Mi iiftttewfttii MJ : - PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY EVENING, MAT- -23, 1884.-; no. r.t. VOL. 2. 1 r J U j: I : K I; fj i! Mews of the Week ! New, ffrist received In TToilet Soaps at Will DTa Warrick's TKift&TS OEILILS. "BATS, A I r' S:ork .l h" uvc gfods ' Vi'C veJ tlsis ww k at Wiirrfc:k' lrnf S'.or. HAS A LA ROE STOCK OF NEW SPONGES AT 1V PRICES Our New Periumes, Satcbet l'owders, Toilet I'owdir. &c, Will J. Warrick. JFor EDroopIngr and Ditolera5 Among Poultry, us "Warrick's Sure Cure Poultry Powder." WAiLiL jpLiPiBia. Warrick has sold an immense lot of AVall Taper this week. If yon are in need of Paper Hanging?, don't fail to sen WARRICK'S STOCK. JOSFPW V. WECKBAGH. p O O o I I o X IL'jf ii ! 1 ' 11 1 w- r O o w 00 0 TO MY FRIENDS AND P ATHONS I do not care to follow the example of my competitors, bJ moving my store West, nor am I worried by their doing so. J.ut on tne con trary, I have MARKED DOWN all my mans, Cloaks & Carpets In fact, everything in the Dry Goods line, in plain figures, and trom now on will sell at JZHJSJi: JEJcLstcT-ix JPRICJUS, and no blowing or misrepresentation. If in want of any Goods in the above lines, or if 3-011 need any FRESH GROCERIES. Call and see for yourselves. V. WECKBAOH. RICKEY BEOS, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF- - Lumber. SasUoors, Blinds 4 2 AINTS, X-aMS, PLATMOOTH HERALD- 10 BUSHED DAILY AND WEEKLY BT The Flattsmontb Herald PnlilisMnc Co. TEEMS: , DAILY, delirered by carrier to.any.partf the city Per Week l'er Month Per Year IS o 00 WEEKLY,?ty mail. One copy six month ..... Out; copy oe year. S n Registered at tne Post Office, Plattftinouth. tw second ela matter. Mn. Morton may go lo Chiccgo to help nominate tne old, old ticket, but he must leave behind him his Cobden hobby and his street corner umbrella. John Kelly says that Tammany will support the democratic -candidate for president, whoever he may be. This means, also, that the democratic candidate will have to support Tam many, which is a much more expen sive thing. Burlington Hawkeye. "Have You Heard from Babyland?" is Ella Wheeler's latest poem. The in terrogation point Is probably hurled at her new husband, Mr. Wilcox; and When he turns out one of these fine nights to hunt for the catnip, or to give baby Wilcox a bed-room promen ade, his faintly murmurous reply will bo "I should weep." Beatrice Express. Col. J;hn A. Martik, secretary of the republican national committee, says the hall in which the convention will be held is the most admirably ar ranged auditorium ever seen in this CMintry. It will comfortably seat9,600 persons. If there were 50,000 seats in stead of 0.C0O, they would all be cov ered by the applications made, the pressure for tirkcts being so great. Cass couutv democracy return to their homes empty handed and defeat ed. The proverbiability of Douglas county piggislvness was fully demon strated by its grasping all the loaves and li3hcs empty honors of the First district. All right, gentlemen the time will come when the meek, diudging, patient Cass county democ racy will vigorously kick, and demand something more than Doctor Miller's soothing syrup taffy. CniCAGO elevators contained lust Saturday evening 7,026,637 bushels of wheat, 4,402587 bushels of corn, 3,407,- 678 bushels of oats, 521 ,066 bushels of rye, and 81,525 bushels of barleyv To tal, 12,980,493 bushels of all kinds of grain, against 11,675,113 bushels a year ago. During last week onr stocks decreased 2,233,581 bushels, of which 1,105,08 bushels was wheat and 577,- 840 was coru. For the same date the Secretary of the Chicago Board of Trade states the visible supply of grain in the United States and Canadas as 21,987,735 bush els of wheat, 19,011,777 bushels of corn, 2,619,745 buphela of oats, 1.250,309 bushels of rye, and 653,697 bushels of barley. These figures are less than those of a week ago by 1,046,888 i wheat and 284,027 in corn. There was an exciting time in the house yesterday over the English- Pcele conttited seat from the Indian apolis district. Much to tne surprise Of the democratic leaders, the minority report declaring that Peelle (rep ) was elected and entitled to retain the seat was adopted by a vote of 121 to 117. Springer, of Illinois, changed his vote in the nick of time in order to moye a reconsideration, and pending a division on the motion an adjournment was carried by a majority of one. Mr. Brewer, of Delaware, a democratic member, made an able speech in favor of the minority report. Mr. Long, of Massachusetts, delivered the speech of the day against the seating of English. Converse