The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, August 10, 1883, Image 3

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    0. Q. EPEDDTTj
Dkalkb ill
Oils, Taints, Shushes,
A Full 1.1 ne of TPraeaea
f" .
And In fact everything contained In
; first-class Drug Store. Pre
scriptions carefully compound
ed Competition met in
all departments.
Cou. Main and Third Streets
Will BUY aud SELL ail kinds of
Will advance money on all
on lower Main street.
Out! lcr west of Beck's Furniture sore
MattEiuouth. Feb. 1st, 1883 4Ctf.
This beautiful three story brick structure, on
lower Maid street, b as Just been finished and
fitted up for tbc accommodation of
A Goed Ear
in.eoiiiiectlon with tbo
i .
J J 1 1 (((' ni'
Old Reliable
E. A. mmm k
Wholesale.and KetallJDealer In
Fourth Mreet. rear cf Opera House.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Just Received
A Challenge 5c Cigar,
S iahy made for tha retail trade only, t
Pepperberg's Cigar Factory.
1 Practical Architect.
Plant and Specifications will be carefully
arriedut. and full attention will b glren a
, to safety and durability.
JWster Colon, Crayon and Pencil.
"I'iiAl tJ
fti Fblioill flYrafi PeIMIii Co.
ornciAEi papab or tub city.
for CU? and County Directory, Railway Time
Table. Telephone Exchang Business Dl
rectory, Bualneai Cards see fourth pace.
Notlo to Advortlaora.
Copy for dlaplay adrertlacmenta or change
la advertisement moat ba huidml la ti i im
bualiMM office not later than 10 a. iu. of the
day la wnien they are to be Inserted. Copy
for pay local and apodal notice must be
banded In bIores o. in. each dav to Inaure in
sertion. II M. BinjHWKLI..
Business Manager.
A. Salisbury, Dentist.
C.A narsball, Dentist, suc
cessrito Clutter & Marshall.
Teetb extracted wltnout pain,
by use rmtrou oxide Cias.
Try Schercr's Corn Cure, warranted
to cure without pain, only 15 cents; at
Warricks. d-tf.
The side walk on Sixth street, in
front of the Catholic property, Is re
ceiving much needed repairs today.
C'larlie Emerick has been railroading
down at Tucson, Arizona, the last year,
on the Southern Pacific. He reports it
about as tough a country as they make.
Mr. bchnellbacner, prndent, sen
sible man that he is, has been prun
ine his ornamental trees in front of
his Vine street property.
Car load of Fresh bran at
The rumor is afloat that W. W, Cole's
great circus is to visit PJattsmouth the
coming month. If it does the people
here can witness the best show travel
The Cass county Agricultural so
ciety have ordered their full sheet
colored posters and they will be
posted as soo l as the work is com
The subscription books of the
Plattsmouth Jc Southwestern will be
opened August 21st, when look out
for the boom of the Plattsmouth fc
By Yeomans, of Weeping Water,
who is on bis way to bis eld home in
Phoenix, N. Y. writes for the Daily
Herald aud mentions that he is in a
trood country for those who like it but
he prefers Nebraska in his.
Miss Katie Dorrington has been
giving very successful lessons on the
piano through the summer, and her
ijuoils constanrlv increase in num
bers. We nnderstand that she wiu
organize for regular classes in music
commencing at an early da'.
A spring shower this morning, is an
other point particularly in favor ot our
Cass county farmers who had to plant
tbtir crop in July owiug to the hail
storm, corn planted after the storm is
now six or eight inches high and grow
ing splendidly.
Information reached this office this
morning accompanied by Havana s
for all the boys in the office, in effect
that it was a boy and that our friend,
Conductor Z. T. Ballinger, of the
Omaha ri n was the happv father.
The whole force offer congratulations
and the writer "takes on."
Call at Murphy's and price Queens
ware, all the latent patterns. l3St3
L. C. Erven has not started his branch
store at Weeping Water as we stated
the other day, although all the ar
rangements had been made to that ef
fect the party at Weeping Water whom
he rented of, found an opportunity to
make more money out of the building
by letting other parties into it, which
seriously disarranges all of Mr. Erven's
plans, he will, however, put a stock of
goods into that town as soon as a suit
able room can be had.
Our base ball organization is actively
discussing the advisibility of procuring
now grounds, and are consulting the
Plattsmouth sportsmeu's club in regard
to securing a suitable tract of land
somewhere'within the city limits, and
fixing it up by grading, fencing, and
otherwise improving it. This would
furnish a suitable and pleasant resort
for base ball and shooting entertain
ments; which all sportsmen could ap-
Ereciate. It is a good idea, aud we
ope to see it more than discussed.
Gentlemen in charge of county fair
matters are actively pusning that enter
prise, and making all needful arrange
ments to hold a good county fair.
There is much our farmers could do iu the
way of comparing notes, and products,
and exchanging ideas in regard to the
different crops and experiences in culti
vating them, than by getting togetner
and holding a good live county fair.
Let all local feelings be smothered, and
public spirit gam its old time sway in
Cass countv: let every portion of our
county turn out and exhibit their stock,
andcrqps this fall, and xenew old ac
quaintances; it will be a good thing for
the county Lei the fair Do patronized.
