The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 08, 1883, Image 3

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(KarrfMor to Mtrelelit A Sllllrr.t
A I.irKO line of
Saddles Bridles Collars Whips taj
always lu stock.
litpnirhiy of ail hunts nutty (tctito
tort notice.
Main Street, hetvecu Fourth and Filth.
CALL AT tiii:
Old Reliable
B. 1 mWMB 4 SON
Wholesale mid l.'rtall Dealer in
siuixcjlis, lath,
sasj!, hooks,
t Mil. tit l ii. ni;i rf 1 1 1 in House.
, I yi'ui ( rii ji A - i
J tSt L-
11. if Ic.t.iiii : time Mt-ij lilck ft met ure. on
liiwil Yn Mit it. hjit-.juM been finished and
fill ii ii It. i tin ;uct n li i.ilal ion ol
TJ.'A Mil LIS 1 CVtS'l Oil EWS.
rfcular loarders.
A Gotd Ear ,nco",e&r ,t,,,he
if. FKEI) COOS. Fropr
Will RUY and fcELL nil kinds of
ill jHlvanf-e !r.oney on all
on luwer Main street,
Opc dror west of Reek's Furniture sore
1'laltsn.outli. Feb. 1st. 183 4Ctt.
Pla tts m o u t i i , Neb r a is k a
" Just Received
A Challenge 5c Cigar,
S lahy made for thf retail U'd mly. i
Pepperberg's Cisar Factory.
Practical Architect.
PI in -lit H3ci!ltUi' dl carefully
larried out. and full attention will L given a
to safety and durability.
. Watrr colors. Crayon and Pencil.
Ttc Plattsmontt Herald PnliMlni Co.
Fcr City and Countr Directory, Hallway Time
Table. Telephone Exchaui; ISulnes Di
rectory, Kindness Cards &c, see fourth pace.
Notice to Advertisers.
Copy for display advertisement or change
In advertisement-! mast be handed in to the
business olllce not later than lu a. m. of the
day lu wliicn they are to be Inserted. Copy
for pay local and special notice miiHt he
handed lu before3 p. in each day to Insure iu-
BCllloll. il M. JiLMMNKLL,
ISunlueti Manager.
Republican State Ticket.
For Judge of the Supreme Court.
For Uejtent of Ilia Cniversity,
M. J. II L'LL, (Long Temo
J. M. II I ATT. (Short Term;
E. P. HOLMES, (Short Term
Second Judicial District-
For JudKe of the District Court,
w. it. rot ND.
Republican County Ticket.
For Count Clerk,
of Plattsmoulh.
For Ct'iinty lieai-uier,
of I'lalleiuoiUh.
For Shriill,
of 1'lallMinoiith.
For County Juue,
of Weeping Water.
For superintendent of School.
of Moe Creek,
For Clerk of the Dintiicl Court,
of .Ml. Pleasant.
For Ccunty .Surveyor,
of PlattSlllOUtll.
For County Coroner,
PEltliY P. GASS,
of PlallMuoulh.
For Conuiiissloiier, Ihirti District,
-ol Stove Creek.
ml. or x.
Meets every 1 tiesuay evening at their
Castle Hall, lu Kuekwuuu Riock. Vis
iting Knights are invited to attend.
V. L. Dykls, K. ot 11. uid &.
A. .Salisbury, Leiitlt.
CA. tlarttliull, Vculit, kuc
ctusor iu ciu.ler & :iailiull.
'let-ill exliacieu without pain,
kt) ue oi Aiiroast Oxide uax.
Two dollars erday, from this date. :
llic Cozzen s Cor. 1'ih uud Harney
s'leel Omaha Web. ttnclly lirs't class
in eveiy particular
P. Ramsey & Co.
of the Palace Hotel csauia F- Mew MeX-ir-u.
Oct. 1 1.83 lt9tU
Indeed He Wa.
A young lady remarks:
For the sake of recreation
Once 1 a.-Ked au explanation
From a young uiau O-io relation)
hat was ...eaiit by "o-'CUlatioii,'"
W ln.e 1 slnf leu n y local ion
To invite the sweet sensation.
Well, imagine my vexation
W hen uc Kve me the translation
A nd ilte iaiiu Uerivatiou,
Aii' a I jt ol informal ion.
Like a pedague's oration.
,Iuit as if ne were at school
wasu't he au awiul fool ?
Booth oysters and celery Saturday
morning at tfitnpstfu's.
