HARNESS. STREIGHT & CO. (Nnrrrnior t Mtrelsht A Miller. MANUFACTURER OF FlNEiHEYY BARNES. A Urge Una of Saddles Bridles Collars Whips. fc alwav lo stock. Utaiiiny ot oil In o i.tvtti tHt o orf notice. Main Street. betreiiFourlh and Fifth. CAI.i AT THE Old Reliable LUMBERYARD H. 1 WATERMAN SON Wholesale and ltetAll Deal- lu PINE LUMBER smm;li:s, lath, sa;sii, doors, oni 1 1. Mud it-ai cl ( )H House. -1 A 1 - 1 I M l V,- t oll i,. L l i V hOTEL. 'i ill-. I : t.i ill 1 1 1. 1 1 1 Mt l 1 i:t-l ii"w-t;!i'. vl Jik'tl f hi: Mltli.l'ft- jUM liel'li I iiirhi.' J -Ji I. lien i l i ; I ; t I: I i :ei. il i J. r. fiblJ-.Jk'l C Ub'l OMJtJiS. AM HECIT J II LOAKHERS. Evert ieug kew akd clean A Gotd Ear lDCVne&0:lthtli :i. fill ki.Mxh SI'COND-HAND GOODS. PARLEMAN & CHAPiAAN tjWill BUY aud fcEEL all kinds of FUHNITURE, METALS, IRON, RAGS AND FURS Will advance noney on all SALABLE GOODS, on lower ilain street. One dror w est of Beck's Furniture sore 1 laitsn otilli. Feb. 1st. 1S3 46tf. BOO IS AND SHOE? AND REPAIRING AT Sherwood'S. V L A TTSM O U T 1 1 , N F. BKASKA CIGARS. Just Received FINE LINE OF4 KEERlCHAU AMD BRIAR PHES OK DIKECT .lMPOKTATlONJ A Challenge 5c Cigar, 8 laby made for tb retail Hn" nly. i Pepperberg's Cigar Factory. EPNSTWAGNi'R Practical Architect. AND STJPEH1KTEKDENT ARCHI1XCTUBAX W"SLS A 6PCCIAJLTY- ' PI 1 1 ai 1 s lo uioj di caref oily jarried out, aud full attertion will b given a iojieiacd durability. LE8SO.K OX PAIXT1XG JWaier Colorn, Crayon and FenciL FLATTSHODTH HERALD. VVRLIAUKD DAILY AND WEEKLY II T Tbc Plattsmoutli Herald PolMiiii Co. OfFK'IAL. PAPKK Of TIIIC CITY' For City and County LUreetory, Railway Time Table, felepuone Kxctia .g Business Di rectory, Itiuluens Cards K-c, see fourth pace. Notice to Advertisers. Copy for alsplay advertisement or changes lit alveilliuttut niuti on h.iiitleU lu lo Ins business ottlce not later than 10 a. . of tlie day la wmcu iney are to bo Inserted. Copy for pay local and special notices must be baudei lu before3 p. in. each d.iy to lusure iu svriiuu. ii M. litmiNkLL, business lauaer. Republican County Ticket. For County Clerk. JOHN W. J K.N N INCH, of l'lattsinouth. For Ctuuty lie.tmer, VM. II, IS WELL. of I'laitrUlOUtb. Por Hue riff. J. C. K1KE.NUAKY, of riallsmoutii. For IViuiity Juue, .CALVIN KL'SSKLL. of Weeping Water. For Supeilnteiiuenl ul McUooIa, CYKtSALTuN. of eto e creek. For Clerk of the Idsliict Court, sUMNt.it H. HALL, of Alt. l'leusaut. Fiu- Ct unty Surveyor, .UU.K V. FAIKF1KLD. Of I'luttKlllOUlll. For County Coroner, I'KKUV F. C ASS, of 1'L.tiBiucuiu. For Commissioner, Ihliu District, JOHa CLKMjiOAS. -oi Stove Creek. K. of A. AItctr evcij' Muijuii) evening at their CttBliW llrtli, lu ItJUKUuU U.ck. Vis HlU"; KulglilS alC lllVilCtl lo HllCIlU. J. . .IE.NMNOS, C. C. W. L Dykkh, K. ul li. and o. i. Mllktjur), tseulil. 4J. A. tl.rNl.ul., aXrullst, MUC t"i' i -.u.t;i- tic JiuiKimll. 't :; exliutitd tslllioul paiu, 1J use oi AstaoUfe uiue taa. The buud will be ( Jue Ford's skat iu link toiiignt. Ibo liuK. will be open every uigiii thia week. MoMea D.dgeof Aolnaud having pur chubcd a Ihiiu uear Hps city we learn will sooti move down her. wiiu his laiu- iiy. Chris. Caider and Mr. lJoolittle two ul the bedttleiks, iiave itbigned their positiou at i'ac.tic J uuCviou ou account oi the Hisullicceucy of the salary. The new postal law weut into effect to-Uay. The laiuiliar, gieea visaged 3 cent stamp is uisplaced by a red coin pleCied one ot tlie "i edit deuommation For lively political work, the Demo crats of Saunders County unquestion ably take tne lead, the v call their pi l ma rl c lor Fuc'ay eveuu.g Oct. 6th. and the County