ma PLATTSMODTH HERALD IKKICIALPAPKHOK TIIK CITY Grand Fourth-of Juiy Poem- Cook and Yeats. I be barber mate, Tim Urnl you'll flnd lu veii iafei ; If any doti'it, they'll find It out Ky calling in wurii they're about. With K'M"I nliainjKM) and bergamot. They'll elicit you up without a doubt. If your hair In curly, they'll rut It straight. r Nh.tve your faro at any rate. -We'll warrant th'-iu to Miave witli ea. And all their cui'tom try to please. Their tooU lliey kop In extra uliave In order to, men' faces scrape. The .adieu (. they now Invite, For hem, you know, they must not slight ; They'll cut your l.uix J'lntlu the style. Now Ieae call, and Hire them a trial. In the Court Houxe hop you'll always find The door wide open, from seven till nine ; And Sain and Hilly youll find there, too. Always rea ly to arrommodate V. Vrats x Cook. ClreaiiK. Hbrapy Drug tra. U Warrick's 6itf CA. tlaraliatl, OentUt, nuc ceor to duller fc Marfttmll. Teelu extracted without paiu, by use of MtrmiM ia ria- A. Salisbury, lentlt. . A II u ii On a li iig Store. Never was such a rush made lor any Dm S'oru as U now at Roberts Phar maty lor a trial Hot tie of Dr King's New Discovery for consumption, Coughs atid Colds. All eron aft", ct ed w ith Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarse nes, Severe Coughs, or any affection l the Threat and Lungs, can get aTri ul Jottle of this great remedy free, by c il uu :it above Drug .Store. Regular size 11.00. Dec. 27 e6ly These am Solid Facts. The best blood ' purifier and system regulator ever placed within the reach ofsutlering humanity, truly is Electric Hitters. Inactivity of the Liver, Bil iousness, Jaundice. Constipation. Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetiz er, tonic or mi'.d stimulant, will always find Electric Hitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to Rive entire aatisfaction or money re funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. M. Roberts Jand&wly. THAT HACKING COO''; II can be so qmckly cured by hilohs Cough. We warrant it. WILL YOU SUFFER, with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? n loh's Vitali- j zer is guarautaed to care vou. SLEEPLESS X 1(1 1 IT, nude miser ablv by that terri le cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy lor you. CATAUKII I-UKEI),. health and sw-et breath secured by Shiloh's Cat arrh K-nv?dy. Price 50 cents Nasal Injector free. For sale by Smith & Black Bros. Dcc.l3eowdAwly Well Rewarded. A liberal reward will be paid to any rtv who will produce a cae of Liver, Kidnev or Stomach complaint that Ele- i ctric Bitters will not speedly cure. Bring them along, it will cost you nnthin.r for the medicine if it ' fails to cure, and you will, be well rewarded fnr vnur trouble besides. A'l blood diseases. Biliousness Jaundice, Consti- j pation, and general aeDinty are vuicsiy cured. Sitisfactlou guaranteed or money refunded. Price onlv fifty cents per bottle. For sale by J. M. Rolerts. Dec. 27 e6wly. A Startling Discovery. . lianAvnrina Tho filft. that, r Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Cou sumption and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that thev have given up to die, is startling them to realize their sense of duty, and examine iuto the merits of this wonder ful discovery : resulting in hundreds of our best Physicians using it in their practice. Trial Bottles free at J.M. Rotierb. Drug Store. Regular size IN CASH GIVEN AWAY To SMOKERS of Blackwell's Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco. This Special Deposit- U to rnarantee the payment of the 25 premium fully described In oar Ibnner announcements. The premiums will be paid, no matter bow tm.ii tae oumbex of bags returned may be. tataa, JV. Mag 10, ISK. t DuiHu!