Oar contemporary, the Herald
shouts itself hoarse for water works. It
wants the people to vote $50,000 in
bond at once for : its friends in the
council to handle. Let us whisper a
word in its ear. Let our people vote
I 950,000 in bonds to the now railroad,
get that built, and then it will be an
easy matter to get money to build wa
ter works, iiuiid up ine city and ine
water works will come. Plattsmouth
The foregoing is a fair specimen of
the Journal's idea of the wants of our
cltv. this paper has never wanted the
people to vote $50,000, we don't believe
a system of water works would, such
as the Herald has been advocating,
cost one-fifth of $50,000; so far
as the new railroad is concerned, the
Herald has been the consistent advo
cate of that enterprise, long before the
Journal dreamed of it, while that
organ was subscribing stock in aid of
slack water navigation cn me x iattc
river, cr some such scheme to bring the
Platte river into Plattsmouth by means
of a canal to furnish water power to
ran the Daily Journal, oh, no, Jttr.
Journal, we propose to keep right on,
at the water works and the railroad,
and when the city gets large enough
we expect to see the Journal advocate
i the sap enterprise.
A goodly crod was trscznbled last
night at the High School to hear the
discussion, whleh was somewhat inter
estlng, though tbo question was un-
doubtly a very weak one.
A few more teachers were enrolled to
day. Supt. Alton has received notice
from several teachers of their in ten
tloo to atttend next week.
The programme for next week will
be given tomorrow. There will be a
lecture every night.
The Interest still continues at fever
beat; every teacher admits that the time
thus far could not have been spent to
a better advantage.
The Institute adjouru tonight and
will not convene again until Monday
morning. '
Neoraska Reunion.
The Fifth Annual Reunion of Sold
lers and Sailors of Nebraska will oc
cur September 3d to 8th, at llastlngs.
The railroad companies have agreed to
carry all soldiers and their families for
one ana one-naif cents per mile for
miles travelled, and tickets will be sold
any day of the week, including Sun
day, Sept. 9th.
rsine hundred tents have been secured
so tiiat all can have shelter. The
ground is pronounced by the Depart
ment Commander to be the best camp
ground a Nebraska reunion has ever
bal. Trains will stop within ZOO feet
of camp.
All uniformed bands will be carried
free. A good wagon park has been
provided for those who wish to camp
with teams, and all teams will be fur
nished hay and abundance of water
convenient to wagon park.
Uenerai 1'nil bhendan is expected to
be in camp one day, and the camp is
called 'Sheridan." Other eminent men
will also be present.
A big time is expected. It is be
lieved by those who are in position to
know, that this will be the largest re
uniou ever held in our State.
It is hoped that a large number of
McConihie Post, and all old soldiers
and their families, who wish to attend
the reunion will go. I should like to
have all who expect to go to go in a
body, if we can agree on the time of
going. Make your arrangements to go
and watch the paper for further notice.
J. r. Strode, Tost Commander.
Sir Knights Enroute.
A special train consisting of seven
Pullman sleepers and two baggage
coaches passed through the city this
morning for the Pacific coast. The
passengers were Sir Kuights and their
ladies on their way to attend the grand
conclave which convenes in San Fran
cisco in a few days. The train was a
very fine one, and was crowded with a
very intelligent looking set of injoplc.
Three of the coaches contained com
manderies from New York the other
fonr being from Michigan. In convers
ing with a sir -knight of New York
city, we learned that they were having
a grand time and did not in the least,
feel fatigued, over their long journey ;
to the most of them this- is their first
trip west, and our informant says they
are perfectly surprised at the vast ex
tent, fertility, and natural resources of
this veritable western empire. The
train was in charge of Joe McCoy,
which is a guarantee of a safe and rap
id trip over the matchless prairies of
eastern Nebraska.
Tomorrow St. Bernards commandery
of Chicago, will pass through iu a train
said to be the finest" that ever passed
over the Q road. '
List of Letters.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
in the post office at Plattsmouth, Cass
County, Neb., August, 9 1883.
Ayres Clara
Allen W
Boud Butler
Buikett Cloyd
Belcher James
Barlett J N
Bond J B
Birdsall Mary
Conly Mrs L
Coffman R M
Dal ton Edward
Hanson A N
Hickson John
Hanson N P
Hickenson Sallie
Williams Mre A
Wilson J R
JJhnson Letitia
Kelly Ed
Keuney F E
Koruik P Drian
Lewis Ella
Lindekugel E
Loucbenecker Geo
Mayfield H T
Mason John
McNurlin Robt
Nakoda Joo
Prutts Mis9 Ella
Smith Ada
Stull Johann
Weutz Chas
Wells Jack
Walrath Mrs Mate
for the above will
Persons calling
please say "Advertised."
J. W. Marshall. P. M.
President Arthur was entertained
with a war dance by the noble red men
up at Ft. Washakie, as will be seen by
the telegraphic dispatches elsewhere.
If the President wanted to see a war
dance that bad, why didn't he come
and see ours. He could have rode
out to the Platte bottom in Jo tie's 'bus
for a half dollar, and the Herald
would have seen that he had a plane in
the ring where he could have a good
view. The dispatches do not state as
to whether His Excellency took a band
beating the drum or not, but he is not
much up to the fun in such a dance if
he failed to do it.
The lectures in the institute course
will be delivered on Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday evenings of
next week. They will be held in the
nigh School room in the school build
ing and will be worthy attention from
citize: s as well as from teachers in at
tendance at the institute. A list of
the lecturers, their subjects, and the
evenings they lecture will be publish
ed tomorrow.
