1 if i l (2D 'S3 8 V F 83 Si PS. 82 25 g .0 V 2 85 r-. VXD 3 pa prs Pi 2? pa V9 tea rfS e5 S3 tea iH w 3 era 3 N 3 fin a o 22 g s I .r- Co) Co) u a V Co) Opera House J. S. HARTMAN, Proprietor. Oysters rffclLwaaela Abo a complete line .f the host TO!iAt:). next. !...r to I. (). EASTWARD L:Uly Ex press Trains Tor Omj:l'.. :i:lcao. Kiiniis Vity, St. l-ouis. wild ; ;i iin?s fcsr. J )i-oii'h Cars via IVoria to Ind :u.ai.lii. tlo--ant Pullman I'alaoe Cars ami d.:y wafhes c.h isl thioi-h trains, aud Jlliiia : f ;-t of ..;.-.-ouii r'.vr .VJLba1 fclae place9 wiierc at- all Misses yoia csist flina tle 6er4tHee45 lorh JIEuttoii es2l JFresla. S'lsla binds of game in season. Livery, and 3IGS OF EVERY DFSCiPTIO PY OR NIGHT 5VEUYTUING IS FIRST-CLASS THE TEAMS IX THE CITY- SINGLE A.VD DOUBLi: AL'UIAfiES. Travelers will tiod comj lete outtlts by c.vl.usj; at tlie Corner Viue and Fourth Streets, Jonathan IIatt eef Pork- Mutton and Veal arrrMOrH to A. . tt-Pa DO.TTATiTBBS FOB CHOICE . ;u'ir-Cured Hams, liacou, Salt Meats of all kinds, Lard Bologna, anu. ail owner ariieiea ncpi- AT WHOLESALE The Highest Market Price uiccusc, Fresli Lake Trout and White Fish Every Thursday Billiarc Ha 5?our Mew Tables 122 coianeelloi quality of ClCiAIiS, kiJ Oj.eni lIiK-e J.loek. WESTWARD ul:y Fxpms trains for Denyrr coMiPCtir.! in l 11 Mill i.el oi ior an iw " 1,1 . .. i:f 1.. ... I luntiri IVot '1 llf ;invplit. tiN lii:f elvrs the traveler a M'W Konte to tlw est. Will! SOrUlTJ r j.U.lumr.i vu -en - i ;s v acre. Ui lit Sale Stable. PL ATTSil OUTII. InEB. J. "W. AIaeths. A ti IIATT. AND RETAII. aid tor Hides"; Wool, Pelts, ilu. FRANK H. Firo, Tornado and OiB.-e, n-eiueot of PLATTSMOUTH, Queen Insurance Cutnjanj, of I iverj ool. Wasliintun Fire and Marine li;Hmuiee Co., of Iofcton. Commercial Union Aesurance Coiiipany,' of London." AVestern Aesurance Comany, of Toronto, Ont. Capital, Total Assets, Total .'ot.il losses paid since organization, - - 52.017 COC "ieliaMe Insurance Careful Undeiwrilirp and ronit attVifioirt guaranteed. Western Assurance Co., OF Toronto, Out. A. M. Smith, J. J. Kenny, a. V. Itoun. Tresl ent. MaiinKii.g llir, bupt. AceDCleH. I'SITED HTATKM TKITMTKKM. AVm. II. Guion.of William & Gulon. (Ouiou htrnuislilp Line.) New oik. Win. A. 1'outli, i'lebi.ient Third Natinl Hank, New urk. Arthor B. U-aves, Prcsidt i.t Sr. Nicholas l'.Hnk. New York, Geo.W. Hayes. General Agent, Milwaukee, Wi UNITED STATES BliANCH A8HKTS. United State 454 percent register ed liondn United Ktutes 4 per cent regitered Bonds ... Sew York Central & Hudson Uiver ltallrotid Iton-is GeorKla tte Bond asu deiNislied in State of MIU Hippi Cash in bnk t'reiiiluins in couree of collection.. 9313,000.00 218.2I0.M 4C.200.00 27.lO0.0O 13.non.00 1MI.R70.H6 102.206.76 LIABILITIES. $ &34.517.62 Ue-Inurance reserve $45G,fte;.31 npaid lo-ses nf, 146.23 Other liabilities . '. 20.441.36 f tC..453.8D Surplus in United State $ ;6.3 73 Premium Ifeclpts In United States, 1874 to lHts3, iliclUfive. 55,305,212.3J Total Firo losriPK. paid In United Stte.18"4 t ls3. in:uBive 3.aD.'i.53.M TnszurcLTtce Co OF LIVERPOOL. semi-annual statement of the United States brancb on the 31t day of De. ember. 