i .1 L' i , .i S?' 1 v j UXw for WILSON EROS.' MIIRT8. I. 0 ; ri B(!iOK PLMIOOTfl- HBRALD- rUBLIBUKD BT The Flattmontk Heral- PfltlisMng Co. r OPERA HOUSE GENTS' ' AUD " -' ruRRtxiaais. U 0 111 POST OFFICE Kevs Depot, U STATIONERY. NOT . MASON & nAMLlN P nENBY F. MILLER and Telegraphic, DUCK ' BRO A3T JB. TOD-V'S AT SAGE'S OLD STAND, ON LOWER MAIN STREET. ?Zio L3es4 ILIme ft (L'oolk Stoves (Kosoltoe Stoves, 66 66 46 Trim ware (Keneral IHIairalware val of the Celtic this moroiutr by nerabtn ol tho bar association, aud transferred to a where breakfast awaiied tneru salllagupEastaud North rivem party landed and were driven i residence of Elliott J . &eperu, Lord Coleridge and his friends wui u guests during their stay in this city. This evening a dinner mil oe gi Shepherd's, at which pl-ce ucnenu Hancock will be present. THE BLUE AND THE OKA1. Cbautaqua, AuKut 24.-sevcn thou sand persons Hsscmbled in tho ampin theater this afternoon, to ub singing of federal and confederate war songs and addresses by Jdge Albion VV. Tourgwe. of New York, and Rev. D. I f Uenrtria. Dr. Aniens i w(s - : " Viucent asked all soldiers of either aru.y present to gather in the rear of the platform and two hundred respond, ed. A letter was read irom Senator Colquitt, of Georgia. An original song, . I - a V ...ni vWWAn Ml . m Pikot TitK- iun.tr 'itwm Forever. umir- JLyE- SZ Mi-urthe thugstion of Present Lew Mil C that is try ng the cae of the ler. by WalLce Bruce, of Poughkeeosie. State vs Frlni jlm a spent last night was sung by the choir and congreg,tion , f the sheriff It was much with 3ne ettect. me dialed at .he hotels and the opinion IUOst impressive ever held at : wu- is generally express. dth.it a verdict or .auqu. ana several w guilt is out of the quVstiou. A hung pariicii jury is probable ana an acquuta. po - oi t v . - " ' were ole. The solid democracy ol me jury, ur. Y mcenv . and the youth and association of lour 212 students in me w.auii of the number, and an ex-confederate v( lauguges tor m - - record cf six. Rive rise to inls ucuei. of the uay cioseu wu. Last night Dick Llddell and Mrs. liite J WOrks. arrived. Liddell this morning snoweu ruan.nv. a i on the stree with two navy revol- Atchison, Kas., August o.-. i ... I .... .. . I..ru vi-atcr- vers strapped to his waist. iTompwy the pugiusi.wiio wnv f at eight o'clock this morning the court day with bis trainer, Dick Brighton, convened, witnesses being excluded and his manager, Price, has taken f.om the court room. The attendance quarters at me r. A num I gone into active irainiug. u THE NEWS. Missouri's Favorite. Frank James' Trial in Gallatin, Mo. Miscellaneous Notes. nOBEfl? DOlJnELLy,S My liAVUk? M. M. MM. Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Flow r nairina. and oereral jobbing I k uow prepared to do all kinds ot rftpalrlng Is a good latb In my shop. PETER RAVEN. The old Reliable Wagjon Maker has taken chance of the aRon snop, Fie U well known as a NO : WORKMAN. itnriM made t and Uasrslea saade 8ATIKF ACTION m A RANT MM! tall Louisville HEROLD'S State! Can be found best Branch v - M. O'CONNOR. At the down-town saloon. OPPOSITE THE PERKINS HOUSE. Kcep a complete Ine of 7i7" J 3NT 3S3 Liquors, AND CIGARS, BOTTLED BEFR, ALE AND PORTER, KRUG'S OMAHA BEER and the best bra.ids of Kentucky Pl.ATTAMOTnH. CLOTHING the largest and stock of Gents' Foraisliii Goods tVlllHklPA. OpposlfO Perkins Hmi. - was not as large as yesterday. To be Xound la the City. New Roods at prices that defy competloa. Glre rue a call AMI IB TTdDIDlD. mm mm We have Just received fine assortment of TBVrtTLgjrgjriLS3 ! rAND Spring Wagon Tops, .i will sell at prices within the reach of all. Come and See r Canopy TTop. ; TUB LIQUTE3T, NEATEST AND MTJgOWVBXIEllTtaTOP . -Tn'. p.ovs "and LadlesVSaddlee at J.G.CHAMBERS & SON Mi rr l l l I rim a (SCo 20331(31 ?Co9 3EO S i. t Indies OCCUUieu seuia 4uu iu lw v - .... atfiee. J udife Goodman announced trial .i ivntiid bu alloweU an nour L tlC , . la which to j.reeeut the case to the jury Mr. Wallace, for the state, read tne n- Hitmpnt and then told the story of the w-nston robbery and the manner ot tue ,wth of MacMillan. who was snot, through the head, as he looked into the door of the smoking car. me tnree - :.. ii.a omiiklnir mr. he said, were Vrnk and JusseJamcs and AVoodlu e Tho two men who took possession ot the engine were Dick Liddell aud Clar ence llite. Mr. Wallace then went iuio the history of the conspiracy to rob tne train at Winston, and the life of the Jaracs boys m Tennessee, the orgauiza .t e 1m,l otr. Tpstiruonv will be introduced to show that the gang before leaving Kentucky shipped some implements of the robbery to .Jonn v Lir.hir of ob Ford. Wallace then forshadowed the testimony ot tue siate. locating the gang iu Clay and counties, aud establisning tneir nreseuce iu the vicinity of Winston on ihdavot the robbery, xne ueieusc waived ita right to the presentation of the cast-, and the taking ot testimony commenced. The first witness was John L, Penn, of Colfax Iowa, who was in the company of McMillan at the time of 1.U death. He ndatedjiow he an I f ur otheis including McMillan, b r ed the car at Winston, how three men ca ne int the car witu revolvers in eac . band; how McMilleu was Kin a .... ns-t 'r ,(ri11fril tilt e j . pe i u i- .w"0 WiDdo.vand ad the circumstances or. robtrV. Ua cro3e-exam.uu he c-uld not lueniuy ") these men, as they were ia"ked. Aildis Wolcott. en-ineer ' train, was the second witness, and rc- l itfd how a couple of masked robbers jumped on the tiaiu and forced him to obey their orders at tne muzzie oi me revolvers. Charles Murray, Luited Mates ex . . i i pres3 agent Oil tile train, remiw uv hj was forced to open the sale Dy two meu in masks with revolvers. Two uhvsicians then testified as to the nature of the wounds causing Mc- nii..na death. This concluded the that Jem Mace will be hero in a n dav. Many rumors are current as to the place where the fight is to taKe plac. Slade is lo excellent couuin- It u rnortrd tliatJohn Ij. Sullivan win also arrive here in j few days, and that he intcuds to backSlad ell. against