mite wmIm tll0ttfl 4 vol. a. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY S, 1884. NO. 101). r If'- i if i ill !! i r S 1 If :4 A 1 JOSEPH V. DEALEit IX Choice Family Groceries, Carpets, Hugs, Etc "J3IE ; "pAYLIG-HT" STORE, CENTRAL MAIN1 STRECT, EICHEY DEALERS IN Lumber. Sash,Doorsrfllinds MIXED I AIITTS, LxlVLS, Cement, We have got the largest si are Choice Family Groceries in town ami we will fell them just not ' bust. Our Stock of Qzzeensware cuicL G-las secure, is not lare, but the goods are First-class, and we will give you low prices. We pride ourselves on our Teas and Sioices, Which we take great pains in' selecting and can guarantee to be ot the verv best quality. All yon folks who have been going away from home to buy your groceries, come and give us a chance to give you figures. We Will Duplicate Oma lux Prices. For same quality of goods and on the same terms. Come and see US. BENNETT HENRY BCEOK DEAXEIt IN FURPJITURE B.TC., BTC.. KTC Of All Descriptions. METALLIC B URIAL CASES - t.i-aay made and sold cheap for casb. KHEARSB . - Tx IS e0 W KA ' S.KKVICE. Wltli m-ioy thank Tor past patronage. uTite all to call ana examine my LARGE STOCK OF Improved Lands for Sale i acres 12 roil ;s Irom Lenora. Kansas iS " " Orleaov Neb. 0 ivo " 1 " Beaver City. Neb. 650 Iq t' & - Log in, Kausan. l.iOJ Thtf'je lands ar well improved, and can be ThSy are cheapt tne prweat owner, havlag bought them at loroed ale. Call and v, Ittave ioaa Clwyenne County iQds I'OT ale yet they are going last. for particulars call ou WECKBAGH. AT- PLATT3MOUTII. NEH, BEOS, ALL KINDS Of1 on md Wet selected tock of as cheap as we possibly can and some - & LEWIS NEW Furniture Store j x. TJisrKTJs:, DEALKK glX FURNITURE COFFINS and all kindf ot goods usually kept tn a FI KMT CL.A8i I'l KSlTlBE loTOKK Also, a very complete etock of Funeral Goods MBtalliG&WooienCofflns Casiets Robes EMBLEMS. Ae. Our New and elegant hearse is always in reaJiuesa. Remember the place, in UNION '.IJLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun-: - ty Bank. Wbear we may be found night or day. J. I. UNRUH, 21 si i. vcr.'.t.iiTri. neb PLATTSMOUTH MIkLS traMocra nkb. UKISEL, - Proprietor J? rbmr, Com if mil A JTmd leek PLATTSMOUTfl HERALD- rCHLISillU) DAILY AS1 WEKKIfj v BY The Plattsaioiitii Herali FnWisMBi Co. V THRIVES: DAILY, delivered by carrier to any part of the city PcrWcek t f 15 l"er Muulli I'er Year oo WKKKI.Y, by mall. One copy elx month t "0 One copy year Wi Ke;ltered at Lie Post Office, PlattHinouth, an second class inaiter. National Republican Ticket. FOIi I'ltLIUUNT, JAMES G. BLAINE, ol' Elaine. FOR VIC'IMMiESI DEST. JOHN A. LOGAN, of Illinois. Republican Central Committe Meeting. The Republican Ct utral Committee is hereby chIIitj to meet. atWeepiu VV ater, SaturcJ tv, July 12th, all clock p. tn. All nieiulKTH of said committee are especially requested lo be preseut; M. M. Butler, Ch'o. Call for Republican Judicial Conveti tion. The republican electors ot the second Judic ial District 01 iNeorasKa are request eu delegale Irom the several couuiies to con veullon at rial isiuoutli. luesdaw Auu 18. 1SS4. at 0 o'eloek a. m for tlie Mrpuse ot piuciiiK ui nomi.iHtion a rauilluate.wr uutrici Atioruey, selecting a central uoiuiniltee and such otiit-r busim-sts as may properly come be fore the convention. t".,e severa. count es an entitled to representation as follows, being based upon the vote case for J. M. Uiatt. re Ken! of the university, giving one delegate at large, and one for ev -r' one hundred and tlfty votes and major traction tuereot' : . 1 1 Lancaster couiity! 1'.'.'. .: 1 Otoe county u . Total : V"; f5 milled .11 the couveution unless held by :uer I nous resiuuiB in iu couunrs uurn uvu mc proxies are given 1 I iail3IIioui:, .ieu.,j uiy 1, i?t. D. II. Whkklf.k. J. A. Strode, thainuan, Secretary. Republican District Convention. The KeDiihlican Electors of the First Con gressional District ol Nebraska are invited to send delegates from the several eounties there in, to meet in convention at Keaince on .eu uesday, August 20, at 2 o'clock p. inlorthe purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for Couirress. and f r the transaction of such other business as may come before the lonveu tloti. The several counties are entitled to repre sentation Af follows, licii.g