SriXIAL NOTICES. A.Iyerilsemriiti under till head, three cent -f r 1 1 -.t-ii iiiHiTiioii. II N K Y TO l.U N Ouro;. estate by A.N nulll v.ui. XT MC S A I.K. To nw la. it niiuliln fur ale :t !. lii.ui lialf iirii't ly It. K. Mont i-all I 111- -rk. WTA'i rmtAl.i:- Mount. lotianl wood land ly John r.oiit & .Hon. FOKSU.K -Tltn Wood rojierty near. Slier III II r. J. W. MAimiiAi.i., Acent. ,'K S. i. F. - Cctlilr-tirn property, one of the ol ih. Im-iI locution In IIih city, or 111 Ir.i.l lursiiM k. Iuu'r o! J. W, Marltili. lMitl SAI.K -House ;tn41ol. price $100 ;ili. In nionllily ay infill. K. IS. WlMillAM, ti ill SAI.K S-v-r:il r"ilili"nc's, u!iea. Iii liiiifol i. II. Wln nl. r A. i u. 1,'oli SAI.K Scratch Tabli-H in tint olllt.'i. ull rt.rH, at 111 If 1,'OK SAI.K :i lot lii !.;. I location larx at tint :' rarlicu Vlll .SAI.K -An .:.l r for a new American M-liiK Mac hint;. Iniiiri at ttiUoMce. IOK SI.K l.ow cor.W of woo. I. Inquire of WIhi:. tf I ,!: S VI. K -I ll papert for s:il at I liM office at l Ms r liuii.lreil or .' cent" mt doz in. tf (.'Hi SAI.K-Kour lot tori tier in kwhI loca tion In thi city. Iiiiili' at tliix olllce tf iJOISKTO KKNT. with 4 rooms, well and ItttTii ami In U'ii !'. it ion iiniiir of. 4 haplaiii V rltflil. llf F o:c KKNT I !!-u it li 7 loom and 4 lot ilt't iraiiii rcMiit.-nce ill on strol & Ik .III Ink l.'ul: KKN I liionoitli siurr riiimi in Nev ille' lim-k, and I rooint up rlairn. (iiioil lili- lim-k, ami I room in In.- il inn lor restaurant or hoarding lioiisn. rent cln-ap. Apply lo Win. Neville. IhJlt 'I'M KKNT- A house, corner Till and Ijoeut klr.icN I li.ilill.. f 'I tlj..i !i1IimL.' -)IC KSNT-Oiic office, room and dwelling i-onm-ftc d. (3 room1 up stain ever llolt lim ulrr liakery. Kiiiiiieal Mi. Iloltsclinci 151 tf FIC KKNT - llou-e, convenient to liop. II. K. i. Io kv & Sox, 1,'ni: KKNT -South store room of the Union 1 lilock. I '.ihjii I re of ;. II. Itlai-k, IS. Spur liH'k. Alva Irrw. liiisiiicss ciiiimittec. 12MI FiU KKNT- l'wclliiiK Houses, Inquire of ll.;.llf W. if. SlIAKKK. J sT A past book containing paj ert valu- r.l .! .i. I V Iti .iu III r flluliT rl M av It'.vi-) ut t li it oHic-. l7tf 1 I N I A Colli toothpick. Owner proving 1 properly and paying lor thi notice ruu IviVe llie Maine, IS3tf J-HINI) -A ladii'H iMirkctbook containing some change. The owuer can have the tatin by calling on 47. l.reckculield, proving properly and paying for this notlee. I5lf WANTKO. A Kirl todo ' at Mn. .1. C. Morrifey's. neral housework EDUCATIONAL. Musical Instruction. To . Friends: 1 have reorganized my classes of Instruction upon the J'iau.v and should be pl.-atcd to have such a may le-sire inttruct ion to addrett or call upon me. My terms are rea sonable and my instruction after the most im proved method, rupils, beginning wrong, can never -pect to become ma-tors. I invite a trial and examination. KATIE DOBRINGTON. UOJWJMf THE TWELFTH YEAR OK T1IK UNIVERSITY Of NEBRASKA WILL OPKN TUEiiDAY, SEPT. 11, 1883, uiili au amide corps ot instructor. ).i 1..11 to flic Chancelloi catalogues can be l.taiiicil I.y those tlcfiiiiii; information, an. I cci tiucales for ti ill far.' on the railroads by tllo-.e t-pectiiiu !. attend. First Tei in begins Tuesday. Sept. II 1SS3. Second" " Thursday, Jan. 3. lssl. Third " ' Tuesday, April 1. IskI. Annual t'oiiiiiien-'eineut Wednesday, June 11 THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE w 11 open October 2. 13. and continue C inn's. BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK and all kind of ORNAMENTAL JIG-SAWING do:io to on'cr on Unrt notice, by BOYD & LARSE2T. Leave orders at the Lumber ards or at Tost 0:tice. 1S3UJ6 KOTIL- CITY HOTEL. 