;7 .A VOL. I. I'LATT&MOUTII, NEBUASKa. SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 11. IS:. - - - " ' i Sire m " NO. I A j ) ,f.N' M HAS' If vrr Beef, Pork V' - T--Jr- jr46H"ATniffAar maw & db., NiirrrNxoiit f A. II ATT . IIICiVXSQ.TJliTJimS iO CHOICE Su:ir-'Juml IIjihis, l!a:on, 8;ilt Meats of all kinds, TiSinl J!oIo;ii!i, :iifl all other articles k-jt in a first-class meat market. ' AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Th-' Highest Market Price.Pald for Hides, Wool, Pelts; Grease, Etc. , -o Lake Trent and White Fish - Every Thursday, ; Morning. ' GROCERIES. F ul I ILinc - Gr'encral Mcrcliahdise. Largest Stoclc aiicl Lowest Priced. Call and Satisfy Yourself JOSEPH V: WECKBACHS: Oh, i II f I 1 1 I II 1 1 I I rz 1 ' I l n havt: arrived, anl I Dry Goods Dn-ss Gok1s, Triininuivj Etc., at loavek i-kicks any other. Ikuisc in the etnintry. Also a full line of Groceries, AXD at prices to lefv eoia ;etion. w. Groceries & Crockery Also Choice Brands of Flour. Aijent for the German Fiie Insurncc Co.r.Freeiprtj 111.; German Fire Insurance Co., Peoria, 111.; Manhattan-Life Insurance Co., New York. '. - - Wesfcrn Horse, and rattlci:.JiisiiranGi:-CoiDpaii), OF OMAHA. Fire hisnraiice Puliciv Issticd in the Steaii:: hit Tickets sold frxin and American Packet Co,; awd.the 1UU,OUO arrciot ianu on tnc iNoruieru i acme raiiroaa in uaicoia. race ... . . "No old stock to work otf. GLASS. JlSSTID - . .; " . ... -.:.. - " - - FLOUU A-ND PROVISIONS THE IIIOHESr- M KKET itICE PAID FOK COUNTaV.i'JJODUO DREW BUILDING, PLATTSMOUTH. A. W. Maktiiih i I Muttofiidllea mm u M if n 51 A a() will continue to sell & notions than Queens ware Yours riesjctfully? ......... English and German .Languages to Europe iover tlie ' Ilainhnrg i North - German Llojd. ; Agents for Tli-larx'it-patteTTrs cf" ""' 1 Of TT"FTt"PTTsrisr?A T?,Tn es M iMTSflOBTH HERALD rt'Ul.f.u.IIEj JAII.i' VSI WEEKLY Tlie Plallsnioiilfl Herald Publishing Co. IAI!.Y, dellvfrcd by carrier to any part of th city tvr Week . . i rer Month. 1'er Year... CO H vvt;t.KbY. by mail. Om? cpy tlx months $1 oo jiecoj.y one year 011 KeKLtleied at Lie I'ott Office. I'Uttcliioiitli, a neeituU olaiti mutter. Ik itnybotly thiaks strikes are a fail ure, let tfieni" call Mr. Sullivan (as the Metropolitans term hwn). into the tin. .Secretary , Wi.ndixam informs the II tit a LD that th uospfct.H for tie L'lattMitout ?& South western arc bright, aul th'il-v9uflicierit lnpii of capi tal um exin-rif licoiro iutcrustctl in the roal to insure its construction. Tii k t achcr's institute ;it the High School bnililuig in Plattsuioutl), ix a great succtsx. Stip- riuti.dt'nt Alton with the iissUtw.cH jt et I uc a tors lik Prof. Druminoml ami l'rof. J. E. liar ri-s is tnakiu this meeting an unusual ly interesting one. The Kttendance of Cos i eoiutp teac hers is much ctter than usual, iin-.t the emeat-.gs with which thoae vounjj Kcutieuieu uud ia dies take hold of institute work, in sures tlie pleasant and successful ses sion winch iiMtow beiu& heU. Today the icpublicans of "the sloio" in Iowa, formally open their campaign. There will be present1 U. S. Ssuators Wilj-ftUj and Allison also Governor Sher man and Congressmen Pete Hepburn. On this occasion, the supposition is, the few democrats in Page county will "take to .he woods". The great curi osity and interest in this rallvwiii centre in Senator Wilson's sjeec planatory of the third plank in the re f ubliqair plat form of that'state of which h'e is chargffi with . being; thjv uiilhor of. - The Iouisville Ct)ttrier-Journal says: The census of 1870 khow that Ken tucky had 40,000 illiterate voters. The census of 1880 shows between .45, 00 and 60,000 illiterate voters. The fact is alarming, and it should alarm sll intel it buouiu uiurm mi tuiei- Is it profitable merely the alarming tact and to o avert the danger in- ligent pejple. to thiiiK over do nothing to volvedy The per capita for public school in struction in the State this year if but 81.40! . Comment upon the late Democratic Tictojy.in that State is unnecessary. 