The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 06, 1883, Image 3

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(HgrfMior to Mfrrlsht A Miller
A I;wk line of
Saddles Bridles Collars Whips &c,
always In stock.
In airing of alt hit d inntli tfu.i o
sort notice.
Main Street, bet vcen Fourth and Kllth.
Old Reliable
N boIeale and ltetall Dealer lu
sash, noons,
L1.1M3, &(,
"milli Min t
I , 'I " k 1
it. irnr I t ii
ciii hOTEL.
II i. tn. H i ' bi. M t brick Mi ucture.oD
N,i.i.. Mm. I. l a- JUM btet. finished aud
i- I i l lie act on u.Lualloii of
V KAbbll.h'i t Vttl U31EHH.
A C'ctd Bar ,DC0M,e r,lbl,,e
-ji. FltED GCOS. I'ropr
Will BUY and fcELL all kinds ofr
advatice money on all
on lower Main street.
Oi e d. or west l Ileck'fe Furniture sore
1 lattbh outh. Feb. 1st. 1S83 46tt.
Jl A3 1: FATUR1X
0 ust Received
A Challenge 5c Cigar,
S labv made for t D rixll tr nlV.
Pepperberg's Ciir&r Factory.
jPractieal Architect.
'Ui ill j- nicatiooj will carefully
3rrl(l out. and full attatlOD vill t clvo a
to safety and durability.
. War t'oloifc. I rayon mud r enciL
The Plattsmontt Herald PuuMini Co.
i"or OUy aud Count Directory, Railway Time
Tables, relepiioue Kxclia i Business Di
rectory, liuslness Card AC, see fourth page.
Notice to Advertisers.
iVinv fur itlmibv advertisements or changes
III U veil IneiMeul musi hautlud iu to the
business olltctj not laier than 10 a. m. of the
day lu wlnoi they are lo be Inserted. Copy
for pay local ami special notices mut be
bandei In lefore3 p. in. eiich day to I mure in
sertion. II M. lilHMNK.l.l.,
Republican Mate Ticket.
for Ju.ltfe of the Hupreme dart.
M. It. ItKKnK.
For KeKenu of the t Diversity,
M. J. II LLL. (Long Te m)
JOHN T. MA LLAL1KU. (Long Terra
J. M. IIIaTT. (..Short Term)
K. i HOLMLH, (Short Term )
Second Judioial Dlstriot-
Tor Judge of the District Court.
H. 11. 1-OLND.
Republican County Tieket.
For County Clerk.
of i'laltsuiouth.
For Couuly Treat-bier,
V 11.11, NEWELL,
oi l'latinuioulli.
For Sheriff.
of riallniuoutb.
For Count) Judge.
of Weeping Water.
For Superlutenueiil ot Schools,
of hto e I reek.
For Cierk of the 1 istilct i ourl,
of Ml. l'leasant.
Foi C unty Surveyor,
of 1'latlxibouth.
For County Coroner,
I'hltUY 1. CASS,
Of 1'lulUUioUlil.
For Commissioner, lliiiu District.
-oi Stove Creek.
ML. ol Jl
Meets every 1 ubUay evening at their
Castle Hall, lu Uucuwuod UiucK. Vis
iting Kuignts are utviieU to attend.
J. Y .JKNN1NOS, t.
V. L. U Kk.8, K. ol K. and .
J. A. tlaritliull, UvntiHt, sue
k mm
itnaor iu ciuiier x ai'uuii.
'letiu xliacleU ulihuui pain,
ity uc ol Xiiruu oxide ua.
Two dollars i-er da; , from this date,
lho Cuzzeu s Cor. aud ilarney
s'reet Ouialia Hvli. Cirictiy fiial class
in eveiy particular
P Ramsey & Co.
of the Palace Hotel Saoia k' JM. w McX
lw. Uct.ll-83 1&9.0
Gift books at Warrick's.
All lovers ol tun snould see Johi
Dillon in .States Attorney next Friu
Laz ell's Hue perfumes at Warric
35 cents au oz. 1WJ3
W. 11. Newell having recently soid
his old Louie farm, on yetteraay 'pur
chased a bait section of Joun K. Ciark,
located about seven miies east o t- Weeu-
ina aier.