convention convenes the next day ul 11. Almost every weekly exchange we picK up contains a detailed description ot their couul) lair. It looks as though the agricultural and stock interest of .Neiia-ka were having an especial oooiu this year. The sorghum crop in Cass county is the largest ever known; even in the hail uist net it is the only thing that lu any measure withstood the fctorm, ana uaa come out, so thai it is a pretty lair ciop in many pluces. A. B. Todd bhowed us a winter Ram Leu this morning, off of his orchard that ouiy lacked '.wo ounces of weigh iog a pound. vs this is not Consid er eu a large variety, the tact is more than ordinarily iotcrediug to pomolo gists. Mr. McClcllai', the night ageut at l'a citic Junction lesigued the other day, aud Mr. lloagund was offervd the po sition with a reuuctiou ou the salary of 5fl0 per mouth ; the honor was not taken lo kludi), by Air. II., coiiequeutly the night agency goes a begging. .Nebraska Ci'y had a Alormou chuich deuJcalea yesii-raa, by Au-xauuer II. &milh, houJ sou of the prophet, Jo. diuilu. Acoraska City has long Oeeu a good liv-iu Imi- miad.onary lahoia, tiiough we inuii couie.-s oar surprise, to tiud that the loiiowers ol Ungnaiu hai gained such looinoid iu iliui. village. We have not heard, but we presume thai. Liot liroMU is a chaiter uieiuOer. Airs. Miua Ilpkin being the repub lican candidate for supeiinieudcul Ot the ,uolic acnools iu l'neips County, the tutiujouopoiita have pitied against her. Mrs. Eugene Switn. Ihis is evi der.tiy the correct plan, if one parly puts up a feuiaie candidate, the oluer ought to meet them hail way witn sim ilar maieriai II would certainly make a tnau leel awlul uad to peddle cam paigu lies ou a woiuau, aud attempt by the usual political methods to ueieat ner. A rape esse occupied a part of the lime of the police court on Saturday, but as the defendant was discbaiged, we will not particularize or give names. lrs Stull was fined $5 00 and costs on the same day, lor au assault on Airs, licesou. .Not having the wherewith ue was about to be hustled oft o jaii wita her baby wheu John Leach hap pened iu aud helped her out by paying; the line. Mr. J- P. Rcesu the accomplished barter is IU Ciiaigu oi ILe iaibersiiop uudrr Frank Cairums Jewelry Store and the custotueis ot that old StaUd will find terj cnurt aud couvrn eoce StxiAf ciMi walUu iur Uum. lUiH Wsadlns Gifts. The following Is a list of the presents receive. l by Mr and Mr. Wm, Dcilcs lieruier at their wedding September SOih: One set glass goblets, Mr. & Mrs. Mc Afee. Fruit dUh, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cow ell. Cake stand, Mr. and Mrs. V. James. One silver butter knife and tnubtaru spoou, Mr. and Mis. J. l urk. One set glass goblets Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Dulioia. (Jlasa Iruil dih, Mr. uud Airs. C. AlcMurray. l'arlor lamp, Mr. and Mrs. li. F. bi moiitf. bllrer card receiver, J. W. Jeuuiugs. Silver Butler dish and kuii'e, Mr. and Mis. Hi ram DaDois. Butier knil; Air. aud Airs. 3. I). Es se!. Cologne bottle and stand 11. M. Bush hell. Bread Plate, Mius Maud McAteo. Pair silver napkin ilnge, Mia Etta Lu hois. One copy Montgomery's poetical woiks, Fiank Dickson. Linen towels. Air. aud Mrs. Joan Si mons. One pail black kid gloves. Air. and Alls. Ineo lJuUoia. Box containing articles too numerous to aueutioti, Air. All AlaiShail. Biead plate, Mr. aud Air. Smith son. Slipper cuse, Air. Chas. Itivttt. H aiuui paper bracket, A IS. Dick soii. Babe's high chair, Air. Chailes Itiv etl. Beautiful bequet from choice liowers, Alls. Chas. It rat. The lollowiug Iioui the Nebraska City li eao wouid indicate that the boasted herds oi Illinois have been dis lauccd by Nebraska slock: Utoo coumy won a national reputa tiou at Cuicugo lat week T. W. Har vey 'a herd from Turuugtoii swept ev erything beiore it, uud carried oil' all ot the piincipai priaea offeied at the Chi cago exposition. 