1 his beautiful thro? ;Ury brick i-t nature, on io-Aer Maid street, lias just been finished and fitted :p lor the accomiuodation of Tl: A NSIEUT C VST Oil EES, AND r.i:GrL-ii loahdeks. EVERY THING NEW AND CLEAN A Gocd Bar incwt,nerith the if. FHED GOOS. rropr. BOOTS 'AND SHOES . AND IS E PAIRING AT Sherwood'S, Plattsmoutii, Nebraska " ' "'ore the people that the "Ml coal at Douom "all. wt8 PLATTSMODTH HERALD. rt-ISl.I-illt l JJAILV AND WKKKLT KV- - . The PlattsiMtti Herald PnMisliins Co. I FI'I.L. I'.I'i:iC OK Tllfc CITY' for City and County directory. Kail wy Time Tables. Telephone Kk-Iuiik ItiiHiuent Di rectory, Hu-lncst Cards .c., ee fourth paK. Notlco to Advortlsors. Copy for display advertisements or changes III iulvertiteuieut mutt l handed In to the liutliiess ofllce not later than 10 a. m . of the day Iu which they are to he inserted. Copy lor pay local- and MiH-clal notices iniiot i.e handed iu before :i p. in each day to Insure in sertion. II M . HfsilNKI.I.. I'.uninrss Manager. A. .Salisbury, lenllMt. C .1. tlariliall, lvniit, miic- ccHsor iu I'lulfcr , .llarNiiall. !'' tli extractctl without pain, by uhv ol'.MtroiiN Oxide Huh. Tlie best iiitallfy of liariland Nof't coal tor mile at i:rrl (ior ilrrN. -io:jtr Metts I'very TiK-ailay evenini' nt tlitir ('atlo Hall, in Kockwood liUu k. Yin itiii"; KnilitH arc invituil to utteii'I. .1. W..IKSMXOS, V. C V. 1. Dvkes, K. of 11. ami S. Attention CAR All members of M'cUoniliie iot arc rcijucsted to be present at tlio regular Htateil meeting at tlieir hull Oct. 27th. promptly at 7:30 to transact important busings. JJy onler of .1. JJ. Stkouk, S 't aver, Adj't. ('oinmamler. District court ii'ljourn wl thin 111". niorn- The juries iu the Sharp and the Cur tis uialtcrs failiii"; to agree, were dis charged thij moruiug. S- Tom. Chapman, son of the editor of the IIkkai.u, has been dangerously ill for a few days, with malarial fever. Thk IIki:ai.i is under obligation to Mr. Dichl, of the Telephone Exchange, for valuable assistance t liis afternoon. Mr. Diehl, is not only an electrician but a first-clas3 printer as well. Republicans, how do you like to sup port Mr. Cushing on the ground of his being an ambitious, zealous democrat; that is his strongest claim on the peo ple for that office according to the Journal. The IIkrald is sorry to learn of the dangerous illness of Mrs. A. B. Taylor, with neuralgia of the stomach, that most painful of all maladies. The re port this morning was that she was tome better. Sumner Hall goes to Weeping Water, today, he will look after his fences during the balance of the eamnaisu haviny; M'ciiri'd Mr. J. 11. Phiiburt to take charge of his school during his abst'ure. O.MAII ItEPL'llLlCAN. Ktvp it be ffn the auli-uiiioplil3 that in vt t ing tor Savage they vote for a man who has ihv r vottd, spoken, acted or thought in their favor and who never will do go. The Sharp jury the other day, being a representative body of intelligent men, after vainly trying to agree upon a verdict, took a vote on the Sheriff, winch resulted in 1 votes for T'ikeubary and : for Patterson. Democrats who claim to vole always for the men in county politics, have now a glorious opportunity to practice wiiat they preach and at the same time return a compliment to a class of re publicans who have at times helped them out. IJepuoiicaiis who have heeu in tho habit of truiupi jg tip souk- i xre for scratching ilu-ir ticket, are corUinly at sea this year, as there is not a man on the ticket from top to bottom bi-t what is well qualified to till the position for which he is a candidate b la as to abil -it' and integrity. Thede Eaton Stopped over night with his family and left for Arkansas this morning, to purchase piling for John Fitzgerald. Thede recently made a tour of that couutry. and says it is rich in na'ural resources but that so ciety isn't what it might be. He says it would be a Srst-class lacc to send weak kneed republicans to make radi cals of tliem, and that no one need ever again doubt his republic anism since h- has had occasion to study the demo cratic character ia i:-" ancient virginity of all its "catch vote" proclivities. It s-e-nni that Bret Hartc knew pret ty v.i ll what he was talking about when he remarked that "for ways that are t'ark und tricks