CO. Sillier.' STREI trelfct A iturAcrvuvB or i-1 - r HEAVI.HABNES. Alargeluiefcf j "Mies Bridles CoIlarsrfWips.&c , always la tock. " llfjuirtng of all hiitdiJru&Uji dni o sort notice. Malu Street, bet een Fourth and Plttb, HOTEL- This rv$iTyiiMl)rre Mory hflek tnicturOD lo-r BtititfJrtMt. ha Jfcst been tmfohed and fitted tip for tbc accumn.odutlonof TRANSIENT CUSTOMERS. REGULAlt bOAIWPUH. .-. . EVERY THING NEW AND CLEAN wttiLlie ouse. 'tf. I ti 1 IT kSEIB. CALi., AT THE Old : Reliable L, LUMBER YARD n. A. WATERMmkje Wholesale and KetallgDealer la t 1 PINK LUMBER SASH, DOORS, I LI iDS, &c, Fourth Mrci'l in rear of Opera House. -.-1 -ATTSMOT'TJl. NEPRAffJ SKCOWD HAND OOODSi r Will BUY and fcELL all lands of FURNITURE, " METALS, ' IRON, RAGS ' AUD FURS "Will advance money on all SALABLE GOODS, on lower Main street. One dror west of Beck's Furniture sore liattsmouth. Feb. 1st. 1683 46tf. BOOTS ANDSHOEF. 51 AIH ITFAUTUIULtf O AND REPAIRING AT Sherwood'S, Plattsmoltii, Nebraska CIGARS- Just Eeceived . FINE LINE OF, MEERSCHAUM ASH BRIAR PIPES. OK IUHF.CT 1MPOKTATIOS. A Challenge 5c Cigar, 3 luy made for the retail trad only. i Pepperberg's Ci?ar Factory. EPNSTWAGN R Practical Architect SUPERINTENDENT AROBIIXCI U RAX VOBS SPCCIAX.TY P1Q ail float loos will h earefony ;an1ed.out. und full attention win be given t to safety and durablll'y. L.E8MO.S OX PAIXT1XO 4Water Colors, Crayon and Pencil. " Ci 'jr. , PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY -BY- The Plattmonlli Herald Pn-MitE Co. opriciAL. rAPKR or tuk city Pur City aad Count? LHreetory, Railway Time . Tablet. Telephone EKOtutag - f Blaine Dl- rectory, BimlneM Card kC M .fourth pag. Notlc to AdVrtlMri. , Copy for display advertisement or chaDfrna In advertlaMuia wuat be banded la to the buslucMomcenotJater than 19 a. in. of the day lo wttlctt they are to- be Inserted. Co lor par - local and special aoUoe must nanue'iin eior? p. m. eaca day to lasure m y sertloo.. int. . , i - u M UVmHHKLL, .0 Mauajcer. A. Salisbury, lientlat. ! C. A.! Marshall, Dentist, suc cessor to Clutter & Marshall. Teetu extracted without pain, Locals are scarce. 1 ; just' wol iro to pread We learn ths. Jcunings was nominated for Clerk, unanimously, and Newell, for Treasurer, on the third ballot. Frosh Oyetera and Celery, tomorrow. at uKNNtTT & LkWId7. VV12. Dr. Jennie Foster will be found in the Union Block durine office Jiotlrs from imo it -a, m. ana-irom ta-pT m. Will be found at other times when not engaged, at residence, corner ' 8th and Pear) streets. 73dtf Fresh Ovstcrs aud Celery, tomorrow. at Dennett & Lewis'. 2012. No. i wbs' fifty minuteslaie tfais morning, waiting for the train on the, 9 '. . :. Booth's Oyster and Celery Satur day morning, at Simpson's. 20:2. FTlieMoguI" pulled a freight strain fn tV oihe depot this morning by jerk ing out a draw hed - Cigars Eclipse, Clubhouse, Comet. Seal, Boquet, etc., at Simfson's; 20t2, 3 - i :' Lehnhotr, .bpeck & Hons are now put ting up their last kiln of brick for this season. It will contain about zou.uou, brick. , . Tobaccos McAlpin p'per Heidsiech, Bravo. Horseshoe aud Climax, at 20t2. SoireoN's. Telephone connection was made be tween this poiut and Malvern, Iowa, last night, and will be made with Red Oak to uiggt. The connection with Red Oak will make twenty-eight in all. The onuection with Atlantic, la., will also be made tonight. PERSONALS D. Iliwkswortb, went west on No. I this morning. Mrs. T. M. Marsland and family took their departure for Limcoln this morn ing to remain. Wm. Stadelmann, formerly of this place, but now of Fairbury, Neb., was a passeuger west on