The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, August 20, 1883, Image 3

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    1 ' '
Oils, I aints, Iskcshks,
A lull Ijiueof TriiMMCN
An. I Iii fact everything contained in
;t Jirt-clis Drug 'Store. - Pre
ncrii tioiiHcart'lully compouud
cd Competition met in
nil departments.
Cu. Main Tiiikd Stjckkt
Will BUY and fcL'LL all kinds of
Will.. advance money on all
n lower Main street.
Or.i r wist of B tk's Fnrniturr sore
riallMit-nlli.rib. 1st. l!-::-4Gtf.
Thin beautiful three story brick structure, on
lower Maid stiect. ha Jut been huLshed and
fitted up for the accommodation of
A Goed Bar
in connection with the
'!f. I 1 I I ((U.lnp.
Old Reliable
Wholesale and Retail, Dealer in
IILIND3, &c,
fourth Mrect. n. rear of Opera House.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Just Received
A Challenge 5c Cigar,
S lahy made for the retail tn -ily. i
PepKrberg's Cigar Factory.
rrnTtical Architect.
Plans ail S:2id'jAiiMH will Wfcafrefnlly-
sarried.out. and full attention wui oe given a
tosafetyand durabuuy- -LESSONS
- Water Colors. Crayoa and Pencil.
fljffflDDBar HBRAL&
Fur City and County Directory, Railway Tim
fables Telephone ExchAug Bulnes Di
rectory, Bitalneu Card itc, sea fourth Tutt'e.
Notloo to Advertisers.
Copy for display advertLsemeota or changes
lu advertisement must tx hauded la to the
busmesaouloe not later than 10 a. n. of the
day In wbic.i they are to be Inserted. Copy
lor pay local aud special notices inuat be
handed In before 3 p. in. each day to insure tti
aertion. Jl M. tsvtmnKLL.,
Biialuesa Manager.
Call forth Cass County Republican
.i. Central Committee Meeting. .
The Republican central committee are here
by cal.d to meet at Louisville, A (itju-t 2lst,
(Tuesday) at 1 p. III.
The member are ;
Plattamoulh City lt Ward E B Lewis
2d - W8 Wine.
3d J B Strode.
4th " F Carruth.
Precinct A B Taylor,
Hock Bluffs Anderson Ret.
Liberty W Cannon.
Eight Mile drove J If B cker.
Mt. Pleasant Hamuel Richardson,
Avoca J W Cox.
Weeping Water -BC Yeoman.
Centre S N Woodford.
Louisville C E Wilkinson.
South Bend KG McFarland.
Elm wood David McC'aig.
Move Creek Ira Stanford
Tipton W B Arnold.
Greenwood- M B Cutler.
Nalt Creek Win Coleman.
It ix desired that every member of the com
mittee be present. M. SI. BUTLER.
SallNbury. Ueutlwt.
C. A. Marshall, Dentist, nuc
cfiwor to Clutter & JtiarIiall.
'I'oetli extracted without pain,
Iy use ul .Mtrous Oxide Han.
Try Schcrcr's Corn Cure, warranted
to cure without pain, only 15 rents; at
Warricks. d-tf.
New Goods New Goods New Goods.
Large stock of Latest styles in
Mens Boys and Children Suits just
received Ironi New York which we
will sell 10 per cent less than can
be bought of any house in town, also
a new lot or hats and fancy neck
wear just received at
S. C. Mayer
The Opera House Clothiers.
For houses to rent or property for
sale consult the special column.
The "El Capitan General" cigar at
Warrick's, 3 for 25c. 1483
The Herald is under obligation to
Major Wheeler for copies of Denver
Bananas, California peaches & pears
for sale by J. 1. Young. I46tf
Seventeen cars from the late 13. & M.
wreck have arrived in the shops in this
city for repairs.
All the best brands of cigars at War
rick's. 140t3
The traveling artist has been doing
Vine street today. The Herald office
and Mike Suellbacher's have been
viewed through the camera.
Birthday cards at Warrick's, very
cheap. HSt3.
John Cummins aud Dr. John Black
favored the Herald with late copies
of Paris and London papers that were
duly appreciated.
We never speak as we pass by a
beautiful new song onlv 1 Oct at J. P.
Youngs. ' 146tf
Tomorrow the stock books of the
Plattsmouth & Southwestern are
opened for subscription at the office of
R. 15. Windham, the secretary of the
Mrs. Agnes Fleniming and E. P. Roe's
last book published for sale bv J. P.
Y'ouug. 146tf
Only a mile and a half of track to be
laid ou the Tecumsch & Beatrice
branch of the B. M. Today, it is
thought, will see the completion of the
new line. Trains will be put on in a
few days.
Just received a lars line ot scrap
books and authograph albuns at the P.
O- News Depot. 146nf
The Herald would have been glad
t have published this evening a list of
the delegates elected at the Democratic
primaries, Saturday evening; but we
have been unable to find the list and no
one has brought the list around.
Parties indebted to me on their Ice
bills will please call at once, as we are
needing some money very badly just
now. 149-d2t. " F. S. White.
A rumor is afloat on the streets that
Mrs. John Cams is about to commence
a twenty thousand dollar suit against
the saloons in the city for damages sus
tained by reason of their selling liquor
to her husband. As soon as the papers
are served the Herald can give fur
ther particulars.
