flL . WW J JP0 VOL. 1. PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA, TlIUJiSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER Is, 1883. NO. UOO A Public Spirit for Trade i PLATTSMOOTB ABBALD. ;oiN(; ox at tiii: i i i ii i i iiii ii i 1 1 i i ii i v i r fini ri 1 1 ii w i VyJlWIlWWimg DIMIM -IBS i'ciillshuu daily and weekly HV The Plattsmonth Herald Publishing Co. veloped for litis amendment,"; .f WESCOTT'S niJHli. Ill III Itnihl Iffl t ha s.t. ------ a imu 1 ..l l i paigu.they had not the slightest fear; I Df)QQ PI flTCTiliP tMITOB uuuu uuuiimiu liuuui JAII.Y. I. Iiv r.'d by carrier to aity.parl of the eity IVrWeek , 'er Month. IVr Year. 7 no WEEKLY, by mail. Our mmIImmIs arc to hiteiei-t you in ur n' Mic lc-.t is nunc too gnn. where it can In :it- j. rice. llll-( clothe. Wo he liascil at a mmler English Corkscrew Suits and Overcoats. HoIlM X'oll t-lliitv kl'i'imr ..i.r V.ti... ..I,.,, I'l II ...I . niethin nict i Then ami examine our Children's Department. r.... . uc i-upy nix montbs ti m i;L;.i,r rar,-. a oo sw-V , i i. L e 1 ost Uffic' FlattMiioath. as Kcpiiblicaii State Ticket. .Imltfe of the Supreme Court. M. B. REESE. For Regents of the University, M. J. II ULL. (Long Term)' JOHN T. MA LI. A LIEU, (Lor.- t.t.m -J. M. HI ATT. (Short Term) K. I. HOLMES, (Short Term h.mllv know how to describe them, there ar .-o many: have hut S2.O0 to j.eiul lor a child's Mtit, and $1.7. ovcrcoat, we can supply your wants. hut if yon for an EKE Undershirts and Drawers FOR 75 Cts. Second Judicial District I'or Jutltfc or the District Court. s. it. rot xi). ( Vine and we will serve you o well that von will ahvavs trade at nn bu M OPERA HOUSE CLOTHING STORE- & flMs TI1L Sole Agents rggg'?S. FOR uraurt s Shoes. Republican County Ticket. I r County Clerk, JOHN W.JENNINCS. or riuttsmouth. F or County Treasurer, W.M.H. NEWELL, or ri.-tttsmouth. For .Sheriff, .1. C. EI K EN IS A II Y, of Plant mouth. For County .luiljje. ICALVIN RUSSELL, of Weeping Water. Fbr Superintendent of Schools. CYRUS ALTON, of Stoe Creek, For Clerk of the District Court, ISUMXER S. HALL, of Mt. I'leasant. For County Surveyor, ICJEORUE W. FAIRFIELD, of riattcmouth. For County Coroner, PERRY P. OASS, of I'lattemouth. For Commissioner, Third District. JOHN CLEMENTS, of Stove Creek. they realized there was a force in Ohio in favor cf rool win trenieuduously in earnest in its ad- j vocacy of the prohibitory Measure, ! aild that. iiwnf it una i..l.i,l...l . 11 t .w j it-ny n i would not do to have a republican Court ami fJeturnl Assembly in power in that State. The result was a flocking of the syrup itlii..ri!, with the liquor inter-. ests, to the democratic party and the election of democratic judzea. and leg islature: All thi the people of Ohio, now, since the smoke has cleared awav' see and realize. The leaders of the de mocracy alo see it, and understand the causes which brought to their partv victory at the eleventh hour, and today the brains of the demnrracv Win enderstand that their party have seized too mncii power in that State, and that now, the "Liquor Interest" on them... hand, the "Temperance hosts' ur in M.e other, with the republican nartv di- rectlv in their front ill l..i,i i.,.: " - ooju IIICII pai ty to a strict accountability for the mancer in which public affair. in that State arc administered. nun mis "glorious vielory," the Hoatily democracy find themselves saddled with a responsibility which might well make a party, already his toric for its blunders, pause and trem b The lact is , it will have great cause for self gratulation if thin vic tory, it is making so much over, does uot in the end prove another demu rrage blunder. ' Is the Place for YOU to Trade. ' - -i. Our t-i4e 111 of doll '1 bllMlH'.SS will please you. Every article is markeM in plain litif tires and sold on it own merits. So