'Hie list is as lol lows. POLLED ANOCS ABERDEEN. Sweepstakes best bull of any age, Uuido. Sweepstake best ftiualtany age, Vic toria oi Turlington. Sweepstake best herd 1 bull Guido; 4 females Meenatchie; .Lizzie 4 in of Lethenty, Kosa Bouhuer 4th, Victoria of Turlington. Best calf Victoria of Turlington. First prize, best bull 2 years old Guido. Second prize, 2d best bull Young Duke. Second piize, best cow Aleenatchie. First prize, 2 yr. old Lizzie of Leth enty. First prize, 1 yr. old Beauty ot Hil hurst. Farmers should be especially careful as to whom they hire to assist in farm work. A few months ago, a stranger came along and hired to a Air. Spear man, of Spring lielu, Sarpy county, he cained himself well and was soon re spected aud trusted by Mr. S., as well as his neighbors. Last week Mr. Spearman missed his best team, the whole county took after the thief, the right trail was struck, and the ''horse fancier" overhauled near Blair, lie turned out to be none other than the hired man that Air. Spearman supposed had left the coun ty, lie bow lies iu the Omaha jail awaiting the action of the Grand Jury. Air. Spearman was fortunate in the re covery of his te-m, and will doubtless require some credentials before he hires another 6trauger. The Linwood Case. The Louie Lord Company presented Scott Alarblcs latest play " The Liu wood Case" to a very fair audience ai the Opera House Saturday evening to the evident satisfaction of ull present. The play is one of Marble's best and the company that presented it good. Miss Lord as a tragedienne is an entire success and when sac gets mad and lets out her deep bass voice the cold chills ru.i down a inaus back inio his boots aud crack the sole leather. The support given Miss Lord was ex ceptionally good and the acting entire ol a hign character. Samuel Thomas, of Plattsmoutli pre cinct, the Vice-President of the Nebras ka state Bee Keepers' Association, started tor Denver, Saturday evening, in the iuierests of the association. He took with him SoO or 400 pouuds of Nebraska honey, as a sample, to show the commission ra-n of Denver, with whom he hopes to make arrangements tor a good market foi Nebraska houey, the commission men at the present time telling only the California article which on account of the long haul is rather an expensive luxury, compared with the rates at which Nebraska honey can be delivered there. Mr. Tl.omas is evi pently t.ie right man to talk on a honey suoject, he hav ug ouu of the best apia ries iu the State. We learn that he has ou hand at the present time over a ton and a half of honey, all of which has been made by his colonies this sum mer. We trust Mr. Thomas may be able to fiud a good market, oue that will assist himself aud his fellow bee keep ers iu making the apiaries ot the State, financially, a big success. Joe Ford has the boss skating rink in Fnzeerald Ilaileka:es now and kept in ! best oi order room clean, light and t-i oiiortaMe ui.d the best rf ordei eJwuya mrtiutqiiiol, 18?i3 PERSON A I A. J. W. Banus aom to Lincoln this morning. Uncle .Sam Barker goes to Lincoln today. Geo. I). Mattisou, of South Bend, rislta the county scat to l.iy. J. B. Stodc boarded the K. C. for Ne braska City, this morning. George White left for the railroad worn in rtie west this morning. C. II. Dill, Siulh Bond- heaviest capitalist, is in tlie city tod.ty. W. II. Baker, the Ashlau l merchant, Sunday ed iu this city, Jup.Snuth, alter spending SudJ ay iu the city, started again for the weist this morning. Commia.