PLATMOOTH HERALD. (FrK'llli PA I Kit UK TIIK ITY. llrd( .Cor.. Warrick'. C A. tIrNlmll, Dentist, suc cmur to Clutter & Mamliall. Teetli extracted without pain, by line ofXltrouM Oxide iam. A. Salisbury, OentlMt. A Life Having Vrrmt. Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan.: Saved his life by a wimple Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con sumption, which caused him to procure a large bottle, that completely cured him, when" Doctors, change of climate and everything else had l'iled. Asth ma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Cough, and all Throat and Lung dis easea, it la guaranteed to cure, Tiial Hottlca lrt' at J. M. Hubert' Drug Store. Larg size $1.00.. Nov. 5y, l8S3.wlyeCw. Ripe tomatoes at Bennett & Lewis. The neat foot bridge across the creek at the corner of Clh aud I'enrl t-tretts by Mat Schlegel is quite a convenience fur Mat us well as his neighfors in that quarter. The consulting engineer of the I'ull mnu Car Co., of Chicago, is in the city on business with Master Mechanic Hawksworth, of the li. & M. shops tliis city. Potted meats of all kinds at Bennett & Lewis1. The heated term is btt-K after us again, and the mercury in the ther mometer is climbing up and looking out at the top as if it were a pleasant tight to behold sweltering humanity. T CJIICAtiO. Last Night's Bulletins. THAT HACKING COUti II can be so qmckly cured by Shilolis Cough. We warrant it. WILL YOU SUFFER, with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? i'uloh's Vitali zer is guarautded to euro you. SLEEPLESS NIGHT, made miser ably by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. CATAKUII CURED, health aud sweet breath secured by Shiloh'g Cat arrli Kemdy. Price 60 cents Nasal Injector free. For sale by Smith & Black Bros. Dcc.l3eowd&wly These are Solid Facts. The best blood purifier and system regulator ever placed within tliH reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, liil iousuess. Jaundice. Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organ, or whoever requires an appetiz cr, tonic or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the beat and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire uatistaction or money re funded. Sold at lifty cents a bott.Ie bj J.M.Roberts Jand&wly. 'An A lie wer Wanted. Can any one bring us a case of Kid nev Complaint that E'ectric Bitters will not speedlycure! "We say thev can not. as thousands of cases already per- rnanenily cured and who arc daily recommending "Electric Bitters, will prove. Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the bowels, and abt directly on the diseased parte. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at .0c. a bottle by J. M. Roberts. Nov. 29, lye6w In the runaway yesterday this paper forgot the maguiu'etnt stop made by Shorty" who after the team was stop ped, seized hob' of the wagon and held on like grim death. Best cheese in town Lewis'. at Bennett & Bio. 1, when solicited to aid in defraying the expense of the demo cratic bulletins, said he would give a half a dollar for it if they would nomi nate Cleveland Today Mr. Weckbach after the nomination claimed the mon ey, and received it. A Startling IMscovery. Physicians are often startled by re -markabie discoveries. The fact that . Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Con sumption and all Throat and Lung discuses is daily curing patients that thev have giveH up to die, is startling them to realize their sense of duty, and examine into the merits of this wonder ful discovery ; resulting in hundreds of our best Physicians using it in their practice. Trial Bottles free at J.M. Roberta Drug Store. Regular size John II. Cox returned this morning from the democratic seat of war, aud reports everything booming down there for the Buffalo sheriff. For John's experience in getting out ot the Palmer house, you will have to apply to him personally, as the Herald is unable to do the subject justice. Fruit jars aud jelly glasses at Ben net & Lewis'. The episode i elated in these columns yeterday regarding the breaking up of a family proves only too true, and all parties have takou their different ways. There might be a whole grist of ru -mors and facts ground out of this case, but they would do no one good, and a home broken up is bad enough without advertising the individuals who we ap prehend are already known through street talk by almost everyone. Firemens' Notice. All members of the Fire department are requested to be present at theit room on Tuesday next, July loth, to arrange for the tournament at Omaha andhaie a drid for that purpose. 112tf. By onier of the Forman. The telegraph office has been very rlrl fa IN CASH GIVEN AWAY To the SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smok ing Tobacco. The genuine has picture of BULL on every package. For particulars see our next announcement. tameduiing the democratic conven tion. All this forenoon while the great question of who should be put up to be knocked down, at Chicago was being settled, the Herald man and a good republican from Iowa, alone sat by the operator at the vVestern Union office an i tccoived dispatches. It was a great contrast compared with a month ago, when the republi cans were iu session and the telegjaph office was filled to overflowing through the day by those anxious to hear the news, and the click of the instruments alone disturbed the sileace. There was some tine work done today m sendiDg and receiving bulletins. One was handed the Herald by Mau ager Karnes dated Chicago, 12:08 p. ni and a glance at the official clock showed V the nour to dc just i-j:iu, or two min utes behind the dispatch leaving Chi cago. Many came that were only two or three minutei behind tbe time of leaving the convention, and the Her ald looked dreamily from the window out across the muddy waters, and in our mind's eye, saw the struggling, sweltering mob in the exposition build ing in Chicago, as they alternated between sitttug upon Grady and chang ing votes to the ex Sheriff of Buffalo county, N. Y., who at precisely 12:59 standard time, was nominated for the great slaughter in November. FERSO.NALS. The Ice Man. Jos. Fairfield ha established an of flee at Monarch billiard hall, where he will contract with consumers to supply ice for the season at the lowest terms. 3m2 Pasture. " Two hundred and forty acres under fence, with running water, and one half mile from the city. Apply to 5ltf W. S. Wise. M O' Connor keeps on hand the cel ebrated Anhecser Huron St Louis Bot tled Beer and always ready to pay pac ticular attention to his customers. , - 155tf Premium Shooting. This week I will give a prize to any one making the greatest number of bells in ten shots. For particulars call t the gallery. W. P. Fishback, 109:6 Proprietor. Hurrah for Blaine and iogan cigars at Schlegels. 98dtf CORN COB pipes in every style rv-... -. - Uncle Doty walked into the Herald sanctum today and shook hands all around "Hows Butler," said he, "going to get thar, eh? all hunk "Well, if we can't get old Ben., give us Beecher, eh ? he's our kind, you know," sud the old gentleman chuckled hearti ly over the predicament the democratic party is in. The following are among the arriv als at the Terkins: J L Knowles, Providence; McMen delsohn, New York; J Pepperberg, Omaha; F T Cross, Waco Texas; J J DeGoIyer, Chicago; R A Wallace, Bur lington; FJ Long, St. Joe; W T Pal mer, Chicago; Jno F Tofr, B Manzer, St. Joe; W F Moycr. Omaha. Attention Everybody. I will offer for sale on terms to suit purchaser the property ' described be low; , Eighty acres of land, situated in township 12, range 12, sec. 82, Cass Co , Neb. Also one desirable residence and one store building with a full line of hardware, stoves aud tinware situated in Ixtuisville, Neb. Also one set of tin ner tools. .Now is your time to se cvre . bargain, xoatf W. Cutfobth. 