As a burlesque on the lawyers, the
States Attorney is an immense suc
cess. Cigars Eclipse, Club House, Comet,
Seal, Roquet &c at Simpson's.
Nc. 2 was three hours late last night,
caused by a hot box. Ho. 1 one hour
lale this morning.
Tobacco McAipiu, Piper Heidiick,
Rran. Horseshoe and Climax at Simp
son's. 19U3
John Diliou may oe seen in one of
h'n best, grotesque character delinea
tions, at the opera house next Friday
Dance and ovster supper at Rock
wood Hall under the auspices of the
ladies ot St. Luke's Guild next Wed
nesday night. Admission 10 ds?
The weather does not teel much like
it today, nevertheless, Pacific coast pas
sengers say there was three or four
inches of snow on the ground in Colo
rado. The Herald is in receipt of a card
from parties iu Caro, Micnigau, request
ing copies of our paper in order to
learn more about our county, as they
wish to rtrnove to this part of Nebraska-Tin-
union square T .iat rical Company
of New York City, af'er a most suc
cessful tur of the P itdtic Coast passed
through this city last night on their
way home. They having shown in Sau
francisco for six cousecuttve weks,
Parties who have taken the nicely
dressed man with the "light complect
ed" wni-kers, for a minister, when see
ing him pass along on the opposite side of
the street, were surprised to learn on a
c oer inspection, that it was uone other
thin our esteemed friend P. P. Gass,
tLe popular candidate for coroner, out
aitirtg a stylish new suit of clothes
Several members of the Liederkranz
united oeiher yesterday, and org-m
ize a t leatrical ocieiv. Among other
amusements they will have a dance
once a month. The society-is not got
t ;u up for a money making scheme,
but solely for their own amu ement,
cimnequently loafers and parties who
are not members, are expected to stay
away, as they are not wanted except
they be especially invited.
Lazc-ll'a tine perfumes at Warrick's.
A Hehald reporter had a very plcas
ant talk on the train yesterdy, with Mr.
Wong Ar. Chong, a former Chinese
importer of teas in IJoston. Mr. Chong
was on hia way borne to I Jos ton Irom a
visit to bis old home in China, ho ex.
pressed himself very freely aa well us
intelligently on all questions of public
He said h': thought the Americans
did very wrong in their wholesale de
nunciation of Chinamen, and in closing
the gates against them, lie wan wil
ling to admit that the present influx of
Chinamen into this country did not
paiticularly benefit it; but ho thought
other laws miht be enacted that would
t . t ... . .
nave ueen inure consistent with our
constitution and at the same time uc
complish Hume good, while in San Fran
cisco lasf week, he Tisited Chinatown,
and condemned the tilth ami wretched
ness of that quarter in unsparing
terms, yet he thought there ought to be
a m.ddle ground that would dealjuatly
with the Chinese as well as with our
selves. Mr. Chong, who by the way, has
been in this country 22 years, and had
Ik-cu naturalized, speaking of his native
country, taid that it was too fclow for
him, that Japan was far ahead of Chi
ua, in civilization and modern meth
ods of doing business, they having
street cars and steam railways in that
country the same as here. He says that
most of Uie shuvels, hoes, and
axes used in China arc made in the
United States, bub that almost no agri
cultural implements are shipped '.here.
Mr. Chong says that his Chinese
brethien did not receive him very
kindly, especially' after he refused
to bow to their Idols. He told
them he didn't worship sticks of
wood in his country, when they de
nominated him a pioud protestant,
which to a Chinaman he said was a
'very bad name.
Mr, Chong, although lie said he voted
the republican ticket, we found wasn't
much of a Riainc man, he considering'
him too extreme on the Chinese ques
tion. As we boarded the train for Lincoln,
yesterday morning we were not a !ittl
surprised to meet the great temperance
advocate the lion, John R. Finch fresh
from his labors in Ohio.
Mr Finch had a hoaisu voice and was
looking rather careworn from the ef
fect of his incessant work. He inform
ed us that he had just spent 100" days
n Ohio, having spoken in 74 out of the
S3 counties in that state. As he had
seen so much of the state wc thought
his opiuion on the political situation
there, was entitled to more than oidina
credit. ,.. therefore broached the
subject ol republican success in the
coming election, when, Mr. Finch with
out any hesitancy went over the
ground as follows:
He says in the first place there are as
is generally known, three tickets in
the field, one headed by Schumaker, of
Akron, on an absolute prohibition plat
form, the democratic ticket with an out
and out whisky platform, and the re
publican ticket with a platform in fa
vor of high license, but whose candi
dates say they will enforce a temper
ance amendment if it should be adopt
ed. The temperance light, Mr. Fiuch
says, has not been for the prohibition
ticket, as many people outside of the
State have been lead to believe, but for
the adoption of the prohibitory, or as
it has been called the 2d amendment.
