The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, August 25, 1883, Image 3

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Dealer m
...... . ' ' j ' mi
Oils, Paints, BjtcsriKV
f A Pull fJnnof TruNMew
:( Aii.1 in
fct cvcrvthine contained In
n tlrst-cliss Drug btorn. rre
ecriitionn carefully coinpouud
ecl. Coin petition met in
ali department.
Con. Main akd Third Stbeeti
UY and fcKLL aU kinds of
Wili.'Jadvance money on all
on lower Main ftieet.
One dor west ol lin k's Furniture sore
1 lmu outb. rtb. 1st. leM 40tf.
QTnl l iLiee Hi i hrlck structure, on
iorrn.u HiHi.lar Just twen Dblshed and
fitted i-i lui tie a cccn m ouiIi'Ol
TKJfiSlLM LU&7 0ME118.
A" GotdEar
"'.f. . J 1 3 3 i .v. 3 H)i.
Old Reliable
e. a. mwm s son
Wbclesaie and icetall Dealer lo
-'ourth trect. in ret Opra Ilonso.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Just Received
A Challenge 5c Cigar,
a w.t made for the retail trl" -ily. t
Pepufrberg's Cii;ar Factory.
Practical Architect.
PI ii4 ait Sii3icia4 ynli carefully
mnied.oot. and full attnt1oo will b siren a
toaaftftyaad durability.
..Water Colors. Crayon and TenciL
The Plattsiontb Herald Pablishinfi: Co.
For CUy and County Directory. Hallway Time
rabies. Telephone Excna -e Business Di
rectory, Business Cards AC, see fourth pur.
Notlc to Advprtltr.
Copy tor display advyfiemeuts or chaoses
lu HUverilseiueut hi we uauded in to ilie
I i urn nitlrii iiritiA t f r III mi lu . . if tin.
uay in wmc . me fimi to be Inserted. Copy
lor pay local aud special notice niUHt oj
tiaude-1 io before 3 p. in. each day u Insure in
sertion. II Al. uvsiikzll,
. Business Mauagcr.
A. ttallsbury, Oentlst.
C.A. Marshall, Dentist, nuc
cNor,to Clutter & Jluraliall.
Teelu extracted without patu,
by ue ol Altrous Oxide Gun.
Try Schercr'a Coru Cure, warranted
to cure without pain, only 15 rents; at
Warrlcks. d-if.
Mr. MacMurpdy returned yesterday
lroui Creston, and reports a vigorous
war raging lliero over the question of
votiug bouds to the proposed "Diago
nal" road The election takes place
. -
Freth butter 12 cents per pouud,
fresh eggs 124 exuu per dozen at tf.
J. Hansen'. 154tf
A good many farmers in town today
selling hogs, and buyiug groceries and
The "El Caiiitaa General" cicar at
Warrick's, 3 for 25c. 14813
I'artjes Jjaving the Bi-ore book of the
base ball club will please hand it to
Will Chambers.
All the best brauu ol cigara at War
rick's. WOiS
The street runuiug ort! past Jerry
Haitmau'a hus been materiallv im
proved with the plow and scraper brig
ade in the last few days.
Birthday cards at Warrick e, very
cheap. U?Mo.
J. I. Unruh has just received some of
8,"''uolbiHal, styles of parlor furni
ture ever -brought to this city some
thine iiCw and nice. Call arid sea him.
Phil Yaumj wlls the Aesthetic lead
ixMicilu oulv 5 c. ol. can t afford to
be without one. I'nil wid sell you the
est lead pencil for 5c in the market
151tf .
In the suit yesterday of the Bank of
Caja County againsi Sheriff ilyer, in
regaid to the Woodsou property, the
court hell the matter under advisement
until Monday.
Work on the 13. & M. extensions
must be booming; almost every train
west carries men to the front who have
been hired back east, and furnished
transportation. This morning oS men
who had been picked up in Chicago
passed through on their way to the
lh il Young sells good book straps
and book satchels for only Sc. Just
think ol it. 151vf
Frank Zinn, a former clerk in the
store department of the li. & AI.. has
resigned his poaitio.. and gone to tiring
on No. 2. Johu Buttery, a clerk ar. Pa
cific Junction takfg Frank's place
Another clerk at the Junction takes
John's position, while Frank Morgan,
of S- & C. Mayer's, takes the position
vacated by the clerk whose name we
have forgotten.
Phil Young ha3 a large line of nov
elty pictures for decorating. Call and
see them. 154tf
13. Elson the one-price clother ar
rived home from the east the other
evening and has been very busy un
packing; goods ever since he return
ed. An id' a of the immense stock
he is receiving can only be had by
calling on him. We dropped in this
morning and saw him selling the
first overcoat of the season to J. M.
Hutchison, of Rock Bluffs.
Just Received at McCouri's a
Gld.'u Drip rup and ilso a
California While Wine Vinegar.
Our readers will find a very good
York letter in today's issue from Cass
county's old pioneer and friend Mr. W.
