."V ." I V r S i i i i'LATTSMOOTfl HERALD .tKic iu r v t:tov tiik :ity CITY UEWS. Clrr u'tttloc. Library t 'rrick lruxtur. jeOltf C 4. tlarxliall, Oeullst. auc- cNHor (u Clutter A jHarliHll. Teefli extracted without pain, by ue ol TVItruuM Oxide Hun. A. Salisbury, UentUt. Never Wive L'p. It you are auuVrinjz with low and depressed sprit, lotw of appetite, gen eral debility, disordered blood, weak constitution, headache, or auy dem ase of a bilious nature, by all metiis pro cure a b-.ttle of Dlectric Hitters. You will be surprised to se tiie rapid im proveme.nl that will follow; you will be inspired with new lite; strength and activity will return; paiu anp misery will cwiNH, and henceforth you will re j.iice in the praise of Electric Kilters. S'l I at fifty cents abotile bv J. M. Rob ert. Jan. SeCwly For lame bicK, Side cr Chst u.e Shiloh's Rorous l'laster. Rriee 25 centy. SIIII-OU'S COUCH and Consump tion Cure is sold by in on a jfuarrntee. It turcs consumption. S1III.OI1S VITALIZKU is what ou need for Consumption, Ias of ap petite. Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 ami 7.r cents per bottle. CROUPE Whooping Cough and Bronchitis immediately relived by Sriiioh'rt Cure. Sold bv Smitii & Black Bros. Dec.20eowdwly These are Solid Facts. The best blood purifier and system regulator ever placed within the teach of suffering humanity, truly is Electiic liitters. Inactivity of the Liver, Bil iousness, Jaundice. Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetiz er, tonic or rnild stimulant, will always Mud Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire uatisfaction or money re funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. M. Roberts Jand&wly. A Great Discovery. That is daily bringing joy to the homes of thousands by saving many of their dear ones from an early grave. Truly is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchhitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, Tickling in the Throat, Pain in Side and Chest, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs, a positive eure.Guarante ed. Trial Bottles f-ee at .1. M.Roberts. Drug Store. Large size $1.00. Jan. S (Gwly - A Startling Discovery. Physi rii'n are often btartled by rc iTiarkab!e discoveries. The fact that Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Cou sumption and all Throat and Lung diseisesis daily curing patients that thev have given up to die, is ntartling them to realize their sense of duty, and examine into the merits of this wonder ful discovery ; resulting in hundreds of our best Physicians using it in their practice. Trial Bottles free at A. M. Robert Drug Store. Regular size SI. 00. IPJ CASH GIVEN AWAY To the SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smok- ing Tobacco. The genuine has picture BULL on every package, of For particulars see our next announcement. Money saved by buying hand made brooms, ask your dealer for them. d-23-lrao Parlor and bedroom sets in all style at lowest prices at Boeeck's. o9tf The Ice Man. Jos. Fairfield has established an of lice at Monarch billiard hall, where he will contract with consumers to supply ice for the season at the lowest terms. 3m2 Pasture Two hundred andlorty acres under fence, with running water, and one half mile from the "city. Apply to . 51 tf W. S. Wise. M O Connor keeps on hand the cel ebrated Aohetser JJurch St Louis Bot tled Ueer and always rady to pay pc ticulsr attention to bis customer. 155t Diamond Wli Fiuisti. beet'aud ch ap est, ready for use bv adding hn w i er, at Fisher' drg K. 4&a Hurrah forBIaioo and i.ogo iear For additional local note-nmt news ennnutt the fourth pnpe. Ychterday a man wns auuMrucU at Lincoln, bat the prostration was not attended with periods results. The glee club of the younj; mens' republican club held their fir.-t meeting lat evening and held a practice in. An old man named McCee was struck liy a moving train at Lincoln the other day and lien in a critical con dition. Remember the young mens' renubli -can club meeting at their rooms to night. Any young men In the city desiring to join are cordially invited. Lincoln had a jail delivery yesterday three prisoners escaping, and have not as yet been heard from. As their crimes were for too much celebration on the 4th, they will not hehe.ated with niu -h vigor. - Tl.S L!::coln Ulaiue and Logau club have ju.