No. 1. J. A. Counor has gone to Aehland today to do his threshing on his farm near there. Dr. ltichey, the dentist, came in this morning on the K. C. train from the north. L. E. Jvarns, operator at the B. & M. depot, made us a very pleasant call to day. Ami B. Todd, M. D. Polk and twelve others went to the convention at Weep ing Water this morning in one wagon. Manv others have gone besides. - 2Ittj.D. II. Wheeler went to Ham burg, Iowa, this moruing to spend a day or two at the Inter-state exposi tion nw being htld at that place. Eight Mile Crova Items. Hay making is the order of thgday. Our tchool will bf gin the first of Oc tober and continue five months.' aiamuel Morrow is visiting his broth er II, Monow and friends at this place. - The band boys have their Bass drum in repair agaiu.tuey say they are ready for auother reunion. W. Jenkins and daughter and T. E. Fulton attended the state fair laet week. report a good time. Air and Airs Geo. Colvia and daughter ot Aiapahr.e were visiting at 6. Rich ardson lhst week. Air. Uolvin is a bro ther to Airs Richardson. The sons of Veterans talk of organ izing a Post at this place, good ida boys, keep in mersory brave and noble deeds of your fathers. Ilev J. Mailey the new minister that was appointed to Mt. Pleasent and this place will occupy the pulpit in the AI. E. church next Sunday for the first time, all come out to hear , the new minister. - Will Alutz has gone to help his broth er with his work for a few days and Dr Sturdivant is batching th's week, ha thinks it is rather unpleasant living aloce and talks of bringing home a cook forthwith. . . . John McCokey was as well "pleased with the country near Hastings, that since be came home .he has sold his farm to Judge Newell of Plattsmoutb and will move out there this' fall, be intends buying land and will try farm ing there, success John. . Jim J enkins thicks the gospel sounds much sweeter at Rock Blufl than else where, thinks he will join the church if Mi.-s Stella II. will continue to accom pany him until he bec'rus converted Jim says it is a darned dark roai, but he I? sure of a afe return when he has a good body guard with him. 30. id. ises. lO. J a i.. At the 17th Annual Jbhlalt erf Cs i . -t-fri t ). County. M ,...i. r i J.-rf . CLAM 1, -CATTLB. . r , In this class we find 'that II. At- wood take,! 1st in4. "d prize .'on. jearr ling bull; '1st and 2d on C year old oow 2d on 2 eaf old'hfb'lsr a.nd 2d otj yearling pelfer; ?d, eo...bcifer.;caJf; .la on4yf old' bull; -td -oo-0 yr old -bull; 2d on bull calf; Is: and 2d on cow over 3 y ra.oJd ; 3d.pu heifer . yt pld j lat on heifer carf;lst ori-best'-herd of 'grade cattle not less than 5 yead, pweepstftkes 1st on . bull .of Any . age or breed ; 1st. on cow "of -any-age or-breed J aud -lxt on best herd 'of ',' "Ilerefyrds' ' not'less than 5 head; making 27 premiums in all that Mr. Arwood lakes Bc-st. hplfer" calf, ' 2d pr'e'm'.', aw arded to John Ritchie. Ball, 2 yrs old anl over;- 1st pretn J Stephefe-Wiles takes premiums as fol lows: Cow over 3 yrs old 2d V bull I'yr nder 2," iit; 'bull" calf, 1st; heifer 'caif. 1st; heifer 1 yr old, 1st; cow-over 3 yrs old, 2d." ' ; '. ' S L Thomas .iiiid, !tHt).6UoVuVg.prA- miums awarded: heifer- 1- yr old, 3d ; heifdr 2 yra old," 2d;" cow '8 yrs old Jind' over, 2d ;.!heifervi yr-old,. 2d; cow v.ver 3 yrs old 1st; hull 2 yrs old aud over. id; makiuir 7 brUes in "an. ' L' . . - 1 j .... .i J .Vallexj, Jr- Supt. ... CLASS 2; UOBSU8 ANIi MULISS.' .1 E ' tooi rtyoiT led f tie clatis "by t'ak ing the 2d prem.V.'qn staliion colt, and the 1st on best mare.'1 ' :: ' . . A Patterson takes 3 preu fol lows: beet mare, 2d; stallion 3 yr.