The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 19, 1883, Image 3

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    srrciAi, notices.
Alvi rli-MinttiM intiW this ha1, three cent"
It Itim eiirii insertion.
MO.NKYTO LOAN-Ou real ettale by A n".
Ioh : t.r -Tti r
1 K. ). illtl IIIMII
xmI milk vow.
Ili'llllrn of
irll --AI.K-lloii... Intiand wood land
I & .Sou.
UOKHAI.K- A Kimm M w.n & Hamlin cabinet
A lir::!!!. it Itarir.tlii for f-Mla iiiirfaliiAr. In-
Ull- i.f ilciniali .M-iiltlt.
i;i ii. r.
Wood property ni-ar Klif r
J. W. MAiiaiiAi.i.,
iron SAl.fC - Kftll-fi:i prop-rty. one of tin?
of tin-Ix-it lor.itl'MM hi Him city, or III
r.i.l - f .r st.H k. liMiu'rc of J. W, MArluii. lootf
Ioil SAI.K - ll..iis and lt. prl- Mm.
J 100
-;-! . in HKiiillll
y payment.
It. 11. WlNlMIAM.
IollMAl.l' S-vthI r"illHiiir, entrap. In-
of i. II. V 6i ft.
H-ral."li Tablets lu all i-li-. nt
it ollii-t.
I.'OIC SAI.K a bt in Kod locution.
U7tf M l:n
in at tliM .illno
I,OU SA I.K -An ord.-r for a ii'w American
.-. win- .M;t liiu-. Iii'iuiri- al thlsofllcw.
i;i:si.K -i,
V..s. Wi.w
(X) conls of wood.
Inquire of
,K SAI.K I.I papiTM for Hal at thU office
al In c.'iitt -r hundred or 5 ceutM per doz
en, tf
Ioi: SAM" Four lots together In rmoiI loca
tion iu thl city. liKfuIre at thin otllce tf
rOU UKN I' -'1 he north storeroom In Nev-jili-'i
lilnck, ami H rooms up ulairn. Good
location for restaurant or boarding house. rents
cheap. Apply to Win. Neville. lUlf
MM liKN'T -A bouse, corner 7th and IoouH
Mn-t-l.jlliiiuir of '1 hos. I'ollock.
.'i: R'NT-Mie ofllee room and dwelling
coiui.-i-ted. (:i roouiH up stairs ever Ilolt-
sliui-iilcr bakery.
Kn.iuire at Mr:. lloltseliucl-
FiK KENT IIoiihc, ronvcnieiit to liops.
tf. K. i. Iovkv & Son,! KKNT South store room of the I'nion
1 i:i' k. Kii.iiiie of It. 11. lilack. It. Spur
lock, Alva lire w, Itusiuess ciminlttee. 23tf
FOIC KKNT Dwelling Iloues, Inquire of
ll.idtf W. II. SllAKKK.
I 1ST-A pswss book containing papers valu-
M able only to owner under plea?
ase leave at thin
107 tf
Nl-A Cold toothpick. Owner proving
properly and paying for this notice can
have the same, iHJtf
I,VUSH A ladies pocketbook containing
some change. The owner can have the
same by calling on lireckenlleld, proving
piopi-rly and paying for this notice. IMtf
Musical Instruction.
2 u JIli Friends:
I have reorganized my classes
of iiistrtiction upon the l'iano, and should be
pleased to have such as may desire instruction
to address or call upon me. My terms are rea
sonable, and my instruction after the most Im
proved method. Pupils, beKluuinK wrong, can
never expect to become ina-ters. I invite a
trial and examination.
TUESDAY, SEPT. 11, 1883,
with an ample corps ol instructor.
On appli.'ati.Mi to tue Chancellor catalogues
cat. be dit allied by those deeirl-jtf Information,
an. I ei-rtiti.-ates f.r half fare oil the railroads
by those eTH-ctiiiu to attend.
I'j. -t 1 .-, t.t li
ns Tuesday. Sept. 11 13.
Thurr-day. Jan. 3.11.
i liii l riienday, April 1. ll.
Annual tuil:ien t'!!ielit Wednesday, dune 11
w,H oin-ii October J. !. and continue 6 mo's.