-i incite yon ILw.b. which r; lcae Place no Sreeiml DbiwhiH rf 're"u.""" '5TurSxT tobacco bM ta m returned Dec uiiL luuninui. nf tt Bank of Durham, itvrlam. K. C- 10. j.rwT. Caatuer. Vone noolne wttbcmt picture of BCXXoo tb rjnsea our otber aanoancemeiita. The Ioe Man. .la. i-VirfleU ha- established an of fice at Monarch billiard hall, where he will co itraet with con-umers to supply ic for the season at the lowest terms. CORN COB piws in erery style SchreKel't. w 1195 CommlHftloner'ii Proceeding Ordered that tit following taxes be, ami the ium are hereby levied, upon the nal and personal property of Oass couuly, Nebraska, for the year 1W81, ami the county cleik in hereby ordered to place the game on th tax list for said year: VaJnttion or properly-S3,82t,922 Connty general fund 6 mill on the dollar 22,949.52 County bridge fund 4 ruilU on this dollar 15,299.60 County road fund 3 mills on toe dollar 11,47-4 6 11 & M R It bonds 4 mills on trie dollar 15,296.08 Total levy 17 uiijlg on the lol 65,02.1.C5 Insane (und qlerk ordered to add ?a mill to state levy. Also ordered to en ter on tax lint poll tax as returned by axHeflriors, Ft payment of South Bend bridge bonds interest the followtng levy is made, three ( i) mill on the dollar valu ation of said precinct. The following levie9 were then made for the payment of boud3 und interest in the following school districts and the same ordered ou tax lint 1884. 'Schooi district Fo. 6. f mill on the aoliar; school district No. 22 3 mills; school dist. 23 4 mills; school dint. 71, 5 mills; school dist. 75. 2 mills. The following levies made by the several school districts and reported to county clerk were ordered on tax list for 1884: School district X. 2, 4 mills on the dollai : school dist. :i, 5 mills; school dist. 4, 2 mills; school dis'.4, 5 mills; school dist. C, 0 mills. School dist No. 7 1 ys mills on the dol. 98 4. 1010 " 12 r " 1310 " 1410 143 1015 " 17 00 " 1807 ' 1911 20 10 " 2105 u 22-17 210 24 OG i 2504 " 26 0." " 2713 3002 32 C9 " 3303 " 3413 ' 25 0C - .If, 1G 3712 " u 3807 " 39-03 4007 " 41 -10 42 06 i . 43-06 " " 4412 4502 " 4615 " u 44 47 C8 " 4810 " 4903 44 5004 " 5108 " M 5215 ,4 " 5307 " " 54 07J " it l It It U . I( . ( it it " 5503 i ( 56-03 " 5707 " 5S 10 44 5908 - 60- 06 6114 6206 " 6814 6405 6318 It tl 67 " 6306 - 6910 " 7003 " 71 16 " 72-05 " " 7506 " 7511 k 76 -1C ' " 7710 . " 73-08 ; 7904 8007 " 8106 " 8207 4 44 S3 OS " 8416 : 8515 V 86 02a" 4- 8712 4 8325 t( u it it .1 t t t? it The following levy of the village of Greenwood was ordered on tax list tor 1834. General fund 5 mills on the dollar valuation. The Lowisville village levy is 4 mille on the dollar for general fund, 3 mills for building jail. As a board of equalization the com missionera then adjourned, but contin ued in session for the transaction of general business. When tbe following was done to wit: Or lered that A. Kniss be ana is here by 8jpoUted .oversew is road district So. 3 his bond with James Root and Henry Slangier as sureties, was duly approved and order allowed him for 25.00. The petition of Gotleib Mctzger anl other for the vacation of road No. 161, and that part of road No. ,152 from sta tion l to 3 in section 22, town 12, range 11, was taken up, and after consider ing all the proceedings and examin ing reports of county clerk on petition and report of commis sioners on damages, it is hereby or dered that all of road So. 101 in sec. 22, T 12, R 11, be and the same is here by vacated, and that part of road No. 152 from fetation 2 to f, is aluo vacated; and that part of road No. 152 from sta tion 1 to 2 be not grunted; and further find that no one is imaged by the va cation of .said roitd. ami damages ure hereby refused. The overseer of rod district No 11 is hereby notified of laid vacation, and he will govern hhmelf accordingly. The following rhu'm.i were then al lowed: (Jeo. Fj. Finley, Assessing Salt deck precincr, $90 00. G M Beach, asicssiuu; Tipton pre cinct. $31 00. L C Eickofl", a.