The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, May 12, 1884, Image 3

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-w'" "vr
Clrealatlag. .iabrarr t Warrick
lrax tr. JtOitf
C. A Marshall, Dentist, suc
cessor Co Clutter & Marshall.
Teeth extracted without pain,
' bjr use ofXltrous Oxide Cias.
4. Salisbury, Dentist.
Feuco Posts.
5000 dry fence posts for sale. Inquire
of W.8. Wl. I9tf.
Thm Ar Solid roU.
Tuc beat blood pun tier and system
regulator ever placed within the reach
of tmffenug humanity, truly is Electric
Hitters. Inactivity of the Liver. Bil-
iousucssJaandicc, Constipation, Weak
Kidneys, of any disease of tr e uriu-iry
irjraust or whoever required au npp
tue.-, tonic or miUl stimulant, will .-.1-waysfliid
Electric Bitter tl.u best aa.l
ouly certHia ' cure - kuowu. They act
surerly and quickly, every Lottie guar -
-Ji&iUHLla give eu'tire Hatisfacthin or
money refunded. Pries only fifty centa
u bottle. Fur sale by J. M. Huberts
Dec. 20 lyeGs
These are Solid Facts.
The beat blood purifier and Hystera
regulator ever placed within the reach
of suffering humanity, truly is Electric
' Bitters. Inactivity of the Liver, Bil
iousness, Jaundice. Constipation, Weak
Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary
organs, or whoever requires an appetiz
er, ton;or miul stimulant, will always
find Electric Bitters the best and only
certain cure knovn. They act surely
and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to
give entire satisfaction or money re
funded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by
J. M. Roberta Jand&wly.
In the Fntnre
When you have a coagh and want re
lief, think ot Kemp's Balsam for the
Throat and Lungs; a guaranteed reme
dy for those diseases. Price 50c and
$1 ; trial size free. Respectfully,
apr 3-4m W. J. Warrick.
The best beef in ine city always can
be found at Peterson Bros, market.
For lame back, Side or Chest use
Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25
SHILOH'S COUGH and Consump
tion Cure is sold by us on a guarantee.
It cares consumption.
you need for Coosnmption, Loss of ap
petite, Dizziness and all symptoms of
Dyspepsia. Price 10 aud 75 cents per
bottle. .
CROUPE Whopping Cough and
Bronchitis immediately relived by
Shiloh'a Cure. Sojd by Smith & Black
Bros. Dec.20eowd&wly
From the Donelon farm near the
poor housa, Thursday morning, one
Borrel mars, with star In forehead, and
one iron gray horse 6 years old. Any
intormition regarding them will be
well paid lor. dwtt
Ed. Doxelon.
C- . HEBOLl),
The Boss Clothier of Lincoln, has
opened out a clothing store in this city
where he would be pleased to have his
old customers call in, on lower Main
street, one door east of court house.
A Startling Discovery.
Physicians are often startled by re
markable discoveries. The fact that
Dr. King's New Discovery for Cou
sumption and all Throat and Lung
diseases is daily curing patients that
they have given up to die, is startling
them to realize their sense of duty, and
examine into the merits of this wonder
ful discovery ; resulting in hundreds of
our best Physicians using it in their
Eractice. Trial Bottles free at J.M.
;obertb Drug Store. Regular size
A Staxtlimg DUoovary.
Physicians are ofteen startled by re
markable discoveries. The fact that
Dr King's New Discovry for Consump
tion and all Throat and Lung diseases
is daily curing patients that they have
given up to die, Is tartling them to
realize their sense of doty, and examine
into the merits of this wonderful dis
covery ; resulted in hundreds of our
best Physicians using it iu their prac
tice. Trial bottles free at J. M. Rob
erts Drug Store. Regular Size $1.00.
Dec.20 1ye6w.
CORN COB pipes in every style at
Schlegel's. Iott
F. S. White,
The old stand by ice man, is now con
tracting for the summer 6eason, aud
will deliver you your ice promptly at
any time called for. Jiase your con
iranti ror summer bupuiv. i
iav - - m
Remember that J. J. Dorack will
still continue manufacturing hand
made brooms iu Plattsuiouth and
wont be uuderso.3 by any large or
small imitated broom works, aud dou t
you forget if. 231mo
For a handsome suit, substantially
made, in the best of style, aud from
Bny quality of goods you may select,
call on K. Dressier, Merchant Tailor,
lo Sherwood Block. 13dlm
Spearhead tobaco is all the go new.