-ioner Crawford cirived in the city tliis moining, to look after count affairs. Airs, T. W. Shrvock, after a pleasant viait here uuuug irieud, left for houie this mottling. Fred Black, Billy Alauu and Wiley Black, started thi moruiDg over the Wabaah road for St Louis, to atteud the great fair now in pi ogress theie. William Chambers started out this morning ou hi hist trip a a commer cial Lou. 1st. The 11 EH ALU wishes th" young man success iu the fullest sense of the wore'. Dr. John B'.ack returned home tlib uioiiiimj from his tour of U: eonUueut, looking as lugged and hearty us Iuh I'ioel imimate li tends eouid wih lie sf.ya he had a, most eijok.ble trip, being favored with liue weather' almost the entile time during his sojourn abroad. The autimouopoiist element that seemed so strong in the western part of the Stale, at last yeai's election, is showing its teeth this time in a way that will not particularly endear it to the masses. Honest, intelligent lai til ers, who espoused the uutimonopoly cause last year, will do well to consider the records of their leaders, and sec if there is not some danger of the betray al ot the interests they are supposed to herish and protect. Out in the Kearney Judicial district we tiud the anti-monopolists have nomi nated the lion. B.I. tliuman, for Judge. Air. lliumau, as is well known to most people, has long been a regular yaid attorney lor the Union Pacili i railroad, and is at heart about as much of an anti-mouopoliit as Tom. Kimball, or S. II. II. Clark. Ala. Calkins, their candidate for ciis tiict attorney in the same district, is another anti of the same ilk hfviug been on the pay roll of the B. & M. as attorney for some time. Iu Saline county that ''teiriole' monopoly the National bank has a cashier as a nomi nee of the antiuiooops for an important countv office, and so it goes the state over, a conscientious farmer who is in earutst in his demand lor corporation restrictions cau not but see thai he-- U being made a tool of, that he is but an instrument in the hands of designing leaders, aiding and abetting them iu their race for office ou a platform to whose every plank their pat record gives the lie. The Democratic Primaries. The following as lar as could be learnel is a list of the delegates elected to attend the democratic coun ty con ven ;ion at Louisville October 13th: First ward Wm Neville, J. A. Con nor, H Bo9, F F Guthmauu, E Stamm aud F Gorder. Second w-trd J M. Patterson, W C Showalter, PE ItulTiier, F E White and J llartrnau. Third ward M A Ilartigaii, M Mor kho. C W Sjerman, A W Crites, M O'Douohoe, W D Jones, C Breck.ufeldt and J Doric. Fourth ward W Alickelwait, M O'Conucr, J Biake, M McUnire, H Alor gan' and M Carroll. EIGHT MILE GROVE" J B Aleisiuger, JouU L .hnes, C W Schneider. J Trietscli, G Heil, C Sioehr and C Farley. ROCK BLUFFS. AI Archer, J A Walker, II L Old ham, B Crisiser. H A Kuodeu, A Dill aud SO Patterson. COL (ill NO HURL. Another Thousand Buttles of Marsh'i Golden Balsam to heUiVtu Away. Our enterprising and reiiabls drug risLs. smith s Buck Bros . will coutiu ue to give away sample bott.es of Marsh's Goidcn BaUim lor the Throat and Lungs, to all who have never trh d it. Persous who have already tried this lauioua Cough remedy cau procure Mm lanre bottles at 50 cents aud $1. Everybody who is sullenug with Con sumption, eak Lung"', lirouchltis, a Counh or Cold, Sore Throat, Hoarse ness. Croim. VVnoouinsr Cough, Asthma, or