-t rt-ceived their new uniforms and torches, 100 in number, and pro pose to have the bet club in the statu. Wait until the young mens' republican club of this city visit you and take ob servations then. CoHductor Webb, of the B. & M road, w ho has been off for a nip and visit to relatives and friends in Kansas, returned home yesterday looking fres-h and vigorous after his shoit resting ioell. Repot t is brought to the IlEKALD otli.e lrem a reliable gentleman who from personal observation throughout the county in the last month, that the prospects lor crops of all kinds m such as have never been een in the history of the county. The acreage is very large, ami our informant states Ibat in no one instance has he observed a crop which is not above the average, while many are far beyond the most sanguine hopes. For one instance, Uncle Philip Horn has sixty four acres of fall wheat which both he and other competent judges allege beyond question will yield forty bushels per acre. The Tritch brothers in this neighbor hood are equally well possessed of the same cereal; and that in Elmwood and the western precincts the same cau be said of all crops. Strange as it may seem in that por tion of the county where not more than i two years ago the soil was untouched oj' sieei; wnere me ue.uoy un sportsman winged the cowering praitie chicken, and where . the undulating prairie was as pure and uudeliled by the honest giangoj as in the palmy days of Mullin's ranch, there today the most luxuiiaut growth of com, wheat, cats and barley g.cet the eye upon all ti Its. Prosperity to the husbandman glittering on every hand. We are told for the one w ho observes the rural beauties of Cass county at this season of the year that he would have no faith in the statements of so many that land i beyond its market value, but on the contrary wouder that higher prices are not asked. From all sources and ou all bauds, in discussing with nil classes of people, we are informed that crops ol all kinds are more promising today than at any time in the history of the county. This is indeed encouraging news, and the IIekald rejoices at the prosperity of her neighbors especially those in the hail district, and will be glad to see them reap their abuudance in good season. Premium Srtootlng- This week I will give a prize to any one makiug the greatest number of bells in ten shots. For particulars call at the gallery. W. P. Fishback, I09to Proprietor. The Latest News. The weather is decidedly hot. Re ports come to these headquarters that it was 102 in the shade yesterday. To day timid men like ourself refrain from looking at a thermometry Evi dently, the weather in this ciatry is decideuly hot for thp Democratic par ty in Cticago; but it i very tool to them there now compared to what it will be when Blaine, Logan and victory turn loose upon tbcm in the campaign davs to come. Base Bail. The Plattsmouth B. B. C. has made arrangements for a match game of ball between their home club and the "Capital City" club of Lincoln. The game is to be played at the driving park this city on "Wednesday afternoon, July 16th. Th.s is sure to be a most in teresting game, and the standing of the two club3, both of which have made ijood records thus far this year, war rants &ny who love to see a gotd game of ball, the assurance that it will be ne of the best game of the suasou on the aliernoon of the 16th. i mm i Assorted tints of Diamond Wall Fin ish may be found at Fisher's drug store, revolving wgo- 49uwtf M. D.Polk hs doing I.ouliville today. Major Smith was a Chicago passen ger last" evening. Surveyor Uen'l Stevenson went west on No. 3 last evening. District Att'y Strode is in Lincoln on business connected with his office Manager Karus and family are mak ing a two davs" visit t liiecnwood with relatives there. E. II. Wooley, of Weeping Water, is in tLo city todHy, and the IIeiiali notea his convalescence with pleasure. Win. Eikeubary, of Three (Jroves is is hi town today ard biings the most flattering accounts of splendid crops in his section. W. B Wheeler, of St. Paul, bro.her of Major I). II. V heeler, is in the city on a visit to his relatives here and nu merous acquaintances. M. Scldegel i9 in Chicago where he will be absent ttie coming week. Mr. Schlegel will, while thete, make ex tensive purchases lor his cigar factery in this city. Frank