:-.nd al! kinds of
itmif i.n'cr on s-hort notiee. by
Leave ord.-rs at the Lumber Yard or at
Toil nt'iee. 183126
This beautiful three tcry brick structure, on
U werMaid street, ha- ji;M beec finished and
fitted up for the aceoti n t Nation of
i f1,. J T in l coiii.eetion witn tn
x UCvU i hi lictie.
FllEI) C.O(i?. Propr.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Ad v party aeiirini? to loan mony on Farm
Dfoperty can be accommodated at low nte.
f?om thVee to ten year.' tlm. and the nteret
L'ot payable until it . l
lT2r:r-tl rttt40l, Vttf.
For City and County 1'lrectory, Railway "flme
Tall,i. THi-phon KuclHintt ItU'IncM ll
rrctory. HuMim-si f ard A".. " fouriii p:ie.
Notice to Advertisers.
Copy for dlapUy advertlioinents or ctiiuiK"
In advrtliiiut must bo liaiwlnd In to lite
bunliieniontor) not laur than lu a. hi. of th
lay In wtlloU they nr to be luwrted. Copy
for pay lx-al ami special notice mut be
liumlft lit tWore3 . in rach day to Insure in
sertion. 11 M. IIUSIII. KI.L,
UUfttneS MauaKr.
A, Kallmbury. Ilcutliit
CA. tfarMliall, Denllut, muc
crwior tu Clutter & 3lariiall.
To t tli extracted without uin,
Uy umc olMtrouM Oxide fa.
Meets every Tuesilay cvenin"; nt their
Castle Hall, in Kuckwoud 15 ;k. Vi.i
itinjj Knights arc invited t utteipl.
.1. Y. JK.NMSUS, C C.
V. L. Dvkks, K. of li. niid S.
Oinalm i loin a froat deal of work
on her htrcft this year, tli grading of
which will amount to over $00,00 0 hy
the close of the season.
The regular weekly meeting of the
Klzevir Club will be hehl this evening
at Mrs. J.l. Young s. the programme
being Lucy believes "Miles fcStainlish,"
i -
The Galveston News notes tlia
(Jreshani in the only member of the
cabinet that lian no need of recreation.
When he wants u rest he a.ti down on
Frank llatton."
The liaptist society it Weeping Water
arejutt completing one of the hand
somest church buildings in the county.
which is an ormaueut to that thriving
town and a credit to the society.
fcjaui Ilinkle liaviug an opportunity
to secure better wages, at the store
house of the IJ. & M., has retired from
the employment of lienuett & Lew
is and entered the list of the railroad
We neglected at the tune to make
mention of a very handsome new sign
put up by Dr. C. A. Marshall in front
of his office iu Fitzgerald's block. The
Dr. is becoming acquainted with our
people and is a doing a good business.
Large crowds find amusement each
evening at the skating rink in Fitzger
rald hull, and the rink, under Ford's
management, is proyiug a success, and
one of the attractive Yl'ice3 among the
young people, for an evening's am use
metit. A greenback county convention has
been called by John S. Tewksberry
chairman of the central committee to
meet in Weeping Water on Saturday
Oct.S0th at 1 o'clock P. M. for the pur
1 032 of i.u'ting in it min ition i County
The daily Gazcttt -Journal comes to
us loaded .o the anard with interesting
uew3. and ah!e editorials. We hae
been puzzled to ki'ow how so good and
cxpeii:valy gotten up a paper couiu
thrive outside -f a city. Yet the Jour
nal seeuis to be on the winning tide.
They must !iave a precious crowd ot
loodluins in attendance nt the notet'
college at Princeton, New Jersey
lout ouce a ve-k they fit after the
town people, aud alter inilictiiig broken
noaes and bl tckeued eyes, clean them
out in a singularly complete manner. 2.
The fact that the thr gland jury after
a most thorough investigation of the
case, failed to find a true bill against
Nellie Swanson will be noted with
pleasure by many humane people of
this city who were conversant with th
facts, and were of the unanimous opin
ion that Nellie Swanson should be dis -charged.
Capt. II. E- Palmer calls upon the
IIkhald to say that the seiis.uion!
item in theJoarii:il to the effect that he
has resigned his position as a 'juter
and agent ot the Horn.- and that he
couteinplatcs oin2 bio bu.-ine.-s in
Omaha is untrue in every j ar'.ieular.
The captain hs no such notion a:.d has
given no grounds for the publication of
any such statement.
