The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 05, 1883, Image 3

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Xncfr.i(,r to Mtrelgbt A Miller.
A laiy.e line of
Saddles Bridles Collars TOps. &c?.
always in stock.
Htjaitivij of oil hii Us i.tatli liti.t o
nor I notice.
.Mam street, bctv ecu Fourth Kiitli.
CALi. AT Till:
. Old Reliable
W lioleoale and l.'ctail Dealer In
liLLNDS, &c.,
1 1 mil. Mm t it. mutt Cjia llcnsc.
. jt t ' - t T 1 1 I 1 1 ' A - '
1. 0 1 1 i-
'Hi-. 1. 1 In! il.m M i I. rick etriicture. oil
l,i i aiu Mm I. I ;. - Ji.M l- ei. fjl.lshed and
f. I!' ii l r tlx ui'ti'ii ii -l:illoi. ot
7 UA hSSlLM t UP! OMEliS.
- AM
I; i(;AUl!i:i
S: l 1 .
i. i
I. I I (. It -.
I I..
Will liUVaud fcEI.L all kinds of
Will advance m.nry on all
on lower Main street.
One ili nr wi st ot BeckV Furniture sore
llattMi i-titli. Feb. 1st. lfSS 46tl.
Pi. AT'! .MrTII, Xr.BKAMvA
kieRlChait am eriar fife
A Challenge 5c Cigai,
8 lahy made for tb retail trr- .
Pepperberg's Uig&r Factory.
Practical Architect.
Flit 11 i H nac iiia will he carefully
rarrlrd out. and fuU attention will bj gtven a
to safety and durability.
, Water Color. Crayon and I'enctl
FINE i :
II V -
Tbe Flattsmonth Horrid Pnblishin Co. !
OKt ltlAL lAI'i:it OK Till: MTV-
For CHy audCountv Directory, Kail way "Time
Table, telephone Kxclia ig EmilueM Di
rectory, liiinlues Card Ac. nee fourth pace.
Notico to Advertisers.
Copy lor illspUy advertisement or change
In adverllseiueul iiiiKi Imj handed iu to llic
business oihce not later than iom. mi. of the
day lu nine. i llicy are to be Inserted. Copy
for pay ami special notice mut le
liauilel In In Ion' J p. in. imc 1 1 day to Insure in
sertion.. f M in hiinki.i.,
Kt-piiUlit-au State 'i'icke-t.
For Ju-ltfc of the Supreme Court,
M. 11. ICEE.HE.
Fur Regents of tlie Cnivcrsity,
M.J. HULL. (Long Ie m
JOHN l MAI.UI.lbU. (Lou
J. M. HlA'i f, iSh..rt renti)
K. C, IIOLMhS, ih.irt 1'eriu)
SecondJudicial District
For Jmle of the DKirirl Court,
. It I'UUNO.
Republican County Ticket.
I-or Count j Clerk,
John w. jk.nmncs.
of 1'iattiiuoui Ii.
Fir ( ( unty lre.uier,
W.M. II. iKv FI.l..
01 I'htiixn.oiitli.
Tor SlieilT,
J. v. i:iKiMi.i:v,
ot I'laiimnoulh.
For County Jude,
of Vi e (.mg Water.
For Supeiliilenoeol ot Scnoi'l- ,
t VlllRAUuiN,
of JMu.'e reek.
For Cierk of tlie Liiiict i ouit,
l'.u;i.K s. iiai.i.,
Ot Ml. 1'K-ivSiint.
For Ct unty Surveyor,
of i'lattxiiiuuth.
For County Coroner,
t l.nKV I'. C.AS.S,
ol I'l.ittMucinh.
For Coinui ls?.li uit-r, '1 him Dtriet,
John t mv,.
-o atovt-Citek.
ML. of 1
Meets every 'J Ui'ay t euiug at tlit-ir
Cattle Hail, i liutKvuoU JJ.xCk. Vis
tiiif Km-iiLs ire iiivitua n itiienu.
J. v . .iK.Ntii.voa, o. C.
V. J. i"KL.s, lv ul It. aud o.
4. Miiihur, entlMt.
CA. Marsliull, UentiMt, uc
c.or iu tiu.itt .UuiMltull.
ttu xttacteU iilioui jtaiii,
Two dolluis er daj , trout this duto.