An Unequaled Remedy for the Bowel
Complaints of Little Children.
"We have used Marsh's Tonic As
tirngent in our family several times,
for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, etc, and in
eyery instance it proved successful.''
Geo. "W. Moore, Ottumwa, Iowa
"I have used Marsh's Tonic Astring
ent in my family for the past four
years, and can cheerfully recommend
it as a never-failing remedy for Diar
rhoea. Dysentery, Cholera Infantum
and all Bowel disorders. It Is a safe
and pleasant remedy for little children."
Samuel J. Cook, Kansak City. Mo.
Marsh's Tonic Astringent is for sale
by Smith & Black Bros, drusgistg,
Plattsmouth. Price 50 cents. Don't
fail to try it.
For Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bruises,
etc., ose Marsh's World's Liniment.
Fifty cents will buy the Marsh Ague
Cure liquid or pills For sale by Smith
& Black Bros. HOd&wlwk
To Teachers.
You can secure scratch
tablets in
different sizes, cheap,
HeqA&p ofBce.
by calling at the
Mary L. Sage was a passenger to Lin-
coin mis morning.
donn Moore, one or IyuisTillex livo
young business men, is In the tiiy
. i
(jco. Poisau went west this inornin'
to labor for the Union Pacific folks, on
me jjcairice extension.
Joe McCoy, one of the li. & M.'s best
conductors, took the Knight Templar
. . .1.1..
li iiiu west litis luuniiiig.
Dr. II. D. Roof, of Lincoln, is in the
city today, and made the Herald u
very pleasant call this morning.
II. r. bmitb, the aflable and ellicient
business manager of the Omaha Bee,
was in the city last evening looking af
ter .llietr interests.
Capt. II. E. Palmer and daughter
went to Lincoln this morning. Tomor
row they will leave for a trip through
the mountains by the way of Denver.
Peter Stander. Esq., one of the
wealthiest farmers in Cass county, is
in the city teday looking tor the county
surveyor, to And out where his lines
Mrs. Frank Carruth and son went to
Lincoln where they will visit uutil to
morrow when Frank will join them
and they'll proceed on their way to
B Sl M C B A Q and Plattsmouth
and Southwestern Comments'
The Pawnee Enterprise comments in
the following :
The night operator at Dorchester
was laid off thirty days lor sleeping
thirty minutes. One dollar and fifty
cents a minute is a pretty dear snoose.
A corps of B. & M. surveyors are
working ou a line from Beatrice west
which will run up Swan Creek, and
cross Saline and the counties west.
The Plattsmouth and Southwestern
project, of which mention lias hereto
fore been made in these columns, is
taking such shape as to insure complete
accomplishment at no distant day. It
is a railroad scheme originating in
Plattsmouth, and has the energetic
spirit and liutmcial backing of the pro
gressive people of that thriving town.
The proposed line will start at Platts
mouth, running to Avoca, in Cass
county, south to Syracuse, in Otoe coun
ty, passing on to Beatrice, uage, to
Fairbury, in Jefferson, and thence even
tually into Kansas. Surveyors are now
in the field and books for subscriptions
will be opened in Plattsmouth on the
21st of August, the prospect being that
stock will be rapidly taken.
The Grand Island Times, in speaking
of the movements of the B.& M. rail
road company, has this to say: "One
of these projects is to connect her muni
liue in Nebraska with Grand Island,
and to push on through Sherman coun
tv into the cattle grazing districts of
the Northwest. The B. & M. has large
landed interests at stake in several of
the counties north and west of Hall,
and she is not going to allow these in
terests to sutler bv reason of any want
of enterprise on their part The in
creasintr cattle shipments and the im
mense business being developed in the
Black Hills create an incentive . tco
strong for the B. & M. company to
resist. She is bound to build, and that
righi away. The Times fully believes
she will build to Grand Island as her
first move."
Hawkeye: Chicago, Burlington &
Quincy is steady at 123j?. Last year
this company placed $750,000 to the
credit of the renewal account, maintain
ed its sinking funds and 8 per cent di
vidends, and carried over a surplus of
$381,738 from its traffic operations, as
well as all its net land receipts of $1,
229,724. This year 8 per cent dividends
will call for $437,000 more than last
year, while the interest account will be
decreased by a few thousand dollars,
making the net increased charges for
an S per cent dividend about $400,000.
The gain in the net earnings the first
six months of the year has been about
$1,300,000 equauliug the increased div
idends called for an $900,000 besides,
or 1& per cent upon its $70,000,000 of
capital stock. The crops are likely to
be better this year than last upon this
line, and should the present gains con
tinue, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy
stock would earn the 9 per cent more
in 1883 than in 1882.
'Grace & Thierolf have at last receiv
ed their cigars, among which is the
Jelebrated R. G. Ingersoll" cigar?.
Now Boys, is your time to get a good
cigar.' dUltf.
To the Public.
I am uow located at my new quar
ters in the Sherwood block, first door
on Fifth street, where I have in stock a
complete line of watches, clocks, jew
elry, silver and 6ilver plated ware. To
my present stock I am constantly mak
ing additions and I shall he pleased to
sefall my old customers and many
new ones.
Remember the location Sherwood's
new block. d4t L. G.-Ekvex.