Fresh California fruits and celery
received every other dav at
149-tf. F. S. WniTE's.
Shaw, the B. & M. immigation agent.
from Tarkersbarg, . West Virginia,
passed through this morning witn a
company of smoky looking individu
als whom we learned were Italians,
to work for the company on some of
their new lines now being surveyed.
There were about 40 of them, rugged,
hearty looking fellows, though a little
under the ordinary height. Mr. Shaw
will bring through another cargo o;
them next "week.
Parting wishing nice fresh Baltimore
Oysteis next week will please leave
their orders this we. k. We will sell
them as cheap us they cau be had in
Omaha. met. F.S.White.
The Desirri?yVrovfa'ins of Frank
Johnson, at Louisville.
' On rriday?ast," about 3 ocldck3h ths
afternoon, Frank Johnson, a boy about
18 year old, in com'nany with two oth
er boys of his own -Age, went bathing
in the Platte river, nearly north of the
li. & M. depot.
It. seems the party could all swim ex
cept the unfortunate boy above named,
who was wading along the shore.
Some brush had caught in the river,
aud quite an edJy or current was formed
it scooping the sand out to a depth of
over live feet. The boy Was wading in
the water about four feet in depth, lit
tle expecting to find such a feink hole,
so near the bank, and deliberately
walked in, losing his footing and sink
ing wildly into the mad rush of
watrs. One of his playmates hap
pened to be close enough to reach him
before he was lost, but was caught
around the neck by the drowning boy,
aud barely escaped with his own lite.
The two boys who witnessed the ac
cident hastened up town to get help to
secure the body. A number volun
teered, and diligent search was made
day and night until yesterday about
1 o'clock in the afternoon, when the
body was discovered.
The parents were notified Friday
evening, of the accident, and were
stiickcu down with grief. The boy was
very industrious, obedient, good na
tured beloved by all who knew himf
the hope of the home, and the always
willing helper of his father.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, who arc old
citizens of thii county, have the sympa
thy of a host ot friends in their most
sad bereavement.
The funeral took place from the Con
gregational church, at C o'clock in the
evening, a large concourse of people
following tl'e remains to their last rest
ing place.
An Important Business Change.
Among the man solid aud progress
ive business firm-, in Plattsmouth. we
chronicle with a degree of pride the
enterprise of Solomon & Nathaa in
opening a branch house at Fairmont,
Nebraska. These gentlemen have, by
strict attention to business, gained an
immense trade. The extent of their
business is not confided to Plattsmouth
alone, but extends to all neighboring
towns; and it is apparent that their
success ' is due to the rare "bargains
they ofl'er, and to the superior quality
of goods they carry. Mr. Nathan is
now in New Y'ork purchasing an im
mense stock of dry goods, carpets,
millineey, notion gents luruishing
goods," boots, shoes, hats aud jewelry,
for their Plattsmouth and Fairmont
stores. In buying so extensively they
will obtain every advantage the mar
ket offers to large dealers, and in turn,
will share the profits with their cus
tomers. In this important business change,
we bespeak for them a gtand success,
and congratulate the citizens of Fair
mont aud Fillmore county in securing
such a valuable accession to their busi
ness interests.
As for Plattsmouth, they need no in
troduction.; they propose to carry a
larger and more complete stock than
ever. Their elegant stock of goods
aud low prices, arc a standing introduc
tion. Sucsess to you, gentlemen !
" August 19. 1883.
Editor Herald: Seeing in your
valuable paper of August 16th, that
when Main street was complete our city
streets would be in a fine condition. I
wish you woulu look at 4th street
above the Bonner stable, and you will
alter your mind. It is a disgrace to
the city impassable for teams and car
riages, or fire engines', in case of fire, on
those hills. "Who help to fill the city
treasury but get nothing in return? I
have lived up there and paid my taxes
tor nine years, and the city has had a
team to work one-half hour to fill up
holes so as to get brick up for Mc
Laughlin's new house, and that is all
they have paid out. But the) have let
myself and Dr. Black keep the street
in shape at our expense, so we could
get fuel enough up to burn, and now it
has entirely given out, and the street is
Y'ours truly, A Tax Payer.
A Tragedy at Nebraska City.
We learn from parties just in from
the City that Mrs. Douglas had a dis
pute witn her husband. Mr. Ezra
Douglas, on Sunday evening last,
widen culminated iu her shooting him.
Afrer carrying him out into the street
he fell dead. She then put a fatal bul
let through ner own head, dying almost
It was reported she had attempted to
take her own life before. A coroner's
jury was empannelad, which rendered
a verdict stating the woman was insane.
The school board met Saturday even
ing and filled the vacancies in the list
of teachers by electing Mrs. J.L.Stone
to the position of ass't principal. Miss
Worden to the position made vacant
by Miss Blymer's resignation. Miss
Campbell was placed in , the position
vacated by Miss Worden. Miss Thorn
gate Was elected " for the 2nd ward
buildings made yacaut by Miss Camp
bell. Miss Pollock was - transferred to
the room vacated by "Mrs. Stone and
Miss Lizzie Malone was elected to the
grade formerly held by Miss Pollock: -
' The Monarch Billiard Hall
people keep the best ice cream to be
found in the city, also choice lemonade
cigars and tobacco. - 109tf . j-
.'- -.