George Sieh who for i.ia-iy years
owned and operated ihe old mill down
where the B. Cc M. s iops are now lo
cated, aud who for th-; eight yeais
has been a resident of Gei uianv is i'
the city seeing old frieu-U aud lookiug
up a location.
It seems Nebraska is the best after
all, at any rate Mr. Sieh admits that it
beats Germany after a second trial of
citizenship in that counlry.
The brick trade seems to be booming.
Fred Lehnhoff is not able 'o-.d them
on the cars here as fat as th are wan
ted. He ships to the large," towi.3
west of Lincoln and says it lie had
half a million he could el them
nizht out, and r'nt here it may - p-
; per to remark that Mr. LehnholTt bn.-k
! are said to l Lh? best moulded brics
in the siat". It ne demand continues,
next yiiar will s v ii immense industry
developed in thai .'.;: in thi city.
Plattsmouth is to I y anayeJ in her
richest robes. The hilltops around the
city are covered wii dense growth
of young oak. hitler-.. v ':nut and
oMier varieties of ue, tlat -liive
donued, since -lit rcftii. fro-t, U tho
jcoljrsknown to the paintei' r.n. A
walk through the outlying suburbs on
an afternoon, with the mellow, .com
forting rays of October sur.-hiue beam
ing down from the blues: of kies. is
exhilarating in the extreme, an-J would
almost inate n invalid -jell iigftin
without anyothor medicine thau lite
enchanting view, aud the fresh, pure
Anbcuscr beer at McVcys
A. B. nillh is in the capital city to
day. .
Tom. Murphy went to SI. Joe this
morning.- .
II. L Palmer came home from Hat
ingi last evening.
Major Wheeler' father, . from Iowa,
is visiting hltn todny.
I'uty Burke was shaking hands with
his friends here this morning. '
Win. J. Agnew went out to the Cus
ter county ranch thin morning.
II. Ueit2haut-r, of Omaha, wa in
the citv yesterday seeing his friend d.
Dr. J. M. Waterman, the Louisville
physician was in the city last evening.
Willie Shryock, the genial drug vend
er of Louisville, has been in the city a
day or two calling on his old friends.
Geo. Clarke, of R. G. Dunn & Co.,
Omaha, paid this city a visit yesterday.
and left this morning for it. Louis.
T. N. Bobbit, the foreman of the
late Grand Jury, returned to his home
iu tho western part of the county this
II. C. Brown, the Iowa special pen
sion examiner, passed through the city
this morning, on his way to his work,
after a three days' lay off at his home
in Ashland.
Mr. John Doe was arrested this morn
ing for breaking into a B. & M. freight
car with felonious intentions. lie re
fuses point blank to give his real name.
Ho will be arraigned this afternoon.
The successor of the Marquis of
Lome srovernor general of Canada (Mr.
Lausdowne) is to take the oath of office
at Quebec on Monday next; all the
Canadian sprigs of royalty.and judicial
dignitaries will be present to see the
new administrator of public affairs start
out in the discharge of his duties.
The Woman's convention in Chicago
this week has been discussing some
measures for improving the condition
of the negro women of the south. This
to our way of thinking is a matter de
serving of the humane attention of our
kiud hearted sympathetic lady friends,
and beats tho suffrage aitaion all to
Joe McVey has now his new saloon
fixed in ship shape and is ready to catecr
to the public wants in his line. This
morning he received two elegant stet-1
engravings from Chicago c iting twen
ty-llve dollars each which will aid in '
decorating the walls or Lis business '
place. He wishes' to announce that he !
will kiAi.ii in wtiii'lf A tilkfiiu lktor ti !
most celebrated iu the country as well j
.... .. C.II1:.... ..r . !.-. r, '
tio n luiiiiut: ii nup'i ten pcFtici, 1
ctutmpagnts and wiiits. ! invites an
luspoction 01 111s new quarter iv me
public aud is ready to rec '.va guests. j
Extra Help.
Jom Ford has secured the service of
Al Smith, of Council liluU who is a
number one barber and who can bo
found behind a chair at Jot 's shop ready
to serve customers in short order with
neatness and dispatch.
