r 1 p6l N L &1 3 ft. " 1 Jr.. E2 V.i 5e 5 S OS r'.t:". ft5- 2) i w&y 2) 3 Opera J. S. HARTMAN, Proprietor. Every tliiaai? ISIw. IFour Mew Tables. Oysters d&ILcsnclA I22 coimecltoBi Also :i complete line of the lot quality of CIGARS. an-1 TOIiACCO, next .I.Mi- t. O. Oj'er.i House JJIock. ll EASTWARD Dailv Exm-ees Trains for Omxlia. Ciiicao, Kansas Citv St. Ixmia. and all joints Hast. riiroutrh Care via Peoria to Indianapoli. Ele- .rjtiit. Pullman Palace Cars and dcy torches on all through trains, and Jming careir, of Mis souri river. CENTHAL EAT V4&SI an fieaei fMe ncsuscc?. jrra OOKPLSTS Livery, and RIGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DfiY OR NIGHT. EVEIlYTIUXfJ IS FIRST CLASS SINGLE AND DOUBLE CARRIAGES. Travelers will fin a complete outfits by calling at the LOLjED Corner Vine and Fourth Strer t, Jonathan Hatt Beef-Port acfC!wiM .10 A. . II .ATT. ngnr-Cured Hams, Iiaeon, Salt MeHt.of all kinds, Lard Bologna, and uli other rliclcs kept in a iiit-claes nieut market. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The Higliest Market Price Paid lor Hides; Wool, Pelts, Grease, Etc. -o FresB Lake Trout and White Fish Every Thursday MoroiaaJ i WESTWARD Daily Express trains for Denver connects In Union Depot for all points in Colorado. L'tab California and the entire W et. The advent o. West, with scenery and advautHres uuequale1 else here. MAKKE 9 Sale Stable. THE BEST TEAMS IN THE CITY- 9 PLATTSAIOUTII. NEB. J. W. JMarths. 9Meil utton and vea ' "FRANK II. I Fire, Tornado and OlBre, Rasemcnt of PLATTSMOUTH, Queen Insurance Cuinj any, of J.ivi-rj.ool. Washington Fire uml Marine Jmuniiiee Co., of LVton Commercial Union Aesm-unce Company, of London Western Assurance Company, of Toronto, Ont. Capital, - ... Total Assets', . Total losses paid since organization, uhi'UThnCVCaU'M Feslern Assnnuce Co., OK Toronto, Oiit. A.M. Smith, J.J Kkmnv, a. W. Duim. J resl -Vnt. Ma-iKIi K Mr. Supt. At't-uclt. ixbtj:i ktati'h tki-ktkj:h. Win. II. (juion, of Williams Colon. (Cnfon Wr, . KleaniKhip I me., New il: ni. A. Cootli, i'lesiilciit l iiinl Nafi.ii:il Hank. New York." Arthur C. O'aves. rresiil-i-t St. Mi-n.i!.s Hank. New Vol... Geo.W. Hayes. General Agent, Miltvaukee.WiA UNITED STATES BRANCH. ASUKTS. United States 451 percent retdi-ter- ed Bonds. . - United StateH 1 percent reciHtered liond.i . New York Centra! & lludxou River Railroad liou Js Georgia Mato Bond" CaU deposited in State of MUmYh- Hlppi Cash in Bank Premiums in courne of collecli.u".".' S3J5.000.00 218.210.00 4(5,2f0.00 2T,KJ0.00 15.000.00 1N).K70.8C l02.lO0.TC LIABILITIES. i an kit c'o Re-Incurance reserve 8-lf,866.31 ' rwiPaid, '"S KH.1 -10.23 OJier liabilities . 