J. L ucb late ot Mt. Pleasant who has
chosen York as ills place of ubnde on
nccouut of the M. E. cl.ege at that
point. Mr. Luch writes a good letter
and the town of York is evidently hav
ing quite a season ot prosperity,
Joe. Ford baa ordered 75 new pair of
rouer skates ana wid opeu up a rink in
the Waterman block in a few days.
The fourth anniversary of the or
ganization of the Liederkranz, a musi
cal organization composed ot some of
our best German citizens, was held in
the Guthman hall last night. A jolly
erowd was present, and with the best
music, which the merry dancers duly
aj preciateri, the evening was whiled
away in a mot enjoyable manner.
Es lebe hocn der Lie-ierkranz.
Parties wishing nice fresh Baltimore
Oysteis next week will please leave
their orders this we. k- We will sell
them as cheap as they can be had in
Omaha. 149 t F. White.
Bed noes huce. X have on hand
a large and very superior siock of fur
niture, much of which 1 propose to sell
off at cost. My goods are for sale aud
liefore purchasing 1 wish evtrybody
who needs furniture to call and look
them over. Ali I ak ol the public is
io examine toy foods and mv prices
lwti Hjcssv Jock.
On FriJay, j 2itu instate t, at noon
alter au of about seven month
Fred ILcond sou of Mr. and Mrs. II
D. IJiaway, of this city, passed a way
truer, earth almost without a struggle
Since February last, when the con
traction of wnat seemed for a time to
be no more serious than an ordinary
cold took r reu away from his desk in
the Journal counting room, uotblujr has
been left undone to stay the progress of
his disease that human skill, foresight
and experience could suggest. The ell
mato of southern California failed to
idve any relief, and though for a time
after the return home there seemed to
bu a slight rally, nothing availed, and
his sieudy and continuous decline from
week to week has been so marked that
his death, thougu occurring perhaps a
little sooner than was anticipated by
many or those who attended nla bed
side, whs not unexpected.
On Friday morning a change for the
worse was noticed, aud he told bis fath
er that he feared he would not rady
this time, boon alter, he called tor his
mother and the rest of the family, and
bade them an allectiouate farewerell
lie soon after lost the power of articu
lation, but was evidently conscious to
the last.
Like his late cider brother, Charley,
whose memory is cherished by a large
circle of Ir lends, l red was a young man
of the correctest principles and studi
ous habits, with, to all appearances, up
to his Illness, a bright future and a
long life before him. Affectionate,
thoughtful of the comlort and hauul
ness of his parents aud every member
of his family, devoted to the domestic
crcle, a companion to his father and
the stay of his mother, his untimely
death carries with it the keenest sense
of desolation and irreparable loss.
The sympathies of a large circle of
friends and acquaintances for the fain
ily, a tecond tune stricken within a few
months, are warm and deep.
Fred Hampton Hathaway, was boru
in Nebiawka City ou the 11th of Au
gust. 1883, and passed his twentieth
year tnirteeu days before his deuth.
Funeral services will be held from
the residence of his parents, on the cor
ner of M and Sixteenth streets, at 3
o'clock tomorrow (Sunday afternoon),
State Journal.
Many of our citizens will read wi!h
profound sorrow t ha foieuoing account
of the death of Freddie, son of our for
mer citizens, Mr, and Mrs II. D. Hath
away. The writer of thU mention has
known "Fred," us he wa3 familiarly
called from his infancy, to the date
of his death; our last recollection of
the fair featured, bright boy, was In his
father's flk-ei connected with the State
Journal, a little over a year ago, when
he had almost attained the stature ot a
full grown jouug munln.od, and lit io
did we then think that our friends who
had just been called upon to mourn
the loss of their eldest boy, would
aain be stricken down in the same
Fred was a bright, manly young man,
ot far moro than ordinary promise, and
Mr. and Mrs Hathaway, in their af
fliction, have the sincere sympathy of
their large circle of friends and uc
quaiuldiiccsrat this, their old home.
A Strange and Bold Assault
A bout assault was made iu Council
Bluffs, Thursday evening, upon a 3 ouug
lauy named Alias Addle lieggs, ot bi.
Louis, who is yisiting Mr. Jonn Shick-
etanz and family, of that city. The
residence is a large one, situated at the
corner of Seventh avenue and Eighth
street, lne young lady went up stairs
to ber room early in the evening, the
rest of the being in the panors
below. As she entered the door ot her
room, she was suddenly gra&ped by a
ma. who quickly throwing his arm
about her beck placed his hand ou
ner mouth preventing her from scream
ing, while with the other hand he took
handkerchief Irom her pocket and
with the agility of an expert substitut
ed this for his uand, gagiug her secure
ly, tying the handkerchief back of her
head. He took from his pocket, or
somewhere from his person, some
strips of cloth, and tied one firmiy
about her throat, choking her up so
that she could hardly breathe. As she
struggled aud tried to hit him or push j
him oil with her hands he grabbed
those aud speedily tied the 111 behind her
so firmly that she could not resist. As
she tried to use her feet or kick him he
placed his foot on her feet.
