n. n. TIUK tadixn. Z1 B & M. R. R. in Nebraska, MAIN LINK STATIONS t VKJT. No. 1. No. X PUUsmouth. Oreapolls .... Concord Cedar Creek. Louisville.... houtli tteud.. Ashland.. . . :00 a in y :w a ui y -M a in 9 :t a iu 10 :04 a in lo :m a m 10 :47 a in C :V p in 7:13 p iii 7 :V p in 7:42 p in 7 -M p in It 10 pin 1) !J0 p in 8 :45U m :30 p m 10 :I5 p in 3 :15 a m 3 :M a in 6 :J0 a in 8 :U5 a in 12 :05p in 12 :25 pin 5 :35 p in 6 :00 p in 10 :00 p in Greenwood .. Lincoln- Hastings.... Bed Cloud... MoCook Akron Denver 11 M a in !Ar. 11 :5T) p m an v hi Ar. 1vo Ar. L've Ar. L've Ar. L've Ar. L'vo Ar. L've li Ar. 4 :23 p ni L'VO 4 pn JCA p in :20 pm r. e L'Vb 0 Ar. XI iw p i.i 10 p 111 20 am &o a in .06 a in L've li Ar. L'vtt Ar. li KXr-BKflft TKAIN8 OOINO KANT. STATIONS : No. 2. No. 4. lMut tdlTiouth . ... I Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. 6 'JO p in 4 :60 p in 4 :35 p in Ar. Ar. Ar, :00 a in H :'M a in 8 :X a in 8 :ir a in 8 :I7 a in H :06 a m 7 AH a in Oreapolis Concord Cedar Creek.. i oumvlllts ouiu Kend.. Avblaud 4 :T1 p in 4 :10 p Ui 3 :M p in 3 :35 p in Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Ar. Al. Ar. 3 :1S p m Ar. 2:0'. pm L'vo 2 :56 pin Ar. 7 1 a m At. L've Ar. l.'ve Ar. L've Ar. L've Ar. 3 :30 a in 7 :H a ui 10 :15 p in 10 :30 pm 6 :56 p ui 7 :45 p m 3 DO p m 3 :'J0 p in 10 -Jjf a in 11 :05 a in 7 :Jo a iu Ar. yiEOam ,L'vel:IOaui Ar. 8 : a m L've H a in Ar. 3:r6aiii L'vo 4 :0E a in Ar. 10 :15 p in L've 'o :Wplll; L'vf i .-us p m; L've L've and 4. iiumbeniiK 39 and 40 west of uauy evrp ruim.j. T. JOE & C. B. R. R. reenwoea .... Lincoln . Jlivtlug. - O L.xl Cloud M.Ook Akr-c . - I i " ' cii:r .' I'ltKSI TKAIJJS ODINO NOHTH. . .io a in i p ni . :o3 a in o :o7 p ni S :11 a iu C :l l ui .- vm a ui :-; p ' :n a in i mi p in ItXTKEM TKAINS noiM: bl,"l II. :' a lii ! H :li p it. :lo :t in j ! :"0 p li. :ui a in I " P :t7 a n: I 7 :4J p li ; am I 7 :2o p U: I 21tsmuiilli .. t .j.-jpll . . La I !;itl re ui Ouiplia . . . . STATIONS : i'ttf.-ittttll -' i lis J -i 1'iatlr ... J.rlU-tn . . Olu;ill;t. . . II. 11C Till I. K Mihhouii Pacific lluilroad. Lxpn-rvt I KXr-.H Prelum It-avert j leave le:ivei oiiiK uin Kii'K BOLT li.! KoU'lll. hOl'TII. OmAkfl." 7.40 p. Iii . a.m. lii.rio a. lit. VaTiliiuu....... 8.17 8,o7 " 2.iHp. it.. prniKUeld 8.42 " . " 3.06 " ijrulVlll 8J! " 3U HS'et-piDK Water. .24 - !.4o 5.00 - ATUca i7 - !M " S.45 Juubar lo.o7 " 10.1 c.43 " lKau.aa City ... .H7 a.n 7.07 p. in gtJLogla Vfcipn -22 a.m .NVttTU. I MlUTII. XOKTli. t. LodIi - 8 52a.m' 8.32 p.m. Xau-tai. CUV Unp.ni 7.67 a.m. uubar .loa.ni 1.24 p.iu. 1.01 p. ni. .IVora. 3.45 W " 2.10 " tVeeptug Water. C.oJ S.08 2.4o iLouiivi.T 5.32 - flua " 3.50 " Hpriincneld J.51 " 5.4a " 4.'5 " .Vapilllon 7.0 " 6.15 - 5.25 - ,3m.h arri v.- -i-" .M " 7 tf " The above Is Jeflerson City time, which Id 14 minutes faster than Omaha time. HHIYAL AXU IlKPAKTIKE Of PLATXMJIOLTIl MAILS. DKPABTS. 9.oo a. ni. 1 3.oo p. m. i w.oo a. m. i c.55 p. m. 4.25 p. in y.uo a. m ) 8.25 a. n. 4.25 p. m. 8.oo a. m 1.00 p. m "jo p. m. I v.jo a. m. f f.00 a. in. t S oo p. ro. I i l.oo a m lo p. in. KA5TK&W. WESTKKf. KOKTHIBW. SOUTUKKX. OMAHA. 