All chewer s seem to be anxious to get
that farm, which will be given away
in Junent. Call at Matt Schlegel's
for a circular. ltr
Save your money snd try Doraeks
handmade choice carpet broom and
Jog will buy no other. k your de aler
foT flfrtfl. o-im
Mr. I. Nathan cumcdown from Fair
mout to spendSuuday at her old home
iu Plttthinoiitb.
11. G. McFarland, of the Bend, and P,
L. Barnes, of Weeping Water, walks
the streets of our city today.
J. A. Connor shipped last week from
his elevators at Ashland and Greenwood
48 cars of corn to the Chicago markets.
Mao Fairfield starts tonight-for the
timber claim country in Northwest
Nebraska, snd will go direct to Valen
tine. Julge Pound arrived from Liucoln
this morning and immedintely resumed
court duties. The term promises to
last well into the week.
The Maud Atkinson company, after
a tairly successful Week, in this city,
1' ft fr Sioux City lat ewuing, where
''in Hum ur 1 1 iiN'm lit wff k. Eiin Tii.iriijtte, f Weepiuj
VVuier. puH.-4td Satiml y aud Sunday in
this city, the ui i !' her friend Miss
Sari W"ordrii, at I. P. Young's.
As wilbs seen eisewhe s no cl-te
has yet been found as to the Nebraska
City murder, ni.d the murderer is all
this time making g o l his escape.
Tramps sem to be plenty this yji,
aud Council Bluffs' papers report cases
of insolence and ahuse on their part,
that is a'arning to putties to watch
out for them.
. Engine 141, the eecoud of the new
B. & M. passe iger engines, arrived from
the "Q." shops at Aurora, aud will
soon be doing duty on the main line
passenger runs.
The public tchools have entered up
on the last week of the school year and
examinations will be closed Wednesday
evening with the graduating class exer
cises Friday evening.
The State medical association meets
tomorrow and next day at Omaha. Dr.
Livingston, who is the corresponding
secretary of the association will be in
attendance at the session.
The next entertainment in the opera
house will be the home entertainment
the 20th, reproducing the Staff of Dia
monds the proceeds of which go to aid
in establishing a public readin g room.
The city council meets this evening
and the probabilities are that with the
nominations that may be sent in, and
the other work to be done, that there
will be an interesting session.
Upon our editorial page today our
Shakesperian friend, Joseph Alex. Con
nor, the leader of the Jackson Demo
crats in the city, furnishes our readers
with a spicy, epen letter.
Cbas Rebeg, the man who had his
skull crushed at the Cedar Creek wreck
ing train work, is so far recovered as to
be able to sit at the table and take his
meals. For a case considered hopeless
at first, his recovery is almost miracu
lous. The York State gypsies who have
been doing the city, selling Connecti
cut made beads, evidently have not. be
come rich yet. They are as impudent
and talk about as good English as the
average of their class, and their impro
vised costume of Eastern countries
helps them out iu fooling the uninitia
ted. This morning Sheriff Eikenbary took
Greek and Ross, the two delegates from
Cass to the State penitentiary up to Lin
coln, and for two and three years re
spectively they will work for their
board and for the State, with plenty of
time to consider the evil results com
ing from train robbing and carrying a
knife that was loaded.
Miss Gregory is enthusiastically at
work with a great crowd of the school
children, drilling them in the rudiments
of music, and making preparatory ar
rangements for a cantata, that will ere
long be given by them in this city.
Although not having the pleasure of
Miss Gregory's acquaintance, the Her
ald learns thBt she is a very success
ful teacher, and we doubt not but her
visit to this city, and work while here,
will be very successful, both to herself
and those receiving instructions.
This office was elivened this after
noon by a social visit from Geo. W. Mc
Grew, of the Chicago Newspaper Un
ion, and Mr. McElroy, of the Fairfield,
Iowa, Ledger. The political horoscope
was cast, prohibition in Iowa dis
cussed, and (the financial standing of
Grant. Ward Ss Co., Jay Gould, and
other friends in the east was comment
ed upon,' and various theories deducted
regarding the evil effects and tenden
cies that come from possessing too
much wealth. The Herald, on its
part, expresses itself much pleased
with ILe visit. Call again, genllemen.
For the best and cheapest Plow shoes
call at Merges. w6tf
The street sprinkler commenced
summer's work this morning.
Murray and Eastwood Released I
After a Suspected Man-
On the Trail.