that are vain, the hea then Chiaee is peculiar.' The moon eyed mougol has been victimizing the United States government by a number of clever games recently, aa l until a few days ago, the expression of unso phisticated innocence which he assumes when ho rjlls up his bias cut optics and devotes himself to looking pecul iarly iJiotic, has made him proof against suspicion. The Chinese gov ernment haj b.;en checkmating Uncle Sain on the restriction act by issuing trader's certificates in unlimited num bers. One ship recently brought over seventy-seven traders and a lot of eight year old "students'" who could not remember the name of the college which they proposed to altem". Anoth er scheme in which they. have ieceutly been detected is defrauding the postal service ''y sending over unstamped let tcrs in bunches of a couple of thousand by self appoiutad mail agenti. The heathen Chinee is not slow. Topics in State Journal. rrnsoNAiA y K. White went up to Omaha this moruiug. iM ..!ir tf . oiieriii iiyer was a westiound pas senger on No. 1 . W. IS. Porter, jr., was an Omaha pas senger this morning Mrs. Marsland is in the city today calling rij her many friends. f'eo. Mayfield of Louisville, is in town feeling the political pulse. Uncle Jacob Schneider and son of Cedar CriM-k. are in the city. C II. Dill, Ks., came down from the Uend today to look after matters in the county scat. Deputy Sheriff Veomans. returned to h'ns Weeping Water abode this morn ing. (ieo. Laverty, who has been acting as bailiff during court, returned home to i.ouisvillc this morning. I John Becker, of Eight Mile tirovc, and J. J. Schneider, of Cedar Creek made us a pleasant call today. (fen. (Jeo. S. Smith went to Omaha this morning to look after some legal matters in the U. S. court. Mrs. Gertie Laverty and little folks are down today from Louisville visit ing friend i J. 1. Strode, brother of our district attorney, arrived in the city this morn ing from Illinois. J. O'Keefe came in thi i morning from his railroad work near DeWitt, looking hale ami hearty. W. D. Muriam the great tax suit man, left this morning for bis home iu Sigouruey, Iowa. Tom Murphy, after a few days vaca tion, returned to look after his grading work on the streets of Omaha. Myron Wheeler returned to his re porotial work iu Judge Post's district this morning. Court will convene up there on Tuesday. Judge Pound and his efficient report er, O. a.Mullon went to Lincoln this morning, after a very busy two weeks term of court. The Hon. C. II. VanWyck passed through this morning on his way home from Omaha. The doughty warrior was looking well, and expressed him self well pleased with the republican outlook in tfie state. c Frank Wheeler came down from Lin coln last evening as we supposed to spend Sunday, but he took the morning train for the capital city j-tst tha sama as if school was in session. Railway Notes- The shops are very bu-y just now. running almost as many men as they did at this time last yeir. Some of the new work being done is the build ing of a pile driver, six uew way cars" and two new comliinatio;i c us. ; Several locomotives hio being over hauled in such a nia-.ner that it amounts to about the - me thing as building new ones. The freight department has more ' men engage! than ever before, and is i doing a big business in r- building and repairing old ci-rs. Xo. 56, the old A. & N. passenger en gine that used to make siifh lively time between Lincoln and A chison. before the B. & M. got cou'rol of tint line, is in the shops and wi ! be furnished with a new Are box, ami other neces saries before she lakej t'c road again; Engiueer Kent, who ! s been pulling freight with her will tske it easy until his old favorite is reatU ;'.?r business. Pete Tay lot's men traveled 1145 miles (luting the mouth of October. D. E. Thompson, the superintendent of this division of the B. & M., is down East on a vacation. Mr. Ira Johnson, the genial passen ger conductor retui tied from