- v r iifteiii0tif Ifcito fmdMf .. ,m " IF PLATTSlVrOUTU, NEBRASKA, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 12, 1881. NO. 03. V ) 3 ., Jr V SIBIL IPfllffiS liOJABASTIlKrE, 9 WIJL JL J. JOSEPH V. BlUG l! I! lil 1 Si III ' ir ' i TO MY FHIEHDS AHD PATE01TS I do not care to follow tlxc example of my competitor by moving mv store West, nor am I worried trary, I have MARKED DOWN Dolmans, Cloaks In fast, everything in the Dry from now on will sell at JRIMJU JZastem JPHIGJES, IP'iLTr-slt and no blowing or If in want of any Goods in the FRESH GROCERIES. Call and JOSEPH "V". WBOKBAOH. EXCHEY CORITBR DEALERS IN Lumber, SasMoors, Blinds, Snr7o4 Elaies. il WARRICK'S STOKE WECKBAGH o o 00 bv their (loin? so. l.ut on the con all ray Goods line, in plain figures, and Cost. misrepresentation. . above lines, or if you see for yourselves. need any BEOS, ALL KINDS OF- - Terms Cash Carpets, PLATTSMOUTH HERALD. P0BLI31IED DAILY AND WEEKLY . BY The Plattsittflatt Herald Pfltilistinir Co. TIEIE&IMIS: DAILY, delivered by carrier to.any.nart of the city Per Week $ 15 Per Month fin rer Year 7 00 WEEKLY, by mail. Que copy six months $1 GO One copy one year 2 00 Kegisierea at tne rose Ufiice, ri&ttsmouth, an secouu ciasa mauer. With 3.1r. Bjyd and Mr. Mortou, delegated from tho state at large to the Democratiejc.onveutiou, the patriots in the first district will faro exceedingly well in the pot distribution. with ueigborinir, cities in the 6tate securing both water works and electric lights, Piattsmouth ought to secure one of the two the present year, and the voice of the Herald still ascends for water. The financial party ot this country is just now in a very unsettled condi tion which effects the markets as well. Rumors are many of addiJional iailurcs to come, and even Jay Gould ia said to be shaky. Mayor Chase, of Oinahs, aud May or Ilarris m, of Chicago, are LoLnob- biug thee tlavs in the latter city. If their individual ealcs are closeted in the sam;$ cige, this country will see something wonderful. ah matauci oc apparent success in A e the treatment of three children bitten by a rabid dog is reported from Mariet ta, Penn. The dog also bit a heifer, a cow, and two dog. These four animals all die.l of hydrophobia. The physi cian in attendance upon the children, Dr. John Cameron, of Wilmington. Del., had been impressed by the success of Dr. Buispon's method, as described in the Abeille Medicate, of treating hy drophobia by iii 211 as of vapor baths. As the nearest practicable approach t such treatment, Dr. Cameron took the children to Philadelphia, and there sub jected them to Turkish baths daily for two weeks. Although the wounds were very severe, they totaled without dira- culty, and no pymptoms of the disease have been manifested. Hydrophobir. it is said, dotis not break out before the Seventh day from thti bito. The inter val is quite sufficient to give the chancs in most instances for the patient to be takeu to some Turkish bath establish ment; au 1 henca if that method of treatment is effectual, hydrophobia may be classed among preveatab'e dis eases. CONNOR'S FAREWELL SHOT, The Bourbon Camp Raked With Grape and Canister. "Bourbons of the Democratic party ! Why etrewest "thy sugar" on that bott'ed spider the Journal, Whoee deadly web ensoareth thee about. Fools ! fools ! thou whet'st a knife to kill thy- eelves. The day will come thatthou shalt wish for me' To help thee curse this pois'nous windy toad.' Editor Herald: Since the Louis. vine convention, 1 nan about made up my mind to drop writing any more ar ticles for newspapers in relation to the course Mr. Sherman adopted towards the writer, but since that august body met and adjourned, he has commenced throwing some more dirt by inserting paragraphs from'Sother papers. The public is about tired of it, and before the curtain is rung down on the last act of that memorable body, I want to give you a pen and lnk'sketcn of how it was conducted. The first person I met at the depot here was Mr. Sherman with a bundle of his