'Hie Cuzzcu 4 Cut . 9ih ami Harney
b'lL'tL Ouiuiiu JSeU. Mnctiy lii&t class
iu i-vciy lurticuiat
r. Ramsey & Co.
of the Palace Hotel Suutu t hrw Mex
ico. Oct. 1 K83 16KG
ilc'Court m-Hs tiiixtd
wlntu mustard aecd.
spices and
Mr. ,loun Diliuua visit here in States
Attorney will attract a large audience
to tlie Opera Huut-e who will appreci
ate the play the Jkkald will warrant.
The power press iu the Journal of
fice has been sold by Mr. Crites, the
owner, to Fremont parties, who are
takiu it away todav. The Journal
folks will use the Washington press of
Fitzgerald's hereafter.
They had a b ise ball game up at Co
lumbus the other day between the doc
tors and lawyers, that broke up in a
bin row at tlie close of ihe lifth inning,
the umpire having to run to preserve
his physical being from annihilation.
If Mike Schnellbacher wants to learn
how to handle that new baby at his
lmse. he should have been down to
the depot this morning, and have seen
Brother Connor handle a little baby
arcuud there; it was a new and novel
way at best.
A. G Philby. one of th B & M.
foice iu the shops, is laying' off today,
on ac count of a severe injury to his arm
r ciieJ I'Va heavy piece of limber
:all u ros- it m ar the eibow, as there
wtre uo 1 1 ac in re he expects to be able
tor work iu a tlav or two.
Jimmy Donnelly is putting in his
pare time, wlu-n off duty from the B
fe M.. at the Cass Couuty Bank, learu
lug the baukirn; lusine-4s; and James
Patterson. Jr., is junuiur the Commer
cial 14ank at 'Vi?epiog Water, during
Mr. Robios-m's absence in St. L.-ui-.
Und r the new postal 1 iw coming
in effect October lit, Piatlsmouth o.
rice with several thousand offices over
; country is reig-unl to h third class
lliee-, which change wi l cmpel P. M.
laishail to rent his own room; where
?he i-liHti'jo will l-e made to aud when,
we are not informed.
A ear loud of blooded horses from
Z;;- n-l passed through Pacific
JiiUiu:.; tuts morning on No I bound
lor autiaucisco. The3' were load
oil in a very tiue and conveniently
arranged pecial car.
A ihey went over the Union Pac
ific they were taken to Council Blull's.
The exposition bttildiugs at Pitts
burgh were totally destroved 1y fire
ycs.etday. The losses are very heavy
as ho builciiu,s were lull throughout
of expensive g nxls; the exhibition had
been out recently opened, so that but
little money was in the treasury. The
i oss is estimated at about $150,000.
Johnny B.ase had a little tussle
vith Harvey Sae the other eveoing,
which resulted in John getting Mr. is.
down, but it to happened that Johuny
was on the under bide, Iriends mixed
iu and stopped the frac ts before any
one was hurt. It id but justice to Mr.
Saeb to state that be was bitting dou
minding his own affairs when the rack
ct vvud atajtcU.
Colden Wedding
Saturday Sept. L'9ih wa- the occasion
of a very pleasant assemblage at the
residence of Mr. Jas. Turk, near Elm
wood, for the purpose of celebrating
the 50th aniiiveisary of the wedded
life of Mr. and )lif. Frtncis Williums
Thf rerenioy of reunitiuj; the golden
link which for hall" a century has bound
the two levin;; hearts together was very
touchlnjdy performed by the Itev.
Cyrus Alton, who followed the cere
mony with some very appropriate and
iuip!c?ive remark, concerning the
hihtory and biography, of the aged
couple, and iuterxpcined with many
beiiinil'iil sii.ih's relating to our own
We are sorry that a lack ofepace will
prohibit us from furnishing the re
i u hi k entire.
Mr. Williams was born in the year
ol 1810 and his wile in 1812 and their
life ha.s wituc6std the lCalizitioti of
dreams which at that time would have
been too fanciful and ficuiioun lor be
!. Three limes since his birth Irtft the
crimson tide of war swept across our
country, and the victories achieved iu
ever- niHtancu but renders its tta
bility impressive: and what w.ih then
an infant iu the cradle of nations lias
developed into the grandest civil gov
ernment on earth.