As a showing of the earnestness of
the movement, Mr. Finch informs us
that Mr. Schumaker has expended over
S1?,000 for work in behalf thtj prohi
tory amendment, while he has not given
one cent towards the securing of votes
for himself. He 'says further that the
temperauce speakers have advised the
people to vote the republican ticket
with the amendment as the success of
the amendment and the failure of the
republican ticket would bo an ultimate
lailure to the proliibiti mists, conse
quently they must support both, which
will result in the election of Foraker
by at least 13,000 majority.
The Diagonal will be graded into Dcs
Moines this week. Seventy men with
teams, who had finished the Foley con
tract there, passed through this city
yesterday, on their way to Hasting
where they sai 1 they were ordered to
unload. They were not informed as to
what line they were to work on, except
ttiat they wer.e lor the ii & M.
They stated to a Hekald reporter
that over a hundred mre men would
follow in a day or two. It strikes us
the western part ot the State will be
tuii at" working men pretty soon, if
this wholesale shipment continues.
Last Friday morning about 9 o'clock
a tramp entered the house of Mrs.
Pearson living a lew miles northeast of
this place and stole and a watch
worth about, as toon as discover
ed her son George came to town and
telephoned to A.-hlanJ, and also hired
a team and took ti.e eous table and went
to AshianJ, where lhe caught the sup
posed thief, but noth'iMg cvtild be found
on him to show that lie lud taken the
money, and so they let Lira go. The
next day we believe, George found $20
and the watch where the thief had
crawled through the fence. Wo under
stand part of the moDy belonged to
Andrew Rouse. Greenwood Eale.
For Sale at a Bargain.
Tho furniture and fixtures, and all,
or a part of. the siock of the Milli
nery siore. or the late Mrs. A. P. Stout.
Call at the ttore. 19l(5twl
Genuine Wueeliug sto:r!ei at Phil
Df- A. Ilii-ium ier, of ixulville,
is iu the city tod.ty.
S. (J. Perry came in Saturday night
to Fee how biz was at home.
W. II. Ilakcr, as id his custom top
ped over Sunday in this city.
Mi-is Alnri Peterson, of Louisville,
i-pent Sundiviy in thi3 city.
H. M. Rushnell is looking nfter
bu-iif- Tiiatter- in Omaha todiy.
Mrs. R. R. Windham, with the little
folks, went to Glenwood, today.
.John A. MacMurphy took the east
bound train this morning for Crc9ton.
Charley Cummins was a wc6t bound
passenger for South Itend, thi9 morn
ing. Waller adams started this morning
for the Adams cattle ranch situated
near McCook.
W. x. Rrowue, the ellicient deputy
of County Clerk Jennings, Sun
dayed with his "best" girl out near
Alva Drew returned home from the
west last night. The report is that he
has made some extensive purchases of
western lands.
Miss Wheeless, who has been visiting
her uncle, J. W. Barnes, for the pan
month, returned to her home at Albia,
Iowa, this morning
I). S. Draper, one of the democratic
wheel horses in Cass. couifty..politics,
went to Ashland, yesterday. We did
not learn whether he interviewed any
greenbackers or not.
Steve Davis and wife returned home
last evening from a very pleasant trip to
St. Louis. They took in the St. Louis
fair, and saw a great deal of historic
interest in the staid old city that has a
history almost as old as the United
States itself.
IsaacNathan returned last evening
from Fairmont. He says they have
their store at that place iu running or
der, that on the opening day, last Sat -urday,
the rooms were crowded, and
that trade opened out in a flattering
On Wednesday eve is the Jows (Tom
Kip or( (day of atoncmenr.) It is a day
devoted o prayer and fasting, it is Hie
duty of every Israelite to conleFi his
sins before the Lord, and to be sorry
for the past deed and to alllict his soul
as it is said in Numbers, Chapter 29,
And yoii'shall have oa the 10th day of
this seventh month a I10I7 confiscation
and you shall afllict your souls." Still
it is only4 a day of atonement for the
sins between man and God, and if a
man wronged his fellow neighbor, God
will not forgive him until he satisfy
his neighbor, as it is said, "On this day
I will forgive you from your sins which
you purify yourself of before the Lord;
for this reason it is customary among
the Jews to go and settle all disputes,
and if not able financially, to ask for
giveness of the man before entering
the synagogue on that day ; it lasts lor
24 hours without eating or diiuking,
only devoted to fasting and prayer.