2o.i n k v an Surplus in United States $ :C9.0C3.73 rrcmium Receipts in United States. ts7i to 1W3, inclusive f 5,St'5,202.3 Total Fire losses, paid in United Stte.i874 to ISM. i,liuive 3.3M&i5.t)9 Tn,szLTance Co OF JL1VEKPOOL. eml-arnual stateni' nt of Ihe United Ptate "ranch on the SM day ;f De ember. :uz. ISEPIIM. U(Mi;rs. luai ar Wniiii, De partment, Cl.ici.KO, 111. Assets i?i the United Staffs. J'f n. 9- Wfita c Keal Kstte. I'luncujibrred x,2 r,. it- l. tilted Mat. s Honda l.cifi.Viu 1 1 Hi 'M e-,alt',-' Vy l.0 3!t Otnei Ittms 24w, 65 1.752.207 89 Liabilities in the United States. Losses Unadjusted and ill Sl!Hll'l-K t1'tf f?l OA All other claims acainst the Company 4,076 75 :!C.0I0 9" Amount necoe-ary to re insure an oui.Hiauaiiig' risks r. n-.i io Net surplus In United ' ' Jaies frf!3,12J 52 ' 1,732,207 8!- Net Surplus in United states Dec. 31 1 882 ..... ... .......... . 1 24 f'2 Losses paid cince Oiganizatlon ."..'.' .'.'.'s.Srjoiiw cy HOR ZZZAD QUARTERS FOR ALE, WINES BEER AND CIGARS, Old Kentucky Whiskies, IMPORTED WINKS, 9 AIUAIM'S EXTIiA DRY CUAZIPAGKl NATIVE WINES, ' STjLOUJS beer; SSrugs Omaha Bees? Always on drmsEsf. ALWAYS IN STOCK, AT THE ELKHOKN Fitzgerald Rlock CommissiGn Merchant, HBATJQ;TJARTERS FOB r I ru A N sIsest. Csssk WILSON, Cyciono Insurance, Hank of I'miuty, NEBRASKA, $ i.r.oo ooo 20.100 000 52.047 O0C lJnderwiiti' J rmrt attention ISAAC SWLKISKR, A. W. DaMO.V. Ile.ident. httMliil'i FRANK i:. bWfcK-lhCK. Vic. . rUl.lent. Washington Fire and izim lumm Cie;i,t BOSTOW. STATEMENT, JAN. 1, . Urtl'k .S. I Kl- , . , r , vi.yoi j-;-;::'::;r vf.; f. I i.l'e.l hfalen ItJ.m ' I' i-:.i.r u.i Mock,,,! i:,',;;,i;y1t OiberAeta(accna.di",;t.l'i.),7;:;" C,!09S Aw" :...$i.6x..;.io.3 u nerved f..r KHnxirrfiit-e, 2 :') i AUotlie. Uabllltk- Vilw GKOSSLlABlLITJK,exr.., f ,, p. , ?;)Vjw , ... Net Surplus, WESTERN DEPAI.'THIENT, 174 La SALLE STREET, CHICAGO -'AMI S. (;,.m.r, jik, coisfifyiEHcifiL mm CO. ci LONDON. LMTtU STATIC ItWANCJi: ' 37 and S3 Wall street. - NEW YOKK ITY Alfhh.Ph.1., Resident M;iH)r( r C has. mewali . Aft;,,lt JlauHKerJ WE.STEUX DKI'AIJTMEKT; 157 and 169LiMaIleHt . - - CIIII'.!!'), 1 1 L. C. K . JH;i.LJN8, Rehident Se rel ry. UNITED STAT1 S BPAKCK HTATHMFM ,AN. 1st lTerve fur t,,i:.l l.,wlin Net Mirj.ius Jaj uary J.n. . V, J 24 mom held In the Uniled stales... WM Income. 183 i fcxpemiitures. IHKI 'loiiii is S-jipluK Income in U. H . lW? "7 l, ri 4- loiai io-efpHld by tn!d Company Allh'SO Inthe Wu... ... PLATTS2IOUTII, NEB. D ps'Iec iaM i&z PLATTSMOUTK, - . NEBRASKA.