The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, August 08, 1883, Image 7

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. Dealer ill
Oils, Paints, Brushes,
A Vnll Iilnoof Trujeii
Aul in fact everything contained In
a llmt-cWss Drug Store. rro
irrlr.tion carefully compound
ed. Competition met in
all department.
GW Maim axd Third Streets
Socorro hand goods.
yj'ttf BUY and SELL all kinds of.
"Will advance money on all
on lower Main street.
One dcor west of Beck's Furniture sore
Plattsmouth. Feb. 1st, 1683 46tf.
till HOTEL.
This beautiful three etory brick structure, on
lower Maid street, has Just been finished and ;
II tted up for the accommodation of
A Gocd Bar
In connection with the
II 1 I Cli. J il
Old Reliable
TT 1 BT 1 IflTlDlf 1 IT 9. OfUT
11. n. iiniiiiiiumi u uun
u n ini fi m n itii n iu i
f "Wholealeiana Ketalll Dealer In
cieii boors:.
aJV"f ' y
fourth Mrect. in rear ef Opera House.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Just Received
A Challenge 5c Cigar,
S hihy made for the retail trad . only.
Pepaerberg's Cigar Factory.
Practical Architect.
Plan, aal Specifications wiU be carefully
sarried out. and full attention will be given a
to safety and durability.
Wter Colors, Crayon and Pencil.
OA- ' SsfoiBfnl&'Sr fciBmeTra
Tlie Plattaaontk Herald Pnklisliiii Co.
ovriciAi. rAPEB or tuk city.
For City and Count r Directory, Railway Time
Tables. Telephone Exchaog Business Di
rectory, Business Card ICh see fourth page.
Notice to Advertisers.
ropy for display advertisements or changes
In advertisements must twi bmminl in t tii
business oHlce not later than 10 . tn nf thu
day In whlcu tbev are to Isa Inu.rt..l r,n
for pay local aud special notices must Le
nandiff In before a p.m. each day to Insure in
sertion. It M. HiVHMrLL.
Business Manager.
A. Salisbury, Dentist.
v. a. riarsnaii, Dentist, mic- Clutter & Marshall
Teefti extract ed without pain
uy use olMtiuui Oxide Cias.
Try Schcrer's Corn Cure, warranted
to cure without uain. only 15 cent; at
Warrlcks. tt-tt.
The nay car was to have left Omaha
to-day at 12 m.
Henry Thierolf, to-day, received
dispatch from Bennett, Htb, bearing the
sad news of the death of his mother
he leaves for that point to-night.
Good Fresh Butter,
pound at Murphy's.
The I'arade of Camels, Elephants, &c
There is a scheme afloat backed by
some prominent citizens bere, to secure
the building of a branch of the Mis
souri Pacific to this city. The Herald
will be enabled to give further particu
lars at an early uay.
Choice eating and cooking
apples at
Bennett & Lewis'.
A Hekald reporter was astonished
l us morning by falling upon the par
ticulars of a prize fight of National
note, that is to occur in this immediate
vicinity. We snail be enabled to give
particulars to-morrow.
Car load of Fresh bran at
The Herald is soiry for the youn
ladies of the institute who were too fa
tigued to climb Uio high school hill
this morning; however wo are gJad to
learn they were able to co out to the
circus grounds this atternoon and see
the animals.
Watermelons at
Bennett &
The poetical editor of the Herald
walked iu this morning and left the
following; his name is tupiressd for
the sake of his family :
A circus rider in Barrett's
Win crusued by the lat woman's chariot.
Hut me oil ot st Jacob's,
Broke all of his ache's up.
He is led around now with a lariat ;
Cull at Murphy's and price Queens-
ware, an the latest patterns. diayto
The City of Bethlehaui is to day a
"deserted village f all kinds of Iowa
water-craft were busily engaged ferry
ing the town, over this morning, to take
in the circus.
Ripe tomatoea and plums at Benn
& Lewis'. 14t2
iltnry Cooper was called upon last
night by parlies whom he says he
knows, and made the loser of a couple
ot bushels of corn; on the next visit lie
proposes to entertain his friend in a
business like mauner.
Go to Beuuctt & Lewis fir groceries
fruits and vegetables. 13y .2
There was an immense attendance at
the circus this aftergoon anu there wi.l
be equally as large a crowd this evening
In conversation with one of Mr, Bar
rett's head men, the Herald learned
tLat the company were having a very
successful season. They spread an im
mense amount of canvas and bare in
their employ 178 men.
The horse belonging to John Craig
which was injured yesterday afternoon,
is in the care of Dr. Jones and Ed,
Fitzgerald : the ugly wound is neatly
sewed up, and these gentlemen tell us
no trouble is anticipate!, but that with
good care the animal will soon be all
right. Mr. Craig was just starting
for Custer county to look the cattle
range over and had driven his team to
Goos' hotel where Mr. Sol Pitcher, who
accompanys him on this trip, was load
ing his baggage in the wauon: when
the team took fright and ran away. Mr.
