Opera House J. S. HARTMAN, Proprietor." Sew TFraMes. Al.-o u i-iu:ict; jim; i" she TOiV-i v m. : r !.. i V. iEASTWAKD. Dally EspreM Trail's Itir Umvlia. "lilt-;-.s- H:tiiHHs 'iry. St. I.nij.. xid all p iit- j 1 iiruiiKH t-nf Via l ecriii n I 'in :inn !'-. 1.1. "rti't iMillnntn tal;i"e Cm if ;iii1 l:y vt-jii ill tlitoncti trains, a:d I'luin can easi ui ii uotirl river. H5 rr f j O'ENTl EAT Ss 4Iae .p2ace9 wises' &t all Msises you co fisae! Sac ' ilSeet5 SPork SCiattosi asset E'rc.iiia IFIsIi. Livery, and Sale Stable. RIGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION WY OR NIGHT. EVEKYTi:iN(i IS FIIWT CLAS; : - i II E 1 :!-' TEAMS IN THE CITY SINGLE AND JOCLir. s AlilllAGK? Treleis will f.ud con;j.itt- i!t, 5y ci;in i;f .. Corner Vine aud Fourth Streets, JoXATnAX I I ATT Beef- Fort iu NurrfKiuini to A. . IIATT. " i3r3A.X50,TTA.S,a?T2I2S FOE CHOICE Sugnr-Cured Hams, Cacon, Salt Meats of all kinds, Lard Bologna, and all other articles Vept in a tirst-claBs meat market. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.. The Highest Market Price Paid tor Hides Wool, Pelts, Grease, Etc. O ' Fresh Lake Trout and White Fish Every Thursday n:ll: f IUI Dimaiu nan. 1 .jtuity 1 GKtA Kr. and O. WESTWARD I:iiiv ErpreFS tralne for Denver connectlnp In I. I 't-u( )r all pi.ji.ts in Celorauo, Utah, i ma iii.u 1 ur ri-iii tr jiu-nnvt-m 01 t 1 i - lu.- fives tii; ti;iv-ier 'i-w Kouto to tlie " i i. wnli seMicry ami advaijta-e.i uneualeO risev ticiK y v i 1 1 J ei MABKE 9 PLATTSM OUT II. NF.ii J. "W. ATabths. in and Vea i FLATTSHOflTfl flfiRALD Tiis Plattsmoatii Hcrsl Fniilis&iaz Co. ('. II. Parinele received ycaltrday at hia Cedar Creek farm, 211 head ft rat tle from Msmphij, Tenue-ce. This makes GOO head he now h oii hi riUO pasture. Remember hard coal is always cheap er during Juno and July. Get jour winter Mipply at the Wbitebreast ar.Ji in this city. ; l02dtf Tlie II k K.u.i) lenrus Ilmt county rii perintendcut Alton hi inovi'iJ toGn ri wood, whre l.e will hreuiier i''3!d". Mr. Alton, we understand, will hoM the county iiii-tittte at that j lace rt.e- tiiiu dining :!.e tnnii i uionth C'aU lor 1'lumu id wherever you deal, as tln-y are the l.-ht nickle ciyar in the luarket. Ifyoir dalear does not keep them induce hi;u to ret boiue. 9dtl We learn that Mrs bimpsou cxprcte her 0jel paroj.tx lioin Nebraska City to ! iu r.tteiiii.'tiieb during llm celchru tioiiu! !:er ilfrieih birthday aniiivcih.; ry, which will lak plnee July 21, nt her weli -npi.oinu-d iausi-ro!in, on 6tti j street. (all ;t ml .-e Ls. 1 wi-h to notify the public that 1 am now open tor business, at Joe McVty's old stand, where I have in stock a full line or Kentucky whikics, St. Louis I cer, w ines and civum Ac, as frond as the best. 57dtf II. M Hons. Tho Gallaij teH were shipping a car load of their famous hroon-s to Chica go, yelerday, t!:e freight on which we learn arnT.i:ts to eight cents per dozer, while tlie freight from here to Omaha is sis cents p r do."n. Who i it that 8ajs competition doesn't toinpett? Mr. August Kaeh, the Sixth street yrocer is ujoviny today into the room tonneriy occupi.o by Chambers i?c fcon, where he will ke; p a liratdufS stock of j fresh groceries. Ii will pay yon to call and see k'uu. l Tlr TViffAr tli wmrl'v t.rtul i copal hishop of the diocese of Nebras-: .... . .!:... s t.