PLATTSMOOTH HERALD OfVIGUt MPKHOK THE CITY. CITY ITBWS. Grand Fourth-of Juiy Poem Cook and Yeats, the barber mate. The bHt you'll And In seven tales ; If any doubt, they'll find It out liy catling m when they're about. With good fcliampoo and bergamot. They'll Mick you up without a doubt. If your hair 1m curly, they'll cut It straight. Or shave your face at auy rate. Wetfi warrant them to "have with ease. And all their custom try to please. Their tool they keep In extra ullage lu order to, lueun fatv crai. The Ladies too, they now Invite, Forihetu, you know, tli'W niunt not slight ; They'll cut your bang Just In tho style, fow )leae call, and give them a trial. In the Court lIoiiHPhhop you'll always find The d"ort wide open, from seven till nine ; And Ham and Hilly you'll find thf re, too. Always ready to accommodate 17. Ykats a Cook. CI re n' at log, Library liriiff ntor. Warrick.' C. A. tlarMltall, Ienlt, suc cessor to Clutter & Marshall. Tcetli extracted without pain, by use of Mtrous Oxide Cia. 4., Salisbury, Dentist. Never Wive Up. If you are suffering with low and depressed sprits, loss of appetite, gen eral debility, disordered blood, weak constitution, headache, or auy desease of a bilious nature, by all meua pro .cure a bottle of Dlcctric Uitters. You will bo surprised to see the rapid im provetnent that will follow; you will be inspired with new life; strength and activity will return; pain anp misery will ccaee, ahd henceforth you will re joice in the praise of Electric lliiters. Sold at fifty cents abotrle bvJ. M. Kob erts. Jan- 3 eCwly For lame back. Side or Chest use Shlloh's Porous Plaster. Trice 23 cents, SHILOU'S COUGH and Consump tion Cure is sold by ua on a guarrntee. It cures cous'imptiou. RIlILOirS VITALIZE 11 is what vou need for Consumption, Loss of ap- - - . . . 1 .11 a . petite, uizzmess anu an symptoms Dvspep9ia. Price 10 and 75 cents of spep9ia per bottle. CUOUPE Whooping Cough and Bronchitis immediately relived by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by Smith & Black Bros. Dec.20eowdwly These are Solid Facta. The best blood puritler and system regulator ever placed within the reach nfsufferine human it v, truly is Electric Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, Bil iousness, Jaundice. Constipation, w eaK Kidneva, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetiz er, tonic or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money re funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. M. Roberts Jand&wly. A Great Discovery. That is daily bringing joy to the homes of thousands by saving many of thr-ir dear ones from an early grave. Truly is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchhitis, Hav Fever, Loss of Voice, Tickling in the Throat, Pain in Side and Chest, or any disease of the Throat and Lungs, a positive cure. Guarante ed. Trial Bottles f-ee at J. M.Roberts. Drug Store. Large size 41.00. Jan. 3 eOwly A Startling Discovery. Physicians are often startled by re markabie discoveries. The fact that Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Con sumptioa and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that thev have given up to die, is startling them to realize their sense of duty, and examine into the merits of this wonder ful discovery ; resulting in hundreds of our best Physicians using it in their practice. Trial Bottles free' at J.M. Roberts Drug Store. Regular size SI. 00. IN CASH GIVEN AWAY To the SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smok ing Tobacco. The genuine has picture of BULL on every package. For particulars see our next announcement. The I o Man. Jos. Fairfield ha t stablishe 1 an of flee at Monarch billUrl hall, where he will contract with c mumew to supply ice for the teaaoa at the low eii terms. 