papers, he distributed them arouni among the faithful from the county, and with a doletul voica pointei out his open letter in the Journal to J. A. Connor. When he arrived at Louis ville, he tried to get in his work among the delegates from Greenwood, Salt Creek and Tipton precincts, but he soon fouud out they were solid for Conuor, and one of them asked me who be was, I said, do youjnot know.hinj, his reply was that he supposed he was a mis sionary distributing tracts, and trying to raise contributions to reclaim sav ages from the South .Sea Islands. The fatal mistake that was made was that we supposed we had a sure thing, we counted fifty-seven votes the ma jority of which were instructed to sup port us first, last aud all the time. As I understand it, they then com menced throwing dirt. Saying I was no democrat; others worked on the quiet, by poisoning the minda ofthe delegates that I was a foreigner aud a Roman Catholic, lut the most potent of alt ivih tha ''amount of lubricating oil that was used." As a sample, here was Eight Mile 3rove precinct, that wa instructed for me; by an unfortunate accident, Mr. Balse Meisenger's horse got lame about a mile from hi house, he gave the proxies to Jacob Vallery, sen., to be given to a certain party at Louisville a resident of the precinct on conditions that they be voted for said Connor but ala'the other side saw.. Lim later; one party from th third ward got S20 and expenses to go up nu t wortc for the ticket, so he informed a party last eve ning and he waj L,ot a delegate either. But since the. convention, Sherman and his crowd are as sweet and pleas ant us a summer morning, lie ex claimed to some f oreiguers the other evening: "They do U3 Bourbons wrong, and we will not endure it. Who are they that complain unto the Germans and Irish that we, forsooth, are stern, and love them not. By Holy St. Peter, they love the Irish ami Germans but lightly, that fill their ears with such dissen tious rumors, because we cauuot flatter, look fair, mid give no foreigner an office; smile in ineu's faces, smooth, deceive and coy duck; with French noJs and apeisli courtesy; we must bi held a rancorous enemy. Cannot 1luin B urbui s livo and thiuli no harm, but thus their simple touch must be abused by silken, sly, insinuating jacks." The writer, in conclusion, rejoices in one thing, that wherever he did business there his strength lay excuse this pgo tisai, bi;t I am pioud of it. Tak as a sample the three precinct3 : rojnl the town of Greenwood; eviiry delegation was solid and instructed forme. Here are the names of some of the Jackson Democrats that were working in the Democratic ranks iu this county when Mr. Sherman was manipulating a ward primary in the Republic in patty in Iowa. Such sterling IX-ni wruts as John Green, S tn Jainos, J no. Matheny. an ex-Colonel iu an L' i regiment, W. H.Meeker, O. P. a. e t y all business men James Uho.itn, 13--n MoNurlin, and others from Greenwood precinct; also where I 6id business at Louisville, Conrad Sahlater, John Ossenkop, Ed ward Tighe, and Edward Kennedy. But why irolouir these endorsements of the leading Democrats in the coun ty, for these men are the bitter enemies of the old Bourbon, Piattsmouth ring. 1 am not ngrieved ; I am speaking more t -i il.' in sorrow, man in anger, mat ims has h append at all; but as a prom inent foreigner pointed it out yesterday in a crowd, 6aid he "boys, as long as you don't want aa office they will al low you to do the voting; but they will knife you every time when any of you dare to aspire to a ceunty office as they did J. V. Weckbach, Fred Lehn hoF and W. II. Cushing. We are the Democratic party ; hereafter, this hand ful of Bourbons that you can count on your fingers, in this town, are getting too old to manipulate us Jacksoa Dem ocrats, any longer, especially as their motto is 'loaves and fishes,' not princi ples or men." Joseph A. Connor. Call and see Us. I wish to notify the public that I am now open for business, at Joe McVey's old stand, where I have