I OPERA CTOUCE BLOeCI PLATTSnOUTflv flBRALD. published t , . The Plattsmoth Ileral PeSMCo. nn opera house en taken for WILSON BROS.' SHIRTS. n UnnnTTi'fn IF inn lllfi IfSMo K - v GENTS FUBKISHERS.! Telegraphic D Poll TOST OFFICE llTISF News Depot. i U U P STATIONERY, NOT A DAYS DOINGS. htd otdo their waj across the frontier J J . . i if U1VH IIU ,t m uuvv .w he lorce at Lis command. KENTUCKY ELaCCFION. Louisville. Auirust The returns Vl . II 1 - it vaf come in aiowiy now, uuv it to iuwwi- . tain that Knott's majority for governor V I VI I will not be less than 40.000. ?' r1 THE EXPOSITION. Chicago. August 8. The Chicago an nn.i I - .. ..uiMtn will nrann uuu caiAjoat" ..... i i - , - September 5. and continue till octooer i jagHuiucuw mub 20. Preparation are now .in progress. 0-AJ5TX)XE3 A tVJD OXO.AT&3 The Usual Quota of Crime. n ii8i fettiie. MASON & ITAMLIN HENRY F. MILLER and DEnuo nEISLKTOS a it ana Safest. Best and Most Reliable LINE IN THE WEST. C B CUTTING THE WIRES. A.3T JB. TODD'S Hardware Emporiu r AT SAGE'S OLD STAND, ON LOWER MAIN STREET. TMae EJest ILIne ot QJoolc Stoves., c (Kasoliiie Stoves, 66 66 66 TTiii ware 66 66 (General Bttarallware To be found la the City. New goods at prices that defy conipetlon. Give me a call. SOTS iolJGiiiiifi'S We have just received fine assortment of -AND- Spring Wagon Tops, which Me will sell at prices within the reach of all. (Dome and SeedPur (Canopy TTop THE LIGHTEST, NEATEST AND MOST CONVENIENT TOP MANU . - FAC5URED. lAlso a completo Line of Men's, Boys.'and Ladies' Saddles at J.G.CHAMBERS & SON AT 5HO EXECUTED. Indianapolis. August 8. At Rock- vlllc, Indiana, today, Joseph O. Stout waa.huusr for the murder of. Taylor, Dunbar In November last, The. pris- oner displayed great coolness on the scaffold. , . MISSING. ""Toronto. August 8. Two young men, sons of Senator George W. Allen and Donald Mclnncss, left Barrle in a boat Saturday for the camping grounds four miles dUtant on Kemperfelt Bay, and hnvA nnt. nincA been heard from. . It is supposed they hare drowned. .. . RAIBOAD COLLISION. Cairo, Illinois, August 8. at three this moraine a train on the St. Louis & Cairo narrow gauge railroad collided with an incoming train on the "Wabash railroad when leaving the depot, badly 1.ima?inar the narrow trautre train. No body was seriously hurt. SAFE BLOWERS. Chicago. August 8. A Journal Mc Gregor. Iowa special says the safe in tho store of Buck man & Bro. was blown open by burglars early this morning The thieves obtained $4,500, and made good their escape. PROBABLY WRECKED. filiicairn. Ap-ust 8. Portions of a wreck cast ashore near Grand Haven. Mirli . lead to the surmise that (he schooner Willie and Annie has been lost. She was engaged in the lumber trade, and had a crew of five persons A VILLAINOUS ASSAULT. St. Louis. August 8. Win. Lanihill, eighleen years old, working for Hubert ii.ifFmun :i furmer hvin-r four miiea soutb of Belleville, Illinois, took ad vantage of the absence of tLe family last evening and enticed Minnie Hart- mau. twelve years old. a niece of the f armeo. to an outhouse, where he bru- tallv assaulted her and fled. The girl was found terribly bruised. She suf fered all night from convulsions, and there are little hopes of recovery Citizens are hunting for Lanhill. AN OLD OFFENDER. Chicago. August 8 Michael Danner, station agent for the Chicago, Rock Island& Pacific railroad at Marseilles, Illinois, was arrested today for the al leged embezzlement of funds of the Odd Fellows benevolent association, of