UucU1um Aitilru Siilve. The I t Salve in the world IV. r Cut, t ruses, S -c , Ulf fs, Silt illifufi), K ci'.rT; T. M r Ch t: p'.'d liwidi Chilb lain. Coins and ''11 Skin r.rup'.ioi;. nii.l iMtttitivly euro Pitts or no pv re iir.l. It in (rau!iant.H'l to jnve perfect atls faction, or money refunded. Price- 'lb cents per brx. ForSalo By J. M. Hub ert's. Nov. 37 ly The Best Couh Medicine In the World. SAMPLE I'HKi: OF CIIAliCJE. Call at Warrick's drug store, and jet a sample bottle of Brown' Expee torant free or charge. It cures Couyhn, Hoarseness. Whooping Cough ami Con uinpliou in Us early stages. It is a hcieutific preparation, admirably :n!a t d tor the cure oi all Throat and Lumr Diseases. It is 1 1 eaant to take ani entirely lianuley. Try it; it ts you nothing- Kc?.il.ir mzu little:-, r').ent-. and 81.00. For ii.-h' by W..J. Warrick. JU. ! IA.Wl v Free ! Fnui! Free ! NEW DISCOVKIIY FOB PILES. A now remedy for this dreaded ase has" been discovered by Dr. l)-nii-; A Bingl-Hpplicatioii will convince the moat bkeitieid or it3 most woudeiful healing power, l'.y calling on V. .1. Warrick druggist, yon can obtain a sample Ihx free of charge, which will natisfy you of itsruraltve qualities. Jan Z D.ovly Assorted tints of Diamond Wall Fin ish may bo found at Fisher's drug store, revolving sign. iDd.twtf Collection Notice. All parties knowing themselves to ba indebted to me will please call and make full settlement at once, that hereafter we can conduct a strictly cash business. Pleaao give this your iuimc mediate attention. d59 w3w Bout. Sherwood. In the Enture When you have a couh and want re lief, think ol K-aip's Bdsnin for the Throat and Lntis; a -laranteed reme dy for those diae.-.ries. Friee !0c and $1 ; trial size free. lhspcctf ully, apr3 1m W.J. Warrick. Twentv-five cents in advaiiee will entitle you to use of the Plntinouth circulating library for one month. 4CJ&wlm W. J. Waiikick. Jfaiiies Maine." The work entitled "Twenty Years of Cougresv' the most succinct and im partial history of Congressional Lcgis lution x "!; will hr. is nvd from the press i ti a ii'.w da vs. In the meantime II. L. E. Lincoln v-ill call upon you and ti'ke our ord.-rs. 'dJtwtf For a haudsome suit, sub-t filially made, in the best of style, an-1 from anv quality of goods you ia svsJect, call on K. Dressier, Merchant Tailor, In Sherwood Block. ICdlm Diamond Wall Finish, at Fisher's drug store. IMAWtf CITY HOTEL. This beautiful time story brick structure, cu ovi er Maid street, has Just been nnisl-ed and tted up tor the accommodation ot TRA NSIEITT C U8TO If Mid, AXO rfgul.au boarders.: EVERY THING NEW AND CLEAN A GoodI5ar i-- :tf. FRED T.OOS. Prorr W. H. 3IALI0K, CARRIAGE aMm m trimmis SIGH &. ORNAMENTAL .' i vrders left with me will receive prompt attention. cot:, fifth A:r vixe stkeets, PLATTSMOUTII. - NEBRASKA. Or. Home's Eleciric Belt Will can; Nervousness. Lumbaco. I:lieu:na ti.sm. rami) sis. Neuralgia. Sciatu'H. Kiiluey, hpineand Liver diseases, liout. Asthma Heart di-eae. Disuenia Constinaliun. Kryslnlas. Catarrh, files, K ilej-y. Im(otency, l)unib arui", rroiapsus.L icri.etc. uiuy seietiiinc t:ec tric Belt in Ameriea th -t sends Hie liiectriclty atil .M.ifiietisui tliroUKh the luuly. and can lie recharged in uu iustant by the patient. $1,000 Would -ot ItU3 It. I'R. IIorvf. I as afflieted with rheumatism and cured by using a belt. To any ne atllicted with that isease. I would say. buy Home's Kleetr.e lit-lt. Anv our can confer with me by writing or culling at my - tore. 14J0 Uouliis St., Omha. Nl. WILLIAM LY NH. Min iKfiCE-0,nosite ' out ufflce, roum 4 Krt"r bl.jck. trT" 'i'r fa'e at C F. f;oodinan's Drugstore, rraaiu Street Omaha. Orders iiKcJ. V. 0. 