saagaaaf" r ttthwm ft FRANK H.'. WILSON, Fire, Tornado anil Cyclone Insurance, Oflice, Basement of Hank of Cass Couuty, PLATTSMOUTH, 1ujcii Insurance Company, of ru.iin4toii Kin; ami .Marine Coiniiion'iul Union ssuraiict; Western Assurance Cnijany, Capital, - ... Total Assets, mv i .1 i ..... . . . t r , louu nihnca jaui jmih'u oi iinix.ui IieliaMe Insurance Careful I ';iic guaranteed. : ok Toronto. Out. A. M. Smith, J. .). v, A. V.'. lotl,!tt. Managing iJir, Supt. Agencies. 1 MTi:i KTATKS TKl'STKFX .Wm. II. Onion, of William & Ouion, (Oulon M ;ntis.iii I. inc.) ew ork. Wm. A. ISooth, President Third National P.ank, New Ymk. Arthur B. Craves, President St. Nicholas Bank, Mew York, Oeo.W. Hayes. Central Agent. MihvrivUec.WiH :XITKI STALKS It RANCH ASS I ITS. I nltc l Slate Hi per cent register- fl li:i'i - k'niled state I percent -i-trii Roiids. New ork Central & Uudoii River Railroad RouH Georgia Stale ltond t'u-h deposited in Slate ot MUmh- sippt Cash in l.ank Premiums in tnr-i- oi collection.. 'i.U'li.lio i:!H,-j )i jit) ii;.iNi.oa 7,vlH.0O l.VKW.OO l"MI.SlU.4i l0-.JWi.lli li a t;i i.i n i:.s. $ tut, si 7.62 tte-IiiHiiranee reserve. ..Sjr,i;.Ki;i; l.upaid li-sen Other liabilities SS I Ili.SCt jo.iu.a.. . rtw.453 s! Surplus iu United Static S aii,0UJ.7;J rreiiiium ilwipU in Uuiicd States. ls7 to 1SS.I, inclusive 5;"i,.w5.:ft:!.3! Total Kiro losse. paid in United Sttes.lS71 to id a. inclusive :t.oij,jj..oy TrLSizicLixce Co Or 1lVERPOOL. Smi-a'inu:il statement. I the Uiiitr.! States j branch on luc ::l-t uuv ot Of member. !('. JOSEPH 51. ROOK US, Manager Wei-teni Pe partiiieiit, Chicago, IU. Assets iti the United State. Canh Items Real Estate, I'niiieiiiiiuereU. United States ISouds Of hT Securities Othet Items . lS.SS IW V,,!1M I S l.iilli.HVI 1 : lli'.l l.i'.l 'j 24,041 65 1.752.2U7 Ml Liabilities' in the United States. Losses Unadjusted and in Suspense .-?138,!)34 20 All other Claims against the Ctuuj.any 4.7t 75 1 13.01U u; Amount necessary to re insure all outstanding risks 77i',072 VI Net surplus in United bates t '.i-n .!,7.!2,207 89 31 ..SW3.124 52 . .H,9j0,y:' Oil Net Rnrplu. in United States Pee. 18S2 Losses paid 6ince Organization HE ELKH01 SA HEAD QUARTERSirFOR ALE, WINES BEER AND CIGARS,- Old Kentucky Whiskies, 1 M PORTED AVIN ES, M LOT EXTRA .DRY CHAMPAGNE, NATIVE WINES, Omaha Always mi ALWAYS. IN STOCK, AT THE EIiKHORN Fitzgerald Bloek Commission Merchant, HBADCiTTAETEBS FOE A N migSaest Csasfe An unexcellod lino of FLGCR always in stock, corner Hain Streets, opposite First National Bank. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, Li iijool . Insurance; Co., of lloton. ('oin jany, of London. of Toronto, Out. $ 4.roo ooo 2.10 Ooo .. iuu, rv. i itin :tnl proiniit attention isaac kwi:ktskk, a. w. damon. I'rei-idciit. Secretary. FRANK K. SWKE'ISLR. Yice-rrb-idei.r. Washington Fire and Marine Insurance Company or BOSTON. STATEMENT, JAN. 1, 184. - ASSETTSZ I'.aiiK Stocks $ 4)1,1:I.k7 city of isosiun lionds I&i.whmmi Culted .suites " 170,KS7..1U i.'ailroad Stocksand Bonds, 4IO,6':t,00 Koslon O is-Light Co.Stock, .1,500,00 Loan's on Mortgage 84,ou,00 Co I ia l e i a 1 1 ii.400,1 Ki Maiinc rreiiiiimi .Not its ;..'jo,7'J l ivmitiiiis in course, of Col'l 'n !m,71l',1.': ; Casli on j, ami t iy,l:ni,(i.r, , Oi lici a. jsc l si accrued In I. Ac) t ,7 1 1,00 t;i:iss Ass iris, i:l..ris.".,.V.t).'!4 LIABILITIES. Losses rvoriMl& euiMtsilf l l:i. t !2.mi l.'i oi ftr I'einsui'iiiicc, -ik),;;) :'.u All uiiift Liabilities 57l.:i4j tino.-.s Liaiulitiks, except Capital ?:t:".2s-j 02 Surplus as regards rolicy-liolders, $l.ini,2ii7.72 i'aid-up :--pilal l,(sx).n;li.(Ki X t Sui"ihis, .00.217,72 V," iiST EU X DEl'A KT.M EXT. 174. La SALLE STREET, CHICAGO I'KEO. S. JAMES. General Agent. COMMERCIAL UNION. iVSStT2lA.2srCE CO., ONDON. UX1TED STATES BRANCH: r. and 39 Wall Street. - XEW YORK CITY ALKKP.O Pki.l. Resident Manager. Chas. skwali., Aseistant Manager. WESTEUX DEI'AHTMKNT: 157 and if.!) LaSalle St.. - - CUICAUO. ILL. C. 1'. JIullins. Resident Secretary. U2JITEI STATES BRANCH STATEMENT JAX. 1st, lI. Reserve for total liabilities, incliul- iiiLr iv-iueunitice in United htates Sl.3;7.13l 24 Net surplus January 1st. lss4 SW0..