIC I'hriicular attention :ive1 10 the preparation of parens tor t aveuts, 1 aenle ai.u Hi isiratioii of . rude Marks ai d L..oeis. W'm. IH-.LI.I-.M. JuHlire of tlie i- eaee. Elm wood Neb Collections a specialty and given prompt ai lentioQ. 1. O address Elm wood Neb. 1. O'ilONOHOE ATTOKSEY Al LAW A MIIaKV PCBL1C. Kitztierald'e Block, rLATTAHUUTU, - KERKAHKA Agent for oteu'iisliip iiues to aud from Europe. dl2w5i!ly U t. XV. II. eCHILll4..i:CllT. lJracl icing Physician Office. Corner Main aud 7th Street.. PLA1TMOCTH, ------ EBKASK. K. K. I.I VI I.KTO.. n. PUVSICIAM & HUKUKON. OFFI HOCUS, from 10 a. in., to 2 p. m. Kxaniin.i v SuiKeou for U. S. Peasiou. iK. M. iLte.K. PHY'SICIAN AND SUE 1 EON, Can be found bj calling at his office, corner 7th &ud Main Mreels. iu J. 11. Waterman's house. rLATTSMUUTH. Mtf-llADKA. JAN. H. J1A1'2II::VM ATTOKiJEY AT LAW. Olilce over Bawer a Atuood's store, eouth side oi Mala between Fin aud tith streeis. 2itt MKOIO. & CLAI.K. ATTOKSEYS Al LAW. Will practice in all the Courts in the Stale. Ui-nnei Attnr,.t,j ami Xotaru Public. COLMVTJOJV'i dr-Ji'CMZ7 T. ATl"OKE Al LAW. Keal Lslate. Fire In eurauce and Collection Aneucy. tJCDte Union block NelnasKa. 2m3 . K. V II KhLLK A CO. LAW OF Fit".. Keai ltaie. Fire aud Lieln niirance i'latlsuioulh, Nebraska. Coi li tors. tax -DiVere. Havr a Ci inulf te .bstrsict ot titles, tiny and sell real estate, oeJtiaie iuans, . 10 1 JA.MI-.i3 K. HtItl-iO.. otary Public. ATTOKNEYAT LAW. V llpranice in Casx anu aajoinsug uounlies ; ivesr-pecia: attention to collejtioio am! abstracts of title. OCice iu ftherwoi d Block. I'lattsmouth, Nebrasaa. 17yl BOUEKT B. M IMIHAN, Notary Public ATTOBHET AT LAW. Office over Carruth's Jewelry Store. Plattstnouth. .... Nebraska. M. A. HARTICAN, r. A W Y E It . Fitzokbalp's Block. Plattsmouth Neh 1'roinpt aoii careful atrntion to a neeeraJ Ijiw Practice Dr. C. A. Marshall v8ucces8or to Clutter & Marshall.) Preservation of natural iet a -peclalty. Teeth extracted trtthont pain oy use of . Laughing Ua. AU work warranted. PrJci reason bl ; l i. ta 2 01 B o fi e s ft 3' CD W o tfts e ft o f5 s H 9 s Tff) Iffl ft ft KM e s 9 a H 0 ft m Q ft ft 9 ft ft ft ft ft tar 9 25 t3 9 ft ft Q tdo e3 S3 mt i in. i i ( (c G L,-i r EST 5) i 9