23 & 2 Pi 2 o ft - WW 3 &1S 2 I 7 IfI 35 va a fc3 Co) S2 2 - (til COD 65 $ &1 & &1 pa W a Mi tJo a ej2 2 v. 3 H 1 v m CI a 2B O 61 ft ft B 3 a 59 CD 3 I 3 3 S3 OS 1 G9 S2 a Opera House Billiard Ha J. S. HARTMAN, Proprietor. Everything Mew. iFour Slew uTables. 0y $teis & ILimcli in connection Also :i complete line of the best quality of CIGAKb, and TOHACCO, next door to P. O. Opera House Block. EASTWARD. Dally Express Trains for Oirha. Chicago, Kannas City, St. Louis, and sU pt)ints liast. Through Cars via l'eoria t Indiauapolia. Ele gant Pullman Palace Cars and d:y coaches on all thiough trains, and Dmiug car? e:tst of Ails ourl river WESTWARD Paiiy Expreps trains for Denver counrctirf lu Union Depot for all points in Colorado. Utah California and the entire West. The advent of tills line gives the traveler a .New Koute to the- west, wiui scenery ana advantages unequaieo eisewnere. JUL Tr? nTnwnnR. a t II w TfD Qs tlte plaee9 wlaerc at all tinier you can find tlae betBeet5 Frk Mutton and Fresh risli. Allkind of gai3ne in season Livery, and Sale Stable. RIGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION RuY OR NIGHT. EVERYTHING IS FIRST-CLASS THE BEST TEAMS IN THE CITY SINGLE AND DOUBLE CARRIAGES. Travelers will Ond complete outfits by calliug at the CornerViue and Fourth Streets, FLATTS3iOUTH. NEB. Jonathan IIatt J. "W. Maeths. Beef-Port Mutton and Vea jrdDWAOPffllA HAW D., Maceeisors to A. ii. IIATT. lEIJEIDTJ'.A.IEiT.EilRS FOE CHOICE Sngar-Cured JJains, Bacon, Salt Meat3 of all kinds, Lard Poloo-na and all other articles kept in a first-class meat market. AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The Highest Market Price Paid ior Hides? Wool, Pelts Grease, Etc. ' o Fresh Lake Trout and White Fish Every Thursday Morning. FRANK H. WILSON Fire, Tornado and Cyclone Insurance, Oflirc, Basement f Rank .! C;ih (N.i.ufy, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. Queen Insurance C nijiany, of hiverjiool. Washington Fire and Marine iiiMirance Co., of Poston. Coinniercial Union Assurance ('oinjiany, of Pomloii. Arestern Assurance Company, of Toronto, Out. Capital, .... Total Assets, - Total losses paid since organization, $ 4.f00 HUM 20.100 000 G2.U47 090 lieliable Insurance Careful Underwriting and prompt attention guaranteed Western Assurance Co., OF 1 " Toronto, Out. A. m. Smith, j. j. Kjcsnv, A. W. l)oin. Presi Jent. JlanaKlns llr. Supt. Agencies. VKITEI IS TAT KM TltlNTKICH. Win. II. Guion, of Williani'i & Oufon. ((Juion v... . . Sleaiiisliij. J.u,f.) Mew Vtuk. . A. Ioolli, 1'irsiileiit l National Itank, Mv Virk. Aitliur IJ. . raves, riesiUciit St. Nicholas lliiuk. New Yuik, Geo.W. I'iyef. (literal Agvnt, Jlilwaukce.WlH UN1TEJ STATES HHANCII. ASBKT3. United -States Vt percent regUtcr- r.onds New tfork Central & Hudson ltivxr Hailroad l!na:ls Georgia State 15ond Cash deposited in State of MliJ- Klppi Cash iu Uaiik I'reiiLiunis in course of collection 218,210.00 40,200.00 lr7.uO0.00 15,K)0.00 lfO.K70.8G l(2,2O0.7 LIABILITIES. 