1. C4diwlm M. O'CONNOR. At the down-town saloon, t'l'OSIT THE TERKLNS HOUSE, L'vepj a complete Ino of I iquors. VND CIGARS, BOTTLED BEER, ALE AXD POUTER,- SRUa'S OMAHA BEER ial tao best bruas ol Kentuctcj SI . wnWJtiee, ooslteZreftiim uus -ttriAnmoTD Telegraphic 31EX OF MAINE. Triumphal Returns of the Delegates I'.utland, Me., June U Five cars wnit'ii in Portland to connect wih the Blaine train. The lea-linR car is g-ii!y !eoruUd with biiiiing uud por tr. an i was eiiajied by Collector Dow for a rte't.ct party of citizens and pubii.i men. t.'hrndler'a band accoiu pairrs Him prty. The train rolled in at 2: 10 p. in, amid cheers and wel eomef u-l th strains of the band. The ii.-lt -gates report an nthus;is- ic rece:it.n at Lynn and Portsmouth, the only nlaeea when; ;the train topped. At Portsmouth address were made by Congressman Boutelle, Uovernor Ro!:.', ii-J (Jovernor Davis of Califor nia. The train made a short stop at Portland, and Wiug, of Auburn made a brief speech. The band struck up agaiu and the artillery thundered a sa lute. AT BRUNSWICK. Augusta, June 9. The Blaine train left' Portland at p in. No stops wero made uutil Brunswick was reached, at 4. Here were four cars from Lewiston and Auburn, decorated with Blaine insignia, and three more trom Rockland and other cities, all tilled with delegates to join the Blaine train- A great crowd with a band ot music greeted the California and Maine tU-leaies with cheers. The Bowdoii sludcnU were conspicuous iu enthusi asm. Senator McClure, of California, m-ide a ringing speech, after w hich Co'tt;rt?PDian Boutelle made a speech, which was cut short by th starting of the train at 4r20 for Augusta. AT OAUDINER, :irtilh ry welcomed the train, but a stop two minutes was made. All '.a route the flying train was n-e'f.v. with cheers aud wavinir of haiiukt-i chiefs, particularly along the Kennel ec river. Crowds were gathered at many places. At 5:20 the long train ISTO AVOCsTA, TJ;'fl'. where bands were playing, whiles blowing, bells riusing, aitiik-ry fini g and crowds were asaeuibled to meei it. A procession, with uiusicand banners was forniol to escort tl;e visitors. L.t Governor Connor addressed tin California delegation in words of v-ei-cornc, which were responded to bj Senator McClure, of XJalifornia, who closed, amid great cheericg, by saying, 'You need not be worried about us; we will take care of our side of the conti nent." Ex-Senator Hamliu said: "You have done wisely and well. We will fcWEEP THIS COnXTKY like a vast prairie on tire." Judge Knight, of California, paid a tribute to the venera&ie ex-Vice-President. The enthusiasm of the crowds was interrupted by the band striking up, and the procession proooJed through the principal streets to THE RESIDENCE OF BLAIXE, in front of which the crowd was as sembled watching an artist sketching for an illustrated paper. The proces- biou arrived at 6:15, aud the Californi ans were received with clappiDg of hands as they passed into tht house. They were most cordially greeted bv Mr. Blaine a Senator McCiurc presented eiich by name, and a conversation ensued which was brok en up by benator 11-ralia couihil' in and b; dug pre.-ented, remarking they e:eu! re bov: Blaine went to the do r, ul.tre he vn received with cheeis. General Coniior addrese-1 him in a -ho:t speech, and was followed by Congressman Boutelle. BLAINE THEN SAID: FeUo citizens: If au thing cculd add to the pleasure vf welcoming to my door and under my rof old friends of Maine, it would he as it is today. have them accompanied by loyai, true hearted men. from the Pacific coast' whom they biing to . our hospitality) and whom we greet and -.velc-mie as our guests. 