V Uticklou'M Aiiilca Knlvr. Tlio liefct Silvern the world for Cut., HruneH, Sore, UleirH, Salt Klietirn. Fe ver Borea Tetter Chapped Hands Cbill laim Crn.H ami ull Nin Eruptions und positivly cur! I'll'-' r i" p v required. It is gauant-ed to iivc pericet f-sitin-faction, r morn y r landed. l'ri- ii5 cents per If x. f'or Sale liy d. Kob ert's. Nov. 27 lb: ly The Best Couch Medicine In I he WorM. to AM l'l.i: Hti:i: OF CIIAIKJK. Call sit Warrick's drug store, ami net a uiu.iple botth- of Ib-owu'd Expec torant free .,f rbnrge. It cures Coughs. l!oarsciu-. Wl.oopieg Cng:i and Con sumption lu e ,r,y stages. II, 13.a Htieiitir.' preparation, admirably adapt ed lor the cure oi all Throat ami Eung Diseases, li is i-lwivmt to take and entirely harmless. Try it; it costs you nothing. U-r-r .iy..- 1''t,rr5 and 81. 00. l-'..r h-dc- by YV.l. " Jan.3 tlxwly Free ! Free! Free I NEW DISCOVERY FOIl PILES A new remedy lor lrea.li - dis ease has been discovers -I by Dr. Dening A single application will convince tin; most skeptical of its inot won lerf ui healing powers. P.y calling on .J Warrick drugl-i. you can obtain a tsamplebox lreo of charge, which will satisfy von of its curative qualities. ' " Jan.." Dxwly Assorted tints of Diamond Wall lin ish may bo found at Fisher's drugstore, revolving sign. 49d&vtf Collection Notice. All parties knowing themselves to Iks indebted to me will please call and make lull settlement at once, s that Hereafter we can conduct a strictly eaeh busiucss. Please give this your imn.e mediate attention. d50 w3w Rout. SiiEr.wcot. In the rutnre When you have a cough and want to lief, think ol Kcnij.'s P.alsam lor the Throat and L'tng-; a guaranteed reme dy for those disease, l'ricc 50c and $1; trial size free. Respectfully, apr y 4m V. .1. Wauuick. Twenty-ave cents in advance will entitle you to u?o of tho l'latismouth circulating library lor one rooath. 45d&wlm W. 3. Wakiuck. James EJUiIhc" Thow;v.k entitled "Twenty Years of CoDTrcss" the most succinct and im partial history of Congressional Legis lation extant, will hr, if.cd from the press in a few days. In the meantime II. Li. K. Lincoln will call upon you and take vr.ur ord-rs. j;dotwtt For a handsome .suit, substantially made, ia tho be.t ..' style, and rom auv quality of good ou may select. call on K. Drossier In Sherwood Block. Merch.mt Tailor, i:;ilpi Diamond Wall Finish, at I'lalu-r drug store. 40 wtf CITY HOTEL. This beai'.tul llir story bviek Ftnicture.on ower Maid street, has just been l:iii: h' J and tied up for the aecorr.-.n-vhoi ' ! Til A N3 IE NT CUSTOV. z;usm It EG UL ATI 1 Q All D I : KS.: EVERY TEIHG NEW A1ID CLEAH Arr Pop in connection with the UOSCL hZV llou.se. tf. FIiED GOOS. l'rorr. W. II. SIALIC K, P CARRIAGE pi aifllii ana irifiib SiaiT L ORITAHEHTAL 3?A.iJFTiJsra, AH orders, left with m? wil: roccive prompt attention. CoU. FIFTH AN'i VINE STKEIiTS, l'LATTSMOUTII. - NEBRASKA. Br. Home's Electric Belt Will cure Nervousnass, Lumbago. Klieuma-li-m. raralysis. Neuralgia. Sciatica, Kidney, Spine and Uver diseases, ('.out. Asthma. Heart disease, JipeiM.i Constipation. Erysiielas. Catarr 1. 1'iUs. Kiihpsy, I in potency, IJiimb A"ue, rjolansu.H.rteri.ctc. Oulyscientiflc hlec tne M-lt i America that sends the Electricity and MainiftiMH through tht body, and can be recharged in an ii-srat.t by the patient. $1,000 !TosiIl IVot nj- It. DR. IIokne I as aftlicted with rheumatism lth thr isease. 1 would say. buy Homes Electric r.elt. Any one can confer with me by wrltiu or calling at y ore. iwiDt "8l St., a . . X. V I I.I.I A M 1 1 I J J a. Main Okf'iCK Opposite Tost Ofllce, room 4 t For eal'e at C. F. (loodinan's Drugstore. vi rarpam rncci. .,. . . Orders filled. C. Q.l- Cld&wlm mT O'CONNOR. At th-i dowc-towc saloon."