About this time one ot -the children
who was playing down stairs fell,
bumping its head, and eome one of tho
tamiiy called out to the child "Whai's
tne matter thert ?" The mysterious as-
sailaut evidently thinking that the fam
ily had heard the struggle up stain, aud
thinking an alarm had been caused
pulled a revolver, aud pointing it at the
young lady, told her not to scream a
command which in her condition she
could not have disobeyed if she would.
The fellow, still pointing his revolver
at her said, Lady, it isu l jour money
or v.ur jewelry I want," aud retreated
down the stairs ttill holding his revol
ver pointed at her over his left shoul
der as he walked away. He went down
the stairs throe steps at a jump.hunidly
unlocked the front door, xud skipped
out. Soon af'cr the young lady man
aged to work the gag louse enough to
give three screams, all the family rush
ing to her and toutid her in the condi
tion describee The bandage on her
wrist had been tied so tight as to leave
marks and almost bringing the bloc'.
She was, of course, greatly excited, but
narrated the incidents of the strange
assault in detail, and was able to de
scribe the man in some respects. She
says he was nearly 6ix feet in height
had black hair, and wire a pepper and
salt son of a suit. She says he was
either in his stocking feet or had rul
bers on. as his footsteps even in going
down the stairs could not be heard,and
she noticed that Ids feet were encased
in something soft as he stepped on her
feet to keep her from kicking. She
could not describe his features, how
ever. Omaha Bee.
Miss Beggs having visited friends in
this city a number of times in the past
year will be remembered by many who
no doubt will be sorry to learn of ber
fright but glad that It was no worse.
The largest and finest stock of hats
ever shown in Plattsmouth, all of the
iatost styles in felt and M3, just re
ceived at Elton's the only one price
clothier. Also a few. of the nobbiest
suits ever t-een. We take pleasure- in
showing them. . S5d6t wQltl "
For booth privileges at coming meet
ing of Cass cojnty Agl Society. Apply
to W. S. Wfcej $09. liaOAwtf
Mjs. Hayes will spend tho dy in
J. W. Barnes goej to Fullerton today
to spend Sunday. - -
Mrs. Newton and Miss Josie Stadel-
mau are iu Omaha today.
M. A. Ilartig&n was engaged in a law
suit at Louisville yesterday.
I E. Watson is seeing the city of Pa
cific Junction today. '
J. C. ilorrisey started this morn
ing for Burlington.
John A. MacMurphy went west
ou No. 1 this morning his destination
being Lincoln.
Luther Boediker tho Louisville
meat merchant and a good fellow
generally is in the city today.
Capt. II. E. Palmer and daughter
arrived home this morning from an
extended trip west.
Mrs. Emma VanCleve nee Ilcsser
came in from Lincoln this morning
to visit her parents a few days.
Mrs. It. It. Liviuestou, Miss Anna
and the Misses Livingston arriyed home
last night from a ten days trip in Colo
rado. Ed Fitzgerald and Pat Murphy took
a trip to Omaha today. It is not known
whether Ed took Pat along for safety or
2 s
John Leach went- to Omaha this
morning, for an invoice of "home
made" candies .at least thats what the
boys oay.
Mrs. J. W. IIufTinau and her accom
plished daughter Miss May acconipau
panied by Master Lawrence returned to
Omaha last evening after a brief visit
in our sociable city.
P. E. Ruffher.W C. Showalter, F.
E. White, C. W. Sherman and J. M
Patterson with a pocketful of proxies
will represent the democracy of Platts
mouth at the Louisville convention
this afternoon.
Wm. II. Newell our efficient coun-
t3' treasurer returned home tins
morning after a months absence in
Ohio and Pennsylvania. Mrs. New
ell ou her way home stopped in Il
linois for a few clays.
Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Wheeler arrived
home last night from a delightful trip
to -Denver and the mountain resorts
near bv. The Major reports splendid
weather during their tour which added
greatly to the pleasures of the trip.
Ed. Herald: York is booming. Car
penters, plasierers,brickmasons and all
ther kinds of workmen have all the
work they can do with good wages.
Iu fact we need-more workmen! This
know for the reason that I ain having
much trouble iu finding plasterers and
carpenters to finish my house and buil -
York has three good lumber yaids
all doing a good business, two brick
yards running in full bias and yet they
are shipping in brick from abroad and
cannot get building material as fast as
it is needed.
The schools commence here Sept 12.
We expect the dormitory completed by
that time i. c. if they can get the work
men to push the job through and it is
going to be a fine building.
In the way of buildings now in pro
cess of construction there are several
large brick business houses going up
thatvill adu very much to the appear
ance)f the citj .
Mr. Editor I wish to say to my old
friends in Cass county before I close
this, that York is free from any of those
belighted links of infamy called sa
loons and irom what I can see and
learn wo haye a class of citizens here
ihat will see that they are kept out. The
II ehald reaches us here all right and
al way finds a hearty welcome around
the family circle. Yours,
W, J. Lynch.