- old and over to harness, 1st; beet mare, anv age or breed, sweepstake Best-mare ' 2: yrs nd under 8,1st prem., J R Valiery. " .-- - - On" trottiug' horses, Dr .'Gibbon, 'of Weeping Water, takes . 1st preou-ou 'Little Press," and I D Johnson takes 2d on' 4S', R La iAIpnt.:. ' " I ,' 1- ".1 Best draught stallion weighing 1'400 lbs or ' over; '1st prem.; W D Jones.--ilr. Jones "takes' the' sweepstakes, on best stall inn of 'any age or breed.- Best siugle'geidlng, 1st pem.,' John Ritchie. ; ; ; .. .. ... . Stallian 8 yrs -and over, to harness, 2d prem Wia Gilmour. For draught ' mules,.... tested . on .the ground, Fred Jasper takes the 1st prem. Horse colt' under 1 yry sweepstakes, Henry .Jasper, . Two yr old mare, 2d prem.j Alpheus Adams'.' ' " '." ' Alare colt, any. age or breed,, sweep- stakeSi Alpbeus-Adams. - ' Single Mare or geldingV 2tl "prerd ' Henry JIcAlaken... ..... . ..... Double team.' Owned by one person. 2d prem., Ilenry Al'cAIaken. Draught: stallion. 1,400 or over, 2d prem., C:AI Holmes.' - ' - Buggy team, matched, let prem.. J C Eikenbary. : Best mare, 1st prem., C M Holmes. Family B iggy team, matched, Levi Churchill, 2d prem. Double team, owned by one person, 1st prem., C AI. Holmes. Byron Clark, Supt. Not an entry was made in class 3, of sheep. CLASS 4, SWINE. S A Atwoad, exhibited 3 "Jersey Reds," or JJurocs, on which he takes I the 2d pmrn. Sow with sucking pigs, not less than 5, 1st prem , Wm AJertius. Black sow, under 2 yr. 2d prem., Wm Alertens. Boar. 1 yr old or over, 1st prem., Wm Hertens. Boar, under i jrr, 1st prem, Wm Alertens. Sow 1 yr old or over, 1st prem., Win Alertens. - ' Sow 1 yr old or over, 3d prein., Wm Alertens. - Sow, under 1 yr old, 1st prem., S L Thomas. Boar, under 1 yr old, 2d prem., S L Thomas. - Ilenry Jasper, Supt. CliAAS 5. BIRDS AND POULTRY Best cage canary birds, 1st .prem.. Aliss Alyrtle Gilmore. Cage Canary birds, 2d prem , Airs Geo W Fairfield. J. C. dewberry, Supt. CLASS 6, FARM IMPLEMENTS. No entries were made in this class. CLASS 7, BEES AND HONEY. . Colony Italian bees, 1st prem., T3 Corbett. Colony Black bees. 1st prem., T S Corbett. beehive, containing bees, 1st prem., T S Corbett. Comb honey, not less than 10 lbs, sections weighing not over 2 lbs each, 2d prem .T S Corbett. Gallon extracted honey, made in 1833, 1st prem., T S Corbett. Display of honey In marketable shapes, not less than 20 lbs, 2d prem T S Corbett. Display of comb foundation for brood, and intermediate stages, to full drawn, 1st prem., T S Corbett. Colony Black bees, 2d prem., J AI Young. Bee hive, containing bee9, 2d prem., J M Young. Gailon of extracted honey, made in 1S83, 2d prem.. J M Young. Display of- honey in marketable shape, oot less than 20 lbs, 1st prem., J AI Young. Comb honey, not leas' than 10 lbs.; 1st prem. 6 L Thomas. Colony Italian Bees, ?d prem,, 8 L Thomas. . Wm Gilmour, Sapt. CLAM t, XftCBAVXCAL CRTS. In this class Streight & Co. make a flue display of harness trimming, fad- dies, bridles, harness hardware, lap robes, whips, etc , and take 10 1ft pre- mjqtnf. pijplat boots, and shoe lstprerr,. Q the2;45 r ; Display of wagons, buggies, sleighs, made In Cass county, "first premi ums were awarded to J AI Schnell- .i Finished set,-4 lorse fcoevlt prem Adjustable plececa'Uog and combinediWood' and coal stove for eoib,' ithr'lsre9ltfm ironworks. ... 1 - David' Mtlier,' Supt. ' . I : ..... . .n-...n.. .1 ,i 'CLAPS 0, UOJiE MANCPACXCKES-... VVooleu lKJaf-ttr rujr. fst"premidni' miss uesaie verson,., .... .2 Speoimea- worsted work 1st pietn. M bis IlefeSf e ' Petersob':' u" Colex'tion,otUaix.worii, .1st .'prem.