Wolf Hunt
Hull. Joseph Giltnoru a d others are
advocating a grand wolt !iaut to take
place sometime during next month. Mr
Gilmore says he believes tlu farmers of
Eight Mile Grove Louisville and Platts-
mouth will turn out enrn iss as tho
wolves are becoming very troublesoma
he siyj he has lost quite a number of
his pigs lately aud that other farmers
are making the sam? co n daiut
The B & M
are no.v solviug the
transportation questio i regarding
mrtl-i,.,r k'.utiviip.l tin. w , lriil ..r.m
that Nel rafka has proilt ced this yeir;
extras iu freight;work a h'way are no-v
daily necessities and vf' "e tMtil .the
corn and stock as well us the small
grain in thi3 section o: the state tiuds
an eastern m oUe'. V.f rolling stock
ol the roa i is ail utiii:'. i id every cur
is now inlo active er W e.
There has been a o :i- ilerable atiei
tiou paid to an article wl.ich appeared
in i lie Journal uudei :)e heading' of
"Ought to be Iuvestij: t d." Strange
as it may seem to some. eople do not
recognize in such libels the eie uents
necessary to make common jjkes
among citizeus.
Libelow jokes when indulud iu
through the public prints sometimes
prove serious facts to the perpetrators.
It is only thoughtless ignorance that
would cause the High Sheriff of this
couatv and Mr. C. V. Sherman to in
dulge in such articles, which we are j
not sure, but we did w- perform ur j
r..ii ,i..... -i. : ... !
iuii iiiiiv, i i" niuuiu lui.te n i ii"Ut
matter for those huaioior.a geutleai. . .
.... . ,
! ..tux Lesdie s a v;in!;ir Monthly.
t !ie numoer i.. v.'in er, HKt: its j
pudecessors, is txiivnitelv hiteresliur,
entertaining and instructive. The en
gravings are voluminous, and as varied
as the articles they illustrate. The col
ored plate front ispeice ia an artistic
gem. X. Bobinson's contribution.
The Acient and Honorable Art,illi'y
Company of BosIqh nd thue on
Mad Moparchs,'' tThe LahU yl' the
Lion and Suu," HJaoJt Deeoratiou, His
torical and Artistic," The Tombs of
Milta, in Mexico," ect., uill well repay
the reader. There arc Serial aud Snort
Stories, Sketches, Adventures. Poem-,
etc., by Amanda Douglas, Oscar p,oyle
Eilice Hopkins, Mr. Jano G. Austin.
F.tta Y- Pierce, Mry ' A.. 'pennUob;
Captain lemevs, exc etc., nd a' large
and varied miscellany, replete with in
formation and entertainment. There
are 128 quarto pages, aud oyer lOoO
cmlellisimints. Price . 2" cents a
number, or $:i a year, postpaid. Mm.
Frank Leslie, publisher, 53, 55 aud 57
Park Place, Xtw York.
J Court Proceedings.
.C It. Parmele special adiniuitxtor
of the entato of John Tallon deceased,
vs. First National lltnk of Platlsmouth,
Nebraska, aud John O'Rourke. Mo
tion of plaintiff for new trial overruled,
to which he except?, and forty days
from rising of court given to reduce
exceptions to writing.
J. Levy v. R. W. Hyers sheriff and
L. Colding Motion for new trial sus
tained, and cause set down for trial.
John T. Nims vs. IJenjamin Barrett
and Fred. Hello vb Trial to the Court;
verdict for delendaut.
J. Nims vs. F Bellows Dismissed at
plaintilTs costs, without prejudice to a
new action.
W T. Allen vs. Joseph Cole and
others Judgment by consent iu favcr
of plaintiff, $12.30.
William Short vs. A. J. Barker
Trial to Court, judgment for plaintiff
Anna B. Benson vs. Neils Benson
Decree of divorce granted aud custody
of infant children ordered given to
Robert Bachelder vs. Martha Bach
elder Decree of divorce granted as
prayed for and infant children awarded
to plaintiff.
Blundell's Flight.
Col. Drake was besily engaged yes
terday afternoon iu looking over the
effects of Blundell, the young man who
skipped out leaving the telephone com
pany and it number of our business
men in the lurch for several hundred
dollars. He informs us that he found a
well filled trunk containing many ar
ticles of an interesting character.
Among other things a chart of Blun
dell's head, in which Prof. Fowler, the
phrenologist, declares substantially that
Blundell is very fond of the good things
of this life, inclined to be religious aud
as honest as the day is long. He " also
found a nicely written letter from one
of the ladies of Lincoln, who thanked
him for a fervent prayer that he had
made at one of our churches.
