i iTTTn UntFTMi V I s 1 tl ii 8 - ft i Hue klfu'w Arnica Milve. TIc J5ct Hi've in t'n- world lt-r Ju'", Uru-w-s. Uli-T-.S-ilt itl.-m... I-V vcr rcT ticr Oh i ped limnls Lt.ill liiuH (rns stud "U ki Kr-'P' " ixHitivly euro Pi. r n . k.v npiird. It is gauant-ed to give rteci atts fac'iou, r uiou-y r.tuid-d. Pue2o cents per box. IV' Hv M- H"1' rfa. N..v.2? I8l-ly The Best Coh Medicine In Hit? World. bAMW.E m:i:k ok chaise. Call t Warrick drug store, and .ret a s::inple tattle ol 15rowu' tx ee torant of clua;:e. It run-- Cuiil.-. lluaisenet:-. Whopi"g tun i Humi.tim in its criy i-taes It is bcientUe. ircpt"ati:',ainiratdy 'lllM 1 d lor theero ol nil Throat: ami L"" Disease. K U pU-a-.nit t take ar.. entliflj hftrioU-i. Try It; llc-..s y" .?., Tt.y.j ti -i '.' t !- . . '- vi.'s. and :j!.Ot. F"i s-io i j A.. J. u lai. :r:r Free ! Fiwi! Free ! NEW DISCOVERY FOll PILES. A new remedy tor this dreaded dis ease has been discovered l.y Dr. Deni:,; A single application will convince tu most bkcpticul of iu must vou.!;:rtul healing powers. By culling on . -i Warrick druggist, you can obtain Bauiple box free of charge, winch Will natisry jeu of its cutative qualities. Ian 3 luwly Assorted tint of Diamond Wall Fin ish may be found at Fbhtr'sdi ne stoie, revolving sign. 49djtwtf Collection Notice. All parties knowing Uifiaiohea o be indebted to uie will please cull and make lull settlement at once, s tliut hereafter we can conduct a strictly cash busiuess. Please give this your iinine niJiate attention. d59 w3w BoBT Shekwood. Iu the Future Wbeu yon have i cough aud want re lief, li.iuk ol K'nio'i lidsain for the Throu ua I Lungs; Mrantee l reme dy for th re J:s asci. Fi i c rt)o and ii . . i .1 u fr P. UeaiM'Ctf'-llV. " "w ... ap." ira YV. J. WAllllll K. Twent-Sv? ccnt3 in alvai..c will entitle yJu to urro ji uic fl.t.:: nioutn circuU.io tii-raiy lor oil..- taom.;. 40J a . 1 iii W. .1. WAitr.ir::. - Jariicx sHaliae. Th wu'k entitie'l -Tw. i:ry ': -r Cougrtss" i' ' seciu:t ct) ir.i partial hUtorv of C .ni;r-s.-i.'i i L ui lntioii i-sutni. will b- i-- u l Ir-'M, tl-.-prea im few dnv-. Tn le- un'.-V.vt' II. L. E. Line -In v. i; cail op-" andt::,- voir or!--r3. 1 Tor a bamUm.e t-nit, sub-t inti illy liiidv, in the b'-t i tyle, an t tropj any qu-'ty of no d3 yoa iny -cr. cafi on K. DrMssiei, Merchant Tailor, In Sherwood K'a-k. lodlin Diamond Wall Fiaisii, at Fisher' dm-s ore. 4!dxwif Tbii bei-.titul tliro strv !nck Ntruct::rs Gr ower Maid street. h J-i -t Dei hiiiii''il r.no tted up tar tnc ccotaK:-"!a:lo' cf TRA&SinK'l' CU3TO.Vt:ii: a n n REGULiAU bOAKUEUS.: B7ERT THING HE AND GLEAN Itt. FR F1" nf)()S. Propr. W. H. MALI01C, CARRIAGE r i aiaiil and iriMinu SIS1T & 0RFA"IE1TTAL icrs left with wili iX-oaive proru t attention. COR. FIFTH AX! VINE STHEETS, PLATTSMOUril. - NEB ASK A. !r. Home's Electric Belt Will "jre NeiA-oii" !ies, Lumbago, nh-unia-iini. l'arasis. XettralK':'.. SciaMe. Kiil'ey, Hpiiie au(J l.lver aise:e, (.out, Asil:m;i llenit d'eaf, lnjpt Constipation. Frj'slP'-la.-. CatariN, I'ilcs. K l!c:isy. impotency, lnnub A:ae. i'rKtapstis.L'KM i vie. Onlyscientiflc Klec iri' e!t in Atne ric:i Hi -t scutl't the Eifctrk'ily .'