8:27 p. m. Convention called to or der at 8:26. Kesolutiou rfgretling physical in firmity of Tilden and praising his qual ities. 9:22 p. m. Morrison, of 111., taken platform to present report of com. on resolutions. 9:30 p. m. Heading ol platform pro ceeding so far as its arrangement ol party in power. 11:18 p. m. Butler moved to eubsti A 1 - M I t . . . - M ivm pari oi ms report reianng to lanii for that relating to the same subject in majority report. Call of states asked for and ordered. 11 :21 p in. Call of states proceeding amid much confusion. Alabama and Ark. vote no. 11:22 p. m. Slates generally voting in negative. Butler's motion lost. 11:31 p. m. Vote ou Butler's motion ayes 9.'i, noes CG5. 11:35 p. m. Butler moved to add the residue of his report to majority report lost. 11:43 p. m. Majority report adopted almost unanimously. 11:45 p.m. Motion to proceed to ballot for candidate for president car ried. 11:51 p. m. Motion to suspend order of business and take recess until to morrow. Roll of states ordered. 11:52 p. m. Indications are that motion will be lost. 11:54 p. m. Motion to suspend rules aud take recess lost. - 11:55 p. m Grady of New York, said delegation from X. Y. had not been polled. Thorough vote had been cast. Today's Bulletins. 12:03 a. m. Cleveland's frieud claim that he will be nominated before the convention adjourns. 12:07 a. m. Roll of blates for ballot on candidates for president again or dered. ALABAMA.. Bayard 14 Cleveland 4 McDonald 1 Thurman 1 AKKANSA9. Cleveland 14 CALIFORNIA. Thurman 16 Colorado. MoDonald 5 Thvrman 1 CONNECTICUT. Cleveland . 12 DELAWARE. Bayard 0 FLORIDA. Cleveland 8 GEORGIA. Bayard 12 Cleveland 10 Randall 2 INDIANA. McDonald 30 . IOWA. Bayard l McDonald .. . l Thurman i Cleveland 23 KANSAS. Thurman 2 Bayard 5 Cleveland ! . ..11 KENTUCKY. Carlisle 26 LOUISIANA. j Bayard ji. Iloadly .-.'."if Cleveland 13 MAINE. ' t Cleveland ,.12 MAKVLAND. Bayard '. 13 Cleveland . 6 MASSACHUSETTS. Bayafd J23 Cleveland .' 3 Thurman.. 2 MICHIGAN. Cleveland. 14 MINNESOTA. Cleveland 14 MISSOURI. Cleveland 15 NEBRASKA. Cleveland g NEVADA. Thurman a NEW HAMPSHIRE Cleveland g NEW JERSEY. Bayard 3 Cleveland 4 Pennsvlvvnia. Randall.. 55 Cleveland .... H1IODK ISLAND. uavaril 2 Cleveland 6 KOLTH CAItoLINA. Bayard 10 Cleveland.... 8 TKNXEsSEK. Thurman 9 Tilden 1 McDonald 3 Bayard . . . Cleveland , Cleveland. VERMONT. VIKGIMA. Cleyelni.d .... 13 Iiayard 9 Thurinau l McDonald 1 WISCONSIN. liayarj 1 Cai lisle 1 McDonald 2 Thurinau 2 Flower 4 Cleveland 12 Ohio changes vote from Iloadly to Clevelau 1. Correction first ballot Cleveland 386 Total, first ballot. Uleveliiid. 390 Bay ard 171 Thurmau 39 Randall 85 McDonald 50 Carlisle 27 Mississippi, Cleveland gains 1, Hen d ricks get 2. Nebraska, Clevclaud gains 1. Also cahts 5 for Hendricks New Jersey, Cleveland giins 1. cat 1 1 for Hendricks. Ohio, Tildeu 2, Hendricks 1. Oregon, Cleveland gains 2 from Bay ard; Hendricks gets 2. South Carolina, Hendricks gets 1 Tennessee, Thurman gains 2; Bayard loses, Hendricks gets 1 voto. Texas, Cleveland fain 2, Thurman loses. Virginia, Hendricks gets 2: West Virginia, Cleveland loses 1. The District of Columbia gives Hen dricks 2. In this ballot Cleveland has 433 with out Pa. which is just coming in. Pa. gives Cleveland 42, making his total ou this ballot 475. becend ballot Clevelau I 475: Hen dricks 124; Bayard 150i; Thurman CO; Randall 60 ; Me Donald 2; Tilden 2. Illinois changes 1 from Cleveland to Bayard. Kansas gives