The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, October 03, 1883, Image 3

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1 F
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I I,
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Murrnnr to Mtreijcht A Miller.
A l-ire line of
i.'-. r.s ,nc fs cc srs Whirs. M.
suit in tin.
Ma'n Hn .1. 1., iv en Fourth :n.d Fifth.
CALj. at the
Old Reliable
Wholesale ami l'etall Dealer In
liLIKDS, &c,
milt U el ii- tear 1 1 i I'uie.
This t .-nut if ul iliit r rtory trick ctructure. on
li.-i y aid sluil.Iiai- Just beeu fin lulled and
ft 1 1 i'- ltr tlir ;;ic n n odntlou of
Tit A hSlKKT CVS1 OilKliS,
i.rm i .w: lo.xkdeks.
A Good Ear icoi.ntijuhti.e
":t. Fill i i .k
Will BUY and ft ELL all kinds of
Will :i(.vtiiot' money on all
t 'm.v r sti't.
i.s i v r'i . 1 t Fi-ij.3' iiiM.rH
i 'i;! . r, :. 'A-4611.
.11 A fFAtTVRlXO
Just Eeceived
A Challenge 5c Cigar,
S lahy made for the retail tin" ouly.
Pepperberg's Ctear Factory.
Practical Architect.
fli-ii iit .jnU-aioj-i ill carefully
runUsi out. uru full attutIcB will l given k
Wair Coloi. Crayon and ItneU.
Cic vvm ewWa-VB lU . u'a tlom Abtiu at.
Tiic Plaltsmoiitli flcralfl PfllilisMni Co.
For CUy and County Directory, Railway Time
Fables, fele pii.iiid Excha .jt ItuMnes Di
rectory, ll'iliie Card Ac., nee fourth page.
Notice to Advertisers.
(. oy for IUI iy Md verll-eiiietil or change
In hi! veri Neiueul must li.i.Mled lu to Hie
buiiie.eiitllce not laier than 10 a. "i. of the
Uay lu wliic.i lliej are to b Inserted. Copy
for pay loeal ami notice liiitt li
I'aiiilt- I lit oelure J p. in e.w--li Uay to Insure m-
terliKii. II M. IUhmnki.i..
ISll-iuese Manager.
Republican Slate Ticket.
For Ju !k of the Supreme, Court,
M. It. ltEK.SK.
For Re;reiiis .f ilia CnivcriM .
M.J. HULL. iIjiiikTc hi;
.IOI1N T. .MALLAL1 EC. (Loin; IVruiy
f. M. lllAT.'.Mh-.rtTerui)
K. I. fluLMKS, tsliort Term)
Second Judicial District
For Judge of the District Court,
S. U I'OtND.
Republican County Ticket.
For County Clerk,
of I'lallHiuouOi.
For County Tieafiiier,
VM. 11, NKWKI I.,
ol llultutouii.
For Kheri-f,
of l'lutiiiiiour h.
For Co'.inty Judge,
of Ueeplng Water.
For Superintendent tt Neliool-.
CYKl'S AU'o,
of Slo e Creek,
For Cierk of the Dl.ilrict Court, . HALL,
of Ait. l'iea-mut.
For C unty Surveyor,
of riattmiioutii.
For County Corouer,
of riutt"iuouiii.
For Coiutiilssloiier, lhiru District,
John clKjM.mons.
-of Stove Creek.
IC. of X.
Meets every Monday evrniug at their
Castle Hall, la Kockwoou li.uck. Via
iling Kuiglita are invited to aitend.
.?. W. JKN.N1NGS, C. V.
V. L Dvkls, K. of K. and 6.
A. Salisbury, lieiitit.
l.A. UaiMliall, llentiMt, muc
ttwor lu ciuir V. iiartiull.
'eel It exliacied willtuut pain,
i3 UMe ui Aki wuh oxlue a.
New comu liouey, 20c per pound at
Eeune t & Liwib. I7i2
A new house i going up on Wash
itiglon avenue, opposite Charley Blacks
which israpuily neariug completion.
2,500 wooden tooth picks tot 15c at
1'nii Young lbVif
The uiati ho wtitea one letter per
welt during the year, will .tve 62 eta.
under the new pustal iegulationa.