his east ern trip sooner than he expected when he went away, and as Supt. Thompson's assistant could only make changes among tle freight coud jctors, Mr. John son had to lay idle until Thompson's ie turn or run freight, he chose the latter and is running' freight on the main l.'ne between here and Lincoln. The evening passenger train for the west that used to run so light, is get ting to be quite a train, with a loaded Pullman and three crowded coaches ev ery night. The recently vacated clerkships in the store depart meut here, we learn have all been filled, though generally with inexperienced men; time and practice though, we guarantee, will make the boys as p:.,fi -;ent as their predecessors Peterson Bros. Pia!ia:nouths most energetic business nu n, s learn have decided on putting up an elegant meat market in this city the coming season, to cost five or six thousand dollars; D. M. Joue3 lnviug recently been in Ne braska City to look over a market there to complete th p'a -.3. They havejust completed u bi i'-k suiol e'.iouse with a capacity for sucking 2C0 hams. We are glad to sec th -.e enterprising men men improving to -ir property in such a maimer, and trust their wisdom in making cxpenditu. :-? in this direction may be well foundc 1 John W. Jennings has made Cass county a model clerk. There is no rea son why he should not be ro elecled, and in all hum An probability he will be If you desire to help elect one who is eminently qualified for tip? position and is deserving of your fupport don't "aerate-IV J. W. Jennings. V. W. Republican. Telephone Oft! ecu. We give below n complete lint to date, of all the points reached by the Nelra3 ka Telephone Company. The list is carefully compiled and should be preserved for reference. Anita, Arlington, Abhland, Atlantic, Avoca, Beatrice. Blair, lUauchard, Blue Spring, Clarinda, Coburf, Coin, College Spring, Council Bluffs. Crete, Klkborn Ciu . Elliot. Emexson. Essex, Fremont, (ilen wood, (Jreeu wood, (Jriswold, llarleu, Hastings, Hawthorn, Hillsdale, Irwin, Kirk man. Lewis, Lincoln, Louisville, Malvern, Marne, Milford, Miuden, Neola. New Market, Norwich, Omaha, Pacific Junction,. Page Centre, Pappillion, Plattsmouth, Red Oak, Seward, Shenandoah, Silver City, South Bend, Springfield, Stcnnett, Tabor, Underwood, Wahoo, Waverley, Weston, Wilber. Wiota, Wymore, York, Iowa. Nebraska, Nebraska, Iowa, low a. Nebraska. Xebruska. Iowa. Xebra -ka Iowa. Iowa.. Iowa, low :t. low a. Nebraska. Nebraska. Iowa. Iowa. Iowa. Nebraska. Iowa. Nebraska. Iowa. Iowa. Iowa. Iowa. ., Iowa. I o w a. Iowa. Iowa. Nebraska, Nebraska, Iowa Iowa. Nebraska. Iowa. Iowa. Iowa. Iowa. Nebraska. Iowa. Iowa. Nebraska. Nebraska. Iowa. Nebaska. Iowa. Iowa. Nebraska. Nebraska. Iowa. Iowa. Iowa. Nebraska. Nebraska. Iowa. Nebraska. Iowa. Nebraska. Iowa. J. II. Ilasaett the school teacher re turned to his duties here yesterday bringing his newly wedded bride along with him. They were married in Pap pillion Wednesday, the bride being a Miss Abbie llolloway of that city Couuty Treasurer Newll will in all probability be re-elected by suoh an overwhelming lUMjjriiy th it his opo -uent will scarcely kno he was in tin Geld. I he voters of Cuss county know a good servant when they havu one, and it Is not like them to tur.i i.ue out at the close of his Grst term of eflic.. Weeping Water Republican. Cyrus Alton, during his Uim as county Superintendent, bus piovl himself to be the right man 5n t!.' riht place. Under his administration th.'i educational interests of Cass county have prospered as nrver before, and those who vote to retire him will niaktt a mistake and do an injustice to a trust worthy aud efficient servant.