Mr. Drake has also lcarnrd additional
particulars of his flight, When he left
Pacific Junction he engaged and occu
pied a full section of a sleeper, and
during the trip was not seen more than
once or twice. He wa9 teen in Chica
go the day after. The Colonel is under
the impression that Blundell is now in
England. State Journal.
The brave, brilliant and dashing
warrior, Rose water, who did all his
lighting by telegraph, and it has been
intimated, even then, at times on the
wrong side, says Mr. Reese never "lit
into the revolution' and .therefore, is
not qualified for supreme judge. The
second plea of this electrical warrior is
that Mr. Reese doesn't happen to be as
old as Susan B. Anthony. We presume
that if Alexander the Great, Bonaparte
or Washington should stalk north In
t'io v:sagJ and habllaments of one of
i the Kst tribes of Israel, or th Waode -
Ur j
ew. the Hee would wait !nd Bee it
tia.y were nominated by ihedemocr.-itp; :
if so their w.r record ai.l ag- woui j
be suOiciet. i
t?t j
MU Sever late of Berlin will te.icli I
ouoiis iu mil iic tli.t.viutf u.tintiu ui i:i
ihe French or . (itruiHu laiuaev..
Term sieasonallrt address P. O. box fG3
I city.
For the genuine New Yoik buck
wheat flour go to McCourls. 201U5
In additiou to a choice line of pure
liquors Joe McVey keeps the celebrat
Auueuser St. Louis beer. 201 it
Choice strictly pure maple syrup
McCourta. 20' t:;
Tbo justly cilebrated
beer on tap at J e ilcVeys.
Fresh Oysters.
Fresh oysters just received and for sale
at Fred Stadelman's. 167tf.
Don't fail to smoke Phil Young's
fiipsy Queen, Texas Siftings aud the
Wanderer, 5c cigars. 197tf
New Cigar Store.
Herman Spies has this day opened up
at the old Joo Me Ve) sUnd a lull ana
' complete lino, of chewing and smoking
I tobaccoi cigars pipes ect.. which he
will sell at the lowest
and see him.
rates. Stop in
200c 3.
Monarch Billiard ILdi
finest brauds ol tresh
and try them.
serves up the
ovbters. Call
Lovers of heailhlul ex-ic'.se reineiii
ber Joe Ford's skating rink in th base
ment of Fitzaendd o t!ot-k. 20tf
Our customers aud the geucral pubMe
will take notice hat we are seitinx up
the bet brands of Irtish liyior. ut our
stnud ou Mia Btry -t. Cull nd see for
Mo.NAi.rji Bii.i i k; JIali..
A ppleton's first readers at WunickK
j iarv Stuart perfumes at Warrick's
j St
, ;j.i5e3 shouU, r(lflemUr that if th.ry
Willll anythii.g iu the fancy eoods liae
now is the time to ! uv
them at J. P
BerHoniber that Phil Y&urg je-ls
cigars and they arc m sro-id as a-.v if i
not better than l A in the city
179 f
! V-.u 'tiit find the Lsrer-t d.a; lay id
j l in li ! t-.rd.-, scrjf o.kjL "uiut e.rr-s.
1 placq'ie and decorating piotnres of all
; jt;n,!s ut p4 q nevv i,,oU a97lt
a Kara opportunity
An ekgoit house in .4 pretty .niS
convenient location, will ' soii cheap.
Address P.O. B.x tto9,
Imported a! and jrl"r at .Ite iic
X 187:f
Liceune Motie?.
io'ice is hereby giveu, that the un
derstated has made applictttioq and
tiled Ins petition with tha Cuunty Com
missioners of Cass coin ty Nebraska,
for ibcue to sell malt, spirituous and
vinous liquors at bis place of business
in South IJend., Ca$.s county. Nebraska,
ancl that the sauie will come before the
fjouimiasioners for action at the No
vember session of the board.
. David Carfester '
Sonm Bejp, Oct. 2d, 1883.
100 styles of Birthday cards at War
Tick?. ' " ' " : ll X93lf
List of Letter.
remaining unclaimed in.tbo P., 0 ut
PlattMuouth XU.OcC liuh, l6t3.