! M-'Vt.t.t mii inroutrh the body, and can be rei.-liar-tl iu an instant ly the patu-nt. ?ilttJO lYouJd ot 2iuy If. D;:. iioSNE-1 a arT.ift'd with rlienn'ntNm ,,nii fn-i lv n-iii4 a trct. T. any one sitPictcil wth tliat i:sa.-e. I wi.uld s;iy. luy ilome'M Electric l;eii. iav on can coniVr itl me by w ri'.ii' ! eiil'Iiii at :i-.y t're, lun Hcul:-s St., f)r.l- . N''. Wll.i Ia.M I.Y Nfi. M IS "KTICK OpJ'ilMIO : ft lCiCf. rooi:; 4 Fre: rr Hi . Isf- F r fa at C. r. Goodman's Vi gSti ie. : FariiHt tief t i'Uiiiha. tlidt'.i tllc:. f. U. 1. CM&wln; M. O'CONNOR. At t5ie dowr.-tovra saioon. PPOSITE THE PHTIKIXS HOV3E Keeps aconjlfte ine oj Isiqtiors, CIGARS, ROTTLED'bEER, ALE ANP PORTER. aTIUG'S 01EAHA : BEER etaphic, INDIANA. II or .'('publican State Convention. The Union Pacific's Great Loss. Hi;h Waters in Texas. Other Ntws. INDIANA. In i u.f.tol.-, June 19. The republi can titutc t oi; tulion vas CHl!'t to jr-dt-r al 10 OH), lion. Siunton J. Pctlie was 1. ' led periuautsiit chairman. The uoiiMnuiicns for governor waa made lirat i.i order, the committee on resolu tions not being ready. Hon. W. II. Callous, Col. W. W. Dudley and Gen. John P. Shanks named; Mr. Calkina nominated on first ba'Iot, receiving; 501 vt)tes, Dudlev 512, S:ianks 48. The uoiwinacoii was .-'. unauiinou.s Th platform a lop'-t't i;iliiied the plat form of the national republican con- voatioa as sufficient for all matter of r:stio:ial bcje, and ln-artily endorses the nomination of liluine aud Log;;n. It euiloies t!ie pure, oignifitd and -at- viotic "'-uinistrattuu f ..'veraor P-r ter; ltr lcgibliii'!; propriatiiu for a i..u';uwK-!it to Uiiie persons of In d bio who died to savf the union; fa- v r- calling a convention to Irumc a ce.v st ue t OQ-titution to tuke the place or tl: t if 1H.'); favors tUCli chnUg'S as bail la!:e the atimini-lialion ol pris- i;s and lelormatory and benevolciit itii ii!!':is fr.m out of iL doma-u ct jnr.y p-:!.::tH; favors the nboP.tiorj of ' n-tact labor; renews the j . dtvotiou to lree schools; la ir. i.- i-i:d,zalioii and adjustment of y .ntL- Mid uei:ions to all honorably :.3;i.aftrJt soldiers of the union army ; d-uoiiic-s the action cl the ueioocratic m ijoriiy in the state hpw mbly iu dia p.acni;; ,oni:Ctcnt i5cialo of beneVO Ici t s itaiions, by iv;-re politicians. Th .-laie ticket was completed as o! o '.v-: Li u euaat (lovcrnor Eugene Uun-iy, o Uei.ry county, secretary of state; Rob-:r Mit hell. of Gibson county, au a ior; Uruce Curr. of Orange coun y, treasurer; U. It. Siuel, -f Marion couu ty, attorney general; W. C. Wiiton, ol fipp cano-, Eup. iiotcndent of public i.istructi n; B.C. liobbf,of Taike, re porter of thy supreme court ; Win. M. II iatt, of Warrick, judge of the su preme court; fifth dirict, E. P. Ildta mond ot Jujier. Couveutiou adjourned if 8:31 after a continuous session since :'':' ii'JOii. UOW THE U. P. LOST $20,000. Cn-cago, June ID A little bit of cuv-tasinr has just come .to light iu this city. A Chicago Grin had seventy live ctrl-ja is of minium m tchinary to e - i 1 i i p s-s I to Montana, lor which the Uniou Pacilio aa-l Buriiagtou had both made !. i-, t'ie letter securing the cou- trt'-t. r.u iiarlingtoa oiieted to luru over the freigiit to tha Union Pacific at Council JVaSs on coniitioa that bulk should u it be broicca.but the cars tak en ttiro'Jjrh by tne Union Pacilic and Ore-Ki Short L'.ne. After thiaaiei- loeut had been vlnualJy ta ;dri and the ViXl i ng on had c -;.t ;u.'