itucklon'a Arnica Salve. The Best Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruvs, Sores, Ulcers, .Salt Rheum, Fe ver sores Tetter Chapped Hands Chllb Wlu C'orus and all Skin Eruptions and posilivly euro Piles or no pay required. It U gauaantecd to give perfect eatls l Action, or money refunded. Trice 25 cents per box. ForSalellyJ. M. Itol trt's. Nov. 27 1833 ly The Best Couch Medicine In the World. 8AMPLE KREE OF CIIAKGE. Cll at Warrick's drug store, and rot fi lamole bottle of Brown's Expec torant free of charge. It cures Coughs, Hoarseness. Whooping Cougn and Con Ua ourlv stages. It is a rti-ntifirnreuaratioti. admirably adai t d for the euro ot all Throat and Lung Diseases. Ii is pbaeaut to taKe ana eutlrelv harmles. Try it; it co.sta you .minm. Wvm jl:ir f ize bottle. r0 entp and 81.00. For 8-de by W.J. W arricK. Jan. u ujtwiy Free ! Free! Free ! NEW DISCOVERY FOR PILES. A new ruinirdv for Ibis dreaded dis ease has been discovered by Dr. Dening A single application will conviuce the moat skcntical Of its ll0St wouueriui healing powers. By calling on W. J W.rrifW- ilrtl'rcrUr. YOU CBU ohta'lU I . n, . 1 frn of charge, which will ntiaf tou of its curative nualities. Jaa 3 DJtwly James i. Blaine." The work entitled "Twenty Years of rvintrrpas tho most succinct and im- n&rtial history of Concres lonal Legis lation extant, will ba i.-ued from the press in a few days. In the meantime II. L. E. Lincoln will call upon you and take your orders. 5d6twtf Music On receipt of $1.50 -in cunency or stamps we will mail free Fifty pieces assorted Vocal and Instrumental Stand ard Music from all the most popular composers and authors. The J. W. Bailey Mercantile Co. St. Joseph, Mo . Crazy .Oullts. 1 000 nackacrcs of . silk and ribbon scraps put up in assorted lots for 25c. 50c, 75c, and f 1.00 eac,, aur one of which will be mailed, postage paid, oa receipt of price. Address The J W Bailey Mercantile Co. St. Joseph, Mo. iifteen per cent discount on all cus torn ma Jo woik hereafter, at Sher wood's Fott cash. To establish ruy business in every department on a strictly cas basis this inducement is made in nil custom made work. TIndtr the reduction a shoe that costs $9 00 now, costs $7.65 for cash. A boot that costs $3 00 now costs $6, 80 cash. A boot that costs S6.50 now costs S5.G0 cash at Sherwood's. 58dw8tf Refrigerators in all sizes Bceck's. 59tf at llenry Whs t causes the ereat rush at Will J. Warrick's Drug Store." The free distribution of sample bottles of Dr. Ttnsanko's Coueh and Luuz Svrup, me most popular remedy for Cough, Colds, Consumptions and Bronchitis row on tho market. Regular size 50 cents and Si.OO. sepr.2ebwiyw. Orders for hand made brooms at tended to promptly nt the Western broom factory. d23 lino Ttventv-flve cents in advance will entitle you to use of the Plattsmouth circulating library lor one month. 45dwim W. J. Warrick. CITY HOTEL. This beautiful three story brick structure, on ower Maid street, ba lust been finished and tted up tor the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS, AND TF.GULAR BOARDERS.: Lt'Y THING NEW AND CLEW A GosdBar u eoawguit 'tf FRKD COOS. Propr Dr. Home's Electric Belt Will cure Nervousness, Lumbago. Rheuma tism. Paralysis. Neuralgia. Sciatica. Kidney. spine and Liver diseases. Gout, Asthma. Heart disease. Dispensta Constipation. Erysipelas, Catarrh, Mies. K.llepsv. I m potency, l)umb Ague, Prolapsus. Cter I. etc. Only scientific Elec tric Belt In America that sends the Electricity and Magnetism through the body, and can be recharged la an Instant by the patient. $1,000 Would Xot Buy It. Da. IIorvk 1 was afflicted with rheumatism and cured by using a belt. To' any one afflicted