Craig took another horse from Jones'
stable and proceeded on his journey to
the west.
That concentrated lye is a dangerous
article mav be inferred from the fol
lowing: Mrs. Anderson Davis living
near Eight Mile Grove, had her hand
somewhat lacerated by broken glass
during the recent hail storm, t few
days afterward she took occasion to
put some concentrated lye on her finger
to destroy a wart, the lye getting into
the gashes, began to eat at a lively rate,
medical aid was called in, but for over
a week nothing could be done to pre
vent the destruction of the tissue, the
finger turned black with the flesh eaten
off to the bone almost entirely around it
From the latest advices, however, we
are glad to learn that Mrs. Davis is im
proving, with some indications of say
ing the finger.
Institute Notes.
The interest manifested at the in
stitute is still increasing. The classes
in rtiysiology and Philosophy are be
coming particularly interesting. A few
more teachers were enrolled today. A
short recess was given to allow all in
terested to witness the street parade.
There is likely to be a slight change in
the order of Lusiness, allowing a short
intermission in the morning and after
noon session. There will be a class in
chemistry as was talked of yesterday.
The attendance is not quite so large,
sorry to 6ay, on account of the circus.
The following names were added to
the roll today : M. O. Weed. Willard
Smith, II. Calkins, Hettie Smith.
Presbyterian Church Choir Social
The members of the Presbyterian
church choir, ssgisted by their friends
will give a social next Thursday even
ing, iu Bockwood Hall. Tuo enter
tainment will consist of a programme
of exercises that is being arranged and
icfcrccjB aad retysbmentH will bo
Three Leotard Brothers, Acrobats.
Geo. Ryan, the Leapcr.
Robert Stickey,
Charles Evans,
Miss Etna Stokes,
Miss Jennie Evans, liders,
W. Fred. Aynan, the Clown and
The Seal of North Carolina Tobacco
man. is entertaining the citizens of
Council Bluffs these days, with his
majjic lantern.
Thu Diagonal road is newly graded
into Des Moines, from the north and
trains will be running before many
months into that city.
One of the heaviest rains or the sea-
sou fell last evening, accompanied by
sharp lightning and heavy wind.
The Cass County Agricultural Socie
ty are intending to get Senator Van
Wyck to make the annual address for
the Fair this fall. If he can be secur
ed it will be a good move on the part
ol the society.
A grasshopper called in the office
this morning, and has been busy look
ing over the Agricultural reports on our
shelves. Evidently he is endowed
with an instinct far seeing and com
An immense throng of people witness
ed the circus parade this forenoon, and
it was one of the finest ever witnessed
in this city.
Charlie Ford, Governor Crittenden's
best man, who murdered Jesse James
for a price, and who was arrested the
other day in Missouri upon an old in
dictment, charging Mr. Ford with com
plicity in the Blue Cut train robbery
some years ago, has been furnished
bail in the sum of $5000 and released
from the vulgar confinement of a Mis
souri jail. Mr. Ford, we presume, is at
liberty now to travel and give enter
Mr. J. W, Shannon handed us a let
ter last evening from his brother S. J.
(Jim) Shannon, whom our 'people will
all remember. Mr. Shannon is now at
Santa Cruz; Honduras, Central Amer
ica, in the employ ' of . a company of
American capitalists engaged in min
ing in that country. Mr. Shannon was
sent to Central America by this com
pany to superintend the putting up of
their quartz mills and machinery, and
will be assent irorn the United Mates
one or perhaps two year's. "Jim' re
ports the climate healthy, the soil rich
and productive, but the natives he says
are shiftless and worthless.
Board of Trade.
The Board of Trade met in regular
session for the August meeting at their
rooms last evening. There was pres
ent. President Carruth, Sec'y Wise and
Messrs. Weckbach, Guthman, Wind'
ham, Bushnell, Gortler, Wheeler, Lehn
hoff, Waterman, Boeck, Perry,
Llson. bolomon. The minutes
of the June meeting were read and ap
proved, there being no meeting held in
The secretary reported nnder order
previously given the names of members
who were delinquent in dues, and on
motion of Alajor heeler secretary
was instructed to call cn them personal-
y for the amounts.
The question ot water supply lor ine
business part of 'he city was taken up
and discussed by different members.
Mr. Lehnhoff advocated a plan for se
curing a water supply from the B. &
M. R. R. Co. which met with very gen
eral approval, and Messrs. John Water
man, J. V. Weckbach and F. Carruth
were appointed a committee to confer
with the city council and the company
regarding the same. Board then ad-
ourned to meet next regular meeting.
Last evening at 8 p. m Mr. Jeff L.
Stone, who.n the Herald readers have
become acquainted with every day dur
ing the last six months, was united in
the holy bonds of wedlock, to Miss
Vieola G. Roys, of Sutton; the cere
mony occurring at the residence of the
bride's parents, near that place. The
bride is a highly accomplished lady who
was principal of the Exeter bchoois,
the last year and who was elected to a
position in the schools of this city for
the coming year. A large number of
nvitations were issued ana no aouoc
large and select gathering witnessed
theceremonv. The Herald extends
the very choicest of congratulations.