7o.O a m. I 4 .30 p. in. 4.00 p. m. WKEPINO WATER. li.oo a m. 'ACTOK Y V I LLK. Uec. 17. 1881. HATEH CUABUEU FOB 1IOXEY OUUEBti. On orders not exceeding $16 - -Over 915 and not eceeuiiK S30 - - " $M " ' 40 - - 10 cent - 15 cent - 20 centa - 26 certs A. sinele Monev Order may mciuue amount from one cent to Uiiy dollars, but mast not contain a fractional paii of a cent. RATES FOB POSTAGE. 1st c ass matter (letters) 3 ceuts per ounce. 2d " " (Publisher's rate 2 cts per lb. id (Transient Nepi';ers aud books come uuier this class) cent per each 2 ounces. ta class (merobaadise) 1 cent per ounce. J. W. Mahhhaix P. M. orrzciAi. DIRXCTORY. CITV DIKKcnOtiV. UEOBGE S. SMITU. Mayor. WILLIAM li. CL.'sUIii. Treasurer. J. l. blIliON, Cuy Clerk. WILLtrr TOlTENUEJi. Police Jue K. B. WINDUAM.City Attorney. . K. MUUrUV, Chief ot l'olice. P. McCAN,Overeeer ot Streeis. C. KLtHN KE, Chief ot t iro Uept. . a. U. 1UC1LMON U. Cb'u board ui Health COOCLLJIKJ. 1st Ward Wo . Uerold. U. H. Bons. ud Ward J. M. 1atlerson, J. U, Fairfield. d Ward M. B. Murphy, J. E. Morrison. 4th Wrd r. It. LehbhoQ. P. McCalUui. BCUOOI. DOAIID. JESSE B. STRODE, J. W. BARNES, ALA. llAKTlii AN Ww. W INTEKSTEEN. 1 li. BENNtTl", V. V. LEONAHD, MMfer-J!. W. MARSHA LI, o COOTT DIRECTOBV. W. 1L NEWELL, County Tre:i-uier. J.W. Jfc.V.MNiiS. Couniy 4 !. J. W. UIiNau. Ciuuty Ju-.ic K. W. llfc!CS.hMilt. t'VKL's AL.iON.sup't of lal. Iu.-.truoli..u. U. W. A11U-TE1.U. County Sart-yr. P. P. tiAsj. Coruuer. JUtfl-a CKAWTOUII.S'Ulli Bend r.-ciiict. iUCHAitusON. Ml. I'leii-ul 1 lociuct. A. 101l, 1'lallM.ioutu ... Fxite haviaK tu.Hiiie" with tae Count) Com ii i-l.ol, wUl liuU thm in "i;ou tUe Kusl Alouda) and lutrtMlay ol eac-U luonta. KOAICt OK TRADE. FUANK CAUliCllI, l'rHiiut. j. a COS SOU. UENitV U.EcK, "--rrei- tlellin. WM. s, VIHK, ecleta. Vttt.lt. oUiii'Elt. traaurer. lo4ol.r iiieliJi1 tbo Unardattbe Court lioose.tne not 1 uesday eveulu ul each mouth. ''ESI IZaH. j. F. BAOMEISTER . Furnishes Prirh. rare Bsllk Dcuvcncu i4ktvr. o.ttAi atte!.dd ... aud Kre.b MUk l'ir .- Oil w .eu wanted. ,iv "xo' .LATfSMOUTH M1KLS j TTMOUU WEB - freprletor . flour.Coru Xrt Ful Plattftmonth Telephone Kxrhanjfe. 1 J. P. Young, residence. 2 Bennett Si iwls, Htore. 3 M. 11. Murphy & Co., 4 Bouuer Stables. 6 Comity Clerk' offlce. 5 K. B. Lewi, residence. 7 J. V. Week bat u, tore. 8 Weitrni Union TeleKraph ofllre. V I. 11. Wheeler. resiueuce. 10 1. Campbell, " 14 K. b. Wludnam, " 15 Juo. Waymaii. " 10 J. W. JeiiuliiKH. 17 W. 8. W le. oillee. 18 Morrlssey Bros,, odice, 19 W. K. Carter, store. 20 O. W. KairOeld, residence. 21 M. B Murphy, 22 It. II. Wheeler & Co . office. 23 J. P. Taylor, residence. 14 pint National Bank. 26 P. K. Kullner's c-mce.J 2 J. 1. Youuk, store. 28 l'erkius House. i K. W. llyrt, residence. 31 Journal offlce. S2 Kalrfleld's ico oHlce. 34 1Ikkaii Ft B. Co olllce. 35 J. N. Wise, refUence. 'M H. M. Chapman, " 37 W. It. Jones, " 38 A. N. Kuilivan. " 3tf It. K. Palmer, " 40 W. II. Schlldknecht, olUcr. 41 Sullivan tt Wooley, ' 42 A. W. McuiUKliliu. rcsldei C. 43 A. Patterson, livery. 44 U. M. Holmes, " 45 L. JJ. Bennett, residence. 