--V. W. Republican. At Cost. Mrs. Johnson & Sweeney are selling the following goods at cost : Corsets, bustles, ruchings, embroidery, silk handkerchiefs, collars, buttons, laces, back combs, beads, toilet soaps,, per fumes, Germantown yarn, zephyrs, ric'.c rack and serpentine braids, silk thread, kid gloves, lace mits, silk floss, thimbles and all other fancy goods kept by us and will sell at cost until sold out. Hoods, Hosiery, Collars, Gloves, Mit tens, Ruches &c &c at cost and below at the closing out sale of the goods of the late Mrs. A. P. Stout. I974t You will find the largest display of birthday cards, scrap book pictures, placques and decorating pictures of all kinds at the P, O. news depot. 297tt Hand printed Warricks. birthday cards 1921 f at Importaut to Travelers. Special inducements are offered you by the Burlington route. It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf The Cottage House. I have recently refitted and refurnish ed the Cottage House and am ready for transient custom and boarders. Meals 25 cents board by the week S4.00. S. Weaver Proprietor. 205tf M O' Connor keeps on hand the cel ebrated Anheuscr JJurch St Louis Bot tled Beer and always ready to pay pac- ticular attention) to his customers. I55tf When your blood is impoverished, or corrupted, the lemedy is at hand. Take Avers Sarsaparilla. Lovers of healthful exercise remem ber Joe Ford's skating rink in the base ment of Fitzgerald's block. SOOtf Monarch Billiard Hall serves up the finest brands of fresh oysters. Call and try them. 200tnovl Don't forget to try "Phil Young's at tract ion''' and sunshine" "ct cigars and you will smoke no others. 203t2 Bargains is still the cry, and the RUSH continues at the P. O. uewg do- pot. " 20612 Don't fail to smoke Phil Young's CJipsy Queen, Texas Sifting and the anuerer, oc cigars, v iy ti What a Wife Likes to 8eo. A htuband who is not always "a lit tle hhort." Who gets home at a irasouab'o time of night, and in reasonable physical condition. Who alw.i lets her kuow before hand when In brings a friend to din ner. Who doesn't want to sleep till ikhiu every Sunday morning. Who tkes pleasure in buying his wife a spring bonnet. Who compliments her occasionally, and calls Ikt pretty whether she is or not. Who, when he comes homo at night, will com" in like a man, and not like a thief. Who can lie in bed while his wife walks with the buby without swearing like a trooper. Who is not always telling that times are hard and business is poor. Who will give her credit lor working as hard as he doe, and sometimes harder. Who is willing to put up with a poor dinner on Mondavs. Who won't keep dinner waiting aud then gio! because the roast i over - lone. Who doesn't labor under the impres sion that cigar ashes on the carpet tends to keep the moths out V ho i willing to give his wife half ot the bed. Who knows when it is lime t get up and does not rely on his wife to arouse him. Who is blind to the follies of women. Who fakes his wife along occasional ly when he ''runs dow n" lo the city "on business."' Who will give her a stated sum per month for expemeH, instead of growl ing about the "bills." Wiio will empty the as!ies ajl carry the coal when tie girl has been bounc ed for impudence. Who, when he builds au "addition" to the house, will allow his wife to ar rauge for "closet room." Who admires his wife and has the sense to tell her of it. Who will not insist on having the pillow with the most feathers. Who does "not require coaxing to get his wife a new dress or a piece of jew elry. Who will be as polite to his wife as he is to other women, and will lift his hat to her w hen he meets her on the street. Who can be generous to himself if he is only just to her. Rochester Ex press. MONEY TO LOIN ON REAL ESTATE. Any party desiring to loan money on Farm property can be accommodated at a low rate, from three to ten yearn' time, and the interest not payable until It has accrued. Inquire of li. S. DKAI'Elt, l.wdar.w-tf riHttsinoutl' Veb. Ladies should remember that if they want anything in the fancy goods line now is the time to buy them at J, P. Youngs. 197tf $7,000 to loan on improved farms, i Apply to li. B. "Windham. 