OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Order, taken for WILSON BROS.' 8II1I.TS. 1 1 Mm JlMMS DECK liKO B. Hardware f AT SAGE'S OLD STAND, ON TTflie IHJest ILine 66 6 66 66 To be found in the City. New goods at prices Wc have just received ratfifip -AND- Spring Wagon Tops, which mo will sell at prices within the reach of alL Come and See dPiir (Canopy TTop, TITE LIGHTEST, NEATEST AND MOST CONVENIENT TOP MANUFACTURED. Also a complete Line of Men's, J.G-.CHAMBERS & SON JOSSSTSOST BUOS. "Warranted to be as good as any wire made. AVe also keep in stock a general assortment of HARDWARE, STOVES and TINWARE, and sell as cheap as any Hardware house in the country. Call and see us in the Rockwood Block. . vuk, Cass County Iron Works WAYMAN & KIRBY, Propr's. PlabtsirLoritli. TsTefc. MANUFACTURERS OF BOIILEia, ENGINES, IRON FROft$ CAgsE COLUMNS, facilities or heavy work in Colu mns and Castings for Business Houses are rrjassed in the State. ACHLNE REPAIRINO of all kinds. Our Machine Shop is fully equipped all classes of work in iron. Patronize Nebraska manufacturing. Wc duplicuc? all eastern prices, saving 'artlea buHdinfc in anv part of the SUte should write for our terms of castings OAQD GOVZTTTT ZS.OZT WOIUXS 4rv PLATTSlTOUTB,UF3 OPERA JICUSE CFaOTJIIKItN, AND GENTS FURNISHERS. TOST OFFICE News Depot, P STATION EUY, NOT MASON & HAMLIN HENRY F. MILLER and TODD'S Emporium LOWER MAINj STREET. oi (Uoofc Stoves5 fljJasoline Stoves, TTiii ware " (Seneral Hardware that defy conipetion. Give ine a call AMI m TTDEMD. mmm flue assortment of Boys,"and Ladies' Saddles at And Tinners' Stoct ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY Excelsior ST. LOUIS, MO rar M PLATTS10TH HERALD. PUBLISHED BT Tbe Flattsmontb Heral PfltlisMnj Co. Telegraphic THE TELEO 11 APHERS. No New Developments. Chicago, August 6, Up to oneo'clock this afternoon no telegraph operators 011 the railroads out of this city bad quit their keys. At the general offices of the Chicago & Alton the statement was made that none of their employes had left up to that hour, and the same was true of all other roads having their headquarters in this city. The officials of all lines have apparently guarded against an emergency, and have ar ranged to run all trains by printed time tables in case the number of men going out should make this necossary so that no delay in running trains will occur. Chicago, August 6. It is very diffi cult to get any exact or definite infor mation, and very easy to get any amount of i umor relative to the long threatened strike of the telegraphers. Careful inquiry at the general railroad offices in this city sails to bring to light a single case in which an operator has left his key today in any railroad office in this city or vicinity, and though it was very definitely understood Sunday night that operators on the Wabash & Chicago & Alton would bo called out at noon today, the fact that not a man left his instrument gave color to the general belief that the strike has not yet been ordered for that line or if or dered, has been countermanded It is now surmised that the order todaj was not to strike today, but to continue to do railroad business as usual, and merely refuse business for the Western Union, with the understanding that if the compony insisted on sending com mcrcial business or discharge any ope rators tor refusing, a strike would ac tually begin tomorrow noon. This seems to tally w ith a dispatch from St. Louis. ANOTHER VICTIM Who Wants to Swim Ni agara. Lockport X. Y., August 4. Captain J. JJ. Kliodes, ot fealamanca, a swim mer of some note, having a life-preserving armor patented by himself, who in i878 dove from a staging 100 feet high, near the ferry landing at Niagara river, now writes Superintendent Neil son, of Prospect park, that he will use his armor and give a 31,000 bond to swim the rapids and whirlpool, doing this at any time between now and Sep tember 25, and he desires to make ar rangements with the Park company, offering to deposit $1,000 with them as security. Mr. Neilson wrote him de clining to be a party in the suicidal at tempt. Rhodes replied he should come to the Falls and if the authorities would not give him an opportunity he would cross to the Canadian side from Captain Webb's starting point, and show to the world what his life saving armor will do. He says : "It is not for any money or notoriety that I will at tempt this, but purely to demonstrate the armor I wear will with my ability and strength carry me safely through, 1 shall come to tbe Falls within nine days, and make my points and carry out my plans, and the first person who shall endeavor to retard my progress I will take under my arm and give a bath." An oil barrel half filled with water, headed tight and decorated with flags, went safely through the rapids this morning, and at no time was entirely submerged. THE CRIMINAL RECORD. A Day's Doings. DEFAULTER ABRESTED. Niagara Falls, August 6. Levy D. Jerrard,abscondiug treasurer