J. W. Barnes goes to Teaunisclwtr
Mrs. Dr. Me tde
wt nt to Omaha this
"- Mm i hit
J. M. Patterson was an Omaha pas
senger on this mornitig'H train.
Charles II. Dill, Sotith Bend's nmnied
man, is in the ctiy tKlay7
Trunk P. Traester, the Cedar Creek
grain merchant, is wilh us today.
Mrs. W. L. Baker visits friends in
G leu wood today.
J. S.Tewksbury, of Weeping Water
is in the city today.
D. II. Wheeler, Jr.. came down from
Lincoln this morning, as is his custom.
W. L. Browne went west Saturday
evening, and Sundayed with friends at
Mrs. Marslaud and Miss K'hel went
to Omaha this morning for a few days
visit in that city.
Miss Emma llobbs is visiting with
htr brother, J. II. Hobbs, at Grand iJap
ida' Michigan.
Hon. Wm. Neville returned to hi9
contract work in Gage county this
Mr. and Mr?. Timothy Clark are in
the city yislting their son Byroti and
other friends in the city.
Fred. Murphy went to Omaha this
morning to resume work in the postal
service,- between Cheyenne and Ogden.
Mrs, Alva Drew, accompanied by
Mrs. A. B. Smith, started for Denver
thin morning.
C. II. Parnielc, after a lively run
down Main street, caught the train for
the west and got aboard.
Mr9. J. P. Taylor went to Nebraska
City this morning to be gone a week
or two. -
W. W. Rhodes and daughter, of Lou
isville, are in the the city today visiting
John Moore and George Mayfield
came down from Louisville this morn
ing to see the capital of. Cass.
Charlev Gvsrcr came down from
Omaha to spend Sunday at home, and
ret i' rued this morning.
J. C. Morrissey is home again from ,'
a western
trip to his numerous grain j
Mr. Duttou and Wife returned from
their visit to Colorado Springs and
Manitou, and report au interesting and
pleasant visit.
Jeff. L. Stone has accepted a position
in the business office of the Omaha Re
publican, and commences work there
Miss Ella Thorngatc, who wns an at
tendant through thelnstitute, returned
to her home at Weeping Water, Satur
day evening.
Frank Davis, chief salesman in one
of the departments of L. B. Williams
& Co., Omaha, left for the scene of his
labors this morning
Uncle Sam. Barker and Ed. Ruffner
returned home from Chicago this morn
ing. The boys say Sam had a band
hired aud brought along for the espe
cial edification of the passengers.
Dr. H. Meade will be found at his
office during the day ; of evenings, at
the residence of Mrs. Clements, south
side of Granite, three doors west of
Third street, 149dtf
F. S. White received another letter
from his son Alf. He says the boys
are having a fine trip-and enjoying the
best of health. He speaks of finding it
more comfortable to wear Lis overcoat
which contrasts vcry Strongly with our
late spell of equatorial weather. He
writes from York, England, near where
he was born, mentions the works of
art, the old time solidity of the build
ings, the great wealth of the country,
etc., but says he prefers America
every time. John Cummins and him
self will sail for home on the 22nd of
the present month. If they have a suc
cessful trip they will be home about
the 8th making a two month's trip in
all. Dr. John Black will remain longer
and see more of the continent.
Prof. Drummoad shouldered his dog
and tied his gun in the baggage car
yesterday morning, departing for some
hunting out west and for two weeks
wot kin the Hamilton county insti
tute. The Soldier Farmers-
The committee appointed to visit
Custer county. Neb., and north to the .
Niobrara river, consisting of Col. L. C. ,
Pace, lion. W. F. Chapin and E. Chan
our have gne on their mission. They i
go by the U. P. IL R. to North Platte,
and from there-by team. The invita- j
tion extended tohe old committee by
the B. & M. R. R to visit Hitchcock ;
and Dundy counties was accepted, and j
Sam McClay, C D. Shradlr and John
Gillespie visited the counties above
named, and the line of the B. & M. west,
and have returned. When the other
committee returns, and reports are
made to the colony, the boys will then
know the best location in the state for
the colony, and a decision will then be
arrived at. Lincoln News.
An Advance.
$5.80 for the best Lead (half moon
brand) and 60 c for Linseed oil Is very
cheap, and will not oe able to - sell: jit
those prlce3aftef Sept: IT "
J48t3 wl yV."?ClIiRiCK-rT
- ; -To Teachers,
You" cau secure" scratch tablets "fiv.
different sizes, cheap, by calling at the
Herald office. . . tf
For booth privileges at coming meet
ing of Cass coanty AgT Society. Apply
Lto W. S.Wise, Sec. ' - 119dwtt
lu-daulaneona I'liolotfipl. ).
Tito-introduction within the naat
two years of tile improved gelatine
process,, by whloii the time of taking
photograph, with-dry plates hat been
LrcUucttl a thotifanll times, render it art
easy matter 7t7T(Tfo otifaiif with'ecr
talnty excellent pirtuns of moving ol
ject, ami opeu up a vast fi Id of ex
periment for the scientific student.