197 Ct wtf Received this morning a new assort ment of hanging lamps, bracket lamps, chandelier lamps and parlor lamps. I also keep on baud all lamp fixtures of every kind and description. JOotl J. P. Ihs.-EX. Ladies only this week left to secure bargains in millinery and lancy gooda the closing out snle of the. go ds of the lau- Mrs. A. 1 .Stout. Call and laeave ui your orders before 2032t Satnrdit Bargains in ostrich plumes, birds, tips and feathers at Johu.-.ou & Sween ey's. 20: 1 m (ar 'U::tmners and the general public will take notice that we are setting up the I . t hniii!sor fresh oysters, at our staud on M u:i street. Call and see for yourself. Monarch Iii.makij Hall. -WUiovl Kemcmbcr that Phil Young .-oils eigarp aud they are as good as ar.y if not better than sold in the c:tv !79tf AniCUjer beer at McVevs 201tf Prescriptions carefully compounded, at Warricks. 'it Full stock of Minnesota flour $4.20 per 100; Lincoln sea foam. 4.00; Lin coin patent. 7o; Schluatz's patent, $3.50; White- Lily, f3 00; Rye flour, $2.00;bian, .70 e; chop feed, 81. ; shorts, l. by P. J. Hansen. 205tf I am not to the front neither am i behind, and if yo i would like to see a full stock of crockery, groceries or canned, call in at my store and vou will find the same P. J. Hansen. 205 tt Collection Notice. Parties knowicg themselves indebted to the firm of Streight & Co., will please call and settle, as we must have money to run our business. Hoping you will govern yourselves accordingly, we are Respectfully Yours, 19Cxw59tf Streight & Co. The choicest, newest, freshest oys ters, served in the very best tyle at the Monarch Billiard Hall, on Main street. d200tnovl For Sale or Rent for 2 884. 300 Acres of pasture lands all under fence t11'6 south of Weeping Water. Jno. W. Clauk Weeping Water. Jeb. LEGAL NOTICE. May Dixon, vs prtii ) Philip B Dixon Uef. J riiilip B Dixou defeD lant. will t;tkc notice that on mil day 0I October ihxf .May Dixon plaintiff herein tV.-d her ix-tniou in thf distrii-r court of Casscamity N-in.-ka atiuit Philip u. uixon pi aying lor a divorce from tli bfnuli of marriage, on the grounds of desert io-i aud for the custody of Garfield Dixon cii ild ot plain -tiff and defendant. Von are reiiiiril to an swer said petition on -.r before tUt lay t November IS:. . M inox. October lirth. i3. By I:. B. Wicdhani.Aiy M. O'CONNOR. At Jihe Uown-towu saloon, CPPOSITE THK I'ERKlXflOl'SE, Keeps a complete ine of "W I 3XT 353 S, Liquors, AND CIGARS BOTTLTIO ItKER, ALE AND PORTE li, KRUG'S OMAHA BEER and the heal brands of Kentucky i Sl whlakloti- .Y Election Proclamation. - Notion N tiereby jriven that on Tumdny, Hie iwi uay rovenner n i in prreuirt In Can county. Nelirawka. tliem will lip nil election lielil for 111 iurjMw nf 'tiiliK too luiiow mj omrein io-mii : One. Juilice of tlie iireni court. One juilKd of Hit lltrlet fuiirt for (lie i'rid Jii.lK liil iliftrlet. Two regeutu of the iiulverlty of Xclrak fur full ti i in. One regent of tin? uulverMty ot Nf dr.iika, to dii uueiireu term of laac rueri, iculiiiied One rebuilt of the Uniterm!)' ol Nelu aika. to llllthe iiDejiiei term of I.. It. l Milled. One ('(unity Clrrk. ( Ine ( 'ouul Tiasuii'i. Out County Jukge, One .Shel l 11. One t' hie Clerk of lMiii-t Couit. Oii Super. nti Ji.Ient of i'uhlie I n t r u l u. One County urvc)or. One loiiuly CoiiiiuJuiloiier for Tlilrit Dis trict. one AcMeHHur, (iu e:wh preelneLl Two.luxtieei-of I lie 1'eticc III eaoe t (-'l in-l . '1 i Countable In eaeh reeliiet. 'I lure .ludeH of Election in eaeh preclnd. '1 wo Clerk of Kl. . Uim in each precinct. One Overseer ..f TuMic llixliwajn In ei.vh KoJt.ldlMrh'l. V hieli electii.ii hall be opened at e'sht o.clork In the cioruiiiu.anil will continue cti until ft o'clock in the afternoon i the fame lay. HaS il Ihi- ..l!i of October. . !, I .:!. .1, W . .1 KN SI Nil County Clerk, , ';,- Coimtr. I'ebranka, HOUSES HOEING CITY SHOEING SHOP, I am goint; to do all kiinln of shoeing, and do Carriage and Wogon work. Itepnairig aud ow work done, to order t now' is your tint patronize me. Shop oii 'AVaHliington Ae1Tii at the Horso-slioo Sign; PtyCood S.'ltihflK ti.ill (luhraiiteed. CEO. J'AI.MEK, riattsinoiith. Neb. Go to McKeover fc Ilerriiiann's for a good dish of oysters at reasonable rates. 