We are in receipt of a copy of The
Woman's Tribune. We presume it ?s
Vol 1. No. 1, and that it is publishea
somewhere in Nebraska, but u is mere
ly a presumtitiou.-is the sheet itself does
not enlighten us. lu short, The Wo
man s Tiibune is au enigma.but woman
herself is an enigma and this iseviden
ly her own peculiar handiwork. But
as we read the salutatory the mystery
is partially solved. This is simply a
prospect us to feel of the people, as it
were, to know how auxtous they are
for a suffrage paper in Nebraska. We
can assure the dear ladies that the pa
per will take like wildfire providing
it can be published in North Bend. Here
will probably be the very rock ou which
the enterprise will split. Knowing the
magnitude aud general importance of
the institution, every town in Nebraska
will be gangrened with prejudice and
utterly refuse it support should it be lo
cated here. Nat Smails would make
devasta' ing war upon us as we already
are aware that he has applied for a po
sition as editor in chief. To this we
should rigidly object. Let Smails mar
ry if he wants any connection with
woman's cause. No old bachelor need
apply. Wc know of some ore who
would make a good editor in chief, but
we never will give his name unless the
institution is located in North Bend.
North Bent Flial.
Bargains la Bricks.
200,000 brick fcr sale, builders will
do well to see is before purchasing.
Leave orders at Weckbach's store or at
the yard; all order will receive prompt
attention, Raukn & Martin.
dl27mo 1
- I have concluded to change my loca
tion in about 30 days. Parties know
ing themselves indebted to me will
Sileaae call and settle at once and great
y oblige. W. H. IU&sb.
Csuna tj::-vT.iC!r Cay.
'The womnsulragi4fs ol -Lancaster
county will hold a county coo vention at
the office of IL- O. & Ada M. Bittcnben-
bender, O street, north side, between
Tcntn and Eleventh ttreet, Saturday
at 8 p, ra., for the purpose of electing
officers tot the comiug year, .also dele
gates to tbe state suffrage convention,
to beheld at Hastings, Sept.. 3. Also
to transact other important business.
Let every man and woman in the coun-
Ky who ia iu favor of equal suffrage be
present. By order of com. Stat
Ed. Ruffucraud CLupUiu Wright tire
deserving of commendation for the
splendid manner they have graded aud
fixed up the street, near their
residences. The appearance ot proper
ly in thai part of town is Cousideiably
enhanced, and that too without the tax
payers having to do it. We could only
find fault with one thing, and that was
why a two-story manure pile, that must
be offensive to pusaers by ou that street.
canuot be removed? We do not know
who ia to blame, but certainly the own
er should not indict the public with
such a nuisance, especially on an other
wise clean, good lookiug street.
List of Letters).
remaining unclaimed in the P. O
Plattsmouth Neb. Aug. 24, lbSS.
Anderson Mrs Geo Clark David D
Counts Delia
Connelly Lizzie
Fiulay Geoigo
Ilickson Sarah
Livingston Katie
McNurllu Villa
Pioiriskownki F
Ruby C J
Smitu Spelhaan
Da.tou F P
Gill Scbosch
Kent Peter
McCord Marv
Oizeu Y
Rattery yVlex
heppurd John
Persons calling for the above will
pleasH say "Advertised."
J. W. Marshall. J'. M.
-. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly.
The September Number presents a
host of bright attractions, of which . we
can name only a few: "The Treaty of
Paris, September 1783," "The French
Stage,"'. "The Tea Commerce of Xew
York,"' "A- Sentimental Jourucv to
Two Home if Edgar Po "The
Thames Embankments," and "Nell
Gwyun,"are the promim-nt .rticles,
each profuselly illustrated. Th excit
ing serial, "The Beautiful fjoitnte-s of
Clairville,' is continued, m. a new 0110
commenced, "Tiue to Untruth," and
there are a great many short stories,
sketches, adventures, etc., by popular
writers, of exceeding interest, together
with pos ms of unusual merit. Amongst
the contributors o this number are :
J E. Ruutz Hees, E. Battersby, Amanda
M. Douglass, II. Barton Baker, Lieu
tenant H. D. Smith, N. Robinson.
Kate T. Robinson, Oscar W. Rigs,
Henry Tyrrell, CVRostii, Audrey Frere,
W. O. Stoddaid, Philip Bourke Mars
ton, etc , etc., There are 128 quarto
pages, and over 100 embellishments in
each number, together, with a benutiful
colored plate fron&iepiece. "A- Merry
Companion" is the title of the present
one. Price 25 cents; S3 a yenr, post
paid. Address, Mrts. Frank Leslie, Pub
lisher, 53, 55 and 57 Park Place, New
York .
Onesiight Omy !
Thursday August 30th.
or THE
Cllcap Ideal Opera Company
Wi.lbe produced Gilbert and Sullivan's
Latest Success ! Pirst tlmo in
Or the PEER and the PERL
A Grand Chorus. A Complete String. Reed
and Brass Orchestra trvliug with tins com
pany, iuclutlinn tliH services of tbe following
artists: Joie Bartleit, Ada isomers, Jeannie
Herrick, Mac St. John, Aggie Yatee, Joxie
Bartlett. .lohu K. Mc Wade, O.ias. 11. Clark. W.
H. Clark aud Herbert E. Crlpps. Castell Bryd
ges aud Arthur Burien.
Seats now on sale at J. P. Young's News De
pot, fricex. $1.00, 75 and 50.