1883. JOSEPH M. ROGERS, Manager Western De partment, Chicago, 111. Assets in Ute United UtaUs, Tadi Iten s Heal Kstatc, 1'nincunibered t'liittd Mat 8 Bonds Oihei Securities Otbei Ilrms 18 ,983 C6 .V.2,Vi I" l,iu.':i 1 1 If,'. 139 39 24.641 65 ... 1.752.207 89 Liabilities in the United States. Losses Unadjusted and ill SUHpei se S13X .924 50 All other laim against inevouiiany... 4.7G75 143.010 95 Amount neces-ary to re insure all outstanding risks '.Tr. tm ai Net surplus in United s-atts f33.l?4 C2 51,712.207 69 Xet Surplus in United States Dec. 31 , i2 5873.124 62 txjsses paid tluce Organization 8 9:;6 i8 00 E ELKHORN II FAD QUARTERS FOR ALE, WINES BEER AND CIGARS,- Old Kentucky Whiskies, IMPORTED WINES, MUMM'S EXTRA DRY CHAMPAGNE, NATIVE WINES, ST- LOUJS I3EERJ rug's Omaha Beer Always on drawgflit. ii. 3PIEIES of CIES ALWAYS IN STOCK, AT THE ELKHORN Fitzgerald Block Commissicn Merchant, HEADQ,XTAI1TEE,S IP'IESISIED., IP'ILoCITLJTHL AND Migliest CasEs price paid for IBiTJWJEInl J2lI31B IEKKS. An nnexcellod line of FLOUR always in stock, corner 6th aa Main Streets, opposite First National Bank. WIDSOw Cyclone Insm:);:;,, , Bank of Cmh ,('cuuly, NEBRASKA. ( ISAAC HWEEISER. Pre id ent. A. W. lAHfN. FKANK K. SWKEISKK. Vloe-f Washing Fire and Marine Insnrar i;?t STATEMENT. JAN. ASSETTS. Bank Stork -lOl.CJtt K7 lily of BoKtull L'uudi l.(3.MKi,(0 United States n h7..',i Knliroad Stuck and Bond, jw.ti-.i.ro BoNton Ghh- Lltflit i 'o.htock, 6.W0.I Loans on MoriKMgn M,0nn.iw Collalerai l(iv.40,no Marine Premium Note 3A.a 7 l'n niii.m In course of CoPCn vn.7I2.U - ' Cafili on l aud l43.4Mi.nft Ot ber A 88et(accrued lot.&c) r ,7 14. o Gross asbkts $l.B'.;.65o.M LIABILITIES. Losses reported utpo.sed M 3.442.00 Beserved for Kliihurance, ZMi.wj zn All other Liabilities 21.7i.J Gross LiAi:iLiTiF.,exc-r t ; ltJ (.wa.'ss CJ Surplus as repanl PolJcy-holders, $1 2' :a7. l'aid-up Capital Lorn. ! t; ii net burp! ui- $., t.' J WKSTEKN DEPA HTM KNT, 174 La SALLE STREET, CHICAGO FKEIJ. S. JAMI S. Gei.er:.! Ag.-i r. CCWiMERCISL UKIOK ASSTJUK 'CS CC -OK LONDON. UXITED STATUS imAXCII: 37 and 39 Wall Street, - NEW Y'OKIC CI1 Al.KKKl I'KIX. Itexident Munavrr.t ' tier yJ 1. ! 4. i C has. mcwali , A (.! taut Manager.gfcJ y 0 ' WESTERN DEi'A l-.TMEN'J : 167 and 169 LaSalle Kt , - - ( IliCAt.O. ILL. C. F. Ml'I.ljns, jrt sfrtei.t Sfrcretsry. UNITED STATUS D1?AKC1I STATFMENT JAY. 1st. 18K. Keerre for total liabilities. Includ ing re-lnoiirance in t i-ll.-d stuteti ( 1,337.134 24 Net Surplus Jai uary lt. ls4 'jol k9 Assets held In tlie United Slates... J2.327.B36 6t Income, l-83 H .iir. f'7,4 P5 Expeudlluieg, tb&3 l,M i.iJ0 t Surplus Income In U. S.. 184,814 4T Total looses paid l.-y tlifi Coinprinv since oigaiji.atlvii f37.TI6,0!4 t All losses in the Ve-rn I;.-;.:i t ineiit eiit pa 1: 7 Xi I aid nroinpiiv tnrniigii llic l-iai.:i (tTiv, LaSalle St., Chicago. PLAlTSMOUTIIr NEB. SALOON o LS t f I i , - PljA.TTSMOUTH, HEBRASK.A. 'to iX - - .yau!m''m'm'M'Tmm"mmnm,' ,mm '"Mm ; J " " " V ;i. : -