Brown, brother of deputy clerk Browne, who has been visiting in this city the 1-ist week, ha3 returned to Toledo, Iowa, from where he will goto the National teacher's association at Madison, Wis. The following are among the arriv als at. the Perkins: L. iSteeer, Burlington ; F K Alexan der Chicago; C A Woosiey Omaha; W Maron Parsons, Ka- : .J F Burke Co lumbus, (.).; J II Atkinson Plum IIol low, Iowa; W F Pierce, Miss A A Pierce Chicago; J W Andersoa Lin colnr Ben Riel Syracuse X. Y.; Herb Minims and lady Boston; E H Wooley Weeping Water. Cedar Creek Letter. Ci:aAit Cuf.kk, Nib., July 7, 1834. En. Herald; Crops never looked better around here than they do at present. The writer was over the southeastern part of Cedar Creek, Glendalc and Eight Mile Grove, Sun day. The remark was. made several times, "did you ever see such a prospect for crops, such an abundance of small grain just ripening, and some being cut?'' Nebraska is surely blessed this year with such flattering prospects for almost everything! We see "self bind ers in every field, nearly. Farmers seem to think that is tbe machine of all machines for cutting grain. The 4th opened up gloriously. The anvil w-s loaded up and thundered every few minutes, which sent the most enthusiastic out of bed three hours I earlier than common, and with tlie crackers and hurrahing, and waviugof Hags made it uncomfortable for the others to sleep. At 9 o'clock the people begau to gath er, ami it looked as though Cedar Creek, of all, would have the largest crowd. First ou the programme was the young men and children marked, who presented a novel sight. J. J. Schnei der was masked in such a manner that his wife didn't know him. lie carried a large flag and marshalled the little folks around; and then came the little markers with ncordeous, Jew s harps, French harps, tin ans and drums, music by string band, music by glee ctub, followed by Dr. Duff introducing J. B. Phiibert, as orator. He did credit to himself and those that chose him. Next we had a song "American Flag," after which an oration by Julius S. Cooley, which was delivered in a mas terly, ppirit'.'d manuer, and took the writer by surpiise. Next, music by the glee club and string band, which closed the exercises for.batktt dinner, after which came egg race, won byChas.Witk; footrace, w n by John Spence; shooting" glass ba!ls, best score by Hank Inheider. Several tried to climb the greased j pole but gave it up. Base ball game resulted 13 to 27, in favor of Plattsmouth club. The bowery dance w:as a grand suc cess. E 1. Seiver met with a serious acci deut Saturday, while driving cattle, his horse running down hill, fell and throwed Lim breaking his leg between J knee and ankle ;le. Dr. Daff tet the limb, chauge places with Rev. Mailey of M sville butcher is at Cedar Pleasant the next preaehing dav,, that The Loui Creek looking up fat cattle. Messrs. Parmele and Newell were out to ee Ed Seiver Sunday. j. Mrs.T. W. Shryock and little girls ! are visitirg at this place. j Our school ha3 closed till last of A- j gust Miss !'; o Mills has gone to Chica go on a visit, Ta, Ta. Rabbit. Attention EverjOiMly. I will offer for sale on terms to suit purchaser th property described be low; Eigh y acres of land, situated in township 12, range 12, sec 32, Cash Co , Neb. Also one desi table residence and nj ttore building witn a full line ot I araware. ttovea and tinware situated in Louivill, Neb. Alsu one set qf tin ne'g tool. Now is your time to. se cure a bargain. 10?tX W. CvrrosTB. . Throe Crovoa Letter. - ... .July.?..I3Si;; J The iiti .1 -t.ritt'-d at Hock Bluus with its usual pastimes and festivities. The grounds acd feuts had bten pre pared ia geod style, nnd the Rock liluffs folks looked forward with the anticipation , of a gloriotiw -1th. Fatly in the morning their anticipations be gan to be realized by people ;;itheiing in from al! din-ctio:. to spend and en joy our National independence day. By 1U o'clock a in. the g-ound.- and i ciiii'y wcr ,! well dotted with crowds auxious to te and leatn. and to spend the hoiicjay set allele hy our great men. The exetcit-es of the foieuooii con sisted of imimc ty tie Rock Bluffa bras himi, reading of the Declaration of ludej endclice, by Mr. Willard Smith, foliortel by quit'? a lengthy oration d-livvid by Mr. Al x Mcln tosh, of P!at,tiMo!M, which as good and suitable tor the occasion. The re mainder of the time was spent by the mg-a-mulluiM until the dinner hour ar riv. A. T!,r t: ud tin.e was taken up iu p-ri.ii.ig of the contents of the Whil tiled oiihk'ts that had been brought along. .Mr. L. fl Todd opi ijo.i the atlei noon exercises by giving one -! th-; grandest speech' s ever deltvt red this .