-rr AJ. is Bnssie Peterson ' Rag hearth ru.'ist prtltn ; J; Itltchtev. ""Ten yds rafr carpet, ..2d prem., L. U. Young.- i. . . i . Lainp tnat,'2d prem '; L. Ill Young; " lt Chair tid y, 2d prcmr ; L. U. i uung. Ten'yds: rag carpet, 1st prem., Mrs. St J. Brantner. , , ' Cotton xiuilt, 2d prem- .iAIiss Anna Churchill. - Cotton quilt ' '1st ., prfcjn., " Airs.' .'Levi, Churcbiu. i ... .i . J CLAKS 10-,'D.URr AirJ "KitcIex." Jar rip berried, 1st preui.', yy.Jj,"Hea-', serj - ' i- ' ... ; -'.-. i JarJapple.3 Ily,'43t prern', 'vVJ.'nes- serj . .1 j Jarxruirantelly, 2d" prem.;1 V. "J. liisser...., . . i... .i.o JaP rhubarb jvily, 21 :preinj - W.- J. 11 esse r. Loat wiieati bread... lst pre in . MUs Cral Gilmore. ' Jelly cake. "Ist 1 prem., Alyrtle Gil- more. .: . . . : .: . ..I .. ... 4 Greatest variety bf jellies, 1st ' prem., Airs, orw; Fairfiid. .. ; : : . Greatest variety of canned fruits, 1st- prem..-Airs. G.'W: Fairfield. ' ' ; " - . ' J-Uv ciike. 2d.prem., Alias Susie JF air field. - ... .- . - .Pound cake. lsf bretn" ' Alfss1 Siisie Fairfield."" .. ... '.-. . . .4 . Crab apple jelly, 2d prem., Mra. S; J. Brantner" .f"7 ' - - . Rhubarb jefly,. 1st prem., Annie AI. Youmt.- 1 r : -J PI urn ' jel Iy'f 1st'. ' p r e'm " An n I e " . AI, Young.... , . - - . . Crab apple ielly, 1st pfemn' Annie AI. Young-"!;. ". - . . .. . .. .:. , Loat wheat bread, 2d .prem, Ann'e AI, Young. J --! - - ; Curr.ant'jelly, 1st prem. Airs. .S. J. Brantner. - In this"cla9s two articles' are' marked pecial not decided. . tl i CLASS li, KU9IC AUD. AKT, Chromo, 2d prem., Jno. -'Ritchie. Cabinet organ,' 1st prem., James Pet- tee. : - '- . - Variety musical inst'mts, 2d pTem.; James Pettee. Airs. Kate E. AfcMaken, Sup't. CLASS 12, FRUITS. On the display of fruits, we find that W. J. Hesser takes 3 premiums, 1 first, and 2 second; Jno. Ritchie takes two st; Isaac Wiles, 7 1st, and two 2d; Ja cob Valiery jr. two 1st and Jno. Leesly, three 1st prem. David Aliler, Sup't. CLASS 13, FLOWERS. On flowers, W. J. Hesser takes 10 first premiums; Mrs. G. W. Fairfield , and Alias Susie Fairfield S The dis play in this department was uot very arge. Aliss Susie Fairfield, Supt CLASS 14, FARM PRODCCTB. Fifty ears of corn, 2d prem., Levi Churchill. One pk white beans. 1st prem., E R Todd. Fifty ears of corn, 1st prem., JoLu iitchie. Winter wheat. 1st prem., Philip C Tritsch. Winter wheat, 2J prem., Philip J Tritsch. Half bushel Irish potatoes, 1st prem. E R Todd. Cabbage head, 1st prem., Wm B Por ter. Five pumpkins, 1st prem , John Ritchie. Fifty ears of com iucluuing all shades except white, lat prem. Jncoo Valiery jr. Potatoes "Clarks" No. 1, 2d prem , J Leesly. Extra early red ouions, 1st pram., J Leesly. 11. Kestor, iSupt. CLASS 15, EQUESTRIANSUIP. Equestrienne, over 14 years of age. 1st premium awarded to Aliss Susie Fairfield. CLASS 17, DISCRETIONARY. Display cigars manufactured tobac cos, and smoker's outfit. 1st prem., AI Schlegel. Ornamental clock, prem., John Reu land. Scroll bracket work 1st prem., John Reuland. Marseilles bed coverlet 2d prem., Jno Ritchie. Snow apples, 2d prein., Jno Ritchie. Display Gille apples, 2d prem. Ililc Maken. Display Strawberry apples, 2d prem., H McMaken. Display Wagner apples, 2d prem., H McMaken. Half bu. buckwheat, 2d prem. T S Corbett. Fifty ears Sibley's "Pride of the North" 80 day corn, 2d prem., Jacob Valiery, it. Ironing board. 