TSToto- Vnrlr rehiln stervinff as tr?.SUrer ten years ago. The story published is to the effect that the real name of the man under arrest is F. M. Manner; that after the discovery of the shortage in his accounts amounting to between $3,000 and $5,000 he went to Canada, and after search for aim had been abandoned, returned to Illinois, mar ried, and under his assumed name at tempted to live down the memory of hi former career. The prisoner is given a good reputation by the railroad company. THE GENERAL HEWS. Storms, Saloon Openings and Base 15 all. The Latest Developments in the Strike. New York, Aug. 8. Last night an other onslaughter . was made upon the wires of the Western Uulon Teleeraph company, the consequence of .which is far more disastaous than that of the preeeeding night. Press Agent Somer ville. of the Western Union, said this . . ., Eleisant Paj Ooaches 2 St Louis Trains Daily, - . 2 Omaha ; Trains Daily; s 2 Kansas City Trains Daily Z Atctison Trains Daily, Two .Train for St Paul, Minneapolis, SiouxlOity And all P'JluU la northwest, with ' . Pullman Sleeping Cars, Between Kansas City and St. Paul XT ITUQBT CHANGE All trains run on'tlme.eonnectinjc for all point Plow iii it HEROLD'S Louisville Branch Store! Can -be found the largest and I or i fibesVi8tpck:;: of L .. s r i " Gents' mimi mm. CLOTll morning mat twenty wire WBr v . . - . 9 or. one route and fourteen ou another be- .Last est, uruitt I q irk tm (nrulnxt nil regular ticket office. tween Passaic and ;uzaDetnporc. inese were wires to Philadelphia aud other points in the southern division. Twen ty wires were cut between Jling's bridge and Scarsdale. At Tarrytown twelve Hudson river wires are down and elzhtern wires in the eastern cir cuit are destroyed between Port Ches ter and Greenwich, Connecticut. The cross arms were sawed off in the latter instances. The wires cut, beside the first wires to go down, were those on the eastern circuit, which were lost about 11 100 o'clock last night. The others went down shortly after mid night. A large force ot line men was sent out to repair tho damages, and tho lines are being repaired as rapidly as possible. . The cutting of the wires interfered with others, across which they fell, so that great confusion was created for a long time, and bu jness greatly delayed. Superintendent Ilun- stone estimates that when the woric was besrun this morninsr one-half of the wires to Philadelphia aud one-third on A:iatnrn circuits could ot-be used. The whole number of wires cut was eighty nine, but nearly 200 rendered useless in conseciuence. A telegram from Fort Washington says a gang of men has in terfered with the line men who weie repairing them, aud police protection has been asked in case the inter ferance in rinpted No clue has vet been ob tained of the authors of the mischief, The compauy is considerably put ont bv the new method, of warfare. At the headquarters of the brotherhood of tele graphers it is emphatioally denied that the cutting was being done by stating icemen MI J tmm W. mmm . . nfnrmntinn rnexdiDif rates, time. &c. cheer lly given ty addVes-Uig A. C. Dawjw, Gen'IBnpt, Geu'l ras Aden M. O'CONNOR. Atlthe down-town saloon. OPPOSITE THE PERKINS HOUSE, Keeps a complete inc of W I 3ST 353 S Liquors, AND CIGARS, BOTTLED BEER, ALE AND PORTER, KRUG'S OMAHA BEER and the best brands of Kentucky nt whiwIriAR Opposite Perkins House. - - Plattsmotuh. 