Cleveland again of 1 iNortn Carolina changes 22 from Bayard to Cleveland. vn 10 trying to change vote amid confusion. Cleveland's friends claim there will be votes enough on this bal lot to give him the nomination. Va. changes giving Cleveland a gain TRUE MERIT A Charming llemaly for Diarrhtr ami Summer Complaint. "We have used all your Toxio AST RINGENT with happy results. Not a single complaint relating to It has ever reached us." Jones K Jackson, druggists, Jeuesburg, Mo. "Please send us two dozen Marsh's Tonic Astrinoent at once. It works a charm in Diarrhuj and Summer Com plaint," Ward & Venabel, druggists Pattonsourg' Mo. Marsh's Tonic Astringent is tor sale by (Smith Black Bros., druggists I lattsmouth. It quickly cures Diarrhoea, Dyseutry, Choleoa Infantum Cholera Morcus, and the Stmiuer Com -plaint of children. It is a delightful remedy for old and young. Prico 50 cents. The Marshs A.OUK Cuius is sold at low Pried of iOceuts liouid or nilli II cures the worst case the Third Day irue, aud all forms of Chills and Fever. For sale by SmillutMlack Bros. ror Swellings, Burns, SoreH, Pile. etc., use Maushs f i iv,, .,.,. For sale by Smith & Black Bros. wiuu SPECIAL KOriCLS. of 1 S. Carolina four. r, Cleveland has 350 lacks pef"ue cU lu8 Va. changes, Cleveland 1 a irain of 8. West Virginia changes her vote giv Cleveland's nomination is conceded A Cleveland 7, again of 3; Randall loses 1, Bayard 2. First ballot official : 31OSv'!;?L0AN-0n'eale A.N. Bayard 170 Cleveland 392 McDonald . 56 Randtdl 73 Thurmau ... 88 Carlisle 27 Iloadly 3 Hendricks l Tilden 4 Flower 4 Motion to ad?ouru until 10 a. m. number of delegations struggling to F0! uh;VUK' ,ln,, w; maid io cnaugc votes. lwu"' M If S. A. UCULKCVf Greit cheering, bands playing, Kood house. I;irn and fruit, nud Iu will ' lent condition ; uMotwo improved Tai'iT,- iu. 2-Mory brick buiu.s. n.. . . .." j , . Jl? . .... " ''"' ri icri, on niiiin wav ing hats and handkerch ... piece with eagle on top and .hame of Cleveland just brought. G u us are beinir tired on ontmilo Hendricks requests the nomination iS, ' ai.t. auu ouier ucHiraUie lulid Mfid lot F?ohAu,in,?;.Iot,li,,rt wood Un "y Parlleu- V7lf Randall . Cleveland. .11 Xi2V TOKK. Bayard . . . Thnrman Hoady Cleveland Bsyard..,,... Cleveland...;. NORTH CAROLINA. OHIO. OREG03T. 20 . 24 -.21 ..21 .. 4 .12 Roll o' states ordered. Motion 10 adjourn lost. Correctness ot vote on adjournment challenged. Cierk reading roll call on challenge. Motion to adjourn till 10 a. in.. Call of states ordered. New York seconds motion to ailjourn. 'Adj. turned untii 10 a. m, and thine be' the glory forever and ever, amen. 10 a. m. In succeeding ballots the changes aud totals will be given. While it seems to be pretty generally believed that Cleveland will be nomi nated, it is iutimated that if he is not successful after a few ballots, an effort will be made to turn the eonvention to Hendricks. Cleveland s friends claim he will be nominated on third ballot. Hendricks just entered; tremendous cheering. It is said that Randall's infience will be turned to Cleveland this morning. McDonald, Rosencrans and Vilas are names prominent for vice-president. It is reliably stated that Colorado will change her vote to Cleveland on the first ballot this morning. Conven tion assembling. Cleveland men claim that Illinois will cast a solid vote for Cleveland 011 the coming ballot, and that Pennsylva nia will give him 40 votes, a gain of 35, and that Cleveland will poll at least 450 on first ballot. Convention called to order at 11 K)4 a. m. Number of telegrams from various parts of the country suggesting proper persons to be nominated,' laid on the table. Motion that vote of states shall not be changed until succeeding ballot lost. . Pennsylvania withdraws Randall. Voorhees