1 ftfteitifttih ' v r ffiefjftii. PLATTSMOUTII, NEI5KASKA. TIIUKSDAY EVENING, .JULY 10, 1881. NO. Hi. VOL. 2. JOSEPH V. WECKBACH. DKALKi: IN Choice Family Groceries, AT- '-THE "DAYLIGHT" STOEE, ckntTal main stueet, plattsmoutii. neh. HICHEY COEilTER OIT PEARL 1ST 3D SEVUllSrri? DE ALERS IN ALL KINDS OF- Lumber,Sash,Doors, Blinds, Lowest Hates. nrecstii We have ot the largest and best selected stock of Choice Family Groceries in town, nnd we will sell them jnst ti3 chetiji a we possibly can and not " bust. Our Stock of Qaeensrrare and Glassware. is not large, but the goods are First-class, and we will give you som 3 low prices. We pride ourselves on our Tea s and Slices, Which we take great pains in selecting and can guarantee to be o the very best quality. All you folks who have been going away trom home to buy your groceries, come and give us a chance to give you figures. We Will Duplicate Omaha Prices. For same quality of goods and on the same terms. Come and se us. BENNETT HKNRY BCECK UKALEK IN FURNITURE i TC, KTC, TC. Of All Description. METALLIC BURIALCASES s ,.,tay made and sold cheap for cawb. SEtiVICE. Wita mviy thanks for pat patroaa-. I ulte ail to call and examine my LARGE STOCK OK KINKEAD BROS., PAIXTEKS & DECORATORS, KALSOiliyiVO. PAPER IA"GI.G. .... AND .... FINE GRAINING, Leivi your order witb them tw First-Class Work. P'.tts3ojth, Nebraska 9 Carpets, Rags, Etc TL.T3 IMIIBIR BUOS, Terms Casla & LEWIS NEW Furniture Start DEALKU BIN FUE2TITURE t COFFIUS and all kind of goods usua'.lv kept in a Also, a Tory complete stock of Funeral Goo Metallic&WooaenComns Caslets Rate .EMBLEMS. &c. Our Jn"ew and elegant hearse is always in readiuess. Remember the place, in TJXIO? JiLOCK, on Sixth treet, TWO Doors south of Cass Coun ty Bank. Whear we nias be found nigtit or day. J. I. UNRUH. aiTit . i.vrrs -I rrr i. xf PUTTSMOUTH MIM.S TTSJiOfJTH NEB. UElflETU -Proprietory rbrttr. Corn UmijA JTd locL PUTT8I0DTH HERALD. rCBUSUKU DAILY AM WEEKLY KV rte Plattsmoutb Heraiii miw Co. DAILY, delivered ly carrier 10 any part of the city Per Week 5 IS I'er Month Per Year 00 WEEKLY, by mall. One copy six months $1 oft One copy ih year 'I oo Keisterel at t ie Post Office, Platurnoutu, a second class matter. ' National Republican Ticket. FOU PKKSIDKNT, JAMES (i. 1JLAIXE, of Maine. KO li v I ( ' E-P lil I DENT. JOHN A. LOGAN, of Illinois. Republican Central Commute 'Meeting. The RenuhlUan Central Committee is hereby cilid to mi-i'i, at Y't-piiiir Wnti'r, irday, July 12i h, at 1 o'ciut k p. lit All memo rol' tnid cuiinnil lee arc especially requested to b pnSiitt. M. M UvfLKR, Ch'u. Call Tor l: pulilic.iii Juduial Cunvcn Hun. The republican lectors of the second Jiidic ial Oiniuc. .N brtF.ku aie reqvn ed to send drir i'es 1ki.ii the several :ou mes l.u u.eet in C veuliitn at l itlsm iutli. Tuesday Auiit IH. l-84 at o iiVI'ick a. in., f r tite purpose of iMueniK m ii'inu i.itiun a can i.iate fr Di-niet Aiioiney.si-ieeiin a central co.ninittee and ?.ui h mii r lu-ii.ess as .u ly pr.ipeny c..n be fore i lie eouveiitii1!. l"-e iovr t ckiiiiI es are milled to lepiesenia.ii'ii as foiluw.