11. ITU, ;.'MM, Trunks.Valises, Boots and Shoes, In Cass County, at Ked'Kock Prices, liemember the placv. TEL. lICIBIiSnILIll). KTaMafjer. i(D. R. IHIIEES1LID5 Sole IPropr'tor RAtLR0A.i RUMBLINGS. . AVarranted to be as good as any wire made. We also keep in stock a general assortment of HARDWARE, STOVES and TINWARE, and sell as cheap as any Hardware house in the country. Call and see us in tne ltoctwooa xhock. And Tinners' Stoft OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY .uMV UE ( ; , - Kxcelsior SLOt ST. LOU IS. MO Cass County Iron Works WAYMAN & KIRBT, Propr's. Plattsiixo ;-Neb. IBOIIilSlftS, ENGINIES, IRON FRONTS. HOUSE COLUMNS, acuities or heavy workln Colu mns and Castings for Business Houses are a a a. . XcHU?E REPAIRINQ of all kinds. " Our Machine Shop is fully equipped pSrSirf? manufacturing. We dupUcatf all easterc prices saving freight and tinw. - t of the State. should write for our tennofcastlngs Parties buUdnig 'iftTrNrmr TS.OM" TXTOZUTB PLATTSMOUTHi NT3 WlTHCOTlJEDICniE, ARNICA PREPARATIONS ClietnUtry haa dlooverl tioririKly y'Hir toAruioa fur haJlnu extTiil erupflou. Pronw y prepared and ouuiblned. tt, liano qualima toiiut preparation. 5P I I If I a- STREIGHT Sr CO. (Huc.cesaor to Mtrelebt Jk Sillier. MAJfUFACTUKEK OF THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS WARRANTED TO CURELSi without mdlcli:TPtn fa ihbaek. hip liaibst rii mvmM'j tam - - ' mlaaTenlMloB. tmaotrnor, athma. "'t1dJ? rr. ktrnl op UDtum c-Mtarrh. IIK, epllep. vv".n"""'deb!ilty of the ei-KKATIVE ORG .! Occurs. I't llalitr. Im-W cfmrie rorre and Waitlaa weaLae-ia, aud all tboc dl " "i .... (rem wliatcvt-r ciiie. tli continuou t raw in of Mairnotiam pTmrntin h" bIi tfca PaHa Mailt rentore mra lo a arana cu.. . ' - FINEi HEAVY HARNESS . LADieSaGKETIC ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. - DISASTROUS STOBM. Council Bluffs, August 8. A terri- rible rain and hail storm swept through this. Sac. Shelby. Crawford and Malls counties doing much damage to grow ing crops. The tail end of the storm passed through a portion of this city and was about two miles wide, beating corn and all growing vegetation into the ground. It is regarded as one of the most severe storms that ver visit ea western Iowa. sullivas's opening. Boston. August 8. -Fully 15,000 jrersons attended the opeuing of John L,. Sullivan's saloon on Waslnngtoo street. The bar room was pacseu with people, the rough element predom inating. The services or tne enure re serve force of the police station, with half a dtzen mounted officers, w?ie necessary to preserve order and keep the street clear. The crowd in main was "cod natured. Three arrests were made for fighting. BASE BALL. Peoria, August 8. Peorias 7, Quin cys 3. New York, August 8. New Yorks 5 Philadelphias 4. - Boston, August 8. Bostons 10, Prov idences 2. Detroit, August 8. Detroits 5 Chica cagos 1. Cleyeland, August 8. Clevclands 11, Buffalos 14. BTEUGGLI5G OVER CHINAMEN. Washington, D. C. August 8. The acting secretary of the treasury today received a telegram from the collector of custome at Tacoma, stating that his officers, with the assistance of the reve nue steamer Walcott, had captured a sloop running Chinese across the-line from British Columbia. Two smug glers were arrested, but nine Chinese passengers escaped. The colleetorde dares that a large number of Chinese War in Rates- THE NORTHERN" PACIFIC. New York, August 8. The Northern Pacific railroad will be connected about sixty miles from Helena, Mon taua on thf 15th inst. but the formal opening will not take place till Septem ber 8, next. On or after the 25th inst. the