Since yesterday morning the officers
have been looking for the light haired
man whom Murray claimed was with
Leonard, the murdered man, when he
left hi in at the corner of Seventh and
Main streets. It was learned that the
man had gone down the Beatrice road
toward Minersville. This morning a
News reporter met John J, Carskadou,
who resides about one mile .northwest
of Micersville, and from him we learu
that a rather suspicious looking char- j
acter and about answeriug the descrip
tiou of the man wanted for the murder,
took break fat; t at his house yesterday
morning, shortly after sunrise. He
wore a dark frock coat with a tear on
the left shoulder in the back; had on
an oM brown bat that was bleached and
wore one boot and a low cut shop
which was rather narrow. He wan
about five toot ten inches in heigM,
near twtiity-tiht years of age, lighi
complexion and light moustache. Ha
seemed cervius while eating his :r-al;
broached the subject of the murder,
and s:iid the officers had caught all
murderers but one; that if the deed
had been done in Texas a man
have but to get nineteen or twenty
miles away from the scene of the mur
der and they were never bothered. Mr.
Carskadon did not think anything
strange of the man's actions until af
terward. This same man eat dinner at
Mr. Church's, about two miles below
Mr. Carskadou'e, and is evidently hang
ing around in the timber on the bluff
in that vicinity. He had no money
with which to pay for the meals given
Mr. A. Butler, who resides near Mi
nersville informed a News reporter that
oue ot his neighbors had told him this
morning that the man had been tracced
to'the bluffs several miles below that
place, and the timber in which he is
supposed to be concealed was surround
ed by a large number of farmers, who
expect to capture him D9forc the day is
Of course, this man may not prove
to be the murderer, but as he left this
city under suspicious 'circumstances,
and has acted strangely since, it is
the light best to arrest him and have a
thorough examination.
Seyen or eight men, well mounted,
left for the vicinity of Minersville this
morning to assist in the search for this
man, and the party is composed of
some men who will follow the trad as
long as there is any hope of capturing
the suspected party.
coroner's jury.
The corner's jury met again this
morning, and after considerable dis
cussion, it was thought best to adjourn
subject to the call of the coroner, so as
to give the officers more time iu which
to follow up the "pointers" that they
now have, aud if possible to bring in
some new evidence.
After the coroner's jury had ad
journed this morning, it was thought
best to release Mike Murray and old
man Eastwood, who had been arrested
on suspicion and held as witnesses, as
there had been no evidence against
them sufficient to warrant their being
The governor has issued a reward of
$200 for the capture of the murderers,
and the county commissioners, through
the sheriff, offer an additional reward
of $300, making in all $500. which is
offered for their arrest and conviction.
This will no doubt stimulate a great
many to work up this matter. Neb.
City News.
Firemen's Tournement.
The fire l.iddies are posting up their
bills, and making various preparations
for the State Firemen's Tournament
which takes place Jiere inOmaha, July
22d, and lasts three days. The prizes
offered account to $1,900 and are di
vided among the various departments
of the fire service, such as the hose cart
races, hook and ladder races, and en
gine contests, coupling matches, etc.
There will also be a grand reception at
which speeches are expected from May.
or Chase, ex-Mayor Boyd, Hon. J. C.
Cowin and others. The workings of
Omaha waterworks are to be exhibited
and everything possible done to make
it an interesting occasion. Omaha Dis
patch. The following are the arrivals at the
Perkins Houje today:
C Woods Peoria;D F Williams Boston
G McGrew Chicago; C Averill Lincoln
C S Trcvis BeloJt; W T Speace Dss
Moines; P S Barns Weeping Water; II
n S Moody Omaha; J A Leach Hast
ings; G C Forrey St. Joe; Aug. Meyer
Omaha; E B Ferrin Omaha; C A Og
den Omaha.
Ma. Wheeler ha? issued his circulars
calling for the monthly report of all
portions of Stale, upon May prospects.
Every county in the State has an op
portunity to be heard in those reports.
ThCrai Show Pronounced a Grand
Success at St. Joa.
It is a cold day iu S?. Joseph whn
Coles circus and menagerie fails to
dray together 20,000 people. Other
showmen give their little entertain
ments aud proclaim their wonderful
attractions, but it is left to Mr. Cole to
lead the procession and ""draw more
people, and take away more money
with III in thin all the other shows com
Yesterday opened dismal and gloomy.