- . .1 i nil. IS lJrJCil.'fi 1 I i- U pc e' IU pitB- ent time, but we lcrn that he l'.is cabled to bis Iritn la iu Omaha that In- will take ti e piufl'ered bishopric un d r advisement for a lew days before he can snv what he will do. Johnson & Co., of Council Bluffs have opened out a first class laundry oa lower Maiu street, where they are prrparcd to i'o all kinds ef fine wrrk in thar. line. A trial of their work is rejuested. lOltf A Watch Club Some of our fcllowiowuamen. a.'e tfoing into Carrutb's watch club, which seematobea decidedly easy way of getting a good watch, the club being organized just now will contain forty members, each of whom will pay SI a week for forty w eeks, they get a $55 watch for the 810, one member drawing a watrii t.veiy fcAturday nmht. .Mr. Carruth, bv uiakiuk' a eale of fcrsv of i these watches, which jre cheat) at 5 enabled to put them at $40. Forfull j pur Kulars c !l -n Fr" nk Carru?!-. i One hundred, .and fifty tons of the et hard coal ever brought to this city, is now in stock at ihe Whitebnat yard. C D. Cl'MMiNs, I02dtf Manasrer. Three Groves Letter. vVe lnesda's storm did considerable damage to small grain by blowing it Iowa where it stood stock heavy on ,he ground, but has nearly all btaight :nedupagiin. The rain fell in tor rent?, and cave old Mother Earth the tirst good soaking this season; however there has been plenty of shower? fcail iloDg to insure good crops ? o far. Corn looks well as a general thing, tud has a good cilor; some of it is gettiug most too large to plow already. The harvesting f rye will begin this week, it se m to b' very well lulled, and will yield a handsome return when harvested. FiUits of 1! kin's pre very plentiful apple orchards are generally full. Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Young made a visit o t to Nvhxwka Sui day. Miss lie-sie Case, from Centre Valley visuea some oi ner ioiKs yesterdny in iiock niutN. A Mr. Gnolsby has moved iuo Mr. Oldham's house on Lis north eighty, formerly occupied by Joe Conly. Miss Hat tie Young visited Omaha last wee's, f-he went up with her cousin Lufavette Young. Will Gray is out to Wicpiug Watir at woik at his traJe. Rober: Mick'cs is at work on his new brick house. r. Graves au l son is dc.iug tl e mason work. The Sunday school at this place is draggiog alorjg slowly with James Wiley as superintend! nt and Mra. Grosser, ass't. The school at the brick, Jlrs. Blle Moon, teacher, will clooe in two weeks more. Rfpobteb. It you want to get you a broom that will give the best sacitdactiou for the ame money ask your dealer for Dor- ilucklrnvs Arnlcn Naive. - Tho Uest Salve in the world for Cuts, Druses, Sore, Ulcers SJt iiheuui. Fe vtr sTf8 Tetter Chappel Uands Cldlb laiiift Corns and all .Skin Eruptions und posittvly euro I'nes or nopuv required. It i jrauaantecd to jiTiv: .erlect :ttis taerion, or iDon"y re funded. Price 25 cents prtr lox. i-'orS:il I v. I. M. Uol ert'd. N'ov. 27 trf:J ly The Best Courli iledicine In the World. & AMPLE MIKK OF CIIAUGK. Call at Warrick's drug siore, and jjet a sample tttle of lirowu'n Kxpcc t or ant lre oftlmrc. It curci Couhf, IIoiUseiicHB. Whooplu Cnuti and Con sumption in Uh curly Biased. It is a pcientilic. preparation, adiuiratdy ada t i d lor the cute ol nil Throat mid IimfT Diseases. Ii is pl-as!int to take aim entiily tariiilc8s. Try it; il eots you mil hii;r 1 . il .1 r liol I .Vli-luiLs. , ,.u,j $7u). r '.lc l.y W..I. Warrick. .!in. i? J.vwly Fivtf ! Free! Free ! i NEW DISCOVKUY FO PILES, j A new lenu dy tor iimh iirta.ini dis- j case has been di.