Lamps aud lanterns at Wa7 .-rick's.
The largest cheese ever brought to
the city is "on tau at i . White's
grocery 6tore; it is a getn 1ine Sweitzer
and weighs over COO y unds. It is
worth seemg whether y ,u Wttnt to buy
or uot.
Plenty more 6c boo jj straps and 5, 10
and 15c book satchel mt Phil Young's.
An error in our school report the
other day, made u 3 give Charlie Clut
ter 93, when he sh mid have had 93 in
Lis elimination, ar ,ii Miss Lizzie Leachs
report should hav; fead 91 instead of
Peck's Bad Boy Vol. No. 2 is
out and for sale l iy J. P. Young.
The water wi ,rks bonds were carried
yesterday in L'.ucol by a vote of 752
for the bonds, anu 69 against. The in
tention we be'jieve is to deepen that
well we havr heard so much of, and fur
nirh the cit y with a plentiful supply of
pure water ; 10,000 is the amount of t he
bonds vo'.ed.
The 6ad news of the death ol Mr,
Wtu. II Reed, of Weeping Water, was
received by the IIekald just before
goii.e to press. Father Reed, who has
lecn quite ill for some months, was the
father of Hon. E L. Rted, of Weeping
Water, and was one of Cass county's
.West and earliest settlers. We bhall
stive an extended notice of his life as
soon as requisite data can be obtained
No. 1.2. Sand 4 gospel hymns at
Warrick's. 190 2t
W. D. Jones, who returned yesterdaj
from the Saunder county fair, held at
Wahoo, infjrrns us that a most pleat
ant time.was had, a larire crowd beinr
in altendance though the rain broke
up the exhibition, one day earlier than
was intended should be the close, by the
managers. On the last day of the fair
the gate receipts amounted to 480.00.
The free for all pacing race, the run
niug race and the Saunders county
trotting I ace, took place on that day.
W. D. ent across the country from
Ashland, and returned by the way of
Omaha, giving him a good opportunity
to see the crops. He says tho coru i
immense, and the general appearance
of tle country is that of almost oo
pnral'eled prosperity.
Phil Yojnjf has received another in
voice oi M-nol b-H-Kfl. and can auptdy
Musical Coventlon t Louisville.
The event of the season in our little
burg wets the concert at the close of
I'rufersors Dunham and Harm' music
al convention, which has been held at
the Congregational church. The class,
composed of some forty scholars, hud
two meetings a day, for tdx day?, or
twelve lessons, and made womhrlul
progress, loth in the Htudyof the ruli
mcnU f music and vocal culture.
A fair audience asmrrnhh-d by 8 o'
clock, aud were pleasantly entertained
for aixjut two liours, by the rendition
nt nolo-, duett6, glees and anthems, in
terspersed w ith comical belectiens, by
I'rofes.-or and Mrs. Dunham, among
wliich was the old familiar "parkiu;
nix mouths before marriage," and its
counterpart, 'ix mouths after Mai
Miss Annie Calkins, our worthy
chool teacner. remlered beautifully au
alto solo which I receved a round of
npplauM, allowing that the audience
npprecia'ed tlie musical talent of the
young lady.
A duet entitled "Elsie May," by Mir
Anna S(tyles and Miss , as sopr
no, and Mrs. Sliryock and Miss Ca'
... . .-.
in as alios, was iuuy apprwwi
one ol THE performances of the e-
. as
'Ihe popular colored cauiprr
melody, entitled "Hear dem bell
by Prot. Mcintosh, with full
would remind one of the origi
taton cauipmeeting, If the "
been of a different color.
i." solo.
ual plan
cork" had
The graud round in to
the entire class, of that
classical melody lThre
brought the house down
1 he school and conr
ur parts, by
ancient and
blind mice,',
,ert was a grand
hucccps, and all felt tb
ey was well upent.