with that disease. I would say. buy Home's Electric Belt. Any one can confer with me by writing or calling at my tore, 1120 Douglas St., Omha. Neb. WILLIAM LYuXS. Mai w Office Opposite Post Office, room 4 Frenr block. EC" For sale at C. F. Goodman's Drugstore, lloa Farnam Street. Omaha. Orders filled. C. O. D. 6hliwlm M. O'CONNOR. At the down-town saleon, LPPOSITE THE PERKINS HOUSE, Keeps a complete Ine of WIN 3S3 Si Xaiquors, ,CT C1GAES, BOTTLED BEER, - ALE AND PORTER, RWS OUAEA B Telegraphic, CASS1DY ON TILDEN. Miscellaneous News of the Day. The Pacific Coast Visitation. Washington May 19. Representa tive Cassidy, of Nevada, today said the visit of the Pacific coast delegation to Tilden tome week since has given riso to many erroneous impressions through out the country. This resulted, he suid, from the fact that all sorts of al W-ge.l interviews were published broad cast, which never took place at all, will any member of the delegation. Continuing Cassidy said: "The visit to Graruercy park was PURELY SOCIAL, and originated in this way: Repre sentative Spriggs, of Utlca district, N. Y is an old and intimate friend of Governor Tilden. Judge Spriggs be ing about to go to New York, invited me to accompany him and we went to gether to pay our respects to the distln guisbad statesman. Later the parly was enlarged to include a portion ol the delegation from California. As the visit was purely social and wholly non political, as a sense of propriety it was demanded that the delegation should refrain from rushing into print, but the object xii the visit having been raisin tcrpreted and widely misrepresented, I feel it is simply just to disclose ALL THAT TOOK PLACE. ! Governor Tilden received the party with great cordiality and the interview lasted nearly an hour. While it is true that one of his arms is afflicted his general health is remarkably good, not too robust. The governor threw back ? p h -avy folding doors in presence of vigors and moved about with as much activity as a man of forty. His miud is as strong and clear as ever be- lore in his life; as to his ability to stand the 1 at! cue and excitement oi tho campaign, I think his chances in that direction will be as good as those of any other man. Tho only reference made to POLITICS was when the member of the delega tion, addressing Tilden said: "Gover nor, we are all your friends. We are all Tilden men, as are all democrats on the Pacific coast. In reply the gover nor said: '1 am not a liluen man,' which was construed by some of the visitors as a declaration that he would net be a candidate for the presidency y. For my .own part, I left Tilden in uimi.uutn.nuu, JUS' iivuaou I n - n .. ..: .... (.)..!.. ...... roundiugs that he WOULD GLADLY ACCEPT the nomination if tendered him by the Chicago convention. I may be mista-l ken about it, but certainly came away with that opinion." Columbus, O., May 19. A heavy wind and rain storm visited the village r 9 PiifUnn Vastly irnv niart aVtifa n( I ternoon. About thirty houses were! u.uwvU, " I Iasre. x ences were blown down aud I trees uprooted. A man named Karshua was dangerously hurt by a falling blacksmith's shop. The same storm passed in the vicinity of Lancaster, Fayette county, where several build ups were unroofed. The anipitheatres at th" fair grouud and the racecourse were destroyed. Several horses ut-re killed by falling bun THE NOKTIIERN PACiKiC GRANT. Wasuingtm, May l. I tie uill ro- latinz to the lorfeiture of the Northern Pacific lands, introduced today by I Dolph, provides for the immediate res- toration lo tue puonc aomam ana to I the operation of tbe public land laws, that portion of the grant lying contig uous to its mam