Instructions in Music.
Desires to inform her friends and patrons that
eiie will receive
at her residence, on
betw. Granite and Marble St's.
commences September 2d. 18S3, I5ltf
TUESDAY, SEPT. 11, 1883,
with an ample corps ot instructors.
On application to tbe Chancellor catalogues
can be obtained by those deirlog information,
and certificates for half fare on the railroads
by those expecting to attend.
riret Term begins Tuesday. Sept. 11. 183.
Second " ' Thursday. Jan. 3.186L
Third " " Tuesday. April ' J 18M
Asnua) Coramencemeut Wednesday, June 11
w41 open October 3. 18J. aod ceeUa f loo's.
2 AL . .
Adverlberaviwtaadef thl ncad.;ihre renti
lcr line eacu inavruon.
MONKVTO LOAN-On real estate by m'M
van Wooley. if
L'Ott 8ALK. beadier top buiury.Weaat cottar
harness llver iuoant d. rrwh ew wttb
ealf mix weeks old,
Inquire of M, Mcklwalu.
l?OK SALE-A aeieS'-woik furnished
purchaser and poll ny iu cash
w. 8. Wish.
TTQR MALE Cheap. A hou.t and two lots.
A desirable p-ave, for particular euqulis at
mis omce. hiu
PUH SALE A few articles ot furniture, but
- Ml. e used.cue Mrs. JoUusvu Hwee
uey' (property of ilus May Crauiuer. 113 Ot
PUBBALK ORltENT-A rood hoiw with
- neven rooms, conveniently arranged and
located near the the buniueiMpiiri ol the city.
r particulars enquire of l. r . oyner. 1.1. uu
rrOB SALE--House and tots, price CO.
x cash, balance la monthly ymnuts.
It. U. WlMlill
f 100
F OK SALE Se-eral residences, cheap,
quire of it. If. W heeler & Co.
VOll SALE !cratch Tablets la all sizes, at
thisolnce. VUI
1' OK HALE a lot lu good location. Particu
lars at this offlco V7U
FOR SALE An order for a new American
r-ewlux Machine, luqulre al thhtonlco.
IOR 8 LK I.Oiw cord of wood. Inquire of
W.a. Wise. tf
IOHSALE id papers for Male nt this oflice
at J cents er hundred or ft cents per doz
en, tt
IX)R SALE -Kour lots together in Eod loca
A. tlou In thl citv. lnuulrn at Ibis omce
VOll KSNT One office room and dwelling
-- couuectfd. i3 room-) u stairs cvar lion
shneider bakery. Luqulre at Mis.
I5i tf
FOR BP T - Store Room.
"W. 8. WISH
FOR RENT Dwetllug house.
119-18. - W.8. VflSK.
1QK RENT Ilouic, convenient to shops.
E. i. Dovev &o.v,
FOR RENT 8. utb toro room of the UoJ?n
flock. Enquire of Ci. II. Black, B. Hpur :
lock, Alva Drew, Business cnnuilttee. K'atf ,
l.MUt RENT House
for rent ne;ir center of
-I- city. Enquire at fattersou's lUru
KENT UwellhiK
HoUHMK, luqulre of
WANTED Iniormailou as to the wherea
bouts of Josepli lily the bv his nie c, Klix
abctu Thomas who landed al New York. Jiwy
twnd to S. Sheneman. Sec'y of Immigration
12?4Clieliiumt., fhlladeipUia 1'eiiu.
Ur ANTED. Information of tho whereabouts
of Willis J. Conner, who was lal'huis
liiuuth a year a. Any one kuowiujt of his
pre enl location will confer a favor ty njiiiilnn
his Hdaref to Mrs. Sarah E. Congertt Weft
1-lattsburis, N. Y. 4t20tf
WANTED-Two blacksmiths and a black
smith helper at ncUnellbachcr'c shop aoti
W A-.TED-v. ohn B:iuer han bought the Stohl
" man plate. coruei ot 7lh aud Vine, aud is
prepared to accoui nod ite I he public in the
way of board1 ig ai d lo JghiK by the we:k or
mouth. onil
FOUND a gold aud J-t breast pin, the owner
cau have ihi sai- e by proluK property aud
500 men to unload Schooners at.'
153tf J. J. McVty
Ilurlburt and Miller
proprietors of the Oihaha Fancy Sttam
Dyeing and French Dry cleaning works
107, South Fifteenth street, Omaha
Neb., recommend their facilities tor
c.eauing, dyeing aud curling plumes
and tips on three days notice; ladies
... ...! ...... Utll.a U , i t o tt
cleaned by the French Dry cleaning pro
cess. Ladies' and gents clothiug cleun
ed, dyed and repaired. All kinds of
fancy . dyeing, merchant's shelf-worn
goods a specialty.
All orders by mail or express given
prompt attention.
A full stock of nice Sugar-cured
Hams and Break fas Bacon, at Central
Meat Market, at 15c per pouud: Pickled
Pork, 12Jc to 15c; Shoulders, 11c;
Shoulder, He. Fresh Lard at 12c,
or 9 pounds for $1.00 Fresh Fish
every Friday. Lake O'Neill.