W 6 lately 'Qtuove4l.suujtefe. x$lUi'i&
specimens of instantaneous work by
Mr. fl. G. Rock wood, of Union Square,
New York, illustrating the oriucipal
proceedings at the opening of the great
Brooklyn Bridge. Pictures of frigate
covered wnl. flying fia, pallors man
ning the yard arm, and canons firing
from the same ships are among the pic
tures, and convoy to the mind an idea
of the extreme brevity of the time in
which the impression must have been
made ou the seusitivc plate. We arc
informed that the camera was located
upon a steam tug, but the plate expo
sures were so btief that the vibration
due to the machinery of the tug did not
affect the distinctness of the pictures.
.Mr. Rockwood has also produced a
variety of beautiful photos illustrating
the recent yacht races in the harbor.
The several boats engaged in the race
are shown in many various positions,
going at racing seed, all photographed
instantaneously; we have here marine
pictures very artistic in finish, that
show the form aud motion of the waves,
the spray, the bending of masts and
sails to the wind, and all the circum
stances of vigorous action sharply do
fined and natnrdly portrayed.- Ex
change. Peanut Flour.
The value ot the peanut crop of this
country for the current year is estimat
ed by the Savannah Telegram at $3,
OOO.OOO That' paper says that "the
Virginians are beginning" to turn the
peanut into flour, and say it makes a
peculiarly palatable , "biscuit".'"',' In
Georgia there is a custom, now growing
old, of grinding or pounding the shel
led peanuts and turning them into pas
try, which has some resemblance, both
iu looks and taste, to that' made of co
coanut, but the peanut pastry is rnre
oily and richer, and, we thirst, heanhi
er and better every way." -"Exchange.
Elsou the only one price clothier,
leaves f i r the east next week to buy
the finest stock of clothing and gent,s
furnishing goods ever brought to Platts
mouth. 135d6t2lwlt
A full stock of nice Sugar-cured
Hams and Break fas: Bacon, at Central
Meat Market, at l.rcper pound; Pickled
! Pork, to I'tc; Shoulders, 11c;
Shouio.ers?, jlc. l resii iara at l-'c,
or 9 pounds for $1.00. Fresh Fish
every Friday. ' Lafe O'Nkill. '
Use Marsh's Cathartic Liver Pills for
Biliousness and Constipation. For sale
bv Smith & Black Bros. d&wlt
'Grace & Thierolf have a- last receiv
ed their cigars, among which is the
Celebrated It. G. Ingersoll" cigars.
Now Boys, is you retime to get a good
cigar.' " dHltf.
Opening of the Bonks of the Platts
mouth and South Western Railroad
To all whom it may concern.
Notice is hereby given that on
Tuesday, the 21 day of August, 1883
at 10 o'clock A. M, m the city of Platts
mouth. at t he office of the Secretary, the
StockSubscription Books of the Platts
mouth & South Wes'tern Railroad Com
pany will be opened to receive Sub
scriptions of stock, and will remain
open until closed by an order ol the
Directors. " -
An installment oftcn per cent, shall
be payable at the time of making the
subscriptions, and the residue theieof
shall be paid in such installments, and
at such times and places as may be re
quired by the directors of the company.
John Fitzoeralt, President.
C II. PARMELE,Vicc President.
R. B. Windham, Secretary.
A. W. McLaughlin, Treasurer.
Notice of Removal.
We wish to inform the public that
we have moved into the i.nrth store
room in Sherwood's new block, on 5th
street, where our patrons will find us
hereafter, and where all wishing any
thing in flie Merchant Tailoring line
are invited to call and see us.
ISOdtf Rasgorshek Bros.
A Square .Heal
Crfn be had at the City Hotel for only
25 cents and lodging at same reasonable
rates. Farmers and Commercial Men
will please bear this in mind. d&wtf
I have concluded to change my loca
tion in about 30 days. Parties know
ing themselves indebted to me will
please call aud settle at once and great
ly oblige. W. II. Baker.
Bargains in Bricks.
200,000 brick for sale, builders will
do well to see ?s before purchasing.
Leave orders at Weckbach's store or at
the yard; all orders will receive prompt
attention. Rauex & Martin.
dl27mo 1
The largest and finest stock of hats
ever shown in Plattsmouth. all of the
latest styles iu felt and stiffs, just re
ceived at Elson's the only one price
clothier. Also a few of the nobbiest
suits ever seen. We take pleasure in
showing them. - S5d6t w21tl
To tho ladies of Plattsmouth and
Vicinity I wisb to announce that I have
taken the rooms lately- occupied by
Mrs. Tutt in the Uuion block, where I
shall continue dressmaking and invit
all to call. MRa. iL E. Mortcn.
dia3tC-wl9tf -
FOR SALE. Lot 2 aud 3 In
Block 11, Improved.
Three or four good workmen wanted
at once. Inquire of
dt40te, Clans BfeckeufieM
Advrrtl'vtiiftiiit under thl head.' three cent
er Hue each Insertion. '
ONKY TO WA-"On real estate
u van tc Wooley.
FOU RALK 6 arres-'worh furnUlied to
f.urehHier andjHrt imyjn rnh.
l-tC." ' W. S..WUK.
IOlt SAI.K-1is4i. , A house and to lots.