-,. iolu) i.aed utiu the V"lcc.is . for .1. M Iliad. ie eii nl t!ie uuiversiiy, g viiijj oae delegate at ..irgf, and on f r nv r o le i i idrej aud lifty .mes ami major Taction taereut : Oass cou ;ty i-i Li.iC n.H' couutv 1 Oioc county I1 To'al It is reco nmtiided that no proxi be ad mitted .ii the convention unless held by "per sour, reidin -u thecoui.u-s from which the prox es are given. Pi.atsniutii, Neb.,Julv l.issi. D. II. WlIKrLER. J. I!, Stkodk. t iiai.man, decretal y. Kojniblit io Iis!rict Convention. The ltepubliean Electors of the First Coii iressi'iual District of ebr:iska are invited to send Uel'-jr-jtes t i iu l ti s veral c-Miulinn lh-re- iu, ! ineei. in couveiit'on at AJ-atiie oil uesnay, Aimnxt ', at 2 o'clock p. in., or t lie pnrposi- of placing in noun .ation ; cauili inte or Congies. and f r the transaction of such tlier b stuess as may c nie before the iouvcu tion. 1 be revert! counties are entitled to repre sentation as follows. l;-i. g tiased ut-n he vote at for .1. M. Hiatt. Jieem of tlie Uuivvisuy. jiviiiK one delei; tte at l;ire. .ilid one for every ne iiii Hired and fifty votes and the major trac . ion llii.'i'eoii : Jounties Del.-DnunTies Del. ly Pawnee I licliardson : 'airiy r,.ue l I iienardson i-t iidinson : lai'ny 5 jin.cater ii minders 1- enialia ...H toe H Total 131 'aes ..I i It is recommended th -t no proxies admit ted lo the couveuti.ui, exceiit ucn as are li Id y persons re.idio& in the counties from whicn roxica are givn. ('. A. Holmes, Chairman. Jojix Stkev. Secr.'iaiy. Lincoln Juue ju. it. When HeDry Wntteraou says of ex Sheriff C.evelatnl: 1 That the count r knows nothin" t" hia opiuious upon Xatioual que uns. 2. Tliat he is a new man, without xperieuce in National aff-urs or a per s .oal kuuwleiSe of ihj puOlic men o: the time. Heroines about as near pummir."; itj ihe N w York c.iiim; n. a any one cm :ome. It is tib ut all that is to be saiii tnJ it is sutFc ett. Theke 14 one at ilesiuuu in the n:t tio al lem rati-cotive itioti, an 1 uu U)ubt d. he i lor Uncie Sammy and r o in. v h ii a man inT'-dU'-es a resolution i to a nationa c uventi u aoticip .itin i lie pr.ib .ble dea'h of his can lida.e tnd taking precoitiou fur the nouiinu ton of a succei o-f ii c.-e of death, hi nt st be accoiuei a place a mono; tin a.-seeiuo st m stneu of his party, ami tie t:an o.ily be for the o:d uiau an j the ohi, o.il ti k r. TUE4'fiijh: at Captain li;cIs" In b lid u iu a c ui,,lete :-uriejier of ti e Fiee Tr. f'ers iu t!ie committee upou pla toioj. The sfra-hile is so maaifesti i the tf the piotectionists lhat -Lessrs. Morrison, Cat li.-le l;k1 cumpa iy are lc V litf Uuyhin tock of tin i aintry. i i.e tariff plank, as u l;:iei y the i 'ii ui-pitch-s this uioruiui,', .ii subs; i re us 1 allows: 1st. Ti.es3;eui o:' custou duties vhich hi beea a-lopted by the gov r-tnent uiuce its foundation, is ap roved. 2l. TiiO fasterinj' of industries rough and by ibis system id ap roved. 3J. A charge from the present bjs em, to one even thought to be better, would be danfjfroua. 4aJL. . rusuaUte Ctxiuouoa kt 4u- ties can be il withoiiT d:jti?er t lnbor lutrrests. Tiiis tifiiis about Jill tl.- protection itsti quired, liilly. l'i tliy Morrison was ni t le p.'ihIi in ii and ordered to re port tli - i i fo:m, w hen complete, to the cfiiiventiou. T li u- ends 'iu; of the most ins yntti'.viiit lari i-s tlie c-otintrv has wit n---i- m i' p dith- tl history, 'i'hin plank hinndd lie r-. rted bv Mr iloirisoi , i-:h-t'-riH lor office only' plauk. Now- it is in orcK-r for our Free Trade cranks who have leu preachiur a niil leuiutn on this rnveune question, lo dat" from tin; Chicago convention, to come to the frout, one at a time geutle-m'-n. FOOD FOR HONEST DEMOCRATS Fi-.nn the Tall Ma'.l t:aetti?. "We own nearly one-half of the .Northern Continent; we do nn im mense trade with South America; our treaty obligations in Central America are considerable; ami the interveuinfr seas are sprinkled with IJritish posses sions. 