New Telephone Extensions
The system of the Nebraska Tele
phone company is being rapidly ana
continually extended. Mi. Flemon
Drake, the general manager, has return
ed from a trip through the South Platte
S AY 1
country, and informs us mat me nue
to Milford, the pretty summer resori
twenty-two miles west from Lincoln,
was completed on Friday. Our report
er wa3 allowed an opportunity of judg
ing for himself how well it worked.
The distance is 94 miles and the trans
mission perfect. Milford informed jus
in distinct tones that there were no pic
nic paities there yesterday but tbatthey
came frequently. By the 15th of Sep
tember a telephone wire will be strung
all the way to Beatrice, Wymore, Blue
rSpings, all important South Platte sta
otins. One of the most valuable extensions,
however, is that into Iowa between
Plattsmouth and Pacific Junction, by
means of masts placed tin each bank ot
the Missouri below theB. & M. bridge.
The Iowa Union telephone company
expect to reach the east bank tonight
or tomorrow night. From Pacific J unc
tion tha wire runs to Glenwood and will
rapidly be extended to other C B & Q,
towns. In a northeastern direction, an
advance is to be made also to AvocaNe
ola and Missouri Valley, and Omaha
will ba ia connection with these places
There arc how two wires to Lincoln,
one for intermediate points and a
through wire which works perfectly.
All the old complaints are done away
with by this. The Nebraska Telephone
company has now immeJiate connec
tions between Omaha and Blair, Ar
lington, Fremont, Plattsmouth, Louis
ville. North Bend. Ashland. Greenwood
Waverly, Lincoln, Milford, Crete: and
in Iowa with Couucil BluPs, Paciflc
Junction and Glenwood. Omaha
As bctwaen the meeting of the Board
of Trade last night and the meeting to
ar ranee for a chicken hunt, the latter
was muck the better attended and rro6t
enthusiastic. xThus la life ia Plstts
J. C. Morrisey came down from Oma. i
ha this a. m ,to look after bis grain ir.
icresis nere. .
Clecirtrn Knvlf tlm fV.dnr
and F. 1. Treastcr. are in tha pitv to.
John Osscukop, II. Hero'.d. S. A. Mil-
gram, Tom Urwio and Johu bay Us rep
resent journal in this city to-day.
Roe Craig left for the west last nieht
to ie gone a wees or two.
Mr. Frank McMackea and wife, who
have been visiting at Gcorcre Fairfield's
and Henry McMacken's for a short
time, started for home at Fort Wayne.
Indiana, this morning, by the way of
Will Cushine returned home from
Lincoln this morning.
Charlie Emerick. one of the old time
B. & M. boys, now with the Union Pa
cific in Wyoming, is home to riatts
mouth on a visit.
James Whyte and family left this
morning for San Francisco, Cal., where
they will hereafter make their home.
W. Fred Aymar. press agent of Bar
rett s circus, called this mornincr and
interviewed these newspaper headquar
ters. .
a morose j-aiterson returned this a.
a - V " A A M '
m., from a brief trip4o Pennsylvania.
Mr. I'atterson says his health is much
better for the trip and vacation, and
that the portions of the old Keystone
state, which he visited,have been favor
ed with good crops this year of '83.
We regret to lose our old friend Sol
Pitcher, for a few weeks. Mr. Pitcher,
proposes to look the cattle ranees over
in company with Mr. Craig, ,aad with
bis breech loader will doubtless enjoy
Rev. Bartle came in last evening and
stopped over night with friends, - he
leaves this morning for Denver where
he will sojourn for a few weeks during
the hot weather.
James E. Hagen left today for Sut-
ton, to attend the marriage ceremonies
there this evening of Jeff L. Stone, city
editor of the Plattsmouth Herald and
one of the fair daughters of that town.,
Lincoln .News.
Eight Mile Grove items.
The Blacksmith has plenty of work
these days.
John McUonkey a baby is quile
with a cankered sore mouth.
Several around here will take in
show at Plattsmouth Wf dnesday.
Mr Carter of Iowa was visiting at Mr
Hall's a few day ago.
Dr. Sturdivant will be founn at Will
Mntz's hereafter, as he recently moved
Chas. McKinucy has been to Weep
ing Water visiting relatives the past
lew days.
Pan Moore sold off his loose property
and started with his family back to Mis
souri to live.
pjAUen Morrow, of Iowa, was over vis
iting his brother R. Morrow of this
place last week.
Some of the Grove folks will go to
Weeping Water to attend the camp
meeting the last of this week.
P. A. Barrett, of Aveeping Water,
colled on Mr. Jenkins Monday morning
enroutc to Platismouth, he reports every
thing lively o Jt there.
John McCorkley seturned Irom Sid
ney last week well satisfied that he
does not core about ranching out there,
but prefers living near civilization.