A ilt'sintble u.wr. lor pnrttrulnr euoirn si
this onlre. IKtf
IVOR HALE A few nrtieh's of furniture, hut
' lUKe used .clie .Mr. Johnsou Kwre-
IT'OR HALK OR RENT - A ood house with
scvea rooms, conveniently arraint'-d ami
located near the I he business part ot the city,
for particulars emiuire of U, l . yiter. I37ml
T:OR MALKllouse and lots, priee fc. ttoo
cash, balance In monthly p.yinents.
FORMA LK Krvertt residences, cheap. In
julre of U. II. Wheeler & C.
rviK HAI.K-Scratch Tablet In all Ues at
thisoHlce. 91,1
1"OK8ALF. alot In iond location. Particu
lar at this ottU-e
vsi iu x a I K An order for a new American
-I- hewiiiK Machine. Inquire at tutsolilce
COR HALK l.oiw eords of wood, inquire 01
W.. Wise.
fORSALF.-i Id paper for sale at thl oftlpe
T ut 40 cents ;er hundred or 6 eeut per uoz-
Iso It HALF.-Four lots together In eood loca
tion iu thl city. Inquire at I hi ollleo tl
FOK RHJ-Tf.Ht0re ,:00",' W.H.W.HK
JiOR REST Dwelling hou.e.
FOR KENT-A Cottat'n house. 2 room. $4.00
per month. utf. Jas. It, KOss.
pOR RENT- House. w.'J?,?1?,, .
FOR RENT Furnished room on Manf Ht.
Inquire at Enpresu oHice.
IT'OR RENT South store room of the Cnion
Slock. Enquire of O. II. IHack, It. Spur
lock, Alva Drew, Uusiuess cimmUtee,-. IZJii
IOR RENT House for rent near center of
! city. Enquire at I'atterson' liarn. lw.
POR itENT-DwelUiiK "'-., i"1"'" oI
J? nodtf W. 11.
ANTED-Infonnatlou as to the wherca
...... . in. tl... i.v li uleci-Kll.
abelh Thomas who lauded at New ork, Juiy
-tll. - . . . r f ...... it.i'at it HI
eud to "S. MlCIlPIlian, rej j u iini...K..."..
ISM Chestnut SSt., Philadelphia. 1'enu.
IV ANTED. Information of the whereahoiita
of VUlli .1. Conner, who was In I hitis
mouthayear ai. Any one -kaowliqe oi in
pre"ent location will confer a favor by eend iK
Lis addres to Mrs. Harah E. ConKer. VVeia
l-UUsburiJ, N. V. tilit lt
WANTED Two blacksniTths and a black
smith helper at hcliuellbacher't shop, soil
Ur A.sTED John Bauer has boiiKht the Htolil
mau plate, coruei ot 7th an.l N ine. ,wid Is
prewired to accorhjiod ite the iuIj11u in the
way of board! iBai d lolKliig by the week or
mouth. oial
T?OUND a sold and jet breast pin, the owner
cau have tin sair e by iroviiiB property aud
payiui! for this notice.
Legal Notice.
EKbeit s. Welrten )
vs y In Dixtnct Court
IlenbrrV, Weldeu S f Cans County.
To Hester F.-Welden. non-resident, 'defenrt-
i.t . V.,n :iru lieieliv notified that Oil the l-"tll
day oFAiimust, 18KJ. KBbeit S. Welden hied a
petition iiKUliint you In the District Court of
Cass County. Nebraska, the object and prayer
of which are to obtain a divorce from you. on
tho ground that you have wilfully abandoned
t!n uUInt iff without Kood caue lor the term
o two years laxt past. You are required to
answer said petition on or before Monday, the
24th day of September. 18d.t
F.y XV l tiSOX &. Stka itoN. his Att'ys.
. Legal Notice.
' To John iiouRherty. non-resident, defend
ant: You are hereby not Hied that on the sth
day of AUKiiwt, 1883, J. W. Johnson. County
Judge of Cass Count v. Nebraska, Issued an or
der of attachment for the sum of 7.15. in an
action pending betore him. wherein M. L.
Murphy & Co. is plaintiff, aud Jidni Dougherty
is defeiioant. that property consisting of mon
ies belonging to you lu the hands of the Bur
lington and Missouri River l allioadCo. In
Nebraska, and household goods, have been at
tached. Said order was made returnable on
the 13th day of Auirunt 1SS3. at 10 o'clock A. M.
at which tune, eaid cause was continued to
September the22nd 18S3 at 10 o'clock A. M. at
which time you are requested to answer.
M. B. MURFHY & CO., 1'ltffs.
Strode & Clakk., Atty's. 22t3
Hurlbiirt and Miller
proprietors of the Omaha Fancy Steam
Dyeing and French Dry cleaning works
107, South Fifteenth street, Omaha
Neb., recommend then facilities for
cleaning, dyeing' and curling plumes
and tins on three days notice; ladies
suits in velvets, Silks, Satins etc.,
cleaned by the French Dry cleaning pro
cess. Ladies' and gents' clothing clean
ed, dyed and repaired. All kinds of
fancy dyeing, merchant's shelf-worn
goods a specialty. -
All orders by mail or express given
prompt attention.
For Cholera Infantum, Diarrc?a, Dysen
tery, and all Bowel Complaints.
