c Opera House J. S. HARTMAN, Proprietor. Fomp Sew fabler Also :i mm;.!. -to liiu: of the !'t .jtiality of CICrAUS, and T)i:A(;CO, noxt J.m.i- t.. P. .). Jmm-:i Nuuso JMock. . 1 1 -j .., W , V . EASTWARD! Daily l-'xpr.-ss Triiins for Onii;li:i. Chi mi. K.lllMils ( IIV, l. I.ouis. aim hii 'nni r Through Cars via JVoriii t ln.l.;iii;iili. i .It: -Kant I'lilliuau I'ahu-c Car- and li:y -i:t.lis .n all through trains, ;iud l:niii car-tast of .V..s Bourl river. Lafe CTHeir CENTBAX. EAT Ks tSac plaee9 wl-wa at all times yon can Unal tSse .. jtx-SlBeef 9 l?ork Muttosft ami .BFyi'sS 3?lsli JLllltimls of game in season. COMPLETE Livery, and Sale Stable. RIGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DftY OR NIGHT. kvkiiytiiixj: is riWST-CLASS tiik kf.st teams in THE CITY SINGLE AXI J0ri3Li: CAU1UAGES. Travi-leis wiii fiml c-jU'le out tils by cnllirj"; at 1J10 Corner Vine and Fourth Streets, Jonathan ILait Beef- Pork- Mutton Morrfiiitorti to A. HA 'IT. ITA.IDQ.TTA.Iil'TSS FOB CHOICE Snar-Cured Hams, Cacon, Salt Meats ul' all kinds, Lard Bologna, and all other articles kept in a first-class meat market. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The Highest Market Price Paid tor Hides Wool, Pelts, Grease, Etc. .Fresh Lake:. Trout and White; Fish Every Thursday Billiard Hal y S WESTWARD Puiiy Kxprt'ps traiim fur Denver comipi-tlnp in I ' ii ion tit'iiiit for all poiM.s in Colorado, Utah, Califuri.i.i and the entire Wei-t. The advent of lliii line ".-ives the traveler a New Route to the West . wiili scenery and advantages uuequaled eNev ' ere. In n3 MAR 9 PLATTS310UTII, XEB. J . W. ARTI1S. and Veal PLATTSMTH HERALD IMJHI.1SHKD nv rtc Piattsiaontli Heral PnlilisbinxL Co. The J. C I'ettrsoji , I.ro.'s new brick llo k on Main st:rt is a very handsome building and a credit to any city. Uemornber hard coal is always cheap er during June and July. Get jour winter supply at the Whitebrcast yards in this city. lO-Mtf Try the Huiuua plui? die win"; to bacco, it is by far the tinest pluy; chew ing made, Matt Schickel sells it. ltf Call for Blaine and Logan cii;ar wherever you deal, as they are the best nickle cigar iu the market. If your dealear does not keep them induce liim to get some. Usdtf The Young Men's Republican Club meeting will be held at their rooms to morrow evening, and an intci eating meeting it will be. Call and ee Us. I wish to notify the public that I am now open for buineis.. at Joe McV'ty s old btaud, where I have in stock a full line of Kentucky whiskies, St. Louis beer, wines and cigars iVc, as good as thebrst. .mlt! II. M Hons. Hurrah for Dlaiue and jogau cigars at Schlegels. y)Sdtf Johnson A; Co., of Council IJluffs have opened out a first class laundry on lower Main street, where they are prepared to do all kinds ef One work in that line. A trial of their work is requested. . lOltf Rev. J. T. liaird preached an inter esliug sermon yesterday morning, from the text found in Acts 11 20: "And tlie disciples were first called Christ ians at Antioch.' Parlor aiA bedroom sets iu all styles at lowest prices at liujeck's. o!Hf To the Far intra of Cuss Count!: Be it known unto you that David Miller has opened a first class harness shop one door east or E. ;. Dovey & Sous store, where you will always find him ready to do your work in the best workmai.like manner. Don't forget to call when iu need of anything. w4t David Millkk. Until further notice I can bring iin migrants from England or Ireland to Piattsmouth for $3." 00. This is a rare chance, and those intending to send for their relations should embrace this fa vorable opportunity. lOStf M. O'Doxoiiok One hundred and fifty tons of the best hard coal ever brought to this citv, is now in stock at the Wbitebrcast yards. C. D. Cummins, 102dtf Manager. li you want to get you a broom that will give the best satisfaction for the atne money ask your dealer for Dor ck's brooms d28-lmo ClotI.es. Hair, Nail aud Tooth Brush es, Comlw, &c, nice line, at Fishers, east Main street. 49dtf Card of Thanks- For the kiudncss and sympathy ex tended to us, by the citizens of Piatts mouth during our deep affliction at the loss of our Eibhy, we are thankful and it will ever be treasured in our hearts. Henry ani Louisa Coorr.ii. National Democratic Convention Delegates and others wishing to at tend the above cau get tickets from all Nebraska points at a half rate from July 3rd to Sth inclusive, good to re turn until July 2oth. Omaha Driving Park Races Round trip tickets will be sold from all stations e-ist of McCook at 1 U fare from 7th to 10th good till the lili. 104tf Fence Posts. 