'Hah ! for Jackson I "Why can't we have harmony among the few Nebraska Democratic papers? The Lincoln I Democrat abuses the Omaha Herald because the Herald stvnds up and eats its crow like a well disciplined Democrat"! Henri Watter son has bwallbwtd his crow, feathers and all. Mr. "Carlisle ' has. even, been ftucfctl to say he is not favorable to further-agitation" of the tariff question, and Dr.Miller is but showing his well disciplined. Democratic raising by swearing. to. anything, the party does. The Lincoln DemocJat bad better leave the O-uaha Herald alone, and hasten to humble its own proud spirit and ac- knowledge its many short comings and faults, among which is the fiee trade heresy for it is all coming to that any way. The Omaha Herald has only uu- ! ticipatcd the matter with more fore ! si'htrthan its younger colleague, at Lm j coin, but it will all be right after a ! lime. Tue reunion of the survivors of the celebrated Wilson Creek battle, where General Lyon lost his life, proved a suc cess! id affair, and we notice the glori ous names of uiauy of the boys who made that cau;paign, with the writer of this item, who were present to re couut i heir exploits. These veterans who : return to that fated field after twenty-two years of life's shift ing experiences, to recall the terrible scenes ot the bloody fight, where a hand ful of raw, untrained, inexperienced volunteers, under Nathaniel P. Lyon, armed with old Hnrper's Ferry mus kets, held at bay anil defeated a rebel ; force f live times their number; are ioree fi lire iiutes incir uu tue mertirboe alT'AKvrs wL the old Aug in defense" of t ho followed the Union, who deserve the rif pt ct. and kindly re meui bra nee of the NatiVn' .They were her earliest, first and mfet zculou3 de fenders. , fJ5 "V ' r '" Thehk i.ife;fdoTur' jjiit that the Ke publicaus of Ohio h.-ivetbe inside track - - f - y . . i . iu the prcsewcivfc.ssjjrjfe Scott lw is proving uioier aud-fitoro-popular as its workings in. the Sate t st its provisions. The iJemottrats . nave . eutereit tue c.wivas against' t'lis lmv, and lne till the temperance elceuieurof that party ; which vote upon -ihe'-'lhmor question from, a-iDcip!e; tho. liquor tuea oa the other Laud set) that tiie law is not what i; was represented; nut -that it is a rea sonable and fair regulatiou of the liquor traffic, and consequently, their vote euu- It on the 1 ground of pri'-jttdire ; nu the- other han t th fHpl. -if the State generally uiiilerstanl tnd upproesate Itx i work- ins uintn U- iftiii' of rtvenin -ml will not coiwtjnt to it abolition, tmlesd a letter ' plaii--i- Tcv4sep lo comp l the traUic to bear its just proportion of th? public burdeb in the wxy of taxation The liborinj ami prodticinff el asses of Oiiirt like this' Llw; and the defeat of ill?- ;.:irir vr mi iir-iitisi-i. : l muv i to fer. ilov u as albioxt vruiio. ; Then again, the. eanvasi of Jale Hou'lly hikH disappointed thn party; he has talked too wueh, and his record ujou the lamented UarSeM, aj it is raked up, xunt brought to . light, shows him to.be an tiuiair man iud politician and 'a deuiuogUf.. ; -,yi: JtyKJ-.nsoN Davis hait wriitvi .