bated upon 1 tie vote east for J. M. Iliatt. Jtegeut of the Uuivrsuy. giving one delegate aL large, and oue for every one liu. idled aud li'ty votes and the major frav- tn.n theieoti : Comities Del. Dountics Del. ioiii;l;u.s U I'awnee ti.iye 1. .ichurdson 13 Ji.iiiisoii i -iiioy & cai.cater -n auuders U .Nemaha il otoe 1' Total 13I Caes 1 It is recommended tht no proxies e admit ted to the convention, exceut ucu as are tielu by persons resnunii in ihe couiines troui wluci. proxies-are giiii. v. a. holmes, cnairinan. John Steek, Secrt-iaiy. Lincoln. June 20. ISS4. There will be a grent slaughter of booms in Chicago these days, and in puncturing, where blood will be found once, wind will be found twenty time.-. Iowa is j b Uut over the observ anceof p'O ioition the lirst week aftet the law went into effect; but there is a reason for it her democracy is all in Chicago. The combat thi kcus. The braves are on the grounds irom lammany. and the prospt cts are that the conven tion will not have a harmonious ten sion, as decisions and bitter strife i ap parent both as regards Pan 'idaies and platform. The great fact is admitted bv the democracy of the country, that the party is divided m the tariff ques tion. Those who insist on a rtdioi l change in ti e mannet of raising reve nue for governmental purposes, lenl iy Wattersou, Mormon, Catlisle, pio- uounced free traders, will not be satis fied with auything short of a squaie declaration against protection in an form ; while u i on the other hand that wing of the party which favors protec tion and is in iavor of letting "well enough idne," will insist upon thi 'straddle" as it is called, or a maning- ess comj rou.ise. At the tame tin., the oppo nion to Cleveland, in 2tw York, is seated mid earnest. Tam nanv opposed to Cleveland be cause they pre r any other man, evei defeat itself, to the man whom th j know is unfriendly to their interests; white many leading delegatep, realiziuL the tact Unit Mr. Cleveland is a weak man, in New York desire his defeat ol the high grounds of the good of the party. In the meantime Ben. Butlei with his labor forces behind him is on the ground much tronger and a much more .dangerous feature than, the demo 1 crstic leaders bare caro t , aaicaptet TlIK Oiiiu'14 Ucpublicuu nectla the loafer in k car; of the lialy:al ctlitor of the Lincoln Jourui! Topic?. The mer cury stands too far up 011 tlie tube these July diys to udmit of sudden flops, and that if yesterday in too sud den aud too rudjcal for tBfQty. From Mr. lUnintj aud the ehct to a hopeless resuiiK of our civil service an J spoils system N t'N .sudden and too much. "Something uiu-t be dmt'," frantically shrieks tint territii-d oran, and 8( tliiuk we, and the Topics 411 an fehould do it. Front the number of inierrog-i-tion marks one would 8upiciuii that our senior Seitntor was oranii:ifi that paper a.'itn-t the consolidate'! and 1- yautic. monopolies of tl.e- couiitry and was gfViniz oit n of bii com: ty fair gnceches. "The p ).stui isteit,-' with their "feudal" tenure. Tie: "United States Marshals," with their "baronial'' prerogative, and tne "Internal Reve nue Collectors," with their ''royal' retinues, niti3tbe"jot rid" of in some muiiiir Deferentially, we would re;nark, to the Topics man, that, the i,rreat danger aeems to be two fold; first, the oilices are filled by a dangerous class, who are a standing menace to certain other close corpuiotions that would bo ma chines did they possess the gearing. In the second place these tat offices place before the public such irresistible temptations that the old, om rule of 'rotation' in oflie.cs sho'ild at once be reversed. We lidmit, this stute of to send affairs presents a durk picture prob AeuBust le' difficult of solution and "some thing must be done." In the excite ment and chaos of the moment, knowing that moments are precious and that there is no time to be Inst, as everything might go to sticks in the twinkling of an eye, we would dare to suggest, to the Topics Phys.cian, that ,f jie cou(j only convince this scliool of political hvpocondriacs who have die- oveiecl ( Uie Cancer 1U our OOUV U"ll ... n,. .,, .. iQf.l mn, ax.. ifiaiui. ? ui n mu, first, remove all these dangerous char- icters from office, and, second, refuse to fill vacancies, the problem will be, at least, temporarily