company will be ready to receive freight to and from points oh the Northwestern. Kates between St. Paul and Duluth and Portland, will be the same as between Council Bluffs aud San Francisco. Through tariffs to Portland and othar Pacific coast points are now being prepared and will be ready for distribution in a short time. . THE SOLICITORS. Chicago, August 8. The Iloosac Tunnel line put a solicitor on the board of trade today. The Chicago & At lantic refusad to withdraw its man at the order of the east bound freight committee. It is believed all railroads will be represented on the board in a few days. THEATRIC A L BAGGAGE. The western association of general passenger and ticket agents met today for the proposed purpose of considering the question involved in the passenger war between Chicago and St. Louis, but adjourned after having prescribed 250 pounds as the maximum theatrical baggage, aud making a rule that don keys and dogs belonging to traveling troupes, will hot be recived as baggage but turned over to the express compa nies. THE RATE WAR. . ." Scalpers today sold Illinois Central tickets from Chicago to St. Louis, at $6.00, a cut of fifty cents below the late cut rate Thus far Wabash and Chicago & Alton tickets have been go ing at $6.50. A large Hue of Saddles Bridles Collars Whips, k always in stock. Repairing of all Kinds neatly dene o sort notice. Main Street, between Fourth and FUth, HENRY BGEOK DEALER IN wr tup I nirfl . If sau aro afflicted III IUh I flllI.X .III If l........ul.n.. Ill I Ilk fc.null.Ui; Kerala., irv Eantlan,DT.rjrt.arwlth J!?, r. Kidney, lleadaeba or 414 art. "V " Weak AallVa, .rfwoilra , an Abdominul Hflt and a pai"f Magnetic Foot Battrle havo ,io .uperior lnfha?elir andcura of all thc. ""I"a of ta carry a powerful magnetic (urco to tlie senl 01 Uia Oiscuv. , . , o,. V.1I- lnk of the weoih. Laeorrhtro. Cbronla lUiinaM tlea and fJlcenUtoa of the Womb, latldentol liea- reaalar Menntroatlun, HarreaaeM. . and ' r I'lfo, tkU Uthr Uet AppUaaoa aad CftraUva Aat FoVaJI fonn of Female DIBealtle It la tinirar ptisaed by anything berora Invented, both a ciuativa acrer.t and ia source of power and ritallratlon. Prlc-e of either Belt with Mapnetic Foot Batterlee, t I t. Bent by exprenaC.O. D.ajid examination allowed, orby mall on racelpt of price. In ordering, "end meaiiure or waist and BlM of rlioe. Remittance caul be nuuie la OUT reney, sent In letter at our rlk. wnm or tba under clothing, (nat rt ta the m ej bobmv raaaj worn oer the under clothing, (net aazt ta the ll I I 1 ka taken off at night. Tbey hold their fwawroratwr.-ttil " are worn at all aeaaons of the year. ROBERT DONNELLY'S W"A.002Sr AND BLACKSMITH Wagon Buggy, Machine and Plow re vairing. and general jobbing I uL now prepared to Co all kinds of repairing U a good lathe in my shop. PETER RAO EH. The old Reliable Wagon Maker . baa taken charge of tne "agon snop. H is weU known aa a ' ICO. 1 WORKMAN. . - Rew WKai avad BSKi4a mmA t Order. SATiaFACmON 7UAJtANf SAFES, CHAiRP, MC.,KTC,BTC." Of All Description. HTALLICBUEIALCASEa WOODBjST CQi'ii'i-lN a 1 all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for casb. MY FINEHEAR8B axe worn at aii woii '"? ? : -r . ment Without Jladlotae." witu Utouaaoda ot MUnw. THE MAGNETON APPLIANCE CO.. XIS State 8U. Cbicaro, IU, t3 CD ! 3 H J1 I a-f. fJQ CD IS NOW BEADY FOB SERVICE. With many thanks for past patronage. invite all to call and examine my LARGE STOCK OF 3ltf. FU5TTITRK AXU COFFINS o 9? Pi an 1 00 s OS a q V e o a - a - S Ten. ,g a u W CO S3 o s CD C et a 3 V 3 A S to rs eS j 00 S C aa S m 1 rl 25 mrl CO S aj. aa es t 8 2. 