? rrosirs the terkens nousE, Kee?3 acompleto Inelof Isiquors, ;nd cigars, bottled beer, ale and porter, DRUG'S OMAHA BEER and tfco best brands of Kentucky pi wnismee. Telegraphic AT A U JUST A. IJIaiiic is Oflicmlly Xoti. Pah ol the Nomiiia t ion. His SLeech of Acceptance. Miscellaneous Kc-ws. A I'd 1"'IA AWAKK. AujiHia, Me., June 21. Eaily Hub luorniug the rtre. U beau to a-ume k lively a' pejiranei', and long before th tii :e i" r llo; coininiltce appoiuted b t-Le irili. ;).:.! eonve.ilion to nnt il y Miami oi his nomination to the presidential eandidncy of the republican party to pel form that duty, a considerable num ber had collected around the Augusta Louse, to aze with curiosity upon the inembeis of the committee. A circus being abo in town brought out vast nunil ers of people, who, with the al lied attrocvions of a national comrait tec and a sw dust li.'i.', seeincd dis posed to irake the i:i v geuernl holi day. THE KECEITIOX. Bl'raiuplly at 11 o'clock the national ciiMt.ittec of notification proceeded 111 a body to Mr. Blnne'd residcuce and were received by Jlrs. Blaine. As tlie day was rpr"rt3sivcly hot and the rooms of the u.t.iion crowded almost to suffo eatioi!, It was suggested that the prc fcou:,iti n speech be made upon the lawn. Accordingly the committee and gnppts jroceeded to a well shaded por tion ot :hc grounds, where a siml-cir-cle was 1'jruicd, and all present stood with uncovered head?, making a i ini p:e3s"ne scene, the rustling of the id in branches of the great elms : ':::" r of insects lining ihe only it 1 1 disturb the stilmesa. W hen 1 '.vi::, .;i readiness ilr. Blaine was es rwd '; tlie la.vu, where he stood with in the ai-.-'T the sem-circ!e. (!in. II..:.d..rson t!ien stepped forward and presented Till: ADDKiCSS .f the coiamittec, rc;.dig from the inanucrip ULAixii'i i:i:ri.v. Jlr. ll!a:r.e listened to General Ilen- derson'.i address standing under tn elm with Ids arms folded and hid eyes usu illy ea-t down, but at tiiaei? wan- derinjf aL-out and sevmiug tlie faces of th audit-in:e Wlicn General Hender son concl.ided speakiug, Witlker Jilaine, the candidate's sou, stepped forward and handed his father the manuscript of his address in reply to that of the committee. Mr. Blaine then read as follows : Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the National Committee: I receive, not without deep sensibility, your otii-dal notice of the action of the national convention already brought to my knowledge through the public press. I pprcc:ate moie piofouudly than I din txoress the lionor whicli ia implied in the nomination for the presidency by the republican party of the nation, sakirrj through the authoritative voice of duly accredited delegates. To te selec'e 1 as a candidate bj such an assembly, Lorn tie list of emimnt statesmen wiiosa names were presented, fills me with eiabai r:issnient. I can only express my gr:uitndt for so sig nal an h 'Uor ia my desire to prove uort'i of the grf-;it l';it irpoged in me. In a u pti.!.r t r iis 't'ioi. i- I now do, I am iuipre.--f- :. 1 --m -pressed with a sen-f o" ih-: labor ai.d Jvsr.oiudldlilv which :u '.t a ts niv 00- diion. The burden is lightened, l ow ever, I y the host of e:ir::c?t n-.en mLo sr.ppi5 my cindidaey, many of liom add, as does your honorable connnii tee, the iheer of perstal frieodship to the pledge of political fealty. A more formal acceptance will naturally be ex pected, and will in due t-eaon be oni municated. It may, however, not be inappropriate at this time to say that I have already made a .-airlul siudy of the principles announced by the na tional convention, an i i whole and in detail they have my i.i-mitsi sinpthy and meet my - unqualified uppiuva'. Apart from your official errand, geiit'.e rxten,I am extremely happy to welcome you all to my house. With many ol you I have already shared the duti.