Then but eighteen slara embellished
the uzure lidd of our flay, now ove r
twice that number thine forth from
tha't glorious constellation.
During the epoch of his life what
wonders have been achieved in every
held of American and loreigu industries
lie has witnessed the success ol' steam,
iiavigatii-n; The wonders of the tele
graph aud telephone, tne effulgence ot
the electric light and many other equal
ly wondcrlul things which at the lime
of his birth were but vague conjec
tures of seeming impossibilities.
At the timo of his marriage in 1333
there was b it 23 miles of railroad in
the 17. . now there are ovei 90,000,
miles, aud enough telegraph liue to en
circle the earth nine times.
The old people were the recipients
'of uiauy beautiful and cosily presents,
conspicuous among which were two
gold headed caues and two pairs of
gold nuimed spectacles.; one of the
canes and one pair of spectacles being
presents irom their children in Iowa.
After the presentation, which was
also performed by Mr. Alton, the guests
did ample justice to an elegant repast
which had been furnished tor l lie occa
bion and the festivities continued till a
late hour.
The guests present were Mr. aud
Mrs. Jas. Turk; Mr. and Mrs. Mat. WU
liims; Mr. and Mrs. Will Williams; M.
I), lladsell, wife, and daughter Min
nie, Mr. and Mrs. C. C Cowell; Mr. and
Mrs. Delis and Mother. Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. James; S. D. Eells and wife; Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Eells; Mr. Lewis Tyson;
Miss Jennie Alton: Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Fall ; Mr. and Mrs Mcars; Mr. and Mrs.
John Clements; Dr X. R. Ilobbs and
family. C. D. Clapp and family: Mrs.
Robinson; and Mr. and Mrs. Green
slate. All of whom unite in their heartiest
congratulations to the bride and groom
and wish them another fifty years of
wedded felicity.
X Letter of Interest.
Ed. Herald: T see a nuhlication iu
Herald -f September 26th, copied
from the State Journal in regard to
Nellie Swanson. Most people could
not help thinking there must be a hard
class of Swedes in this city judging
from that article, but let me state for
the benefit of a lew at least, why they
did not cull on the g'rl, was simply be
cause they were refused to see her
while she was staying at Mr Pearson's,
the pUce she whs stopping at while sick,
it was on account of her critical condi
tion that thev were refused, but such
was not explained to tno-tf them who
called, and it was generally believed it
was on account of the enormity of the
crime she was charged with, that they
were not permitted to talk with her,
andhtmesiy light here that I think
she could have given a satisfactory
explanation at the coroner's inquest
had she been well enough at the time.
But I hope she will have the opportuni
ty to do so before the grand jury, thus
saving the trouble of going into court,
However, Mr Editor. I must say as
you did, those words in the Jwurnal
seem to come right from the heart, and
I believe they have done much to com
fort the poor girl as many have called
on her since.
II. J. Johxsox.
Nine or .en solid farmers from Sand
Prairie, Illinois, are here visiting
relatives and seeing the country. Lrit
night they were royally entertained by
he Liede.kranz in their hall here,
everything being done to make it pleas
ant for the guests, lots of good manic,
with pleuy of beer and cigars, every-
body had a most enjoyable time. The
strangers speak Very highly of our
coun'y and will doubtless locate among
us, Messrs. Stoer, Weirick, Hill, Horn,
and John and Anton Schafer have rel
atives heio whom they are visiting, and
who they would like to join as neigh
bors if sui:ab.e arrangements can 'be
made. Tne Herald welcomes these
solid farmers among us and hopes they
may find ii to their interests to locate
Mr. Wel the uew store keeper un
der Mr. Barrel' the supply oflce for the
li i M u uow located here and in
charge of tho work of the department.