Mr. and Mrs. Dill, of Glenwood, la.,
came over to attend the funeral of their
mother Mrs. Chnsuiser, they spent a
few days visiting Natives before re
turning home.
Somebody visited It. Morrow a meat
barrel a few nights rgo, and bon owed
tome meat for breakfast, a tew others
have been visited likewise near here
some one must be hard up.
Quite au aristocratie dance was
given at Will Mutz's Friday night,
which was will attended, a splendid sup
per was served up which was heartily
partaken of. afser that dancing was
continued until a late hour, when they
all departed happy. lhck.
Cedar Creek.
Ed. Herald: We are having nice
cool weather so far this month. Bus
iness seems to be as lively as ever, at
least men all complain of so much to
Mr. J. B. Jlerges' smiling countenance
was seen bere, it does anyone good to
have hini aiound, in fact we know Geo.
Sayles head does not ache so bad as it
The teachers haxe been here and held
their institute. We have had Miss
Etbei Salmon, Miss Mamie Cooley,
Prof. Julius Cooley and Mr. J. H.
Berge. Miss. Salmon is from Mt.
Pleasant, Iowa, and h3 applied for
this school, she has a first grade ertifi
cate3. Miss Mamie Cooley teaches near
Greenwood where she taught this sum
mer, she gets fifty dollars a month and
board this fall and winter. Si.e left
this place to attend the institute at
Plattsmouth this morning.
. Prof. Julius Cooley teaches in Sarpy
county, the same school he taught l o
wiuters ago, he gets fifty dollars a
J. II. Berge teaches in the Messinger
district, where he has taught for two
There are old teachers and mean bus
iness. Mrs. Dyrus Creamer lias bad t j take
her bed aain, she was taken worse last
This station is run II. N. Coleman,
operator, he is a good, jolly fellow, and
tends to his business right up io the
The stone quarry below the section
house has been opened, and in running
order. F. W. Doieshaw, of Cedar Rap
ids, Iowa, is the boss.
John Savles was in town Monday his
visits are like hen's secth. scarce.
Geo. Sayles, Fd Mills, and F. Traster,
went to Louisville Saturday p. m. to
take in the base ball game played be
tween the Louisville and Glendale.
Glenrlalc came out ahead. Yours
Ra bbit.
The Monarch Billiard Hall
people keep the best ice cream to ' be
found in the city, also choice lemonade
cigars and tobacco. lOStf
To Teachers.
You can secure scratch tablets In
tiifferentsizes, elm br dllio)? 4 tb
IiiCTja.tTite5cV- 1 ft
sncnnTARv's office.
Atiuiial Meetin? of tha State Allinnce
tor tea.;.
To the Subordinate Alliances of the
Melroy, Neb., July 27, 1883.
The regular Annual meeting of the
State Alliance will be held at Grand Is
land, Neb., on Wedne-day, September
o, at iu o clock, a. m.
ihe ratio of repreNentation will be
one delegate for each Subordinate Alli
ance, and one additional delegate for
eacn twenty Eve members of such minor-
uinate alliance.
Ihis will be a verv important meet
ing, and it is earnestly hoped that
every Alliance in the State will be rep-
We are authorized bv the Chairman
or me stato uentral Committee to an
nounce that the Anti-Monopoly State
Convention to place in nomination one
canaiaate lor supreme uudee. one can
didate for Regent of the University.
and one candidate for Regent of the
University to fill vacancy, will be held
at Grand Island on Thursday, Sept. 6.
the day following the meeting of the
State Alliance will see that the differ
ent counties are represented at this
The ratio of representation at this
convention for the counties will be the
game as at the . Hastings' Convention
last year. P. B. REYNOLDS, Pes.,
J. Burrows, State Allliance.
Piano Tunihr.
r. W. Lessentain, piano tuner, with
Woodbridge Bros., Omaha, will be in
this city Tuesday. He guarantees first
class work. Leave orders at this office.
Notice of Removal.
Ave wish to inform the public that
we have moved into the i.orth store
room in Sherwood's new block, on 5th
street, where our patrons will find us
hereafter, and where all wishing any
thing in the Merchant Tailorirteino
are invited to call and see us. -
130dtf Rasqorshek Bros.1
Largest line of birthday cards ,in
the city at the 1. O. News depot.
The largest and finest stock of hats
ever shown in Plattsmouth. all of the
latest styles in felt and stiffs, just re-
ceivra at wson s tne only one price
clothier. Also a few ol the noboiest
suits ever seen. We take pleasure in
showing them. 35d6t w21tl
Elson the only one price clothier.
leaves for the east next week to buy
the finest stock of clothing and gent,s
furnishing goods ever brought to Platts
mouth. 133d6t21wlt
For your 5 and 10 c sheet
go to the P,' O. News depot.
Bargains In Bricks.
200,000 brick fcr sale, builders will
do well to see us before purchasing.