Applegatc Clmrhy -Ailmw II K
Bradley ifr : " ' y Calr Wm M
Collins Dollie
Connelly Nettie '
Drake -Wro C " ;
Glass Mi8 II, . ,
Haglo William
Jones J M.
Knapp Dick
Kaiser Gustav
Mathews C P
McCoy J S
Ntlson John
Peterson Mrs A A
Sandal I Gust 4
Sperry D C
itfwartz Harry C
Scab ill Nellie
Sjoberg J
Watson Lydia
ClemcrsoQ L'K
Daily Bros
Eades J M :
Haley Michael
Howe William
Jennings S P
Kinsey MtS
McNurliu Mrs A
Marley Rev J
MdpU William
Porter Aaron
Place Mrs Ella
Stoehr Coney
Sextou 11 A
Soe R F
Scott J W
Thomas Joseph
Wilson Martha
Wilson W G
Persous calling lor the above please
say "advertised.".
J. W. Marshall, P.M.
The Cincinnati Enquirer insists that
Peudletou is one of the missing at the
roll call after the Ohio explosion. That
is what happens when a democrat
makes the mistake of taking the party
at its word in the platform. The dem
ocrats adopted a ringing civil service
reform plank in its platform last year,
and poor Gentleman George, with all
his experience, recognize the
joke. He introduced his bill, the re
publicans carried it through, and bin
party friends have hustled him under
the sod without a singlo mourner in
the procession. State Journal.
The heavy e etric wires are a source
of continual danger. On Friday even
ing last, while some of the oCicera of
the Fuller F.lectric Light company
were making a tour of inspection in
Dayton, Ohio, one of the lamps by
which the city is lighted went out. Su
derintendent Robbing, of the Dayton
company, in lowering the lamp to ex
amine it, took hold of the conducting
wire where the insulation was worn off,
and fell as it shot. He died three min
utes 'later, exclaiming: 'The life is
burned out of me." Ex.
Dr. Schlldknecht's Ofllco
At the present and until further no
tice, I will have my office with Dr. Sal
isbury in the Rockwood block over
Johnson Bros.' store, where I may be
found during office hours.
Troy City Laundry.
Removed to the first door north of
Stadlcmans on sixths St. opposite Nev
i Us Block- The Troy City Laundry
will hereafter be located here and old
customers and new ones will find us
ready to give satisfaction in all kinds
of Laundrv work. W. B. Brown Prop.
10-ldtf !
I'ullectluu Notice.
lriies knovvirg tbeoidvea indebted
to the firm of Streigbt & Co., will
please call and settle, ha we must baV ;
inoiiev to run our business. Ilopin
y"r3.Vv HCCordmKly.
wcare itespeciiuuy lours.
li6A.W-T9tf STUKianT & Co.
Auctioo! Auction It
A lot, of household goods, under chat
tel mortgage: Consisting of beds,
bedding, bedsteads, chairs, stoves and
general household fixtures, will be bold
at auction on Saturday next, October
20th, 1883, at the "Old Bed Store," t
the foot of Main street.
F. S. 'White, Auctioneer.
A Great UiMioTerj.
That is daily bringing joy to the
homes of thousands by saving many of
their dear ones from au early grave.
Truly is Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma,
Bronchhitis, Hay Fever, Loss- of Voice,
Tickling in the Throat, Pain in Side
and Chest, or any disease of the Throat
and Lungs, a positive cure. Guarante
ed. Trial Bottles f-eo at J. M.ltot-eits.
Drug Store. Large size $1.00.
Foi winter bloom and out door plant
ing, Tulips, Hyacinths, Narcissus, Hol
land bulbs, Si lew, and a large assort
ment of hardy bulbs and herbaceous
plants all are est planted iu lite fall
if you have them us they will do nu
good otherwise, Cail and examine my
stock. L. A. MooitE.
M O Connor keepx on hand the cel
ehrated Au!user Burch St Louis Bot
tled. Boor and always ready to py par
ticular attention to hU customers.
155tf :
When your blood is impoverished,
or corrupted, the temedy It at h:nd
Take Ayer's Sar$aparllla.
Hand printed
birthday C3LnU
Itl itocK vniCK9. Ihave.ou hau-i j
a large and very superior stock oi lur i
ulture, much of which I propose to sell (
off at cost. My goods are for sale and '
ef ore purchasing I wish everybody1
who needs furniture to call and look
them over. All I ask ol the puoiitf h I
to examine my goods and my prices. '
1 200 Tons of first clanH hay
or t
leave orders with Y. S. Wise.