.d I for iho fre.-cnt, an effort W is rca-1 by the U:- oa l'aciiis t tlicial- to diven the busi-::er-s t oue of i:s :r;;jaili:b u-.l.ts. Heating of tl-is th iin ton .. j.le tooa In'- l.-i!it by liuit i I 'aui line and transferred it to mo Northern Pa riiie, thus cutting ;he Union Pacific out of .3.0)0, the gross value of the besi uess. Whea all the facts become known to the Union Pacific manage ment lively tiaies are exacted I1IGU WATf-R. El Pajo, Texa-s June l'J. The Kio Grande rivtr show mti;e water hc-ie an 1 above than it Lm at any time ia a quartt r of a centurv. The horse rail i. al and the Mcxica.i Central railroad bridges have been swept away, and the valleys below, to Cunip lliec, and Old Foit Quitman, presented the appear ance oi a Vast iblalld eea. The data bo lveen th general town and tiie river, on whi.:h arc the Atchison, Topeka Jfc Sjata Fe railroad depot b Jildinws, iiave all been submerged. The damage to YalctH, Socoru, Saa E!iza?rs and Catnp j R re h9 been propntii nately great. It U understood that the old American towo of Presidio. Texas, has leru near ly destroyed. TUE NICACRAGA WAT KB WAY. Wa-ihington,.Iune 19. S cretary Fre linghuyaen today cou.municated to the hoyje oonuUttee on foptititti aud foreign aff irs,Jat a joint meeting, the det il- of the plana of thendmiu istration In re'pect the Jficauraga wat er way. lie aid that the uual nuth oda adopted for making thcfce matters known to congress were tnk n for "real reasons," aud asked that Ida com n u ilcalious might be Teceived undir reBtrictions of otficial secrecy. The committee after hearing the secretary, adjourned without action. HOME HEMS "All your own fault If you r-111:110 elck wiien you caa Jet hop bitters tliat never Fa 1 l 22 The weakest woman, bniallett child, and sickest invalid can use hoj bitters witli safty and great good. Olu men tottering around from Rheu matism, kidney tr:utjM or any weak ness will bo almost ne -.v Ly u.ing hop hitlers. My wil-j and daughter were made healthy by the use ol hop bitters atti I recommend them to my people. Methodist Clergyman. Auk any good doctor if hop BUUT3 are u t tlie best family niedlolno On eartli. Malarial fever, Ague an J liiiiious- neas, will leave every neighborhood u.-;' soon as hop bittera arrive. "My mother drove the paralysis and neuralgia al." out of her ettera with hop bitters." eo. OSWEGO fcUN. Keep the kidneys healthy with hop bitters and you need not tear sickness. Ice water is rendered harmless and more refrshing aud reviving wit h hop bitters in every draught. The vigor ol youth for tha aged aud infirm in h. p bitters! "At Hie change of Ufa nothing eiti:il.i Hop liitur to ally all troubles ii:eiUeut Thereto "The best peilodical for ladies to take monthly aud from Ahich they will receive the greatest benefit is hop bitters." Mothers with sickly, fretful, uurs ing children, will cure the children and benefit themselves by