At early moru a told, drizzling rain
begau to fal an! con tinned u; to 3 r.
m. Jiuteea such weather was insuf
ficient to chill the irlor of the people
to see the great show. They came from
the subuib, the workshop, the couutii'g
room au l the farm, literally throngirg,
early in the d iy, every street and ave
nue in the city, from which the grand
cavalcade eoihi hi s'eo. They ra:ne
with H eir sm eti e-ii ts, their wives,
their sisters, ib i:- eoiisius at d their
aunts. The p iraJe whs uuivers n'y pro
nounced i hp g: rudest er witnessed
in this city, I th's 1 1 -: led to the an
ticipation il i! pHt-ftriiMiiee would
surpass anything b t!i : history of the
eirus hfMio.i th v;ist crowds from the
city and country literally j nnmed tha
largest t'-nton eartb to its utmost ct
paciv at th afterno u j-crform nee
and at night, no enthusiastic were those
who had wUJieis'd the day j erformaoce
in its yjSr standing r"oji was at a J
pre.nium, and hundreds ueie actually j
turned away. This statement is no I
herein written and published as an ad
vertisement of W. W. Col-, but it is a
plain, unvarnished statement of fact
that will be endorsed by every man,
oman, and child who witnesFed j'es
terday's entertainments.
Not the least attractive feature of
Cole's show is his menageiie, being net
only the largest collection of living an.
imals ever witnessed here, but they
are large and handsome -specimens,
While each cage presented objects ot
admiration, Sampson, the great ele
phant, and George Conklin with . his
performing lions, elicited special ad
miration. St. Joe Gazette.
Barber Shops-
Hereafter all the barber shops in the
city will be closed on Sundays.
Ed. Mokley,
S B. Yeats ,
J. C. Boone,
dlw C. Waerex,
F. Spexceh.
Junction Items-
Taclflc Junction Gazette.
Ihe special, Thursday eveniug, (of
which mention is made in another col
umn) left this point with two engines.
It wa3 a stylish train, within as well as
Mr. Morrison, who built the Platts
mouth bridge, visited this place on
Thursday predicts a brilliant future
for the Junction.
Superintendents Merrill and Dug
gan, of the "Q," and General Superin
tendent Barnard, of the K. C, were
looking after matters at the Junction
this week.
C. B. & Q. surveyors have been at
work here this week. More side track
and another track to the hill fer dirt
for filling purposes, will be the imedi
ate result.
Mr. Ttichey. who travels on the road
and has his home in this city, came
home Saturday evening. Yesterday,
morning his little girl fell from a ham
mock, dislocating her thoulder. The
child, although suffering severely, is
not dangerously injured by the acci
dent. There are a number of citizens who
are doiug Doble work this spring in re
pairing and building new sidewalks;
but there are mmy more who could do
the same with great advantage to them
selves, to their neighbors, and to the
general appearance of their property.
F. D. Lehnhoff & Co. the brick men,
are busily at work with a large force
of men in their brick yards, and are
opening the season with a brisk busi
ness. All the best houses in Plattsmouth
will sell you Bremner's choice crackers
at reduced price by the box or bam 11,
and don't you forget it. Get these and
you get the best. tf
Train Time.
Under the change in time passenger
trains leave the depot here as follows:
No. 1 west, 8:15 aj m.
No, 3 west, 6:50 p. m. -
K. C. St. J. & C. B. north 5 :15 a. ra.
.i w 4t m u "6 :33 p. m.
C. B. & Q. , north, 7:45 a. m.
Omaha stub north 8:55 a. m.
" 5:40 p.m.
Trains arrive as follows
No. 2 , Denver express 0:25 p. m,
No. 4, " 9.25 a. m.
K. C. St. J. & C. B. east 9 :45 a. m.
" " " " 8:33 p. m.
O. B. tc Q. Omaha east 5 -30 p. m.
Transcendentally Beyond Description in all
its Overwhelming Perfection,
At Plattsmouth, Thursday May 15th.
Wo W.
1 " CHANO POUK" . in
coiiisiiNra- the
Biggest Circus in the World!
Fourteen Years or Unceasing Triumphs, augmented and eularged to alinoxt endless proportions
Astounding and Truly Tremendous Features, and more Costly, Thenominal attractions luan
Including The
an UbllCl OilJV9.
A HEARD OF KLKPIIA.N'TH Performing Elephants. Clown Kleahant. Waltzing Ele
phants,, Big Elephants, Small Elephants and Musical Klepliaots.
Twenty Camels, Nursing Baby Camels, Giant Camels, Racing Camels, White Hippopotamus,
only Black two-horned Bhinocerous, Sea Animals, Kangaroos, Trained Wild Savage J'.eaats
Tigers, Lions, Leopards, Wild Animal Trainers and Teacners, Kemale Snake Charmer, Whita
Buffalo, Loose Bed, Sacred and Singular Brutes, and all kinds of Bare Winged Curiositie.
The Sacred White Faced Elephant of Burmah.