-i lon.tr letter, and undertakt-tiSair?-rove th,. recession was right anil that -the south nait yet l o fully vmoicHted. It is the old Hnte-brdlutti argmneiit; the nru iiientb that JaniCiJiiicliauau 'find hi ..ii .. ..: i- 1 . ! leot i I 1 1 nit1 el Jiuiiieii. uie: 01 1111; roa- Hons why the Federul g"veriMiit-iit h "i no riuhl tt att -nipt the coercion of Hie outhei n slates. - Thi- Iett r is vry properly uddresed to Jerre Bi'-nk, Mr. Uaohannn's old :U toroey .'f-n- rid It is curious in this day, wl -n t-e infelMgei-ce, patriotistu and progress of this nati"ri'hu; in. the brief space of somo seventeen ' years left thts rebellion of the southern state and its causes, so far behind that It sounds like the story of a century ago, that its great first head should set him self down to prove to tho people of this country that South Carolina was justifiable in seixing the Federal foil'fi cations, under the deed of . cession by that state to the general government, and that the attorney geiici nl of South Caro'ina," had the right to claim this property because it reverted as Mr. Da: vis claims by tlie terms of the grant back to that state tho moment the gen eral government cea.-ed t properly gar rison and fortify it; and yet this man represents a very large proportion of thei democratic party of the south; to day.JJefferson Davis is a fair exponent of the bruins and honest convictions of thti leaders in that party in the states that seceded from the Union, ana whoso electoral otes wiiitoavery iarcre extent select the next democratic . . . . i President if bne hordd be elected- anc and whoso electoral otes wiiitoavery ic and of the. men who will take tin. ir places at fhc helm of this nation nmi ohape its policy in that .section of tlie American Uuiou should the great democratic par ty gain control of the administration; of this there is no doubt. Northern democrats may and will detiy this. proposition yet it is the truth; the attempt to parry this truth by the taunt that we are -'waving . the bloody shirt', can have no force; the assertion that Jeff Davis is a lire eater, and un reconstructed rebel, and that he misrepresents- the south, wiil nt. avail; he is a distinguished man. he is honored, and feted by the people of ;that section of the country upon every convenient occasion; he represents a principlo they fougiit for, bravely, and which they all beiieve in: and when he says speaking of the iost cause, and the, time when in this country that cause will ie vindi cated : "When it shad no lougerbe popular to have instigated and aided iu the prose cution of the war against the Southern slates, when the sober 6ecoi;d thought of the people -hali have taken an ati count at wasted treasure of sacrificed lives, of a laud saddened by- the wail of the niUuw and the orphan, and lust, but no: least, tlie subversion of those sound principles ot tree icoveru men t tor which the colonies fought the war oi the revolution, and to perpetuate which the Union was formed, then, consent is the foundation and fraterni ty the cement of our political structures i he desires of President Buchanan to wards a peaceful solution of he qMes tiots preheated by Sou.h Carolina may receive toe reward due to the wisdom and patriotism of ids conciliatory poli cy. He echoes the sentiments of the men who control tte demoeratic "party in the south who wilt come into power just so fure as that party regains the reins of government. The only differ ence, between Mr." Davis and the aver age southern politician is, the ex-president of the confederacy is an honeit, old state's right?, souUiern .democrat who always speaks his true convictions upon these q'Jo tioniiwirijrd to conseouences. j-' -' - 3 FIKE IS SI1KAKGE CO'S: TiT 4 4M ' k CITY, of London. j . . .." Q.ES.M-iP'o'15 i FIREMAN rUXD.'of Califonia ESPREESS C011PANISS AMEilKAN EXPRES3 CO.. ' WELL'S FARGO tO EXPRESS. Omcola Hock wood. Block, witll Johnson Bros 6d(iii. not ! ' ronrrollrd Republican State Convention. i ii-t,iit.ii'.,n -;. tors ..r i lie st :.i - of n i'1- ;..;.:, f,, .,,,.