0 cq r eO E s 1 s-, e 2 o Or 3 S a S3 go V - H B CQ o o 0 &a . 1 b A ID) n D P A Ml- Wlll dial- jra4-kel .irllllMae of the kln.whathfr Jrma ","fi?JiV,.ll" finCOU Or 111 UBe OI IllJltruiJ ninmr.iivn. Will cura plmpleaon lace and luaik r.il rlUH the akia m1 mnd Mr. luvaluuble In Hall and TioreV J'iUiJjC JN MfcXAL 1 CHKH, Zftc A TOILET SOAP Itollft-Mtnillr per- fumed, lillily (neMl. tested, Abaoluto I imim. V Mne tlia skin from chappinjf and Imparta to It life and healthr atlow. iJnHvallwl lor r-leaulna tua acnln and eralioatinu oanuruii. j ,. lli.t anan In Lm WUIIO. 1'HlVUa xo OF) 11 lb. Shaving Soap A tncdieatod articlo of rare merit. I're venta all pliiitle. I.aii.1. mt mm 1 f uu M il, 1 MAKES 8HAVINO aDKHCillT. KixlorHOil ljr ijHatuiut XJa.rur, wou i. (Vituont iMtrallel a a aaavinif aoap." ltlch in t ir .lid Viitintr. KenH the fare and nnck free from pimples. iO eta. tor a larjre nsute. TOOTH SOAP Is without qnostion the uioHt tmriecv, ar ticle evr inroduoed, aa it not only cleana- . . . ..i. ,uMU...i.t. t.i.fr. Jin Aimljination with arnica preserves and liarderia the .J civos Ul ine Br,ui o bw-'., taate is deliehtf rl , All druKBists so l the above articles, OT W8 W1U mail ttioui, postpaid, ou receipt ot price. C. II. GTRONO It CO., Solo Proprietors and Mantou, Chicago WILL J. WAUItICK, AGENT, Pl.ATTSMOUTir, NEJIUASKA. HOUSE-SHOEING P5 CD J. D. SIMPSON, 3 AGENCY FIRE ISOBAHGE GO'S: CITT, of London, QUEEN, of Liverpool FIREMAN FUND, of California - EXPREESS COUPANIES , -v ': s' AMERICAN EXPBESS CO.. " WELL'S FABGo & CO" EXPRESS. Offlcoln Bockwood Block, witU Johnson Bros edeiu. mikb.schnellbacher; ' BLACKSMITH HOUSE SHOEIKG & WAGON REPAIRtNC All KiEfls of Farm imDlements Meniei will Neatness and Dispatch. ywfc ilorse, 31ule & Ox Shoeing n short, well shoe anything that hai four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see. us. -IsTEW SHOP between Main and vine btreet e corner from tne nbw acnaK a Filth St ast across 10 LYOF&HEAL St2te & Monroe Sts.. Chicago Will m4 pr-TX& to an y ..Id". . BAND C i L for IMS. su P -"m"Tt I of iaitramwu. oiw, . . lar Aaika a - I r ar aa 1 aasBMirll rl tmr Large 4SAaUK?r OCTDr V ft- H I I X 1- MUe1 Free te AM. Wi 111 IIJII nfli-r the ar( Aoztlms to ? SEED PtTATOEM, Com. Oau and -Wheat, aud tba BetCoU4tun. of Vegetable, Flower, Oraand TreeWEEO. KvetTnthlny l tfed, aidnu COLU A BKU.. tcdaaaea. 1'i.ia.A. IUW. NOTHING ELSE III T Horse-shoeing ! I am goiDg to do all kinds of fthoelng, ai.d do nothing else, and if you want a rood liorca shoeing shop in this town, now is your time o patronize me. SUop on Washington Avenue at the Horso-shoo Sign. tGood Satisfaction Guhranteed. GEO. PALMEK, " wiStf I'latUtoouth. Neb. NEW Furniture More DEALEJt IN FUE1TITURE 9 COFFINS, - 'and all kinds of goods usually kept In a "'Ji"v -m FIKH r C'liAMH Kl lt. lTL'Kfi MTOKIS Also, a very complete tock of Funeral Goods, Metallic&WoorleiiColllns Casiels Botes. EMBLEMS, 4a. Our New and elegant hearse la alwaya In readiuess. Remember the place, in UNION .BLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun- ty Bank.' . Wlierrwe may be found nlehtorday. J. I UNRUH, -tri t.ATr4 io jr i. neb AT JOE McVEY'fl Sample Rooms You will find the Finest Importer French Brandy, Champaign, and other Fine Wines, Pure Kentucky Whissies several of the best and moat popular' brands of BOTTLE BEER. Fresh Beer always on draught, and Fine Ci gars. " 6tf. ilaich iitb,S82.