-i ovend by Dr. Denii.K j A single applicalion will convince the i most tikeptical of its most wonderful I ! ; alint;" powers. Py calling on Wr. .1 j i i ick 01 Utu'.i', you can ohtuiu u i-amplc Lx tree of ctiare, which will) "!i'ir;!'v you of its curative qualities. j Jan ; wwl) j j Assoiitd tiuth ot Oiaruond Wall Fin- : ish may be foetid at Fisher'atli an store, j revolving sign. ,y.twtf In the i uliire When you have a couti and want ro j lief, think ot Kempt litlsam lor the Throat an 1 Euns; n guaranteed reme dy for those disease. Price 50c and fi; trial size free. Kespectf nlly, apr .1 4m W. J. Waiiuick. ; JainiN fiilufjic." The woik entitled Twenty Yeaia oJ Congress" the most euccinct and im partial history of Congressional Legis lation exiant, will b.: is. ued from the ' prei-3 in a few days. In the ineuntiiup I ti I t: I : .!.. ...sii :i ... ii. u. J. viu i ( ii il juu anil take vour orders. 5i6twtt Twenty-five cents in advance will' entitle you to u-e of the PlaPsmouth i circulating lii raty lor one month. J 45 & w 1 in W. J. Wakkick. i hi. t'tvit nrr f)i.t. liscmnr im jil! nn toiu ,mi,'e w, lk hereafter, at Sher- WOOcFrt FOR CASH. To tatabllbh IiiV business in every departni'iit on a strictly cash basiB this inducement is j made in all custom made work. i Und r the reduction a thoe that costs S3 00 now, costs $7 .65 for cash. A boot that costs :8 00 now costs $0. 80 cash. A boot that co?ts $6.50 now co3ts 85 CO cash at Sherwood's. 58dw8tf Nebraska tate Gazetekk and lil'KlNKSf DlIi' C ToltY to ho lirUCd ill July, 188-1, price S4.50. J M. Wolfe, j ! publi-lKr 120 S. 14h St.,n a! a. D::tf Koine Foolish Peop'a ; Allow a cough tc ran until it e's Le- ! yi-od the reach of medici"e. They j often say. Oh, it will w ear away, ut in j most cases it wears them away. Could t thty be induced to try the successful I medicit-.e called Kemp- Balsam, hat ! I sell ou a positive guarantee to i ore, I they would immediately ace the excel- i lent effect at'trr taking she fiir.t dose, i Price 50c and SI; tril niz' fice. ' Resp'y. fnpi3 4m"j W. J. Warrick, j (I)TT (J K HULSE. tiil St. 9,'vii.T 3fai!, PLM TMOri ii. XEUUA.SKA. Hviitg taknu cl a'ue of the i'or tagk IloUfE, I sin 11 try tofun.h-h nil ijatr -t;s wi h couif- r't bhi ipurters arI keep the tables sup lid w ith the best in tr.e market. Transient custom and hoard by the day or week soliciied. mavl7dtf. EH. FltAZIER CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three etorv brick structure, on J ower Maid street, has Just been finished ami i trerl up for the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS. I AND j REGULAR BOARDERS.; j VERY THING NEW AND CLEAN j . flni, o In connection with th ; '.JOJv. w-Al House. ' tf FT?E1 UWiS, Propr i W. M. .UAL ICK. P CARRIAGE r aiatlBg; aifl iriMiiiu SIGN &, ORNAMENTAL All orders left with me will receive prompt attention. COK. FIFTH AND VINE STREETS, PLATTSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA. M. O'CONNOR. ' At the down-town saioo::. PPOSITE THE I'ERKINS QOITSE Keeps acomnlpte ine of 15717" IE Xiiquors, iND CIGARS, BOTTLED BEFR, ALE AND PORTER, DRUG'S OMAHA BEER and the best brands of Kentucky t1 whlsKles, Cppottt ftrkin Hoimm - runOTV 11 2 V )1 tl A K3 I1! ft i ft & m fcrt Mt ' KB 9 ft ft s PBV ma tat (3) ft ted 3 ft ft S2 V K3 mm. i 7 C3 4! r, mm -M MM S Si 61 ft P ft 22 m e &1 ft ft 5 V9 Si e 22 22 S3 1 -i Ti'ti CD 3"t CD M4 i v r.n 5 ffi iiTfiiiilif "9