924,517.62 Re-Insurance reserve.... $v,6im.uI i npaiil looses hh ug 23 Other liabilities UoUular, $ W5.iM.83 Surplus in United States $ 09,003.73 rreVLl".m. U,,!C0l"'ts iK United States. 1874 to 18&J. inclusive 5,305.202.39 Total Fire losse. paid in United State.1874 to 18 3, inoluHive 3.393.535.09 ISAAC SWKICTSEK. A. W. JAMO.V. rrenldent. hi-crrtury. Fit AN K K. SWKKJM-:k. lee-VrUtlul . Washington Fire and Marine Insurance C&iwiiy BOSTON. STATEMENT. JAN. 1, 18. 4. I'f'! ,S.,.0,'k 40l.oio.fc7 Uty ol l.oston L'otuis ::3.wio o Lt I ted MitU'a 170H7V Jjaili oad Stocks and Hoi;d, 41oo -Am ISoMlon !lH-l.Kl,tCo.Stock. 6.V)0,'(,o l.o:':.s oi, MorlKHRc M.wk.oo ' "lisitc-lal I02,4(K,(KJ Mann irtiniuiii N-te 36.W3 to i i t'in:..inM lu course ol Col'l'ii 98,712 13 Cash on liand uSiw m Otlier.sset.s(accruedInt.A-) f'.744'(:o CltOHS Asskt .7?1.M5.M0.3I LIABILITIES. Losses reported fuj.po.std! 13 i oo All other LiabilitieM . 21 Vi 1.32 Gross Liahiliti ks, except Citflfal ?3t5,2K2 C3 Net Sin-pluc, . .. $2(i.y-,7,7j WKSTEItN I)ErAi:T.Mi:NT. 174 La SALLE STREET, CHICAGO FRED. S. JAMy.S, Cei u:, Af.ci.f. TnsizrciThce Co OF IilVERPOOL.. Senii-ainiual statemrnt of the United States branch on the 31t day of Deceinber. 183. JOSEPH M. ROGERS, Manager Weeteni De paitineut. Chicago, 111. AhsHh in the United States. i Lile. L,Jcunibered 3.02,590 18 Oil at?.H JIU,S 1.010.853 1 1 in ul. fcc.Bmlte I(i9 139 39 Otliei Items 55 1,752,207 89 Liabilities in the United States. Losses Unadjusted and Ail MSuJ?,?D.se S138.934 20 All other Claims against the Company 4.070 75 113.010 95 Amount neceary to re insure all outstanding risks V7Rf,-tM Net surplus in United' "C'"t2 Sates f33,124 52 $1,752,207 89 Netl882 VlaS UDited Stes Dec. 31 Losses paid' n'ce'olKaniia't'io'n'.'.V.'.'.'.Sijs 00 COMflERCWL mm ASSTJRAKCE CO. LONDON. i CJXITEI) STATES UK ASCII: , 37 and 39 Wall Slieet, - NEW VORK CuV. r,I;TKJ,',',-,' """Went ManjMjrr. Chas. Stew all, AffMunt MunaRer. WESTEKX DEPA HTi! KM--157andl69La.SalIeSt.. - - CIMCACO. I U C F. Mullins. Resident Secierary. UNITED STATXS BRANCH STATKMENTJAN. 1st, XM4 Reserve for total liabilities inrlui- ' v!'l'.re-ini)urai.ce in Li.ited Mi-.ttsgi 3.-7 131 21 Net Surplus January 1st, lw4..! .. . wo, AsBets held in the United Stat.... iwTwVi Income 1883 Sl.fi.'Ct 55 Expenditure. 1883 l,oij:jo is Surplus Income in IT h iciTi " " 37.7I.C2 CO fHE ELKHORN HEADQUARTERSsFOR SALOON ALE, WINES BEER AND CIGARS - imported iE? entncky Whiskies, MUMM'S EXTRA DRY CHAMPA GKF NATIVE WINES, ' ST- LOUIS peer; Always on draugBi0 -a F-IIME Z.IHT3ES of Claims ALWAYS IN STOCK, AT THE ELKPrnpivr " dbVAH PLA1TSMOUTH, NEP. TT. IF. 1H5 ATTTWTOlTrFnTOT!B Commission Merchant HEADQ,UAE,TEE,S pGE ' IFbIESIESIlj JEILainriEL Fitzgerald Plock -AND Migrliest Cash price fmlal for v v PLATTSMOUTH, - - NEBRASKA.