8m 2 For additional local note and news consult the fourth page. The Count; Commiabioners have ad journed uatil August 5th, when they will meet iu regular session. Yesterday beemed to be the hottest day of the year, and every one hud ob servations to make regarding the weather. Never were cropa more promising in this Hcction and citizens of Vlatts mouth may rest assured that protniting times await this city. lion. Orlando Teffl, of Avoca, pur chased 12,000 acres of land in Chey enne county, this last week. Mr. Tefl"t is evidently figuring on a stock ranch. A 15. & Al. brakeman, named Eli Wnymeyer, was instantly killed at Ne braska City yesterday, being ciushed between two cars while making a coupling. He wav twenty five years of ..... . , age, sober ami inuuairious. aua leaves a young wife to mourn Ins 1 sa. The Hkkald would have been much pleased to have published Mr. Smith's oration, the responses to toasts, and the orations of Col. Vanatta, at Louisville, and Alex. Mcintosh, at Rock Bluffs; but with scarce tho space for one, leads ua to refrain from Dublishiuir anv. al- though all are wortLy. The writer has very recently travel ed over Prohibition Iowa and of her mauv brinht and prosperous cities of equal size with Platlsmouth, there are none but that feel lha depression of close times and none of the many show ed more business life and activity than Plattsmouth, and none equaled our city in a building Uom. Those who imag ine times are particularly dn'l at home should visit our Iowa neighbors and return home contented. Accident. About t) a. m., yesterday morning, John Raueu, a son ot Peter Rauen, broke his left arm just above the el bow, while practicing on the turning pole erected lor amusement at the cele bration grounds. He is doing very nicely, and will soon be all right again. DIED. Of iuflamatiou of the stomach, Jno. II. Baumcister, aged 14 years and 9 days, the sou of Fred. W. and Martha Baumeister. The death was very sua rl-n. comtner after a short illness. The funeral will take place tomorrow after noon, from the home, on the Platte river road, Rev. Mr. Burgess conduct- ing the services. Base Ball. One of the most interesting games of ball played for some time in this city, was played yesterday afternoon at the fair grounds, some two or three hundred spectators being present and witnessing the game. The riatta mouth club appeared for the first time in their new uniforms and to the best advantage, and the club is certainly a strong one. Frank Brown their catch er gave excellent satisfaction and play ed a number one game which in fact all of the Plattsmouth boys did with one or two exceptions and the Omaha club was badly defeated as is shown by the score appended below: PLAT1SMOITH. k. a o. 1' O. A. K. O 2 2 0 V O 0 1 5 B H CoolUlge.l b 3 J. Patterson, 2 b... 3 O'Kourke, 3b ... 3 Tom l'attersou. p.. 2 Klnser. s s 1 Miller, rf 4 Smith, cf 3 Browne, c 4 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 4 10 6 0 0 3 0 1 1 6 2 3 2 1 1 2 O 1 1 1 13 2 0 1 2 0 1 1 11 OMAHA TOKMKXTS. 0. B. O. P O. A. K. B H Listen, c 3 0 0 7 2 2 1 Welch, lb 4 0 1 9 18 1 Shield, ss 3 0 0 1 6 2 0 Grace. If 4 0 1 0 0 0 1 Malioney, 2 b... . 4 0 4 0 0 4 1 Qualey, p 3 0 1 2 4 0 1 Fitzgerald. 3 b 2 1 0 3 0 1 3 K08S. cf 1 l o 1 0 i 1 Uart.rl 3 0 2 o 0 0 1 Total 27 2 5 27 13 10 SCORE BY IXJfLNGS. 12345678 Omaha " 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Plattsmouth.. ..1 4040201 9 1 2 1-13 Umpire Reece. Time of game 1 hour and 43 minutes. A well known preacher makes a re comeudation of Ayers Pil s a matter of religious duty. When people are bill- ious and dyspeptic, what they need is the Gospel of Health. In such cases the best creed to swallow consults of the thirtv susrar coated in a pill box. Wl36 M O' Connor keeps on hand the cel ebrated Anhecser Uurch St Louis Bot tled Beer and always ready to pay pac- ticular attention to his customers. I55tf Wm E. "Whittemore, M. D., homoe- pathic phvsician and surgeon. Office in Fitzserald block. Residence south west corner Pearl and 10th 6treets. Of fice h.