Genuine W hvtliug Stogies at Phil
Youngs. 187tf
ti. Schiidkiteeht'h new .ffiee is rap
dij riaina aLd U.e doctor will soon
liave new ,.iid comuiudious quartera at
hia ohl location.
Mot and cold hatha at the Barber
a..p uuuer c'arruilia I87tf
Capt. Marshall today received his
quota ul the new two cent postage
stamp?, he having been using tonie ol
the old serus of that denomination.
For shave at any hour call at -the
hep uuUcr Canullis. 187tl
Judge Johnson ha, since our last re
port, issued the lollowing marriage li
ceuse : Wm. E. Eerrier to Emma Mc
Nurliu, aud Auton Toman to Mary
liuber, all of Cass cojuty.
New canned goods arrivi"g daily at
Bennett & Lewis'. I7i2
V. S. Stretch is busily engaged to
day unloading his household furniture,
and getting it in place. Mrs. Stretch
and the family will arrive next Mon
day, when bro. Stretch will be a settled
citizen of Piattsmouth.
Cranberries, just received at Bennett
&Lewia 187.2
An oyster supper and dance at Rock
wood 11 all, has been announced for
Wednesday evening, October lOtli, un
der the auspices of the ladies of St.
Luke's guild. Ail good people are
cordially invited to be present.
Fresh oysterg and Celery at Bennett
Jfc- Lewi. I7t2.
It will be a louesotna day to the
young men in Plattsmoutli on the 10th
of October on which occasion t wo of
PiutL-moutlis must popular youug la
dles will be wedded to non resident
gentlemen. Such inroads are very dis
couraging to ssy the least.
Imported ale and porter at Joe Mc
Vys. 187tf
Choice varieties of winter apples are
being soid on the streets today at 75
cents a bushel, and the chances are the
msy be slid cheaper as the crop is
large, even the hail district furnishes a
lew knotty ones for market, they sell
ing however at a reduced price, as tlie
Hailed apples show the effect of the
storm by havintf one fide gnarled and
knotty while the other is as perfect aud
ulce as usual.
Try the new haibtrr under Carrutha,
N. 1 wfst i hi morning was a very
;jeavy train , one eacb being almost
entirely occtpii d by r tody of laua
l.urner from Ohio and Pennsylvania,
i heir comments on our bluffy city wer
i nt the moot particularly complimentary.
The Klzevir Club.
Lnt v tiitii, llioc who hare had in
con tempi at iou the orgntiizatloa of a
reudiu dub, and who have heretofore
taken step if tnporariiy lu such an or
gaiiiztttiuti, met at J. N. Wine' and pci-
leclcd perinatietit tirganizat-ou. The
EiZtivir Jkeadiu Club; uicaiberaliip
iiiiilled to I vveuiy the im U.berl.ip'.
at the Urit bi-ing all taken. 1 he li
tucludt s ludiex and ntlcuien ul' lite
rary t;uie who are- ucmrou-J ot aU
VaU'.i.'ineiii, and work in tbia liuc, ul-
lurinii pleasant and proliiubJc woik
lor ai irast uue evening in eacii week.
Tl.e lilowiiio; itt H jt;1r of tlie lueni
J. N. Wie, Mr. J X. Wise, Mre. W.
J. White, 1. A. Cainpoeli, Mrs. Cainp
b.ll, Mias Alice- I'ulluck, Mias Lilhe
IVdiock, 1'roi. Drummotid, Mr. J. L
.sione, Mri. njue, Mia. J. 1. Youuf,
Miss Elsie Campbell, Mis tra Wor
dtn, Mrs. ISuell, lis, fjiive (jaas, sum
ner .s. Hail, II. M. liualu.i ll, si. G I'eiiy,
Airs, l'eiry, MUs ilatiie Euliuer, L. A.
Mouie. V. C .nowaiter.
Tic olJicera elect lor the ensuing
quarter, are:
11. M. Bhshncll- Leader.
Alice ll. 1'oiloc.i Secretary.
Tlie uieetiiig nights were fixed upon
Friday evenings of each week; the
next one- to be held one week fiom
Filday niht at Mrt. l A. Cuinpbtll's.