Leave orders at Weckbach s store or at
the yard; all orders will receive prompt
attention. Rauen & Martin.
dl27mo 1
If there are any citizens in Platts
mouth near the school building, willing
to furnish board and lodging at reas
onable rates, to some of our teachers
during the institute, they will confer a
great favor by reporting to me by card
or other wise. State how manv
ladies cr gentlemen you can keep.
Cyrus Alton,
128t6 Plattsmouth. Neb.
A full stock of nice Sugar-cured
Hams and Breakfast Bucou, at Central
Meat Market, at 15c per pound: Pickled
Pork, 12Hc to 15c; Shoulders, 11c;
Shoulders, lie. Fresh Lard at 12c,
or 9 pounds for $1.00. Fresh Fish
every Friday. Lafe O'Neill.
Peterson Bros. Sell
Best Sugar Cured Hams
- 15c
- 12Kc
- 12Mc
B. Bacon
Dry Salted Pork
Dried Beef
Fresh Lard
or 9 lbs for $1,
For booth privileges at coming meet
ing of Cass connty Ag'l Society. Apply
to W. S.Wise, Sec.
FOR S ALU. Lots H and 3 In
Block. 41, improved.
Teacher's Institute.
Tiie fourth annual teacher's institute
will be held in Plattsmouth fiooa Aug.
6th to lrtb. All teachers 5o the county
will be expected to attend. The prep
aration we are making is such that no
teacher can afford to lose this term.
Cyrcs Alton,
County Supt.
A Square Meal
Can be had at the City Hotel for only
25 cents and lodging at same reasonable
tates. Fanners and Commercial Men
will please bear this iu mind. d&wtf
To the ladies of Plattsmouth and
vicinity I wish to announce that I have
taken the rooms lately occupied by
Mrs. Tutt in the Uuion block, where I
ahall continue dressmaking and invite
all to call. Mrs. M. E. Mortcx.
To the Public.
I am uow located at my new quar
ters in the Sherwood block, first door
on Fifth street, where I have in stock a
complete line of watches, clocks, jew
elry, silver and silver plated ware. To
my present stock I am constantly mak
ing additions and I shall be pleased to
see all my old customers and many
new ones.
Remember the location Sherwood's
new block. ' d-it L. C. Erven.
Use Marsh's Cathartic Liver Pills for
Biliousness and Constipation. For sale
by Smith & Black Bros. d&wlt
Sample Rooms
You will find the Finest Importer
French Brandy, Champaign, and other
Fine Wines, Pure Kentucky Whisaies,
several of the best and most popular
brands of BOTTLE BEER, Fresh
Beer always on djp aad yCl-
Advertisements under tiii head, three rents
per line eacn insertion.
t ONKV TO LOAN-On real estate
van Wooley.
FWBHALKORKENT-A food bouse wltn
, seven rooms, conveniently arranged and
located near the the btMiiics part of the city.
vi m-uiai j enquire oiu, r. rger. Uiiul
t'UK hai.b iioute and lots, price n.V. 9 100
- -ii, uniiiiH'f in mommy payment.
it. 11. WINDHAM,
vuKHALiv Several rnaldences, cheap. In-
ijuire vi u. tt. Heeler & Uo.
pUKNALK A fresh milch cow. Inriulre of
n. a. v iiui num. y;tf
POK SAI.E-Scralch Tablets In ah nles. at
tniionk-e. yut
POK RBNTKKS- Umk at Wine's a.1. and es-
m - - sassu tur ri ui.
imi'1.iiv in tiir . Ui..i n.u .u
VOKSALEalot in good location.
x lurs at this otllce
poll .SALK An order for a
fewlmr Machine. liiuulr
new American
ire at thlsonlce.
PORSALK cord of wood
1 W. a. Wise.
Innulre of
POK SALIC Id paper- for Male at this ofTlce
at 40 cents
K-r hundred or A rem per dz-
puit HALE Four lots together In good loea
tioulnthl city, inquire at ihis onice tf
POR RENT Furnished loom on Main Ki
Wuulh 'or two gent lernen. liujulrt
re at
inu oiuee. JJ7II
-- Ross or J. It
Two houses
ol J,
poll RENT South store room of the Union
uiocK. enquire ot u. it. Jllack, U. Mpur
lock, Alva Drew, Business cuiiuiittee. IJlf
POR RENT A good house, S rooms, One lo
cation. Inquire of 1'. F. Uash. lrto
poll RENT House for rent nesr center of
-iiy. r.nquueat rattersou's Baru. iw.
POK RENT DwelllnK Houses, Inquire
1 l'Xltf W. 1I.HHAFER.
Fuji Rent Two rooms by P. II. Wheeler &
FOR RENT After Jul v 15. the bulidluR now
OCCUtlted tiv Hllj.l-tsiX.rt ..r u u
. . f I - ml " " " . .. ..1. V V. ... II.
. 1 t-v..
rit3 i. ET Furnished rooms,
-a Fonl.