-urs 10 to 12 a. m., 3 to 5 and 7to 8 p. m. 8tf Diamond Wall Finish, bestfand cheap est, ready for use by adding hot water, at Fisher s drug tore. 4tijtw Diamond Wall Finish, at Fisher'B drug store. 49dwtf Allthe& houses in Plattsmouth will sell vou Bremner's choice crackers at reduced price by tho box or barrell, and don't you forcet it. Get these and yon get the best. JJtf INDEPENDENCE DAY. A Grand Celebration in P!altmoulh. Detaila of the Day'n Doing. Yesterday was an old time regula tion 4th of July, hot, duty and noisy, and the sound of the Are cracker, the cannon cracker tud the snap of the toy pistol was heard Horn erly morn ing until far into the night; the skies at night being tilled with the glare of the bky rocket and candle. The entire day passed without accident or mishap to any save the one mentioned elaewuere The Boda fountains, lemonade and ice cream stands kept the temperate man in a reasonable state of coolness, aud if auy individual attacked with too much cordiality the cup that intoxi cates, u good aud pullicicnt police force stood ready to stow the party away in the coolest comer of the cooler, wheie rest and recreation came free of charge. Tnii rnocK&sioN formed at Sixth and Main street at about 10 a. in., under the the direct sur- veilanceof Capl. Marshall, J. W. John- sou and R. W. livers, the marshals of the day. The Ancient order of Hibernians, the Fire company, the Liederkrauz society. the Bohemian society, Mc Conihie Post, G. A. R., the A. O. U. W. Bociety, the Workingmen's Association, all headed by the Behemian baud, and with the G. A. R. band in the ranks, formed the procession which marched to the park followed by citizens gener ally both on foot and in carriages. AT THE GUOI7NUS. A speakers stand, dancing floor aud band stand had been erected, which were surrounded by scattering seats which were altogether insufficieut in number to accommodate even a small part of the gathered throngs who were assembled ou the grounds; however, as many as could grouped themselves around the speakers' headquarters, and pirtook of the eloquence In genuine allopathic doses. Major Wheeler, who presided during the exercises, opened them by calling on i he band for music, after which Dr R. R. Livingston read the Declaration in a clear, decisive way, so that all in reach of his voice heard and under stood. THE ORATION delivered by Mayor Smith, next fol lowed, aud was eloquent and patriotic, one ot .air. fcmith s best cttorts. .Mr. Smith spoke of the grandeur of this country of ours, the liberties, rights and privilige?, granted a people under our form of government. He com pared the country now with the strug gling colonies of a hundred years ngo, and showed the development of Ameri can iuslitutionis aud American homes in our land a land that opened its doors to the poor and oppressed of the old world, where all come and make of themselves citizens with us. The ppeaker was frequently interrupted with applause, and held the attention of all throughout. TOASTS AND RESPOSES. then followed in the following order and each speaker did entire jnstice to his topic District Attorney Strode in response to "Independence Day made a very happy speech in favor of ever keeping in the memory of old and young the glorious achievements of our forefathers and the results of the day upon which the American people cele brate. A. W. Crites followed next re sponding to the sentiment "the devel opment of the intellect the satc-guard of Americau liberty," citing the history of centuries iu the past to illustrate his topic aud enlarging upon the upbuild ing of men's motives and thoughts through liberal education. 