-itsning L uisvillo pre cinct," $90.00. S W Orton, asisfeing Weeping Water precinct, 890 00 A B Carper, assessing Mt. Pleasant precinct, 75 00. Geo A llay, assessing South Bend precincr, 8103 00. J Va.lery, Jr., assessing Plattsmouth precinct, $126.00. Fred Gorder, assessing First ward Pluttsmouth City, $45.00. M McKlwaiu, assessing Second ward x'lattsiiiouth city, $48 00. David .Miller, assessing Third ward Pluttsmouth city, $63.00. M McGuire, assessing Fourth ward Plattsuiouth city, $63 00. F F Switzer, assessing Avoca pre cinct, $72.00. G N Larue assessing Liberty pre binct, 872.00. C W Snyder, assessing Eight Mile Grove precinct, $31.00. M Archer, assessing Ilock Blufl's pre cinct, 8103.00. M M Horton, assessing Stove Creek precinct, $105.00. John McCaig, assessing Elm wood precinct, 8105.00. R G Gordon, assessing Center precinct, $90.:J0. John Erickson, essessing Greenwood precinct, 878.00. A. Beesou, attorney's fees in county cases, allowed for the sum of $150.00, of which $J7.97 is to be drawn in fa vor of W. 11. Newdl, treasurer, for personal taxes due county. Dills further allowed: R. G. Gordon, extra assessing, by order of County Com niissiouere, 89.00. Jacob Vallery, Jr., extra assessing, by order of Co. Commissioners. Herald Publishing Co., suudry print ing, $55.50. D. D. Johnson, collecting delinquent taxes, $9.79. Eli Sampson, boarding paupers for May, $47.60. G. W. Fairfield, locating bridges and use of team, $45.50. A. G. Barhydt, meals for jurors, $6.50. G. C. Cleg'jom, room for election $2.00. E- beainan, boa'd for paupers 75c. D. II. Wheeler, rooms for two elec tions, $7.00. Robert Donnelly, repairing pump at jail and poor house, $11.00. D. D. Johnson, collecting delinquent taxes, $61.84. Way man aud Beesou repairs at jail, IS. 50. G W Kiussr, repairs at jail, 0 00. Omaha Republican, deed Index &c, 20.35. S. P. V;i:atta. attorney fees in Statr vs. Boss ar. t State vs. Thuckeu, 75.00. State Jo'irnal Co.. books for clerk o district court, 30.00. J. V. Weckbuch, rtnt of jail lot 23.00. Win. Mostiu. repairing side walk ai county j"dge's olfioo, 3.-10. D. E. Rabbington, work for count 9-33, Wm. Ilerold, mdso for paupers 8.00v J. C. F-Ikeubary. attending court, sheriff's, j iilors fees, &c, 126 03. B. C. Yomans, bailirl' dist. court $34.0" Jame3 Sage, " 44 S. P. HolUway, 4 Frtmk Schlater, " ii i 32.00 3.00 34.00 20.00 6.60 34.01 GeoJLaverty, D. Woodard, Jay Johnson, I. M. Ward, nails for road disttict 2.50. O. Tent assessing damages on road, 82 00. A. Ilanion. same, 2.00; Ch i-Ies Bo gard same, 2 00; Amos Tefft Justice of the Peace swearing appraisers anc making returns 1.00; A B Barr, assess ing damages on road 2.00, Wm Leeely, same 2.00: J W barr, same aud team. 3 50; Ed Jeary swearing appraisers and return 1.50; Geo N Larue, assessing damages on road 2.00; Joshua Lynn, same, 2.00 ;G F McNamee game 3 00; J F Polk same, and t se of team, 6 00; M P Williams- 2.00 J O McUio B"r .'i'-'ujL djuarntid. , . . ... June 10, 1884. Board lu teasion; whin the follow ing business whs transacted: Ordered that Geo. S. Smith le, and is hereby employed as attorney for Cass county, Nebraska, at a compensation of $300 per annum, payable quarterly and to be in force one year und to be in full payment of auy and all legnl srrvio-n lu all the courts. The following claims were then al lowed : R K Livingston, fees insuneense Stale vs Elliott $ 8 00 U II Wheeicr fes insane case.. 3.00 J (.' Kikenharv - " " . . 21.65 Ira J 1c 9.20 W s Eili..t . 5 70 J M Elliott 5.70 W C Mi.w;t t-r 4 . . 29.25 J C Eikenb-try lies iu grand jury subpi.n:is 19.40 Witness ft en in Slate vs James . Thaeker s-J.98 Witness fees in State vs Frank Greek . 22.50 Witness fees in State vs Ed Ihss. 93.78 Witmss lees in State vs Frank Green 7.78 Witness fees in .State vs Louis .Br'mkhiin 10.78 Witness fees in State vs Tiiomas Robin, on 22.73 Grand jurors dist. court 117.50 Ie:it j'lrnrs dist. court 525 80 Witnesses he to re grand jury .... 57.70 -S P Hollowuy b'ding prisoueis.. b7 bt) J W Jennings xpeus: acc't and correcting assessor's loo!t GC.40 A JJ Todd, servijs as Com. .. . 