Inquire of
w AN 1K1J Hoarders or lodgers, at Mrs. K
i mMArv-M f'lii-ii.rf.r i-ki,d.i..iji..b t
j . . v. . v. A 4.,, i miu van. oi
WANTED. Information of the whereabouts
Of. Willis J. Coneer. who vuum U I'lutn.
inuuiu a year aga. Any one kuowlag: ol Ills
prenent Ucallvn-ttt confer a favor by sending
his address to Mrs. siitrsili K iu.nut.r w.
riaiuuur-, is. I. dl2Utf
WANTED Two blacksmiths and a black-
' smith helper at Uchnellliacher's shoo, sotf
nr ANTED- Day boarders at Htadlemann's
Restaurant. The best of board at
reasonable terms. 7-dif.
WAITED John Bauer has bouirht the Stohl-
man Place. cornel of 7th and Vine, and In
prepareu to acconimod ite tlie public in the
way 01 Doaruing aid lo ling by the week- or
niontn. iOml
POUND a gold and Jet breast pin,
- can have tb same by proving pr
the owner
property and
paying ipr mis nonce.
pOOND-On Main Street a pair of eye xl
tn case, owner can get his orooertv i
uy cal-
iing at mis omce anu paying lor tins
FOUND An inside safe key.
it at this onice.
Owner can 11 ud
Sheriff's Sale.
Notce is hereby tiven that bv virtne of an
execution issued bv J. W. Johnson, countv
Judge of Cass county. Nebraska, In favor of
(ieoree S. Dovey. administrator of the estate
of E. (J. Dovey, dee'd, and against GritlUh
Cooley and to me directed, 1 wilfat 10 o'clock
a. m. on the 6th day of August, 1HH3, at the
house of John Ratusay. in Eight Mile Grove
precinct in said county offer for sale at public
vendue the following goods and chattels towit :
l? il teen nogs, ttiree uiilcli cows, one platlorrn
spring wauon, one brown mare, eue bay geld
ing and one double set of harness: taken on
execution as the property of (iriOlth Cooley.
JL'7110 K. YV. ItYZKS,
Atjthe down-town s;Uon. -. ' -. -
Kerpi a complete ine of
and the best brands of Kentucky
91 whiskies.
Opposite Terk ins House. - - 1'i.attsmotuh.
J. 1. NXMPftOX,
CITY, of London,
QUEEN, of Liverpool
FIREMAN FUND, of California
OfScoin liockwood Block, with Johnson Bros
- caoni.
Horse-shoeing !
I am going to do all kinds of shoeing, and
do nothing else, and If you want a good horse
shoeing shop in this town, now is your time o
patroi.ize me. Shop on Washington Avenue
at the
Horso-ohco Sign.
rycond Satisfaction Guaranteed.
wi3tf Plattsmouth. Neb.
If 1 offer the ttUft AVtuitu
ivtltUM in
Flower. liraaml Tree SEED. Everything lttl
A4drss UlUABKS.kwSMSsi.1
Old papers fpr sale At this cJce tt
Of the Plattsnontli sod ftomli Western
Railroad Company.
This Is lo certlfly that John r Itriendd. A. V.
McLaiijchlln. Frajik l.'arrutb. I. If? Wber, J.
V., O. w. FalrllrlJ. K. H. Windham.
. E. Falin-r, (Jeo.H. Htnitli, John Waterman.
Ham. M. t hsitmaa, I?. W. Hlierman. Win, II.
Newell. Fred (lorder. V. II. I'arinele. F. 1(!
Outhiiittii, J. M. 1'allersoii, !. K. Dover. O.
lefft. eo. II. Wark, li-o. II. I.llllrneld. J. II.
A rend. I.011U HiH-I.el. Win. lle iIibmu. N k.
OrlKif, J- F.. Kinlth, r. K. llatirit. J. N. Mr.
Couiiel, O. N. Wlielock. Jscoh Klein. 1 liomaa
llarl.liie, Kd. F.. hldrldne. J. II. M Dowell. V.
F. Mull. (ieo. Croiw. and (1. W. IIxikhii. hit.
a.KM'lMted tliemselves loiretlmr for ! i.iinu...
of forinlug an Incorporated liullroml ( oitipsny
Thii(.'oninany nli all be known ! im .i.
mtiulh and Mouth W e. tern Itnllroitd 'o.npnny
by HlilehiiaiiiHlt hall cxit and tiMiisa t I.11I1
tirss i lis vtlxtuliee shall be upriwluul. .ml
may sue und bomieii, in u corMHMte nam It
mav aci.uire, own and couvsy real, itersoiifU
aud mixed property, mar contract and i, . .
traeled within Its own name: mnv mnka and
ion seal which it mny alier at
sure ; mny do all needlul sets to enny Into 'f
feet the objects for which It was crcaii.