Mitcb- DANK6. J. . SIMPSON, AGENCY FIRE 1NSDRAHCE CO'S: CITY, of London, QUEEN, of Liverpool FIREMAN FUND, of California EXPREESS COMPANIES AMERICAN EXPRESS CO.. . ,i, c.T,r. f -n FVPKES9. Offlcoin Kock wood Block, will! Johnson Bros Trunks.Valises, Boots and Shoes, In Cass County, at Bed flock Prices. Remember the place. . IHIIEIE(nILIlD9 Sole IProprHor ARNICA PREPARATIONS ijitiiqutUedickie, hill lJ Ji! ,4s Q2y i ,Vor ooinblnod. l na l.o equal n a JE1I.Y. The liiKltwit couili a.Llr... ! aj-iiica WUI IMMHiiiy cure chl f i . . twi .mi. lniMta of tha .Uln. whether OHMKTM H f,n BKIU i . ... u l.,., n. lil-tliMaiM A. W. -MCL.AU01II.TN ! i nti c h'lT'.i:RHAI.J. Resident. CafU'.er. FIST MATiONAU ! iF FI.ATT.SMOUTH. NKBKASKA, Offers tlie very best facilities tor the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks. Bonds. M.ld-PrStrrlilv Securities miu'uvwm """i CU aud interest allowed ou tiine Certitt catee. UralU drawn, available in any part of the United Staiee and all the principal towus of huroue. Collections maclv & promptly remitted. Hisrli"st market prices paid for County War rants. State ai-d County Bonds. ninprmRS! . . .j a rc. Touzalln. jonn riugttraiu j; 7..lf(nin' Geo. E. Dovey. K. ft. vvuite. A. W McLauuhlin. 5 eJ & 5 ri a o a c a "5 a E o U u o OS t-. D a g a o C -tS 3 to 2 e 3 o or, 0 ra 2 5a 4 CO 3 t THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED Tl GCBE&if& tloa. neraiM riiF - - dumb ; f!f,V-f 4i-i:rXERATIVEItCAN' !?"!"f Mtietljtm Dern.ei.ting I' at.! Vrf? m.tre.tV l. I. benlth J ' u. - - 09 5 00 2 9S 13 B S3 . j; I ADlESaeNETIC ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. S-i o a OS S a S c a p.; 3 t3 n a. oi a) 'S- act o O O 4-3 p-l 3 11 9 ce . s & es O ja o - o iS i-i oct WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER. - J7. E. L. REED, Fresideut. T.. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. R. S. WILKINSON. Caahier. IK nHIIB UK Tn tuc i AnicQ- i,2-ir.:5Ks: IU 1111. tnUltVI xvr.l.l. N.r.. - . . . . . i 1 1. till UO I UTriR. - -I ..1 I p. KfoV.ru fo.. of Fe-.T? .J.r- " -S Stia.M'p?r'""teV.25.ii'iL TCO D d rn:inuo illowed.or br vuntuidXMor rnue. kpiiiiii.-.. rencT, ent in letter at ovr r .H. . . t'JS, 5ff atKlJht.'The. hoi . tl,elr,xWorvr.-. are worn at all .eaiwt.- of .e year. ,"t Wl-t M " w'ti oU of tu..- THE MAGNETON APPIJANCK CO., XIO OUiio nut hivuvi TOILET SOAP rellsbtnill prr- . , t,AMnI ttn I lm.in.it4 lo it J I ft una " ITilli I l41 Ti Tiio tnoiit Ier- l,B! ' . V . j fTi, r.tt,f tii'i 8a p and eraa cra, "a u . ,V. -V':, fi 4Cfc Wl.CI Bunf Shaving Soap ARNICA A mtAiriLtttA artlclo of rara merit. re veni all plinplv", iiHii.mnn fjMMsanu V nd r.l by leadln Harbor.. wl.O .av.thnnt mu-Hllel a a abaviua doap . nU-.p in iVt.r and laatinit. Kep Uio la-!0 aud naok iraa fVompluiples. I.ICK lJrt.fM-lr.w TOOTH SOAP In without qneation tho tnoiit perft-ct ar t:cl vr produced . ,tf nnlv clcaiin wi h arnica proerve and fJJ", ii ttiv" ti the hroAb a wt, tloltout odor, ita SltolsdeliKbtfu- Frlo. afto alH. .l?lruKKiHt"Ml the above art.clt. or WO wJl miil tneui. poBtpald.