Marsh's Tonic Astringent is peculi
arly adapted to the treatment of Bowel
Complaints in a marlarious country.
Not only does the debilitating heat of
summer reduce and relax .he system
to 6uch an extent as to require a Tonic,
as well as an Astringent medicine, to
successfully treat derangements of
the Stomach and Bowls, but
the Malaria, with which
everybody is more or less affected, ren
ders the tonic principle doubly neces
sary. Marsh's Tonic Astringent sub
dues fever, neutralizes and expels ma
larial poison, sweetens the stomach,
quiets, soothes and strengthens the bow
ela and the whole system generally.
Price 60 cenjs. Foj sale by Smith fc
Black Bros, druggists. Plattsmouth.
For swellings, burns, sores, pile, etc.,
use Marsh's World's Liniment. For
sale by Smith fc Black Bros. 140 J&wlw
Ford's Barber Shop
Next door to court house, shaves for 10
cents, cuts hair for 25c. dtfw2t
F. S. White has just received a fresh
supply of choice, patent, winter wheat
flour," also delivers corn, oat a and bran
to anv part of the city. 135tt
G. R. Salisbury, M. D. D. D. S. of
Weeping Water, makes a specialty oi'
fine gold filling) and Cellti loid plates
If you are in want of anything in the
dentistry be sure and give him a call
The Dr. also keeps on han a fine as
. f ,- ' - - . j
son mem oi irieoicmcs. siv is u grau
uate of the university or the city of
New York, and satisfaction guaran
teed. 18wlm
A Great Disooyery.
That is daily brincine joy to the
homes of thousands by saving many of
their dear ones from an early grave,
Truly Is Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs. Colds, Asthma.
Bronchhitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice,
Tickling in the Throat, fain in Mae
and Chest, or any disease of the Throat
and Lunsrs, a positive cure. Guarante
ed. Trial Bottles f-ee at J. M. Roberts,
Drug Store. Large size $1.00.
Call and see L. C. Lrven in his new
room Sborwoods new block. 27w2
Or tin IMnttamouth sih! fto.nth Wettra
IU 1 1 road Com puny.
Thl ii lo cerilfly that .lohu lirjetald, A. V.
Mil juiKlilln. frank CntHiih, D. II. A'heoter, J.
V. Ve ku.u-11. G. w. Faiinehl. It. 11. Windham.
. K. I'aliiier, Geo. n. Mint li, John WhWiiibh.
Hum. M. haoiiiau. V. W.- Win. II.
Newell. Fri il Goider, IV II. rarmele, V. it. f
Gtitliiuaii, J. M. l'utp-roi, Geo. E. Dovey, II.
I ell l. t. eo. II. Black. eo II lllh tli ld, J. II.
Arend, ltiiU lliM'bvl, Win, HoeiliMun. N, K.
Grlggx. J. K. Smith, P. K. Hm-Iiiikv J. N. Mc
4'omiel, O. N. Wlicix-k, Jacob h leiii. 'I houifta
lliiihlne, d. K. l.idiidue. J. It. McDowell. C.
. Mull. Geo Croa, aud G. W. Ilai.neu, have
aoclaieil llieiuelve loaethar fl 111 purpo
of furinliig an I ucor formed hniliouu t oinpany
under tlie lucorpolaliou Ijtwtof the hm,e lif
I hlaCoinoaiiy klinll be known a the I'latU
moiiih and houth Veieru llMilcond Company
by W hlch liaine It hall cl-l ami tluiixtu i. bol
uetH i ll e&iMauce nlnill be erpetuai, and II
may tun und beniind, iu li tuirMrte nam , It
nmy acijuiie, own and eouv real, pciaoiiai
auu mix d pro.eily, limy coninict aud be con
tracted wlluliiil. owniiMiiie; may liuikrf and
una tt cuiiiiiiuii eut w lili li it may alter at .
ui e ; may do all lieeulul knit lo uuy Into tt'
feet I In' olijectwlor which It m eri-Hied.
It hliull hate potter lo i mulnn nil the iIkIiIo,
privlicui! and fraiich e w hi, , may i ai-ijulr-eil
uiioer clntuler MUteei. ot llio compiled Mat
ute oi Nebrarka,
1 III corioratioii In rieuted lo lay '-ut, locate
eourti uct. fiirniih, muiutaiii. upeiale and enjoy
ailno iuilioud and leM-KiMph with rliiula
or double Hack w ith ouch hl imcka luruoiita.
olllce., nnd ile,.t", aa rliali be iitccMiy be
tweeu the pliioex of the tt-rmiijl o thn ild
road, which I projected to commence n h imlut
on the Alioiiil liver at J'lalin out h. in t aa
county, liiieor Ncbrfka. and to beeoiirii lift
ed from mtid point. In a rxiutll Htvlell dliec
thiu. llirouiili .:aa cwuuiy, by wbv oi the towu
of Avoch; throiigii io county, Ly wa ol the
towuof SyrucuHe, throiiKh J hiiatu coiiuiy, ly
way of lie lgn ol b.eilliig, lliiouuli (iage
county, to the towu ol Beatiice, IIukukIi Jrf
Icimiu county b way ol rilih ly to a Mjint on
the Male Hue, ne.arlliiK Jianvaa fiom Nt-braa-ka,
or at ucr h oracllcabie to liit-ae point a
nirty be demonstrated by kui veV, be madrt
on the coliipletiou of tiU corpuiatloli wilb
the iil ivlii K of colintructiuK biulicliea lioin th
main line 10 other lowua or plucea wlthlj lU
llinltt I the biaie. ,
tor the piiiM,,eof IhN orguiilallon, tin! foU.