taking hop bitters daily. Thousands die annually from some form of kidney disease that might have deen preveuted by a timly use of hop bitters. Indigestion, weakstouinch, irregu larities of the bowels, canot exist when hop bitter are used A timely xikp of hop Titters will keep a whole family In robust health a year at a titlJe cost. To produce real genuine sleep and child-like repose all uiglu, take a little hop bittets on rctiiimr. That indigestion r stomach gas at night, preventing rest and sleep, wili disapcar by using hop bitters. --Paralytic, nervous, tremulous old ladies ar.i made perfectly quiet aud sprightly by using hop bitter?. June 12 1SS4 wlm Same Foolih Peaple xVliow a cough to run untd it t-ets be yond the reach of inedici-e. They of'en say. Oh, it will wear a-ay, ut iu m-'St case-1 it wears them awiy. Could th y be iitdu- ed to try the successful m d cine cal'ed Kemp' Balsam, hat I -el: on a positive guarantee to t ore, thy w u'd imrajdiate!y si e the excel lent effec- after taking .he first dose. Price 50c and 81; trial size free. Rrtrfp'y. "apiS 4m W. J. Warrick. M O" Conno Seeps on hand tho cel ebrated Anheuser Hurch St Louis Cot tied Beer and tilways ready to pay pac ticnlar attention to liis customers. 155t.f Spearhead tobacco is al' the go rcw. All chewers seeia to be anxious to got that farm, which will bn given away m June next. Call at Matt Schlcgel's for a circular. ltf IN GASH GIVES! AWAY ATTENTION, SMOKERS! All contestants for the 25 premiums acrerregat ing above amount, offered by Blackweirs Dur ham Tobacco Co., must observe the following conditions on which the premiums are to be awarded: All bags must bear our original Bull Durham label, U. 8. Revenue Stamp, and Caution Notice. The basra must be done tip 6ecure!y in a package wiUi name and address offender, and number of bags contained plain ly marked on the outside. Charges must b9 prepaid. Omlcrt dote Sopcniber SOth. All pack ages should be forwarded December 1st, and must reach ns at Durham not later than Decent ber lMh. No matter where you reside, send your package, advise ns by mail that you have done so. and state the number of bags sent. Names of successful contestants, with number of bags returned, will be published, Dec. 22, in Boston. Herald: New York, Herald: Philadel phia. Time: Durham, N. C, Triibnceo Plant: New Orleans. Times-Democrat: Cincinnati, En quirer: Chicatro, Daily Xetcs; San rrancisco, Chronicle. Address, BLACKWELL'H DURHAM TOBACCO I.O., . Durham. N. C. Every genuine package has picture of Bull, 47-See car nest announcement" J. PARLEMAN, Will BUY ana biiL-L." all kinds of FUH1TITURE' METALS 7E02T RA33 AHD FUPwS Will advance money on all SALABLE GOODS, ; on lower Main street. One door west of Beck's Furniture sore Platteuouth, Feb. let. 1883 40tf. v w nil PROFESSIONAL CARDS. . W- CO 311. M. D. Physician and Schoecin, OFFICE At Fisiiek s Dklo Stoui Piattsaiouth Nebraska. ;i:o. s. smith, ATT HNEY AT UW. Will nruetlof in all Courts ol the State. Oilloe in FitzKerld HliKk rtTT8MOUTH, KHASKA. ALLEN BFKHON. A. N. SLI.LIVa.V. & SI I.I.I VAV, ATTOKNEVS AT LAW. Wtll Rive prompt attentlou to a l buclnesi intrusted to them. OI hce la