178d23wtf J. T.
Important to TraveJcrx.
Special inducements are offered you
by the Burlington loute. It will pay
you to read their advertisement to be
found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf
For Sale.
Two well improved farms, betw-en
Louisville and Weeping Water. Ap
ply toThaddeus Adams, on farm.
Lubri Ion'
Herring at Bennett
Fresh Utick Steal, liour ud Maple
Syrup at, Bennett Sf Lewu. 197t3
A Square Jtteal
Can be had at the City Hotel for only
25 cents and lodging at same reasonable
rates. Farmers and Commercial Men
will plena lnar thin in mind. dJtwtf
$7,000 I loan on improved farms
4PPy to B. B. Windham. 197 6t stf
Prescriptions carefully compounded
at Wdrri", v -
Bargains 1 Bargains ! !
1 will reluce my btock of gooJi prejtanitory to my removal, nml
therefore will m certain lines of my goods sit (iliKATLV KKDIJC
NOW is your time to buy and lay in your guodu for the Holi
days and save money.
RerrLeiixbcT' Tltis Offer
is good only
from October 17th, and the REDUCTIONS WILL BE
Remember the place. Come early before the asi-ortment is bro
ken, and avoid the rush. Very Respectfully,
Election Proclamation.
Notice is hereby Kven that on Tuesday, the
sixth fliiy of November nut In
ureclui'l l Cass county, Nehrnnka. there will
be an flection held fur the purpose of electing
the followlDK oflleera to-wlt :
Oneluttge uf the nuprome court.
One judge of the district court for th '.'nd
judicial dlKtrlct.
Two re Rent a of the university of Nebraska,
for full term.
Oneregeut of the university of Nebraska, to
fill unexpired term of 1'aac Towel's, resigned.
One regent of the university of Nebraska,
to flllthe unexolred term of 1.. 11. l
Bigued !
One County Clerk.
One County Treasurer.
One County J ukge.
One Sheriff.
One Coronor.
One Clerk of District Coui t.
One Super! uteadent of l'ubllc Instruction.
One County Surveyor. ;
One County CoimiiiBslouer for Third !
A one Assessor, (In each precinct.)
two juHiice 01 me reacv meace precinci. .
'IwoCdnHUbk-s hi each urecinct.
Ttuee Judges of Klectloii in each precinct.
IwoClerkH of Klectlon In each precinct.
One Overseer of l'ubllc Highway iu ecch
Koad district.
Which election fhall be opened at e.ght
o, clock In the morning, and will continue open
until alx o'clock In the afternoon of the fame
Dated this loth day of October. A. P. 1W3.
J, W. Jen.ninos.
County Clerk,
Ca? County, Febra.ika,
IIood, Ho-ierv. Collars, i loves. Mit-
i tend, Kueheis &c it; at t-o.-t n I tlo
at the closing out sh1 of Hi" -z U
Ih'j b te Mrs, A. 1'. Stout. i'.'74
Notice.- -
Notice is hereby giv-n tlwir tjior.
W. Sextou will apply to th Board"!'
County Commissioners of Ca touiil,
Nebraska at its stated meeting in Oc
tober 1883 for a license to 'll malt
Spirilus and Vinous liquors iu Avc
Cass County, Nebraska, one ear irom
date "f iiil"Mv;in'-v
For Sale at a Bargain.
The furniture and fixtures, and all,
or a part of the stock of the Milli
nery store, of the late Mrs. A. P. Moot.
Call at the store. 19lUtwj
The choice-1, newest, frchesi o8
ters, served in the vcivlMst -tylHai
the Monarch Billiard Hall, on Mfii.
street. d200tnovl
FOR SAI.i:. Lot 1 and 3 lu
Block. 41, Improved.
d97 It. II. WlXmiAX.
Leave orders for grapes from Lees- j
ly's nursery :it A. Clark s grocer.
lboUi j
For Sale or Rent for 3B4f. ' J
3)0 Acres of pint:. re Ui.i .oi on kr
fence J mile s. uih of vW-jpin Wa'' . !
JN). B. Clakic Weeping 'attr. .Nut-.