4 ieo. Kinltli, olllce. 47 L. A. Moore, llor.Mt. 49 J, W. Barnes, residence. 60 It. It. LIviiiKMtoii.oHlce, 307 J. V. Weckbach, reHldence. 335 Chaplain Wrinlit. 310 W. II. schildknecbt 316 ieo. H. Smith, " 300 It. K, Llviuxxton. ' 315 C. C. Ballard, The switch board connects Plat tsinout li with Ashland, Arlington, Blair, Council BIuIIh, Kre mout. Lincoln. Omaha Elkhorn Station. Papilllon. SpriiiKfleld, LouiHville South Bend aud Waverly. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. S1IITI1 & I!i:ESO. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in all the Courts lu the state. OlUce over Firft Na tional Bank. 4yl PLATT8MOUTII KKHBUKA. IU. A. HXVlSUVn V. DENTIST. Jfllce over Smith, Black & Co's. Drug Store, first class dentistry at reasonable prices, 231 y II. MKAUK, 31. .. PHYSICIAN and SUR'JEON. OfTice on Main Street. Sherwood's Block, south side. OllU-e oeu day and night covnjv Pit V8ICIAX, CASS COl'XTY. M. OVDONOHOE ArrORfICY AT LAW & NOTARY I'l'BLIC. Eltjjerald's Block. rUTTsMOUTH, - NKKKAHKA Agent for Sfea'tiship linrs t and from Kurof, d!2w&!ly K. K, LlYI. I.MTO.. yt. I PIIVHK IAN Jb CtniiKO.V. OEKI E HOURS, from lo a. us., to 2 p. ni. K.aiiiiii.i.t Sureou for C S. 1'eusiou. Jill. M. .11 tL,L,f-:K. PHYSICIAN AM) SUI!KO.N, Can be f.iund by railing at his ofiii, enruer 7th iUid Main miitI-, in J. H. WatermauV house. PLATTKMOL'TII. KHKASKA. JAN. H. IIATIIF.H'N attok:;kv at law. Oftice over Its ksr & At .vood's store, south side of Main bett6Ch and tith streets. 21 tf MTltOUK A CLARK. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice In all the Courts in the State. District A.tbirwj and X-ttaru Public. WitjU X. W INK, COZ.Z.ECTIOJV3 H S7CIHZ2 1. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Real Estat. Fire In urauce aud Coiiectlou Aijeiiey. OBce Union block. I'lattsmouth Nehraski 22m3 . II. WIIKKLKR Sl CO. LAW OFFICE, Real Etate, Fire and Lii In surance Agents, i'lattsmouth. Nebraska t r lectors. tax-payers. Have a complete ab-tract JASIKS K. JIUICRIISO'V. .nASE HW- &KnCCas, f?odJo.-,-lnKCoune8 " Kves?pecia: attention to collections and abstracts of title. Oflice in iUKerald Block. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. J. C. XLHI1ERRY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Has his offlce In the front part of his residence on Chicago Avenue, where ue in v be found in readiness to attend to' the duties of the of-Dce- 47tf. BOBEBT II. ITIXOIIAM, Notary Public ATTOBJfEV AT LAW. Office over Carruth's Jewelry Store. PlatLsmouth. - Nebraska, m. a. hartican. Tj a w y e b . Fitzgerald's Block, Platouth Neb Prompt and careful attention to a eeaetil Law Practice. A. N. SULLIVAN. Attorney and Counselor-at-Law. " 0FPICE-In th Union Block, front rooms 'r?nd.slory.ttt i- Prompt attention given t all business . mar25 BOYD & LARSEN, Conlractors and Builders. Will give estimates oa H kinds of work. Any ordere left at the Lumber Yards or Post OSJce will receive prompt attention Heavy Truss Framing, for barns and larse buildings a specialtj-. For refeiencs apply to.T. P. Young, J. V. Wee bui or H. A. Waterman & Son. d&w Dr. C. A. Marshall Succexor to Clutter & Marshall.) 