Topic lor the evening 'reunyou."
The club hope alter a few meetings
to adopt u system of work, in outline,
tu follow through the coining winter,
au! the prospect lor the club teeni to
bv very flattenu, indeed.
The early riser this morning taw a
tnosi beauiilul prospect. The hills in
and around the city alone were above
the fog and mists and smoke, which
settled through the valleys, over the
river and across the wide stretch of
lowland to the Iowa bluffs hiding ve
thing i'roia view. Standing on the hille
here and looking away to the blurs aud
binoky line of bluffs across 'the river,
wag like standing on a mountain look
ing acrosss to a neighboring ranjre.
with the vaileyhid in clouds mil mists. It
was an impioviscd New Eagland scene,
such as ouc seen are never forgotten.
which tor l he time being was located
at ones teet to picture more vividly
than can be descnbeiTold linid scenes
and places, To those whose curly home
has been up among the hills in New
England where the mists below and
the blue mountains above, aud the hazy
smoky morning at the middle ground.
were pictures every Autumn morning,
buch a brief and passing panorama as
was this brings Oldea days very
near to those who drink. the beauties of
a morning, which out in this far west,
port rays for a few moments, a New
England sui.rise and which
with its ideal beauty awakens and
quickens the pulsati'M?, . us does
tlie rcirsgp, tho hopes of a thirsty trav
eler in the desert
Rmnmber if vou want anv auto
graph album to go to Phil Youngs
where you will fi.d a large assortment.
Weal her Report.
Mean temperature 51.4.
Highest t mperature. Is:, 85; lowest
temperature lih, 37; nine storms.
Rainfall. 2t ; none of them very heavy
rain falls.
Eq iiuoctiid storm lasted over five
days, in which most of the rain fell of
the month.
Forest and fruit trees still green;
fruit holds off late; only two light
But nevertheless, the summer is end
ed. The seasons come and and go, and
we are all Hearing to the end of our
Phil Young has just received a large
line of Bird Cages to be sold cheap.
Card of Thanks-
1 wish to express lo the many friends
tbe deep gratitude of myself and fami
ly for tbe many acts of kindness shown
during the long illness and recent
death of my wife That their kindness
may be rewarded is our wish.
B. F. Stoct.
Pure maple 8rup, just received
buckwheat flour in a day or tw- at
Bennett & Lewis'. 187i2
A couple from Lincoln arrived in town
the other day, and were very quietly
married at a cosv little residence on
high school hill, the affair was kept par
ticularly still though for what purpose
we did not learn ; the names of the par
ties were WT. W. Atwell, and Lizzie
Wallace, both of Lancaster county.
F A. Pyle, agent of tha Whitebreast
coal and Mining company arrived in
the city today and wi.l establish yards
tor the sale of their celebrated coal. E.
II. Bird-Jill will be the resident agent
of the company and for a few days, un
til a permanent otMce can be had, he
will be louud at the fflre of Connor &
Draper on 3xth street.
The city is booming today. Upptr
Main street was actually blockaded
with farmers teams for a while this af
ternoon, some of the merchants wore
smiles a foot long, and some of them
who hadn.t smiled for mouths hid them
selves in at Billy Webber's and-
The Missouri Pacific are running
their dummy trains, beyond the trans
ter uw, stopping at the ciTy depot up
town, as they have not raised in their
fare this will meet with the beany ap
proval of tbe cltizeoi of both cities.
ElUht MlleCrove Items
October 2, is:j.
Wo had heavy ruin with some hai
last night.
Sam Wing.ird, of Lincoln, u down
on business this week.
Miss Hattie Ruby has a ery painful
lelou on one linger, which ha d to be
lanced last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. McCathey. of Syra
cuse, are visiting at John McCoukey's
t iis wetk, ere they depart lor the west.
II. W. Va'h-ry ha put in his appear-
auce ug-iin , he has been west running
wiih a threshing machine, for some
lime past.
Our school began Monday under
Prof. S. L. Iliwlev's management.
with thirty scholars enrolled. Very
good for lh first day.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Kiscr aud Mrs J.