Fresh oysters and celery ju.-t jecf vvto
at Bennett fc L-wis. l8:Jif
Uissolatioii X.tic'
Notice in 1 reby uiv-u thufc ,m' mrl
nerbhip heretofore fxiiiinf u-nier th.
firm name of G ca it ",'!.nu l!. if
day dissolved by P jiu il eom-n.t. Mi.
Thierolf Couilm t i c bntno--
tlnir foriP'r loca'i' u b-i n an h r'5-u
to pay all d-bts nud eolhct and tf-C' ipl
for all bills du- th old firm.
JamfsOi: k.
lSJt- H. Tiiieikm .
Plattsmouth, Nth. ( ct 2d l"" i.
Go to MeKeevc r t ilerruianr.'..
! good uisn il ov-ier3 it-- ie
j fates. l8-'m;'
! .
i T
I i
5 3
2. r -i
4 . -ri It
May Uixon, Pita 1
PblUpB Ulxon Def. f
Philip B Dixon defendant, will take notice
that on 18th (Uy f October 1883 May llxou
pkuatlff hereta fcl?U ber petition In the dUtrtet
court ot C&m county Nebrsk anatof-t flillip
B. Uioa playing lor a divorce (rota tbe bonds
ot inarrlaKe, on the grounds of desertion and
lor the cuntody ol Qaifleld 11xm cuild of plalu
tiff and attendant. You are required to an
swer said petition wa o before the dy ot
KoxWb 1SK3. MatIJIXON,
J3ri; 1?U. 18S3. By R. B. NVlttdUamVtry
t , o . ca
iX i r- 2 r-.
w - - a
M- 3 f ja erj
i I a
f S "3Ak Q
W 1
Will IJUV and ISKLL all klndi of
Will advance money on all
on lowf r Main atn-ct.
One ilt or vfftt of I'eck'a Furniture note
rialtMnoutb. l' b. 1st. lh&.'J 4Ctf.
Eev. Father Wilds'
The Rev. Z. P. Wllda, well-known city
rulialonary in New York, and brother
of the late eminent Judge Wllda, of th
Masaacbuaetta Supreme Court, writea
aa follow i f
"78 E. Mth St., yew Tori; May 1, W1.
Messes. J. C. A yeb it Co., Gentlemen :
Last winter I was troubled with a moat
uncomfortable itching humor alTecting
more especially my limbs, which itched so
intolerably at night, and burned so Intense
ly, that I could scarcely bar any clothing
over them. I was als a sufferer from a
severe catarrh and catarrhal cough; my
appetite was poor, and my system a good
deal run down.- Knowing the valuu of
Ayeb's Saesafabilla, by observation of
many other cases, and from personal uao
In former years. I began taking it for th
above-named disorders. My a u petite Im
proved almost from the nrst dose. After
a short time the fever and Itching were
allayed, and all signs of irritation of tho
akin disappeared. Sly catarrh, aud cough
were also cared by the same meant, and
my general health greatly improved, until
it is now excellent. I feel a hundred per
cent stronger, and I attribute these results
to the use of the S a us a pa bill a, which
X recommend with all confidence as the
best blood medicine ever devised. I took
it in small doses three times a day, and
used. In all, less than two bottles. I plaoe
these facts at your service, hoping their
publication BmJa good.
Yours reapecTfully, 2. P. WiLDa."
The above Instance la tut one of the many
constantly coming to our notice, which prove
the perfect adaptability of Area's Sabja
YABUXa to the cure of all diseases arlaing
from Impure or impoverished, blood, and a
weakened vitality.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
cleanses, enriches, and strengthens the blood,
stimulates the action of the stomach and
bowels, tad thereby enables the system to
resist and overcome the attacks of all Scrofw
lout ZXstaset, Eruptiont of the SUn, Ehiu
matitm, Catarrh, General Debility, and all
disorders resulting from poor or corrorted
blood and a low state of tbe system.
Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass.
Sold by all Drugglrts: rrice f 1, six bottle
for CS.
Dest Purgative Med Id no
cure Constipation, Indigestion, If cadaihe, and
an unions Lnsoroera. 4
Sold everywhere. Always reliable.
:iui Han:.
Furnishes Frerh, Pure Ja'Uk
8peclal calls attended to, and Vreeh Milk
Crom same furiushed when wasted. ly
w n