m :r UnlaundricU Shirts ok1 quality Kt C5c evch or 7 per dozen, . bebt " at $1 or $11 " " !r Tloney combs Tow-la size 24x36 at 12 1-2 c each. 1 Comfortables at $1 $l-r0 82.00 82.25 $.50 and 83.50. -lot VTc have a few (tents and Boys Light and heavyweight Caps left which will be sold at a lo.v price sold from 50 to 75c now 25c. Caps that formerly sold from 75 to 1.75 now 50c. Caps that formerly it avid ill niivt v7 i 1 v i j nuu iiwn n I !r Ladies Scarlet Underwear at $2 00 a suit. This is a decided bargain and the best ever oil e red. yllso a few Hats t7tat mast be sold at any jnLce. r Ladies White Mviiuu at 1,00 and $1.50 a suit, THE BEST FOIl THE I'lilCE Ix' THIS CITV! Llso full lines of Misses EBoys and (Gentleman's TIIii- dcrwear. CloaJk Dolmans, IRimssisijnL AkrK sciiv:f Tilt JLurgest, IPiiiest and (Cheapest assortment ever openep in this city. t CLOVES MXTTENTS, A Good I'nfinlo Nitt sold everywhere at 31.75 to close out $1. " Yarn Mitten calf faced former price 1.40 to close at 1. " " ' " " " 00c " " " 50c. u Sheep ' " " " 75c " " 44 50c. " Saranac Buck mitt wool lined former price $1.75 to close nt $1. Also a lull line of Saranac aucl other buek goods unfilled 0 at prices cheaper than we can buy. ur ecoiui Unvoice will arrive 111 a few ays ami our line then will be as complete as before. Fred HerrmaniUp One door east First National Bank. Velvets9 Velveteens and PlhisJueSo all the newest shades and styles. Oress (Goods iu all the latest fabrics and prices to suit every one. Fred Herrmann One door east National Bank. ALWAYS AHEAD BEiNNETT & LEWIS THE LEADING GROCERS Come to the frost with a complete stocx t Fa fr a n Staple and Fancy Groceries FBESI7 AND NICK. j AVe always buy the best eoods in the market, and guarantee everything ! ii ix . . i . ; a. a. t i x" i v. v st-n e art' simp ageuis in una luwn lur cue saie ui Livery, and Sale Stable. RIGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DtY OR NIGHT. EVERYTHING IS FIltST CLASS THE D1T TEAMS IN THE CITY SINGLE AND DOUBLE t; A Kill AGES. Travelers will find complete outfits by calling at the Corner Yiue-aal Fourth Streets, l'LATTSM OUTH. NEB. HvlNllfcti AKD PBBIAS! G. PERFECTION" GRO i NT) SPICES AND THK CELEBUATKD "BATAVIA" CANNED GOODS p finer in the market Plain Tiger" brsMid of Haiti Ttoiv O n ha ml. Come nd ppp us nnd c vil'mak nn jrlad LUMBER. HiTJ MB "BE HICHEY BUOS, jCl couipiete atiraction asifl substantial line oi KBIT GOODS, in latest styles IPlannels ist JHTeil siekcI CotSoii. for -mens9 wear. NEW Furniture Store j. i. TTisriRcriH:, FUB ITITURE'1 ''COFFINS, .iiv'l -: fi-1 f'l jcocwls uuHy kept in a 4 V- 'ii Kiurs. clamm ki .i i i;hi'.ntokk Also, ii very Coiipl';t9 rUtcr. il Fun-r?.l ;ou4a, ictallic&WcoiisnCoSDs CsKets Robes CMELEMS. 4c Our Ntw !ip.t Iriiiii li-iirfi i alhyn In it aillt.t-si. ien;irher Uh- pic-, in UNION JH.OCK. on rsixn. Mrwi.'rwo Doorbsontli l Cass Ceun t.v liarik. Wln-ar we may be lound iillit or day. J. I. UNRUH The .LATTSMOUYII IIEKALD PUBLISHING COMPANY has cverv facility ior first-class DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF- - Lumber, Sash,Doors, Blinds B1E G-OOB PHXSTTXSTC In Every Department. GafalGgues Pamphlet Work COMMERCIAL dKf-KY bCfc UK. f'KALKK FURTilTURE f.TC. KTC, KTC. Of All Deserfption. METALLIC BOT.IAL CASES' WOODEN COFFIW8 f ail hizps. ready m;td' an1 ?lfl rhraoforcath. Jf r FINUEAIISR iia great variety. Blankets and Carpets, 9 ISov&s & (9zz7 Stoctc of JBla?i7t Papers Ard rnateriftls is larp? and complete in every departmr r.t OBD1.ES rSTZ MAIL SOLICITBr PLATTSM0UTH HERALD OFFICE '9 A X D- hscrilc for tlxe Z)aCLy SLeraLd At Wholesale ancl Kef ail. Cash paid for all kinds of country produce. Call and see me. Opposite iFirst National Biank. J. IF. IB ATDEHEHSJE DC . la now ulj.u j-ott oe-JtVicn. Wltb tnany thanks for past patroot e. I Invite all to call and examine ray lAEGK stock of 3itf. rk.RwrrwK awi fomKH AKHfaaT I also a large assortment of HATS AMD OTTER CAPS. . IFlie citizens of IPlattsmonth and (Cass connty, are cordial ly invited to call on us. E. G. DOVEY & SONS. STREIGHT & CO. (8nfCMor f Mtrlcht 4k Miller. IMXKVTXCTVUKU OF FKHEAVHARlSs. A large Hoe ct Saaalts Bridles Collars Whips always is stock. ttepa (ring of all I ii.da tally dent o sort notlct. iJls Street, fc trec Fourti t4 rutb. V ! f I