183m2 . TENDERLOIN . Meat Market, LAFE a NEIL, PrcpW. eef Mimon Pork Veal Chickens. &c ; Coiiftant ly oil baud. Also. ail Liuds of iA3lK iu season, aud ev- erythiug kept in a Fiirsr-i;pn:AT ajioi lowest possible ratts. -.i(lv Ff.ATTriMOUTH. NEB" SCROFULA and all scrofulous diseases, Sore, Erysipe las, czema. Blotches, Ringworm, Tu mors, Carbuncles, Bolls, and Eruption of the Skin, are the direct result of an Impure state of the blood. To cure these diseases the blood must ba purified, and restored to a healthy and na tural condition. AVEE'S SABSAPABfLLA has for over forty years been recognized by emi nent medical authorities as the most pow erful blood purifier In existence. It frees the system from all foul humors, enriches and strengthens the blood, removes all traces of mercurial treatment, and proves itself a complete master of all scrofulous diseases. A Kecent Cure of Scrofulous Sores. "Some months ago I "was troubled with scrofulous sores (ulcers) on my legs. The limbs were badly swollen and inflamed, and the sores discharged large quantities of offensive matter. Every remedy I tried failed, until I used Atee'j Sabsapabilla, of which I have now taken three bottles, with the result that the sores are healed, and my general health greatly improved. I feel very grateful for the good your medicine has done me. Yours respectfully, Mbs. Ajry O'Briax." 148 Sullivan St., isew York, J uuo 24, 182. All persona Interested are Invited to call on Mrs. O'ISrian; also upon the But. Z. P. Wilda of 7 East 54tl Street. New York. City, who will take pleasure Jn testifying to the wonderful efficacy of AVer's Sarsaparilla, not only in the cure of this lady, but in his own case and many others within his knowledge. The well-known writer on the Boston Herald, B. "W. Ball, of Eocliester, N.U., writes, June 7,1882: " Having suffered severely for some years with Eczema, and having failed to find relief from other remedies. I have made use, during the past three months, of Ayeb's Sabsapa KILLA. which has effected a compute cure. I consider it a magnificent remedy for all Mood diseases." Ayer's Sarsaparilla stimulates and regulates the action of tho digestive and assimilative organs, renews and strengthens the vital forces, and speedily cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheuma tic Gout, Catarrh, General Debility, and all diseases arising from an impoverished or corrupted condition of the blood, and a weak ened vitality. It is incomparably the cheapest blood medi cine, on account of its concentrated strength, and great power over disease. FBEPAKED BY Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Lowell,Mas8. Sold by all Druggists; price f 1, six bottles for5. Continuedrom tatt veek. How Watch Cases are Made. The many great improvements intro duced in the manufacture of the Jas. Boss' Gold Watch Case, have led to similar im provements in the making of silver cases. Under the old methods, each part of a silver case was made of several pieces of metal soldered together, requiring a great amount of cutting and soldering, which softened the metal and gave it the pliability of lead rather than the elasticity of silver. Under the improved methods, each part of the Keystone Silver Watch Case ia made of one solid piece of metal hammered into shape. The advantages are readily appar ent, for every one knows that hammering hardens the metal while soldering softens it. To test the superiority of the Keystone Silver Watch Case, take one of 3 oz. weight, pre it squarely in the center when closed, and it -will not give, while a case of same -weight of any other make will give enough to break the crystal. The Keystone Silver Watch Case is made only with silver cap and gold joints. MImI to Imlw WtlA Cmu Factor!, rH iM,yfc.sirniii mi iuiumii; .