At the close o' t'
class entered into '
organization, whl
week during tb
at time and niin-
ie performance the
a permanent musical
jh will meet ouce a
.e coining season, to
prosecute the at
Before final
lntosh moved
tendered Prt
wife, for th
udy so happily beguu
adjournment, l'rof Mc-
that a vote of thanks be
llairis, DuuliMii and
ir earnest etTorts on behalf
of the clas
carried, a'
priate rer
com pi i in
to be h'
s, which was unanimously
ad in a tew neat ana appro-
uarks the Prof, extended the
ents of the entire class. It 3
jped the clahS will continue
jod work during the winter, aud
e may be entertained similarly
their gi
that w
on av
other occasion.
States Attorney.
ihe above n med play will bo pre
uted at the Waterman era House,
ext hriday night, by John Dillon,
Piattsmouth's favorite commedian,
supported by Walters, and an
j excellent, company. The play is one of
I Scott Marbles masterpieces author of
weeks ago by Louie Lord Co. States
Attorney has been remodelled, and
many changes have bten made in the
pluy since it was presented here, some
thing over one year ago. It is hoped
tuat the citizens will give Messrs. Dil
lon & Co, a good reception by a large
The following associated press dis
patch indicates the existance of a cold
wave up in New York, it is probable
our turn will come next.
Port Jarvis, N. Y , Oct,5. Last
night was the coldest yet this season.
Ti.e thermometer was 20 this morn
iu4T while Irost covered everything.
Ice bait au inch thicK formed. Alt
crops uot killed by the September frost,
are now destroyed. Mauy grapes iu
tbe Delaware vadey are frosted. Buck
wheat and corn are a total failure, t he
drought made them late, and the frost
destroyed them.
We noticed two very long heavy sills,
being moved out in to the County, to
day and upon inquiring learned they
were the property of Walter White
and valued at the snug sum of $130.
They were being taken out to use in
the moving of the fine large barn of
John Cummins up to Mr. Cummins
new residence, which by the way is
probably the finest and most complete
fa. in house in the County.
A big shooting match in in progress
this afternooon at the fair grounds.
Quito a number of piteous have been
secured to the evident pleasure ot our
sportsmen, who are testing their skill,
iu the slaugnter of the feathered fly
ers. Messrs, Seaion & Lea, our iron foun
ders, have secured all the iron work of
the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe rail -road,
auiouutiug to mauy thousand
dollars a year. The work will of
course be done at their branch found
ries in Kansas, but their facilities here
are tqual to any thing iu the same Hue.
'Siate Sourual.
A car load of bones ws one of the
peculiar shipments made from this city
lb other uav, they were consigned to
the Ouiaha lertuiziu works, where
they will be ground up and shipped
east to vitalize worn out soils.
Mrs. S M. Ciiapmau, who has been
daugemusly ill during the past thirty
days, is mucu better, and Gen. Living
ston, her physician, now deems her
c It-te recovery simply a matter of
Wallet utit-o i-..c ciiver is en
gaged putting in piling at the Wa
terman Lumber Yard where the
creek washed out the old bridging
during its leceut rampage.
Wbittbreast Coal and Mining Co
Have just received the first instal
ment of their celebrated Iowa coal,
and will be ready Moaday morning
for business. Will deliver lump
coal at $4,75 per ton, nut coal at $4,
50. Leave orders at Coacor 3c dra-Der'eoUioe-.
Pound Cndr
A meeting of the
diciary committee f'
dicial district was V
in the olHce of F. '
members being '
proxy or in pe
was called to or
democratic ju
rthe becoudju-
idd this afternoon
l. Ireland, all the
present, cither by
rson. The meeting
of S. II. Calhot
A. Harligan o
" The follow
aniuiously t
.der by the election
in chairman, and M.
f PJatlBLuoutli, secreta
ing resolutions were tiu
.dopied ;
, It has always been a
that the j
IJ. Voj
oi Di'
the ;
ol the democratic patty
udiciury department of the
cut bhould be entirely re-
roui uolitical lnlluence, and
reas, We recognise in Hon. S
mcl, who has filled the pos.tion
itiict judge of this district for
ast eight years an able, clllcient
honest judge; therelore, in i c
dance with our oit declared views
. this subject, it i
liesolveu, That we call no conven
tion ot democrat in dis
trict lor the purpose of uominalii
a political appuneut to Judge Pound
A copy ot the above, signed by all
the members, was presented to Judge
It was mowd and carried that the
present organization hold during
the ensuing year. The meeting then
adjourned. reb. City .News,
The New Orgauizaliou of the Internal
Revenue of Nebraska.