Uuiou Ulock, East side. FLAT! a MOUTH NKBKA8K.A. FRANK H. WILSON, Baaeiiietit of Uank of Cass County. COB'Kii Sixth ano ilAiN stkkets. Particular ntteutlou Klve.1 10 tin preparatloa of paer for Cava!s, raimt' m:U ileiil ration of 1 ruile Marks and L.ibeli. Wm, iif.l.i.i:k. JuHtir of the Pea.ce. El in wood Xeb Collections r. specialty aud gives prompt attention P. O address EI111 uo'j'l Su'k lli. AL.SltL'U . , DENTIST. JUlce over .miith, U!ack & Co's. lrug Store, first elass deiilistry at teaiiouable pritex. iy M. O'DONOHOE ATTOUKEY AT LAW & NOTAItY PUBLIC. Fitzgerald's Block. eUATTSMOUTH, - KKBUASKA Aent for Stea'uthip lines to and from Europe. dl2w521y l.t. W. II. SCIllLUKKEtilT, Practicing Physician OClce. Corner Main aud 7th Street.. 1'LATTH ilOUTU, m:mtAK. DR. J. S. STDRDEVAKT, M. D. , PHYSICIAN AMD SUUGEON. At tei. s calls, dy or nltcht. w23t.f Eight Milk Gbovz. Nkb, B. IU L,IVI UhTO-V. 91. 1 fllVSICIAN & BUKOHO.N. OFKI E HOUUS, from 10 a. in., to 2 p. Di. Examiner? Hurteou for U. S. reasiau. 1)U. M. 9I1L.1.KJI. PHYSICIAN AND 8UKGEON, Can K found bv calliui; at his oHlue, comer 7tli and Main Suee'tn, iu J. U. Waterman's house. PLtATTSMOUTH. iBKA&KA. J AH. M. 3IATUKWH attoi::;xv at law. OH'ice over Baker At wood's store, south .side of Main bct-en6tb aud tth streets. irtCIr. fc CliAKK. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. WiU prfetiee in all tho Courts iu the btat. Ditrici AtV ;jt-j and Xotaru PubUc. iViltLi .1. IThtK, COLLXCTIO.YH UTECJrf. Lit. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Keal Estate. Eire In- suranee and Colieeliou Ageney. tffife Cni bliK'k I'laitstuoulh Nfbruska. 2ziii. naon 2zin3 t. ti. w eki :l.i:u & to. LAW OFFICE, Keal IMate, Fire and LiX- li. surance Auents. riattsaioinh, Nebraska. Coi Iwlors, f:sx-;ayei. Have a complete bstra't of titles, iiu and sell real est ire, ne--tia?e loans. &e. i5 I Notary Public. ATTOKNEYAT LAW. W .;i prattle-ia Cass and adjoining Counties ; gives ?p;eia. alteDt.'ou to eoi'.f ctions and abstracts of title. Ottice in Sherwood Block, I'lattmouth, Nebraska. 17vl HtHtr.Si.'T B. VSXliE5.3I, Notary 1'uhMc ATTOIINKV AT LAW. O31oe over Carruth's Jewelry Store. Flattamouth. - '- - - Nebraska. fa. A. HAKTJCAW, X. A W Y U B . FirzuRRAi.o's Block. Plattsmouth Neb Prompt snd careful attention to a jeneral Prac-t iee. K. DltESSLE!'. Merchant Tailor. PLATTSMOUTH. - NEB. Dr. C. A. Marshall 8uecesnr to Clutter & Jlarshall.) Preservation of natural teet:i a specialty. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Laughing Gas. AH work warranttd. Prices reasonable. FTT7.JK1AT.r Pr.OrK. - PLATTaifCTH.N KINKEAD BROS., PAINTERS & DECORATORS, KALSOMINIXG. PAPER HANGINO. AND .... FINE GRAINING, i.eave your orders with thetu fr First-Class Work. Pr.ATTMOTTTfl. VkRRSKA I COTTAGE HOUSE. Gtli sti Scar Main. PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA. Having taken chaise of the COT taoe House, I shill try to furnish all patrns with comfiT?Rbl qi rt-r8 and keep the ta les supplied .with the bes' ia tr. market. Transient enstom an ' board by the day or week solicited. I 303 zm s s? EJJ, FRAZTEff, P ua 9 3 H 0 (D v3 c3 ( fc M 0 13& o m Mo 3 .111 I f A - i ' , .