Genuine Wheeling; Stogies at Phil
i'ouji lUltt
F.lmnood Letter
Several of our citizens attended the
.ate fair this year and express them
selves as well pleaded with the display
in every department, and that it was
such os any state might well feel proud
Mrs. Eva Clapp while visiting at the
lair was the guest ol Mrs. C. D's who
resides in Omaha- Mrs. RobiuMon re
lumed with her from Omaha and is
now upending a very pleasant week
Elmwood still continue to grow ; the
last building erected beiu a 3tore
ouihliug put op by C5. W- Hylton, im a
boot aud fehoe s ore. We understand
that Mr. llyluui designs to cany a com
plete stock iu his line aud will also
luruisli a first class workman to make
and it-pair anything iu hu liue. We
are glad to see some one so enterpris
ing take hold of this business, und to
see our business prospects brighten up.
We wish him success.
Louis Louteusiager, oue of the old
settlei s in this iieiirLborhood. has ex
changed his farm here for 100 acres o'f
land near Wahoo, in Suiinuers county.
We are sorry to lose au old friend aud
good citizen as Louiahas proved him
self to be, and our best wishes, and
those of numerous friends go with htm
to his new home.
L. It. iysou, the affable clerk 'who
used to count butter and weigh ui
eggs for O. D. Clapp & Co. E.wwood,
lias just returned lioni a pio-luCted
tour thtough - Nubiaska and Kansas,
Where he and his mother have been vis
iting relatives.
He reports crops in Kansas good, h-c
says corn will average lifiy bushe s to
tlie acre, iu the poition of the state
which hu visited, and wheat went from
25 to 35 oushels per acre.
He exprebses himself as surprised to
see the western portion f our state so
thickly settled, and a class of btfildiugs
erected which he says should fih:inie
the eastern portian of the state. We
learu from Mr. Tyson that he has quit
lr.s toriner position with Mr. Clapp,
and that he will teach school in district
47 this winter.
Nearly everyone in the vicinity is
pleased with the harmony and quiet
ness w hich prevailed at our Jcoun y con
vention, aud express themselves as sat
isfied with the nominations, and our
neighborhood feels proud that it is rep
resented there so forcibly by two as
prominent citizens as Mr. Alton aud
Mr. Clements. All feel confident that
the ballot will lully substantiate the
popular manner iu which they were
nominated at the convention.
.Lewis Tysou was aroutid recently
with a box of the fragrant, and the
boys all smokod on the'supposition that
he was a married man; and many were
the congratulations he received from
his old companions; but by hook or
crook the boss louud out that it4 was
all "buncombe," and they say now he
wauts to look out, as they'uave a cy
clone brewing for his especial benefit
as soon as he takes a belter half, aud
that a4ih of July celebration and mule
won't compare to the racket they'd
give him.
We are pleased to see so many of our
neighbors beautiful and com
modious houses and barns this tall.
It speaks well lor their financial pros
perity, and adds macii tu the appear -auce
of the ueighboi hood.
Among those who are building we
may mention the following: Di. JS. II.
iioob-t, a fine barn; George Towle, a
house and barn; James Miller, a barn,
and Geerge Hess a gue house.
A few days ago some of Mr. Tyson's
friends Iook pains to assist him in
gathe-iiig his crop ot waluut; but by
some mischauce left his card, As Mr.
T. bad no more walnuts than, he would
want for is own use, he would request
the party to reiuru the uuis aud get
his crd; otherwise the card wili be
Henry Ho.leubeck and wife are now
iu Missouri vi&iuug relatives, they will
return this week.
Clara Holenbeck teaches school near
South Bend, this waiter, aud we con
gratulate them on having so good a
Mrs. Jeffords, recently from Colora
do, is now visiting at her sister's, Mis.
Woodald's. Mis. Jetfords is a hue art
ist, and has with her several beautiful
oil paiuiiugs of Colorado scenery. She
says she may remain here all winter.
We feel sorry for the fellow who
went from here to Wee-Hug, Water af
ter a lively to go over to S. B. to see a
certain young lady, an I then got left;
but such is life, a..d he has our siucer
est sympathy. We know how it is,
IMorrissey Bros- Elevator.
Work at Moirissey Bros. E.evator, iu
this city, is very livelv these days. Last
week an even hundred cats of grain
was handled and shipped eastward.