Collector Post has appointed the
following deputy collectors for Iseb-
rasKaauu uaKota, ueing Kuown as
the internal Revenue district of Neb
raska; A. K. Marsh, Sutton; 11. A.
Doud, Omaha; B. It. Cowdery, Col
umbus; John Sfieen, Wahoo; John B.
Dennis, Yankton; 5. E WVst, Fargo.
Ihe storekeepers stationed at Wil
low Springs distillery, Omaha, the
only one in the district, are J. II.
Lacey, M. D. Lancaster, J. M. Jacob-
sen, P. II. Walker, Cj stave I)i ewers.
The gaugers are, II. F. Wilrodt, St
A. D. Balcombe. D. C. Brooks, D. E.
Bomgartner, J. F. liobberts.
The clerical force consists of E.
M. Battis, Omaha, cashier in charge
ot all stamps and record, J. D. Ev
ans, omaha, in charge of records; C.
u. Alien, umaua, in charge ot re
John Dillon as ''Pilcrlm Bocks."
ths State's Attarnry-
Mr Diliou is an old favorite with
Omaha play-goers, and those who
were present to see him last night,
found the old familiar voice, figure
aud gesture, that moved them lo
aughterm '-Hazel Kirk"' and "Our
Soys." As "Pilgrim Boggs." Mr.
Dillon has ample scope for display-
ng his versatile genius and he im
proves it to his utmost. His part i3
that of a shrewd, eccentric old limb
ol the law, j.lways ready to do a gocd
turn, but still keeping his eye open
for fat fees, and not over scrupulous
in his manner of obtaining them.
We have not the space to devote to
an extended notice of the play or
cast, but those who like to see a clev
er burlesque on the legal profession
wilrtind plenty ot lood lor,. laughter
in the "State's Attorney. Omaha
At Watermans Opera House Oct.
A Brief Lssay on Man.
Man, born of woman, is of lew days
anil no teeth- And, indeed, it would
be money iu bis pocket if he had less of
either. As fur his days, he w&stcth
one-third of them, and as for his teeth,
he has convulsions when he cuts them,
and as the last oue comes through, lo!
the dentist is twisting the first once
out, and the last end of that mans jaw.
worse than the first, being lull oi por
ce.aiu and and a roof plate being to
hold blackberry seeds.
Stone bruises line his pathway to
manhood, his father b xes his ears ao
home, the big boys cuff him in the tlay
ground, and the teacher whips him in
the school room. He riselh early and
siiteth up laie that he may fill his
barns and storehouses, and, loi his
children's lawyers divide the spoils
among themselves aud say "ha ha." He
grow let h aud is sore distressed because
it raineth and beateth upoa his breast.
and sayeth"M crop is lost" for it rain
etb not. The late rains blighted his
wheat aud the frost biteth his peaches.
t it oe so that the sun shinetb. even
among the uiueties, he sayeth, " Woe
sine, l perish, and it the northwest
wind sigheth down in forty below, he
crieth, "Would I were dead!" If he
wear sack clo hand blue jeans men say,
"He is a tramp' and if he goeth forth
shaven and clad in purple and line lin
en, all the people cry '"shoot the dude!
He carrieth insurance for tweuty-tive
years, uutd he has paid tnrice over for
all his goods, aud then he ietteth his
policy lapse one day, and that same
night fire destroy eth his store. He
buildeth him a house in Jersey, arid his
fiist born is devoured by mosquitoes;
he pitcbeth his tent in New York, ana
tramps devour his substance. He mo
vent to Kansas, ud a cyclone carryeth
his house away, over into Missouri,
while a prairie fir and ten million acres
of grasshoppers fight for his crop.
Verily, there is no rest for the sole of
his foot, and if he had it to do over
qgain he would not te born at all, for
"the day of death is better than the day
of one's birth." Detroit Free Press.