trying to be heard. .Older restored. "Voorhees withdraws McDonald and will be for Hendricks. Iowa, Cleveland loses 1, Hendricks gets 4. Pennsylvania retires for consultation. Order restored. -Illinois, Bayard gains. Indiana cast 30 votC3 for Hendricks; renewed cheering. About half of the delegation are on their feer, and loud demonstration all over the house. If Cleveland holds all he had on first ballot this ciiange will give a majority of the convention. Considerable more demonstration i ma ie by the delegates and less in au dience than in Hendricks' name. Kane-as gives Cleveland I; Bayard's Ions 37. Kentucky withdraws Carlisle, casts 1 for Thurman, 3 for . Cleveland, 7 for Bayard, 18 for Hendricks. 12 .-09 p. m. Louisiana Cleveland gains 2. Thurman 3. 12:10 p. m. Maryland. Cleveland gains 4, Bayard loses. 12:11 p. m. Moss, casts 12 votes 'or llendrkks, 8 for Cleveland, a gain of 3. - . . 1 Michigan cast s.l 3 forHen dricks. Michigan, Cleveland loses lone. Mis souri, Cleveland gains 6; Mo. casts for Hewirickf. . " . . ; 01 Cleveland be made unanimous A large portrait of Cleveland brought fresh applause. Second ballot, official: Cleveland 683 Bayard 81 Tnurrnau 4 Randall 4 McDonald - - 11 11 if i' -1 1. . ... . Hendricks 4i t ...a bulhi 'Zfl ' at LVJKSALKalot In good location - larn at this oiUco F0"" 'lPK".f?r'',''tthU offlr. 'v "uuuicu or 0 ceiita per do.- tf LMJIt SALE Four lots together In t,MA 1 lion iuthl city. Inquired thMJC Whole number of votes necessary to choic-, 547. Cleveland. It is said Vilas will be nominated for vice president. moin ismniaiilu r.. im . 1 ill cast, 820 ; or for a small biu Juess of "i ki ,d I,. I'mi.-J'. . - i luc'M. - - J tail ior I IU i nitf Call and iee L's. I wish to notify the public that I am now open for business, at J.e McVey's old stand, where I have in stock a fuli line or Kentucky whi-kies, St. Louis beer, wines and cisrars &e., as good as the best. 57dtf H. M Bons. Johnson & Co., of Council Bluffs have opened out a first class laundry on lower Main street, where they are prepared to do all kinds ef tine work in that line. A trial of their work is requested. lOltf Feuce Posts. 5000 dry fence posts for sale, Inquire ofW.S. Wisfl. iQtf. Call for Blaine and Logan cigars wherever you deal, as they are the best nickle cigar in the market. If vojr dealear does not keep thera induce him to get some. 9sdtf MOOM TO ItEXT.-A Mrniaued room for on or iwo ueiitleiiieii- in quire at Ihhi office. " -". ju- poRKK'Torsri! on . . monih iuBhaiervSie. ""w fsV.r FiiyS:7.,l,eP?rU' "tore room in Ner- cueapApply to Wm. Neville for ireum n. Morton iu Union h , ' Sf. r . housework. inree in laliiily. K. of P Meets every Tuesday evening at thes Castle Hall, in Rockwood Block V mug Knights are invited to attend. w I" Dvkes, K. of R. and . I t you want to get you a broom that will give the best satisfaction for the ame money ask your dealer for Dor ck s brooms. d28-lmo Tor additional local notes and news consult the fourth page. irou mow That water will not run up hill, that a kiss is sweeter than it looks and looks better after dark, YOU OUGHT to KNOW that good best, and CLOTHING is the cheapest to buy, tliat money can be saved, and a square deal had at WWescotVs, the Boss Clothier, as he does not deal in the inferior lines adapted to the fixed purposes ot bankrupt and assig nee sales. We avoid all gag schemes, sell to all alike and treat our custo mers with the utmost fairness. A complete stock of seasonable clothing and furnishing goods on hand, and we are prepared to con- 71U UIJU"1 our- statements are correct, that our frooda yoar interest to trade with are WESCOTT. Late styles in Straw and Fur UaU, Novelties in Neckwear, full line of TrunlvYalices, &c, &c Everybody welcome. ' Rockwood Block. THE BOSS CLOIHIEB '