had the management of Eng lish's case, and Bill Springer was his ieutenant. Both of the Englishes (father and son) were in the house lob bying in fa. or of the adoption of the minority report. They were much dis appointed it the Jesuit. NEW now comes 'the unfailing visitor to Gramercy park No. 15 to remind the J.1; .party .'S? .the,coriryf Furniture More ticket. But it is evident that things are greater solicitude than any of those I . -dealer in that have preceded It. The purpose" of PXJRNITUHE S COFFINS, ii6 exaggeration oi neaibii mm strength is almost painfully apparent. The Nevada democratic congressman Who, nfter hi .4 rerent viir. takes the tyiblto iuiu ItU confidence-as t TiMen. itf-'ri !.- -'hi U .ih ; remarkably crtHxl, not, jo t-.iv jolm-t." "lie uibved- about, -shM iliis. i-.it r, -'.i linos t with as inucli activity as a nun . f 4 0 yt-ar. That caps the t liaiax. ut these periodi cal health bulletin.. Surely the denio- cratic party can not go back in Tildcn now, on the score of health, when ha is able to manage a campaign as "a man of 40 years." This last report may be the inauguration of the second grand act in Tilden's campaign for the nomw nation. The entire effort so far has ap parently been to convey the impress ion that the matter of health was the only thing in the way of his accepting the nomination. Mow this report indi cates that this last and only objection does not exist, but that Tilden is capa ble as "a man of 40 years." The natu ral inference trom such an allegation of physical robustness is indicated by the declaration of the visitor, that he that he would "gladly accept the nomi nation it tendered to him.'' Ex. and all kind ot goods usually kept In a FIBMT CLASH FUKAlTUItE MTOMK Also, a very complete stock of Funeral Goods Metallic&WoodenCofflns Caskets Holies EMBLEMS, 4c. Our New and elegant hearse la always la readiness. Remember the place, in UNION BLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun ty Bank. .Whear we may be found night or day. J. I UNRUH, Sins ibATTSMorm?. neb The larse of two weeks without fresh reports from Tilden's robustness being put afloat was a matter of gener al curiosity. These periodical and sys tematic reports have come to be looked for. as a matter-of coarse. Bat up to the 19th inst two whole weeks had passed without a single rumor of the extraordinary physical strength of Til den. h Politicians 'began to wonder what was 'going to happen next. But S83 a as a "3 M e o u O 4 W 1 Gi ,2 '"ill'g a q 3 ex. CO . S3 60 . 3 s 3 K 50 a -? a g p o -x at, Q, V CO 03 at s 00 B O Si Pi a oa 91 t OS T3 a m A eS CP J. PARLEMAN, Will BUY ana SiiL.: all kinds of FURNITURE - METALS IRON . RAGS AND FURS Will advance money on all SALABLE GOODS, " on lower Main street. One door west of Beck's Furniture sore Plattsmouth. Feb. 1st. 1883 46tf. Tub result of the vote in the Eng-lish-Peele contested election case in the house caused great surprise on both sides. On the democratic side t lie re sult was as disagreeable as it waa un expected. Their leaders had baen col- tidently claiming a majority ot twenty in favor of turning out Peelle, and when the roll was called and the reso lution reported by the minority ot the elections committee in favor of, Peelle was adouted. the democrats were in a fever of consternation and bewilder ment. Mr. Springer sprang to tne res cue, changed his vote and inoved to reconsider. The democrats did not dare to test their strength on that mo tion today, and an aiijourumeut was immediately carried by a majority of one. A few who watched tl.e debate today were not so greatly surprised to find a number of democrats voting with the republicans. Mr. Converse, who had charge of the case, made an extremely bitter and offmsive speech a speech which disgusted many of his party associates, xic uiu uomwu nu any part of the contest fairly, and in almost every respect lie toriuicu ana twisted the evidence so as to make it unrecognizable to any man who had studied it. Mr. Blackburn made anery charge. One democrat Mr. Brewer, of Delaware spoke ten minutes in fa vor of Peelle, and bis calm and keen analysis of the testimony must have maae a convincing inipieaaiun uu um party friends. The best speech of the day was by Mr. Long, of Massachu setts, who spoke with very great earn estness, and with an air ot conviction in the truth of what he said that in it self carried conviction to the minds of others. In conclusion, he paid a high compliment to the impartial man ner in which the rules of the house are administered by the Sneaker, and said that for one he would be