Remesatier that Phil Yountj will not
be undersold by anyone, and in any line
of goods fsr Cash,
A Great Diseorery.
That is daily bringing joy to the
homes of thousands by saving many of
their dear ones from an early grave.
Truly is Dr. Kiug's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma,
Bronchhitia, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice,
Tickling iu the Throat, Pain in Side
and Chest, or any diseas of the Throat
and Lungs, a positive cure. Guarante
ed. Trial Bottles f-ee at J. M. Roberta.
Drug Store. Large size $1.00.
Important to Travelers.
Special inducements are offered you
by the Burlington route. It will pay
you to read their advertisement to be
found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf
For Sale
Two well improved farms, between
Louisville and Weeping Water.' Ap
ply to Thaddeus Adams, ou (VO
Geo. MayfieM, of Louisville, U in the
city today
Captain Palmer and son George are
in Omaha today.
Thomas Wiles returned homo this
morning from Greenwood .
Iw and Will Cropsey, of Lincoln,
were in the city a while this morn
Wui. Mickle spent last uight in the
city, lea ring for his Iowa home this
I). II. j Wheeler jr. having been to Liu
coin on a purely business trip Jeturued
home this morning.
O. F. Johnson is removing his family
to Omaha today where bo is engaged
in the dru" business.
Professor Alex Mclutosh. of the Lou-
i-svhle schools is iu the city today see
ing his many friends.
J. E. Morrison and wife went to Glen-
wood, to visit relatives over Sunday,
they will return Tuesday.
Miss A. Aldrlch. of Cumberland
Rhode Island, is in the city the guest
of her niece, Mr. Jelf L. Stone.
Jeff. Stone and Tom Murphy made
their usual trip to Omaha thin morning
though they took the B. & M. Instead of
the K. C.
Miss Ollie Wint'-rsteeu went to Oma
ha this morning t meet her mother
who has beeu vixfting friends east for a
few weeks.
Fred and Wiley Black returned from
St. Louis this morniug, they say the
fair, veiled prophets and all, was well
worth seeing. They spent some time
in the city viewing matters of interest,
aud altogether express themselves7"' as
having had a moat enjoyable trip.
Thomas Barry, an old citizen who
recently sold his farm, we learn pur
pose going to .New. Mexico to locate,
he however, has informed "the demo
cratic ft Hows'' that he will remain
nere until alter the election aiH help
them out with an old time Jacksoniau
detnocrst vote -
Mart Cushing, a popular B. & M. en
gineer, went to Omaha today. He lays
off for a few days on account of a badly
mashed finger received while working
with hi3 engine. Mr. Cushing had just
returned from his trip to Kansas City,
where he was called by the death ol
his brother, John Cushing.
Mr. J. L. Johnstone, representing the
firm of Geo. W. Pitkin & Co. Chicago,
de.ders in liquid zinc paints, made his
first Tis t to Phittsmoutb yest. r ay and
lemaiued over night. He expressed
himself as being well pleased with our
growing city and will call often. The
K. C. took him south this a. m.
A. L. Wilner, who has been employed
for some three yars in the office of the
B & M., leaves next Monday for To
peka, Kansas, where he will take a
lesk in the purchasing agent.s office of
the Sante Fe road. Mr. Wilner's ma
ny friends will be sorry to learn of his
removal, even though it be iu the way
of a promotion.
For winter bloom and out door plant
ing, T:lips, Hyacinths, Narcissus. Hol
land bulbs, bile?, and a large assort
ment of hardy bulbs and herbaceous
p!ant3 all are best planted in the fall
if you have them as they will do no
good otherwise. Call and examine ray
stock. L. A. Moore.
If you want to purchase any wed
ding presents be sure to give Phil
Young a call lfcTCtf
Genuine Wheeling btogies at Phil
Youngs. I87tf
Try the new barber under Carruths,
Dissolution Notice,
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing under the
firm name of Grace &Thterolf. in this
day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr.
Thierolf will conduct the business at
their former location being authorized
to collect and receipt lor all bills due
the old firm. James Grace,
186t5 H. Thierolf.