To the ladies of Plattsmouth and
vicinity I wish to announce that I have
taken the rooms lately occupied by
Mrs. Tutt in the Uuion block, where I
shall continue dressmaking and invite
all to call. - Mrs. M. E. Mortcn.
" dl25t6-wl9tf
The largest and finest stock of hats
ever shown in Plattsmouth. all of the
latest styles in felt and stills, just re
ceived at Elson's the only one price
clothier. Also a lew of the nobbiest
suits ever seen. We take pleasure in
showing them. 35d6t w21tl
Elsou the only one price clothier,
leaves for the east next week to buy
the finest stock of clothing and gent,s
farniahing goods ever brought to Platts
mouth. 135d6t21wlt
Bargains In Bricks.
200,000 brick for sale, builders will
do well to see us before purchasing.
Leave orders at Weckbach's store or at
the yard; all orders will receive prompt
attention, Raukn & Martin.
dl27mo 1
Notice of Removal.
We wish to inform the public that
we have moved into . the Lorth store
room in Sherwood's new block, on 5th
street, where our patrons will find us
hereafter, and where all wishing any
thing in the Merchant Tailoring line
are invited to call and see us.
13Qdtf Basoorsuek Bros.
Old papers for sale at this office at
J it cerjti per Iranjjred.
. lictico.
A .
vpeainr or the Books of the Plait.
mom nl Sonth Western Rail read
To all whom it may concern.
rr i . o-'"-"
is iicreiiv p rpn irrnr
iuesuay, the 21 day of August, 1883
at 10 o'clock A. thecitv of 1'lntfm.
mouth, at the ollicoof theKopretnrv ti.
Liiu,- ouuacnption jsooks or the Platts
mouth & Southwestern Railroad f nin.
pany win be opened to rrp.-iv n,t.
aenpuons or stock, and will remain
open until closed by an order ol the
i'i rectors.
An installment ut Ipm tr , ....n
bo payable at the ti me (f mnkiltrr Ilia
subscriptions, and the residue theicof
Biian ne paid iu such installments, and
tti bucii times anu Places as mv m r.
quired by the directors of the company.
uuuiN rmoEBALD, lTesldeut.
C. II. PAnMEi.E,Vico President.
R. li. Windham, Secretary.
A- W. McLauoiimn, Treasurer.
Hurlburt and Miller
Eroprietors of the Omaha Fancy Steam
yeing and French Dry cleaning works
107, South Fifteenth street. Omaha
Neb., recommend thei. frcim; f-
cleaning, dyeine and curli
and tips on three d.ivs nntlpi i-.n.
suits iu velvet, Silks, Satins etc..
cleaned by the French Dxy cleaning pro-
cens. Ladies' and gents clothiug clean
ed, dyed and repaired. All kinds of
fancy dyeing, merchant's ahclf.wnrn
goods a specialty.
All orders by mail or express uiveu
prompt attention.
Piano Tuning.
F. W. Lessentiu. niano Inner ifii
Woodbridge Bros., Omaha, will be in
this city Tuesday. He cuarantees fir
class work. Leave orders at this off?
" 138d3t
U A full stock of nice Suirar-cured
Hams and Breakfast
Meat Market, at lScpcr pound: Pickled
xorit, izjsc to 13c: Shoulders, lln-
oiiuumers, uc. . x resii J,nrd at IMlZc..
CM. . .1.1 . . . - -
or !) pounds for $1.00. Fresh. Jfiah I
every Friday.
Lake 0'Neili-.
Peterson lfros. Sell
Best Sugar Cnred Hams
B. Bacon
Dry Salted Pork
Dried Beef
Fresh Lard
or 9 lbs for $1,
U. Itf
v i .
a' or Doom privileges at cotniny ment.
ing of Cass county Ae'l Societv. Annlv
n vr . o. lse. nec. iiitwtr
'Ull MALE. Lot 2 and S In
HiocK 41, improved.
d!7 IX. It. WIXUHAM.
A Square Meal
can oe Had at the City Hotel for only
25 ccnl3 and lodging at same reasonable
rates. Farmers aud Commercial Men
will please lear this iu mind. d&wtf
Use Marsh's Cathartic Liver Pills for
Biliousness and Constipation. For sale
by Smith & Black Bros. d&wlt
H.i. White has just received afresh
supply of choice, patent, winter wheat
flour, also delivers corn, oats and bran
to any part of the city. I35tt
Manv of VOU make onnt.rnoia ar.rl nnf
being accustomed to reducing them to
writing, very often when you do sign a
printed or written contract you do so
without fully understanding its con
tents. The Nebraska and Iowa Insurance
Company of Omaha, Nebraska, have
adopted a new system in this State.
They have printed . upon the back of
their Policies a copy of the application
and note given by you for insurance
when your application and note are re
ceived by the Company ; they fill out a
copy of your application on back of
.Policy in detail, all the property insur
ed, just the same as the application
signed by you, and gives every answer
just as you have given it. They also
nil out a copy of your note or notes.
When this is received by you you have
the policy, a copy of your application, a
copy of every contract between vou
and the Company. This is done to avoid
havisg mistakes uncorrected between
you and tue Company during the term
of this insurance.