0:i Mr. 1'ilaiiie's Iheorv of the universe all thin is wron;. The Old Woihl has no busiues-s in tli Xe Ol course h does not propose to drive us out at tin; point of the) bayonet, lie is not a lunatic, but a very aide and shrewd Yankee. Uut wherever he ct he will oust us from the position we lioli; whenever an oj j ortunity ' tlt-is In will use it. to the tit'.ermost to re nlnee our inlluence and our tnole by the inlluence aud trn!e of theUni-ed States, and he will reurd it his ehief obj -ct to promote a rat Atneri ean conlederncy under the seis ol iln Government at Wa-hiiigt(n, which wiu l teud to Increase the export trade of the Ceiled States at the expense of that of Great Britain. "This is no mere inference from his lets. It i. avowed in almost so many words in au article winch he puLlisfied two years ao in a Chicago magazine, and it is contirmjd by every dispatch he wrote during the short-tenure of otlice under tJen. Garth Id.' Democrats who imagine, that, the charges mde by the Republican party against the present democratic party. f which the New Yrk Herald, Worid, fimes and Tost, are the authorized or- usins are gro indies?, have only to read the tone of -he English pres3 to know the truth. That these organs represent F.nglish sentiment taere1 can be no doubt. For years well informed men in the lemocratic party have known and open ly protested, against the IJcltnont, Schnel', intliiences, which iu democrat c politics was simply the representa tives of llrit.ish Gold, and British commerce. Can any one read the fore io'iiir extra -t f oi thi! Pall ViallGa zettt and not know that the English ;..ve; nment is ti.kiiig a hand in Ameri ;m affairs? Does any one suppose tji Cobden club's adkic, to Amejicans, to coster and inaugurate feee trade, as a policy of the nation, coin s from a di interested party, bent only on seeing diat American commence becomes tu preme ou tlie high seas? Does anyone suppose the Pall Mall Gazette, w hen it exclaims "we own nearly one half ol the Northern outintnt. We d3 an immen e trade with rjouth America. Uu- trca.y o'l gat ouS in Central Auier i.a are eonside able. On Mr. liiaine'e heory of the universe, this lsallwrou. I'lie Old World has no busimss in the Xew. Of course he iloes not propose to drive us out at the poiut of the bay onet. He is not a lunat ic, but a very a 1 and shrewd Yankee. Bat wher ever he cati, he wi.l oui m from tre posTtio i v e h- Id. M hen ver an oj portunity . ffers h w i 1 use it to thp U term St to i e lac our influence atid ur trade I y the in fiber ce ami trade I the Uni td itat s, hi d I e w i 1 regard it as ids ch ef ul je. t to pf otni te a great American confederacy under the aj-jis of the ooveinment " at Washington, h'c!i would tend lo increase tt;e ex port trade )f the United $tafes ai th--xpeu?e of that of great Britain," does not speak the English mind and sen'iment. Dies anyone anyone sup pse that viewittg Mr. Blaine. iu this i iijlit the British nation want to tee him president of the