FOR S41.C I.oIh H unit 3 lu
Block. 41, Improved.
d97 li. If. WINDHAM.
Dr. II. Meade will be found at his
office during the day; of evenings, at
thH residence of Mrs. Clements, south
side of Granite, three doors west of
Third street, 149dtf
Fresh California fruits and celery
received every other dav at
143-tf. F. S. WniTE's.
'Grace & Thierolf have a "-last receiv
ed their cigars, among whirh is the
'elebrated H. O. Ingersoll" cigars.
Now Boys, is your time to get a good
cigar.' dl41tf.
To the ladids of Plattsmouth and
vicinity I wish to -announce that I have
taken the rooms lately occupied by
Mrs. Tutt in the Uuion block, where I
shall continue dressmaking and invit
all to chII. Mrb. M. . MoRTiN.
Marsh's Tonie Astringent, fur Bowel
Complaints, acts like a Charm.
'I have used Marsh's Tonic Astrin
gent for Dvseuterv and am is tied it is
a certain cure." J. S. McDonald, Kan
sas City, Mo.
"For Cholera Infantum, Diarrheal,
and all Bowel complaints. Marsh's Tou
ic Astringent is a splendid remedy. It
acts like a charm," 11. T. Lane, Bur
lington, Iowa.
I regard Marsh's Tonic Astringeut
as a safe and certain remed for Cholera
Infantum. My little boy bad a severe
attack last summer and tbe Tonic As
tringent brought him safely through."
f.J. Anderson, Kansas City, Mo.
Marsh's Tonic Astringent is for sale
by Smith & Black Bros., druggists,
Plattsmouth. Price 60 cents. . , :
The Marsh Ague Cure only 50 cents
liquid or pills. Never known to
Marsh's Cathartic Liver Pills are
mild, thorough and harmless. For sale
by Smith &, Black Bros.
Henry Boeck i3 selling furniture at
prices below any house of the same
style in Nebraska. If you doubt this
fact call on him and know tbe truth, tt
A complete "line "of new "'goods, all
the latest patterns just received LBa
gorshek Bros.- Call early Sherwood
block. I58d8t A
A Square Meal
Can ha bad at the City Hotel for only
25 cents and lodging at Same reasonable
latca. Farmers and Commercial Men
will pleas bear this in mind. d&wtf I
aticl cy -
... r :!rr-1 Ccr;xr.-' - -
This I to eortlHy Cif ' " 3 ' " ' C
McLauKKlia, rraok do-ruin. lv. ... -"
V. Wr-Ruaetl, it. w. FuirnflJ. K. 11. Vi
. K.-s'alMirr. Uro. e.. out tli. Johu Wairwi
Hum. M. t lispiiian, U. W, Nli'miin, Wot, II.
Newrli. Vtvd ioruVr, C. It. farmele, V. IC.
Uutbtuan, J.M. i'atirrsou, (lew. K. Uwvey, O.
Icllt. t.eo. II. lllatrk. Uco 11 . llllcflrld, J. II.
Arvud, LouU ItofOrl, Win. lirtiMn, N, K.
Urik-tc'. J - K.Miiilth. V. K. lia.tuiKs. J. N. Wc
t'oiiiiwl, O. . Wlieiwck, Jaoub Klrlii. IIioiiihS
iiaiblue, d. K. fcldrluKO. J. M. Milowtl O.
Ir. Atull. Ueo Cross, and , W, llansvu, liave
aosociaied iliemseives loicnlisr fur Ilie purpose
of lurinli'K au luoiiririitalcd liallmuu t oiupauy
under tlie lucoriHiiatlou Lasof the Sia.e of
Ibis Company shall be known as tbe 11ntti
tnoulli aud nouill We.lcru Itatlrohd Colilmliy
by which uainr It shall ril and liausuo Omis
uss t Its rxi.tance shall he pr-lui, and It
may sun and besunu. In its r-l tisiil , It
may aruire, own aud eouv. ral, -isoimi
auo 111U d iroi f rty. its onirnct aod be coii-
triwted within its own tiane 1 may make an
use a ooiuii.ou sral whh h it tout alter at
nur ; may uo all otwilul tcls lu tauy Into tt
feci I hi oujtclsfor which II was fl - d.
It shall liatv ot-r 10 rtt rclse aJi thf llshts,
prlvlieuH. and fiaueti si-s whli h lusV lr M( miir.
u uuorr chapter uhlci-L of the cuiiipllrd Mat-
I nis coi iM.rstion irieiit-d to lay ut. locate.