monkey hiz, no jewing, no humhu, no auction (ods, no shoddy oo oti oret your money s worth every time. The latest stvles. and hear goods ohtainahle with money are in stock, and we will never he nn deiold by any house, either large or Mnall, and you will always lim us anxious to -erve your interests in a manner to train your solid custom. Come and see us. C. E. WESCOTT. THE JJOSS CLOTH I Ell, I lock wood liloek. IS mm a acmocratic ticket in Cass couritv without a Patterson would De like the play of Hamlet with the ghoet left opt. U NATHAN 1 1 ATT J. "NV. AfARTHIS uuuiy l ! Mu Our duck hunters returned last even. iug and report a great scarcity of fresh waUrfowl since the Iowa el ction: especially iu Fremont coui.ty. They put out some bait however and expect the "black mallards' to conu in within the next two weeks, when ti.e manager of this p.iper expects to dosime scien- iinc hattling hofh the bullnishes in and about Percival. Decoys are respectfully notified to keep out of the w.iy. AV.u. M. Robertson, of Madison "THE OLD TICKET" Frjni the New York Tribune. In the legend of the Cid it is related . l,Iler l,ie d"ath of tJ'atbero, the Christains of Castile and Leon found themselves no longer aide to make head against the Moots. So thev took the corpie of the champion, Ui med it with lance and shield and coat of mail, mounted it ou a charger, and marched with it through the laud: and everywhere the infidels tied in disor der belore the redoubtable figure. The victory accomii iu hu.i ti.n i .l. , mm l . ..-, UU11CU lim cm again witu great solemnitv. .riv ing mm the hnest funeral which could be made for money: and In the com modious tomb then provided for him he has remained ever .since, leaving the fruits of the campaign, whatever they may have been, to be gatheicd bv his followers. If there is any truth in certain re ports which have lately obtained cur rency, we think tint "Mr. lltndrk-k ...uou n.ivc ueen rea.tur this stor. ne ion oecome convinced that there is little oi no hope for his partv unless it can be matched out, with a rrt.at hurrah, under the standard of its" obi champion; and it is rumore.l that he has been visiting Greystone to examine the condition of the corpse, and ascer tain whether it is still fit to be fastened ou norseoacK. It appears that he has aiso ueen reading the Curoicle to Mr. I C SI. J., anil C.B Salest. Best and Most ReiiaMe LINE JIM THE WEST. Magnificent D ning Ork. Elegant Day Coaches - mmm - . . The ewet. The Uet, J j. Mol Comj.Iefe and Our Big fJeiv Stock Came for jJariraiii Hunter in JCvery department. , . IPrices tliat CDIIaers Wili - n lieal and economi.-..! 1 . I . . , . - . .'". - r. tne Glorious Kemlt will more tlinn la . . . ii.. v : 'i'i""""V"y an.i purchase you make of us thi " r 2 St. Louis Trains Daily, 2 Omaha Trains Daily, 2 Kansas City Trains Daily Ate :ison Trains Daily, "Iwo .Trains lor St Paul, Minneapolis, Sioux Oit Pullman Sleeping Cars, Between Kansas City and St. Panl ! WITHOUT CHANGE All trains run on time.connecting tor all fjxtlnt. East West, North & South licket for sale at all regular ticket oflices. n fori nation regarding raten, time. &c. cheei -lully given l:y atlitiesiiii; . -I. F. Barnard. A CA "awkj.. (Jen'l Snpt Gen'l VaAe. Ausnt. im VmiBLBY & GO'S as Our .is,ti,.i t iiNiiic,,,,., an.I it is A Hard Crowd We Cannot Ouu Low and One Vice System is Please. for our competitors, hut u o-ient r,,,,....., 4 . c T r ' i i iijjj i jor you. diildren0 ' ' "k Wo have hv Jjovh and llln3 7 Sr,S itf Jir ever sliown in goods. Plattsni.,uth. Vi-iNrs ( tine. ,, li-,,ltle I,, IMF BEST IN THE MARKET. - . me vuroicie to Mr I county, we notice has been nominated Joha Ky, and Mr. Kelly, whose tern - Jlufle O V7vlr nf VrovtahJo Oil bv thfl rem,!. i :...i.