any Broucuial or Puluiouary affec- tion, should try this truly vaiuauie medicine. For the prevention and cure of Consumption of the Lungs it is the greatest remedy Namre has ever conferred to medical science or human research. For all Blood and Liver complaints use Marsh's Golden Blood & Liver Ton ic. Sample bottlw free To the old customers of the barber stand under Mr. F. Carruth'a jewelry store, I have re lUled and opened this shop ard am ready to guarantee you every convenience, comfort and pleas ure to be found iu a firs, class barber shop Hot and cold balhs always ready. 185tf J. P. KEfcSE. Family Bible a Vttxrick,9 16213 Brother Garden r on Pretty Wen. "I f Clarence I)e Altlville Dungs am present wid us to-night, 1 should like to spoke to him,'" said Brother Garden er, as the meeting opened. Brother Buuga was on tse back row with a hoalug-glaas In bis hands and a new brand oi hair-oil ou his hair, lie roe up with a scrajie and a bow, made a greut spread of u blue silk handker chief, and finally stocd before the pres ident's desk. "Brudder Bungs" resumed the old mau. "I reckon you am the purliest un-mlifi of the Liiue-Kiln club. You puts ile ou ycr ha'r, waxou yer mos-t-icli-, an' de pertume on yr clothes reminds me ob de wild roses t b Vrgiu u) yes, you am de puitiest au' sweet est one ob de lot. "Yes, sub, replied the brother, while his lace betrayed toe fact that he was tii kl d half lu death. "But b de wy, Brudder Bungs, what am your pieaeiil bizues? "1'Zc out ol a job ji t now, sab.' "When you Work now much do you aim?" "As hig'i as scbeu dol'ais a week tali " "Jist so. Am dat suit of clothes all paid fui?" "No, sab." "Au you am how many weeks be hind on yer board ?" "Not oner aix, sah." "An jou owe dis lodge three dollars due?" "Yes, sah., "An' )uii owe memeers here as much as $2d lur borrowed money V "l'z.- borrowed soiuesah." "brudder Bungs, 1 ze Lad some ex pcrieiice wid puny iuen.au' I nebber aeed one w ho wu.iut a I rand ou Ue word manhood. When a man sets out to be pui ty all the horse sense leaves his head. No nu ll kin labor and be j puny too. He darlo lets work alone. J lie beats his board, his tailor, his shoe- uiukcr, an an i.i.-j menus. lie look kiiiin ami meli-(like a cologne factory but he (loan' pay up. Ebery smile beats somebody ou'er tweuiy-llve cents au cbcry giggle costs somebody half a dollar. -Yes, sah." "six mouths ago you had steady woik, good pay, re.-pectah.H clothes au' was outer debt. You sot out to be pur ty, an' today w ouldu't sell fur 'null' to pay yoar debts You smell awful nice but you owe a $io board bill. Your na'i curls bcautituliy, but de tailor am whistling lur uis money tor dat suit. Your form am elegant, but you has borrowed money until no one will lend you auoder cent. You smile like a butter cjp an raise jour hat like a Chesieifleld, but your butos ain't paid fur." "l'ze gwine to squa up, sah." " May be jou is, Brudder Bungs, but it am too late, so far as dis club am consarued. Secretary!" -Yes, sah." Scratch de named Brudder Clar euce de Mellvillc Buuks otX de roll!" "She's dun scratched, 8h," "Janitor!" "Yea, sah." "Escort dis pussou to de alley doah! lie am too purty to remain heah wid us lie am gwine out owtn' us fur dues, an weil, nebber miud." Them was no need to post the j-mi.or. Every one eould picture him as he cleared a spare to swing his right leg, and if anybody doubted that Clarence de Melville Bungs was "lifted" into the alley he had only to listen to the la Ixired breathing of the janitor as he re turned to his seat. Detroit Free Press. Haying opened and refined the rooms under F. Carruths: Jewelry Store Mi. J. P. Bees-- is ready lo wait upon his cu-jtomers with every convenience which should belong to a first class barber shop Hot and Cold Baths al ways ready. 