2d prem., Wm B Por ter. Jack, one year old, 1st prem., James Burnett. Jack, ono year old, 2d prem.. James Burnett. U. M. Bushnell, Supt. CLASS 19, SPEED. Quite a display of good horses was ejh'biu in tdpajtmet race DriinGiu ,U,er JfJJttJp, .Press's ana D, . D. Johnsorv'-Weeprnr' Watery "Lamon Little Press In 2:52, 2:47 and 3:51. t Free for all Dr- pibboiiniers Lit-- tie Press, D D J oh n V) n ;' LA irio'n f. O i ' M jStiteight, Frances. Frances' Cook' ' UVitiqi)lWfl', 211 Time, 2:4 j2..t:4rntl4r; Fopr heats were trotted. In the 3 mInutd crt T''p;j; entered i.amyQt,..j u. Uoluws. B4ack Bess, and W D Jdrie4,- Prince.' 'Lamdnf htodk 1st money, -Black Bess . 2d, irad Prince Srd... TiroeViJ WdVSTSs'. in tne "UTecn- rac 'entries 'were made Piince by W -D Jones,; Jesaio Ja mes, b W J; Ane f7.Lt ,t 6 NVir 1j U AI Holmes, and Frank, by Ai Patter son Prlnci.tok 1st foey,.LittJeNeJl 2d,1 and Frank 8rd.-' No'titne - given;- " 1 - In the pacing ricolth'ero .wer6 '.'.three ehuieaDottie, Ij.y . W J. Aguew, Row- ay Oloy, O AI Strotght, and Jack by P Mei ges.' ' 'J ack was wUhdrk wiu frum .the rape. Doitie took l-t money, and Row ly boy 2d.11 c Besit Hme,' "3 fti'. 11 1 ' ,a L A large number of farmers 1. MM 1 iu'town today. i Tturi'y' five ; 'guest'ii ' registered' at.'i.tjie Perkius last sight. . .' t.. I m mm 11 - l'raiik AlcLtugh ii,-- brakemuil, o No, 4,'t'ot J lt-li at LoUMvil'e this'iuorn- . - ! ,. .. . - ' lug!. 1 Lausc, uul kuuwn,. unly.. sujr-. pQhtl'i4a muel). .. .. ' f ... i . i:.. . . . , ...44 - .' ;';No2,' frbmthe ve'i;;Ms,;yTttMi;to be on nnie, today, J'vXt tliv,. Jiint.lime ii several da.' - - - . ' , . t 'Ay' 'called' on' judge'Joii'iiaoul toda'j and, he. told us .nothing bad i bpapeued around his premises today; ut all "Tlie' side tracks' at ' Pacific ' Ju'nctiou are bo blockadediwilh, card . that NOu 5, a pasuengtr tram,' was obliged -to pull over a train from that place (his tnrn in Oscar Mullen Eq. -Dstnct reporter- for this judicial district' i? employed at the court "house .today making ..up, a coort records -Mr. Mullen has- a good reputa'tlou as" a hort: hahd reporter and we are prepared to ;.say. -be. U ..a; cood hand with a-type-writer. 'Mr. Mi has brought oucot these curious little ma chines with f him "anci it draws a crowd, to. see its wouderluL work, McCourt sells Pillsbury's Best XXXX Minneapolis, Minn., Flour.- ' . -" 2014" . . . V yitai .Questions! ; . . -Ask the most eminent physician" -Of any school, what is the best tLing n the world for quieting and allaying all irritation of the nerves and curing all .iorms of nervous complainis, gi ving natural, childlike refreshing sleep al ways f , Aud they will tell you unhesitatingly "Home form of Hops!" CHAPTER r. Ask any or all of tue most eminent physicians: "What is the best and only remedy that can be relied on to cure all diseases of the kidneys antt urinary organs; such as Bright s disease, diabetes, retention or inability to retain urine, aud all the diseases and ailments peculiar to Wo- men' And they will tell you explicitly and emphatically Buchu." Ask the same physicians "What is the moat reliable and surest cure for all liver diseases or dyspepsia; constipation, indigestion, biliousness, malarial fever, ajue, &c.,w and they will tell you: Mandrake ! or DaDdeliou I Hence, when these remedies ure com bined with others equally valuable And compounded into Hop Bitters, such a wonderiul aud mysterious cura tive power is developed which is so varied in its operations that no disease or ill health can posBibly exit or resist s power, and yet it is Harmless for the most frail woman, weakest invalid or smallest child to use. CUAPTEK II. "Patients "Almost dead or u-arly dyinf;" For years, and giv-n up bj physici an f Bright' and other kidney dis eases, liver complaints, severu