Your application is the basis of your
contract between you and the Com
pany. Often mistakes or errors have crept
u which, i f not corrected, would vitiate
your insuiance; in other words, you
have no insurance at all, and you could
not detect it. unless you had a copy of
the contracts between you and the Com
pany. Examine your contracts with us
carefully, and if any errors or omis
sions should be found we would take
pleasure in correcting them, and re
spectfully ask the patronage of ths property-holders
of Nebraska. Respect
fully, J. T. IlHRT.Sec'y and Mang'r.
Three or four good workmen wanted
at once. Inquire of
dHO t6. Claus Breokenfield
Uood Fresh Butter,
pound at Murphy's.
cents per
The Monarch Billiard Hall
people keep the best ice cream to be
found in the city, also choice lemonade
cigars and tobacco. 108tf
Meat Market,
eef Mutton Port Veal CMclcens. &c
Constantly on band.
Also, all kinds of UAXE in season, and ev
erything kept la a
At lowest possible rates.!
The best yeast ii use, received fresh
nyorningB U "i spited by
Advertisement under thl bead, three cent
H-r iiuo runt iiweriiuil.
MONKYTOUiAN-Onrealentate ,y Bulll-
van Wuoley. u
POB BALE OR KKNT-A (od lioiuo with
, aeifrw room, conveniently armiiiccd tl
located near t lie I liu liimlnrssiiart of m oily,
TjVJK hai.E Iloime and lot. riea $, Sloo
casn. uaianee in iiiouiniy payment.
It. li. Witt OH AM,
FOK HA Lh Several residence, cheap. In-
iun v ut i'. it. ii itrrirr o.
IOlt BALE A fiesh mlloli cow
h. 11. Windham.
Inquire of
FOH HALK-Scratch Tablet In all
this utllce.
I'OHSALEalot In K.od location.
Ian at thin odlco
alzcii. at
Tart leu-
it: it
VOll SALE An order for a new American
evilux Alachiue. Iixiulre at thlaoOlce,
lOKSALK I.0O9 cords of wood. Inquire of
- v. b. wise. tl
CUKSALK 1.1 paper for aale at tlila omco
at so cents er hundred or a ceuta per tUn-
ru. II
1?OK SALE -l our lots toRetlier in ireod loca-
-a- Hon in thi city. Inquire at ttiia olUca tf
"LX1II RENT South store room of the Union
- llloclc. Enquire of li. 11. lilavk. It. Spur-
oca, Aiva urew, uusiuesa ciiumitiee. izju
IJ'OR RENT House for rent near center of
Cltv. Kiiouirp ift I'hI terHon'a ltitrii. iw.
IlouxeM, Inquire ot
W. ILbUArcit.
FOR Rent Two rooms by I),
II. Wheeler &
WANTED,-Information of the whereabouts
11 of Willis J. Coiiicer. who was lal'lalts-
iiiouth a vear nun. Anv one knowlaa of his
present location will confer a favor by seudliiK
bW addresa to Mrs. Marali K. Conuer. Vet
flattsburic, i. Y. 41201
lVrANTKI)-Tvvo blacksmiths and a black'
" b ml th heliier ut Mehuullbacher'a alien. 8Ud
IV A.sTED--Jobn llaucr has boucht the Stobl-
" ' niau plate.cornei of 7tti aud Vine, and la
prepared to accommod ite the public In the
way of boardiriK and lo iiiliiic by the week
mouth. .uml
FOUND a gold and Jet breast pin, the owner
can have th- aame by proving property aud
payiuu tor tins notice.
"COUN D On Main Street a pair of eye classes
in case, owner can uet his property by cal
properly ui
ling at this otllce and payiiiii for this notice
for this
Sherifrs Sale.
ISotce Is hereby tiven that ly virtue of an
execution Issued by J. W. Johnson, county
Judge of Cans county. Nebraska, lu favor of
(leorfie Dovey, administrator of the estate
of K. O. Dovey, dee'd. and against OrllJIth
Coolev and to ine directed. I will at 10 o'clock
a. m. on the Cth day of August, IK&'I, at the
house of John Ramsay, iu Eight Mllu drove
precinct in said county' offer lor sale at public
vendue tha following uoods and chattels tow it
Fifteen hogs, three milch cows, one platform
spring wagon, one Drown mare, ene Day kcki
Iiik and one double set of harness ; taken on
execution as the property of lirilllth Coolcy.
127110 R. W. IIVXKM,
In the District court of Cass county. Nebraska
J W Stoddard, li F StoibUld and W A Kcott
comprising the linn of iStoddard & Co., plain
tirts. vs.
11 F Iloovei, E O Hoover, and Haworth & Sons
Tn If worth & None, noil -resident defendants
you are hereby notified that ou tne K8in uay ot
jiuy. 18., tnai piaiutins nerein, nieu ineir pe
tition lu the Dim net court ot Cai-s county, ieu-
braska, against said defendants, the object and
naire executed bv 11 K Hoover and K O Hoover,
braver ox wuicu are to foreclose a certain niori-
plaintiffs, upon lot No. 249. in the town of
Louisville, to secure t lie payment of a certain
promlHory note, dated March 2tli, l, for t lie
sum of St2.oi; due aud payable on or before
October 1st. 1882 : that there Is now due upon
said note aud mortgage the sum of $li'.,l witli
10 percent interest irom tiieui uay oi ic
cember. 1882.
riamtm also prays mat a. minor iiiorigag ex
ecuted bv 11 K Hoover and E O Hoover, to you
be declared junior and inferior to plaintitl's
mortgage upon aaia property.