II, Kmcr, returned from Pierce coun'y
ast we k, where they have b en viait
ng for the past two weeks.
iJick Ji-.aett returned from Austin,
Minn., last week, where ho hits beeii
working since tho storm; says he made
euough t winter him over.
Mr. aud Mrs. R. Morrow and S. Mor
row aud Miss Stella Hawley attended
the minstrel entertainment at Platts-
mouth, last Friday night and report a
good time. :
John aud Addison Kiser and their
sister. Miss Jennie, have gone to Eiidi-
cott lo visit relatives and tuKe in the
'air there, this week.
The siuging at the M. E church on
Sunday was conducted very creditably
by S. S. Hall. The attendance was very
J. W. Ruby gave a put ty lat Thcrs-
- -i
day evening to the youug folks. The
attendance was good, and all thctniys
say they got a kiss and went home ?Vt
a lute hour happy.
Ed, Stumivnt met with a very pain
lui accideut while plowing, last week,
by a lever flying off the plow and strik
ing him in the face, breaking his nose
and bruising up his face badly.
Dr. Sturdivant looked as though ho
had lost his last friend, Sunday even
ing. Upon inquiry lie said his patient
had growu so much better that she hud
gone on a visit for a few duvs, uud
now he. could noi go there this week
unless lie w eut to see her mother. -
Jim Jenkins went to Cedar Creek
wild pigeon hunting, en Sunday. He
says they, are very ai-arce out i here;
that he only s-aw one cripple and one
youug one; he tried to catch ihe young
oue, but as she Was very wild he was
Our-mail haa been very iiregularof
late, and from the appearance it wilf be
more so, unless a change is made for a
special mail carrier. We uoticiu our
worthy and accommodating postmaster
carrying out the mail last Sa'urday
evening. ; He said he u ou.'d see that
the patrons of his office should get the r
mail once in a quarter if he had to be
in ail boy himself to do it.
Three Groves Letter'
Thkek Ghovkb, Oct. 1, 183.
Byron Young and Joe Couly return
ed from a trip into Kansas on Satur
day evening.
Air. I. E. McBroom.of Glen wood la..
came over on Saturday and returned on
Charloy and Sammy Moore go down
to Neb. City today to bring up a load
ef apples.
Aiphonso Cole ia goins to move cut
to Sewtud or Butler county in a few-
Quite a number are hauling hogs to
town todav. Wave Allen and Dick
Oldham are buying all they can fiud
Jos. Conley aud wile arc talkingjof
moving down into Missouri in a week
or bo.
The wea Iher has been very cool the
ast two or three days but no Irost yet,
with the exception of a little in the low
lands. Had a very heavy ram last night
but clear today and the weather grow
ing warmer.
Mr. and Mrs. Case of Centre Valley,
came down Sunday and are riding
around in a brand new buggy or spring
wagon. Repoutek.
October Crop Report.
Office of Sec'y State li'd Ag'l and U.-
S. Statistical Repoi ter foi Net.
To Correspondents and Friends
The Nebraska S:ate b'd ag 1 intends
to issue at an early day a lull report,
giving acreage and other desirable in
formation as to stock & c, Daniel II.
Wheeler S. S. Ag't has sent the follow
ing to the U. S. d.-p't of ag'l at Wash-
ugtou, which is the summary of re
ports received from the local agents in
the different counties:
Wtieat, average yield per awe 17J;
average qu ility compared with la--t yr.
Rye, average yield per acre 20; av
erage quality compared with last year
99 X-
Oats, average yield per acre 44; av
erage quality cotnpited wiih last year
- 100.
Barley average yield per .acre -80;
average quality compared with last y r.
Buckwheat condition 1C0; corn,
condition 100.
Potatoes (Irish) condition 95; po .
tatoes, (sweet) condition, 96.
Orchards condition 100 ; sorghum,
Flax, condition, 100; cattle, condi
tion, 100.
Dam ex. II. Wheeler,
Stat Statistical Agent.
If you want to p rchase any wed
ding presents be sure to give Phil
YotiDg a call ' " I37tf
F. E. White is in Omaha today.
Mrs. A. W. McLaughlin is seeing
friends in Lincoln today.