United Stales? D.es anyone suppose that these Cob den club diciples, wLo fear - James G. Blaine, will "whenever an oppportun ity off re. use it to the uttermost to re ' place British influence and British trade by the influence and trade of the United States'' have the American com merce, American trade, and America's welfare at heart? The set of men who are in favor of so interef i or a party which ia ubuad iu glove" with British intrigue to de feat Mr. Blaine, for these reasons, are either fools and knaTes elsei they are opposed to American supremacy both in n national and commercial sense. Yitul questions ! !! ! Ask the most eminent physkun Ol any school, what is the best thing in the world lor ouict ing and allay in all irritation of ttu nerves, and curing all froms of nerves, complaints, giving natural, childlike refreshing bleep always? And they will tell you unhesitatingly "Some form of Hops! I !" CHAPTLU I. Ask any or all of themost ctnineat physicaus: "What id the best and only remedy that cau be relied ou to cure all diseas f the kidneys and urinary organs; such as Briuht's disease, diabetes, retention, or inability to retain urine, and the diseases aud aliments peculiar to Women" 'Aud they will tell you explictly and emphatically " liuchu ! ! ! " Aak the same pny ici ins "What is the most reliable and surest cure tor lier diseases or dyspepsia; cons'ipatior, lnigestion, biiliou.-uess, in ilaiia lever, ague, &c.,"aml they will tell you : ZlawUake ! or DandtUon! ! ! Hence when tueae inm-dies are com binded with others equally vaiuahle, Aud compounded into Hop Bi trees, sucii a woi.derlul and myuleriou. curative power is de v leped, which is so varu-d iu its operations that no disease or ill health can po.-silly exifl or resist its power and yet it is hnrm less for tho in st frail wound, weakest invalid or Bin.diest child to use. ClIAPTKIi II. "I'atients "Almost dead or neat ly dying" For years, and rave up my physi iai)8. of Bright's and other kidu- j idsi-ases liver complaint.-', severe rough?. caii-d coo-iinitpioi), Imv! ni'i-ii eureu Women go e it tarty crazy! ! ! From nt'iiv o' i.i-ura.i!ii, nervon ness. WMke'uiln-s. nud variu- li.-aes-s peculiar to woman. Fvopie draw out of fchape from excruciating pangs of rl eura itism. ilifla-ntnatory and chronic or aull'eiiu. .torn scrofula. Erysipelas! cSaltritetim, bl.iod poisning, dypepsi - indige-ting and, iu laci, almost all diseases liair Jv'ai ure is heir to Have been cured by Hop Bitters. pr.iofof which cai Ikj found in ey r nei'jh oroiod in the known world. Zrif None geuine without a bunc.i fiiven Hops on the white lahel. St uu all the vile, poisonous stull' with 'Hop rur ''Hops ' in their name. June 23 1884 dwlm Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered vou by the Burlington route. It will pay vou to read their advertisement to be found elsewht-rn in thin issue. 