-r..i perament is some wlirntnont;, ,-i.i V--1- OI y egeiaow fJU 0?i3:H3 OKE-P-RICE CLOTHIER . ' -w...AAMkV.vft -i w n uyan L trill that judicial dis- pe'aolent is some what romantic, is said b " as hi U fmii t,iaveLl,e.eu so strongly impressed ly . :, k . " ".be is readytolorgetOor a fevf Bl il SuffeHtrn to A. ti. H.iTr, "HiEx)cxT.T:ies fob choioe Sugar-Cured Hams, Iiaeon, Salt Meats of all kinds. Lard Ii.,l..o-na an.I al! otlier articles kept in a lirst-elas meat market. ' AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. o Tne Holiest Market-price Paid lor Hides Wool Pelts Fresh Lake Trout Grease, Etc. o and White Fish Every Thursday Morning. THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Full Line General Merchandise. Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. Call and Satisfy Yourself by the republicans of tnct for Judge. -Rob, urst crass lawyer, and bright young weeks) all the injuries he ever did the j " lire upper country," is a I i4Vk,- lu io snout with the rest of man. ins opponent is lion. James pr,cession- Moth gentlemen be Crawford, of Cuming, who is also a USX i,fhoAbod.can be kePl iM good lawyer. The Seventh district is lanu" sure to have a good man on the bench, proper ceremonies. About the last scene in the prjgramme there is a clear uuc.vauuiiig. i ne 'Jltl IS u get into the tomb as soon as the afn.;- i. and riot to stand around in Mr. Ilend- itcits s way Xew Ihiildino-, n nd therein its people are tortunate. AT JOSEPH V WECKBAGHS. Grace sfe TMeroM So old stock to work off.- The latest patterns cf G-LASS CTJ-NVJ. "Pi nirr n pnAintinw tti . . , -'- - iliuuciu.il?. I Jlfj llllil KST H DITT Tir..on iiiit-Ji AM) PROVISIONS. THE IIIGIIRST MARKFT PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODI7f!K DREW BUILDING, PL.ATTSMOUTH. The democratic party f r the past two or three days has been hollowing itself hoarse over Hoadly and Ohio, yet, amid all the crazy exultation of their rejoicings, their cool Leaded lead ers are deeply conscious of the predica ment this Ohio victory has left the party in that State, and well they know mat it means nothing so far as the probability of that party being able to carry the "Uuckey" State in '34. There was no national issues involed in the campaign; it was a med lev of nolitical nappenings, all subordinate lo the tem perance question. The wave carriA.1 the democratic party through, but that was all. The democratic nartv was the friend of the ultra wueu the campaign opened. The "Scott law" had happily gone into ef- icct, and over $2,0o0,000, of revenue had been poured as tribute, from King Alcohol into the coffers of the different counties of the State. The Ohio Far mer and Artisan, who had been for weary years . used to paying tribute, to build up and maintain tho rum shop, saw a partial return in this tax imposed by the Scott law; it was the entering wedge, presaging betterjdays in that state, me conservative elements of the friends aud apologists of the traffic, saw the working of this Scott law. that it was good, that it was a measure devised by the republican party which had the courage, thus far. at least, to come to the relief of the public; hence, this doubtful fraction of the Ohio vote, seemed willing still to entrust the man agement of Ou'o's interests in the bands of this parly of progress; thus the campaign opened, and progressed a ways, with the odds and chances de cidedly in favor of the republican cause. The Prohibition amendment was in the meautime pending; the temperance party of Ohio in its support entered the field with a full fledged ticket. The liquor interest and its sympathizers. and Puiv Ueet Tallow. To induct housekeepers to give this Soap a tlla, WITH EACH BAR WE GIVE A FINE TABLE NAPKIN Ti:i3 o.Tfr ? raade for a&Lort time only end should b. taken advantage of at ONCE. V7q WAHRANT this Soap to do more wash in? it!i creater ease than any soap in the triariiet. li cas no EQUAL for use in hard and cold -wttcr. YS'JB GROCER HAS IT. i Hut suppose it should turn out after fir A Vl'l d AV &. fit ivoca- " "-J w OjiMiif City Ifofel. all that the chamnion i nnt bly dead? There have been instances of astonishing revival under excitement and if thetamp.