An Israelite.
S. M. Wilson, the Omaha tourist,
who looks after the welfare of the
Christian Hour, made the Hekald a
most pleasant call this afternoon. The
paper which Mr. Wilson represents, is
a new christian weekly recently estab
lished in Omaha under very favorablo
auspices; it being ably edited, and the
only weekly publication of the kind
in this latitude west of Chicago, noth
ing but a complete success could be ex
pected. Mr. Wilson will call upon our
people in the interests of his paper, aud
we trust will meet with a goodly num
ber of subscriptions.
An Unfortunate Woman.
A woman named Mrs. Beiz arrived
on the Rock Island Saturday night, who
tells a story which, if true, entitles her
to much consideraa tion and sympathy.
She says she came here from Atlantic,
where she has been stopping lor about a
mouth, but before th at she made her
home in Chariton for several months,
and it was there that her husband
died last summer, leaving her a widow
with two little Children, one almost a
babe. Her husband left little or no
property, he being of a migratory na
ture, and his business being that ol
translerring pictures, etc. The only re
latives she had whom she knew of were
in California, and on communicating
with them and letting them know of
her condition her uncle sent her mon
ey to come on there with and he would
furnish her a home. Her cousin came
from there, brought the money, and as
he cculd not waii for her to settle up
the business and get ready to start, ho
went back, taking the elder child with
him and leaving her to follow with the
other. She had ."i70 in bills in her pocket
when she started lrom Atlantic, but
when she reached here and was aboat
to start uptown, she missed her roll
and found that the pocket, which she
had carefully pinned together, was
opened. She insists that two young
men on the train must have been the
ones that took it, for they sat right be
hind her in the car and she moved once
ta get away from them, and tbey moed
too, aud took a seat behind her. As
she got off the train they were close
behind her, aud disappeared after she
missed the money, and there ar other -circumstances
which led her to believe
they picked her pocket or robbed her
of her money. Being in a strange city,
and penniless, eho reported to Chief
Field, and ho provided her a place at
the Ohio house, where she could stay
over Sunday with her child." Arrauge
Lornis were made to send ber on as far
as Fremont, and there let the authori
ties help her further on ber way.'
One of the toother misfortunes which
renders the woman more help ess, is
that one arm is paralyzed so that in all
she is in a pitiful condition. Council
To The Public.
Iluving closed my tudio and office
to proceed on n Journey to Euroj, and
not having sufficient time to call on all
my friends, I wish to fpeak to thera
through the column of the Hr.ItALD,
thanking them all for their kind p it
ronnge I am informed that Miss Thompson,
of Kansas City, who in vimting Miss
Ida Waterman, will take up a class In
painting. I truf my former pupils
will patronize Miss Thompson, as I am
sure they will Cud her a akillrul arlit,
and one that is entirely capable of
teaching tho most advanced members
of the class
Hoping to return after an absence of
two or three months, I remain,
Yours Very Truly,
Eunst Waunek.
State's Attorney.
There was a large audience at Tootle's
Opera House last evening, to witueas
the presentation ot Scott Marble's four
act comedy drama, State's Attorney''
John Dillon makes a good attorney,
and has a good support in the person
of Nellie Waiters, as "Tacey Rartram"
The company are all good, and play
their parts well "States Attorney"
affords a rare evening' entertainment.
St. Joe Herald.
At the AVaterman Opera House
Friday evening Oct. ''.
Attention Ladle .
At cost At cost aud below cost,
splendid chance for bargaus within
the next ten days at Mrs. A. P. Stout.
Having decided to close out the mil
linery business of the late Mrs. A. P.
Stout, I will give extra bargains for the
next ten days. Lndics, now is the op
portunity to purchase your fall and
winter millinery at prices never belore
offered in Plattsmouth.
l9itCwl Nellie Stout
Wanted two boys between IS and 15
years old at tho telegraph irflice,.. apply
between 8 and 10 oclock tomorrow
Notice is hereby given that George
W. Sexton will apply to the Roard of
County Commissioners of CasR County,
Nebraska at its stated meeting in Oc
tober 1883 for a license to sell malt
Spiritus and Vinous liquors in Avoca
Cass County, Nebraska, one year from
date of allowance.
