i I 'A fl : ! ' V r; -! I i - Opera House J. S. HARTMAN, Proprietor. Every tBaaaajs" w ETonr STcw Tables. yKterMcs&ILaaaaeSa bsb connection Also ;t 1 1 ; h -1 o TOl.At'CO. M sr l t.. (EASTWARD. Daily Kxpres Trains fr OmvJia. 't,ii -o. Khiih;! ilv, St. Louis, iiml nil .inl I t-', i urolith (-'a.Va vi lVoriii to Inrt aiia'.'Ji-. !.! :iut Pullman I'silJice Tare and dy marlics on all thiouKh train', and 1'iniiis can-east oX Ai.s sourl rlv-r. M S JL i v -r . v r j-fv--. wt, i Lafe youcnn fiiad fifiae rctBBccf, JPork Mutton iHil S'fi'e-j-ifia JFisb. All IsIsssSs of gme in season. C QUIT'S. L ijery, and Sale Stable. RIGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DAY OR NIGHT. is i 1 1 : r ' l a s 1 1 ; k r. l : SIXHLi: AND KOL'KJX t Trivrlers will fiu l cmi lc - Corner A'iue anil Fourth Streets, Jonathan IIatt Beef- P Harrrxiion to A. 4i. IIATT. JI O.TTAI-iTSES FOE CHOICE Sutr-Carcd Hams, Dacon,.Salt Meats ol' all kinds, Lard Bologna, and all otlier articles kept in a tin-t-class meat market. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The Highest Market Price Paid tor Hides Wool, Pelts, Grease, Etc. o Fresh Lake Trout and Whit(-J Fish Every Thursday Morning Billiard Ha I.t-st ..t.ulity of CKIAIiS, ami I. . .-ra lionet' niock. WESTWARD I:iiiy r.xnrecs train for Oonver connecting in I 'nion I t pot lot all oii'is in Colorado, I tall, Caiiforiiia and the entiri' Vt el. The advent ol thi line ri "'e traveler a N ew Koute to tlte v ol . with scenery and ad Yiiiitanes uuejualed -!M.vli"re. at &3I times 9 teams ix the city ai:uiages. ti tti t tl liy calling at tlir- 3 9 rLATTSJdOUTII. .NEB. J. "W. Marths. ork- Mutton and Vea IPLATTSHOUTfl HERALD Ii2e Plattsmoutn Herat PntMintCo. Tlic iieavirfi rain l.-Mt niht. if tllH Sff.HOII f. H Every d:iy aJiuirea beiiiititul hair. and every oue may po-sesi it, by ttsciuff Ayer's Hair Vior wldG Kemember liurd coal id always cheap er dunut' Juue aul July. Uet your winter supply sit the WbitirbrtJist varus in this city. 102dlf "With all the other interesting mat ters on l he 4th we will have a jood ame of base bal', played by tlie I'latia iiiouth nine against an Dmaliu nine. Tryth5 11 m;i 1 1 pm cu wius,' to bucco, it is by tar tlie finest pluy; clievv ing made, JVlait ScliU jel sella ii. ltt ('all for Ulainti and Lg;tn cigar wherever you deal, as Ihey are the best nickle ciar in the market. If jr dealear does not keei thein induce him to get seme. DSdtl H. Tarinele is building the Invest barn hi Caa.t county ( i!s farm niil'.s west of the city, which structure ho intends cnvw'n" i-' r Diamond drug Btore. Wail Fluisii, a 4ktJtwtf i ii .iii .-t . . 1 wish to notify the public that I am now open for business, at Joe McVy's old stand, where I have' in stock a lull hue or Kentucky whiskies, St. Eouia beer, wines and citrars &c, as good as the best. 57rtit 11. M Boss. Mr. August iiach, the Sixth street grocer is moving today into the room tormerly occupied by Chambers & Sou, where he will keep a first-cias stock of fresh groceries. It will pay you to call and see him. Hurrah for Elaiue and ogau cigars at Schlegels. D8.it f Johnson & Co., of Council IlluCfs have opened out a first class laundry on lower Maiu street, where they are prepared to t'o all kinds ef line work in that line. A trial of their work is requested. lOitf A little unpleasantness between