-.ign should, put mw vigor into the shrunk limbs and rouse again the dormant vital forces, Messrs Hendricks and Kelly would be in the prediciment of an undertaker who has prepared a firstclass funeral only to be told at the church door that the alleg ed defunct refuses to take any part in the proceedings. Before they go on with their scheme they had better make sure that the corpse is dead. Mv -'AtuCiwrm of Standard laiuvlr PROHIBITION ISSUE. From the Inter-Oeear, All the facts show that the Republi cans of Ohio this year paid smalt at tention to National politics or to the effect of the vote upon the presidential election next year. The issue was that of prohibition, and it was along this line that the fight was made. The New ork Herald in summing up the result says: "Although Ohio has been aiucu several limes by the democrats, it has always gone republican in presi dential years. It gave Grant a major ity of 41,000 in 1868 and one of SG,000 l" I' Th8 rePubl'cau majority fell to 7,000 when Hayes was elected in 1876 but it rose to 34.000 f.-r rurfioi i iur. -w. hiuvU JU A KJJm jL.ast year the democratic vote exceeded the republican bv 19 oon. Tinf thu - .... ' - - ut nw tne ereat tidal wav- vo .r mho.. . k publicans were everywhere washed OUt. On TuesdaV the nartv vcaa haotan in Ohio by prohibition, a nurelv local issue -But thereto show.that the democrats have lost and the republicans have gained ground. PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAICN. New York Trbane. The presidential contpsi nf iam be said to have opened, as several coun- nes in x-ennsyivania have elected dele gates already to the rermhliun ct.t. convention, which will oh gauons irom that state to the national convention. As the state convention win not prooabiy be held belore next May the delegates chospn mav rxit Ak resent -the sentiment of their localities when the time for thpm tn tti ... .ubv VUlllf 3. ! But the custom of electing delegales so I HKNRY BCECK DEALER IN FURNITURE MC, ETC., ETC. Of All Description j METALLIC BURIAL CASE1; W003DE2ST COFFI2STS f all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash. MY FINE HEARSE A VISE LOT OK MACKEKEL. LAJJItADOtfE JfERIilXCi, TICOUT, AVI J.D Y'AVr COD FISH, As., n choice lot of LEMONS OK-fUSCES. 't have a line uck ot OKOICE FAMmr GMQEMIE8, Fancy rands of MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI HOUR. I have In cto3 a fine line t Queensware, Glassware, Lamps.. All our good are ne 1 Ire.;li. Will Exchange vt Cokry Pjoflnce. Linseed Oil Meal Always oa Mi ext door tu Court House. Flatff month. , . , lld523ai IS NOW KKAUV rokt SKKV1CE. With many thanks for past patronage. Invite all to call and examine my LARGE STOCK OK 31tf. Kl ltTr HR AM) IH)PMM M. O'CONNOR. Atlthe down-town saloon. OPPOSITE THE PERKLNSgflOUSE, Keeps a complete inejof -; I 3E5 s, Jjiquors, AND CIGARS, BOTTLED BEER, ALE AND PORTER, KRUG'S OMAHA BEER' aad the best brands of Kentuckv " 91- whiskiee, Opposite Perkins House. - - PLATT8MOTUH. M. R ivTHRDUV Sr rr both radical, and conservative, became ! . F Pton. the convention meets is one thoroughly alarmed at the etrengtUd Tor mnErWln thl country SEEDS na V beat, 1'lotver. airtti ALJt jFfw error i!? VTA.TOE t-orr,. O.i, EASTWARD 'bailvKin.nnT..i.... . .... ihSr.Sh1.! ik isSt.vf. H1 "' -ifS. ouri river. - v-rai oi .;s- "WESTWARD in VTll conuecui California aid the en i?eW-eit CT Vuhl thin oe crivoji t.A 7 ' 5V. Tl advent i t ' elsewhere. UKl uu " vantage uueuuaiijd Throueh Tickets at I h i-t i. . .. ' r ft l every w J 1