It shall have power to exerelne nil t Iim n,.i...
privileges and franchises which limy be ncrmlrJ
ed under cluipter sixtceu of the comiiited hlul.
utes of Nebraska,
1 in corHirat ion is created to luy out. lorit
construct, fuiulnli, main lain. oH-rate nnd enjoy
or double tracks with such side trneks turiioiiis
ollloes. and depots, ns shall le necessary be-
' ! is ru si.s s rilKI MIIll Willi
road. Which Is projected to comuienee mt i,.,i
i.rru i ue places u llie lerinini
oil the Missouri river at 1'lulisuioiiili. In V'ass'
county, tuteor Nebraska, and to be com-t met
ed from said jxilnt, In a Mouth Westerly direc
tion, through t'axs count v. hv WIIV 1,1 I I. A .......
of Avoea; tliroiiKli Otoe eomily. hv whvi.iii,..
town of hvritcuse, through Johnson county by
way of ihe town of btcrlliiir. thrum, i-......
county, to the town of Keairn e, tiiiouuh Jcl
ferson county by way of Falrbury to s iMiint on
the blate Hue, separating Kausas from Nebras
ka, or as near as practleuble to tlieso points as
may be demonstrated bv a survey. i, . ....... i..
on the completion of this corporation t with
the prl vlleKe of coiisli nelliiif brauehes from thr
main line to oilier towns or tdaee wltlili tli
limits t.f the Mtatc. ; 11 ""
For the uiiroose of th sorrniljati,.,, ti.. t..
lowiuii named persons, slrnein of Hies Artie)
iid urni iiiuku i'irei-(,ors, lo Hold their of -lice
until a Hoard of Directors ursii.i.rf .
tne siockiioidera ns Hereinafter' provided vi ,
John t ltzi;erald. Fi huW i'.r,..n. . ,f...,.: '
TelTt, R.M. Windham. C. II. FarmHe. k i.
r.idridite. inos. A. llarhlne. N. K j,i m.I
Oeo. 11. Litth Oeld.
I he said Hoard of Directors lima .hi..i iiuii"s
follow Iiik' persons as on) ;ers of this
John HtKerald. 1'resldcnt.
uaiviu it. I'armele. Ice 1'iesldenl
Robert it. WUidliain, (secretary and
A. W. McLauKhliu, Treasurer.
As soon as one thousand nliura 1 m.... ir u . .
in rood faith bo subscribed, ana leu dollars "
tlie trt-asury of the 10m.
pauy, the present President ami Kccrctary shall
aupoiut a lime and place for the flint i.,.r
ol the subscribers of stock. n.i mIh.ii iu!:
notice thereof, in at least owe iiwspaiwpriut
ed lu the city of 1'lat tsinoutn, tlilny days pre-
viotis to tlie dav of inet-tlnir. u..,i ..... 2..i.
scribers shall tiica and there elict thirteeii
directors for said comaaiiv ; tliH n.....i,.r. ...
chosen shall us soon as may he Hfti-r their eleo- rnx-t Hum mrir own iiiiiniicr a 1'resldeiH
and Vloe-lresldeiit nnd shall rNi -ut .
treasurer and Hecretr.. who slin i,
place of the orescnt oulcci now ...n.i., i . i.,.
same capacity.
no person snail te ciccU1!! " tr In snhl
vuiiifraiiy, uiiii.-s?t ut9 suail
I honii liiio ,
A ' -a I herein." '
K a-aiiy shall he
dTWrs ; which may
owner ox ai least live sliaresr - -k Hwr.-i.. i
Ten Hundred Thousand OoTmirs : which mnv
M IIS CUD1L2L1 SLUCK III II11M Be- .ti,iv I... -
... v. Mb .uiiiiiir iu juiir-iiiiiiill OOllais
when ant hoi ixed hv fcvo-tlilrlH mio .,r n.u
lnr.-..i...H ... ....u.Ii.. .a ..... iti . .
urMiiillloii dollm
birds vote of ii.m
nd ther.hares mUiUI le d'vl. ed
lehiusired dollars eacli ; which
trans' -r'.le oh the books of
into shares of 01
sliares shall he
com i.any.
through by-law
ectois may provide
An iiic'allfii . U'li ocr cenf .hull
able at, Hie time of iitakliiR' the suhscriniions
and tho -csldue (hereof shall ho paid hi sncli
lnsta.Hr ' .ts. und at such times and places as
may be required hy the directors ut tlie com
finny. ' -
ine siocsnoKifrs may vote In person or hv
written proxy, and iiiav cast on vot- inri, .
shatetliey may own or represent.
On tlie first Wednesday of Mav I
after the organization ot this company a hoard" -of
directors consisting of thirteen members -
shall be chosen hy ballot, bv such of the stock ""
holders as shall attend for that purpose eitlirr
in (iciwu w iiv iijAjr ; pruvioeu mat a majori
ty of the stock Is represented, bald directors
shall continue iu oliice until their successors are
A majority of the hoard of Directors shall
have power to make JSy-laws, and alter the
same at pleasure.und may transact all business '
of the corporation, may appoint Engineers.
Agents and all onleers required to ahilu the
construction of tlie lload ; shall have Xuwer to
issue Bonds after irettimr the written pnniunl
of two-thirds of the stock, may exectsle-niort-gages
and deeds of trust, and give as1-security
therefor any property belonging to thepm
pany. The private nronertv of tho storfc horfer
shall not be liable for the debts of the com nnuv.
