Pittite PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, TIIUKS DAY EVENING, JULY 3, 18S1. NO. 107. VOL. 2. ) ! Is t r i i I X f i . f i .. h f , n ?! r; u H 5 JOSEPH V. DEALElt IN Choice Family Groceries, Carpets, Rugs, Etc THE "DAYLIGHT" STORE, CENTRAL MAIN STREET, ILTTIMIIBIEilR,. HICHEY DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF-- Lumber,Sash,Doors, Blinds BTjiXjiDJinsra- sfil are We have ot the largest and best selected stock of Choice Family Groceries in town, and we will sell them just as cheap as we possibly can and not "bust. Our Stock of Qizeensrrcure and Glassware, is not lare, but the goods are First-class, and we will give you some low prices. We pride ourselves on our Teas xtic1 Slices, Which we take great pains in selecting and can guarantee to be ot the very best quality. Vll you folks who have been going away irom home to buy your groceries, come and give us a chance to give you figures. We Will Duplicate Omaha Prices. For same quality of goods and on the same terms. Come and see us. BENNETT HENRY BCEOK DEALER IN FURNITURE JSAKiS, CKAiRF, ,TC., TC.,KTC.P Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES o. i. et.teaay made and sold cheap tor ea.sb. i tVS HEARS S 1 UlV ttEAu SERVICE. With many thanks for oast patronage. I nvlte all to call and examine m f LARGE STOCK OF sitt. KiirtvrrKK aa opficss Improved Lands for Sale i.m " 1? " Beaver City. Neb. 5..0 JJJJ . g " Log in, Kansas. MOO The'se lands are well Improved, and can be bou" tit by paying Cish.aud balance on time, v Thev are cheap tne present owuers having boSifthem at forced iale. Call and ee. I have some Cheyenne County Lands for ale yet they are nping fast. For particulars call ou w. s. WISE, 79dw2w . Union Block. WECKBAGH. AT- PLATTSMOUTH. NK1I, TU IIVEZBTEljIR. BUOS, & LEWIS NEW Farmiiure Store DEALER JIN FURNITURE 8 COFFIUS and all kinds ot goods usually kept In a FIBST CLASS FUKSITURK STORE Also, a very complete stock of Funeral Goods MetaMW ooflenCofflns Casiets Bates EMBLEMS. &. Our New and elegant hearse is always In readiness. Remember the place, in UNION tLUCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun ty Bank. Whear we mav be found night or day. J. I. UNRUH, aim . i,vrrt-(TriT. neb PLATTSMOUTH MILLS TT8MOOTH NBB.J IIEISEL., - Proprlefor flour, Corn Mwlj&JFMd Terms Cash on mi PLATTSHOUTH HERALD. PUBLISHED DAILY AND VJEEKLY mv The Plattsmontli Herald Pnlilisliini Co. TERMS: DAILY, delivered by carrier to auy part of the city Per Week 15 Per Mon Ui Per Year 00 WEEKLY, by mail. One copy six months $1 00 due copy one year ii 00 Registered at tne Tost Office, PlaUsmoufl, as second class matter. National Eepublican Ticket. FOR I'RKSIDENT, JAMES (. BLAINE, of Maine. F IK VI CK-PK II D KXT. JOHN A. LOGAN, of Illinois. Republican Central Commute Meeting. Tho Republican Ceutral Committee is hereby called to meet at Weeping Water, Saturday, July 12th, at 1 o'clock p. m. All members of said committee are especially requested to be present. M. M. Butlek, Ch'n. Call Tor Republican Judicial Conveu tion. The republican electors of the second Judic ial District of Nebraaka are requested to semi delegates from the several couuiies to ti.eot in couvcutiou at f lattsiiioulh. Tuesday. August IS, 1884, at 10 o'clock a. in,, for the purpose of placing in noiniualiou a candldutefor District Attorney, seleetiiitf a central committee and such other business as may properly come be fore the convention. T.e several counties are entitled to representation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for J. M. lliatt. re cent of lheuuiversity, Biviuu one delegate at larte. and one for everv one hundred and tifty votes and major traction thereof : Cass county 13 Lancaster county -1 Otoe county H Total It is reconiintuUed that no proxies be ad mitted iO the convention unless held by Bper hous residing in the counties from which the proxies are given, riattsmouili, JSeb., July 1,184. D. II. Wheeler. J. X5. Strode, Chairman, Secretary. Republican District Convention. The Kepublican Kleetors of the First Con gressional District of Nebraska are invited to send delegates frum the several counties there in, to meet in convention at Beatrice on Wed nesday, August no, at 2 o'clock p. m