-ide o' the MifOi.ri rivt r if the kind is. taken into cou-idt tatioii. After the t)eaking the eg i.i. 1 wl.etlbarrow laets tame oft, l.'harley Tracy running both rucca mi l nartving off the prizes, The UocK P!uH's hand g;in some most c.ce!t"ut tnu'stc duiii'i the day takii:g in o on-' U i aii.n th T-i. tilDit VlT. Fot!Ut t lie tn,t dr'.Ml.liicr, Jt;fl the boys iii raihc-ra-ad pi(-ii'-';:uiciit, by dpai ting with hN f:.m.lv foi Illi nois a ihiv or -o bf f it e the 4t h. This lolt ;i mi-r.ing liti in the music that cou'd not be put-plied in so sdioj t a J time. Two lenvjuade stand- were upon the grounds run by Fred Path-ison and doe By ere. Ac T, o'clock a social hop l eau at Sheira's hall. Of this we cannot peak ! any further, as your correspondent left with the intention ot taking iu the lawn party held at G p. m., in Mr. llu therford's apple orchard. From what we had heard ot this affair and from the meetings held in that vicinity, to make arrangements, we supposed that a grand time was to he had there, at early candle lighting. Your report er arrived upon the ground with the J expectation of gathering a nuinber-ol j items for the Hk.km.d,. but v.e were padly disappointed. The grounds had i been cleaned nicely, sj-ais put up, and a platform erected for ths purpose of ! dancing, as would he supposed" Sever- J ul hanging lanterns lighted up the! grove wiili some brilliancy, which in;ide the s'Urouudings look quite gram', j a id an organ hao been placed u.ion the f platt'oiai t' furnish thy ni"sio. By 7 or 8 o'clock the hap year pnity, with six cr eight couples from Plattsmoutli, and quite a number of spectator?, hs:d j filled up the teats, .making perhaps a hundred or more people on the grounds. : There at-tmtd to be no programme ! arranged for the eveLing and the audi ence was kept waiting until nearly r j o'clock. Only two songs were sung accompanied with music by Miss L". ella Young. Lee Oialrim's team broke loose dur ing the profound silence and raided a ripple of excitement for a few min utes. At ten o'clock the party wfis invited to partake of a repast which had been prepared by Mrs. A M, Holmes aid other ladies. After supper ;he crowd scattered to their homes. It is probably due to state that there could be no music obtained or had been engaged before hand for those to dance who wanted to, and perhaps it is due to state that we don't know very much about it and that the whole tiling wa a grand fizzle from beginning to end (with the exception of the supper.) Rock Bluffs and other poiats below here did not get any mail on l?.st Fri day that being mail day. If we art not badly mistaken the postoffice de partment does cot recognize nolid.ns in carrying the mail. J.G. Oldham and J. II. Allison start to Chicago tod;iy to attend the demo cratic national convention. Rev. Madole, of this circuit will ex bpllicr two WPP Li from - - v.. jrsiciuy. . .-j. Reporter. a strage case. A, Plattsmouth Woman Found on the Street Asleep. About six o'clock last evening a boy reported at police headquarters there was a crazy woman up ou Mayo Moore'a corner. Officer Post immedi ately repaired to the plr.ee and foum an old lady, sixty or seventy vears of ase, fast asleep on tbe poreh in front rl Mr. Firei re.hienee. She wa taken to poiiae headquarters ' and questioned about herself; she named persons-with waoro Ehe w acquainted, " but tt officers knew uoue of them. She said ah hid lived hero for fifwen year ami knew nearly everybody. " Finally sh dropped some remark about Platts mouth an 1 trie ofiicfr asked her if s h knew an) body in Plntteinouth. "Whv yes," fhc Kt), "ain't I in Plattf moutl no?" When Mr. Po.st told her slit, was in L'ncolo she was very much fur prised and could tell nothing about how she came here. District Attorney Strode, of Plattsmouth, who is in the city, was hunted up, and he identifier, the old lady as Mrs. Hand, housekeeper foi the Catholic, priest at Plattsmouth for sevend years past. She was takon lo the rebidcuce f John Fitzgerald, where the