Plattsmouth, Neb. Oct. 2d 1883.
Haying opened and refitted the rooms
under F. Carruths Jewelry Store Mi
J. P. Reese is ready to wait upon his
customers with every convenience
which should belong to a first class
barber shop Hot and Cold Baths al
ways ready. 185tf
Mc'Courc sells mixed
white mustard seed.
spices and
,500 wooden tooth picks for 15c at
Phil Youngs
Or Schildknecht's Office-
At the present and until further no
tice, 1 will have my office with Dr. Sal
isbury in the Rock wood block over
Johnson Bros.' store, where I may be
found during office hours.
Hot and cold baths
shop under Carruths
the Barber
Morley shaves for 10 cents. lS2tf
For a. shave at any hour call at the
shep under Carruths. 187tf
cracker's are the best.
200 Tons of first clas3 hay for sale
leave orders with W. S. W'se.
I78d28wtf J. T. Wise.
. Special attractions iu Silverware at
L.C. Erven's. 15o-tf
Buy Bremner's choice o ratter's.
Remember if you want any - auto
graph albums to go to Phil Youngs
where yea will &j4 Urga assortment.
OfTberint .National Bank at Platte
mouth. In the State of Nebraska,
'at the Close f Bostaett
October f, 18H3.
itriuiKi it.
Leant add discount 120 3A4 46
Overdraft v w3 t
I'. H. IJoiiU to secure circulation .. tM vo CM
Other slocks, bonds aud morlKagrs. i 08
Iu from approved reserve aiteuu. . II 247 '
Our from other Nalluual liauks ? 1st M
Duj from Stato liauks and kaukcrs. IMM
Keal estate, furniture arid Allures.. 3 0J M
Current eipeimes aud taxes paid 2 tt W
Bills of other batiks 1 Ssv 00
Fractloual paper currency, nickels
and pennies 24 M
Kpecle as;. 75
Lecal teuder Cotes 1 OuO DO
lU-df inption fund with II. S. Treas
urer per cent of circulation, . . .
flit 371 4
Capital stock paid lo S 60 Ofio 00
Murplus fund 10 000 00
Cudlvlded profits. 13 III IT
National llauk notes outstanding. . . 45 000 00
Individual deposits subject to
check U ;r.2 M
Demand certificates of deposit tl 61 7i
Time certificates of dexmlt 1 67 Ml
Due to other National Hanks 3 3A Ut
Total $ i 371 4s
Static or Nebraska,
County ol Cass.
I, A. W. McLacoulik. Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the above
statement 1 true to the best of my kaowledK
and belief. A. W. McLAt'UHLIN.
Cat birr.
Subscribed and sworn to before roe, this Cth
. . . day of Jclober,
jI u J- U- HTFODK.
Notary 1'ublle.
Correct Attest :
;ko k. liovair, )
F. K. White, . Director.-
A. W. McLacohlix. I ""
To ihe old customers of the barber
stand under Mr. F. Carruth'a jewelry
store, 1 have re ttted and opened this
shop ar.d am ready to guarantee you
every convenience, comfort and pleas
ure to be found in a first-claf-s Imrber
Hot and cold baths, al ways ready.
lS5tl J. P. Hkksl,
llremner'a milk cracker 'a; lfi.Hsfi
Imported ale and porter at Joe Mc-
Veys. H7tf
A Square Meal
Can be had at the City Hotel for only
25 cents and lodging at same reasonable
latcfl. warmers and Commercial Men
will please bear this iu mind. d&wtf
Ask for Bremner's cracker's.
Talio none but Bremner's crackers.
and you will iet the best. 1631mo
Ask for
Bremncr'B Eureka butter
FOR 8 A I.E. Lot 3 and 3 iu
Block. 41, Improved.
d','7 H. U. WIXDIIA31.
.Leave orders for grapes from Lees-
ly s nursery at A. Clarks grocery.
The finest cracker's are Bremner's.
. 1031mo
Fresh Oysters.
Fresh oysters lust received and for sale
at Frki Stadelman s. loitl.
Phil Young t at just received a largi
me of Bird Cages to be sold ciieap.