1 um very -ure you must ap preciate the erabarrassmeut under which a mau speaks when he is over whelmed with demonstrations of kiud nts, as I have been to day, I can only say from the depths of my profoundly thankful heart "Gol ble-.s you all." Cries ot -(.;ood, aud tremendous ap -pi a use. Mr. Boutelle fulli.ved brii-iTy, and was succeeded by Senator McClure, wl o concluded by introducing Judge Knighr, rT California, whn paid a tri bute to Lincoln nnd Hamlin. The California drlegntloa then took leal of Id due ;i.a 5 retired, and ihn t!;e ei- Wil streamed by the door snkiu ijudd with Blaine. At the reception to the California U'-leifAliou which followed, J Manches ter HuytiC.i, of A pus-la, n;ade ih speech i t welc'Mne. St. Paul, Miuu., June y. The Hon. Theodore Iiowscvelt, of Xew York, spent Sunday in St. Paul, ou his way to his Montana ranch.'- Speaking of the issues of the Chicago couvention, Mr. Roosevelt said: "Xhe platform is an admirable one, as strong as the part) has had 6ince the war." He says: "It will gain thousands of votes all over the. country. Whether republican or independent, conservative judgment must endorse it heartily. The demo cratic party must follow, iu the main, our platform, or give up the Light. I did not favor either Blaine or Arthur, MYrnm:iEXCE was eujusus. Aside from his own btrength ot 330 odd votes, that would stick to hiiu through thick and thin the ''Plumed Knight" was the second choice of two thirds of the remaining delegates. As soon as tbey haw the nomination of their uaudidate was impos.-ible, and Blaine's nomination probable, they flocked to him iu a body. Tlds i why no combination against Blaine was possible. Had 1 not been so positively for EJmuuds, I don't know but what I would have been carried away my -self by the contagion, and found my self throwing up my hand for Blaine. Blaine is the choice of two-thirds of the rank and tile of the party. I shall bolt the nomination by no means. I have no personal objection to Blaine I think you will find that there will be no fatal disaffection. I believe BLAINE WILL BE ELEC TED. He will sweep the west and Ohio, and will carry all New England. I have beea called a reformer, but I am v. re publican. It is too early to speak of Xew York. No one today can tell how that state will vote. I do not think it impossible for Blaine to carry ic. I do not believe there will be an independent candidate. Those who will not vote the republican ticket will stay away from the polls. As to tue bolt of the New York Times. I am inclined to think it would support either Cleveland or Dorsheimer, if nominated by the demo crats. Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it ;ets be yond the reach of . medicine. They often say. Oh, it will wear away, ut in most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced ro try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, 'hat I sell ou a positive guarantee to cure, they would immediately see the excel lent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and SI; trial size free. Resp'y. apr3 4ni Y J. Warrick. J. PARLEMAN, Will BUY ana all kinds of FURNITURE METALS . TRQ1T RAGS AUD FURS Will advance money on all SALABLE GOODS, on lower Alain street. One dcor west of Beck's Furniture sore Platt8mouth. Feb. 1st. 1883 46tf. w a - (- rt 0 h (i d S Pi Q, O 00 ft A M ac a s IS -J1 2 o t-l CO a o o o -4 c3 a s si o p 3 3 O 23 i? o m III n .O eg t-t I- T3 n 4 PI Kit t " a a aa a .,2 P 0 en Q, H U3 eS P-4 25 Important to Travelers. special inducements are offered vou by the Burlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found el 3 where in this if.sue. 47tf A good two horse farm wagon for sale. Enquire at Bennett & Lewis. d48tf P.irlor and bedroom sets in nil styles at lowest prices at Uajeck'i?. . 53if Orders for hand made brrKims at tended to promptly at the Western broom factorv. d23-lru Chcice. pure fresh mixed candv at Jim AatiU'B for only 2, cents a pound. 