couhs called consumption, have been cured. Women gone neariy crazy I From ajrony of- neuralgia, nervous ness, vaketuiue8.s anu various uixeasrs peculiar to wouieu. People drawn out or sliapo rrom ex cruciating pangs of Rheumatism. Inflammatory and chronic, or suncr- intr from scrofula! Erysipelas! Salt rheum, blood poisoning, dyspe psia, indigestion, and in fact almost all diseases frail Nature is heir to Have been cured by Hop Bitters, proof of which Can bo found in every neighborhood in the known world. M O' Connor keeps on hand the cel ebrated Anheuser Burch St Louis Bot tled Beer and always ready to pay pac ticular attention to his customers. I55tf Bed rock prices. I have on hand a large and very superior stock of fur niture, much of which I propose to sell off-at cost. My goods are for sale aud oefore purchasing I wish everybody who needs furniture to call and look them over. All I ask ol the public is to examine my goods and mv prices. d&wti Hesry Boeck. Dressmaking. To the ladies of Plattsmouth and vicinity I wish to announce that I hive taken the rooms lately occupied by Mrs. Tutt in the Cuion block, where I shall continue dressmaking and ifcvit all to call. ' Mrs. M. E. MortcK. dl25t6-wl9tf A Sqaare Meal Can be had at the City Hotel for only 25 cents and lodging at same reasonable rates. Farmers and Commercial Men will please bear this In mind. d&wtf Take none bnt Bremuer's crackers, and you will get the best. 1681mo Ask for Bremner's Eureka butter cracker's. 1681mo 150 deg. Coal Oil only 20 cts. at frcP Uuts rac . r - HOKKOWKD A ; tiavloa book. Cd Sie rruiMmted fi ueinorle t all. 107ix ONKV TO LOAN -On reTi hulllvao. ''lore room ooooslto Oik-j IIuum.X block lu Kalriuont. NuU.uueul ttu.hest Ur. tltiaw lo towu. Fur Halo at A liara'ai'i.lf ol Mipm w day. aio a iocK..ta.aroreri(ii. -a Rood buxlnrnn e-t-bil.tie4..l'..0. xltLrrrt, l k drawer Ho. II. ,... , 1&U6... ; . ... 1 Fjlt SAI.E-A Rod wlntcr l UPVttkt stoves hod noine bou-U)ld furntture HKlulrd ofU, ft Gvo iJOlI HALE The Woodi piMperty mar Hber J. W'MAHULb, - : . .ft . Audit - jia Uyer 1 OH 8AL Kehidence prop-rtx. .oos..of ittia of the lMt l4tcntlot4S In the oil. r III V?ale for sUnrk. luqu'reotJ. W. JkUtxtUls. Wit tTOK BALE OR KENT-A ooJ TiOliSo .?yttK I seven room. cuVi'dleutly ari-.iUKo ana located near the t 1ij busiii-'orp.iri ofllie elty. ftr particulars ru-jolreol U; r. ' FOR SALE House and tot, price Icasli. balance In mowUily ixv m-iilrt." flMr I U. h. W'lfUUAM; " I .. .. . ' FOR BALE Several reiitiences. cheaa In jqulreof i. H. WheelerA Co. . . FOR SALE Scratch Tablet la all: ulrrs.'at 1J111 uttlco. ...,' . ';Wtf: V0" SALE a lot lu good locution-. .Purlieu. A- ; lars at this ofUce '. 7il 1 . 1 1 . . FUR SALE An order for a new American pewliiK Machine. ' luanire at tills oOlce. " OK S'aLK I',6ojeo'r4-i of Wvit".' Tottii'lxe . of. . w.s,. wise, ' Wm LMllt HALE 1 Id paiK'm for Hale at tliU onlcc A u.1 40 cents r hundred or 5 ceuts ix-r doz- tf oun h ' 14 ..- -i 1 4 . i 1OK8ALE l our lots toKethet In eod loca- tlwMlu ttal eltv. Innulrt at ttiU otltce tf fJOR ItENT Ot"rtjiMM rt;u4 "'rt1-r .t r f earl ami lo tsts.. Iai' y Tuii d iy W J. Wnrrk-k. ,EiqiiUe, at Mainck'e Uiua .hIU i ,lC7lf.'"' VOU Il'INT One onic room aud dwelllm; couin-cld, t3 ioiii-J u fitiiim ever II. .11- feliii'lUh-r bakery. Kiniuire at dcr's. .... . i Mi. llult-oliuH- 6141 IV Oli KF-kT -rit.rc Itoo ui. 5 W. si Win l?oicKKNT-Dw-HiiiK houe. W.S: Wish:. FOK ItKNT iloute, con venli iit to fl44i(iH. - , li. E. J. iiovKV i .Son, U ; ' .1 - ' 17011 liENT S.ittU "Ure MvMot the t'nlou' -- Pluck. Eikiuiih of J. 11. Itlack, B.a