solved, and we may possibly be enabled to get through with the present campaign without a breaking up of our great aud glorious Union. The fortnate thing of all this i,how ver, that portion ot the rural jreap, which has been disinherited, is savd a ery painful suspense, by being de rived of copies containing such fate ful and gloomy forecasts of our coun try's dark future. However, . "some thing must be done." WHAT CONGRESS HAS PUSHED. ACCOM- The first sessioti of the Forty eighth Congress has extended over a period ot seven months and four days, although the actual working time will not ex ceed 163 days. Iu that time there have been introduced in the SeuaLe 2,307 bills aud ninety-seven joint resolutions, and in the House 7,507 bills and 284 resolutions. Of these, sixty- six Senate Dills and ten Senate resolutions have passed both houses and become laws by Executive approval, and Mxty-two House bills and thirty-two Douse reso lutions became laws in the buu.o man ner. '1 hree House bi'ls a!si became laws without action t y the President, :tud one whs returned to the Hou e with his veto. Of the measures iutro luce 1 in the Senate 3US bills and sev enteen joint resolutions were Indefi nitely postponed atidbix bills laid upon t .e t bis. In the Houe fourteen bills and thiej joint resolutions were post poned indefinitely. A majority of the uiea.-ures introduced iu both houses related to matters not ot general im portance, such as bills tor private re lief and pensions; for the erection of .subl.c buildings, bridgiug rivers, and ither improvements of only lrcal im portance. KJ Burlington also wants the new National soldiers' home.' Let's have it cut up into sections aud distributed over the state. Dcs Moines Capital. The pie would have to be cut iu very small pieces, or there wouldn't be half n-nigh to go round. Sioux Citv Jour aL And while Iowa is cutting and slashing, and dividing on this question Nebraska united ought to walk in and ake the home and the location. Whes such papers as the" Irish World come out and place only one man as a possible first choice above Blaioe tor the presidency, it, need be L no wonder that, democracy .1 agitated and looking With solicitude for a coos The Omaha Republican designates the lion. John F. Kinney Senator Van Vek's Indiin agent as a democrat. Thu IIeiiali was more refined and respectful. We designated the Jcdye ai'a young' republican. Anyway we will Mrager a gill of buttermilk th old de"m'XTat, or the young republican as the case may be, will never Btay iu the land of the Dakota's without a boss race. Vital lueNtloiiH ! !! ! Ask the most eminent j)hysi:nn Of any school, what is thd betjt thihyr in the world lor quieting and allaying all irritation of tiu nerves, a. id curiutr all fronts of nerve?, complaints, giving natural, childlike refreshing sleep al wayh t Ami ihev will tell jou unhesitatingly "Some form of Hops t ! CHAPTKIi I. Ask any or all of the most eminent physicans: "What is thfj best and only remedy that can be relied 01T to cure all diseas i the kidneys and uiinary organs; such aa Uriifht'a disease, diabetes, retention, or inability to retain urine, and the diseases aud aliients peculiar to Women" 'And they will tell you explictly and emphatically lituhu ! ! ! " Ask the same pi.) icians What is the most reliable and surest cure tor liver diseases or dyspensia; constipation, inigestion, billiousuess, malaria fever, ague, &c.,"and they will tell you : Mandrake ! or Daiidtlion.' .' ! Hence when these remedies are cum binded with others equally valuable. Anil compounded into Hop Urttees, such a wouderful and mysterious curative power is de veloped, which is so varied iu its operations that no disease or ill health can possibly exist or resist its power aud yet jt is hurm less for the- tu st frail woman, weakest invalid or smallest child to use. CHAPTiit: ii. "Patients "Almost dead or nearly dying'i For years, and gave up my physi cians, of Bright'a aud other kidney idseases liver comolaiut?, severe coutrh called coiisumtpion, have been cured. Women gone nearly crazy I ! ! From agony of neuralgia, nervou sness, wakefulness, aud various diaaeses peculiar to woman. People draw out of shape from excruciating pangs of rheumatism, ihfiammatory and chronic or suffering from scrofula. Erysipelas! "Salt rheum, blood poisning, dyspepsia indige-titig' and, in fact, almost all diseases frail" Nat ure is heir to Have been cured by Hop Bitters, proof of which cau be found in every neitrhhoroood in the known world. IS?" None geuine without a bunch of green Hop3 on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonon3 stuff with 'Hop "or '-Hops" in their name. June 23 1884 dwlm .'Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered vou by the Burlington roule. It will pay you to read their advertisement lo be found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf Spearhead tobacco is aH the go new. All chewers seem' to be anxious to get hat farm, which will be given away m June nxt. Call at Matt Schlegel's for a circular. ltf All the best houses in Plattsroouth will sell you Urcmner's choice cracker at reduced price by the box or barMl. and don't ynu forget it. Get these and you gel the bet. 'tf CORN COB pipes in every styl Schlegel's. IUt Notice for Bids to Construct Sidewalk. In accordance with instruction J of fhe City Council, of the city of Plait s uiouth, I hereby give notice that bids lor the construction of a sidewalk alone t'ue east sideof lot l2,ot Block 223, will be received by me at my office, up to and includine'the 5th day of July 1884. Wik to be let to the lowest bidder. The estimate of the citv Engineer to gether with the pl"ns and specifications are on file in my office where they may be examined J. D. SIMPSON. Jon 30, "84 4t. City Clerk. TrFBMO SKIN CURE. CATARRH CURE. .. COUGH'CURE. OLOQP CURE.. roa sals bt ffrT r4ktt rWiiir F.G.Fricke&Co., 8lTCCE880K TO J. M. ROBERTS, Will kei 'iiHfHiitlv 011 hand a full and complete stock of pure DRUOS AND .MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WALL-PAPEIt and a full line .f DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. PURE, LIQUORS For Me. .'lean Turnonta. nitect'oii ixiwu to CoiniouuliuK 1V scripuoa. UiojiL BANKS. THE CITIZENS I'LATTSMOUTH. - NKIJKASKA. CA.ipxrrjij, - OllICKItH JOHN I1LACK, JKAKK C'AKICUTII. President. Vice-President. W. IL CUSH1NO. Cashier. niKECTOHS John Hlac.k, W. H. Cualiliur, Frank Carrutli, o. a. Connor, rrcd Herrmann, J. W. Jonn "Oli, F . 1. (lUtlimaiill. I'eter Mumm. Win. Weteiicaiiiji, Henry Hu-ck. Transact a tJen.ral ltaiikln Hnlness. All Who have any Uaiikiiiu busiuess to transact are Invited to call. jsitf m.-au-r how larKj or mnull the tiaiiH.K-.Uon, It will receive our careful m tention. and we prounse always cour teous treatment. Issues Certificates of De oslts bearing Interest IhiyHand sefin Foreign KxetiaiiKe. County and Citv securities. John Fitzokualii, President. l. YV. AIcLauohlin CaH hier. NATIONAL FIRST OK PI.ATT8MOUTII. NEBKA8KA, Oftflrnthe very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Oovernuient and Loca becurillec Houht and Hold, Lepositi reoei . ed and interest allowed on time Certifl caten, iirafts drawn, available iu any part ot the United States and aU the principal towns ot Kurope. Collections made & promptly remittal Highest rket prices paid for County War Htate and County Honda. DIRECTORS i John Fitzireraid John It. ClarK. I). Hawksworth F. K. White. A. W McLjiUltflllll. WEEPING WATER f WEEPING WATER. - NEB. . L P.EEH, President. B. A. GIBSON, VIce-rresident. R. S. WILKINSON, Cashier. A General Banking Bosuess Transacted. Reclved, and Interest allowed on Time Certi ficates. Dmwn available tn any part of the L'ntud States and all the principal cities of Europe. AyenU for the celebrated HamUnrec Line of Steamers. Sank Cass County Cotcer Mala and Sixth Streets. PIiATTSMOTTTH .C. H. PAKMF.LE, rTesldent, 1 J M. PATTEKSU.V. Cashier, f Transacts a General Banting Business. HIGHEST CASH PRICE Paid tor County awl City War fanU. COLLECTIOSM UAUK and promptly remitted for. DIRCOCTORa : K B Windham, J. M. Patterson, C. H. Parnielw F. E. Guthmann. v J. Agne w, A. B. S,oitn. Fred G order. Louisville iBank. Louisville Nebraska A general Banking business trans acted, Money to Loan, Int, allowed or time deposits. Collections made ana promptly remitted. J. J, Masker, H. E. Mankeh. Pres. Cub C A. Masker. Ass't Cash. A well known preacher makes a re comendation of AyVrs Pills a matter of religious dutyr" When people are bill Sous and dyspeptic, what they need la the Gospel of Health.. In such eaass f 1 . ' ' " " " '