for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate lor Congress, and for the transaction of such other business as may come before the conven tion. The several counties are entitled to repre sentation an follows, being based upon the vote cast for J. M. lliatt, Kegeut of the University, giving one delegate at large, and one for every one hundred and fifty votes and the major frac tion thereon : Counties Del. Dountie.s Del. Douglas 19 Pawnee 8 ;age li Uichardson 13 Johnson y Saroy 5 Lancaster 21 Saunders 12 .Nemaha U Otoe 11 Total 139 Cass ..13 It is recommended that no proxies be admit ted to tiie convention, except mcii as are held by persons residing in the counties from which proxies are given. C. A. Holmes, Chairman. John Stef.x. Secretary. Lincoln, June 20. 1884. The Herald greets its readers once more upon the eve of our national hol iday. To our force it means a day of rest and glorious recollections. The Herald will celebrate the morrow, remembering that this great, broad, rich, fertile, free, happy aud enlight ened nation contains more miles of rail road, of telegraph aud telephoue lint s more school houses, more school mas ters, more school children, more news papers, more grand opportunities for man, more Fourth of July orators, more politicians, and more fire crack ers, with less ignorance, less unhappi ness, less treasorj, less poverty, fewer poor house?, fewer houses of correction fewer prisons, and fewer tramps than any other nation upon the face of the globe. All of our good people should ob serve tomorrow, not, as the weather prognosticator who only looks into the future for the purpose of divining the shado vs and disasters that await man and product upon both land and sea; but as the philosopher, who visits the field -:d garden, who turns man's attention Vom things human, to things divine, gvhming lessons of wisdom, and m-Jioiits of happiness from Na ture's iuli-iite, inexhaustible storehouse of grand, glorious creations, thoughts and ins; ir:itionp. Liberty U a flower plinted by our Fathers upon this continent, which, through frosts aud cruel seasons, has blossomed forth, until its germ is im plauttd lo the hearts ot millions of de votees, willing and strong enough to uphold the grand emblem of our free institutions against all its enctnici. Liberty U that flower no beautifully aud gloriously described by Oliver Wendell Holme?, when he situ s, What flower is tins that gleets the iiini. It huei from heaven so freshly hour.' With buruiii s'.ar and flaming brand It kindles all the sunset laud ; O, tell us what Its name may be ! Is this the Flower of Liberty? Thy acred leaves, fair Freedom's Flower. Shall ever flout on dome and tower. To all their heavenly colors true. In blackening frost or crimson dew--And tJod love us as we love thee. Thrice holy Flower of Liberty. Then hail the banner of the free, 1 he starry Flower of Liberty. Hence the IIek.vld greets its readers and abjures them to cast aside the cares of business, the perplexities of every day life, and to devote the morrow to their country and her proud traditions. Call your boys and girls too about you and recount your country's glorious achievements; teach them to love and honor its Huff ; tell them why they cele brate this day, and why it should be kept ever fresh and green iu the memo ries of a free people; and rest assured you will have done something, devo -ted, though it may be, but a few brief moments, to perpetuating American institutions. The Cleveland Leader says: Tne Ciucinn-iti Enquirer, in a double lead ed editorial, advocates the nomination of Gov. Hoadley as the democratic can didate for president. . Gen. Durbiu Ward, being the lirst delegate-at large e.'ected by the State Convention, should head the delegation and be its chair man, and he is supposed to be irrecon cilably ODposed to Hoadly. It is oe- lieved that over half the Ohio delega tion to the coming national democratic convention will oppose Gov. Hoadly. The Enquirer, however, says that the Governor, "since he came to the demo cratic party, has been a consistent, earnest democrat." If we remember correctly, the Enquirer entertained a very different opinion of the same gen tleman about a year ago. It then said : "Geo Hoadly is a five year