cou.liuci, furnish, malulaiu, operate ami -iiJ y
a Hue ol UmIIioiwI ana Irirm.pli wlili n. o
or double tiavss with .ueh slue tracks lurrioLls,
oCtae. aud de ol, as soali be iiict-ssaiy L
tweru the plaers of the lt-riiilil of the si id
road, w hicu I prolm'tnl to roiiiiuciK'v si a po.ot
011 Hie jai.ouri liver at i'luti.i, ouih. 111 la's
county, tale or rvthra'ka. and to hcoi,.itui t
ed from said oiiit, lu a Mouth Hi sierl dlr c
tlou, ihrouah fans County, by way 01 the town
of Avoca ; throuKii 'toe couuiy, uy wa oil he
towuoi nyracu.e. turoiiKU Joiuison couuly, Uy
wav of -.lie 100 ot feterlliia. HiioukIi Laut
couuly. to ti.e towuoi beatiice, tnrough Jet
lerson county b way ol ralib ry to a point on
the Mate line, sei-arllus Kausa f 10 111 Ncl-ras-ka,
or as ue.r as practicable to these points as
may be deiuoiisualed uy a survey, u he uimuo
on 1 ' coiiipletou of mis corporation 1 with
tbeprlvll. go ot coiistruciiuk: branches Iroiu the
mala hue o other towns or places wllhlj the
limits 1 the Hia.e.
Ii'iirlhjl niiriHHjtiif I hltf uruu ill... I....
lowing uineo pwinous, Iku is ol M-e Arilclefl ' ! '
Have oeeu choseu ln-cui, lo holu iheir of-., ,
Hco until a Hoard tiirectors uriisu:Li-u rm.n '
the Htocahoiuer. as hereinalter pro ided. lti.ffJ
Johu i'lUiterald. frank turiniii. niliuitn' :
TflU. i. u. luuliaoi, C 11 laniieli'. K..K.-
Eldr.dse I hos. A. lia.biuv. U.K. Urtuils aud
iu. 11. I. Hi edeld.
'l liesalu Uoaidof Olrectors have chosen the
following person, as oiil rs of title company. .... ' .,
Caoio II 'Himele. v ice I'lenMent. . - . ,,
Hobnrt 11. V hidnaiii. tecreiai aud ' ,.4
A. W . Alcuiu(h!iiit treasure..
AS soon a. one thoiisauu sua. e. of stock sh.ll
in tuuU faith he suunciioed. ana leu umiuM
persluiie paid Into the treatury ot tue com
pany.tne pre-eut a. id Secretary snail "".
ttppolnt a iliiie jiud pi ,ce loribe h si o eellnK "
ot the suhM-riueis of s.oca, aMIsuall give j""
notice ihereoi, lu al leasl one newspaper priut- "
ed iu the city of i'iatisiiioul ., luiuy uu)s pre-.
Vloux to tlir Ojy ot .. reiiuK, anil su' h uD- -sciiher.
shall luuu anil tlu-re elect thlrtoen '
dllectois lor iiald oo. D ili . : th. diitM lnr. mn
choVeu sti.tll as soon as may oe aficr luelr elee- '
lion eiect irom uieir ow u liu-nber a I resident
and V-ce-i re'ldeiil .nd sha I also fleet s. '
lieasurer aim Mccret r . who ahali taka tun ut tue pieseul olllcer. uow atll.m in the
same cupacliy.
jsu person hUaii do elected director lu said .
company. U11 es he shad bo u iniun Duo
owner ol at le!t five shaies of s ock Ihereln. r
'1 he capital stock of 1 uis Ctiimau 1 1 .liuli in
Tear -tluiMired Thousauo lioiiais : Wiich mav
lncrease.o al au time to lour uilllmi dollars
wheu aulhoilzeu Uy a t Ao-lulids ote' of Hih
stockholderi. aud the i-hares shall bn d'tl ed
Into siitie of one hundred dollais each hlth
siia'ti.-i sh.tii oe trunsit'iahle on fiie nooks of
he coinnany. as the diicviors mav iiiovhin
thn.i'Uh uy laws.
Ah ius-aii em of ten pes cent shiill be pay- -.
nble at ihetlo.e ol ui. kink tho uON)', pi ions'
Lliu Liir icbiuud , rirut niiuit uo paia IU SUCU . p .'
liislaiiuviil.1. and at suoi times and pi., pes us t
niy be requited by lliedheciors of thu.coiu '
pany. 1 s.
IIJ. si ock holders may vote In person or Ky .
written proy. and may cul our vole for each- - A
shuie 1 hey mty own or represent.
On the nisi veUue.-.djy ot Al.ty in 1 very yetu "'
alterjiie organization of nils company u boHrM
o( direutois couali-tuig of thirteen meiuhers
shah he choeu by ballot, by such of the siouis..
iioldois as snail atetoud for mat lUipo-eelth r
in person or by proxy ; prov ded tha,, a majori
ty 01 the flock is represent d rta d directors
nhali continue iu olllce uuiil their succcsayrs are
a majority or the board of Directors shall
have power to make lly -lawn, and uher the
Mituie at pleasure. and iny trausact ail business
01 the vvrporailon. u.ay appoint i'.ugiueers,
Ag. ulf auu all Ulcers lequued lo aiu lu lite
Construction of the hoal ; suan have power to
iMsue bonds aber geltluK the wri leii Consent
01 iwo-tpirai ui tne s oca. may execute moil-
gages and UeeUs of trust
ano give at eciartv
luereior ah) 4uopvri beloiiguirf tunbe rsiu
lue private property of the stock 'holdri
shall not be liable lor tne debts of tnfc eAi.ipatiV.