'The Schools'' was next lesponded to by Hon. S. M. Chapman, who payed a glow ing tribute to the educational institu tions of th-3 century where all have the opportunities for learning, reading and thinking for themselves. The public schools as the buliwark cf all our Amer ican institutions was enlarged upon an(j eulogized by the speaker. A. N. Sullivan next responded to the toast -The Flag of Erin," in a very elo quent and felicitous manner as the judge is ever capable of doing, and his remarks were highly commended and applauded. "Government was next responded to by Hon. R. B. Windham who in a thoughtful and carefully pre pared response, dwelt upon his topic, speaking ?o that all heard him and al were fullv interested in his remarks. Joseph A. Connor next responded to "The AiicieLt Order of Hibernians" in a poetic ,5nd flowery recitation of th early Iri- '-vrongs, tracing them down to the pe- eiii and reciting the objects and aid- of the order of Hibernians, its growth and prospects; his remarks were Leaned to with much attention. The Prpss" w as next responded to by Frank II. "Wilson, who made one of the hapJ,-: speeches of the day, speak ing entireiy impromptu, making num erous Mt' that were thoroughly appre ciated. Mr. Sherman also renq onded very briefly to the sa:i e tot ic and music closed the xercises. 1 A FICXIC DIMOSS followed aad a grand dinner at t&bk furnished by the lidiea of the Catholic church, who had also all the refresh ment stands in charge. The proceed of which go to aid in establishing their St. John the Baptist parish school and the proceed we learn resulting from the efforts of the ladies, aggregate nearly $400. During the afternoon a general picnic was enjoyed by all. lu the evening the A. O. H. BALL in Fitzgerald's hall was very largely attended and the change in the weather made the evening most pleasant for lancing. The A. O. II. had very satis factory arrangements and their ball was an entire success. AT BKLLEVlTK. The B. A M. headquarters men at Omaha did the pleasant thiiig lor the office bovs in Omaha and for the office men in the store department and mas ter mechanic's offices in this city by arranging a gala picnic at Bellevue, fur nishing their guests tree ice cream and lemonade for the day, besides a danc ng platlorm and a string baud for their entertainment. About eighteen or twenty availed themselves of the in vitaiions and attended from this city and report a most pleasant time. AT OLKNWOOD, IOWA. The IJ. & M. band were aiding in cel ebrating the day and at night a delega tion of old soldiers from the post here, went over to enjoy a camp fire with old companions In arms, so tnc aay 10 this city and environs was certainly a gala one. PtiRSOAALS. II. A. Sturgis. of Omaha, was iu the city vefiterday, a guest of Frank E. White's. Mrs. A. W. McLaughlin parsed the summer holiday in Lincoln with rela tives and friends residing there. Col. Vanatta, the orator of the day at Louisville, returned home this morn ing, aud reports a very enjoyable cele bration at that place yesterday. Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Connor leaye to morrow tor the eat, .air9. connor 10 visit at her old home in Wisconsin, and Joseph A. to accept a seat at the feet of John Kelly, in the Chicago convention. B. Windham, of Gleuwood, came over this morning to Plattsmouth and will be in the city Gvcr Sunday. Miss Ethel Marslaud returned home to Lincoln this morning, a number of her young friends seeing her off at the depot. B. F. isix, county clerk of Union county Iowa, accompanied by hi3 wife, and family, came over troui Aftou to celebrate the glorious 4th with J. C. Eikenbary'B people, who are relatives. Father Jeanette, of .Omaha, was in the city yesterday, a spectator aud at tendant at tue festivities of the day in irlatUmouth. Mr. J N. Wise, Mrs. Wise, Mrs. Buell and families were in Omaha yesterday celebrating the natal day in that city. R. O'Neill, of Lincoln, came down to participate in the luxuries of July 4th, in this city of his first love, re turning home this a. m. Mayor Smith is in Omaha today, re cuperating after the labors in the forum yesterday. County Clerk Jennings is iu