47tf Tryth ; B ma ia p!u chewing to baeco, it is by far the finest plujr chew 'ng made. Malt Schle-1 sells it. ltt Spearhead tobacco i !' the go new. All chewers seem to be anxious to gei hat farm, which will be given away n June ntt. Call at Matt Schlegel's or a circular. ltf O'ders for hand made brooms at tended lo promptly at the Western broom factory. d23 lino Republicans are especially invitee to meet at Schelegei's aud try tin Blaine and Logan cigar. S8dtf A well known preacher makes a re comendation of Avers Pil s a matter o: r liiiio 's duty. When people are b 11 i us and dyspeptic, what ihev need i the G spel of Health. In such cases the lest creed to swallow consiuis ol the thirtv sugir coated in a pill b.x w 1 16 Attention Everybody. I will offer for sale on terras to Mib purchaser the property de-cribed be low; Eijrh'y acre- of l md, situated in 'ownshin 12, rsnsje 12. rc. 35?, Ijass Co . Neb. Also one desirable residence and rni" 'tore building with a fall Hue ol i-arnware. stoves aud tinware situated n l.oiii-vdl, V-h. Also one se of tin ne s tools. Now8our time to se- ye h bai'iiii. 109 f W. Cutforth CALL AT THE OIH Reliable LUMBERYARD H. L WHEHll! k SON Wholesale zed Kelail Dealer Is PINE LUMBER Sni-N'GLES, LAI H. SASH. DOORS, BLINDS, &C. foorth Street, in rear of Opera Boose. F.G.Fricke& Co., Sft'CKSSOU T J. M. ROBERTS, Will keep tvtiihtanifr on liar.d a full ami coinpli-te Muck of pure DKL'US AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, NVALL-PArKIi aud a full line of DKUCdISTS SUNDRIES. PURE J.IQU0IIS For Me 'lean Purposes. Special ntteut'uu iven to CuiiiiwiunitiiiK 1're StlljilHili . dlUJif. BANKS. THE CITIZENS rLATTdMOUTJI. - NEI5KASKA. CA.X'J.T'I,, - $75,000. OKHl KHH JOHN I1I.ACK, .'ltA.NK CAKKUTH. I'renldeut. 'lce rresljmit. W. Ii. CL'SHIXU. Canliier. in uK ions John Black, W. II. Cusliiritf, Frank t:arrutli, J. A. Connor, Fied Ut rrin.iuii, .1. W. John sou, V. ii. Cutliiiumi, I'eti-r Mumm, Win. Weleuc;niiia Henry l!ixk. rratisaet a J-ii' rl Manklnir lJiiln-sM. All wlin have any Hanking Lmimih-ss lit transai t are mvii.-a t e!l. K niatli-r hxw larjjti or i"in:ill lll traunaciion, it will r-i;-ive mir careful at tt-iition, ai.d c promise always cour teous treatment. Inues Certificates of Ho osits hearing Interest Uuynand st-lin Foreign Kxeli mge. County and l.'llv Mi-eiintiH. I'lHK KlTZiKKAi.li i'lesi.leut. A. W. Mcl.AU01Jl.IM t'axliier. .FIRST NATIONAL OK I'LAi rSMOUTII. fx'LJlItASKA, .Tera :lio very tiest facilities for the prompt transaction of leKitiiuate BANKING BUSINESS. stocks, ItiiiKls. Cold. (;tveriiiiieut and Ioea becuriticx iiii;hl and Hold, J-positi reeel v ed and interest Allowed ou tune Jertifl eaten, Oraft drawn, available in any part of the United .state and all the principal towue of Kurope. Collections made de promptly remittal Highest rlcet prices paid for County War Ktate at.d County Bonds. DIRECTORS j -John Fitzgerald Joan It. Clara. I). Hawkiworth A. W McUiuxhlln. F. K. Wiilte. WEEPING WATER IHJ.JIIS.! WBEPINQ WATER. - NEB. E. L. REED, President. Ii. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. R. S. WILKIXSOX. Cashier. A General Baniiie Business Transacted. 1IRPOMITM tecelved. and Interest allowed on Tlne Certi ficates. IIKAKTN rnwn available In any part of the United nates and all the principal cities of Europe. o , Agents for the celebrated Mmi Line of Steam. Bank Cass County Corner Main and Sixth Streeta. PLATTSMOTJTH NEB .C. H. PAKMFLE. PreHldent, I 1 .1 M. i'ATTSKboN. Cashier. ( Transacts a General Banking Easiness. HIGHEST CASH PRICE Paid tor County and City Warrant. HOLLKCriOXH nAIIE tnd promptly remitted for. dikktoku : R B Win 'lum, .1. M. Fatt .ron. C. II. Faru.ele F. K. uthmann. W J.A'new.A. B. 8 nith. Fred border. 101 TT TJ fr' 0 SKIN CURE. CATARRH CURE COUGH CURE. BLOOD CURE. VOB SALE BY I L B a i- ire CT. lot