J, W. Conn went to Omaha this
.Mrs. Di. Schiidkuecht went lo Lin-
colu today to attend the meeting ofm
State convention of the Christian
Mrs. Thos. Pollock went to Seward
this morning to visit friends for a few
Mr. S li. IVrrv utarted this morning
for her former hi me, at Mt. Plcasani,
Iowa, to vinit for a few days.
Mrs. W. S. Wise, with her unt. Mrs.
John Seaburn, are visiting Omaha to
P L. IIulert one of Louisville's mo3t
successful business men, is in the city
today, looking after home real f state
John Clements, the next county corn
migidouer, from the third district, is in
he city today feeir.g friends and look
ng after his fences..
Dr. (j. R. Salisbury, the Weeping
Wider dentist, is in the city today, aud
made the Hekald a brief call this
James Crawfoid, the County Cora
iniHrtioner, having finished his labors
for the mouth of October, returned
home this morning.
R. R. Lynch came down from York,
j this morn ing, and iuudethe IIkhaldh.
pleasant call. He rVpwrts the York
college as being in a most' flourishing
condition, and the town booming.
D. II. Wheelerand son, D. II., are in
Omaha this w'eckV'fiuTbhing up Sec
retary's work for the agricuitu-ftjj so
ciety. The Major is a 4three-!rse
team, when it comes to matters per
taining to fair biiHuess.
Mr Worrrell, of South Bend, pasted
through the city this morning, on his
way lo New castle, Indiana, to secure
medical treatment for a cancer on hh
face; his many friends earnestly hope
ho may be alicces.-,! ul, in his tour and re
ceive the coveted ain.
R. B. Windham returned from til en
Wood, this morning, after hearing) a
magnificent speech tioui that prince of
expounders of puie republicanism.
the Hon. Eugene' Hail, of Maine. Mr.
Wiudham was of the opinion thaC'the
old ptrty of right wouid carry Iowa
by a Handsome majority. r
W. S. Purdy went to St .Louis, Sun -day,
to consult a skiillul artist of that
city, his hearing having beeu growing
raiuly worse lor tlie last lew weeks.
Mrs .Purdy accompauiel him, theR. R.
company having kindly iurninhed tnem
Lincoln Street Railway Work to He-fin.
Mr. II B. DurtVe, who went to-Deca
tur. 111 , a lew weeks ago to eet'le up
liia affairs at home aud purchase mate
rial lor the street railway, returned
yesterday, lie naa been busy purchas
ing material, and everything has been
pui chitse J tioui the spikes to the care.
Tne first carload of material was un
loaded ye-derday an invoice of vthne
omk luuioer. Five carloads of iron and
thiee ot lumber are expected today.
Tue iron was shipped iroin St. Louis
several days ago, and it it arrives as
expected trackiaying will begin Mon
day. r'our la'-ge aud elegant cars have
beeu purchased irom the shops at Lou
levide. Ky. They are the bet maau
faciuicd and will hear out Mr. Dur
feesa pomie to make the Ltncoln
street railway the best west of the
Mississippi both as u traeK and equip
ment. The first track that will be lai I will
be from the B. & M. deot to the capi
tol building, by way of Arlington and
Commercial hotels. Unless very un
favorable weather conu-s to interlere
with the work, it is expected that cars
will be ruuning on the line by the first
of December. who have prophesied that the
street railway project would fail, that
he track would not be laid for a year,
etc., evidently did not know the char
acter of the men wko are pushing the
enterprise. We have faith enough in
th-ir energy to prophecy that cars
wiil be on the track by November 20.
State Journal.
The C. B. & Q. road na9 10,000 cars
of its own, and has now arranged to
borrow 4,000 additional ones to movt
the immense grain crop on Iheir own
aud connecting lines."
For winter bloom and out door plant
ing, Tulips, Hyacinths, Xarcissns, Hol
land btils, biles, and a large assort
ment of hardy bulbs and herbaceous
plants all are best planted in the fall
if you have them as they will do no
good otherwise. Call and examine my
block. L. A. Moore.
lakeu Up
By tbe subscriber at his place in
Plattsmouth, 3 pigs about 3 months old.
0ner can redeem the same by paying
cl arges and proving property.
186 3 W. H. Fr ye.