45 U0 (I W Faiitield locating county ioa.1 and surveying 57.5m Auixs Ki-er assisting to Si ati! rond 2 00 in nneut rc i-ewir. mii-c to pau pers 16.00 Johnson Bios Bca!e rule rule for clerk 1.80 County Sunt. Alton sal tor M.y . .100.00 E A Rydor mJse for paupers. . . . S.C.O (Concluded next week.) STORM AT OX FOR D One Mtn Killed, and Two Injured. The State Journal contaius a special today of an accidental Oxford, in the Republican Valley west of Arapahoe in Furnas county. Atalittle arter 7:30 yesterday evening a violent ' storm of wind, rain and hail struck Oxford and vicinity, doing considerable damage to crops, out houses aud temporary build ings. The storm lasted some fifteen minutes and some window gla?s was broken, however, the damage to crops was not so bad as at first supposed. Says the Lincoln Journal's corres pondent, upon learning that an acci dent had occurred to a construction train which was approaching Oxford Irom the east, occasicned bv the wind blowing a flat car from the switch near town, upon the main line and carrying it eastward with great speed: "1 Immediately went on the run to the wreck, and found one man uncon scious and two others badly bruised about tho head. Engine 68, run by Sam Jennings, had four flat cars ahead of tho engine and several in the rear. The laborers who board in town were sitting on the flats, and on the front car Lwere about six persons, and when their car struck, thw one on the track the one on the track raised and slid right ! up on top of the car the men were on ; caught ore fellow and just rolled him between the cars. He died last night at 12 o'clock. All were knocked off and somewhat injured. E I. Dolao was conductor, who immediately went back to flag the mail train from the east. Dr. McClaiue, railroad surgeoa, was on hand at once, and did all possible tor Hi" sufferers; also Dr. McChdland. T'ie names of the wouuded I am un able to ive at present. List of dumiigt'S will be sent you to morrow. At the board of trade meeting las night, the Soldiers' Rome proposition monopolized the attention of the gen tlemcn present a?d after considerable discussion the following committee was selected to whom the entire matter was eferrcd: A. X. Sullivan, chairman, II E Palmer, R B Windhasi, J V Week bach, J W Johnson. D II Wheeler, C W Sherinnn. F E White and R R Liv ingston. The openiug of the new B. & M. ex tension to Washington, Kansas was celebrated yesterday by a rousing ex cursion to Lincoln, where the Kansans arp said to have ben delighted with the prosperous appearance of Nebras ka's capital. The MaJigan aud Mosey letters were hoomer-iaes; says the State Democrat, which is very consoling news just now. while Dr. Miller is laying hi much im portance to the Madigau circ i;ar. .' A terrific rain aud wind fctor-n oc curred at Lincoln last night doing con i erab e damage to gn-wing crops. Mr. F. W. Whittemore, 'traveling age t of M. B. Reese, Job and Bit-k B ok P. niers, O.nilg. ia in tfc.'cty A FEARFUL DEATH. Timothy Sharp ' Killed by Accident Saturday, night Timothy Sharp, Sr , and son wereenroute for home, having viitcd the city through the day, and when north of the city were joined by Mr. Simeon Upton, of Cass countfi who was driving a spirited team of horses and a wagon heivily loaded with lum ber. Going down the Kinney hill, near Walnut creek, Mr. Upton halted and allowed the Sharps to precede him. While waiting for them to pass he locked a wheel of his wagon with a rope. At the foot of the hill Walnut cret k is spanned by a bridge with a i lii;hl railing. Mr. Sharp aud son were j tis-t starling across this bridge when the brake on Mr. I'pton's wagon gave way and the lumber ou the wagon slid forward, striking aud frightcuing his horses so they became unmauagablci and ran away Going down hill at lightning speed they collided with Mr. Sharp's "wagon throwing them out, and knocking the team and wagon off the bridge into the creek bcluw. Mr. Up ton's wagon aud horses ran over the el Utr Sharp killing him almost instantly. He never spoke after the accident oc curred. Mr Sharp's death causes deep rrow, as he wjs well known and well iiked, and was a good man. He was o::e of tbe oldest and leading farmers of old Otoe, and his funeral yesterday was the largest ever witnessed in Otoe county with die exception. The de ceased leaves - wife and six children 1 1 ad of whom live in the neighborhood of this city. Hi children are Mrs. A. Thei.