5000 dry feuce posts for sale, Inquire of W. S. Wise. I9tf. The destructive wind and rain storm which struck Council Blufi's recently and wrecked the buildings of the Driv ing Park association, has made it nec essary that financial help be pledged before another meeting is determined upon. The directors ask of the citizens that 1,000 $5 tickets, or an equivalent of single entry tickets, be subscribed for or sold to insure payment of ex penses. For a handsome suit, substantially made, in the best of style, aud from any quality of goods you may select, call on K. Dressier, Merchant Tailor, n Sherwood Block. lSdlm CALL At THE Old Reliable LUMBERYARD 0. L WATERMAN k SON Wholesale and Ketail Dealer la PINE LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, AC. Fourta fetrMt, in rev of Opera House. vITTSlTOUTH. K5BBA3KA tucklu'M 4rn Ira Salve. The Best Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fe ver sores Tetter Chapped Hands Chilb lains Corns and ull Skin Eruptions and positivly cure Pius or no pnv required. It is gauaantecd to give perfect f-atis-laction, or money refunded. Price 26 cents per box. For Sale By J. M.Rob ert's. N'ov. 27 1H5Iy The Best Couh Medicine In the World. bAMl'LK KREK OF CTIARC.E. Call at Warrick's drug store, and get a sample bottle of Brown's Expec torant free of charge. It cures Coughs, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough and Con sumption in its early stages. It is a scientific preparation, admirably adapt ed lor the cure ol all Throat and Lung Diseaaes. It is pleasant to take amt entiiely harmless. Try if, it costs you nothing. Regular size bottles, oOcents. and SI. 00. For s;de by W.J. Warrick. Jan. 3 diwly Free ! "Free! Free ! NEW DISCOVERY FOR PILES. A new remedy for this dreaded dis-t-ase has been discovered by Dr. Dening A single application will convince the most skeptical of its most wonderful 1 healing powers. By calling on W. J. arnck druggist, you can obtain a sample box free of charge, which will satisfy you of its curative qualities. Jan -; pxwly Assorted tints of Oiamoiid Wall Fin ish may be found at Fisher's drug .store, revolving sign. 4K.t.tw tf In the Future When you have a cough aud want re lief, think ot Kemp's-Balsam for the Throat and Lungs; a guaranteed reme dy for those diseases. Price 50c and ? 1 ; trial size free. Respectfully, apr a 4m W. J. Wakkick. " Jame.s u. Hlaluc." The work entitled "Twenty Years of Congress," the most succinct and im partial history of Congressional Legis lation extant, will b-i is.-ued from the press in a few days. In the meantime II. L. E. Lincoln will call upon you and take your orders. odtitwtf Twenty-five cents in advance will ! entitle you to use of the Piattsmouth ! circulating library for one month. I 45ti.twlui W. J. Warrick, i j i f'teza percent discount on all cus torn made woik hereafter, at Sher wood's for cash. To establish my business in every department on a strictly cash basis this inducement is made in all custom made work. Umb r the reduction a shoe that costs 9 00 now, costs $7.65 for cash. A boot that costs $8 00 now costs f SO cash. A boot that costs SG.50 now costs S5.B0 cash at Sherwood's. 5Sdwfttf Nebraska j-tatk Gazetekr and Busixkss Directory to be issued in July. 1S4, price S4 0. J. M. Woi.ff., publisher 120 S. I4ih St., Omaha. ::tf Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets be yond the reach of medicine. They often say. Oh, it will wear away, but in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, that I sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would immediately see the excel lent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and $1; trial size free. Resp'y, fapr3 4m W. J. Warrick- COTTAGE HOUSE. ttili'St. Near JZain, PLATTSMOUTII, - NEBRASKA. Having taken charge of the Cm-' taok House, I shall try to furnish all j patrons with comfortable quarters ai:d ; ktep the tables supplied with the best in the market. Transient custom and board by the day or week solicited. may 17dtf. ED. FRAZIER CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three story brick structure, on ower Maid street, has just been finished and tted up for the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS, AND REGULAR BOARDERS.; SVERY THING NEW AND CLEAN AfinoJ "-., in connection with the UOOU J,r House. ''tf. FRED GOOS. Propr W. 11. MALICIC, P CARRIAGE aintii aDfl trimmin G SIGH & ORNAMENTAL Qli jsrapzjSTG; All orders left with me will receive prompt attention. COR. FIFTII AND VINE STREETS, PLATTSMOUTir. - NEBRASKA. M. O'CONNOR. At the down-town saloon.) PPOSITE THE PERKINS HOUSE. Keeps a complete Ine of Liquors, .ND CIGARS, BOTTLED BEEB, ALE AND PORTER, DRUG'S OMAHA BEER an tba beet braoda of Kentnek-r (8 ; whiskies, Owwtto ftorkta Hou - -j PLATTuronm 3 P3 ft If. 61 ft S' s iff: 5 v. ft 5" ' ODD M (3D GOD ft TO) 6a Ot 9 . H S3 S km Km ft : Ai iT S K 5a tea ft ft H 2 5 99 tea Q 5 & a 61 ft At pa 0 Xt v mm 52! 5 ft 0 Si 61 ft ft t3 t? ft C3 I.I r f) L jam ?7iSl f3 O CD W a L5Fa r v u ) i f