Dr Schildknecht's Office-
At the present and until further no
tice, I will have my office) with Dr, Sal
isbury in Ihe Rockwo id block over
Johnson Bros. store, where I may be
found -lining office hours.
Morley shaves f.r 10 cents. Ifi2tf
A libeial discount on goods liought
for presents at I.. C Erven's. l.r6tf
Bremner's cracker's are the best.
'200 Tons of first class hay for sale
leave orders with V. S. Wise.
17Sd2Swtf J. T. WTia&
Buy Breuaner's - choice cracker's.
Advertisement under till head, three cent
per Hue cacb linerilou.
i ONKY TO UANOu reiu eUuTy A.S.
LSOK ALE-Ilu". lot and wood laud ly
1 Jobu Loin ii Hou.
FOK .HALK A koi.cI Maion A llaiu'ln eablnet
riHU, a tmiKiOn f'r jiurcbtmer. In
i.uh of llr.uiuii Si'iiiiill. l',iit
FOK 8 Al.K The
lit ller.
Wood property ti-ar HUcr
J. W. MakbiiaI.c.
JTOIt SALK Kesldence prop rty, one of llie
x tif the bout lixratlon In lue. elty. or 111
trade for ntock. Iii'ju're of J. A'. M.u-ltili. HMi
1,'Olt SALK House and lot, price titto. tuo
ca.tli. halauce in monthly p .yiueiitn.
it. 11. W 1NOIIAM,
FOK SALK Several residences, cbeap. lu
uulreof U. 11. W heeler & C.
COH SALK Scratch Tablet la all at
r -hiiomce. Kill
yoitHAl.Kalot In Koid location. I'artlcu-
lara at thin oftlca V7K
fOK .SALE Au order for a new American
rewhiK Machine. Inquire at this oHke.
COK H LK l.ou oorj-i of wood.
-T W. a. Wive.
Inquire of
LOlt SALE i Id p.ii..T for aale at thl odlce
at W cents ter huudretl or l ceiita
per ilo.-
t'OK HALE Four lots tottethrr In ci
tion lu thl city. Inquire at tUU
nod loca-
oUlce If
IOK KEN r : he nortn storeroom In Nev
1 lc'a blnek, and H rooms up aialra. (ood
callou tor res.auraui or ooaruiui; iiou"M'.reni
heap Apply to Win. Neville. - l&Jll
pO REST A house, corner "th and Locunt
- atreet. Inquire of i h's. I'oilock.
POU KENT Coinfojlalile place, turner ol
I I'earl and lu an., l.iie.y occuiiled by W. J.
Wan irk, fltiiiii at Warrica'a drug Htock.
VOU R?NT One olllce room and dwelling
emiiieeled. (3 room ) u Htulrx ever Holt
hueider bakery. Kuuuire at Aim. llolteliuel
der'o.. . iO Met .
pOK RENT Houe, coiivenient to chopi." .
tf. E. .. IIUVKV BON,
TOltEENT 'Smith 4ore room of the Unlorr
-1- Flock. Eutiuire of Ur II. Hlack. K. Spur
lock, Alva Irew, IJusluess cinuuittce. Ittl
tpOK KENT UwellluK llounes, Inquire of"
JIOU'.I - vy. ll nn.irMi.
I OST A pass book cuIhuiIuk pavra.ViUu--
able oiny to owner tluJi-r f loa.-Se leave al ihU
citllce. io7if "
TOUNIJ A Hold tooThpif R. Owner psivlbtr
c property ami paying -for tills' nvtice cau
have I he same. l&ut
L"I3U.NIJ A ladies pocWetllook contiilrdni;
- (iie chaiiKo The owner can Have tliu'
same by ciillliiK on V.. lireckenfleld, proving
property jiud paying for tills notice. "it
Notice ia hereby given that Oorge
W.S-tttion will apply to the. Board of
County trOinrnisHiiiueraof Cass County,
.Nebraska at its stated meeting in O
tober lS8y for a license to sell inah
Spiritus aud uou liquors in Avocw
Cass County, Nebrvsaa, one year from
date of allowance. '. -v -
: T '
JSJMr. J. P. Reeso the accomplished
barber is in cnaigu ot the naiur-i ou,
under Frank Cai ruths Jewelry Store
and ihe customers of that - old staii i
will rind. every comiort and ett n cuce
' .ready ana waitn.g for them. Ib5 I
F. S. White hs just receiWd. a u.
load of "Sea Foam" winter wheat pa:
e-pt flour guaranteed to be as good as.
any made in the United Stales ani
prices as low as the lowest. Also a
car load of bran just r-eivM "which
we deliver to any part of the cily.