in stock a full line of Kentucky whiskies, St. Louis beer, wines and cigars &c, as good as the best. r57dtfl II. M. Bons. Special License Tax. Under the special license tax ordi nance, all parties are required to pay their tax to the city treasurer and pre sent his receipt to the city clerk, who from that, issues the licsnse; the last fiscal year having closed it is now ia order to pay the tax for the coming year. 08-it J.U.Simpson, City Clerk. Collection Notice. All parties knowing themselves to be indebted to me will please call and make full settlement at once, so that hereafter we can conduct a strictly cash business. Please give this your imme mediate attention. d59 w3w Robt. Sherwood. Open Again. Will. Webber wishes to announce that the Elkhorn saloon is again open to business as heretofore, the repairs and new work in the room now being nearly completed. CIotLes, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brush es, Comba, &c, nice line, at Fishers, east Main street, 49dtf CLIMBING THE SPIRAL STAIRS; Invisible Architecture in a New Eng land Parsonage. "Yes," she said, "'our children are married and gone, and my husband and I sit by our winter fire much as we did before the little ones came to widen the circle. Life is something like a 6piral staircase: we are all the time coming around over tho spot we started from, only one degree furthea up the etairc.." "That is a pretty illustration," re marked her friend, musingly, gazing into the glowing coals which radiated a pleasant heat from the many-win dowed stove. "1 ou know we cannot stop toiling up the hill, though." "Surely we cannot, and for myself I . S a ! t 4 A 1 A A . uon C una iauit witn vnat necessity pro vided the advance in life is not attend' ed with calamity or suffering, for I have had ray share of that. Not long since my health utterly .broke down. My system was full of malaria. My digestion became thoroughly disorder ed and my nerves were in a wretched state. I was languid, ate little and that without enjoying it, and had no strength or ambition to perform even my light household duties. Medical treatment failed to reach the seat of the trouble. The disease, which seem ed to be weakness of the vital organs, progressed till I had several attacks which my physicians pronounced to be acute congestion of the stomach. The last of these was a desperate struggle and I was given up to die. As the cri sis had partially passed, my husband heard of the merits of Parker's Tonic as an invigorant in just such cases as mine I took it and felt its good effect at once. It appeared to pervade my body as though the blessing of a new life had come to me. Taking no other medicine I continued to improve, and am now in better health than I have been for a long time." Extract from interview with the wife of Rev. P. Perry, pastor of Baptist Church, Coldbrook, Mass. apr 3 irn In purchasing a refrigerator see Hen ry Boeeck s new stock and get juices before purchasing. 59tf Diamond Wall Finish, at Fisher drugstore. 49dwtf Leading medical authorities indorse Ayer's Sarsaprilla as the best blood purifying medicine in existence. wld6 FOUND. An agate watch charm and t-v 1 - keys. Call at this omce. prove prop erty, pay for this notice and get the articles. M O' Connor keeps on hand the eel ebrated Aaheuser Burch St Louis Bot tied Beer and always ready to pay pac- ticular attention to his customer?. 155tf At Charlie Warren's, the old reliable barber's shaving 10c, hair cut 25c shampoo 25c, sea foam 10c. mustache black 25c. Shop opposite opera house give him a call. d31ml Tell the children to cut out and save the comle silhouette pictures as they appear froaa Issue to issue. They will be pleased with the collection. This space Is owned by BLACKWELL'S BUJLL. Of course we mean the famous animal appearing on the label of every genuine package of Black well's Bull Durham Smoking; Tobacco. Every dealer keeps this, the bat Smoking Tobaofeomade. None genuine without trade-mark of the Bull. mumininimiimiuim iinnn BIS ABSOLUTELY