2JEMTIST I Preservation of natural teet!i a specialty. Teeth extracted without pain by use of Laxujhiwj Has. All work warr.uittd. Pries reasonable. Fitzoecald Block. - Plattsmoctuo'zb j. i. kx 311? soar, AGENCY FIRE. 4KSI1RANCE CO'S: f'lTY. f I.i!niin. QCJKK.of J.iv. rpool FIREMAN FUND, of California EXPREESS COMPANIES AMERICAN EXPRESS XX).. WELL'S FAROo a. (v vrBuna oaicoia tfookwood nOu Bnm PLATMQDTE HERALD. PUBLISHED BT The Plattsmcntli Hcral FablishiniL Co. Telegraphic ZIMMERMAN TO HANG- A Long List of Accidents and Crimes. Attempt at Train Robbery. Kearney, Neb., Oct. 25. The trial of Matt -Simuicrniau ended today. The jury, after being out three hours, re turned a verdict of murder in the first degree. He was seuteuced to be hanged n the 4th of February, 184. He will be cod fined in the Kearney jail until the day of execution. Ilia counsel mcvd for a new trial, but Judge Gas liu overruled the motion- He received his sentence without agitation. A political meeting ww held at Shel tou tonight. Speeches were made by Baxter and Church, of North Platte, aud MicLiel of Grand Itily.Mil. CAVED IX. Chicago, Oct. 24 During the stoini today the canvass covering of the Bi cycle rink fell, and Woodside, one of the ri Jers in'the six days -oute.t, was injured, but he will be ub!e to reap pear. .The race will be started again tomorrow. CUUSHEO TO DEATH. Council Bluffs, Iowa, Oct. Mr. C. AV. Devone, a brukeman on the U. P. was crushed to death here tonight while coupling cars. A DOLBI.E CAPTITKE. Wichita, Kas.Oc,. 23. John M.Cro wi ll, United States pt like inspector arrived here today and arrested Miller Bird as th accomplice, of John Jones, whom Major Crowell arretted at Conn ( il Bluffs on Saturday night lust, aud who had stolen a registered letter from the Wyandotte, Kas., post oflice on the lQth of last June. The letter contained $G0, which was divided between Jones and Bird. KILLED. Denver, Oct. 2o. William Clellaud, a svitchmau in the Kansas Pacific yards was crushed to death bctwecu the curs this morning. AX 1XPAXE FKEAK. Warrenton, Mo , Oct. 25 A mildly insane man named Kecney was placed in a large room adjoining the jail, un der the court house, bv the authorities, who had taken him iu out of the wet and cold. While the jailor wan it sup per his screams ottructed people to the window, when they saw Kceuey in an insane frenzj hugging a red hot stove. He was taken away, but death- soon ensued. DROWNED. yiueyurd Haven. Mass., Oct. 25. Captain Finh y, Wm. Fowler, M. Wha leu aud another seaman, were drowned by the capsizing of a schooner. Wm. A, Finley, the mate, clung to an up turned boat and drifted ashore twelve hours afterlbeing pitched into the sea ci ITE. Chicjigo. Oct. 24. A Journal, Liu cola, Illinois, special sujs that a party of men, with bout; pikes, and heavy seines, have bceu dragging Salt I'reek today, iu tin- mu.