-fC-r ri S W if AHlrrl INimorcry. That in daily bringing Joy to tlit homi H of '.liounainU by uriying many of their dear ones from an early grave.. Truly Is Dr. Kliig'n New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs, Coldi, Anthmtt, llroncl.hitN. Hay Fever, Iam of Voice, Tickling In tho Throat, I'aln In siJ, and Chest, or any dlscas of tho Throat and Lung, a poHIv cure. (Juaranto cd. Trial lh.tth-3 free at .1. M.i:oberf3. Drug Store. Large fclro $1.(M). l or Mule nt n llui-galii. The furniture and fixtures. nil nil or a imrl of the ntock or tho Mllll nery store, of the bite Aim. A. I. Ktnnf. Call at the htore. 19lfltwl Henry lt.c k is Helling furnitiiio at prices Ix hiw any Ihiii-d of the name htylo in Ntbr.wkH. If j doubt thin fact call onhini und know the truth. If .notic'i: of ici:.m it i ion. Xotico H licn!v f-ivtii tli:it f will ail for tin: registration of tlie voUrn in tlm l'irnt ward of tli- rity of 1'InttHinoiitli at tin; ollico of Fn-d.. !ortler in said Ward on tin i!Mh dav ..fOH.) II o'clock a. in. to 7 o'clock p. in. and ut tin; sumo hours of each day followluo; until n.m of ,ove inlx-r Mh Iks:j. i whirli lac and during u hich ilmo nil VotlTH will cull aii'l HCl: flint. tliv mi. properly Hcoislcrcd in tin; l(cjriti-i. tioii I'oi.k ol mum I ward. H. M. liOXf, L" Iht kv;ird t Uy of I'l.itl-ifnotitli. iOiITt Notice of Reslstration- .Noti u in herfcliy f'iven tlmt I will act for registration of tin voters in th Second ward of tho city of IMattHiuoulh il tin UjUCKMIIttll MilOO, Oil Wll.lllllllf- ton 'Av'-ime? lattny ccMniM lv Mil. icr aiKithoh, in eunl ward, on day of Uctolu r frDfn elevtv in. to 8'Von o'clock ii.' ii the samo hours ol each day until noon of November 5t which place, iind during all votciH will call and e properly recihtcrc! iu Hi book ofaid ward. JOHN -v..- Hetrlstmr. con.iid"1tyluth Ntl. 20'JI7 Notice of KcgiMlrallou. -Notice i3hrebv-pH n that I will net for the registration of the voters iu the third ward of the city of I'lattsmouth, ' 1 . K. Iitiffnei's cilice in Ward on the -JUU dav of Oc tober from 1 1 o'clock a. in. tu 7 o'clock p. iu., and at the same hours of each day following tiutil, noon of Nf- vcinber 5th, HK.i, at whilh olace. ond luring which time ull voters will call und Bee that they -are properly regis tered in tho regis! ration book of Bald ward. DAVID MILLKlt. Keiristrar. Tliird Ward , I'laltsinoiitli, Neb. 20217 Notice or Iteftjstrulion. Notice is heitby fi ven tint I will wit for . reirisl ration of tho voter in the fourth ward of tfe rity.of 1'latsuiouth at Critcs & Itamsey'a ollice, in said ward on 25th dav of October from 11 o'clock i. in. to 7 o'clock p. iu. and at the same hours of each day following until noon of November fith At which place nnd duiing which time all voters will call iiml see that they an; properly Kigis'ere'l in the J? "''is! ration bo k of fcaid ward. - ' a'm. win n:i:vri:iN. i; -ihtiii . 4th ;t(i.-nr th. :U)2 ITt call at Tin: Old Reliable YARD LUfvM h. a. mmiki k son Whuli 'ul- nj l.'i-l; In PINK LUMBER SHIM.LKS, LATH, SASH, HOOKS, HUM)', kv.t 'ourili 6trei, ji. i ;u of Oj. n. House. .LATT.SJIUI' TIT NKliHAPKA ERNST WAGNi:R Xraotieaf Areliitet.2 -ANIj SUPERINTENDENT ARCHITECTURAL WORK A SPCCIAL.Tir. I'luu ill Spcilica'tlon4 will te carefully :arri;4 out, and fall atte.ntiou will be j1ven a to safety and dnrat i'ity. LESSONS ON PAT1XJ ,' Water Colors, Crayon and Pencil, n ci' i.vfr r- v:,j inr. Main tt MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, B LSI CKSM1 TU flO...SES10!'.INO & WAGOX KCf'AIRINt 4II Kinds of Farm' implements Hzndeil will Neatness and Dtapatcb. Horse, 3Iulc& Ox Shoeing n short, -we'll shoe anything that hz four feet, froa, a Zebra to a Giraffe. Corn11 r:d tt-P us. KEW SHOP a Kiitli fs tietwfen Main a" 1 Vino fsirei xst mrons , H-toniH (r..n li." vvw HI'KAl' ten: y . Just Eeceiyed . I !K t INE OF MEERSCHAU AND BRIAR PIPES A Challenge 5c Cigar ...... S iauy.Diaue ivi um lyiaii - r mm - A -