-.u receipt of price. C. H. STRONG & CO.. Sole iToprletors and Jttunrrs., CIiIcok. WILL J. WARWICK, AGENT, PI-ATTSMOlTTlf, -' - - N FUR A SKA. HOESE-SHOEIUG CITY SHOEING SHOP. A BErai Bamanfi Business Transacted. 0 IS L C. St. J, ana C Safest. Best and Most ReliaHe LINE IN THE WEST. 8 Warranted to be a. o0 WSeSTOVISB and Simony The S,.e, in f.r as the keep in .tock a general aortment of HAKUW, tb( ( an1 Uie court tUl(U TIN W A lit., ana sen as cutuu o aiV Call and sec ns in mc iwwkwwu , i i-.i.if.. Mid Tinners1 StOG ALL KINDS FUR SALE BY Ricelsior 1 Cass County Iron Works WAfMAN & KIRBT, Propr's. IgBWRBPA8IRlO of all kioda. Oar Machine Shop b fully equipped . all cMmpoxron. duplicf all easterr prices, saving Pmtronize Ni rasM . . . . - reieht and tiuw. ' . -Parties buildinjiBtny udi.inniml until 1:30 v.w . when evi lence will be adduced tending to con nect Frank James with the killing. Go.ern-ir Crittenden arrived this mornlDg, and id an attentive auditor in CMIlt- Kansiia Citv. August 24. Governor Crittemlen arrived last night from Jef ferson Ciiy, and lei t this morning for Gallat n. wheie he has been subpo3;oe i by the defense l o testify at James trUl. The Governor s iys he cannot unagiuc what they expect to prove by bun, ex- ccp- the mere fact ot a rauK s surreu- dcr. The most intense excitement, was caused uuuut noon. whenMudge C. Irv- -r - ,o mr an 1 Hrfie d Da7Ss two geatle,nen ST. LOU lO. IViVJ I w 10 were wariied a day or two ago to be careful about gmng leaumony against Frank James, each received the tollowing letter: "St. Louis, Angust 23. Hartfield Da vis nd Alexander Irving. Gallaun-r- Gents: Your evidence against Frank James will be watched by tried aud true friends of the hero. No one but tlm writer and one other know how noar Gov. i rittenden came to biting the dust in April, 1832. on Sunday af ternoon while he rode in the chair car from Jeflersou City to St. i uis. The pistol was cocked twice and only policy preveuted its use. Frank James has hundreds of friends that will come to his aid at tho proper time. - If you are wise, you will be careful. A. U.K. Magnificent D ning Can, Eleiiart Day Coaches' 2 St Louis Trains Daily, 2 Omaha Trams Daily, 2 Kansas City Trains Dail . Atchison Trains Daily, Two Trains for St Paul. Minneapolis, Sicux Git1 1.. i ..'l -ioIu: i-i n j't'-i-vest. with Sank CaSS COUllty Pullman Sleeping Care, DBlWCCll &.QUS.15 bltj dUi 01. ram WITHOUT CHANGE All trains run oa tlmc.connectii.j! Sor all polnfr Rcrive't. aud Interest allowed Cn Tide Certi Ornwii available in any part of the United States and ll the principal cities oi r.uruc A fjents for the celebrated Mte Line of SIbws. MIKE SCHNELLBAOHEK. BLJICKS31ITU tlO SE SHOEING & WAGON REPAIRIN All Kinds of FarmiSeffients Mended will Neatnes and Dispatch. Cotr.er 51aiu and Sixth Streets, Horse, Mule& Ox Shoeing n short, we'll shoe anything that lut four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. C.om arid see us. ISTJUW SHOP n Filth between Main ani Vine ret jst across e corner trm the new HEKAb JOTTN P.l.ACK. Pre-sideiit, -i