-t vain hope of 11 j ding Zora Burns' inUs'ug valie. At one o'ciocK LUls afternoon nothing had been found. Katie Maddt'fu, who saw a woman euter Carpen tor's elevator Sat urday night; did not know Zora Burns sod can give do description of the girl. St. Louis, Oct, ifS "A Post Dispatch special from Walnut llidge, Arkansas says that au attempt wait made to rob the north bound express on the Iron Mountain road last night between Ak ron and Des Plaint-., tfftecutniies north of this place. Fortunately the turess train was late aud the local freight was running on the time of the express. ThcloeaJ wa-j signalled by throe lant ern. When stopped t was boarded by a party of meu flH heavily armed. After a few Attentions they found they had stopped the wrong ti ?'U 1 and passed into the wood with many curses, without molesting anything or anyl.ody. The conductor of the local tele graphed Koadaiastar Griffen of this place who. ttiuimonc-d a po.-se ot citi zeits headed !y John Ithea, and hccooj- pinied by I'nited States Mar.-l.ul, O. K Wheeler, who wetit north on the bc lted exprr- fi. tsiger for :i tight with the robbers, but no further attempt was made to rob lite tralu. The rob bers were all large inn from IhMy ! Torty yeirs old, and wore heavy over -coats. The party carried common lan terns, were apparently well organized and fee mod to know their business. Every effort is being made to overtake t':em. QUICK WOIIK. One of the Mexicans implicated in the r order of four men at a dance near Gardner a few u;,xl- s go, whs overtaken ' -i IhhI ;f MNmd Hz is la-f sir i A r i)" n j.l n e 1 -un-i Ui neck U'd the otiicr eud made last to the hiru of a saddle. The horse was then frightened into a run,' dragging the poor culprit over rocks and t imps until life was extinct. When captured he stated that he, with bis companions, had been hired to commit toe murder. , .. .. EOUTED IXDIANH. Tombstone, Arizona, Oct. 25. W. II. Stuart, who returned here from Swlasholm mountains, says that the Apache have been routed by Mexican troops with treat (.laughter. The troops had bceu stationed to prevent the retreat of the savages into the Sierra Madres. The Indiana then turned and fled toward Arizona, clos:ly followed by tho Mexicans who overtook them at the extreme end of the Swissholm mountains, aud a running fight ensued. The Mexican commander stated that if his troops had not been completely worn out by fighting and fotced march es, he would have driven the red devils on to the San Carlos reservation him self. Stuart said that a large body of the routed Indians passe 1 his ranch. They were poorly clad, fully one-third of them having firearms. Advertising Cheats !!! "It has hecome so common to write the beginning of au article, in an ele gant, interesting manner, 'Then run it into some advertise ment that we avoid all such, "And simply call attention to the merits of Hop Bitters in as plain, hon est terms as possible, "To iuduce people "To give them one trial, which so proves their value that they will never use anything else." "TheHeiieuv so favorably noticed in all the papers, "Itcligious and recular, is "Having a large sale, and planting all other medicine. is sup- "There is no denying the" virtues of the Hop plant, and the proprietors of Hop Bitteis haveshowu groat shrewd ness. "And ability "Iu compounding a medicine whose virtues are fo palpable to every one's observation." Did SheDio? "No! "She lingered and suffered along pin ing away all the time for years," "The doctors doing her no good," "Aud at last was cured by this Hop Bitters the papers say so much about;', "Indeed! Indeed!" "How thankful we fchould be for that medicine." A Daughter' Misery. "Eleven year.