old dem ocrat, out of the Abolitionist, out of the Free-Soilers, out of the the Republi can?, sired by ambition, and d unned by all the Bill Allen Democracy; owned by George II. Pendleton, and backed by a bait, and handicapped by his rec ord. He ran in the great meeting of 1880 at Cincinnati for second place and iroke his back. lie is being groomed by the famous stableman, Alexander Sands, and will be ridden in the race by the celebrated jockey of Xev York, Samuel J. Tilien. Colors, old gold (and plenty of it.) "What an impetus the approaching Democratic Xational Convention has given to the movement for the adjourn ment of Congress! For months the democratic majority in tho House fought shy of business. The Republi can National Convention did not ac celerate their action. Even the pros pect of hot weather in .Washington aud the m tlarial influences of the Po tomac flats failed to stimulate their en ergy. But now that the Democratic Convention is at hand the democrats are willing to do anything necessary to warrant an adjournment. They ac cede to Senate propositions in confer ence committees which they had de termined to fight to the bitter end. They rush through bills without exam ination, want the Senate to do the same. They even certify the passage of bills which failed to pass, as in the case of the "backbone" land grant bill. There is a hurly-burly in Congress to get through and enable the democratic politicians to come to Chicago and watch their personal interests next week. But what a comment all this is on democratic alms and purposes! The party in control of the House has exhibited utter indifference to public affairs, aud has neglected urgent mat ters of legislation for seven months, but scrambles for a precipitate adjourn ment in order to take part in a party conclave. Is a party which has no higher appreciation of its duties and responsibilities to be intrusted with the full control of the Nation's affairs? Chicago Tribune. Money saved by buying hand made brooms, ask your dealer for them. d28-lmo I was talking to a Kentucklan yes terdav. who haid to me: "I believe Henry Watterson wants Blaine elected president, Indeed, all through tho South there is a happy feeling toward Blaine. lie is so easy to get acquainted with, 6o generous to see in necessity, so fond of his manly enemies, that if he should be elected there would bo wonderful movement and procession from the South around his inaugura tion. We do not forget that he came among us to teach school. Galh Vital Question ! !! ! Ask the most eminent physic'an Ot auy school, what is the best thinir iu the world for quieting uud allaying all irritation of the nerves, and curing all from. of nerves, complaints, giving natural, childlike refreshing bleep alwayK ? And thev will tell you unhesitatingly 'Home form of Hops! I !' CIIAI'TEK I. Ask any or all of the most eminent physicans: "What is the best and only remedy that can be relied on to cure all diseas of the kidneys and urinary organs; such as Bright's disease, diabetes. retention, or inability to retain urine, and the diseases and aliments peculiar to Women" 'And they will tell you explictly and emphatically " Jiudtti ! ! ! " Ask the same phyiciuns "What is the most reliable and surest cure tor liver diseases or dyspeusia; constipation, migestion, billiousncss, malaria fever, ague, &c.,"and they will tell you : Mandrake ! or Ianltlion .' ! ! Hence when these remedies are com binded with others equally valuable. And compounded into Hop Bittees, fcuch a wouderful and myterioiiH curative power is de velopcd, which is so varied iu its operations that no disease or 111 health can possibly exist or resist its power ud yet it is hnrrn less for tho most frail woman, weakest invalid or smallest child to use. (TIAI'TEU If. "Patients "Almost dead or nearly dying" For years, and gave up iny physi cians, of Brijjht's and other kiduev dJs iases liver complaint?, severe cough, called consumtpion, have been cured. Women gone nearly crazy ! ! ' From agony of neuralgia, nervou sness, wakefulness, and various disaeses peculiar to woman. People draw .out of shape from excruciating pangs of rheumatism, ihflammatory and chronic or suffering from scrofula. Erysipelas! "Saltrheu in, blood