Hpur lock, Alva Drew, lSu.tine.iii ciinumtui,. . IZJU . t?OU KEVT OwellhiK HouMes, Iniulrt of llCdtf . VV, WANTED lo rent a Kod dvelliiK ; cou veulfiit lu High school 4 lo 7 and stable. luquiie ol U. M. Kuahuell, house ruonin. WANTED- Lnforniatlou as to the- whprea bouto of Joseph Bly the br hU i.lect. kLlin abeth lliouiai who lauOed at New York, Juiy 27th.. tvnd to S. ShenejiianSeCy of ' ItilriflKiatluii 12?4 Cheianut St., Philadelphia. Pimn. WANTED TWO blackHhilthM and a hlack oiullh helper at tsclmellbacher't shop, uotf A.TED--john Uauer Ita ..bought the Utohl- maii plate, cornel ot Till and V lite, and Is prepared to accowmod n' the public in the way otooardl 4K ai d - the week or month. ... .oiul - f OST A pass book cohtaininK papers valu-- able only to owner finder nleane l-ve at nils oflice. -lG7if FOUND A . ladiefl pocket bOQk.ooiUalDln - some change The owner caiW.itave the same by calling on C. ilreckeulield, piovinti property and paying for this notice. iMit Taken Up By the subscriber on' Platte bottom Sunday Sept. 8th two yearlings heifers red marked with white on the bcily. Owners will please claim property pay charges aud takthem a A'ay. dtt CllA 8. VANDERVENTEH. Buy Bremner'8 choice cracker's. 1631mo Ask for Bremuer's cracker's. l631mo Leave orders for grapes from Lees ly's nursery at A. Clarks grocer'. ' 163dtf Wanted. oOO men to unload Schooners at. 153tf J. .1. McVey'a ,'Grace & Tbierolf have ar last receiv ed their cigars, among which is the elebrated R. G. IngersoU' cigars Now Boys, is your time to get a goo cigar.' tuutt.u Fresh butter 12 ceuts per pound, fresh eggs 12 cents per dozen at P. J. Hansen's. 154tf Henry Boeck is selling furniture at prices below any house of the ame style in Nebraska. If you doubt this fat call onhim ntid k4Kw t.lif truth, tf Special attractions in .Silverware at L. C. Erven's. loo-lf Bnmncr's milk crackerB. lOtflmo F. S. White Ijhs ju-t received 11 car loa-1 f "Sea Fo.tin" vviu'er wheat pat ent flour guarue-l to be as good as any made iu the United Slates and prices aa low as the lowest. Also a car load of bran ju-t received which wc deliver to any part of the city. lC4tf A iibei id discount n go-ula liilit tir prenpiita'at L. O. Rrvn'a. 1"fiif The finest cracker s , are 1631 mo Ereniuer'4. - Use 185 coal oil only, at 23 cents a gallon at Warrick's. lCCtf Notwithstanding Mother Shipton's dire prediction, the world still exists The people will live longer is they use -Dr. Bigelow's Positive Cure, which subdues and conquers coughs, colds. consumption, whooping cougJti, and all diseases of the lungs, i or proof call at Smith & Black Bros, drug store and get a bottle free. Oct.C,'82 29e4w Notice. Notice is hereby given that George W. Sexton will apply to the Board of County Commissioners of Cass County, .Nebraska at its stated meeting in (c tober 1883 for a license to sell malt Spiritus and Vinous liquors - in Avoc Cass County, Nebraska, one year from date of allowance. Fresh Oysters. . Freah oysters just received and forsale at Fred Stadelman s. lt7 tf. Morler shaves for 10 cent. 162tf . Farmers and others desiring a gen teel. lucrative agencv business, by which 85 to 820 a day can be earned. send add res at once, on postal, to U C. Wilkinson & Co.. 195 and 197 Fui ton St., New York. 40t6m Want of Faith. If Will J. Warrick, the Drugjjiat, does not succeed, it is not for the want of faith. He has such faith in Dr. Bo sanke's Cough and Lung Svmp as a remedy for Coughs, Colds, - Consump tion and Lung anections, tnat ne wu sjive a bottle free to each and everv n who is in need of a medicine of this I L)cir lo inioriir" - I ... ., on WaliTrn ... ' tetw.' Oratitennd MarblHt's. ', .... "rAXli" TERM eomineuces Heptcmber 3d. !Hh3, (. tflltf THE TWELFTH YEAR ii i UMEBSlTYlflBBASUv; i.... TUESDAY;; SBP.T. 1883;;: Altlian amulewrptot instructors.! ... till n.ijt)lu':iLl.ii !o Ilia L.'iHiirciiil c ii ii'Ufiios ... ran lv.4ibiMlii4-d l.y Ihonr u-nii4t: Jiifiiiiil.n, , by tS'iju-rxpnuuiiK to.aUwu.l.. , . 