line between Wallula Junction and Portland.' a dislauce of 214 miles. It also provide for tbe for feiture at the end ol five years from the passage of the bill, all lands adja cent to that portion of the Cascade grant which shall then be unbuilt, in effect giving the road 5 yeaia to build the Cascade branch. The bill proposes to authorize cereons in possession of any of these lands to buy 320 acres if so much had been improved by them. Tbe ailroad company is required to die its assent to tbe conditions of the bill so as to avoid all question as to title of for feited lands. BANKS ON TUB RUN. Newark, N. J May 10. The appli cation to the vice chancellor for an or aer to require x-resiaeui, aouu io uow cause why he sboald not be punished for disobedience of tbe court of chan- . , t.-i U. . .i Telopmenta. 1 be run on other banks ceased today. New York. May 19. W. B. Scott & Co., broker, have suspended. BYCICLEHS CONVENTION. Washington, May ID. ' he fifth an nual meeting of the league of Ameri can Wheelmen commenced session this morning. Unusual interest attaches to the meeting on account of the re ported intention of some dissatisfied ones to move to dissolve the league. It is reported 1503 to 1700 bicyclists take part In the par de. BANK BROKE. Pitersbcrg, Va., fy 19. In conse quence of heavy runs the Planters and Mechanics bank temporarily suspended and notice wts po.-ted by the board of director and president saying a satis factory settlement will be made. The bank is believed to be able to pay every cent. 'KANSAS o. k. Topeka. May 19. -Governor Glick telegraphs from New York that the Kansas state, county aud township bonds deposited with the suspended firm of Donuill Lswson & Sampson are sa"c. THE RAILBOADLROrUERH CD. IieadiDg. May 19. The Grand Na tional Division of the Railroader's Bro therhood began its tenth annual con vention today. Wm. Rumble, of Ta maqua, presided. CALL AT THE Old Reliable LUMBERYARD E. 1. 1MTERH1N i SON Wholesale and Retail Dealer In PINK LUMBER SHINGLES, LATH, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, &c. Fourth Street, in rear of Opera House. -LATTSMO ITT IL . NEBRASKA W. H. ' MALICE, CARRIAGE G aiDlff and trmin SIGN & ORNAMENTAL 3?JL12$'TT2sr&) All orders left with me will receive prompt attention. COK. FIFTH AND VINE STREETS, ritATTSMOUTH. - NEBRASKA. H. SPIES, lanufacturer and dealer in Fine Cigars. WflVF TITTT TTVP. TtTT THT) 4 OPA TTSIEID, Patronize home trade and get Fine Goods. R3Ill?IIl1iei tbe Place On Lower Main Street, opposite the City Ilotel N. B. Cigar Chipplngs for 30 cents a pound MIKE SCHNELLBACHER. L MJrJL f-- A 5 fM M JL Mjl HORSE SHOEING & WAGON REPAIEINC . . ) -( AH nils of Farm imDlements Mendel will. Neatness and Dispatch. HorSC, MlllC & OX JShOClllg hort. wni -ho anvthini- that ha. four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. JSTEW Filth St. between Main an Vine Sret Just acros e corner from the New HERALD UFFtrir J. PARLEMAN, Will BU' aua oilL. all kinds of FURNITURE METALS - AND FURS Will advance money on all a xy tji isTWl 1 143 MJJU09 on lower juain street, ln ddflr VMt nf iMk' Vitrnif uraum PROFESSIONAL CARDS. E- W. COOK. M. D. Phtsician AND Scrgeon, OFFICE At Fisher's Ditto Store. Plattsmouth, Nebraska. GEO. S. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all Court of the State, onice In Fitzcerld Block PLATT8 MOCTJI, NEBRASKA. A. N. Sl'LLIvN. & SL LI.IVA.V, BCESOX ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will Rive prompt attention to all business Intrusted to them. Of- flee In Union Block, East side PLATTBMQDTH KKBBASKA. FRANK H. WILSON, Basement of Bank of Cass County. Cobnko Sixth axu Main Sthkets. NOTARY PUBLIC Particular attention clred to the preparation f papers for Caveats Patents and ltet'lstration ui x raue AiarKS ana iioejs. Wm, UELLKS. J un tic of the peace. Elm wood Neb Collections a specialty and gives prompt attention P. O addre-s Elm wood Neb. 1)11. A. HALISIirilY. IDEilsTTIST. Jfllce over Smith, Black & Co's. Drug Store. First class dentistry at reasonable prices. 