poisning, dyspepsia iudigesting and, in fact, almost all diseases frail" Nature is heir to Have been cured by Hop Bitters, proof of which cau be found in every neichboroood in the known world. Zzif None geuine without a buuch of green Hops on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonons stuff with "Hop "or '"Hops" in their name. June 23 1884 dwlm Diamond Wall Fiuish, best and cheap est, ready for use by adding hot water, at Fisher's drug tore. 49d&wtf Diamond Wall Finish, at Fisher's drug 6tore. 49d&wtf Spearhead tobacco is all the go new. A.11 chewers seem to be "anxious to get that farm, which will be given away in June next. Call at Matt SchlegePs for a circular. ltf All the best houses in Plattsmouth will sell you Bremner's choice crackers at reduced price by the box or barrell, and don't you forget it. Get these and you get the best. tf Notice for Bids to Construct Sidewalk. In accordance with instruction i of the City Council, of the city of Platts mouth, I hereby give notice that bids for the construction of a sidewalk along the east side of lot l2,ot Block 223, will be received by m; at my oftice, up to and including the 5th day of July 1884. Work to be let to the lowest bidder. The estimate of the city Engineer to gether with the plans and specifications are on file in mv office where they may be examined " J. D. SIMPSON. June 30, '84 4t. City Clerk. . SKIN CURE. CATARRH CURE, COUGHXURE. BLOOD CURE. FOE r SALE BY IWILI.J. WABEIGK. miwnair F. G. Fri'cke & Co., SUCCICSHOll TO J. M. ROBERTS, Will keep constantly hand a full unl auniilete stock of juire DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, WALL-PATEIl and a full line of DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES. PURE LIQUORS Kor Mellcan I'lirjioses. Special attention ulven to Compounding Pre scription. diuJif. BANKS. THE CITIZENS 33 J2l. 1ST JESL Z PLATTSMOUTH. NKHRASKA. CAPITAL, S7S.OOO. oiruKut JOHN J'.LAl'K, I'ltANK OAKKU'iH. President. Vice-President. W. 11. CUSIUNd. Cannier. tIIHKI"l'Ul4 John lilaek, W. If. Culiiiig, Frank Carrutli. J. A. Connor. Fred Herrmann, J. V. John on, F. 1. (lutliniaiiii, Peter Mumm, Win. Weleueamp, Henry ltec k. Transact! a Ceneral liankliifr Itnuincms. All who nave any lianklnj; business l transact are invited to call. No matter liow larn or email the t raiixactloii, it will receive our care hi I attention, and promise always cour teous treatment. Innues Certificates of Deposits bearing interest ISuyxaiid scIIh Foreign Kxcli.me, County audCltv MieuritieM. JOHX KlTZQF.lt ALU, A. W. McLAUOHMN Preildent. Caf.liler. .FIRST NATIONAL OF PLATTSMOUTH. NKHKASKA, Offers the very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, lionds. Gold, Government and Loca securities iiou;nt and Hold, Deposits receiv ed and interest allowed on time Certlfi cateo, Draf t drnwn, available in any part of the United State and all the principal towns of Europe. Collections made & promptly remitted Highest rket prices paid for County War- State and County Londs. DIRECTORS John FltzPArmrt John It. Clark. J. Hawkiworth F. K. White. A. W McLaughlin. WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER. - NEB. E. L. REED, President. B. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. R. S. WILKINSON. Caahier. A General Banting Business Transacted. Received, and Interest allowed on Tiaae Certi ficates. Drawn available in any part of the United States and all the principal cities of Kurope. o Agents for the celebrated Haute Liis of Steamers. Bank Cass County Corner Main and Sixth Streets, PLATTSMOUTH ii. rAKJiELK, President, 1 J M. PATTKKSOM. Caahier. f Transacts a General MYm Business. HIGHEST CASH PKICE. Paid for County and City Warrants. COLLECTIOXM HA1IK, and promptly remitted for. DIRKCCTOHS : li B Windham, J. M. Patterson, C. H. Paror.elc F. R. Guthmann. W J. Agnew.A. B. Smith. Fred Gerder. Louisville Bank. L.ouI3vlIle XcbraNka A general Banking business trans acted, Money to Loan, Int, allowed or time deposits. Collections made ana promptly remitted. J. J. Hanker, li. e. Manxes. Pres. Cash C. A. Masker, Ass't Cash. KINKEAD EROS., PAINTERS & DECORATORS, KALSOMINIXG. PAPEK HANGING, AUD .... FINE GRAINING, Leave your orders with them tti First-Class Work. Plattsmouth, Nebbassa