F. S. White has just received a car
load of "Sea Foam" winter wheat pat
ent flour guaranteed to be as good as
any made in the United States and
prices as low as the lowest. Also a
car load of bran just received which
we deliver to any part of the city.
M O' Connor keeps on hand the cel
ebrated Auheuser fturch St Louis Rot
tied Beer and always ready to pay pac
licular attention to his customers.
Whilehreast Coal and Mining Co
Have just received the first instal
ment of their celebrated Iowa coal,
and will be ready Monday morning
for business. Will deliver lump
coal at $4,75 per ton, nut coal at $1,
o0. Leave orders at Connor fc dra
per's ofiice. 190t2
Lamps and lanterns at Warrick's.
A Square Meal
Can be had at the City Hotel for only
25 cents and lodging at same reasonable
iates. Farmers and Commercial Men
will please bear this in mind. d&wtf
If you want to purchase
ding presents be sure to
Young a call
any wed
give Phil
Try the new barber under Carrulhs,
Dissolution Notice
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing under the
firm name of Grace &Thierblf, is this
day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr.
Thierolf will conduct the business at
their former location being authorized
to pay all d-bts and collect and receipt
for all bills due the old firm.
James Grace,
Plattsmouth, Neb. Oct 2d 1883.
Haying opened and refitted the room3
under F. Carruths Jewelry Store Mi
J. P. Reese is ready to wait upon his
eustomers with every convenience
which should belong to a first class
barber shop Hot and Cold Baths al
ways ready. 185tf
Mc'Court sells mixed spices and
white mustard seed. 18913
2,500 wooden tooth picks for 15c at
Phil Youngs lS7tf
Dr. Schildknecht's Office-
At the present and until further no
tice, I will have my office with Dr. Sal
isbury in the Roekwood block over
Johnson Bros.' store, where I may bo
found during office hours.
Hot and cold baths
shop under Carruths
the Bat ber
Morley shaves for 10 cents. lC2tf
For n shave at any hour call at the
shep under Carruths. 187tf
Rremner's cracker's are the best.
200 Tons of first class hay for sale
leave orders with W. S. W"se.
I7jd28w tf J. T. Wise.
Special attraction in Silverware ftt
L. C. Erven's. - 13S-U'
Ruv Rremner's choice ceackei'd.
Important to Travelers.
Special inducements are offered you
by the Rurlington route. It will pay
you to read their advertisement to be
found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf
For Sale 1
Two well improved farms, between
Louisville and Weeping Water. Ap
ply to Tbaddeus Adams, on farm. "
1 w?Stt
Remember if 'u want any auto
graph albums to go to Phil Youngs
wiiuatyoiL-jviil fi-ud a large assortment.
AdvertliemenK undtrtbl head, three cent
per linn each Insertion.
A O.N F. Y TO LOA N - On real Mtato by A.N.
KAI.E Houte. lot 4 n ud wood land
John lion A Suu.
FOIt SALE A good Maion & Hamlin rablnrt
orKau, a bargain for canh purrhuer. In
quire of Hciiiihu hciuldt. ITMf
Milt S A LE Tho
lit Hyer.
Wood property near Hher
J. W. MAliaii ill,
irOlt SAlK l'eldeuce propi i ty, one of the
A of the hrtt location iu the rlty. or til
trade for slock, linju'reol J. W, Martbl. PiOlf
1,VU SALE Houte and lot, price iV. ioo
cuhIi, bitlaueo lu monthly p lyincnl.
iL ii. WlNUIIIM.
FOIt SALE Several renldence. cheap. In
oulre of D. II. Wheeler & Co.
IOIC SALE-Scratch Tahh-t In
le. at
this olllce.
IO It HALE a lot lu good loeatlou.
Part leu.
lara at this olllce
VOlt SALE An order for a new American
hewlug MiM-lilne. Inquire at thl olllce.
fOR HALK l.oou cord of wood. Inquire of
W.. Wise. tf
IOH SALE Id paper for mile at till office
at 40 cent er hunurett or 0 cent per loz
en. tl
I?OK SALE Four lot together In ceod loca
A Hon lu till city. Inquire at thin olUce tf
IOK KENT l he north storeroom lu Nev
l.le's blck. aud a room up iuli. tiood
loeatlou for resiauraut or boarding house, reuts
cueap. Apply to v in. ruevnte. I
rPO KENT A house, corner 7th and Locunt
- street. Inquire of '1 ho. Pollock
iOlt KENT-ComfoJlable place, corner of
- I'earl and to hl., lately occupied by W J.