Weep ing Water on a business trip to that city. Geo. Chambers, a former Plattsmouth boy, and for several years an employe in this office, came down from Schuyler to pass the 4th here. Patsy Burke, aa old time Platts mouth boy, who is winning his way out in the State, was in the city yester day to celebrate. lion. Wm. Neville and Charley Mc Entee were Lome from railroad, work to celebrate the 4th. Mr. II. Draper, of Odin, Illinois, brother of Z. C. Draper, of this city, and an old newspaper man, being re cently the editor of the Odin Journal, is in the city for a brief visit with rel atives, Mr. and Mrs. Capt, D. Myers were in Omaha, yesterday, visiting friends. Dr. R. R. Livingston, and son Guy. start tomorrow morning for the far west aud a three week's trip among the mountains for rest and recreation. ""Dr. John Black starts tomorrow for Chicago, where he will be an attendant at the sessions of the National Demo cratic convention. Dr. Black is one ot the old, substantial democrats in Cass. and he will no doubt enjoy the fea-t there spread. Will Fitzgerald is home from the Cnla'noosa, and does not bring very flowing accounts of that country There are several timber claims on the Calamus for sale. Lost. A. memorandum -book Jub 4th on Chicago avenue, containing six d liars i money. Finder please leave iiuuioooe. Marriage Balls. The many friends of Mls l.l8y Richey, who has passed a good hhare of her time in this city, will read with much surprise the following from the Galveston (Texas). Newn, received last evening. The Press, with her many -other friends, will wUh her much hap piness in her new life: Mr. Wm. Ginuuth, the popular hotel mau, who welcomes his friends to the Park hotel at Lampasas, yielded him self yesterday to the darts ofcuplJ, and became a willing wearer of the matri monial bonds. Mr. Giunuth's captivity was effected by a bright and charming youug lady, Mies Daisy B., daughter of Dr. W, B. Richey, of Chicago. The ceremony took place at the Presbyter Ian church, Rev. William X. Scott offic iatiug. The worthy groom, is to be congratulated that he has been taken in charge by a captor so winsome, so bright and so loveable, and the young bride is to be congratulated in having thrown the lusso of love around so ex cellent a man for a husbaml. , Both are to be congratulated, and a widely ex tended circle of friends will not be slow in bidding them God speed upon their life journey. Tho bridal couple have apartments at the Beach hotel. Xeb. City Press. READ THIS It May Save the Life of Some One of Your family During the hot months of summer, every family should be provided with a sale and reliable remedy for bowel Complaints. The cxcelence of Maksu,s Tonic Astringent Is unquestioned. It is not gotten up iaiply to obtain your money. It speedily cures Diarrhoea, Dysentry. Cholera Infantum, Cholera Morbus, Summer Complaint, Chronic Diarhcea and Dysentery, and all relaxed and deraged condition of the Stomach and Bowels. It is a delightful remody for children, being jdeaeant to the taste and safe in its ac tion. No family can afford to be with out it. Marsh's Tonic Astringent is for sale by Smith & Black Bros., druggists, Pltatmouth, Neb. Price 50 cents. For Rheumasism, Neuralgia, Bruises, etc, use Marsh's Cream Liniment. For sale by Smith & Black Bros. The Marsh's Aoce Curb only r0 cents liquid or pills. For sale by Smith & Block Br03. wl 16 CORN COB pipes in every style Schlegel'f. Irti Train Time. Under the change in time passenger trains leave the depot here as follows: No. 1 west, 8:15 aj m. . No, S west, G :50 p. m. K. C. St. J. & C. B. north 3:15 4 i H U U U g .3- C. B. & Q. , north. 