-b of public service, and have enjoyed r.i..st cordial frieudjhip. I trust your jour ney from all parts of the great repub lic has been agreeable, nnd during j-our stay in Maine you will feel that jou are not among strangers but among friends. Invoking the blessing of God ui on the great cause which we jointly represent, let ua turn to the future with out fear and with manly hearts. At the contusion of Mr. 1 51 aine'st re ply the members tho committee were introduced to him indi vidu illy, and an hour wn t-ic nt in si-ci.i! nod informal conversation. Th" ni'-inoen ol the commit let repaired to the icai deuce of Colonel Osgood, where thiy were entertained ut lunch. At 1 o'clock they left for Portland, when; they have a reception at 7 p. 111. llefrigerators in all sizes at. Henry liieck's. r!Mf Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered you by the Burlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in thU i.-nne. I7tf The best beef in r.ft eity ala;s e::i be found ut l'eterson IJio-. iliM'Wi t. In p!ireiia-iii; a reirigi-r.iior !! 11 ry IJievck's new stock a i l get iiees before purchasing. o"tf Ihst and Cheapest pbico to buy Wad Panor, Lead, Oil, &?., at AVurr-iek'n. get prices, see stock and be con vim" d. New poods lust recen d.4iL Jiw-t I'hil Young sells base ialls, ami bai t at cost to close out stock. lo'2 The Ice Man. Jos. Fairfield has established an of fice at Monarch billiard hall, where he will contract with consumers to supply ice for the season at the lowest terms. 3m2 CORN COB pipes in every stylo Schlegel's. iOtt Diamond Wall finish, best and cheap est, ready for use by adding hot water, at Fisher's drug store. 49d&wtf Plattsmouth will celebrate the 1th of July at Fit.ge aid's forty south of the city, and Phil Young has a full supply of fire works. lol2. Ayers sarsaparilla acquires n smaller dose, and is more effective, dose for dose, than an v other blood medicine. dOtwlt 61 cts. will buy Newport Ties. 75 cts. " " Leather Side Luces 100 cts. " " " Front Laces, at Merges. wITtf Money to let? 11 on farm lands. Jan. 21wtr W.8. WifcE. 1 GASH 6IVEM AWAY. ATTENTION, SMOKERS! All contestants for the 25 premiums aCTeeat ing above amount, offered by Blackwell's Uur ham Tobacco Co., must observe the following conditions on which tho premiums are to be awarded: All bags must bear our original Bull Durham label. U. S. Revenue Stamp, and Caution Notice. The bags must be done up securely in a package with name and address of sender, and number of bags contained plain ly marked on the outside. Charges must be prepaid. Contest closes Nmwiber SOth. AU pack ages should bo forwarded December 1st, and must reach us at Durham not later than Decem ber lCifu No matter where you reside, send your package, advise us by mail that you have done so, and state the number of bags sent. Names of successful contestants, with number of bags returned, will be published, Pec. 22. in Boston. Herald: New York, Herald ; Philadel phia, Timet: Durham, N. C, Tobacco Plant: New Orleans, Times-Democrat : Cincinnati, l.n qttirer: Chicaco, Daily A'evis; Saa Francisco, Chronicle. Address, Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co., Durham, N. C. Every genuine package has picture of Bu.l. jgSee our next announccraent.S3i " i MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH HORSE SHOEING & WAGON REPAIBINt All Kinds of Farm ImDlements Mendel will Neatness and Dispatch. IIorse3 Mule & Ox Shoeing n short, we'll shoe anything that lias four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. JSTIETW SHOP Filth St. between Main anl Vine SreHs just across i corner from the Nkw MKKaI.Ij OFFTCK. J. PARLEMAH, Will BUY a10 ali kinds ,.r FURNITURE METALS TWOS - 1-ii.vJv . t FURS Will advnrce morjey on all SALABLE GOODS, on lower Main street, One dcor west of Beck's Furniture sore Plattsmouth. Feb. 1st. 1SS3 46tf. PROFESSIONAL CARD3. E- XV- COOK. M. I. ITIVMICIAN AMI SlIKiJ.DN, OrriCE At I'lsiiKu'K Dem bTuKic. riatts.nouth, 'ebra-ka. c;b:. s. nmitsi, ATT '.KNKY AT LAW. Will tr:tic- in all t'ourt of ihe Jitate. Ollice in tileild liloek. M.TISM)L'l II, - NKHH.KA. Al.I.KN llKKSON . A. N. Sl'l.l.l VN. llKF.SO.V &, Sl'l.l.l A., ATTOKNKYS AT I,AW. Will Rive prompt attcnliou to all biiHiness Intrusted to them. ()f lic in L'uiou l;lock. East .tide. I-LATTSMOUTH - NKBltHKA. FRANK H. WILSON, Jtaseiueiit of Uatik ot Cass County. COKNRIC SIXTH AND MAIN Sl'HKKTS. 33" O 3? -A Tr. T TJ 33 Xj TO I'arti';nl;ir alfenlloyi five. I In tlie pi-epnralh'li r paper rt fur Ca veals, r:teiil a:id Ki-lsl ration ! milt' Marks a:iil l.-iheis. Ww, IMXLKH. .farslieo of the peace. Elm wood , Neb Collect ins a sjieidiilty and gives prompt 1 !")iin 1. ( audi est Elm wood tivi. llt. A. MAL.IS1SL'1C"&. DE1TTIST. JUceover Smith. lilack & Co's. Dru' Store. Fiiat eia-is dentistry at reasonable niees. 23ly M. O'DONOHOE ATTOHXEY AT LAW & NOTARY PURI.IC. Fitzgerald's Block. PLATTSMOUTH, - NK2RASKA Agent for Steamship lines to and Irom Europe. dl2w52ly I;t. W. H. NtlllLDKSKCHT, Practicing Physicia?i. Ofilce, Corner Main and 7th Streets., I'LATTSMOUTJI, ------ KEHKAsKA. DR. J. S. STDRDEVANT, M. D. , PUYSICIAN AND SURGEOX. AtteL ; calls, dy or night. w23tt Eight Milk Gkovf.. Nkb. IC K. UhTOX, 91. .. rnvsiciAN & BUEGKO.N. OFFI E HOURS, from 10 a. m., to 2 p. ei. Ex;uiiiu.i:ii Surgeon lor U. S. Pension. 1)K. M. MlLLKft, PHYSICIAN AND SUHGEON, Can be found by calling at his offlce, coiner 7th and Main Streets, in J. II. Waterman's house. PLATTSMOUTn. NEBRASKA. JAM. H. MATHIIIVN ATTOKHEV AT LAW. Oflict; over Baker & Atwood's store, south side ot Main between 5th aud 6th streets. ltf MTUUUU Jt CL,AKIt. ATTORNEY'S AT LAW. Will practice In all the Courts in the State. District Atlrrcj ami Xotani Public. aiLL H. W1SK. COLI.CTIOJ"S si. SiieCM L7 1 . ATTOKNEY AI LAW. Iteal Estate. Fire Iu curanee and Collection Agency. Oolce Union bUx.'k l'liil tsnmuth Nebraska. 22u3 i. n.W!;::iaF.!i LAW OFFICE, Real IMate, Fire an I .: '1 -surauce AKents, I'lattsmouth, Nebraska. . ii leetors, tax -payers. Have a complete abstract of titles, buy and sell real eetate, neK'ti:ite loans. &c. 15 1 Notary 1'ubllc. ATTOKNEYAT LAW. Wl:l practice in Cass and adjoining Counties ; gives ppecia! attentioi) to collections and abstracts of title, tltllce in Sherwood Block, i'lattsinouth, Nebraska, nyl tlOHKKT' it. W1NS1J1A21. Notary Public ATTOKNKY AT LAW. OHiee over Carruth's Jewelry Store. Plattsmouth. - Nebraska. 2. A. KARTIGAi1 X A W Y "K K . FrrzoKit a ld's Block. Plattsmouth Nkb Prompt nud careful atter.Uon to Law Practtee. 4eaeral K. DItESSLER, iercliant Tailor. PLATTSMOUTH. - Dr. C. A. Marshall (.Successor to Clutter & Marshall,) Preservaiiou f natm-a! n:-ft!i a specialty. 1'eeth extracted without pain by use cf Laughing Gas. Ail work warranttd. Pilces reasonable FTT7.0KI'AL1 Kl.O-K. - rr.ATTKJiOUTH.N KINEEAD BROS., PAINTERS & DKCOllATORS, KAl.SOiN!li. PAPER.ILVNC.INO, ANO FINE CHAINING, Lea-e y.uu- orders with them I"r First-Class Work. Plattsmouth. iVKmtAsivA COTTAGE HOUSE. titli SJ ear Jlain. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBHASKA. Having taken charge of the Cot tage House, I 6hall try to furnish all patrons with comfortable quarters and keep the tables supplied with the best in tr.e market. Transient custom and board by the day or week solicited. 3 Ul fcs; s o S3 Tffi 83 iffi XX M 8 9 o 3 a 0 C53 9 S3 S5 e s em ft fcaU 9 TBI e SN5) C3 3 y) 2) o -30 51 nrm 3) ' " r' mayl7dtf. ED. FRAZIEBj