1 ... I .. ' . r t fir li in I'ei it i urinj .ono. eM'nd',v.'.-', 'i;;(Uj:i':,Jaii( 3. 1HHI. j Tlitril . "... .. nt ttlu.y, April, I. !-8l. AiA.iiKI roiiiiiinVWT''tiw-diM-f4.l ue H tf. i . m i mm l i" ' 4 4.,. I r.. I , , 4 " -1M COLLEGE-mHBMeiSE-: '..' T' w.ll ien iictobcr 2. IHm.i. and eotillniie a ino's. ,, . . U. ii k J X iJ-Lt ' - fil .. f. . i....... taut i -i u BOSH, CLOTHING. flOOSB,, is'tuB Place ifor TOO. to Iraie. Our pystoni ot- doino; fcmsinesa' ' .!lt i.lAuro ,.. ftit,. 4kltlln mauked in Dlain fiirur'cS'.isuid sole' ! 1 o . .... on its own iiifritg. ; ! o 'i irjonkej; biz,1 no jewing, no lm in 01157 no auction goodu,; you get VMWy'fl, vjptli Mixy time. Hie latest styles and best, goods 'obtainable withmoney are iu stock, and we will never be un derrtold by any bouse, eitber large or Kiiiiilf. mid 'villi will nl wars liiid!.! ! , j u us anxious to serve your interests '. in a niauiier to irain vour' e'dlid ' uiiiOiii. vyuinu uiiu us. .... r 1 .. W 4MI f f (MWWW m f THE BOSS CLOTHIER, Hook wood Jttock. J 7r ' t PS ?; 00? o 'A 3 o E Sj CO a 3 3 - a a at s s 5 I - .11 -3 -3 v a i-, 2 M i L fl4 ' CO B o o pc3 s i CO ' I O - A OS W y. s v. CD S3 B 3 -1 L0 m1 fc-i 3 ca s t cl 4. c o . is 1 VITHOaTIHEDICKIE. THIS MAGNETIC BELT 13 WARRANTED TG CLT:" rtthotitJnlWH: full tn Ihtbnc Mp. V4, r tlml4M. Mrv4i IvbOllj, 44fubiic. 44.crA.I acbtllty, rh-uMlliu. parl'. curnl;. M. elu'ti-M, Molthe Ll.'urf .plntil l imvnt. tarpld liter, K4 dv9pla. '-W"lltHt!.. -r,lfrlH inatmj. tloa. brnl mr rtipvurr, .lurr4, Ua, Upjr vTbenVny'diroy of tha CT.ST.n ATIVKKKCAWS tyvrir. luot vtlmlllr. Ii4fl4 .lorrtc wt.U.I wrul.tic , and nil Uom il-mr r Musi turn, fii 111 iitier cu-. in eonUuwu itn-aia uf M.vnetljin penn-!1ii fc tm part mti.trr-lorrlS-m at healthy mil--- 1Uflu D4Ii4U0UOUV lii4 . l.liMllf-. - LA" MAGNETIC 2ai ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. TO THE UDIB:-J!t EkoIon.TI'p.M,-wltli 4fliiji mnC a pairorMoffnetlc Koot BatUriiea hav . po ol-rrtur In tl.4 re l.-f anrt coi of all thea ron.plalnt. TUy can puMurtul uugnetia tore to to taw 9 mum PtiTttmt, Kmrk, WraknatMivf ' .. 'n lai. of the w.b. Uawrk... I''," ' rrkace 'laai". I'alafal, mmmm caa mm Im. prKMlar Vrntrvalla. Ham am. mt LlTii, IkU U Ur al AwUmot t4M-4l Afal K"J"rTl of Fnaalo rNntllM It ta unmuf. panad Oy anyiliin bptor tnrnt. bwta a coialAra un.t anduauuirrofporrrtiiid ntailiat io. Prio.of rllkrr Blt IO-Map.4KoitUt4Ja SJX Seat by zpra C. Ol l .aivl exnn.lnVlon allowed, or by millonKilDtniTM. In oreer in. M-rwl tawMrt C . ..i.l.w1.iMAflir B.mldlMiaM IjM B Tbamanutoa Oa:t:..-nt adapted to tl I worn OTr the under clotlilni, ii anltfU kadr Ilk tke fcalraal u4 Eleewto M b. idranlva aa eif-T..W t Ja ekonta is takes o at night. Thfj h'l I hrirpHor axe worn at all aaMnaof th-jr-r. . . lend tamp fur the "New l' t4Pll l wealeaJ Trea4V mrnl M ttoi Aledlae, " UB UtwuaaaXa ( IWU'HI niaja, . THE MAGNT7TON ATPl&A'SCR CO-. -SIS Htmxm SU CXmlmmmo, EX ! C i MONET TO LOUf ; J ON REAL ESTaTK. Any party (Mrlnir to loan money on Farta property cn be HCCOiiimlated at a low rate. Irora thre to ten yeari' ilm, and the tntereat not payable until It ia accrued I nqulra ol D. S DKAPEii, 10WUSWtf v - ltaOlOUkJl, Met. 1 ill - V. H I 4...