- our duuglucr sullcicd on a ted of misery, 'From a complication of kidney, 'iv br, rheumatic trouliu aud Nervous de bility, "Under the care of the best physic iaus, "Who gave her disease various uuiupp, "But no relief, "And uw she is restored lo us in good health by as simple a remedy as llop Bitters. ihtt we had shunm-d for ycori before using it." The Parents. Father Is Uetting Well "My daughters say: "How much betier father is since he used Hop Bitters." JIe is" getting well after his long suffering from a diseast declared incur able" "And we are o glud that he used your Bitters.'4 A Lady. jl'Utica. X.Y FREE OF COST. Another Thousand Bottles of Marsh' Uolden Balsam to be Qivep Away. Every person in laPttsmouth, who is suffering lrom Scrofula, Chronic Rheu matism, Jaundice, Billiousneas, Pys. peosia, Indigestion, Constipation or Costiveness, Headache. Loss of -appetite, Chills or Fever, Malaria, Backache Female Weakness, Nervous derauge ment, General Debility, or, any Hloni, Liver, Kidney, Stomach or bowel dis order can obtain a trial bottle of Marsh's Golden Blood & Liver Tonic, free of charge, by calling at Smith & Black Bros drug store, Plaltsmouth. Persous who have already tried tlii? valuable medicine cau procure the large bottles at 50 cents and $1. For Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis aud Consumption, use Marsh's Golden Bal sam, the famous Throat and Lung medicine. Two doses WjJ peuegt. Sam ple bottle free. "LADIES". LariiGa in a ielicate condition find that they derive great lenefit from Spcer's port wine. It has become the most popular wine made for the use of aged sn3 debilitated persons, It is 'so used a a communion wine. For sale by W. J. Warrick. In additiou to a choice line of pure liquors Joe McVey keeps the eelbrat Aiiuuescr gt, Louis beer. 20ltt Scholars WanteJ Miss Sever late of Berlin will teach pupils in music drawing p iloting or in the French or Germm languagec. Term 6rM4Sina.ble address P. O. box 663 city. vyim Imported ale and porter at Jce Mc Vey?. 187tf A Sijtw .Meal Can lie had at the City Hotel far only 25 i:cuts and lodging al Same reasonable lates. Farmers and t'ominorcial Men will pi'- i':r tliis iu mind. dfrwlf Bel UGoK vuwfti. I have on hand a large aud very superior Stplf of fur niture, uiHchnf which 1 propose to soli off at cost. My gon4a r? for alt and ..efore purchasing 1 wish fVcrjf'budy who needs furniture to call and look ll.x.hj uycr. All I ask ol the public is to examine ipy goods and mv prices. dAWtt IJF"BY jioECK. Hay 200 Tons of first class hay for sale leave orders with W. S. W'se, 178d28wtf J.T. Wise. For Sale. Two well improved farms, between L"''i&viii aijd Weeping Water. Ap-j-lv'toT.i.id i-A '-j 'ji, ;u t'.inn. u ;lal The justly eclebraied Anheuser beer on tap at Joe McVeys. 