Ou Monday at i p. m. twenty cars had
been handled and started eastward,
j and with the constantly increased busi
ness I he eltvator will be worked to its
utmost capacity. At their up-town
orace in the Drew-Weckbach block, the
force are transacting a large volume of
business, and the working forces are iu
tbe midst of the busiest season of the
For winter bloom and out door plant
ing, Ts:nps, Hyacinths, Narcissus. Hol
land bulbs, 5iles, and a largo assort
ment of hardy bulbs and herbaceous
plants all are best planted in the fall
if you have them as they will do no
good otherwise. Call aud examine ruy
lock. L. A. Mooke.
If you Wrtht to pnr-uae ' any wed
d lug presents bo euro-to give Phil
Young a call , . W7U..
J. A. Connor unaudited townrJ
Greenwood this u. ui.
J. W. Barnes arrived home from the
north last evening.
Fred Got dor is home ugaiu fioia east
ern Iowa and his visit to the rnal coun
try. Mrs. Frank Morrison was a passenger
to Gleuwood this moruing, where she
visits over Sunday.
Mrs. C. S. Dawsou and Mrs Geo.
Dovey were west bound passengers on
No 1 this morning.
Wm. Neville came iu from the west
this morning, and will be at home lor
a few days.
F. E.Brown, an attorney of Syracuse,
is meandering our streets today and
viewing the third city iu the Mate.
M. A. Hartigan h home again from
Nebraska. City, where he at'.euded the
democratic judicial comtiiiltee meet
ing. Geo. Foster is running main line pas
senger for a month. George is an old
conductor, an onl man on the B. & M ,
and a number one railroad man.
Loquacious Frmay" like the dead
liiucKv'ti'l in the niooiiligtit is slid
suming. W'hatCas County would
do along about election limes Willi
out poor Fi iday is a hazardous fpuet
lion but Friday we have alv,a) with
us. His smelling propensities are
raud aud his olfactory nerves ery
acute and he "bobs up sereuly" with
his little boomerang at an opportune
moment: we have missed Friday but
see him blossoming now in ail the
glory ot a coirespoudeut and the
whole of Cass County had better
stand from under. ! "
Watcned and Chained
From the Denver News we clip the
following which occured on the closing
day of th- Denver Exposition. Frank
evidently has a host ot frends arouud
the building where he has had his sum
mers work.
Yes'erday morning the employes of
the Exposition iuvaued the sectetary's
ollice, aud betoie Mr. Frank H. Wilson
the secretary, had lime to recover from
the surprise of stetug them enter his
apartments in a body, one of the inva
ders began a neat luile speech, conclu
ding by handing Mr. Wilson au elegaut
gold watch, appropriately engraved as
a token of the esteem in which 'he sec
retary is held by ths men who have
been under his charge for the teveuiy
live days last past.
Mr. Wilson was completely surprised,
but as will be seen irotn the following
speech was equal to the emergency.
He said :
Fellow Co laborers: This is indtei
a surprise, and esteemed not so much
as an evidence of my worth or ability
as the crowning act of kindness from
those who have labored under me early
and late, under the directors of a liber
al aud enterprising board of directors
to prc.-cnt to the world the valuable
resouices of our country. It is not an
easy task tj carefully guard and protect
the valuable property embraced within
the Exposition giouuus, and the
verdict of visitors from every section
at this year's Exposition pronounce the 1
equipment and orderly appearance,
Uolq tne lofty fiag-taff to the found
ation stone, from the north wing to
south, from east to west, with iu the
Exposition enclosure complete and
systematic iu every part icular and every
way suitable aud proper tor the accom
moda.iou of exhibits aud the public in
Colorado's Natinal Exposition, That
this is so is in no small measure a re
salt of your earnest and intelligent
labors, and your intercourse with our
exhibitors and visitors has been mark
ed by courtesy and urbanity. 1 am
grateful lor the assistance you have
rendered me and the trun and earnest
work you have done; making my labor
.'ight and intercourse with you pleasant
and in years to come it will give me
pleasure to extend a hearty grip to my
associates in the executive department
ot the Exposition of 1883, aud with thr
Sincere salutation, "Heaven prosper
thee," feel that my lot was Indeed cast
among friends.
List ofJetter8.
remaining uuclaiiu-d in tne P. O at
Plattsinouth Neb. Oct. 5th, 1333.
