1 nucklfu'a Arnica Salve. The Best Salve In the world for Cuts, Bruses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheuin, Fe rer lores Tetter Chapped Uanda Chilb lains Corns ami all Skin Eruptions and posithrly cure Tiles or no pav required. It Is gauuanteed to give perfect eatis f action, or money refuuded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sain By J. M. Rob ert's. Nv. 27 1833 ly Prices Reduced- Rites at the roller skating rink have taken a tumble, the following will be the figures until further notice: Oen tleuien. afternoon -J. cents; ladies, af ternoon o r :iK '1 ho rates lor the evening are the smie as above. On Satur 1 iv ufti-i school children can tiff fur 1;. rr'l's. .V I.TIV "IH-lu.iiii k Telegraphic. at th; link t-.u-t' a'U-rnoon and even- lSuAwtf F. A FIEM, l'ropiifior. !tjo ! Fnui! Free ! MiW DISCOVERY FOll TILES. A new remedy for this dreaded dis ease Ii n b..'en discovered by Dr. Deuing A :si;-M.-u: ':;: v ill convince tlie -I..";.'. C "i' i'.M , WmidCTful ;.-'idiilg .v;-.-. ilv i ili'i oil W.J. VV.mi'.cI; !r;i i.-s 1 obtain a ani;.b: iOX ll'CH oi v.i?r.;, Which Vl'd u'iV you of its cur.it. vo qualities. Jan 3 Diwly atldlne." " JameM 1. The work entitled Congress.' the moat partial history of Congressional Legis latioa extant, will be is ncd Ir.mi I he pre-iS in a few days. ' In the mealtime 11. J j. E. Lincoln will cnil upon ym and t ke your orders. oiGlwlt FINANCIAL HATTERS. The Marine Bank and Grant & Ward Fail ures. Failure of the Northwestern Car Company, of Still water, Minn. KKLIEF FOR GEN. GKANT. Ne-v York, May 20. It is repoJted that .Juy Gould ami others have started s relief Movement for Grant. Conk- ling w:i-s iu consultation villi Gran today. VANDEUIJILT TO TtlK FOHE. Now Q rlc, M y 10. A notice I ha parties who hund money lo !h R-ad The lee Mn. Jo. Fairfield has established an of-!i-e at Monarch billiard hall, where he will contract with cnsu-ners to supply ica for the season at the lowest term?. 3m2 Piano Tuning'. Parties desiring piano tuning can leave orders at Mrs. Simpson's music rjoms, four doors west of Stadelnian's, on Main street. 43dtf Crazy Quilts 2,000 packages of 'nk and rib'fcm scraps put up in assorted lots for 25c. 5Jc, 75c, and $1.00 each, auy one of which will be maded, postage paid, on receipt ot price. Address The J W Bailey Mercantile Co. St. Joseph, Mo. " What causes the great rush at Will J. Warrick's DrMg Store.' The free distribution of sample bottles of D Bosauko's Cough and LuugSvrup. the most popular remedy for Cough, Colds, Consumptions and Bronchitis now on the in i. fce;. Regular tize 50 cents and $1.00. Sept.28cCwly.v. Palmer's thorough bred Jersey bull "Independencu" a direct descendant of Litchfield, No. 071, the Centennial 1st prize Jersey ban, will make tha season at John 'Ritchie's farm just north of the driving park- dirges reason able. 29ml PLATTSMOCTii ougtit to have water works; a system exiensive enough at least to protect the business part of the city. dAwtf GARDEN,. FLOWER, SEEDS. AND FIELD New, Fresh, Clean an I True to Name. Partie3 wishing choice seeds of any of the new or 6tandar 1 varieties, will rind just what they va-il at U. V. Math ews' No need of scnning away, when you can get just what you want at home, either by the package or in bulk. I am making a specialty of introduc ing the latest, earliest and most pro ductive varieties of potatoes, fr;m Michigun and New York. Call arouud and examine th? varieties I olT;r, aud leave orders for the same, at the hard wife store of U. V. Mathews. 14Jtf Soil. T.. : cfet'Itors of J. G. Chambjisand Sou: You are hereby .:! :li -. 1. that I hive, in accordance with i:ie Statutes of Ne braska in such ctue.- Hi :Ki and i rovid ed, set t'.:e 16th 's-y of M"y, 164, as the time for a meeiiur or tiie cred itors of the said J. G. Chambers fcrC Sj i, assignors. Y'ou fire lr.r:her coijiiod, thai the im-cting will be .f my i iriiv in the city of PJatmouih, Cass o.i;.c y, at the h'ar of 2 o'ciocck .,. in. o j ai-l date The Object of s.iid ma'ln ; i. for the purpose of rhoosiugau assiuee to succeed the Sherill" who U;w li.;.ls in trust alt tha property andtlFctsol sa;d assignors, under a volunt-iy s sisnment. Creditors may repre..;-ul il.eir claims in person or by proxy. C. IIusskll, County .lude. riattsmouth, Neb., May 5, 18S4. 