( ,,, lhtt. ( ! 'M, a. u. i ;, ..vi.'- p. i.. . m m. p.ir- i '7"V, l"'u ," " 'iti.a..n:. i- i..r One .litioeof llii .-uiu'-i;ic 401. rl. Two JU'K.-JUS of the LliiverxitY. One Liuverj-ity Keei.t lollil vi.p:lj,-y : lliu several eouuliea are eiitill.-.l f.tit-oi: seiiUttion ill the Miilc I'uitveiitlwrt. :uj!4)H,, la-el uHu tiift vote :at lor K. f. lioKKn for necr tary 01 ri;ue, kiviiik h.'mi Ueieutitu to eitrti olio Iiiltuired mill lil.y (I..0.1 vnlri IiikI ore ili-l- or our; :tit o.:.. n.-.e-aif f. ";. ti CKul-U KT till lfi.'lKfl 01 M'Vf i.'t -live 1 t'ouutien t'i-L Colllll it - . . . 7 lo'uii'-oit .... . . . .A Keutm y . . . . . 5 l Kelta ... i Knox .. . I l.aueatei'. . , .. . Loup ..t.'t MaiiUoii. . . ...J Merrick.... 2 .Nam'; .f I -0iurli:i . -1 .NiicMii;. . v, .. tiii- .' .1 j J awin-r ... . i'i-!;. 1 I 1 ..-n o . . AdniM... .Vlm-hU'f. . . lioouo. .. . ItUIUlo Hutler Hurt ijilj A II Vi t;eir (.Ucyi-initf. Cly Cut.uig .. .-L- r .Mer m-iiy iak(..i J'uvr.soit ldxon . . . . DodK1 ... Lounlas ouudv t'iimoie Kr:i!ikil:i ... t'rouiter J-'liriias . . . ! -4 . t , - - - t . .. 1 :::! ... I ; .":, ...z ' ! . 0 1 i i i.oi.- , I'viK l'll 1 iil'.-.v ! l IJc-(i:viM'i; . ..II) lll; ' I wvy .,S I Wain i . ifbeemau . . . . . . " , Mit:.oii . . . ii I tioi:x . j . haer... .. ...' j V aui-y . ..7 j Wayne.. ' ...4 b-.;eler... -.-' I Nv UtM ... 5 x Y-'Th. ....... Vl'Jii TotIV.3Q. .it i t .r.-i . fiwreeeit-v . . . . all....'.... J.i-ml.li..; , . M;t; i.:i; . , . . . ljii.eiiCf-K. Jioil llo w.; 1. 1 Jetlei'iii. ..A .( . l . -t ,s VC,.MI.I.;ln;el tllHl )j').f-- if ml- I ii.HH il;. the coiivmiloi:, i -i c: ,i s are ' litt'l Ijy .erfotif in llii- Wlsiol, ,U). ;.io.!i S )IIV . l- Cuul.LlI1 1 11 : 1 I .BANKS. - 3sr jg: ' I AlTMoUTH..NbBltAMX ..i OiTprs wry tiesi taeiliiiei for tlie 'niuit, i i- tran.-nctton of Icitinnile - ; BANKIHGr .BUSINS86. .Si.ock1, ISonds, Gold, tiovermiieiit. anil lAtivi .Suem-Uipc Koii'ihtanitSola, DejiosiisreeHv ei aait interest, allowed on tiiitn t'ertia eaiei", lrafl drawn, sivailuole in an v nart. of the L'uiled Sliili-s anl nit ' tlie principal town- ot . : Hurope . - ' Colltttiowi mailed' promptly rr jilted. I Ugliest' Market prie!j paid for Cfi rants State ai.d Oounty Boildr. War- TA i r rr i -r-f r . . ! John TlixKer&id A. K. Toua'.in. John It. riaric. . V. Cn'Silnj;, .e. J;. Dovey. k. K. White, . A. Vi Mel.au.rhiin. WEEPiXU WAT Eli, E. L. REEli. President.- NEIi. U. A. CLtiSON. Vice-Prr-sident. ; R. 8. WILKINSON. Cashier. A Geaeral SasJnag ' Bnsmess Transacted.- ii;:n)iiiTt j Received, and Iiiieret allowed .'ii Time Certi Acute. Druwu available In ny part of the United States and all the principal eitioMf Europe. Ayents fur tlie velebrat&l Mm, Line of Bteamers. Bank Cass County Cotner'MaUi and Sixth Stteet?. " a JOUS liL.U'K. Hresidenr, i iJ. M. ATTSKSON. Cashier, f Transacts a Qencral Bantinjc Business. !IIIGIIEST CASH PKICE Paid lor County and City War ants. v:ou.ixno IA1)K4 and vrompUy reniitted for. r.iJteccTons : .lohr. Black, J. M. l'attvi.son, C. Il.I'anrel P. K. Guthinann, J. AloiTiesey, A. B. ln'ta. Kred 'lordr. M. O'CONNOR. Atithe down-town saloon. CPPOSITE THE PERKINS HOUSE, Keeps a complete ine of W JL ISt 3S3 Liquors, : AN D "C l J A RS.: V.6 V ILK f !5K F If; i . ... Ai.i-j and poRTKir ' "". ! liU---?