Anderson Fred'k 2 Brown Wesley W
Clayton Willie Davis F C M
Kith A J Kemgbeil Henry
Kel'ogij Mrs Kate Keel: Fred
Little Miss Maggie L'tuday S P
McGules Miss C E Mason Laura
Overton Jennie O'Brien Susan
Ruggles Mrs Mary Rotnick Miss Stella
Simpson Audrea Stein A
Smith S W 2 Shepherd Miss D R
Spear Miss E Sweeney Henry
Thoinison E J Thomas II W
White J E Wick ham N W
Persons calling for the above will
plea3e say "Advertised."
J. W. Maksiiall. I. M.
2,500 wooden tooth picks for 15c at
Pnil Youngs 187tf
Dr- Schildknocht's Office.
At the present and until further no
tice, I will have my office with Dr, Sal
isbury iu the Rockwod block over
Johnson Bros. store, where I my be
found during office hours.
Hot and cold baths
shop nnder Carruths
the Barber
Morley shaves for 10 cenLs. 162tf
For n shave at any hour call at the
shep uuder Carruths. ISTtf
Bremner's cracker's are the best.
1631 mo
200 Tons of first class hay for sale
leave orders with W. S. Wse.
17d2Swtf J. T. Wise
Special attractions in Silverware at
L. C. Erven's. 155-tf
Buy Bretnner'8 choice cacker's.
1631 mo
Remember if you want any auto
graph albums to go to Phil Youoga
where jou will dad a large assortmeot.
Another Thonul Bottle of Mamli'ii
UolUrn Uuixain to be ( Iron
Aw j.
Our enterprising and reliable drug
gists. Smith & Black Bros, will con tin
ue to give away amplo bolt leu of
Marsh's Golden I hi hum for the Throat
aud Lung", to nil who have never tried
it. Persons who have already tried
this famous Cough remedy can procure
the large bottles at 50 cents and 1.
Everybody who Is mi lie ring with Con
sumption, Weak LungH, Bronchitis, a
Couch or Cold, Sore '1 hront, Hor
ness, Croup, Whooping Cough, Ant htm,
or any Bronchial or Pulmonary affec
tion, should try this truly valuable
medicine. For the prevention and
cure ol Consumption of the Lungi it
is the greatest remedy Nature has ever
conferred to medical science or huin in
For all Blood and Liver complaints
uso Maish'a Golden Blood & Liver Ton
ic. Simple bottle tree -
Notice is hereby given that George
W. Sexton will apply to the Board of
County Commissioners of Cas1 Couuty,
Nebraska at its stated meeting in 0
tober 1S83 for a license to sell mall
Spiritus aud Vnoin liquors iu Avoci
Ca County, NebrasKa, oue year t'mni
datH tif allowance.
F. R. White has just received a car
load of "Sea Foam" winter wheat pa:
ent flour giinrautct-d to be as good at.
any made iu the United Slates and
prices as l)w as the lowest. Also a
t ar load of bran just received which
we deliver to any pari of the city,
i 4 1 f
Imported ale aud porter at J Me
Veys. ls7lf
l I rYiimnr Ifi-etw an hau l the cel
ebrated Anheuser Burch St Louis Bot
tled Beer and always readv to pay pac-
ticular attention to his cunioiners.
Try the new bather under Carruths,
A Square Meal
Can be had at the City Hotel for ouly
25 cents and lodging at Hame reasonable
latcs. Farmers and Goinmercial Men
will please bear thi in mind. d&wtf
Afk fr Bremner's crackerV.
1631 mo
Take none but Bremner's crackers,
and you will u'et the best. lG31mo
Ask for Bremner's Eureka butter
cracker's. 1031 mo
FOIl SAI.C lott 3 and :t Iu
Block. 41, Improved.
d"7 It. II. WID!IAN.
Leave orders for grapes from Lces
ly's nurseiy at A. Clarks grocery.
The finest cracker's are Bremner's.
Fresh Oysters.
Fresh ovsters iust received and for sale
at Fked Stadklmax's.
Phil Young I a just received a lar
line of Bird C 'ges to be 8oId cnep.
Mr. .T. P. Reese the accomplished
barber is in ciiaige ot the barber shop
under Frank Carruths Jewelry Store
and the customers of that old staut
will find every comfort aud couven ence
ready ani waiting for them. 185C1
Taken Up
By the subscriber ou Platte bottom
Sunday Sept. 8th two yearlings heifers
red marked with white on the belly.