M O Connor keep on iian I the cel
ebrated Auheuser Burch St Lohiis-Boi-.
Ilcd Beer and always ready to pay pac
ticular attention lo his customers. ;
Henry Eoeck is selling furniture at
prices below any house of the same
style in Nebraska. If you doubt this
fat oall onhim and know the truth, tf
To the ladies of Piattsmouth and
vicinity I wish to announce that I have
taken the rooms lately occupied by
Mrs. Tutt in the Uuion block, where I
shall continue dressmaking and invJt-
all to call. Mrs. M. E. Moktcn.
Take none but Brcmncr's crackerg,
and you will get the best. 1631 mo
Ask for Bremner's Eureka butter
cracker's. 1631mo
FOR SAI.B.-Lo(8 1 and 3 iu
Illock 41, Improved.
d07 It. II. HlM)llii.
Leave orders for grapes from Lees
ly's nursery at A. Clarks grocery.
The finest cracker's are Bremner's.
1631 mo
Fresh Oysters.
Fresh oysters just received and for sale
at Fred Stadelmas s.
New Arrivals in Silverware.
L, C. Erven has just received a large
addition to his stock of fine silver aud
silver plated ware. A large variety ot
goods in this line, in the latest patterns
and designs can be found, aud all de
sirijg substantial and elegant goods
are requested to call and examine Mr.
ErVen's stock before purchasing. 182lf
Taken Up
By the subscriber on Platte bottom
Sunday Sept. 8th two yearlings heiters
red marked with white on the bedy.
Owners will please claim property pay
charges and take them a vay.
dtt Ch.v's Vanderventek.
Fresh oysters and celery just received
at Bennett & Lewis. I83tf
Go to McKecver & Herrmann's for a
good dinh of oysters at reasonable
rates. 183tn2
Wai i.
Pupilsin oil m i oiiia i piintin?. Ap
ply Mt ouch to Miss Nelliu Thom-;u
at Mr. Johu Watermans. 185t5
Joe Ford has the boss skating rink
in Fiixgerald Hail skates new and kept
in lie best of order room clean, light
and comfortable and the best of ordei
always m-iintained. 18"2t8
Bed rock prices. 1 nave on hand
a large ami very superior stock of fur
uiture, much of which I propose to sell
off at cost. My goods are for sale aud
efore purchasing I wish everybody
who needs furniture to call and look
i hem over. All I ask ol the public is
to examine my goods and mv prices
d&wtt Hrsry Boeck.
Dry Cottonwood for sale. Enquire of
L. I. Bennett. I8tf
Tobaccos McAloin.Piper Heidsiech,
Bravo. Horses hot and Cl'tnsx. at
20t2. "'MPSON'S.
Bremner's uiua. vvj.i a. 1631 mo
Musical IiislriictiQii.
To My J'riei flii:
I have reorKanled my cUiwi
of Initrurtlon upon ihe I'lauo, and utionld to
pleated to have nui-n a may lelre itiNlrurtlnn
to ad 'I ret oreall uKtri mo. My ter are roa.
nonublc. and mv liitriicilu after lhi nmut Im
proved method. I'UpIN, be I lining MroliK. ran
never expect to become lua'ten. 1 Invite a
trial and examination.
d la.'wiMf
or tiik
TUESDAY, SEPT 11, 1883,
with an ampin corps ol ItiNtrurtor.
On application to the. Clianeellor eat ilouej
can be obtained by those deviling Information,
and rcitlflcates for h.ilf f-tr oniln railrumls
by those expecting lo attend.
First Term begins Tuesday. Sept. II lfiC.