Warrick, Enquire at Warrlcn's dru stock.
,Oi: IiNT One utile room. and tii idling
rdiint'i'li'il. i:i riininiiiiiii fcfMim t.vnr Moll.
deM'Uer ba,i''yJiuulre ltl M,iv WsyiVt'Jyph.H,,.j to havtftwu an niaydelre iimlrilctfoir1
I to add re or call upon me. My term are ra
K)1C KENT Houe. convenient to nhon.
tf. K. U. DovvarroN,
South More room of the Cnlon
--' IIWu-U Wioinlru t,f I'. II Kl.o-k l
lock, Alva Drew, business eunuilttee. Itf
tM)K KENT DwellliiK Hou-es, Inquire of
W. II.
I OST A pass book containing pui el valu
able only to owner tinder vlease Uavo al till
ofllc. ic7Jf
POUND A Oold tootuphk. (I
property and paying for thl
kut-r proving
notico eau
have the samu
IatlND A ladie poeketbook coiitaiulnic
Home change The owner can have I he
same by eallliiK on C. Itreckeiilleld.
property aud paying for this notice.
To the old customers of the barber
stand under Mr. F. Carruth's jewelry
store, I have rc-t'tted uud opened this
shop and am ready to guarantee you
every convenience, comfort and pleas
ure to be found in a first-clas barber
Hot aud cold baths always ready.
185tf J. P. Reehe.
Rromner's milk cracker's. lfl.'Jlm
Imported ale and porter at Joe Mc
Veys. lS7tf
For wiater bloom and out door Rant
ing, Tr.lips, Hyacinths, Narcissus.- Hol
land bulbs, biles, and a larg assort
mnt of hardy bulbs and lieilTac'eoiM
plauts all are best planted in the fall
if you have thorn as they will do no
good otherwise, Call and examine my
stock. L.A.Moore.
No. 1,2, Sand 4 gospel
Warrick's. 190 2t
hymns at
Ask for Rremner's cracker's.'
Take none but Rremner's craekerw.
and you will get the best...,. 1631 mo
Ask for
Rremnr's Eureka butter
FOIl S4I.C I.otH 1 and 3 lu
Block 41, improved.
d07 11. II. WINDHAM.
Leave orders for grapes from Lees
ly'6 nursery at A. Clarks grocery.
The finest cracker's are Rremner's.
163 lmo
Fresh Oysters.
Fresh oysters just received and for sale
at Fred Stadelman's. 167 if.
Phil Young l.ti just received a larga
line of Rird Cages to be sold cheap.
Mr. J. P. Reese the accotaplished
barber is in charge of the barber shop
under Frank Carruths Jewelry Store
and the customers of that old stand
will find every comtort and convenience
ready and waitiug for them. I85tl
Taken Up
By the subscriber on Platto bottom
Sunday Sept. 8th two yearlings heifers
red marked with white on the belly.
Owners will please claim property pay
charges and take them a ay.
dtt Cha's. Vanderventeb.
Go to McKeever & Herrmann's for a
eood dish of oysters at reasonable
rates. 183m2
Pupils iu oil and china painting. Ap
ply at once to Miss Nellie Thompson
at Mr. John Watermans. 185t5
Joe Ford has the boss skating rink
in Fitzgerald Hall skates new and kept
in the best of order room clean, light
and comfortable and the best of ordei
always maintained. 182t8
I'.ed rock prices. I have on Land
a large and very superior stock of fur
niture, much of which I propose to sell
off at cost. My goods are for sale and
ocfore purchasing I wish everybody
who needs furniture to call and look
them over. All I ask of the public is
to examine my goods and my prices.
d&wtt Henry Roecic.
i A libeial discount on goods bought
for prr-senta at L. C. ErvHn's. 156tf
Henry Boeck is selling furniture at
prices below any house of the same
Ktyle in Nebraska. If yoa doubt this
fact call onhim and know the truth, tf
Freh California fruits and celery
received every other clav at
140-tf. F. H. WniTK'a.