Mr. J. P. Reese the accomplished
barber is iu charge of the barber shop
uuder Frank Carruths Jewelry Store
and the customers of that old stand
will find every cuiutort aud couven eDce
ready anu waiting for them. l0tl
Taken Cp
Bv the subscriber on Platto bottom
Sundav Seut. 8th two yearlings heifers
red marked with white on the belly.
Owners will please claim property pay
charges and take them a ay.
Go to McKeuver & Herrmann's for a
srood dish of oysters at reasonable
rates. 183m2
Pupils in oil and china painting. Ap
ply at once to Miss Nellie Thompnou
at Mr. John Watermana. 185to
Joe Ford has the boss skating rink
in Fitzgerald Hall skates new and kept
in the best of order room clean, light
and comfortable and the best of ordei
always maintained. 182t8
Bed kock tkices. I have on hand
a large and very superior stock of fur
niture, much of which I propose to sell
off at cost. My goods are for sale and
wefore purchasing 1 wish everybody
who needs furniture to call and look
them over. All 1 ash: ol the public is
to examine my goods and my prices
dwtt Hesrv Boeck.
A libeial discount on goods bought
fox presanta at L. C r.rven a. l.btK
Henry Boeck is selling furniture at
prices below any house ot the same
style in Nebraska. If you doubt this
fat call onhim and know the truth, tl
Fresh California fruits and celery
received every other dav at
149-tf. F. s. White's.
Fresh oysters and celery jut received
at Bennett & Lewis'. I83t
New Arrivals in Silverware.
L, C. Erven has just received a large
addition to bis stock of fino silver and
silver plated ware. A large variety oi
goods in this line, in the latest pattern
and designs can ie round, aud all de
siring substantial and clegaut good'
are requested to call and examine Mr.
Erven's stock before purchasing. 182tt
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an ordr of sale issued by J. W
Johnson, county judge witnin and for Cass
county. Aebraska. and to me direcLed. I will on
l Saturday, the 6th day at October. A. D. 1883. at
19 0X10CK a, m.oisaid day, at tlie south dooi
.of tueooart house in the city of Platt'ineuth.
insaia county, sea a puouc auction the I olio w
ing personal property to wit :
Two bedsteads. 4 auliU. 3 si
so bedsteads, 4 quilts. 3 sheets, 4 pillows. 2
straw ticks, i larse lamp. 1 table and oil cl ih
cover, l ax. 38 yards carpet, 1 bureau. lounicr
2 pictures. 2 rocking chairs. 2 cane seat chains
4 wood bottom chairs, 1 bracket. 2 deer heads.
I kitchen table. 1 table SDread. 3 market bas
kets, l lot dishes. 1 cook stove ana furniture. 1
coal ou can, i water duckce. so p mncs nour.
lug. l wasb tub. i bucket lard, iclotbea basket,
l clock.
The satsa being levied upon aed taken aa th
property of John Dougherty, defendant. t
satisfy a Judgment of said Court by M B. Mur
pby Co.. plaintiffs,
Plattasouta, eb..Sept. tb A . 0. 1893.
ftrtVwais, (kanwgp. TW
AdvsrtlMrmeDt under this bead, three cect
per Un eacU luserllon.
PUK A I.K- Houses, lots and fcood lnii-J t
JoUu lion m Sou.
FOItrfALU-A good Mavm Hamlin eahlnot
itkiui. a bargain Ir cali iMircliu'er. ln
o,ulie of lleiiiirfit bcmldt. i;t(i
in Uer.
Wood proertjr near HIt-
J. W. M AltAH A IX,
JTOK MALIC ltrildnoe prop rty. one of thn
of the best location lu tun city, or III
trade, for stoca. lu'ju're of J. W. Marlhls. I'vitf
M .UHAl.K lloune and lot , price V.
caali, balance lu monthly p .yineius.
It. II. V I N I'll AM,
FOlt MALIC Me eral rnildence. cheap. In
quire ol U. II. V heeler & C.
t'Olt MAI.U -rtcratcli tablet lu all at
tbisolUoe. yi if
L'Olt HA I.K a lot In good location. I'artlru-
lars al this ofUce waf
l?OH .SAl.K An order for a new Aiiierlt aa
rewltiK Machine. Iuulie al IhUwllli).