183if - - - - m - Wait J. Pupilsin oil an i chiu i painting- Ap ply at omch to Miss Nellie Thompson at Air. John Walermans. 183i5 Bed hock pkiceh. I have on hand a iarge and very superior stock of fur uiture, much of which I propose to sell off at cost. Aly goods are for sale and before purchasing 1 wish everybody who needs furniture to call and look them over. All I ask ol the public is to examine my goods aud rav prices. dAwtt Henry Boeck. Dr- Schildknacht's Office- At the present and until lurther no tice, I will have my office with Dr, Sal lsbury iu the Rookwonl block over Johnson Bros.' store, where I may be found Huiiug office hours. l69dWtf W. H. SCHILDKXECHT. ho usandsSay So. AIrT, W. Atkins. Guard. Kan., writes: "I never hesitate to recom mend your Electric Bitters to my customers, they gi3'e entire satisfac tion and are rapid sellers." Electric Bitters are the purest and best med icine known and will positively cure Kidney and Liver complaints. Puri fy the blood and regulate the bowels. No family can afford to be without them. They will save hundreds of dollars in doctor's bills every year. Sold at fifty cents a bottle b' J. AI. Roberts. Important to Travelers. Special inducements are offered you by the Burlington routet It will pay you to read their advertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue. 47tf Patronize the Circulating Library, Will J. Warrick. l82t3 Aluriey shaves f..r 10 cents. 162tf Special attractions in Silverware at L. C. Erven's. 155-tf Lowest Prices aud best goods at Warrick's. 18St3 Bremner's cracker's are the best. t3lmo Hay 200 Tons of first class hay for sale leave orders with W. S. Wse. i7ad2Swtf J. T. Wise. Ask for Bremner's cracker's. 1631 mo Buy Bremner's choice cracker's. 1631tno M O Connor keeps ou hand the cel ebrated Aubeuser Burcu St Louis Bot tle i Beer and always ready to pay pac ticuiar attention to his customers. 166lf Fresh California fruits and celery received every other dav at wiMX. F. a. Waixe'a. ftPECUL NOTICES. Advertlmeiil under this head, thrwi rent lr Una eau Insertion. ONKTTOIX)AN-Oarealetate by A.N. duhlvao. T.XMI ALK-Iloue. lots and wood land ty r Jobu Uvtit Mod. Foil SALE-A Kood Maon A Hamlin eabliiet orgau, a bur.ulu fr cash purcliaser. 1 quhe of Ueiuiaii beiuidt. i;ott i;OK A LK The Wood proj-rty ar Slier III llyers. J. W. AIa-suall. A. Cut. ITOlt SAtfi-hesldence prop rty, oe ol ilie K ..I -. . . ... - ill til iu uvni loeanuu iu u - trade fortc. Inqu-re ol J. w. M-u-iult. lout. fOK MALK -lloune and ton. ric MM. Ittw canh. bulauce lo luuullily p yineius. 11. is. wmouAM, FoK HA LK Several reHldncc. eUeap. lu quire of U. 11. W heeler & C. you SALK-Ser-icn lablct lu all Mzci. at r ttmoUice. v'lt l, OK SALE a lot hi i;ood location. Tartlcu -T larm at this olllce vtl l?OK ALK An order for a new Amerlcau rewluK ilacnlue. luquhe at IttUoOloe. yOKStl-K i.ojj cor-li ul woou. loquire oi a: w.n. W Ue. poll SALE i Id pir for aale at lUi office m. at 40 vents ei uuuureu w o huh ii "" en. 11 VOli 8ALE-I our lots together lu K.od loca Av tluu lu tltl city, luqulrn at ml oulco tl VOH KEN T he nulla store room lu Nev A? ni.