Second " Tuurday, Jan. 3. laL
Third " Tuesday, April I
Annual Cotnliieri'-emeut WeiliieattikVj Juuo 11
w 11 open October 2. lns.1. and roiitluiii nut'it.
Slierifl's Sale. v
KyvUtUa ot ;tn ordy-r of "aH n4'ied by J f.
olmsoii. i-iiit v hi 1 1 1 wlt.lhi til' for I'ass
c untv. Nebraska, a-ol to n.- llA-eted. I HHM otl "
Saturday. I lie 'itli l.iy of Oetottol-. A. I stiS I. at ,
in o'cIih:k a. ot of - ibl ! iv. at t le snitli door
of thecoma houe l.i the city of I'l.ttli-no itli,
in KHUl coUMty. sell a pubhe iiicllon tlie follow
iiil! personal pioperty to wl(:
Two bedste ids. quills 2 lies: f.lHov. s.2
Ntr-iw ticks, i UiK" l t'ii;i I t ible H'kI oil ;l nil
cover lax yirils earia-t. 1 b ireHjlv'hi'iiiite
't pictures. I roi'k'UK eli ilrs. 'i r. l le neafcli ill".
l wuimi uoitorri en tir. l br.teket. 2 deer ids,
I kitchen t-tlile. I l.-ihlA sore td. 3 malket
ki-ts. I lot ttlslies. I cook stove ami tu nlnue. 1
coal oil cm. 1 M'ater Oueket.-Vii uuds Hour. I
J i'. I wah tub, I bucket l.inl. I clullics b.iilict,
i rlocki - .'.' W . '
1 iut-Hne beln) leviest upon and taken as th)
pronerryiot .loliu l iir;iiriy. .-f ol i nt , to
sall.fv a JudiMuent ot-Muld c-urt by M li, Mur-
pliv Jt ,o.. pi ilnil'Ts,
iv i;o..
'OTIl, .Neb. .Sept. 2IU A . D
Shci llt Cas Co , ScV.
Ry M. McLIwuin, Deputy IIUV
Fui'ititiirg Stpzg
IKI it IN-- 1
and all kindx of yixxit usually kepts-a
tilso. a very ooinpK ie MtuirK of Funeral Coods,
Xetallic&WooleaGoHlas Gastets RoiEsi .
CM8LCMS. &c.
Our New Mil olexaut har b always in
Remember the plnce, in UNION
BLOCK, on Sixth St reet. TWO
Doors Konth of Cass Coun
ty Bank.
Wfi'T.r we may be found nlirlit or day.
ir.i , . !' T I 1 1 I . NHS
and al! klndn of
r!on to on'cr on nlinrt notice, by
lav orders at the
Lumber Yards or at the
P. .st Oilicu.
i.. i iilii'n:. ..iitl liif H"l uluri ion ( . ' .( n . .
; f - Tr-.-HKUi. K-rvt i.iri'r I-. f
i-.r. 4 !!.: J It.iu . ...l.nrin. I'iCI.I.A. IV
Is the Place for YOU to Trade.
Our system ot 3oin businet-e
will please you. Every article ie
marked in plain figures and sold
on its own merits. No monkey
biz, no jewing, no humbug, no
auction goods, no shoddy goods;
you get your money's worth every
time. The latest styles and best
goods obtainable with money are
in stock, and we will never be un
dersold by any house, either large
or email, and you will always find
us anxious to serve your interests
in a manner to gain your solid
custom. Come and see us.
Itockwood Block.
O, A. V7R13LCY Gc CO'O
Mado OXXYof Vegetable Oil
and Vurc licet Tallow,
To Induct housekeepers to clre this 83.9
e trlul. WITH EACH BAR
This olTer 1 . made for ' short time ordr
and should be takan advontace t,f at ONCE.
V7e WAERANT this Soap to do more waaa
infr widi greater ease than any soap In the
market. I; ha9 no EQUAL fcr use la hard
and cold water.
Utr -x-ioturvr f -Standard VMVMlr.
T 5i I I l'xerililriif t' &rct
rrllA,'M""1 ii vii. ,v,
3 Urn Lk f J U ",,,-r " !''-' Af-mtnc Pi
mSlSSlZX 11r tTOKV, orn. ,.,.,
? t