CtTRIS WII00PI50 COUC 1 It is a harmless rentable synip.Tery deHc: the tarte. Keller e at once and is a poaiUvs c . WINTER and BRONCHIAL COUCH are cured by this excellent remedy. JUrtctiimi in tat tanguagt aaxmpanf every boUle. fiHBlOOD ABSOLTJTKLT CUBES ALL DISEASES OF THE BLOOD. STOMACH. Liver, Bowel and Kidneys: for all dineaaes origin ntlna in Impairment of tiie blood, as A nwml a. Sick Headache, Nervousneaa, Female Weaknesses, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Bilkmnr.rs and Kidnev Diseases, this med loins Is absolutely sure. This medicine does not contain any mineral, is ab solutely vegetable, restores the blood to a healthy condition, regulating excesses and supplying de ficiencies, and prevents disease. Directions in tat tartguaget aetorpmy trery bottle. PAPILLON MFC. CO., CHICACO OR SAXS BY AXX BBUGOJGTJ. FOB SALE BT WILL J. WARRICK. mm BANKS. THE CITIZENS OB 3NT OES. ! ri.ATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. CAPITAL, - $75,000. OFFICER! ; JOHN BLACK, I'JtAMK CAItKUTII, 1'resldent. Vlce-JreNlJent. W. II. CUSUINQ. Cahier. DIItECTOKH John Black, W. II. Cuslilne, Frank Carrutli, .?. A. Connor, Fred Herrmann, J. W. Joba tion, F. It. Uuthmanii, Peter Muinm, Wm. Weteocamp, Henry BoccU. Transact a General Banking BiminesM. All Who have any Banking buniucs to transact are invited to call. No matter how large or small the transaction, it will receive our careful attentiou, and we promlwo always cour teous treatment. Issues Certificates of Deposits bearing interest Buys and sells Foreign Exchange, County aud Cltv securities JOHN FITZQERALD, A. W. MCLAUGHLIN President. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL OF i'LATT8MOUTII. NEBRASKA. Offers the very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds. Gold, Government and Loca becurities Bought and Sola, Uenositi receiv ed and interest allowed on time Certifi cates, Drafts drawn, available iu any part of the United States and all the principal towns of Europe. Collections made & promptly remitted) Highest market prices paid for County War rants. Ktate ai.d County Bonds. DIRECTORS : John Fltzeeraid A. K. TouzaMo. John B. Clark, I. Hawksworth A. W McLaughlin. ,K. J. White. Sank Cass County Cotner Mala and Sixth Streets, FLATTSMOTJTII TSTT-R .O. H. PARMELE. President, 1 J M. PATTKBSON. Cashier. Transacts a General Baniing Business. HIGHEST CASH PKICE Paid lor County and City Warrants. COLL.KCriO.NM 9IAIK. and promptly remitted for. DIREOCTOKS : R B Wlndhain, J. M. Patterson, O. H. l'arn e!e F. K. Outhmann. W J. Agnew, A. B. Smith. Fred G order. WEEPING WATER, WEEPING WATER, - NEB. E. L. REED, President. B. A. GIBSON, Vlce-rresident. R. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. A General Banians Business Transacted. UEPOMITH Received, and Interest allowed on Time Certi ficates. DRAFTS Drawn available In any part of the United States and all the principal cities of Europe. 0 Agents for the celebrated MM Line of Stews. Louisville Bank. Ioal$vllle Xebranka A general Banking business trans acted, Money to Loan, Int. allowed on time deposits. Collections made and promptly remitted. J. J. Mankeb, II. E. Manxes. Pres. Cash. C. A. Maxkee, Ass't Cash. Diamond Wall Finish, best and oh pan. eat, ready for use bv ad dine hot war. at Fisher's drug store. 49Jwtf Go to C. G. Ilprnld'a npv atnm for bargains in ready made clothing, hats tapi auu geuis iurnisning gooas. 15dtf Chcice. Dure fresh mixed rnnriv at Jim Antill's for only 2q cents a pound. A good two horse farm waeon for sale.- Enquire at Bennett & Lewis'. d48tf Assorted tints of Diamnnrl Wall Pin. ish may be found at Fisher's drug store, revolving sign. 49djtwtf Important to Travelers. Special Inducements r nfTorAd vnn by the Burlineton route. It will nav you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. 47 tf All the best houses in TlAtfm Will sell YOU Bremner'fl choice cracker at red need price by the box or barrell, and don't yon forget It. Get these and yon get the best.-- - ' tf : - r - v 1 .. V