57dl0twl CITY HOTEL. - This beautiful three story brick structure, on over Maid street, ha just been finished and tted up for the accommodation of TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS, AND REGULAR BOARDERS.: EVERY THING HEW AND CLEAH A Gdod Bar 7" th ttf. FRED GOOS. Propr. M. O'CONNOR. At the down-town saloon. CPPOSITE TIIE PERKINS HOUSE, Keeps a complete Ine of ;nd cigars, bottled beer, ale and topter, DRUG'S MIASA BEER Twenty V:rs f K r Jersey (Jeutral as collateral cai Kin einci nu i mi- f n.iv. Iie ioau3 taken up Monday, is ac cepted in the board as meaning tha Yanderbilt sustains both Reading and Jersey Central. BANK STATEMENT. Specie increase, $2,814,600; circula tiou decrease, SiJi,:;00' reserve increase $3G10,4.',0. Harks ..' boll 84,453, 550 in excess of legil rv quirements. U. 1. KAILKOAD. N-w York. Mav 10. President Dil loo states that the Union Pacific di rectors will not meet for divideud pur poses till June. LXCITE1I ENT CONTINUES. Nev York, May 10. A slight re' uwui of the excitement about (Irani Si, Ward's failure was made this morn i'?t The feeli.icr againsi V ar.J does no h'sseu. Up to noon no new nets transpired. Examiner Scritaw will probably finish the examination of the Marine bank today. ERIE PAYS. Yer. Yoik. May 10. Treasurer Spen i . i sta'- s that the interest on Erie uew Eo -ud Mortgages will be paid the drst of June, but tin bonds raided down to fwjj soon after SpencerV state ment A STOCK TRICK. New York, May 10. Inq i'ries di rectel from Chicago reached this city today in regard to the financial con li tiouofJay Gould. As nolhiug was heard in New York to excite r.uch in quiries Gould was sought and an ex planation requested. Gould said: "This question is not the only one of the kind asked here today. A Wall street news agency yesterday set afloat an entirely unfounded ttatemcut that the Union Pacific would pass tha July dividend, "his was done as an off.et for the pm pose to iallaeuce Uuion Pacific stock. It wss even among Union Pacific di rectors this morning, openly announced that on the street there would be an attack on Western Union and Mis souri Pacific. In pursuance of this laudable purpose, the information on which your inquiry is based, v'as tele graphed broadcast over the country, I have received numerous dispatches inquiring into the truth of the state ment that I was iu financial difficulty It is needless to say there is not a word of truth iu it. Tho whole purpose of the rumor was to create demoralization in the markets so wurchasis could be made by heavy buyers at reduced fig ures. I am (inclintd to think," said Mr. Gould, with a twinkle oi his eye, and glancing at the stocks indicator, "that they were disappointed. Both stocks aimed at are firm, and my infor mation is that the buyers arc strong men." An intimate friend of Gould in formed :ne reporter that he (Gould) hd recently given substantial aid to many who we'3 crippled by the late troubles in Wall Street, and he had been a large buyer todiy. lie pro uounctd this fiuancial ditilculty a ri diculors invention. ANOTHER FAILURE. St. Paul, May 10. The Northwestern Manufacturing and Car Company, of StiiiHter, Minn., of which D. M. Sa bin is president, C. D. Gilfen, vice president, and C. R. Stcrneon, second vice-president ana general manager, failed today. Particulars are yet un obtainable. St. Paul, May 10. Director Seymour, forn er head oi the firm of Seymour, Sabln & Co., which was merged into the Northwestern Car conipuny, stated to night the liabilities of the company were .