-. ---- - r --.--'-ly - -4-,,f;;j KRTJG'S OMAHA BEEE7 ; .. and .the !est ura,el.oi leptuckyf , i j 91 - - - vntkiee, .:- .-i OoSlte lerKliillon-u. - . rf-ATTSMOTUH.-q i3 toinanof last year n-ftboulorrterlER It, ltoontalna de.Krn'Urd vuNe d.reotiou. forSSSn 10 raneties of Vendible and Jtlower Beedo. Plants, Fruit Tree, etc lnraloable to aU. II J IV ire. A. D. M. FERRY & CO. OKTROlT Mioh- , , j JVSe uUi O WEEPING WATER ! ' . ".tZS. : j; '- A X 1'V ' ' : ; . : jT""T "NT H'fAj r-tfj. EICHEY ' f fS-Nflf i4' fsir l-'v-'iJN X4j ... (JT -DKAHKKS'ljf 3?iuinoer,uashilIoofs juuonpDUUiOf Cement T ! ; MACKEREL, LAlJUADORE We h.'ivf n - I'aTiry-i i MINNESOTA, KANSAS I !i:tv Jl. !' Queens ware;'-- Glass wtd Lam ps ' . -My' yHiUurf ,,.&uAMrltt. ' S, ' Will MtMm ioE Country ?rAmi limb My&i&kdfri Ntxt door to Court IIoish', Pl.-ittriiiotitli, Ni l', 1 Id.sirwSiu M -. . ----- At Wliolesalcand S&otail. I'nsii paidrfor all kinds :.of country produce, nll and sec tnV. Opposite First ' i- :". EASTWARD ; I - ; " i - - . . "Da"iiyTTxpreH8 Trains for Onieha. Chicao. Kansas Ctty,- St; Ixnii. and -air points Kast Throiiffh Cars via Peoria to Indianapolis, lile Kaiit I'ullinan Palace Carn and dvy coaches on all thioiib train., and Inning carea.-t of Mis souri river I n-J A. v-.. -Si -V-MiWV y. TYO V Through Ticket- at the lowest Katea are on pale at all Ihe iniftortant ftation; and liaegaee will be checked to distinction. Any information as to ratee, routes or time tal'let will he cheerfully furnished unon application to any Htrenf or to ' p. S. EUSTIS, General Ticket Agent. Omaha. 'el. BURLINGTON ROUTE - (Chicago, Burlington V .u-mfl r - in. A J . . - i FSSs i -t - o rjp- Ljr-" COINC EAST AND WEST. Pay Coacbeu, Parlor Car, with Iteciiii sta.ts free. Smokintr Cara. rith K- f -j 'voiving Cbaiin. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars anl ;ane famous U. e. s v. mninp v.ju-h run ituij iu uiim grrom ciMcagne Kansas tiu-y, Mi:i -.vyun jewh, Atv'tlaon & Topeka. Only through line bc eweea fnwrao,iijcoli & Jecr. Tbrouph cars ' jbetwecn intlijuwpoliM & Council Blu.Ta via Peoria i .All coiUV-ticm made in Union Iepots. It i ' '.knewfijtathe craalTHItOUGU CAR LINE. a. iu ! Finest equipped Railroad i . U. , lVMn-cn A nl-Tpwa't .nl OpbI M.i i T. J- rOTTLR id tco-Prea t and Pen I Mai n the Manager. vBROS; AI.rrKiNl' nr "C7 IEKKLN(i, TJiOfTwTWA V 'w. fine teV of ft AN mS30Wli!PhOVM?r ,i I : II I - I k . V B k -M UJl : liSJk CO. 'National! ISank. WESTWARD " iJ.-riiy Express train for Denver connecting in Union IJeiotforHlI point in Colorado, Utah, CaliforLia and the entire Weft. The advent of this line frives lh. traveler a New ifoute to the West, with :enery and advantaKe- uneicaled elsewBcre. & Qulncy narogd.) . . IK. COINC NORTH AliO SOUTH 5?olid Trains of Eleeant Day Couches and -Pull man-Palae tileepiny Cars w ruirt;u - to. and from ftt. lui, tia jiannioni, uiih-t. yv-nik liuriinton. Cedar J.spiiln and AUei-t J a, t. fl J 'anl aud linneapolw: Part.rC.rs. ith lacljiimi' .'liniYn to 'and from Ht. Iiuis and'Ptsirta and to CI and from St. Ixhim Dd CHtomwli. Only one! clianpe -r cant between M. Lxiu-t &n-l Jett Moines, ioua, LincoLa, ISebrka, eni in-t.vt-r. Uoloraco. It ii unicrsaliy admitted to be tl.o- . . World for all Classes of Travel PERCEVAL LOWELL. Pen. Pain. A t, ClucatroJ n Blinds, ; J T I I I I - rjT mil, i 1: t - at 4 7 it l ! -II ' 1