-k. Mini a rooms ..o ..all. ood 1. .atlnu fur res uuliiut or Ooaruhm tioUM. leliiS t'Ueau Apply to ui. evillo. ISJtl 'pO ItKN T A houte. co' lier "til and Loernit streets. Inquire ol h-is 1'oiloca. IV OH KENT 'umiojial lv plaee. corner ol JC 1 aail anu 10 bts.. laieiy oceuul. d by W J. Warrivk, Eiquno at Wuiric' dmg t cti. lUilf. ?OU K?ST One ofllcn room and dwelling counecied. k3 room-) u slabs cr Hull shnelder bakery. Kuqulie at Mm. lioitsehuel Uer'a. FOK KENT House, convenient to lipn. tf. e. i. Dovkv at hok, EH)B KENT S..UIU tore room of the Union -F flock Enquire ol O. 11. Hiack, U. Wpur lock, Alva Drt , Uu.tluess einnulttee. lJtl .OK KENT DwellhiK Houes, Inquire of HGdlf W. ll. .n-.ic. i ost-a lush book coiitaliilni: patent valu- A-' utile omv Lo owner ttuuer blesu leave MS nil" ol'ici. lolf F O0ND A tJold loottiplrk. Owner provlug uruuertv auu uavluii lor tni nonce can have lite same. lsjif IJUND A JND A ladiert pocketbook containing tome change The owner can have tuc i by calling on (-'. ISreckei.Qeld, proving irtv huiI lmviuif for iliis noticu. l.'iHil -- some i saino vy eanuiK " ninnnuiiu property aud payiuK for this noiico. DresHuiaking. To the ladies of Plattsmoutli and vicinity I wish to aunouuee thai I have taken the rooms lately occupied by Airs. Tutt in the Cuiou block, where 1 shall continue dressmaking and iuvit all to call. AIks. M. E. Mortcn. dl25t6-wl9tf Take none but B re mint 'a crackers, and you will get the last. 1631 mo Ask for Bremner's Eureka butter cracker's. 1631 mo FOR StLL-Loln . and In fJlock. 41, liupruvrd. d'J7 It. IS. 1.IIA3I. Photograph, autograph and scrp al bums at Warrick's. Itt2i3. A Square Meal Can be had at the City Hotel for oul 25 cents and lodging at same reasonable fates. Farmers aud tOiumercial Men will please bear this in mind. d&wtl MoCourt tells Pillsbury's Best XXXX Miniuapolis, Alum., Flour. ao.4 Leave orders lor grapes from Lees ly's nursery at A. Clark s grocery. lGJdtf Wanted. bUU men to unload Schooners at. 153tf .1. J. AlcVey'a Henry Boeck is selling furniture at prices below auy house of the name style in Nebraska. If you doubt this fact call niihim aiwl know t he truth, tl The finest cracker' are Bremner's. lG31mo Fre.h Oysters. Fresh ovsters Just received and for tal at Fked Stadklman's. !U7ii'. Tobaceos McAlyin.Piper IIeidsi.-ch, Bravo. Horseshoe and Clniix. at 20t2. Simpson's. New Arrivals in Silverware. L, C. Erveu has just received a lurue addition to his stock of fine silver and silver plated ware. A large variety ni goods in this line, in the latest patterm and designs can be found, and all de sirijg substantial and elegant good are requested to call and examine Mr. Erven's stock before purchasing. 1821; Taken Up By the suljecriber ou Platte bottom Sunday Sept. 8th two yearlings luiteit red marked with white on the belly Owners will please claim property pa charges aod take them a ay. dtt Cha's. Vanderventer. Fresh oysters and celery just received at Bennett & Lewis'. I83tf Go to AIcKeever & Herrmann's for a cood dish of oysters at reasonable rates. 183in2 Ludwig & Itichter 'farmouikies at Warrick's. 182i3 Dry cottonwood for sale. Enquire oi L. D. Bennett. lK,,tf Bremner's milk cr-eker s. lft31mo BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK and al! kinds of ORNAMENTAL JIG-SAWING done to ort'er on thort notice, by BOYD & LARSEN. Leave orders at the Lumber Yards or at the Poet Office. 183-26 BAfr, FLEISCHMAN & CU. COMPRESSED YEAST. The best yeast ii use, received fresl every TUESDAY and FRIDAY., mnrnlnirs. rls plie-l lv wOin;HU i Stste & Monroe Sts.. Chicago. WtllMMpw-jJ toany m-14r .Mr BAMO CA'ALOvvC, f IwjA. .uu uu .IU Lam.ibM !.. Drcm ttvrS fil an 4 H.ii. Kaa4r- rkw.l Clinic Kmnt If im Auk. rn . . I i y i . 12 EDUCATIONAL. 