-01 80 Assets held Iu the United States... S2,327.CM 04 Income. 1; 51.Cil.934 55 lixpvlldllUlCS. Ie3 1.601.12O tiS Surplus Income In U. S.. 1S83 184,14 47 Total losses uaid bv this Company hiuee organization 537.7I5,i-'4 00 All losses In the Western Department paid promptly through the Bruneli Office, 157 ci 159 LaSalle St.. Chicago. ST- LOUJS BEER? M3 diaug;lit. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. D price paid for Gth an NEBRASKA. 0 Telegraphic XT CIIICAliO. Tlie Democratic Hosts Pre pare for Battle. Chicago, July 5. Delegates to the democratic national convention con tiune to arrive in fitraggiinjj dctacli meuts, which, in few cues iiuiiilicr more than five or six. They have thus far arrived principally as individuals. One hall' of the Loiisiaua delegation. however,. arrived this inornins?, and the entire Iowa delegation, numbering 20, came later in the day. Quite a uumher of" the leaders reached the city late lust night and their presence caused an ac tivity and animation at hotels which delegates alone could not impart. Chicago, July 5. General butler ar rived iu Chicago from Boston on the C:30 train over the Michigan Central road. He was accompanied hy ids aecretary anil several personal Iriends Upon the arrival of the train at the depot the distinguished visiter was waited upon ly a committee represent ing the laiior organizations of the city, headed hy Mr. Muldoon. and after a fdioit season of hand slinking the gen eral was escorted to a carriajro and diiven to the Palmer hu.-e. There hi wan met by a crowd of about a hundred citizens, who greeted him with three cheers. IJy an adroit Ilauk movriiicut throuh the fide door he avoided the necessity of delivering a speech, which was called for, and retired to his room. On the route through Michigan Gen eral Butler was warmly received at various towns aloDg the Michigan road. At Michigan City the mayor boarded the train and introduced Butler to the people. The general then delivered u few remarks, in the course of which he said that the demonstration was evi dence that they approved his course. The local labor demonstration in the Butler interest did not take place until nearly 10 o'clock. The labor societies, representing the bricklayers, horse shoerp, seaman and the typographical and various other unions selected Mar ket street as a rendezvous and from there proceeded to the Palmer house oy a circuitous route, along which weie lare, waiting crowds The marcliing column numbered about 3,000, speaking strictly, and carried a varieij of trans pariencics, all of which bore the face or Bu'ler supplemented with such senti ments as"Labor Needs a Statesman;'' "If I am Not For You, I am Against You;" "Butler to the Factory Czars of Lowell "The Workiugmeu Wel come Butler." Toward the rear of the column was borne aloft a mammoth spoon, on which was inscribed "Butler Will Feed You All." The extreme rear of the line was made up of a broom brigade, displaying the device, "Butler Will Sweep the Country." As the column approached the vicinity of the Palmer house the scene became an extraordinary one. The electric lighted streets for many blocks in every uirec tion were filled with a mass of people numbering fully 20,000, who awaited the appearance of the Massachusetts man. The great crowd may not have been drawn out solely to see and hear Butler, as the location was the locus of all the interest which centers about the approach of the national convention, but the demonstration and the knowl edge that Butler was to speak caught and retained the attention of the vat auditory. General Butler , was roundly entered on his appearing but his re marks were distinct to only those near him. THE NEW YORK DELEGATION. Chicago. July 5. Forty-ote of the members of the New York delegation held a conference tonight at the Pal mer houe. It Was intended to have a caucus, but as the delegates could not all be gathered today, some not having arrived, that plan was abandoned. Among those present were delegates for Cleveland and a number of friends of Flower. A Flower delegate was nominated bv Mate Chairman Man ning to be temporary chairman of the delegation, and he was elected without