Koit are required to answer saiu petition on
or before the 1st day or October, isi.
It. li. W1MJIIAM,
Att'y for I'laiiitifT.
riattsniouth, Neb., Aug. uth, 183 .it.
Notice of Probate of Will.
In the Matter of the Last Will and Testament
of Thomas McCartney, deceased, iu county
court. Case county, Nebraska.
Notice Is hereby given, that on the 31st day of
Lutrust. A. D. 1883. at the county Judge's ofilce
in Flattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, at lo
o'clock in the forenoon, the foIlowiiiK matter
will be heard and considered :
The application of Mary a. Mcuartney to ad
mit to probate, an authenticated copy of the
last will and testement of Thomas McCartney
late of Rock BlufTa, in said county, deceased,
and for letters testament to Mary A. McCartney
By order vi the court.
i. n.tioiiAOU.i.
Dated August 7th, 18S3. 3t. County Judge
In the DJstrict Court of Cass county. Neb
George W. Covell, Trustee of and ,
for K. L. McDonald & Co.. et. al. Notice
X. r Of
Dwight J. McCann, and Catherine
Ueed.aud Lawsonbueiuon. 1 1'ubiication
Defendants. J
To Dwiebt J. McCann and Catherine Reed
non-resident defendants :
You aud each of you win take notice, that
the aforesaid plaintiff as trustee did on the 2lt
day of July, 1883. tile his petition in the Dis
trict Court of the Second Judicial District o".
Nebraska, in and lor cass county. Nebraska,
aeainst you. and e ich of you, and Laweon
Sheldon, the object and prayer of which Is to
set aside and wholly cancel and declare void a
certain deed from D. J. McCann to Catherine
Keed of date .November 28th, 1876, lor the south
halt,sli) of section thirty, (30) in township ten.
(lO)nortn. oi range twelve, uzj east oi btn v. m..
in Cay county, Nebraska, recorded in Book
OI aeeue, on page ojo mercoi, auu io sei asiue
and wholly cancel, and declare void a certain
deed from the said Catherine lteed to Lawson
Sheldon, of and for said land, of date May 3ist
1883. recorded iu boek No. eight, (8) of deeds,
on page 177 thereof, on the ground of fraud
perpetrated by J. D. McCann, Catherine lteed
and Lawson Sheldon, and of which each had
notice,actual and positive, ard which fraudulent
deeds were made and taken to defraud credi
tors of McCann, and the plaintiff as trustee of
and for said creditors; and the further object
and prayer of said petition is to quiet the title
of said land in plaintiff as such trustee, and to
vest in him as such trustee the full and com
plete title of said land, and to wholly exclude
Catherine keed, Dwight J. McCann and Law
son Sheldon, of aud from any title, interest, or
right in and to safd land or any part thereof.
You are further notified that you are required
to plead, answer, or demur to the petition filed
in this action, on or before Monday, September
3d, 1883, or the allegations of the petition will
be taken aa true, and judgement and decree
rendered accordingly.
GEO. W. COVELL. aa Trustee,
for I'laintiff.
Plattsmouth. July 21, 1883, lawst.
In the District Court, in and for Cass county,
Nebraska :
George W. Covell, Trustee of and '
for it. L. McDonald & Co.. et al. Notice
vs. of
Dwight J. McCann. Catherine
lteed and William L. Browne. I Publication
Defendants. J
To Dwight J. McCann. and Catherine
non-reldent defendants :
You and each of you will take notice, that
George W. Covell, as trustee, aa aforesaid,
plaintiff, did on tne 23d dav of July, 1843, file in
the office ef the Clerk of the District Court, in
and for Cass county. Nebraku, his petition
against you and the said William L. Browne,
defendants, the object and prayer of which is
to wholly set aside ;ind cancel a deed ot date
November 28th. 1876, from Dwight J. McCann
to Cathrine Reed recorded in Book "8" of deds
on page &50 thereof, of Cass county ltecords, for
the north-west quarter (BWfi) of section five,
(5) in township ten, (10) north of range fourteen
(14) east, 6th P. M in Cass County. Nebraska,
and to wholly set aside and cancel a deed for
same land of date May 3ist, 1883, from Cather
ine Keed to William L Brown, recorded June 22,
1883. in Book No. eight, 8) of deeds, on page
178 thereof, and to declaro both of said deeds
void.on the ground of fraud, participated in by
all of said defendants, and to wholly annul
the same, and to subject said land to the pay
ment of the debts and judgments owed by Mc the judgment creditors for whom plain
tiff Is trustee, and to quiet and vest the title of
aid land in plaintiff,as the trustee of said judg
ment creditors;
Yon are further notified that you are requir
ed to plead, answer or demur, to the petition
of plaintiff, filed In said cause, on Monday, Sep
tember 3d, 1883, or that the allegations of said
petition will be taken as true, and Judgement
rendered accordingly.
Rattmotitll. Ne T., Ja9SSIet!'
Of the PlatUmonth and nontii Uclr.-j
Railroad Company.
Tlila la to eortiny that John PIl'irprHld A
r. mini. ne... i,ro. Mini u v 1 1 ....... i.