20itf Fresh Buckwheat flour and Maple $yr;p at, J)ennett & Lewis. 19713 For the genuine New York buck wheat flour go to McCourts. - 801 tf BANKS. Jonx KitzoekAld. a. W. McLAfoniJN rrrUtleDt. ICaabier. FIRST NATIONAL k: i OB PLATTSMOUTfl, NKBRA8KA, Offers the v ery.best facilities lor the prompt transaction of legltlinat BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bond!. Gold. Government and Loca becuritiea Hou;ht and Sola, lieposiu receiv ed and Interest allowed oil tune Certifi cates, lrafto drawn.avatlable iu any part of the United State and all the principal town of Europe. Collections made d-promptly remitted. Highest market prices paid for County War rants. Ktate ai d County Bond?. DIRECTORS : John Fitireraid A. E Touzalin, John K. Clark. K. C. C'UHhiiiK, Geo. K. Movey. A. W K. K. White. Mcl.auuhltn. WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER. - NEB. E. L. It EE I), President. B. A. GIBSON, Vice-President, it. 8. WILKINSON. Cashier. A General Banking Business Transacted. IICPOH1TH Received, and Interest allowed on Time Certi ficates. DllAlTH Drawn available in any part of the United States and all the principal cities of Europe. Agents for the celebrated Haute Line of Steamers. Bank Cass County Cotnc-r Maia and Sixth Stieets. izlttsivhotttzh: duties j JOHN BLACK. President. 1 J. M. PAT'l KKSON, Cashier. Trdnsacts a General Banting Business. 11 Kill EST CA5.ll a'BICE Paid tor County and City Warrants. COIJ,EOriOM UAUEj mid promptly remitted for. niRECCTons : l.l i- Black, J. M. 1'attc-rson, CH.Para el F. K. Gutlynaun, J. Morrif'sey, A. B. mith, Fred Gordar. f , OHIO'S ARNiGA PREPARATIONS i iiouiibtry has discoverl noiemoUy 64iiH-ri-Ui Vruica t - iK-alini; oxtxruul crupOims. I'ri.per ly propurwl nnrt couiLiiucd. ir tiaa.no equal its a toilul prvparulion. Tm liibebt conden sation of arnica. Will Bpcc-dily cure cliui- 1-tl liumls, crackt I lr- line! i-kiii'liiich of the s'cin, fhethpr cniistwl from c.iniatio intlii. ences or the use of II t'ltTI'Ui. COSMETICS. Wnl cure ij1iiiiI'H on (aco ami ntx-U. rend rine uh'i skin noil uikI f.i.'r. InvaluHble In Sail Uhcuiii. A family remedy for cuts, burns, bruises a id sores. J'KlCl-: IN MKi AL XLI1KS, 25c TOILET SOAP IeHRlitftiUy per t'uirxsJ, liljflily nf l Icatvd. Absolute ly rmre. Keens the nkin from chappin? and impartu to it lii and : liealtliy ifloiv. Unrivalled for cleaning the s-!iilp nnd eradicating dandruff. Tho most per- c-ot uuo soap )u mo -wonu. i-jtii f cms. Shaving Soa? A medicated article ot rare merit. I'r - vein 4 all piiiiiilt-B M AKBSIIAVINO a DEI WHi rbers. Kiidofgetl by ljeadin Barbers, iho say of it. 'Without parallel as a shaving Roap." Kich in i l until ik nnrHiiHi an m. kiiavinir bah i mi lucher and lasting. Keeps the luco and neck free tiXtui pimples. F1SICK 15 cts. lor a lai t oake TOOTH SOAP Is vrithout question tho piotif perfect ar ticlo i vet produced, as it not only cleans rs the tetn thoroucblv. but tho eombinatioa wi:h arnica preserves and hardens the puma. It civca t tho bre.tii a sweet, delicate odor. Ita taste Id ilelit'litfu l'rii--, J.c. a box. All druggists se 1 tho ubove articles, or WO Will mail theiu, postpaid, ou receipt of price. Hole l'roprictors aud Munfrs., Coicagftr WILL J. WARRICK, AGENT, PLATTSMOUTil, KEERAEKjV. a CO O h 0 0 8S CD W -s I CD a 5' CD j 9. 