-s. Peter Su irp, John Sharp, Mis. Georg'? Cehlke, Mrs. Henry Wahling, and Tim Sharp, Jr. Neb. City Press. List of Letters. Liht of letUrs remaining unclaimed in the P. O. at Plattsuiouth, Cass Co Neb., July 2d, 184: Berry W J Bates Wm Burnett Thos (J Burke John Cuslay T B Carroll George Chalon Chas Dough'erty Jack Glass Charles Harrison Mr A V Hubner Louisa Hicks G 1 Keller M Marshall D A McLanihan O W Newman Michael Peters C II 3 Eobinson Mrs T C VauDervoort A 2 Van Slyke L D Wheat Ben Weaver Sanford 2 ilendricksou Jesse Young Annie. Person calling for the above will please say "advertised." J. W. Marshall, P. M. PERSONALS. A. N. Sullivan is in Omaha today. J. X. Howland, camo in from Wy- niore this morning, to speud the 4 th with friends in this city. Geo. JX Mattiso", South Bend, is iu the city today. Miss Ella T reman, of Omahv, is in the city, the guest of Mrs. Alex. Schlc- The A. O. U. W. will hold their reg ular meeting on Thursday evening of this week, instead of Friday evening. All members will take notice and gov- , ern themselves accordingly. By order O. D. Spakks. 2t M. W. you mow That water will not run up hill, that a kiss i sweeter than it looks and looks better after dark, YOU OUGHT to KNOW that good CLOTHING is the best, and cheapest to buy, that money can be saved, and a square deal had at WescotVs, the itoss Clothieiv as he does not deal in the inferior lines adapted to the fixed purposes 61 bankrupt and assig nee sales. We avoid all gag schemes, sell to all alike and treat our custo mers with the utmost fairness. A complete stock of seasonable clothing and furnishing goods on hand, and we are prepared to con vince all ia doubt tliat pur statements are correct, that our goods are the best, and that it ia to your interest to trade with WSCOIT Late styles in Straw and Fur Hats, .Novelties iu Neckwear, full line of Trunks, Valices, &c, drc Everybody welcome... C. IS. IIwTJSGCTSF BfOdsvfw Bioct- TEE BOSS OiQTEIER. Toe folio will g arc the headline i the Lincoln Journal this morning, de scriptive of tbe boy preacher's work on that rltv: FIRE! Having reference to the Divine Sort That is Being Started By Rev. liar rUoa In th Hearts of Lincol I Sin ners. Last Night's Crowded Meeting An Altar Oversowed with Weeping, Penitents Note of the Address Meeting Today and Tonight. Republican Central Commute :Meetlng. The Republican Central Committee Is hereby called to meet at Weeping Water, Saturday, July 12th, at 1 o'clock p. m. Ail member of said committee are especially requested to be present. M. M. Butlek, Ch'n. Firaman'n Notl. All members of th Fire Depart ment are requeted to be present at tho engine house at 8 o'clock, this evening, sharp, and bring your gloves with yon. By order of Chief. The telegmplrtoday informs us that the Presideut will veto the FItz John Porter bill, an act that will be looked upon veiy favorably by the patriotic citizens of the west that continue to Vote as they shot. Mr. M. E. JJronson, of Lincolu, a per sonal friend of W. L. Browne, and by way the western sopeiiutenleut of D. L. Morgan & Co., the great reaper fac tory, is in the city to lay. The llKRAMctll4 particular atten tion to Coiutuissiouer's proceedings, as published this wcik. It Is very com plete, and contains news of special in terest to taxpayers. i Allen PiiiKerton, the inot noted de tective in the world, died yesterday, at his home in Chicago. The implement men are busier just now than we ever saw them at Huh time of year before. The Supreme court is again in s"? 8lon at the capital. Additional locals on second and fourth pages. WHITEBREAST COAL, & MINING CO. '-G DELIVERED PRICE LIST.-. All Coal is Screened at tJte Yard. Tyrfi6o6T3oTJB I Ins ll lbs II lb Whltebreaht lump nut Canon City coal Marnhall coal Anthracite (all size.) Cumberland (rmithini; coal) Slack coal. 15c per Kto pounds 'liWS-ia 78, I 50 '2 CO 2. 45 4,: 6 417.1 ft id 7 oo' 3 25 , 6 00 iiTii 11 00 Orders left at the office or with 0". IE3. -OTJIsrQ- XT THE P. O. BOOK STORE Will he promptly DELIVERED. Your patronage i respectfully solicited. CHAS. D. CUMMINS. Agent-