8 " hilrd lliifiHi-Uca r..r it
of furjiilbK an luuorpoiaird luilrond 1 iii'itur
iitider the luroriHiratlou Lawaul Uio Mam of
This Coinitany atinll tin known ! t ,.i...
mnuth and Houlli Weatvrn Hulln.uJ CoiiiomiiV
ly whleh name It ahalleit and trnnsaet bnla'
ness i Its eilntance ahall bucrutiiii i.i u
may au and be sued. In Us coriMimta i,.,.,. it
may acquire, own and convoy real, personal
and inUeil iiroiierlv. mav niniruri mi i.u
tracted within II own iiame i mnv nmk. .it
usa a cominoii seal whleli li muy alter at
auro ; may do all needful acts lo rany In to ef
feet I he oblecta for whleh It
It shall have power to exercise all the rlirhu
privileges and frauvhlsea whleh may t c,iir.'
ed under chapter sixteen of the compiled bLut.
tirM r iiiii ykiu
oflloes. and depots, as shall be nra essuiy be
tween the places of thu termini of the 'said
road, which la protected to couimeuee at a point
on the Missouri river at I'laliainouih. In cJ
county, -tiitoor Nebraska, ami to bcontruet-'
ed from said polut, in a Mouth Westerly dlree
tlnn, throuicli Cas county, by nay of the town
ot Avoca i through otou county, by way of thai
town of byracuse, throuuli Johiisou count v. hv
way of Iho town of Merllnir. tlimioi. J;ui
county, to the town of lieatrlre, throuall Jef
ferson county by way of Kairbury to a point on
ma ouuo iiud, nexuiitiiiiK ivausas iroill JVelrua
ka. or as near as nmet liable ii,,.. t.i,.
may be demonstrated by a survey, o ba made
on the completion of tills eornoi mii..i. , -i.i. '
the privilege of eonti uctlnjf branches from the
! iiiin ifmei tunui or piUCCS Wlllll.'l tlia
limits i.f the Htute.
For the ouroose of this oreuiiinti.n, n.-
IowIijk named persons, hIkii.-ii, of these Articles
have been chosen DlrectoiK, to hold their of
lice until a Hoard of Directors are elected from
the stock holders as hereinafter provided vU i
John l-'ltuerald. Flunk Cut-ruin i
Tern tt i Wi ii ii i.v ""
I'lirmela. K. K
r.uiriaifc. i iioa. a. Uaiblue.
Oeo. 11. LltllfUeld.
N, K. (J rings and
The raid Hoard of Directors have
following persona as olll .ers ..! tills company.
iimiii riujfntiu i resident,
Calvin 11. I'uriuele. lc I'lchldi-nf..
Kubert II. V iudliam. Secretary and
A. W. McLaiiKlillu. Treaxiirer.
AS SOOU H one thousand aliurnn ..r l.w.Ir ul...n
In good faith he subscribed, aud ten dollars
persli.tte paid into the tlCiHin v of ihn ........
pany, tile present President and Secretary shall
appoint a lime and place for the rt'st mectllnr
oi the subscriber of stock, and shall kVh
notice t hereof, in at least one newvpuiter mint-
en in tue city i I'lattsiiiontti, ililny days pre
vious to. the day of meeting, ai Kiicfi sub
serlbers shall then and there elect thirteen
director lor said company: tins directors mo
chosen shall as soon hn may be niter their -election
elect from their own number a President
and Vice-President, uml nintii u. .i...
Treasurer and Secret;.! v. .who shall take tint
place of the present ollicers now actlnu in the
same capacity.
No person shall 'be elected director In said
, unless bo shall bo u bona fide
ow ner or at least five shares of sioek iherin.
The capital stock of this comrumv .i.uii i.u
Ten Hundred Thousand Dollar tifliinli mew
Increased at any tune U four million dollars
when authoiie'd by a two-thirds vot r iii
stockholders, and the shares shall bo d'vl jed
into sharcH of one hundred dollars each ; which.'
shares shall be transferable ou Hid books of
the company, as the directors may piovide
through by-laws.
Au installment of ten per cent shall be pay-
able at the time of making the subscription
and the residue thereof shall bo paid In mich
installments, and at such times uml rlw-c t.
may uc i ciunru ujr I lie uirccior ot till:
lie com
i lie
stockholders may vote lu Dcrson i.rh
written proxy, aud may cast one vote tin-:ia1
sliaie they may own or represent.
On the first Wednesday of .May in every year
alter the organization ot this company a board
of directors consisting Of thirteen members
shall be cliosen by ballot, by such of the stock'
holders as shall attend for that purpose either "
iu person or by proxy j provided that a majori
ty of the etock is represented. Said directors
snail continue iu olllce until their successors are
A majority of the board of Directors shall
have power to make By-laws, an if tiller the
same at pleasure. and may transact all business
of the corporation, may appoint KiiKlncers,
Agents and all Olfleer required to aid In the
construction of the Koad ; shall have power to
Issue Bonds after getting the wriitcn consent
of two-third of the sioek, may execute-mortgages
and deeds of trust, and give as stjeurlly
therefor any property belonging to the com
pany. i.
Hie private property of the sfock Lot! era
shall not be liable lor the debtsof the comnanv.
'J Ii is company may bo consolidated with unv
other rallioad company witliiu or out of thu
'Hie indebtedness of this corporation shull
not at any time exceed two-thirds of the capi tal
stock. .