will be kindly cared lor tin til her friends cau be found. Whether she is inline or wan i-iuipl) overcome by the heat and rendered ir rational for a time seems to be a ques tion. State Journal. if rvrw .4 v YOUHG MEITS Republican Club MEETING. AT TI1EIU 1IEADQUAI1TES, . Jl9 ! YOU That water will not run up hill, that a kiss. is sweeter than it looks and looks hetter after dark, YOU OUGHT to KNOW that good CLOTHING is the best, and cheapest to buy, that money can be saved, and a square deal had at WescotVs, the JUoss Clothier, as he does not deal in the inferior lines adapted to the fixed purposes ot bankrupt and assig nee sales. We avoid all gag schemes, sell to all alike and treat our custo mers with the utmost fairness. A complete stock of seasonable clothing and furnishing goods on hand, and we are prepared to'con- viuci ull ia doubt that oar statements aro correct, that our goods are the best, and. that ic is to yoar interest to tiiie with WESC01Tf Late styles ia Straw arid Far HaU, Novelties ia Neckwear, lull line of Trunks Valicee, &c, &c. Everybody, 'welcome. '& 12. ISO', READ THIS It May Sane the Life ttf Soim One of Your family During the hot mouths of summer, very family should be proriJed with safe and reliable remedy for bowel Complaint. The cxcelenee of,MARin,s Tonic' Astrinulnt Is unquestioned. It is not gotten up nimply to obtain your money. It speedily cures Diarrlnea, Dysentry, Cholera Infantum, Chuleia Morbu, Summer Complaint, Chronic Diarluea and Dysentery, and ill relaxed and deraged condition of he Stomach ami Bowels. It is a delightful leiuudy for children, being plea-ant to the taste and safe in its ac iou. No family can afford to be with out it. MarBh's Tonic Astringent is for sale ay Smith &i Black Bros, uruggiau, .'Itatruiouth, Teb. Price &0 cents. For Rhcumaaism, Xearalgla, Bruise, tc, use Marsh's Cukam Limment. For halo by Smith & Black Bros. Tub Marsh's Auik Cvkk only 60 jents -liquid or pi.Ii. For .sale by Smith & Biuck B.os. wl IG SPECIAL NO liCES. AdvertlsKiiieiit utKlertliiM Uca!, three cent per line vacU lu sui iiuu. If O.NKY TO LOAX-Oo real extato by A. N. LOK HAI.K A one iKirvn buKyy and 1iuiu-h - alutunt new, enquire aif "'hr. MRS. A. SCJILKUKh. LMMt SAt.K-My rinl(l('ii.: una four loin " U'''1 li'Xi.tt:, l;iin ;iitil fruit, anU lii exeel leiil eoiiililiKii ; itltutwo liiiiivecl litnun. also -2-l.r lill. k bil-lllest lloll -.- 4UXB-J Icel.ou Mulil hi reel, and oincr .l.Mi aliK; l.nnl iiinl lots. It. II. V I1KKLK1I. IOR-iAI.K-llduseM. lotsaiKl wood laud bv - John lions t .son. JOKS A l.K S.- er:it i I'siiletn-es, cueao. ln- quirt) of . H. Vli.-flT iu Co. IVOR SAl.K- SeT.Ueli Tal-lcU lu ull elzes. Ht - tins ol.'ice. LMUt SAI.K a lot In ood location. iaitli-il-larn al thl.i olllce jl-lf IVOR .s'AI.K An order for a new Ainerlcau bewiiiK Maehiue. Jii.julre at IJiUortl. e. I0ORHAI.K i,fHji cords or wood. Inouire of V. . Wl.ni. lt POR.SAI.K-i Id i:i;kt for aale at thl ollle at4uceiii.s ei liuu. lied or 6 ceuu i)-r doz en. L'ORSALK-KourlotH together In geod loea- tlJ" thi city. Inquire at tlii olllce If UOOMTO RKNT.-A furnished room for one ,urt.'I Kentleiiieu. lu ood location. In quire at IbiD olliee. 71tr I'O RKN I Two rooniH, furntshod or unfur-- nubed. iii the Iac.Muruiiy hyuiie. Imiuiie ou the pieinises. FOR RK.VT orsalfl on Iodr time, a bouse and two lots wltli good liiiproveiueuU. ai ly to u, li, Vkuidbaiu. UOR RK f tiood, new Iiouhos of foarroom. . ?i'a 2'.lttt; KO'a Kardeu spot. 4 p.-i ii.onth luhbaferv.lle. W. ll. hhai kA. WOlt RKAir Tbe nortli store room In N-v-niu s blck, and rooms up tair. tiood location for restaurant or boarding house. renin cheap.Appy to Wm. Neville. i.if TjQf!TTA K"'"t Templar charm in shape of a ;4.s? ''"tT wi.l be HUliably re warded by leavinj; at thi' olllce. i;tl tVrANTKl A niil for K-iieral liounewoik. ii!r.e!;;'s;,a """"" 1,1 """n ",',k- W irTi:i:'A K' " ' s":' -'""k at 'he Vct U - ms IIoiim; Hi.ined.iitely. ;.-,if W'I,:'.T, '.':,y ''"af'er-. Apply t. J.vt- "it it-"J M aire, two doors past mxioiis 50llw IC of I Meets every Tuesday evening at then Casilo Hall, in RutkwoiMi Block. V i mug JMiigfits are invited to attend. ... , IL M. Bons, C. C. W. I, DVKKK. K. of II. lilol S In no other blood medicine have re ndu of bcieuiilic iuqury been so stead ily utilized aa iu Ayers Sardaparllla. wltdCt mow . i : I 5 A TgE 7fe3 QIATT