A ApfTC at each and every pert omance. by Phenomenally, Expert and AT? I UC
J.J M. (j daringArtlsts, a Troup of 12 marvelous, muscular and wonderful A XI. ,lJ)o
All old features discarded. Bran new sensations secured. Long haired ladies. Midget men
Leapers, Tunblers, Clowns, Riders. Contortionists, Hippodrome Racing, Trained Stallions, l'e in
forming Monies, Rival Riders in the came King, absolutely all kinds of Shows,
Doors open at 1 and 7 P. M. Two Performances Daily. Admlssioc 60 cents. Children under
9, half price.
Advertisements under this head, three cents
per line eacn insertion.
MONEY TO LOAN On real estate by A . N.
FOUND A package of correspondence in
matters relating to the B. & M. K. K. The
papers contain no clue as to the loser, but the
correspondence is principally directed to T. E.
Calvert. If the papers possess value, the own
er can have same by proving property and
pay'ng for this notice.
TpOR SALE My residence and four lots ;
-- eood house, barn and fruit, and in excel
lent condition ; also two improved faring, also
2-story brick business house 40X80 feet, on Main
street, and other desirable land and lots.
D. 11. W HIELIB.
TiiORSALE Houses, lots and wood land by
John Bona & Son.
FOR SALE Several residences, cheap. In
quire of O. II. Wheeler & C.
X?OK SALE Scratch Tablets In all sizes, at
this office,
VOK SALE a lot in good location,
97tf lars at this office
FOR SALE An order for a new American
Sewing Machine. Inquire at this office. .
1?OR SALE 1,000 cords of wood. Inquire of
- W. S. Wise. tf
FOR SALE I Id papers for sale at this office
at 40 cents er hundred or 5 cents per doz
en, tf
70R SALE Four lots together in good loca
lion in ini city, inquire at this office
IiO RENT Iwo rooms, furnished or unfur
nished, in the MacMurphy house. Inquire
on the premises.
FOR RENT or sale on long time, a house
and two lots with eood iinDrovements. An.
ly to K. B. Windham.
FOR RENr Good, new houses of four rooms.
Kod water, eood carden snots. S4 ner
month in Shaferviile. W. II. Shafxk.
FOR RENT The north store room la Nev
ille's black, and 8 rooms ud stairs, (iood
location for restaurant or boarding house, rents
cheap. Apply to W m. Neville.
TO RENT A house. Inquire
of Chaplain
LOST Thursday evening at the depot or on
the streets, fifteen dollars in bills. Ifnnv
one finds the money and will notify this office
the loser will be glad to pay a reward. Zoti
LOST A Knight Templar charm In shape of a
Maltese cross. Finder will be suitably re
warded by leaving at thU office. I6tf
WANTED A girl to do general housework
and take care of children, not required
to do washing or ironing. Apply at the resi
dence of R.B- Windham.
WANTED Two day boaiderJ. Apply at
Mm. Gustafson'e, 3d street, two doors past
sexton's cediw
Two hundred and forty acres under
fence, with running water, and one
half mile from the city. Apply to
tf w. S. Wise.
The Very Colossus
of Brute Creation.
Marsh's Golden Blood and Liver Ton
ic Is Highly Recommended.
"Iu my experience of many years I
have never met with a remedy that I
dould so freely recommend, for blood,
liver and kidney complaints, as Marsh
Golden Blood and Liver Tonic"
M. E. Hall, Fort Scott, Kansas. .
"Having heard your Golden Blood
andLrvEiiToMO highly spoken of I
bought a bottle for my wife, who was
sufferin2r from dyspepsia and liver
complaint. I can now join with others
in its praiie, for it quickly cured her."
J. M. Scotr, Chillicothe, Mo.
"Marsh's G olden Blood and Liver
Tonic has cured me of a scrofulous hu
mor and kidney trouble, from which
I have Buffered for years." W. F. Mor
ris, Burlington, Iowa.
Marsh's Golden Blood and Liver
Tonic and Marsh's Golden .Balsam
for the throat and lungs, are for sale by
Smith & Black Bro9., druggists, Platts
mouth. Large bottles 50 cents and $1,
Trial size 10 cts. wldC
First-class tmnit h Ixnti in fhavonn.. .
Nebraska, or$J03 acre, '
100 ACISES COSTS, 480,00
CA5n S43.G0
1st year Interest 6 per cent only $ z92
2d " u l ar.A n
8 til
48,0 i
Interest Is 6 per cent, an I Is payable annual
Iy. Section-and halt sections in proportion.
Ihave perw .uy examined these lands.
W. 8. WISE,