lowing iiained pel souk, Hlgm ip ol n.ene Article
have ueeu clioneu Ihiecioi, tu hold llu'lr lft
hce until a Boitrd of Unecioi4 are elected from
iho hliK k holiii-in aa hereliialler prov JJnd. Uas
...John Fltg-rald, t-iuiik. (.urnilli, Orlando
Tetrt, (. !. vviuiihaui, 11 l uimele, h.. tt.
Kldndne Thoa. A. ila. blue, N. K. Unfits and
ut'ii. li. j.iii ir iiuiii. l .
Ihci-alu lioaid or lirector.i.have choaen the-
followlug persona aa old era ol tnW compuuy. t
Johu Kilgciald 1'ieMtdeiit. , i
t iiulu II. armclu. ice riealileiit.
Robert B. Wlndiiahi, Secretary and .
j. y . .tiui.auKiiiiu, ireaoiiie,. , .
A H coon u one Ihoiinaiid sliaieaof atock Bball
in eowd lallh be HUOM.-nbed, ana ten uiijai
pci Khiile aid Into the tri'.'otury ol I nit Com
pauy. Hie pre'jiii l'remleaCaid Mecreiui vjuall
apiHilut a iliiio ind lortlie h at ii.tielln,? "
oi the ouUmtIIicis of aiork, uiid Hlliill aikav..
notice ihcieoi, In at least oho hewsiiaifr until.
ed iu the city oi riati.imotii.i, tiih iy u..y re-
.Kiun iu in.- My il i i-ciiiik, HUH Hlll'll pllh-.
Hcilbi-r-i Hliall then aii.i tln-io eli-ei Ihlricun
(III ectol H lor raid con v ; ht dueclora uu
cIiom-ii h..ll a.H noon an m.iy oe aflei iiielr efec
Hon elect Ironi their own uu,iioera I'reaideiit
and Vice-rrcldent and alia 1 alao elect a
'li'....u I l-u r uim K.fl'i.f tr ,i l.. ...1... . 1.
... imiui 1 ...... . n,i.iii tnnn nits
puice ot the present othecra lion actlug lathe
aame capacl.y. "
No pi-ioii Miall bo elected director lu unlit
company, uu e-.ii ho hhail ba a bona tide
owner ol at leal 11 vc Rliue 01 a ock therein.
'1 he capital alocK of una compiiuv shall be
Ten llumlied '1 hoiiHauu Iioiihh ; which may
IncieiiMcd at any time to lour million dollars
when aiilhoileo by a t-vo-lulida ot ot tliu
stockholders, and the harea uliall bo d'vl ed
Into t-liai ex of one hundred dollaja each ; wUicbV
Hh8e shall he tratiblerahle on t:e bool( iijTj.
the company, hi III') directora may provide
iiiioeu ity lav,
- All niM'ail enl of ten per. cent 1ihI1 be pay
able at the time oi ih..Uiuh the xuhv.-ripuou. .'
and the leaiuue ti.ereol Khali be paid in audi
liislallui-hti, and at niich times nud pIhci-n aa
m be reciuiied liy the director of the com
pany. .
. i stockholders may vote In pemon or bv
written proxy, and may cast one vote lor each
ihaieihey may oivn 01 repri-o'iit. ...
in the liiM vvedne-jdayof Aly iu vcy year
alter the oKalilzaliuu ot ihiM eoiMauy -m bourd
of direclois coimtnlliiK of tlUHuuii membeia
Khali oe cliuM-ii by ballot, by audi of the aiocl;
holdeis as niall attend lor that -urpo-e elth r
in iiei-Hiift ,ir !v Tirnifv ' iii' ,.
- 1 j 1 j 1 , ' n iiiaiifii
ly ot thei-iock la repicietii.-d. ( directors
Hliali cuntiiiiielii ulllcu until their buccensora aii;'
elected. - . ,
Aniajorltv of tho hoard of Director 'ftrialt
have power to make By-lawn, aud arCc'r" the
same ul pleasure. and may tiaua.icl ail busiueaa
ol the vuiporation. may appoint, Kiitdueers,
Amenta anu all ulllccri leiiniieii to. alu lu the
construction of the lUiad ; nliaij havitower to
isiue Boiula aller xetllhK the UI leii'coiisent
of two-thirds of tne ock. luaXJUciUe mort-
C7-41fH Mtlll llel'lW Iff 11'IIhI llll.l lik. U u .lu.,,.,..
luerelor any property beloiiKiiiif to ilus com
pany, j wV-
ine private property of the spick holders
shall not"be liable lor the deblMor tho eoinpauy.