2S5tf. Farmers. The best pljce in the city to get your dJat r, is at the Cot lane House, Oth St., neur Main, Platts lDOUth, Neb. maySOwtf. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E W. COOK. M. D- i'nv.icivf A.'i Si ! ;. I.IM'II.I.' 1 ... . . .. . ' Plattemouth. . Ne!na-ka. iVM. S. MYITIS, ATT-'KNEY AT LAW. Will pr.ieileo In all Court of the State. Office iu KitKerld Llock- TLOTSVIOLTH, NKCltASKA. ALLKJf CPEW.N. A. N. SI'LLIVaN. nur.sox & sri.i.iv.t.v, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will give prompt attention to all buxiness intrusted lo tlieui. Ot fice la Union Block, East side. PLATTSMODTH NKBKABKA. FRANK H. WILSON, Basement of Bank of Cass County. Corner sixtit and Main mtkkktb. lTOTA.Ft.-r PTJBLIO i'artictdar attention cived to the preparation ft pattern for Caveats, Patent aud Hei;lstratlon of i rude Marks aud Labels. W'm. DKLLKK. JnHtlee of the Peace. Elm wood Neb Collections a specialty and gives prompt ultetuiun P. O address Elni wood Neb. IIU. L. MALIUIKV. DE1TTIST. Jfllce over smith. Black & Co's. Iru Store. First class dentistry at reasonable priceo. 231y M. O'DONOHOE ATTORNEY AT LAW tc NOTAHY PUBLIC. Fitzgerald's Block, PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA Agent for Steamship lines to and from Europe. dl2w521y l .t. V. II. HCllIL.IM.Xi:C'ltT, Practicing Physician. Office. Corner Main and ?th Street"., PLATTSMOUTH, ------ MEERASK. DR-J. S. STDRDEVANT, M. D. , PUYSICIAN AND SUKGEON. Attet. i calls, dy or night. w29tf Eight Mile Grovz. Nub. PHYSICIAN A SURQKON. OFFI UOUltS, from 10 a. m., to 2 p. m. Examiu.r.K Surgeon for U. S. tension. UK. . 3IILL.KK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Can be. found by calling at his office, corner 7th and Main Streets, in J. II. Waterman's house. PLATTSMOUTH, N EBRASKA. J AH. J. J1ATHGWM ATTORN KV AT LAW. Office over Baker & Atwood's store, south side ot Main between 6th and 6th streets. 2ttf NTKOUK At CLAKK. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in all the Courts in the State. DUtili l Attorney and Xoiaru Public. Willi, S. WIMIw, COLLECTION'S M Si'JZCJs-iZ 7 2 . ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fir.; fn ruraitee and Collection Agency. Ofilco L:uiou block. Fiattsmoutli Nebraska. 'iii3 I. M. WIIKliIIiK A. CO. LAW OFFICE, lieal ltate. Fire and Life Id surance Agents, l'lausmonlh, Nebraska, ("ol lectors.t.ix -payers. Have a crnmlete al.-triet of titles. Buy and sell real eeUte, netr tia!e loans. Siv.. 1F-J ' Notary I'uMic. ATTORNEY AT LAW. v::i pr.uriee ju :as and adjoining Counties ; gives s-peeia".:.ttertnii to collections aud abstracts of title. Oii:eo in Sherwood Block, Plattamouth, Nebraska. I7yl ROIIKKT II. WlXmiASI,. Notary Public ATTORNEY AT LAW. OiHce over Cai-ruth's Jewelry Store, riattsiuouth. - - - Nebraska. M. A. HARTICAN, 1a A. W Y iS B . Fitzgerald's Block. Plattsmouth Neb Pronipt and careful attention to a Keneral Law Practice. K. DRESSLER, Mercliaiit Tailor. PLATTSMOUTH. - - NEB. Dr. C. A. Marshall Successor to Clutter & Marshall.) EP m T i S 1 l Preservation of natural teeth a specialty. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Laughing Gas. All work wairanttd. Prices reasonable. FlT7.f;FT AI.T PlJ"rV. - Pl.ATTSMOPTH.N KINKEID BROS. PAINTERS & DECORATORS, KALSOMININO. TAPER I1ANGING, .... AND .... FINE GRAINING, Leave your orders with them fr First-Class Work. Plattsmouth, Nf.br a ska COTTAGE HOUSE. Ctli St. Near 3Iai5, PL.VTTSMOUTU. . - NF.DP.AtKA. IT-ivinij taken charc of the Cot- taor House, I ehall try to furnish all patrons with corafortsble tpiatter-i and k cp the ta'des supplied witit the b ? in tlje market. Transient caelum a:.d board by the day or week solicited. TJ W Iredo O ft 2 CD w o ft faca ft ft tea 9' 6 9 pi pal ft (TTif P S9 ft EB9 ft 9i ft ft ft ft g. S9 ft ft e4 9 5) m 5) 3 t 1 i X) i v 1 5 miyl7Jtf. ED. FRAZIER.