two j fellows, last eviuiug, on lower Main street, was promptly settled by the boys in the police court, to the tune of 10.05 each. Parlor and bedroom sets in all styles at lowest prices at Bce-ck's. 69 if One hundred and titty tons of tbe best hard coal ever brought to this chy, is now in stock at the Whitebreat yards C. D. Cummins, lOiJif Mana.er. Joe McVey has fitted up in elegant style a well finished club room in the rear of the Bons saloon, where parties can have a quiet game of dominoes without being molested. Ask for Ayer's Sarsaparilla and do not be persuaded to take any other. For sale by all druggists. d6wl it you want to get you a broom that will give the best satisfaction for the ame money ask jour dealer for Dor wck's brooms (128-lmo The Herald's staunch friend, Mr. "Meek"' Davis, called on us Tuesday, and reports the crors throughout his ; si ction of the county looking splendid; also that his section was visited with a heavy rain Monday evening. CIotI.es. Hair, Nail and Tooth Brush es. Combs, &c, nice line, at Fishers, east Main street. 4Ddtf National Democratic Convention Delegates and others wishing to at 'end the above c iu get ticket fro n all Nebra-ka points at a half rate from Jury 3-d to 8th inclusive, good to ic tu n until July 2 U. Omaha Driving Park Races- Ro n-! tr p 'cke s w ill be sold from a' ht'iti'-n e -t rf McCook at IJ4 fare f:.m 7th to 1J h goad tilt the 12th. lOltf The weather for the p;ist week has made thousands of dollars for our Ca? county farmers. Corn probably never grew any faster, while all small grain is filling nicely. A few weeks of dry weather now, for harvesting, and the farmer could find no semblance of an excuse- for grombling. Feuce Posts. 5000 drv fence posts for sale, Inquire of W. S. Wise. I9tf. For a handsome suit, substantially made, in the .best of style, and from any quality of goods you may select, ! call on K. Dressier, Merchant Tailor, n Sherwood Block. 13dlm Orders for hand made brooms at tended to promptly at the Western broom factorv. d2S lm Republicans are especially invited to meet at Schelegel's and try the Blaine and Logan cigar. OSdtf Pasture Two hundred and forty acres under fence, with running water, and one half mile from the city. Apply t 51tf W. S. Wise. K. of P. Meets every Tuesday evening at thes Castle Hall, in Rocfcwood Biock. V itlug Knights are invited to attend. H. M. B0N8, c. a W. L. Dykes. of R. ami S- 1 : rtuckleu' Arn Ira Malic. ' The Uet Salve hi the world lor Cuts, Bruges, S'ren, Ulcers, Salt ilheum. Fe ver gi.rea Teller Chapped Iitmda Chilb lains Crns and all Skin EruptiuiH and tiositivlv cure 1'iieH or no unv reuuhed. It is gauaanteed to give jteifect natis- I faction, or monev refunded. Price 2 i cents per box. ir Sal v J. ii. Hob- j erl a. ,v. a. iri.; ly The Best Couch Medicine In the World. SAMPLE 1 11 EE OF CIIAKGK. Call at Warrick's drug store, and get a sample bottle of Erowii's Expec torant tree of charge. It cures Coughs, HoHiseneHB, Whooping Cougn ami Cou cumptiou in its early stages. It is a scientific preparation, admirably ada t ed tor the cure ot all Throat and Lung ! Iiseases. It is pleaint to take and cutiiely Harmless. Try it; it costs you noihing. ll'g.ilar Me bottles, .Vjcent". and 41.00. For sale t-y W..I. Warrick. Jan. i ujtwly Free ! Fnui! Freo"! NEW DISCOVEUV Foil PILES. A new remedy for Mus dreaded dis t'ase lias been diM-overtfd by Dr. Dening A ningle application will eonviiiee the j most leptic:il f its uio.