231 y M. O'DONOHOE ATTORKEY AT LAW NOTAKY PUBLIC. Fitzgerald' Block. PLATTSMOUTH, - NEBRASKA Agent for Steamship lines to and from Europe. dl2w52ly ' ,!. W. 11. HC11IL.1JAKCUT, Practicing Physician. Office. Corner Main and 7th Streets., PLATTSMOUTH, ...... NEBRASKA. DR. J. S. STDRDEVANT, M. T3. , PUYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Attends calls, dy or night. w29tf Eight Mii.k G bav, Kkb. K. It. 1.1 Vl liSTOIVi M. t PHTSICIAN & SUBOKON. OFFI HOURS, from 10 a. m., to 2 p. ni. Surgeon for U. S. Pension. 1K. 8. UllXElL. PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON, Can be found by calling at bis office, corner 7th and Main Streets, in J. 11. Waterman's house. PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. JAM. t. HATUKWH ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over Baker & At wood's store, south side o( Main between Stb and 6th streets. 21 tf MTKOOK 4k. CLARK. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice In all the Courts iu the State. DUtricl Attnmt'j and Notary Public. Wilili . W1HK, COLLECTIONS si. S3JICIZ.X1. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In surance and Collection Agency. Office Union block. Plattsmouth Nebraska. 22m3 I. 11. WUKKJL.KH A CO. surance Agents, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Col lectors, tax -payers. Have a complete abstract of titles. Buy and sell real estate, negotiate loans. &c. IS) JAMES K. JIUKK1SOIK, Notary Public. ATTORNEYAT LAW. Will Drastlce in Cass ana adjoining counties ; gives epecia: attention w couecuons ana aostracts oi tine, umce in Sherwood Block, Plattsmouth. Nebraska. lTyl ROBERT It. WINUIIA3I, Notary Publio ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over Carrath's Jewelry Store. Plattsmouth. - - . , . Nebraska. M. A. HARTiCAN, X A W Y "E JK . FlTZG EK iLD'B BLOCK. PLATTSMOUTH NEB Prom nt and careful attention to a eer-oral Law Practice. K. DRESSLER, Merchant Tailor. PLi ATTSMOUTII. - - - NEB. Dr. C. A. Marshall Successor to Clutter Marshall.) BEEITEST 1 Preservation of natural tcetu a specialty. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Laughing Has. All work warranttd. FlTZ(lKRAI,I BlK. Prices reasonable. PLATT8MOUTH.N C-. IIEROLD, The Boss Clothier of Lincoln, has opened out a clothing store in this city wnere ne would ie pleased to have his old customers call in, on lower Main street, one door east of court house. 15dwtf Money saved by buying hand made brooms, ask your dea'er for them. d28-lmo Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gels be yond the reach of medicie. They often say, Oh, it will wear away, ut iu most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, that I sell on a positive eruaranlee to cure. they would immediately see the excel lent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and SI; trial size free. Itesp'y. aprS 4m Vf. J. Warrick i'rythe u innia plus chewing to bacco. It is by far the finest plug chew- mg maae, Matt bchiegei sells It. ltf 53 fipy 5 ft ft a" BBSs' 7& 5 ci in o CD C7" 9 ft B et 9 H 4 Xffi ft p. 9 B an ft TBI 3 Si V) ft 3 3 e e Si ft ft S 3 5s w c2 9. (By V rc?y 3 Mo 0 rorn'"' J I f mm tk htmt braads ot XeBtBeky - eery in removing u uidk aac" ui - - - -j-. nf at atus was laid rver Deudlna de- Wttnntmtb. Feb. 1st. ft83-4Btf. ' cwSSl.000 P18 ln ever M t " . v iuxi