The principal place of transacting the busi
ness of the company, shall be at I'lattsmouth,
bebsaska, till changed by a vole of the direc
tors, and the subsc:ipiion books of the com
pany shall be opened at this iilace bv persons
designated by the signers of these articles.after
giving 30 days notice by publication, next pre
ceediutc tlie time of opening tiie books and
they may be closed and re-ooencd n the ill-
rectors may deem expedient.
The time of beginning the corporate powers
of this company and Its liability thereunder,
will be from and after the bih day of May.
Signed this2lUi day of April, 1883.
John Fitzgerald,
. II. Black,
Frank Carruth,
Joseph V. Weckbach,
it. B. Windham,
(ieo, S. Smith.
Sam. M, Chapman,
Win. II. Newell,
C. H. Parinele,
J. M. Patterson,
Orlando Tertt,
J. 11. Allied.
Wm. Beekmau,
.1. K. Smith.
J. N. McCoiincll.
Jacob Klein,
Kd. E. Eldrege.
C. F. Stull,
G. Hansen.
A. W. MCLauginin,
Daniel II. Wheeler,
Geo. W. Kalrlield
H. K. Palmer.
John Waterman,
C. W. Sherman,
F"red Gorder.
F. it. uthmann.
Geo. E. Dovey,
Geo II. i.ittlefield,
Louis Hoebel,
N. K. Griggs.
P K. Hastings.
O. N. Whellock,
Thomas Harbine.
J. B. McDowell,
uco. cross,
On this 24th dav of April. 1W. before me It.
B.Windham. Notary fubilc.d.ily commissioned
and qualified for and residing in said CotiDty,
personally came John itzgeraid. u. li. Black.
A. W. McLaughlin. Frank Carruth, Daniel 11.
Wheeler. Joseph V. Weckbach. Geo. w. Fair
field, 'J. E. Palmer, Geo. S. Smith, John Wat
erman, Sam. M. Chapman. C. W. rjucrman, W.
11. Newell. Fret Gorder. o. Ji. I armeie. F. H.
Guthmann, J. M. Patterson, Geo. E. Dovey, o.
lent. personally tome known to I the identi
cal persons whose names aie alllxewl to the
above instrument, and acknowledged the ex
ecution of the same to lie their voluntary act
and deed.
Witness my hand and Notarial Heal, the day
j and year last above written.
SEAL Signed. ii. B. WINDHAM.
1 ' Notary I'ublle.
in and for Cass County. Nebraska.
On the 27th day of April. Its ;, before me Jas.
S. Mathews, a Notary public, duly commisMon
ed and qualified for and residing in said count v.
personally came ti. B, Windham, to me known
to be the identical person whose name 1
affixed to the above instrument, and acknowl
edged the execution of the same to be hit vol
untary act and deed.
w uness my nana and Notarial Seal, the day
i i and year above written.
Notary Public.
On this 3d day of May, 1883.
before me W. E.
Page, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and
appointed for'and residing In
Otoe County, per
1(1. .1. li. Arend.
onallycame Geo. H Littleneld.
Louis Hoebel. Wm. Beekman. to ine nersonllv
known to be the identical persons whose names
are affixed to the foregoing article of Iuconora
tion, and acknot ledged the execution of tha
same to be their voluntary act and deed.
witness my nana ana Notarial seal, m is 3d
, . Uay of May, 181.
hkal. ( Signed W. E. PAGK,
' r-' Notary Public.
gage countv. "
On this 4th day of Mav. 183. before me the
undersigned, a Notary Public, io and for said
county, personally came .V. K. Griggs, J. K,
smiiu. f. ii. Hastings, .j. is. JilclJonuell, u. N.
Wheeilock and.Iacob Klein. who are well knnwr.
to be the Identical persons who signed the fore
going instrument, and they acknowledge li
same to be their volu tary act and deed.
Given unuer my nana ana Notarial seal
, 4tn day or Mav.isa.1.
' Uirn.l ifl'll T nrTTo
Notary Public.
On this 4th day of Mav. A- D. !?.. l.ef..iw iju
Benjamin L. Purdv. a Notarr Public ilulvrnm.
missioned and qualified, for Jeflerson county.
Nebraska, personally came Thomas Il.irblne.
Ed E. Eldridge. John B. McDowell. C. F. stmi.
Geo. Cross aud O. W. Hansen, who are well
known tome, to be the identical persons who
signed the foregoing instrument, and they ac
knowledged the same to be theix voluntary act
and deed.
Given under my hand and Xottaral Seal th:
( . 4th day f Mnv. 188.x
i SEAL f Signed. NJ. L. PCKDV,
1 ' Notary Publu,
II. K. 1'aliiMir, Uen.H. Himtli, .lului Waifrme"
Ham M. LaiiijiM. J. W. Win" I
Newell, t reif iorder, V. II. I'armele. ft I
liuihii.nn. .1. M . I'aiterwiii, il. k. nVey, i i.
Trfft. (leu. II. II iuk lir... II. I.Ut l. flrld. V. 1 j
Arend. I.II.IU Jlnebel, Wni. lloeiliMMli. N. U,
t . .i. ijl. O.h. VI....Kk. Jamil Klein. Tli'.uiaa
llartilne. Kd. K. Kllrlilir. .1 n vi..i.'. n
J nis corporation Is created to lay out, locate
construct, furnish, maintain, operate and enli.J
a line of lUllroad aud 'leleKiapli with ii'ui
ut uuuuir iiiu i m uu sucn aiua irirki li