-t. wonderful i eidmg powers. Ity ogling on W. J j Warrick drmgist, you, ran oMnin a: sample box free of charge, which will atisfyJouf its curatie qualities. ' .Ian ia.w! Assorted tim ot Dianiond Wall Fin ish may be found at Fislari'sdrng store, revolving sign. 4U..xwtf In Hie Future When you have a cough and 'want re lief, think ot Kemp's E-d.-aui or the Throat au i Lungs; a guaranteed reme dy for those diseases. Price 50a and $1 ; trial size free. Ilespectf oily, apr 3 4m W. J. Wariuc k. JaiUeN 4. The work entitled filaiiic." "Twenty Years ol Congress,'.' the most succinct and ira partial history of Congressional Legis lation extant, will b.i issued from the press in a few days. In the meantime II. L. E. Lincoln will call upon you and take vour orders. .WGtwtt Twenty-five cents in advance will I entitle you to use of the Plattsmouth J circulating library tor one mouth. 45djtwlm W. J. Warkick. bit'lteu percent discount on all cus torn made work hereafter, at Sher wood's FOK cash. To establish my business in every department on a strictly cash basis this inducement i& made in all custom made work. Und r the reduction a shoe tha? costs SD 00 now, costs $7.65 for cash. A boot that costs $8 00 now costs $0. SO cash. A b ot that costs $0.50 now cost? 33 CO cash at Sherwood's. 58dw8tf Nebraska tate Gazeteeh and Bi'stNKsa Diif ctoky to issued in July. 1884, price S4.50. J M. Wolfe, publisher U'O S. 14 h St., Omaha. Dtt Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets be yond the reach of medicine. They often say, Oh, it will wear away, uut in most cases it wears tht-m aAVay. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp'.- Balsam, ha I sell on a positive guarantee to cure, they would immediately see the excel lent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and SI; trial 8;z- free. liesp'y rP i 4m W.J.Warrick. COTTAGE IIUTSE. (itii St, Vear JVIuiit, PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA. Having taken el age of the Cot tauk House. I shll trv tofurrith all t; tr.ms wi'h com fortr.bl--quart 1 and j kep the tables supplied with th' best in tr.e market. Transient custom ami i board by the day or week tolicned. majl7dtf. ED. FRAZIER CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three storv brick otnieture, on ower Maid street, bac just been finished and tr.ed up for the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS, AND REGULAR BOARDERS.; TERY THIS Pi NEW AND CLEAN Gosd "if. ir In connection with the House. FRED ftOOS. Propr. W. I. 3IAL10K, P CARRIAGE G ainiii nil tnmmln SIGN & ORNAMENTAL AH orders left with me will receive prompt attention. COK. KIFTn AND VIXE STREETS, PLATTSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA. M. O'CONNOR. At the down-town saloon. PPOSITE THE PERKINS HOUSE. . Keeps a complete in of Iiiqnors, iND CIGARS, BOTTLED BEEE, ALE AND PORTER. DRUG'S OMAHA BEER ' and tka best brands of Kentucky : . Rl wiukle, ft Nit I r. v9 H i-zk )4 A OK) i ft ft a 00) GEO 5 cst S S 2 us sea SS n 1 &1 ft A.. 5 IMI r k2 is-'? s 5" S 82 ft &1 fi s 76) x 61 ki IS ft SI fa s S 5 S ft 2 M 'jr. 2 61 ft ft 6t 22 in S3 Wl 1 C va CD CD ui.mjT CD i"' L-J BEsMMrfBMHBSCSKz ji 8 a J a' J ' 1 . : 1 e f; -A. '. - " V ' J