a m paTTK60U. uasmer. Trdiisacts a General BanWni Bnsiness. HIGHEST UASli i-itivx. tn rr.tmt-u and City War. ants. 4OI.I.K:rioaiM MAIlEi and i-romptly rwaii ted for. DtRHCCTOnS : tv tv r at Patt.rson. C. H.Panrel 14 -v " - - - F. II. Outhnnnn, J. Morrissey, a. z. inlstt. Fw4 lor-lr. E ast West, Norh & South llcuei" ior shim i o.ii ..v... - . f.nt...n rpfrdin ' rates, ti ne, ..c. clieer- Uy given fcr addressing A.C. Dawp-b. -ieu'isnpt. art of the" RUte should -rrite rwoar uufr - Twiini inri rn a - DISTISeCISBEO ABRIVAIA "Wpw York. Ausust 24. Lord Chief Justice Coleridge. Gilbert Coleridge, uis soa. Sir-Jamea Hanm-r. M. l,. and iinn.c3iiarli!alIiu0elL'2Lf. were met STREIGHT & CO. (NOCCemor iu " - ' MANUFACTURER OF FDlEi HEAVY HARHES. A large line of SaAUfss Bridles Collars Whips. &c always in stock. Repairing of all Aind r.tatly done o sort notice.: Main Street, between Fourth and Firth. SAGE'S ADDITION TO TIIIS CIT1 of l'LATTSMOUTIl Valuable outlets for residence pur poses. m sage s aaaition iiwj sumu-ni i h cltv. and all lots are very easy access, and high and sightly. For particulars call on E. SAGE, Pron t, AT SAGE'S HARDWARE STORE. Plattsmonth. n. ol AT JOE McVEY'a Sample Rooms r -ni Ann thn Finest imnorie-i v. T..ir,ritr i 'rjmnMii7n. ana uiiici - 1 11' kin AS Fine Wines, 1'ure neniucay t mhh. Bevtral of the best and most popular f ROTTLE rresn '" - . --. . . m -ri O: Beer -always on draugnt, ana x i w w kL OK&HEALY I Stcte & Monro Jiv.Vhicaga Win m"! t- - : j BlUII All 1LUUUI . .... U.I iML ' 1 1 1 ti ''I. lr laMriiimBU. uiu. o.rs Blu, o . . fa.L. . . i turatHna UI.Uh..lXKlllila ti.. iiMl ! K" I mm A ' ' Bitot a n H2 aivv n.P.lRP.rTMAN h CO. rnr.iPRESSED YEAST. tm., ko rnf. 1 use. received fresh J J ' every TUESDAY and- FJIIDAY mowxings.. -'cai3 plied oj H hi 0 S3 r3 CD -i e-f- crq o si CD -5 CD 5" 9. g O 2 a - CD H 0 CQ O o U B1 El 3 E 5 0 ggi o Hi? I am going to do all kinnV of f-hocing. and do Carriage and Wogon work. lt j.nali l and now work done to order : now I four llra to patroi-ize me. Shop on Wavbiugton Avenue at the KorsQ-3h:o Sign. P-nood Satisfaction Guhrantfed. GEO. PALM Kit. wistf PlattMiiouth. Neb. NEW Pur nit ure Store J". I. TJKvXJHC, iiKa! tit IN FUB1TITURE t COFFINS. and all kind of goods usually kvpt in a Jc 71- A, r-- TENDERLOIN Meat Market, OTNEILrProp'r. 63f Mutton Port Veal cilctekte" Contantlv on band. . Also,alIk!nd.of WAMK la eason. and ev erything kept in a FIRST-CLASS MEAT SHOP At lowest possible rates. FIK1H. t'bAHM fl Ht I t UK aTOBK Also, a very complete stock of Funeral Goods. Metallic&WooSEiiCofiM Casiets Rotes, EMBLEMS, 4e Our New and elegant hearee i always In readlnest. Remember the place, in UNI02 BLOCK, on Sixth til reef . TWO Door8Sont h of Ci.ss Coun ty Bank. Wbear we may be louud nlabt or day. J. 1 UNRUH, Wt ii,trr I I.. NfrB Dr. C. A. Marshall (8ucces.sor to Clutter & Marshall.) 315 33MH:3F3E G5E:I Preservation of natural tt'i a specialty. . Teeth extracted without pain by use of Laughing .Hat All work'waT mttd. Priest reasonable. - " K - . V PIATTSMOOTH. NF3