Fresh oysters and celery just received
at Bennett & Lewis. l&Uf
New Arrivals in Silverware.
L. C. IJrveu has just received a large
addition to bis stock of fine, silver and
silver plated ware; A largo variety of
goods ta this line, in the latest patterns
and designs can be found, and all de
siring substantial and elegant goods
are requested to call and examine Mr.
Erveu a etwls btf ore pUrcbck. W2v
waterman opeha nousn
Friday Evening, Oct. 12th.
- A-
UMl&riiii EBofjKN
"When I holler it's law."
and in excellent Comedy Company.
Atlmi.HHloii, i0 ami Toe.
Keerved eat at
in advance of entert,
J. P. Youuk',
three day
Musical Instruction.
To Jfi Friends:
tp v
I Way t-noHraoUed my cUihkc.
of Instruction noon tho Wkuo'ftud should lie
unliable, and my Instruction aflrir the moHt Im
.ntoved method. Pupil, beKlnuliK wroug.'cair''
never expect to become luaftei. 1 invite a
trial and examination.
dU.' , ;
-.WILL OPEN ... , ,
TUESDAY, SEPT. 11, 1883,
with an amplo corps ot Instructor.
On application to I hcT'hancellor catalogue!
can he obtained by those dexliluK Information,
and certificate tor half faje on tho railroad
by those expecting to utlt iiJZ k '
Flrst Term begins Tuesday. Hept. II IHh.1.
Hecoud " " Thurnday, Jan. 3. 1mI.
Third " Tuesday, April T. Just.
Annual CtimmenenkMMii. Wednesday, June II
will open October 2. itwn.. aud continue fl nio'.
Sheriff's" Sale. " r
l!v virtue of an order of ale Itmied try J. W.
Johnson, county Jud? witnlu and f'j"-Can
County. Nebraska, and to me direct od.'I lll on
Huturday, the ith day or Ot-tuJior. a. if. ihh.I; at
10 o'clock a, in. of duUI day, at tne south do't
of Hit court Iioiihi- Int be ity t Plat t'lnwutli.
Hi mil U count yrell ai public auction I lie loiiovy
lnjf personal property t wit :
I mi bedsteadn.4 quilt lh-oti, 4 pillows, 't
straw tick. I lari-e lamp. 1 table aud oil cl itlt
cover. 1 ax. as yard carpet, 1 bureau, I Ioaiiie.
2 picture, 2 roekluK chairs, i cane m-iit cli.iii-i,
4 wood bottom chair. I bracket. 2 deer he nl..
1 kitchen table, 1 table Hpread, A market bas
kets. 1 lot dishes. I cook nlove, una furniture, 1
coal oil can, 1 witter bucket, 20 p funds Uonr. I
Jill?, I wah tub, ) bucket lard, I clothe basket,
1 I'HH'K.
Thu same tielnJevled upon and taken as the
property of John Douuhfirly, tlefemla nt , to
satisfy a ludiiiiient of sad court by.M- 11. .Mur
pli v & Co., pUiiitltTt,
Plattsmoiitb, Neb. .Kept. 21th A. D. It3.
It. W. ii VKHH,
Sherilf Ca-s Co., Neb.
Uy M. McEIwHin. Deputy.
and al! kind of
done to ort'.er on i-.hort notice, by
Leave orders at the Lumber Yard or at
I'tist Olllce. iM'M
Is the Place for YQD to Trage.S
Our system of doino; busincM
will .lease yon. Every article i
marked in plain figures and sold
on its own merit?. No monkey
biz, no jewing, no humbug, no
auction goods, no hhoddy goods;
you get your money's worth every
time. The latest styles and best
goods obtainable with money arc
in stock, and we will never be un
dersold by any house, either large
or small, and you will always find
us anxious to .serve your interests
in a manner to gain your eolid
custom. Come and fcce us.
Ilockwood Block.
Furniture Store
jr. i. TTJsrzRuriEED
and ail kind of good usually kept In a
Also, a very complete etock of Funeral Goo 4a,
Metallic&WoodenCoans Castets Holies1
Our Xew and elegant hears l alvtsy In a
Remember the place, in UNION
RLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO
Doors sonth of Casa Coun
ty Bank.
WiiC-r wo may be found nlcbt or day.
.kiTruurr. neb
our Larjnt OARDEK ttVIO
I llt 'rre W
..J J .u"'" "f" rn. t.!
uvai, tuu i'if v c v(rr
4 V 'Mm