03 &2 9r I H B 0 o o i ROBEtAT DONNELLY'S AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. Wugou, Buggy. Machine arvl Plow re pairing, and gerurral Jobbing I ax now prepared to Co all kinds of repairing of fann and other n-achinery, as tflere -I; a good lathe in my shop. PiSTR RAO EN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker ha taken charge or the "anon snop. -lie U well known as a NO : WOBKJ1AN. hmm AR GA H rigs S9 X S 9 OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Orders taken for WILSON CKOS.' HHII.T8. Jo I hm ills rate. PLATTSMOUTH OPERA HOUSE.! October 1, 1883 ; r'or thu mod Thirty J:ivn I will r.-ll IVIason&Hamlin Organs Tu clean up Uh line si stock of Organs as ever were oil ere I t the j.uli lic. Any one in want of a tine Organ will tiinl it t tln-ir rntercst to call and get my pricen. I'r the above time you can get a MASON & HAMLIN, "Tlio-Bost in. tlio World,' us low, or lower, than the so-called cheap Organs, for CASH, or on MENTAL, or T K N -Q I F A I iTJC I i L V I ' A Y M K N T plan. 13. Hardware AT SAGE'S OLD STAND, TTIie EScst JLine ot (Cook tetwws, 66 (KasoIIw Htovcs9 " 4- Tis&warc " (Hencral BITapdware To be found In the City. New oodR at prices Mr:t dt-fy on:p Hon'. i:ive rue ; rail A5II II TJI&BJ. THE ELKHORN SAL HEADQUARTERS FOR ALE, WINES, BEER AND CIGARS, Old Kentucky Wliishics. IMPORTED WINES, MUMM'S EXTKA DItY CHAMPAGNE, NATIVE WINES, ST- LOUIS BEER. rug's Omaha Always on draaght IL 3PIM2ES SLIMES of OIS-iLUS ALWAYS IN STOCK, AT THE ELKHORN Fitzgerald Block u U K Li N GTC i. I . O CJTE "1 (Chicago, Burlington i Oaincj ". Voat!.) P A K GOING EAST AND WEST. . EUnrant Day Coaches. Parlor Cars, with Reotla. m Chaira saU free). Smokin? Cars, with ! IrolTlnc Chairs, Pullman Palace Sleeping Can and jtbe famous C. u. ft Q. Dinine t ars run daily to and If rom Chicago ft Kansas City, Chicago ft Council jlUuCj; Ctdcago r MoiObS. Chioago, Si. Atohiaon ft Topeka." Obly through !xj tt jtween Chicago, Lincoln ft Denrer. ThruUirb oars .between IndlanaDolU ft Council Bluffs via Peoria. 1AU connections made in Union ImtkA. It is I .known aa the greaiTUHOUGliCAKIJNfc:. v Finest Equipped Railroad In tho World for all Classos of Travel (V. J. FOTTEi: ad Vioe-Pres tacd Cen'l Manastw. PEKCEVA.L LOWELL. Oea. Pa. Xg't, CiucagaJ OPKItA IICUSK ij,)T3iii;e:s, AS li GENTS' rURMSHEItr. r POST OKl'ICi: Mews Depot, STATION KlfV MASOX Sc HAMLIN IIE.NUY F. MILI.EIt and I 5. TOJDJD'S Emporium ON LOWER MAIN 8TUEET. N PLATTSMOUTH, NEIL GOING NORTH AND SOUTH ) Solid Trains of Elegant Iay Coacbon and Pn!J I man Palace blwpiajf Cars are run daily to ail i rom lot. unxim, m iiaunioai. yuincy, Keokuk, BurlinFton. Cedar RaDids and Albert fea to t Paul and Mluneatjolin: Parlor Cars with ttorlir.izm Piarn t ?d fm 3t. Iuj apd'lWit'ndtcH abd rrooi bt. L&uls and Catuxnwa. oiily ua. changu cf cars between St. Louis aud ioumss, lowa, Unooin, Aebrahka, uj r.( Colorado. It is universally admitted to be tho