di,seut. There was do division of any kind, to that no test of the relative strength of the Cleveland and Flower men could be ascertained. It is aUo stated that neither tide appeared at all anxious to bring up any test question at the present time and it may be safely said that the whole delegation, wbea it meets, will be nearly evenly divided The conference adjourned till Monday at 11 o'clock, and many of the delegates present seemed to think that a further adjournment would be taken on that d$y until evening. FENX3TLVASIANS. Fifteen ;f tiui P.eansylvania de'ega- j tion arrived this cveziug sad started taeKatdxall boon, with headquarters at the Grand Pacific hotel. Among the prominent delegates were Wm. F. ! Ilamty, B. F. Myci W. II. Snowdin. and John Campbell. William A. Wu -lace is expected tonight and Samuel J. Randall on Mooday. Th'j Philadcl phia delegation is expected tomorrow morning'. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E W. COOK. M. D- Physician and Slkoeon, OFFICE At Fisiiek's Ditt o Stoke. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice. In all Courts ot the State. Office iu Kuxerld lilock. ri.ATTSMOt'Til, XK.ltKASKA. A1.I.KN Ll-KSO.V. A, N. St' 1.1.1 VdK IIUftXKV & SLLMVAX, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will give, prompt rfttentlou to all business jntrusted to them. t)l rice iu I'niou lilock, East side. PLATTSMOUTH M KBH 8K A. FRANK H. WILSON, r.asement of Lank ot Cass County. Cok.nkk Sixth ami Main Sthf.kts. 1TOTA.FIT PTJBLIO 'articular attention uived to the preparation of papers torCaveats, I'aiciitH and ltej;istrutiou of iraue iMarlvs anil Labels. Win. IKLLF.H. Justice cf the peace. Elmwood NeL Collections a specialty and gives prompt attention. P. O. address h.lm- wood Neb. UU. NALLSUl'ltV. BE1TTIST. Jfllce over smith. Black & Co's. Dru-i Store. Kirst class dentistry at reasonable prices, 23ly M. O'DONOKQE ATTORNEY AT LAW & NOTARY PUBLIC. Fitzgerald's lilock. 1M.ATT.SJ10LTII, - NKl'.ltASKA Atfent tor Steamship Mat s to aud from Europe, diiiwwly i.t. w. it. Practicing Physician. Office. Corner Main and 7th Streets., PLATTSMOUTH, ------ KEHRASK It. It. LIVISUhTO.V, 31. i-, PIIVSICIAJf & 8UKOKON. OFFI E HOURS, from 10 a. m., to 2 p. m. Exaiuin.m Surgeon lor U. S. l'easion. JK. M. 311LLKKV PHYSICIAN AND SU11CEOX, Can be found by calling at his office, corner 7th aud Alain Streets, in J. H. Waterman's, house. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. JAM. tt. 3IATI1KWH ATTOK-f EV AT LAW. Office over Raker & Atwood's store, south side of Main between 5th and 6th streets. 2itf MTKOUK A CE.A1CK.. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in all the Courts hi the State. Dixtrict Attorrieu and Xotaru Public. .viiiii . v. i::. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In surance and Collection Agency, office t'nioi. block 1'lattsmouth Nebraska. 22in3 u. fi. u iii;i-:LLK co. ' LAW OFFICE, Real F-atate, Fire and Life In surance Agents, riaitsmouth, Nebraska, col lectors, tax -payers. Have a crmplete abstract of titles. Buy id sell real --,k, iieg niaie loans. &c. 16 I K. 3JOKIUHOX, Notary Public. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice in Casj and adjoining Counties ; gives fpecia: attention to collections and abstracts of title. Office in Sherwood lilock, riattsmoutb, Nebraska. 17yl ROBERT II. WIXIMIAIH, Notary Public ATTOKSEY AT LAW. Office over Carruth's Jewelry Store. Plattsmouth. - Nebrajka. F1. A. KARTSGAK, X? A W Y "E IC . Fitzgerald's Block. Plattsmouth NVp Prompt and careful attention to a genera: Law Practice. K. DRESSLEK, Herchant Tailor. PLATTSMOUTH. - - NEB. Dr. C. A. Marshall Successor to Clutter & Marshall.) TIST Preservation of natural teeth a specialty. Teeth extracted without pain by tiste of Laughing Gas. All work warranttd. Prices reasonable ITZORF A I.H HI.orK. - n.ATTHMUl 1 M.. J. PARLEMAN, Will BUY aul slL,:. all kinds of FUE1TITUEE METALS .RAGS A2TD FURS Will advance money on all SALABLE GOODS, on lower Main street. One dcor west of Beck's Furniture sore Plattsmouth. Feb. 1st, 18S546tf. 2 Ch-CQ e SS ft o S3 eh CD 2 e S 2 2 ri vat 5s 3 CP? pa en o 5 KB ft in? o E9 est Eft IS0 ft e pa S5 B3 3 2) u )) r 89 ':