$1,000,000; assets, $450,000; that the company was being pressed by a num cf creditors oa obligations hich they had expected to meet on money secured from the east; that the suspension of the Marine bank and the failure of Grant & Ward had so shaken confi dence in creJits that they bad found It impossible to secure the expected ad vances, and to prevent attachments and the tying up of their property the company ban resolved to have a receiv er appointed, expecting to discharge all their obligations, and after the tempo rary rrnbarra'Stnent to resume business as a corporation. It is understood thut A. II. lirovvo, of Ilcrzog. Ben & Brown, ot Sliilwatr, lias been selected as receiver of the Not th western Car company. The company had a great biektet in the Stillwater penitential y fire of last winter. For some time past the block has been offered ireely iu large quantities. Later reports confirm the appoint ment of Brown as receiver. Com mo il oro N. W. Kitson, also a director, when seen tonight said the company's affairs had b-en well managed. Tin assets, he thought, would more than three times uav the liabilities. The paid up capital was $3 00J.000. A llOSTON II KM. Boston, Mj' 10. B. S. Snow & Co., wholesale fish dealers, failed. They were embarrassed in February last, but made arrangements with the ir cred itors without publicity. The Ftioi 1 Daymen t under that arrangement is now due, and being unable lo in'-tt it they have assigned. The liabilities are from $150,100 t 300,000. THE MARINE BAND. Examiner Scribavv has uo.k-d all day in the Marine I ank. In the after noon le se.it for Ferdinand Ward, of the I'rm of Gr..nt & Ward. Ward PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ceo. s. w.iiiTir, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all e-ouru oi me Male, twice in tugeiia lilock. PLATT8.MOUTII, ' KHHAHK A. Al.LKX ljFFSOf.. A. N. St' 1.1.1 VaN. IIKF.SO & SI IJ.U i, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will irve prompt Attention to all business Intrusted to tlieiu. Of- nee lu e uiou liiocK, bast slue. PLATTS MOUTH MEBH48KA. FRANK H. WILSON, Basement of Bank of Cass County. Coh.nke Sixth aso Main stbekts. NOTAHT PTTBLIO Particular attention eived to the preparation of papers for Caveats, Patents ami Kei:bl ration of i radc Marks and Ivtbels. wm, ikii.i:is. JtiHtfco of tli pvarf. Elm wood Neb Collections a sp.cinliy ai.il uives prompt mi te itio i i'. O address Elm- wood Neb. IU. NALBSm.'UY. DENTIST. Jfilee over Sinith. i:l;..ek .v. :i's. limit Snre. 1'irst clas: ileiass'iv at rousonahle prices, a3ly M. O'ilONOliOE ATl'OiKY Ai I.AW A .NUlAttV PUBLIC. Kllera'uV Block, I-l.A: 1-UiJL'l li. - MCBHASKA Ajjeui. itr Sie:i'iislilp tines to and from Europe. irjv".! 1 I. XV. II. HC'llll,iK.KCIlT. Pi 'act icing Physician. Office, Corner Main and 7th Streets., walked down Wall str. et. fodowed bv plattsmoutu, jtkbkaska. two men, said to be detectives and had three-quarters of an hour interview with Scnbaw. after which he returned to his otlice- Scribaw said hs report would not be ready until Monii), that he would send it lo the comptroller of the currency at Washington. K of F Meets even' Tuesday evcuiug at thes Castle Hall, in Rock wood Bloek. V itiug Kuight3 are invited to attend. II. M. Bons, C. C. W. L. Dykes, K. of 11. aud S. The Best Couch HEedicine . DR. J. S. STURDEVANT, M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Attends calls, day or night. w23tf Kiout Mii.b rJaevjc, Nkb. K. IC L.I Vl. UhTOS, M. PHYSICIAN & SUHOEON. OFFI HOURS, from 10 a. in., to 2 p. iu. cxaiuiu.i:t; sureou ior u. a. I eusiou. lUt. S. MILLKIt, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Can be found by calling at his ofllce, corner 7th ana Alain bireets, m j. u. watermau's tiouae. PLATTSMWCTn. NEBRASKA. JA.H. H. 3IAX1IKV(S ATTOK-'IEV AT LAW. OfHce over Baker & Atwood's store, south side ot oiain oeiween oin ana bin s tree in. 2iti NTltlK V I'LAUK. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice In all cue courts iu tue btaie. District AWtrxjb'j and A'otary Public. In the World. SAMPLE rREE OF CHARGE. uau at Warrick s drug store, ami get a sample bottle of Brown's Expec torant iree of charge. It cures Coughs, Hoarseness. Whooping Cougn and Con- Kna sumDtion in its carlv stages. It is a scientific nreuaration. adinirabl v ndar.t. I '- WilKIilifcM A CO ed f or tho enrp nt -ill Thrreit and T una-I LAW OFFICE, Real Ktate, Fire and Life In ea ior ine cure ot an l nroai ana IwUn surance Agents, hattsmouth, Nebraska. Col Diseases. It is pleasant to take and I lectors, tax -pavers. Have a coinnlete abntmrt eutirel' harmless. Try it; it costs you of titles. Buy and sell real estate, negDtiate nnr.hincr Tlco-.il.ir ssiro IintMon KflrPnta 10ans e- 151 COLLECTION'S si S2EC2HZ. 2 2 . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estate. Fire In surance and Collection Agency. Ofllce Union 22m3 nothing. Regular size bottles, 50cents and 81.00. For sale by W.J. Warrick. Jan. 3 (Utwly Music- Un receipt or f i.oo in currency or stamps we will mail free Fifty pieces assorted Vccal and Instrumental Stand ard Music from all the most popular composers and authors. The J. W. Bailey Mercantile C l St. J seph, Mo . J. J. McVey is now located in his new room next to Rockwood block where parties can always find the celebrated anheuser beer on draught and a corn plete line of champagne, wines and Kentuckey whiskeys. I propose to keep a first class place for my custom ers keeping only the bestgoous ineyery ine and all are invited, tansient cus torn will find with us always the best brands of goods in the mirket. J s. J. McVT tf Don't fail to ask vour dealer for Dor- ack's hand made choice carpet broom, the best in the market. d2S lmo JAMES IS. UUUUIMOX, Notarr Public. ATTORNEYAT LAW. Wlllorastlceiue'ass ana aaioinms counties : iriveseneciaiattciition to collections and abstracts of title. Ofllce in Sherwood Block, Plattsmouth, Nebraska. ROBERT 12. 1VIXOIIA3I, Notary Public attobney at law. Office over Carruth's Jewelry Store. riattsmouth. - Nebraska. M. A. HARTIGAN, JLi A W Y E K . Fitzukk vlo's Block. Plattsmouth Nkb Proinnt and careful aftentiou to a ire.r.f.mi utw i raciiee. K. DRESSLER, Merchant Tailor. plattsmouth. - - - neb. Dr. C. A. Marshall Successor to Clutter & Marshall.) Parlor and bedroom sets i' all styles at lowest prices at Bceeck's. 19tf Twentv-Gve cents in advance will entitle you to use of the Plat'snioutli circulating library for one mouth. 45d&wlm W. J. Wax rick. Preservation of natural teeth a specialty. iifteen ver cent discount on nil cus torn made woik hereafter, at Sher wood's for cash. To establish my business in every department on a strictly cash basis this inducement is Teeth extracted without pain by use of made in all custom made work. Laughing Gas. -V 1 . J . 1 1 - it A I uuner ine reauciion a snoe mai All work warranttd. Prices reasonable. costs S9.00 now. costs S7.65 for cash. Fitzgerald Block. - FlattsmouthN A boot that cost 8 $3 00 now costs t6. g0 casa Some Foolish People A boot that coPts S6.50 now cofcts Allow a cough to run until it gets be- i vnnii rna poqp n f r man it a i hot 85.60 cash at Sherwood's. 58dv8tf f(pn Ba nh win TOOar w; r llf most cases it wears them away. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, hat I sell on a positive guarantee to cure. they would immediately see the excel lent effect after taking the first des Price 50c and SI; trial size free Resp'y. fapr3 4ml W. J. Warrick Refrigerators in all sizes at Henry Bceck's. 59tf Imported ale and porter at Joe Mc- Veys. isv it P W. H. MALICK, CARRIAGE G Crown Mills Flonr. W. F. Allen, the old Cass county miller, who i3 now running the Crown Mill3 at Ashland, has his flour on sale in the Plattsmouth market, Dovey & Son keeping it always in stock. A trial of the Crown Mill brands will prove to any that it is superior to any flour in the market. 300dw49tf. aiming and trimmm SIGH & ORNAMENTAL (pLi jTZJsra, All orders left with me will receive prompt attention. COK. FIFTH AND VINE STREETS. Money saved bv buvine hand made I'LiYiTSfliou hi. - -N.fc.iiic ASKA. brooms, ask vour deader for them. d28-lmo Trythe B m.via . plug che wing to bacco, it is by far the finest plug chew ing made, Matt Schlegel sells 1c. ltf LISTEN EVERYBODY. THE OLD BARBER SnOP, UNDER MERGES SHOE STORE, Orders for hand made brooms at tended to promptly at the Western nroom factory. . d28 imo You. save money by buying your boots, shoes and slippers at Merges, ft nqw: eggwn. .Pifntw of, ePean : Towels and where you have the largest assortment fhaip Razors Can and rive gPBNCEB a tela, ft mAt from ' Cwtf xm 5 e CO B o et- S9 Q a o at 9 e til H xm B 9 S5 s 0 (S) 9 g 9 2 fen 9 9 9 9 9 a 9 S9 9 9 e 9 S8 (3 C -ft 1 Cf "ft it M ify jSlL-tf 3 c fl