7:45 a. m. a. m. p. m. Omaha stub north 8:55 a. m. " 5:40 p.m. Trains arrive as follows No. 2 , Denver express 0:25 p. m, No. 4, " 9.25 a. m. K. C. St. J. & C. B. east 9:45 a. m. 4 " " " 8:35 p. m. C. B. & Q. Omaha east 5 :30 p. m. TOU MOW That water will not run un hill that a kiss is sweeter than it looks and looks better after dark, YOU OUGHT to KNOW that good best, and money can be saved, and a square deal had at WescotVs, the JBoss Clothier, as he does not deal in the inferior lines adapted to the fixed purposes ot bankrupt and assig nee sales. We avoid all gag schemes, sell to all alike and treat our custo mers with the utmost fairness. A complete stock of seasonable clothing and furnishing goods on hand, and we are prepared to con- viacs all ia doubt-that pur statement- are correct, that our sooda are the best, and that it 13 to your interest to trade with WiiSCOTT Late styles in Straw aad Fur flats Novelties in tfeckwoar, full line 0t irunks, alices, &c, &c. Everybody welcome. Rockwood Block- THE BOSS CLOTHIER SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertlni0iu under till bead. Hire ceut per Uu each luiterlioii. t ONKY TO LOAN-On real estate by A. N. olllvau. FOK ALE A one horae bujftjr and Iiarurta almost new, eiMjuir ot SAUlf. MUS. A. BCULKUKL. 1?Oll SALK My residence aud four lot ; good lioune, barn ami fruit, and In eicrl lnt condition ; aWo two Improved farina, aliuj 2-lory brick bulnei liuuxo toxw feet.ouMalu utreet, aud oilier Uvt Irabte land and lota. U. II. WilKKLKR. tXMHALE Ilomea, lots aud wood laud by Jotiu lions Si sou. 130KHALK rteveral residences, ' quire ot U. II. Wheeler Si Co. FOIC SALK Scratch Tablets la this olllce. cheap. Iu all tUen. at ultf Part leu 7lf i'OKHALKalot In good location, lara at tins ottlue iOKA'ALK An order for a new American PewluK Maohine. Inquire at this ofllce. POU SALK 1,000 cords of wood, t W.W. Wise. Inquire of tf IOltSALK i Id napera for Hale at tlila ofllc al 40 cents er hundred or o ceuta tier do. en. tf L'OK SALE Four lota together In Reod loca-a- tlon lu thl city, luquire al tlila olllce tf UOOM TO KENT. A furiilHlieJ room for ouo or two Kentleineu, lu jjooil locatlou. In quire at tlila ollice. 71(1 f0 KENT Two rorm, furnished or unfur A nlnhed, hi the Ma:Muiliy lioime, Iuquhe on the premises. FOR KENT or sale on lonr time, a Iioum aua two lots w ith good Improvements. A li ly to it. It. Wiudhaiii. FOR KENT (iood, new houses of four rooms. icod wat-r. itood irunliMi aimia n K"ol water. kooU icardeu hooIh. 4 inouiu lublialervllle. W. II. bUAKKic r . . " ... . i . - L'OK REN'T 1 he north store room lu N tile's bleek, aud H rooms up ntalra. ev- iood location for restaurant or boarding house, rents tuoaji, apjiij lo v in. Seville. lHJII fpo RENT A house. Inquire of Chaplain Wright. LOST A Knight Templar charm In shape of a Maltese cross. Kluder whl bo suitably re warded by leaving at thlj olUco. ictf r TKI-a k- od seci ndcook at the l'erk- Ins House immediately. 7&tf V ANTED Two day hoarders. Apply ut 1 Mrs. Uudtafson'a, 3d street, two doors past sexton's GOdlw All numbers of the watch club just completed. Please note that the first drawi ig takes place .Saturday night at 8 o'clock, prompt, and every Saturday night following for 10 months. An other club ia forming. Any informa tion wanted can be had at Frank (Jar ruth's Jewelry store. 107t2 In no other blood medicine have re sults of scientific inqury been so stead ily utilized as in Ayers SarsaparlUa. wltdGt ic. or y Meets every Tuesday evening at then Castle Hall, in Rockwood Block. V itiug Knights are invited to attend. II. M. Boxs, C. C. W. L. Dykes. K. of It. and S. WHITEBREAST COAL. & MINING CO. -e?DELIVERED PRICE LIST. All Coal is Screened at tlcc Yard. fxrfl :iha li Urn lbs Whitebrear.t lump nut Canon City coal Marnhall eoal Anthracite (all sizes) Cum berl and ( am 11 hi ng coal ). . . Slack coal. l.rc per 100 pounds l'Wi27 I 50!'i 80 2'4.'i4 Ml UilO i3 85 I 3:25 0 00 (i0 4 7f ft CO 7.00 11 00 I Orders left at the office or with J". X3. 1TOTJ2STC3- at me P. O. BOOK STORE Will be promptly DELIVERED. Your patronage Is respectfully solicited. CHAS. D. CUMMINS. Aseat- CLOTHING is the cheapest to buy, that