L'OK M i I.K 1. 0.X cord 4 of wood.
T V.t. Wise.
lixiuire of
L'Olt MALK Id papr for sale at this t.mra
at 40 cents .ei huiidreU or ft ctuil xir do-
IVOIt 8ALK-I our lots toKi'ttier lu amul loca
a iiou lu thl city, luqulto al luls otuce
POK KENT .be ijortii storeroom 1 Nev
av I le's blvk, auU rooms up stales. Ovod
l catlou for res.auraul or bourulu liout, reals
cheap Apply lo v lu. Neville. IHJtf
'pO MKNT A liuusn. co'iier Till and Ixicnt
L street. ltiUiie of j hui I'oilock.
1,'OK 11KNT ColnloJlal.le, pluce, comer of
A I earl anu luMls.. litlttiy ccuili d by W' J.
Warrick, Lttiuire al Warrica's di 11 stock.
lt- "
1,'OK hSNT Ono omen room and dwelling
coiinecLed. (3 rooiiif) u stall cvar Holt- '
shuelder bakery,
der 'a
Luiuire at Mi.
16I If
FOIC KKNT Iloue, conveiiieiit to shops,
tl. K. U. LOVKV Si CiO.V,
1MK KENT H. uth f tore room of the Union
Flock. Kiiuuire of 11. II. Klack, It. Hpur
lock, Alva Drew, UuMuess cimmltteo. tXilt.
MKNT Dwelling
W. II.
Inquire of
OST A pa.HH book eontululiiK papers vmIu
able omy to owner Onder please leave al this .
OtllCI. lb7lf
IOUND TV Oold toothpick. Owner proving
L property anu paying for this notice cau
have the suiur
V JUNO-A ladle"
pockethook coiiLuiilnu
some change I lio owner can have tho
same by callhiK u C. lin-ckeulicld. ptovln
properly and payiiiK for t his notice. I6i(
MusicaUiistnictioii. :'
To My Friends r
I have reorganized myliuises
of Instruction upon the Flano, and should be
pleased to have such as nay desire instruction
to address or call upon rue. My ter ns are rea
sonable, and luy Instruction aftff the most Im
proved method. Puplli, beglnulnt; v.ronj. can
never expect to becoiuemiotersi 1 Invite a
trial and examination.
oftok ...
TUESDAY, SEPT 11, 1883,
with aa ample corpi ot Instructors.
On application to the Chancellor catalogues
cau be obtained by those Jflrlni? Infoi inatlon.
aud ccrtlflcatei for half fare ou the railroad
by those expecting to attend.
First Terra beulnti Tuesday. Kept. 11 1&H3.
Second" " Thursday, Jan. 3. 11.
Third " " Tuesday. April 1. in? I.
Annual Commencement Wednesday, June II
w U open October 2. iwct. and continue a mo's.
aud all klntlK of
done to on1 or on hhort notice, by
Leave orders at tho Lumber Yards or at
F.-St Office. lu
Is the Place for YOU to Trade.
Our system ol doino; businefcd
will please you. Every article is
marked in plain figures and sold
on lta own merits. 2s o monkcv
biz, no jewing, no humbug, no
auction goods, no shoddy goods;
you get your money's worth every
time. Ihe latest 6tyle3 and best
goods obtainable with money are
in stock, and we will never be un
dersold by any house, either large
or sxnall, and you will always find
us anxious to serve your interests
in a manner to gain your solid
custom. Come and see us.
Rockwood Block.
Furniture Store
cr. i. ttzlstiRTTie-h:,
-! IN
and all kinds of goods usually kept In a
vlso, a very oompiets stoca of Funeral Goods,
-etallic&WoodenCoSns Caskets RGtesi
Our Jew as4 eletrant hears U &!na;s is j
fjemember the place, in UNION
BI 'PK. n With Street. TWO
Doors aonth nf Cass Coun
ty Bank.
Whehr we ma ue louud nlcht or day.