Owners will please claim property pay
charges aud take them a vay-
dtt Cii v's. Vanderyenteu.
Go to MeKecver & Herrmann's for a
good dish cf oysters at reasonable
rates. 183tn2
Wart si.
Pupilsin oil an 1 chti t piinting. Ap
ply at once to Miss Nellie Thom j- u
at Mr. John Waiermans. 18515
Joe Ford has the bos3 skating rink
in Fitzgerald Had skates new and kept
in the best ol order room clean, ligh
and comfortable and the beM of ordei
always maintained. Ii2t8
Red rock prices. I have on hand
a iarge and very superior stock of fur
niture, much of which I propose to sei
off at cost. My goods are for sale and
efore purchasing I wish everybody
who needs furniture to call and lool.
them over. All I ask ol the public is
to examine my goods and mv prices
d&wtt Henry Boeck.
A libeial discount on goods lought
for present at L. C Erven'. l'.fiif
Henry Boeck is selling furniture a
prices below any house of the sann
style in Nebraska. If you doubt thii
fact call onhim and know the truth, tl
Fresh California fruits and eclerj
received every other dav at
149-tf. F. S. White'h.
Fresh oysters and celery just received
at Bennett & Lewis'. 188tf
New Arrivals in Silverware.
L, C. Erven has just received a larye
addition to his stock of fine silver arm
silver plated ware. A large variety ni
goods in this line, in the latest pattern
and designs can bo found, aud all- de
sirijg substantial . and elegaut good
are requested to call and examine Mr.
Erven's stock before purchasing. 182j
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of eale ifaued by J. W
Johnson, county Jude witnin and for Cas
county, Nebraska, and to m directed. I will on
Saturday, tbe ;t li day of October. A. D. 183. at
to o'clock a. in. of K-iid day, at tne south door
of the court houHe la the city of Plattemauth
Id aaid county. .ell a. public auctiou tbe follow
Inp penotial Dioperty to wit :
Tvro bedKte.ida, 4 quilts. 2 utieets, 4 pillows, i
straw ticks. large lamp 1 table aud oil cl th
cover. 1 ax. 38 yards carpet. 1 bureau. I louu?.
2 pictures. 2 rocking chain, 2 cane seat chxln
4 wood bottom chair. 1 bracket. 2 deer tial.
I kitchen table. 1 table spread, S market bas
kets. 1 lot dishe. 1 cook stove ana furniture, I
coal oil can. 1 water bucket. 'J') p und.i flour,
jug. 1 waali tub, 1 bucket lard, 1 cloibe basket .
I clock.
Tim same belog levied upon and taken as th
property of Jobu Dougherty. dfidaDt, ti
satlofy a Judgment of said Court by M B. Jlur
phy & Co.. plaintiff. -
r!att9inouin. :;b..Sept. 24tb A. D. 18S3.
K W. IfYKKtf.
SaeriS Of Co., eb.
ilvilii. Deputy. JT5tU .
Advrrtl'winrnl urnlrr llil lien J, Ibrcn cent
er linn each luaerllou.
HONKY TO LOAN- flu real estate" byATl.
fu!llua. . . . .
,CU AI.K - Ihu4e. lotiaiiU ooJ land ly
j una i.oin . uii.
FOH HALE -A kooU Mon a Hamlin cabinet
ornan. a haigalii for vatli (nrclmer. In
quite of llelliiaii nrmlill. I.'otl
FOR H ALE The Wood property to ar Mlier
tff llyer. J. VV. Maiiiaii..
r,OltMAl.:-lteldeticpro rly. one of lh
ot tlie bmt I.m-hii.mi In I'i'i eliy. or V 111
trade for loek, lmU'reolJ. W. MarthUr looif
L'-.It HALE I louno aud tola, price IIU0
canli, liahiuee lu monthly p yineim.
It. U. V I W I'll A M,
FoU HALE Hn nxhlHiicei, cheap. In
quire of . II. heeler ti Co.