II1I1 company inay be cousoiluated with aiy
other rall.oau coiuauy wnhiu or out of tne
State. ;
ine indebtedness of this corporate n rhafl '
notal any time exceed two-thhus of theeupt-
tal rt' ck.
The p.oiclpal placo of tran'acting the busi- -ness
ol me company, shall be at i latl.moulh,
.Nebsaska, liil cuauged by a vole ot the direc
tors, ana I he oiibnc:'p ion books f the com.
pany shall be opened at thl 1 lace by persona
de inhaled by tue signer of these ai ticl.-s, alter
giving 30 dy notice by publication, next pre
ceediug the time ot opening the books and
they may be closed auu re.-ope.ued as the di
rectors may deem expedient.
The time of beginning the corpora'e powers
of this company aud Its liability thereunder,
will be from aud alter the hiu dy of May.
feigned this2lth day of April, 163.
John ttzgerald,
A. W. McLaughlin,
iJauiel 11. W lieeltT,
Ceo. W. t-airneld
11. K. Palmei.
G II. Clack.
Joseph V v eckbacb,
K. a. Wiudham.
Geo, H. Huillli.
ham. M. Coalman,
Win il. Newell,
V. II. t'armele,
J. M. Fatterson,
Urlaudo lent,
J. 11. Arued.
m. Keekman,
J. E. Hu.lih.
J N. McGonuell.
Jacoli Klein,
Ld. E. bldrege,
O. K. Ktull,
G. v liausen.
John Waterman,
l. w. Btierman,
Fred Gorder.
F. tt. .utbmann.
Jeo. E. lovev,
Geo H. itlleiield,
Ixiuis Hoebel,
N. K. Griggs.
F E. 11 -o-tings.
O. N. Whelhx k,
Thomas Harbiue.
J. B. McDowell,
ueo. crocs.
CAS' Coumv. I
On this 24th day of April. I8, before me K.
B.Wiudham Notary ublic.duly ct-mmlxsioned
and quaiifled lor and residing 111 said County,
personally came John Fitzgerald, O. H. Itlack,
A. W Mclnighlln. Frank Carruth, llanlel 11.
Wheeler. J eph V. Weckbach, Geo. W. Fair
field. 4. Palmer. Geo. H. Hmith. John Wxt-
ernmn, Sam. il. Chapinau. C W. bheruiaii. W.
11. Jkewell. Fred Gorder. II. I'arinele. K. K.
Guthmaiiu, J. M. Faltersriu. Ueo. fc. iJovey.O.
lent, personally to me known to he the identi
cal persons whose names ie ailixe i to the
above iiisirumehi, ana acknowledged the ex
ecution of the same lobe iber voluntary act
and deed.
Witi ess my hand and Notarial Seal, tbe day
i , and year last above w ritteu.
hkai.V blgued. U. B.WIMHUM,
Notarv Puhli
in aud ior Cass Couuty. Nebraska.
On tbe 27th day of April, im before roc Ja.
A. Math ws. a Notary Public, duly cominls'lon
ed aud qu lined for aud reeidlug iu said county,
personally came . B. Wlndha . to me known
to be the ld'Mitical person whone name is
affixed to tbe above tiistrumeut, and acKnowi
euged tue exec itlou of ihe same to be file vol
untary act and deed.
Witness my hand and Notarial Meal, tbe day
1 , and ye r above written. r-
"KAL blgned, JAS.8.MTnEW8,'
' ' Notary PubUc. ,
OTOKltll'MY. j" -
On this 3d day of May. 1883 before mrf W. E.
Page a iNoary Public, duly commiisioned and
appointed for and residing in Itoe County, per-' Littiefila. J H Arend.
1 ul- Hoebel. Wm. B-ekiuan. to me personally
known to be tbe tdeutlc l petsons whose names .
are Affixed to the foregoing artleieof loco i-ora- '
ton, aud ackno ledged the execution ot the
same to be their voluntary act ami deeo.
Witness my uand and Notarial seal, this 3d
l - 1 da of May, I8SX
al Signed W. F. PAGE,
' ' Notary Pnblic.
Gaok Coo tv.
On this 4th day of May, 1823, before me the
unner-lgned. a ot-r eubU . In and for said
county, personally came S. K. Griggs. J E,
ninith. P. E. Hastings. J E. McCouu. II, O.
Wbeeiiock aud laeob Kle'n.wb are wed known
U be the identical person, who signed the fore,
going iosti anient, and they acknowlediJ
same to be their volu tary aci and deedJ
Given under my hand and Notarial '
1 . 45. "a,"1 y.m ,nRRtf
. JsrrsAsoir cotrm. .
On this Hb day of Ma before me ....
Benjamin L Pardy cnm'
mls-loned and qoa"-d. for JeSer-oB. county,
Nebraska. vrnfiJT HaybiM.
Geo CrfMuand w- Han-en. sbo are well
known wirie r b" Identic! person. 'who
surnwlloe fo''lng In trument. and they ac
kDowieKed1" same to be their voluntary act
&DGive'rrrny hand anil No tarsi Seal tb I
- . VetetylMtrtJC.
I -