willing to lea ye the decision of the Enfflish-Peelle contested-election case to the arbitrament of the Speaker ftlmift. This expression was -heartily endorsed by every Republican, as .the METAL LIC BURIAL CASES tempestuous appisuac wujtu gicwci fully showed. Mr. springer naranguea the House over the turpitude of the Republican partv in its past manage ment of contested-election cases. He declared that the House had tnrned out a man in the last Congress who had 10, 000 majority in order to put in a Re- Diiblican. This reference to a contest ed election case of Smalls against Till man brought Mr. Smalls to his feet. He sits in a dark corner of the House, and nobody noticed him as he rose and shouted "Not" 10,000 majority, nor one mainritv for Tillman in that district !" This exclamation was" the signal for another outburst of applause trom the Republicans, in which Tillman and number of other-democrats joined. What the ultimate result of the strug gle over the Engiish-Peelle case will ha W ia difficult to nredicL . The Demo-' crats are exerting every effort to bring back absentees and drum up recruits. As the vote today was one by tne rec ord they will not be likely to change any of the votes cast this afternoon. Their missionary work , will have to be done among men' who did not vote to day. If tbey tely on Carlisle in case of a tie, they will be disappointed. The F.nglishs, father and son, are the two unhappiest and maddest men in Washington tonight. Washington cor respondence. BANKMj THE CITIZENS HENRY BCECK DEALER IN FURNITURE SAFES, CKAiRP, TC., XTC., ETC." Of All Descriptiotu.1 "WOODEU COFFHsT8 Of all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash. MY FINE HEARS B i IS NOW READY FOB SERVICE. - With many thanks for oast Datrona. nvlte all to call and examine my LARGE STOCK OF sitf. riiRNTFmc awi orvinsR PLATTSMOUTH. - 'NEBRASKA.. CAPITAL, - $75,000. orKICKKIi; 1 , t s JOHN BLACK, TRANK CAKUUTH, President. .Vlce-Presldciit. W. II. CU8HING. Canhier. . niuxcTon John Black. W. II. Cuh!:i, Frank Cairulli. J. A. Connor, Frd llerniiarui, J. W. John on, F.K. Outhrnauu, lVt r Mumm, Win, Wetei camp, Iteary BWck." ' ROBERT DONNELLV'S AVD BLACKSMITH PLATTSMOUTH mUS TT8M0UTH NEB. aBISElf Proprietor Wlour, Com Iftal & Feed Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re pairing, and general Jobbing I ax. now prepared to do all kinds of repairing w iwiu wu uuicr mKumerr, as mere is a good lathe in my shop. . . ' PETER RAUEN.' ' The old Reliable Wagon Maker haa taken charge of tne wagon mop Ho is well known as a NO. t WORKMAN. ew Waftai u Bc;le Made t oner. SATISFACTION ODABANT Transact h Clciiertil Bankluir Iliuliiotii. All who have any Uauklng buHincM to traiiHacl are Invited to call. No matter how large or mull the . UwdhhcUoii, it will receive our careful attention, and we proiulHu alwaya tobr- - teoux treatineiuL, . . . Iaiucs Certlflcates of Odpoalts VejkrjnK inU:rekt Buys aud sella Foreign Excliatiue. Omily and City ieeurttlei,1 John FITZOKBAM), President. FIRST k. W. McLauuiilin Canhler. NATIONAL OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. , OfTerstbe very best Xacilitles'fortliTTr'Sinirt . transaction or legitimate - ' ' BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds. Gold. Government and Looa " uuu i, nu noia, ieposits recelr ed and interest allowed on time Certifi cate, Urafudrawn, available In auy part of the United Htate and all the principal town of Europe. Collections made & promptly remitted'. Highest market pricea paid tor County War rants. Btate aud county Bond. DIRECTOR J.oh Clark. D.HawkwAh a. w McLauehUn. k wi,h. Bank Cass County Cotner Mala and Sixth StreeU. PLATTSMOTTTH U"ZH3B Transacts a General Bantim Business. niGIIEST CASH PIUCE Paid for County and City Warrant. COLLECTIOXH AJK and promptly remitted for. O1BKCCT0MS : It B Windham, J. M. Patterson, C. II. Parrr He r. k. uuthmann. W J.Agnew.A. B. Fred Oorder. Smith. .WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER, - NEB. E. L. REED, President. B. A. GIBSON, Vlce-rresidejit. R. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. A General BajUMEDnienTraaclel UEPOM1TM Received, and Interest allowed on Time Certi ficates. ubaith: Drawn available la any part ot the United States and all the principal cities of Europe.' Agents for tTie celebrated . lmm Line of Steamers. Louisville Sank. LouISvllle Nebraska A general BankiDir businesa trans acted. Money to Loan, Int, allowed on time deposits. Collections made and promptly remitted. J. J. Mankkb. IT "E. m 4 Cash. C. A. Mankeb. Ass't Cash.'-il. 2 q 0 1 0 igt A r-. ;-C5 1 w