COK HA LE Scratch l'allel In all lo. at
thllolllce. Will
L'Ult HALE a lot hi Kood lorutlmi. I'm t leu -A
lam at Mil olllco Will
I,Mlt i MALE Au order for a new American
t-ewlUK Alaehhin. Imiaue at llita ollice.
liOlt H iLK-i.u-i eordi of wood, luuuire of
W. a. Wise. U
lORHALE Id papi-r for Hale at thl oRlce
A at 4o ituH .ei hundred or 6 cema per dot
eu. tf
t 'OK 8 ALE lour lotn together lu d loca
tion lu ihl city, luqiillu inla oUlon if
Pull UKNf- he cnrtu at ore room lu N'ev
r 1 le'a ttlete, anU S lo.oua p a. alia. loU
I catlou for res auraul r ooalilloH houae.ienli
ebaap Apply to . in. .Neville. ISJll
IO RKX I A house, co'iier ?th Ktid Jjifiiat
nlieeta. li.iiulieol ho I o li.k.
I,' OR RENT Cniiili.Jial le place, corner tf huh o Ms., laie.y i.i i u,.l d b W J.
WairiiK, Erqinie a I vairic' ding HtoOf.
J,OR KNT ee oOlce room aud dwelling
coniiecied, 3 room.) u alnlla iter Holt
ahiienlt r bukeiy. bmiuiie al Mi, t.onieliuel
Uer's 6ttl
null KENT-OIou-e, ronventent lo ahopi.
A if. E. Dov.V i how,
IoR RENT S uth - tore room of ttie.l uloii
1 1 lock bi iuue ol 11. II. UUca, 11. Hour -lock,
Alva Dr w, lu-lui)M ciounlilue. IZJtf
LM)U REM -DellhiK llouaea, luqulii; of
A ' IKkltf VV. 11.
I OS T-vV pasi book containing pater valu
ublr oiuy lo owner tluuvl luoc leave bt inlrt
ouiv.. . otX
POL'NI)-A Uold toothpli k. Owner piovint;
property ami pay Inu for thl notice can
have the same, , IBJif
LVHJND A ladiea poekeltook. cniibnuliiK
Home etiaiiRe 'I he owner can have tn
same by cuIIIiik on '. isreckenneld, provhiK
property ami payitiK fir t lilt notice. (Milt
Musical Instruction.
To My Friend s:
I have reorganised iny claie
of Instruction upon the Piano, and shoflld be
pleated to have sueli a may dealre mill ucllon
to address or call upon me. My ter are rea
sonable, and my instruction afleAbe most Im
proved method. I'upils, beKluuliiK wroli. cuu
never expect to become masters. 'Ilnyltea
trial and examination. . ' -,.
TUESDAY, SEPT 11, 1883,
v illi an am nle corps ol Instructor-'.
fin 'iio.tu.Ntioii to I tin i !ti:irifellnr eu.t :iloirin
can be obtained by those declihiK Information?
aud ceitilleate for half f. tre ou the railroads
nv llmse exiieeiliii; to alleiiu.
First Term begins Tuesday. .Sept. II YtK.
.Second" " Tnur-day, Jan. 3. lhst.
Third " " Tuenday. April 1. Imhi.
Annual Coiiiineni-eiiient Wednesday, .lune 11
w U open October . 13. and continue mo'g.
and al! kind of
done to on er on hort notice, bv
Leav orders at tlio Lumber Yard or at.
P st Office. - I83'.2C
Is the Place for YOU to TrauC -i
Our system ot doing business
will please you. Every article ie
marked in plain figures and told
n its own merits. No monkej
biz, no jewing, no humbug, no
auction good?, no shoddy goods;
you get your money's worth every
time. The latest styles and best
good? obtainable with money are
in stock, and we will never be un
dersold by any house, either large
or small, and you will always find
ii3 anxious to serve your interests
in a manner to gain your Folid
custom. "Come and see us.
Rockwood Block
Furniture Stare
and all kind" of goods usually kept in a
vlso. a very complete etocit of Funeral Goods,
iBtaliic&WoodenCofflns Casiets Rulies'
Our New and elegant hearse Is alwaya lo .
Remember rhe place, in UNION
m tK. on Sixth Street, TWO
Poor8sonth of Cass Coun
ty Bank.
Wticsf iuj be louud Blzht or day.