1 Ills company may be consolidated with any
other raihoiid company wlihlu orout of the
State. iudehtedneas of thl corporation i-hall
not hi -my time exceed two-thiida of tlietapl-1
me ,.in(jipal place of transact nix the holi
ness oi me eoinpauy. rhall oc al 1'iatl-mou. 1),
Nebsaska, till ciiaiiKed by a vole ot tin: dn. f-
tors, and tbe suli--c:'p ion books of the c m
pany ahail be opened at thl- 1 lace by per or
de-ii;naled by the alKiier of thee ai lu-1., biter
KlvinK :w dya notice by piioilc.iliou, next pie
ceediui; tho time of opeuiiiK I he booMK and
tliey may be closed and re-opened aa the d-- -rectors
may deem expedient.
The time of beiiiniiiiiK the corporate power
Of thin company and its liability t hereunder,
will be from and alter the Mli day of May.
Blgiied this 24th day of Apsir, 133.
John Mtzgerald.
A. W. McLaui'lilin,
U II. Black,
Flank Carruth,
Joseph V Weil-. bach,
tt. li. vYimlhalii.
tJeo, . Muitli.
ham. M. ;iia,.tnatl. .
Wm U. Newell,
H. farmele,
J. M. i'atteraou,
tlilanuo lertt,
1. 11. Arned.
m. Beekman,
.1. K. HmiLh.
.1. N. Mccoiuii-U.
.laeo: Klein,
Kd. K. rJilie-,"?.
Daniel H. W heeler.
Geo. W. Kairficld
11. K. I'altiiMi.
Join Waterman,
C W. iSherman,
rred torder.
F. xt. uthmann.
Geo. K. Jovev,
Geo U. lttleiii-M,
1 ou is Hoehel,
N. K. UriKK".
1 K. Ha-.tiutrs.
O.N. Wheliock,
Thomas llarbme,
J. B. McDowell.
f ;. v. Htnii.
Geo. Croat.
ii. V Hansen.
On this 21th day of April. IW. before me i:.
B.Windham Notary 1 ublie.diily commiasioned
and quaiitied lor and residiii 111 naid County,
personally came John Filgerald. H. II. iila' K,
A. W. McLaughlin. Frank carrot li, Daniel II.
W heeler. Jof-eph . Weckbaeh, iii-o. W. Fair
field, 1. t. I'almer, Geo. to. Mini th. John Wat
erman, Sam. M. Chapman, C V. Mijermaii, V.
11. Newell, t red Gorder. c Jl. I'ariueie. F. 1.
Guthtnauu, J. M. Fatteis'in, lieu. Dovey.O,
lent, personal lv to me known to be the Identi
cal persons whose namea aie aflixe.i to the
above insirumeiit, and acknowledged the ex
ecution of the same to be tlie'r voluntaiy act
ana aeeu.
Witness my hand and Notarial Seal, the day
1 -- . and year lant aljove written.
Signed. It. B. WIMill M,
Notarv I'ublle.
in aud lor Cass County. Nebraska.
On the 27th day of April. IPS !. before rne Ja.
8. .Matii-ws. a Notary Public, dulv cointnlsj-ion-
ed aud qualified for aud residing in raid county.
personally came u. u. v 1nuna.11. 10 me known
to be tbe id -ntical person whose name it
affixed to the above itiatrumeut, and acknowl
edged tue execntion ot the same to be nix vol
untary act and deed.
Witness my hand and Notarial Seal, the day
1 1 and ye--r above wruten.
-J HK AL ( S!ne4, JAS. S. MATHEWS.
' 1 Notary Public.
OtokCoumiy. ps
On this 3d day of May. 1W. before me W. E.
Page, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and
appointed for und reaiding in toe County. er
sonally came Geo. H Littiefield. J. 11. Arend.
Louis Hoebel. Wm. Beekman, to nt personally
known to be the identic il persona whore names
are iillxed tothe foregoing article of loco. 1 ora
tion, and acknov ledged (he execution of the
tame to be their voluntary act and deeo.
Witness my hand and Notarial seal, thii 3d
i 1 dav of May, 183.
!eal Signed W. F. PAGE,
' . ' Notary Public.
Gaok County. f"8
Ou this 4th day of Mar, 1SS3, before me the
unoerrig-ned. a Notary eubll -. In and for said
county, personally came M. K. Griggs, J. K,
Smith. P. E. Hastings. J E. McColm. II, O. N.
Wheellock and-lacob Kle'n.who are well known
to be the identical persons who signed tbe fore
going inoti anient, and they acknowledge it
same to be their volu tary act and deed.
Given under my hand aud Notarial seal
, . 4th day of Mav.lftfts.
'.seal biued, IfL'GH J. DOBBS
' v ' . . Notary Pubi c.
JeFFEKOOM COUJiTY. ( es - - -
On this u day of May. A. D !, before n:e
Benjamin L.. Pardy. a Notary Public duly cord
missioned and qualified, for Jeffermn county.
Nebraska, personally ca-i.e Th ouaa Harblne.
Ed C Eldrldge. John B. MeDoweil. C- F. Stull,
Geo. Crosa aud ti. W. IlHii-en. who are well
known tome, to be he identical ierons who
signed tbe foregoing in-trumenr. and they ac
knowledged the same to be their voluntary act
and deed.
Given under my hand and NoHaral Seal thi
1 A , 4tii day of May. X
SKAI, Sgned, XJ. L. PL'RDV
1 ' Notary Fubirc.