31 usical Insti'iiction . To My Friend at 1 liar reorganized my ctac of Instruction upon l he 1'lauo, and should b pleaded to have ueii a may delr iimUuctlofi lo addreM or call upon me. My ter ' are res nable. aud nif instrurtloti after the most Im proved method eU(.U, beKlonluK vroiin, can sever eect lo become malera, ilnvlies trial aud exaialnatlon. KATIE DonniNorow. d WiwlMI THE TWELFTH YEA II UNIVIRSH'Y Of NEBRASKA WILL OKKN TUESDAY, SEPT. 11, 1883, with ao ample corpi ol instructor. On application to the Ciiinrellor cntlo(rtif Can be olilulneii hy lu" tl 1 1 1 n K Infoi liiMliuil, and t'ciiith'at". fm- liulf f r ou I no railroads 0y those exiwclliiK lu attend. Flint Term ! n Tuesday. Kept. II 1CH3. ecuud " " T uiday, Jan. J. 1M. ' Third lue.Say, April I. I'M. Anuual Coininro' eni-ut V edm-sday, June II THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE w oicii !. tM-r ?. s-.1. and ronlliiii- A ino'i. tilienll's Sale... i y Virtu. i of an order of sale U.ned l'V J. W. Juliimuii. imiiiii v JUil- wll.iln ail fur 'h r. iinu. Ncbi'iinka. a' l t mt- iihet'leil. t Will on Saturday, i lie tli lay ol llitol cr. A. J, INM, nt Hi o't liK k a. in ot - tin lHt , al I ie swufti door of I lie court liuiiiM' Inthe ejiy of I'liit l.ineoth, In said cou. ly.si'lla public auction the follow luK p-lou..l uiopvru ! Mil : Iwoheilxte (l-,4qulitt 2 lieMs, 4 pllliiw. X Mtraw tick, I 'Hrx' inmp 1 t illf and oh cl nil ' covt-r I ax. 3H yioils Cdi pei. I Icirritu. lov.'.iKe, ? pleliircs. . r.M'k mi eli t I ri, i ea ie seat ell 4 wttoil hoiittm fli.ili", 1 bi 'ikel. 2I'T ' 4li, I k K-lii'ii lalile. I l.tliln rspieital, .1 1 1 1 rt t' K r-1 tM kels, i lot tlinlifN, I I'uiik stove anil lu ulnir, 1 coal oil can. 1 water imckfi, Z' p iiiuM ftfTr. f JuK. I Manli lull, I tiut'kt't laid, I ciuilies Packet, i cluck. Tiki siiiiih liHiiK levied upon am) taken a ttin properly of .J.iliu 1 Minns' ' jr. l' ff d.i nt , to -all .f y a Jud inei I of Maid C UU hy M II. Mul -pliv A ' . pliiluilrft. I'latrsinoulll, el..Nept. 211 ll A. II. I8X.1. It VV. HvK. Hliei lit CifH Co , StU. , . By M. McElwuin, Ht-puly 176H. NEW Furniture Stare J". I. TJ-ISrTJEC FUB 1TITORE ' MC0PFIHS and all kludH of Koodi usually kept in a nitM. clahh ki ifsi ri'itr.MTOit 4Iho, a vry coinplcto i-toca of Funeral lood etallic&WoOuCnCofflns Cdskets 25.6 EMBLCMS, 4o. Our New and elegant liare l al waj iu reailinem, Uemember rhe place, In UNIO It LOCK, on Sixth SI reel, TWO Doors H'irii h of Cass Conn ty Itaiik. VVIm.tr we in ty t: iuiiii'1 nlvlit or day. ' J. I UNRUH iii'i . . !" C i f f I . M I TENDERLOIN ; Meat Market LAt'E if NEIL, i'rop'r. - f 1' titer Fcik Vtl CtickeES.I Couritantlv on hand. lnu,all klnd.i of iMK in Heasou, and erythhiK kept In a m in a " n rssms . iwm lowest possible rale. "tv rl.t1TM'll'TM MCI) wesc:tt'S BOSS CLOTHING H00 Is the Place for YOU to Trade.! Our pyeteijj ol doing buair j will please jou. Every articl ,' marked in lain figures and f on its own merits. No mon Iiiz, no jewing, no humbug, ; auction good, no shoddy got , you get your money's worth ey time. The latest styles and ' goods obtainable with. money in stock, and wc will never be, dersold by any house, either 1? j or small, and you will always , s ! us anxious to serve your intet in a manner to gain your f custom. Come and see us. I j C- E. WESCOT. V THE BOSS CLOTIIIEE" Rockwood Block. j DE3T IN TIIS WAKXqf Vado oyXTot Vegetal and Viuvlicef Tolloxi To Indac. housekeepers to crre tb 1 tl L.1. WITH EACH BAR Pa p- I VE GIVE A FINE hi I TABLE NAPKIN U Li Qh . This oSTcr f mado for a short tii ad should bt. taken advantage of at ' Ve V.'ARKANT thla Soap to do mor ' 12 vrlih greater ease than anr : market. I; has no CQUAJL fcr us ,' ad cold water. - YO'ia G30CE3 1U3 IT. b. A.Wrisley&j W.-9turer f Standard V mm --' J'J A libei al dirouni m tihU ( ' iox preseots at L. C iveu s. I; I it