This company may be consolidated with aux
other railroad company within or out of t3-.
The Indebtedness of this
oot at aoy time exceed two-third
of the oapi-.
tai siock.
The principal place of transacting the busi
ness of the company, shall he at i'luttsinouth,
Nebsaska, till changed by a vote of the direc
tors, and the subsciipiion books of tlie com
Danv ehail be onened at this ulacn hv imthohs
designated by the signers of thee articles.after
giving 30 days notice by publication, next pro
ceeding the time of opening the books and
they may be closed and re-opetied as the di
rectors may deem expedient.
l lie tune oi oeKiuninic the corporate power
of this company and Its liability thereunder,
will be from and after the Mh day ot May.
Signed this 21th day of April, 1883.
John Fitzgerald.
a II. Black,
Frank Citirt.lli,
Joseph V. Weckbach,
K. ll. Windham.
Geo, 8. Sinitn.
Hani. M, t'hapiiiaa.
Wm. II. Newell,
C. H. I'armele.
J. M. Patterson,
Orlando Tent,
J. h. Arned.
Win. lieekuian,
J. E. Smith.
J. H. McCoiincll.
.lacol, Khdii,
Kd. E. Eldrege,
V,. V. Stull,
1. W Hansen.
A. W. McLaughlin.
Daniel If. WheHer,
Geo. W. Kairfteld
H. E. Palmer.
John Waterman,
C. W. Sherman,
Fred Gorder.
P. R. (juthmann.
Geo. E. Dovey,
Geo II. ittleiield.
Louis iloebel.
N. K. Griggs.
P E. Hastings.
O. N. Whelloi k.
Thomas llarblne.
J. B. McDowell,
Geo. Cross,
On this 21th dav of April. 1833. before me K.
B.Windiiara. Notary hublic.duly commlssioiicd
and qualified for and residing in said County,
personally came jonn I'nxgeraia.u. u. Bia'k,
A. W. Mclaughlin, Frank Carruth, Daniel 11.
Wheeler, Joseph V. Weckbach, :eo. W. Fair
field, U. E. Palmer, Geo. S. , Smith. John Wat
erman, Sam. M. Chapman, V. w. Sherman, W.
II. Newell. Fred Gorder. C II. lV:mele. F. H.
Guthmann, J. M. Patterson, Geo. K. Dovey, .
Test, personally tome known to r the Identi
cal persons whose names aie altlxetj to the
above Instrument, and acknowledged the ex
ecution of the same to be their voluntary act
aDd deed.
Witness my hand and Notarial Beat, the day
, , and year last above written.
? skal c Signed. R. B. WINDHAM.
' ' Notarv Public.
in and for Cass County. Nebraska.
On the 27th day of April, before me Ja.
8. Mathews, a Notary public, duly commisslon-
ed ai.d qualified for aud residing in said county.
came tt. li. indliani. to me knows
to be the identical person whose irnne is
affixed to the above instrument, ami acknowl
edged tiie execution of the cauie to be his vol
untary act and deed.
Witness my hand and Notarial Seal, the day
j--, and year above written.
-1 bp al Signed, JAS. S. MATHEWS.
, ' - Notary Public.
Oroit Countv.
On this 3d day of May. 133. before me V. E.
Page, a Notary Public, duly commissioned and
appointed for-and residing In )toe County, per
sonally came Geo. H Littlefield, J. II. Aretid.
Louis Hoebel. Wm. Beekman, to me personally
known to be the identical persons w hose names
are altlxed to the foregoing article of Incorpora
tion, and acknos ledged the execution of the
same to be their voluntary act and deed.
Witness jay band and Notarial seal, this 3d
, , day of May, 1883.
seal 'c Kilned W. E. PAGE.
' v ' Notary Public.
Gage Cootv. f"
On this 4th day of Mar, 1R83, before me the
undersigned, a Notary Public. In and for said
county, personally came $. K. Griggs, J. E.
Smith. P. E. Hastings. .I.E. McConuell, O.N.
Wheellock andJacob Klein. who are well known
to be the identical persons who signed the fore
going Instrument, and they acknowledge n
same to be their volu .tary act and deed.
Given under my band and Notarial seal
. 4th dav nf Mnv 1RM.
bkal Signed. IfCG H J. DOBBS
( .
Notary Public.
On this 4th day of May. A. D. 13), before me
Benjamin L. Purdy. a Notary Public, duly com.
missioned and qualified, for Jefferson county,
Nebraska, personally came Thomas llarblne.
Ed E. Kid ridge. John B. McDowell. C. F. Stull,
Geo. Cross and G. W. Hansen, who are well
known to me, to be the Identical persons who
signed the foregoing Instrument, and they ac
knowledged the same to be their voluntary act
and deed. .
Given under my hand and Noltaral Seal this
Sin day oi May.
, 1883.
. Notary Publl'