from New Jersey, was am stud here today. Pro ceedings are now pending for his extra dition to New Jersey. DESPERATE ROUGHS. Mont Claire, 111., August 6. A party of roughs returning from a resort known as Turner's Garden, near this city, yesterday afternoon, entered the grounds of .Mr. Levitt, an old and re spected resident and proceeded to de spoil bis fruit trees. He warned them to leave, when some of the party as saulted him with missiles, one of which struck him at the base of the brain, instantly killing him. The citizens have organized for pursuit. No arrests yet made. Later The police have arrested the following persons on charge of complic ity in the deed ; W Spiers, N Kitzraan Rcney Clever, H Wiederbush, N Kook, C Cicerk, F Cicerk, A Lichlar, A Krle ger, H Heft, and A Wagner. It is claimed that Ritzman threw the fatal missle. WHOLESALE POISOX1XG. Charleston, S. C, August 6. At Camden, on Friday night, many per sons partook of ice cream at a Babtist church festival, and Saturday fifty-nine wcro taken seriously Ui. unc cniiu died, and only about two thirds of the victims arc pronounced out of danger. Another dispatch states that sixty per sons were poisoned, and twelve persons are still in a critical condition. A dau ghter of Z. U. Shiver iavln the person dead. Two men and one woman, all color ed, have been arrested on charge of at tempting to poison the family of And rew Daniel, of Spartanburg. THE SUNDAY ULW. St. Louis, August 6. The prosecut ing attorney issued 104 warrants today against those who violated the Sunday law yesterday. All who violated the law the previous Sunday were also re ported, but no warrants in their cases. The total number of cases reported shows a far more general observance of the law than on previous Sundays. In the Central police district, the most important section, only fifteen cases were reported, against twenty-five last week, and other districts showed a corresponding falling off in the number of offenders. KENTUCKY ELECTION. Fislits at the Polls anil Several Murders. The Usual Democratic jority. Ma- Louisville, August 5. The state elec tion was held today for a full ticket and the legislature. The chief interest in this city was between the local can didates. There was a great crowd around the polls, and much disorder and drunkenness. Ten prominent pol iticians were arrested in the Sixth ward for bribery. The vote on the state ticket was lijrht: with Proctor Knott, democrat, leading Marrow, re publican, 800 in the city at 2 o'clock. A Bryantsvillc special says an elec tion row occurred there today, in which two nesrroes were killed and three others, two white, seriously injured A white man, who had sold his vote to both parties, was the cause of the trouble. He attempted to vote, but a man named Jennings interfered, and a wagon load of negroes coining up start cd the shootiug. The killed are Phil Fry and George Smith. The mortally wounded are James Kinkard and Will Dunn. The seriously wounded are Green Grougham, William Arnold and Robt. Hallistei, the last two White. Louisville. Aurust C The retusns from the state election come in slowly rtnllAcl. with no fal ling off in the democratic majority. Throughout the state as far as heard from, the counties usually electing democratic legislators, have done so to dfiv. whila the reDublicans have held 'J F their own in the counties generally car ried by them. The majority for Knott for governor will be about 45,000, which statement is bused upon the returns now in, in comparison with the vote of the same counties two years ago. In this eitv a small vote was Dolled, but Knott's majority will be 4,000 or 5,000. A solid democratic delegation is elect ed to the senate and legislature, aod Thompson, democrat, is re-elected city iudere. Henrv Clav. a srrandson ot the great Henry Clay was defeated for the o " ' legislature after the hottest political fierht ever had here. Both he and Cald well, who dafeated him, are democrats. Frankfort, August 6. The democrat ic central committee estimate the dem ocratic majority at 40,000 to 50000 with the legislature overwhelmningly demo cratic. k. c. st. j.. m o Safest. Best and Most ReMIe LINE IN THE WEST. Magnificent D ning Cars, Elegant Day Coaches 2 St Louis Trains Daily, 2 Omaha Trains Daily, 2 Kansas City Trains Daily 3 Ate . ison Trains Daily, Two Trains for ' ' St. Paul, Minneapolis, Sionz Citj1 . - And aU point ta northwest, witn Pullman Sleeping Oars, Between Kansas City and St. Paul WITHOUT GHA.NGB All trains run on ttine.connecting f or aU rpolnte East West, North & Soiitb lickets for sale at all resular ticket offices, ufonnation regarding ratei", time, &c. cheer ily given ty addressing J, F. Barnard. A.C. Dawes. Gen'ISnpt, Gen'l Pass Aeen SAGE'S ADDITION TO THE CITY of PLATTSMOUTH Valuable outlots for residence pur poses. ; - ' ' Sage's addition lies south-west of the city, and all lota are very easy of access, and high and sightly. For, particulars call ofi E.; SAGE, Pron'r, i AX SAGE'S nARDWABE; STORE. Plattaowuth. Neb, Tlii Fart Li BANKS. JOHST KlTZOKBALli, A. W. MCLAUOULIK President. Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL ! OF PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. Offers the very best facilities for the prompt transaction of legitimate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, Bonds, Gold. Government and IxtCit Heeunuei uougni una soia, vrposii receiv ed and Interest allowed on time Certlfl cates, lralu drawn, available lit any part of tbe United States and all tbe principal towns of Europe. Collections made & promptly remitted. Highest market prices paid for County War rants. State axd County Hondo. DIRECTORS : John Fitzgerald A. E. Touzalln. John K. Claric. R. C. Cushiug, eo. E. Uovey, r. v mie. A. W McLauciuin. WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER, - NEB. L. REED, President. JJ. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. R. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. A General Basing Business Transacted. DEPOSIT Received, and Interest allowed on Time Certi ncates. UU.IFTH Drawn available in any part of the United States and all tbe principal cities of Europe. Agents for the celebrated Hamburg; Line of Steamers. Bank Cass County CotnerfMain and Sixth Streets. PLATTSMOTJTIi UEB j JOHN BLACK. President, 1 I J. M. PATTERSON, Cashier, f Transacts a General Banning Bnsiness HIGHEST CASH PItlCE Paid lor County and City War.-ants. OOLLKtriVXN HAUKj and promptly remitted for. direcctous : Join. Lilack, J. M. Patt' rson, C. II. Para el K. K. Guthmann, J. Morricsey, A. B. mitli. Fred G order. STREIGHT Sr CO. (Successor to Htrelgbt A Sllller.t MANUFACTURER OF FINE ft HEAVY HARNES. A large line of Saddles Bridles Collars Whips. &c always in stock. Repairing' o f all Jcinds neatly dene o sort notice. Main Street, between Fourth and Filth. HSNRY fiCECK DEALER IN FURNITURE SAFES, CKAtRP, ETC., KTC., KTC." Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES WOOI3B2J COFFIN'S f all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash. MY FJNEHEARSB IS NOW READY FUR SERVICE. i j With many thanks for past patronage. Invite all to call and examine my ' LARGE STOCK OF 3itf. riaxTrHK a.w cfh GAIT, FLE1SCHMAN k CO. C0HPRESSED YEAST. The best yeast ia use, received fresh every TUESDAY and FRIDAY mornings. Crali plied by 4RDCX GVTTT AXOBS.C lower, Orm-Dd TKE.Kninj l. 444mm i . GROCERIES. THE DAYLIGHT STORE! Full ILine (General Merchandise. Larircst Stock and Lowest Driees. j Call and Satisiy Yourself JOSEPH V. WECKBACHS A FINE LOT OF MACKEREL, LAIJRADOKE IIEKKINCJ, TItOUT, WILD WAV COD FISH, A so a choice lot of LEMOITS AND ORAHCES. We have a fine -tick of QSQWE FAMmY GRQGERJUB8, Fancy rands of MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FLOUR. I have In ftoc a flue line of Queensware, Glassware, Lamps, &c. All our uoods are new and freHli. Will Exchange lor Country Produce. Linscei Oil Meal Always on M Next door to Court ITonso, PlaltFinoiitli, Ncl, na52w3m M. B, MURPHY & CO. Notice. Opening of the Books of this Hatts montli and South Western Kail road Company, To all wliom it may concern. Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 21 day of August, 188:j at 10 o'clock A. M, in the city of riatts mouth, at the olBce of the Secretary, the Stock Subscription Books of the Platts mouth & Southwestern Railroad Com pany will be opened to receive Sub scriptions of Stock, and will remain open until closed by an order ol the Directors. An installment of ten per cent, shall be payable at the time oi making the subscriptions, and the residue theieof shall be paid in such installments, and at such times and places as may be re quired by the directors of the company. John Fitzgekald, Trcsideut. O. II. PARMELE,Vice Presideut. 11. 1$. Winuiiam, Secretary. A.W. McLaughlin, Treasurer. 123dl9wlm ARE OU READY TO DYE.' Hiirlburt and Miller proprietors of the Omaha Fancy Steam Dyeing and French Dry cleaning works 107, South Fifteenth street, Omaha Neb., recommend theif facilities for cleaning, dyeing and curling plumes and tins on three clays notice; ladies suits in velvets, Silks, Satins etc cleaned by the French Dry cleaning pro cess. Ladies and gents clotniug clean ed, dved and repaired. All kinds of fancy dyeing, merchant's shelf-worn goods a specialty. All orders by mail or express given prompt attention. CD -S rr O CD O W so O - CD v CD - 0 H ' & CO e-r-O O MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH HOUSE SHOEING Sc WAGON EEPAIBINC All Kinds of Farm implements Menied will Neatness and Dispatch. Horse, Mule & Ox Shoeing n short, well shoe anything that hat four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. shop . nFUthSt between Main oi Vine Street -it actojj i corner from too iw ti BBAb & P Sl ' o g U He d wS MS : yithqutIIedicuie, THIS MAGNETIC BELT IS utMnniiiTcn Tn Pi DC' . f.,1. 1thoutmllln:-PMln In tht lHfl.. Mi'. m llml, Rfrvwua drblllty.lumbMiro. riirritl dcblilly. rhtumall.m, purtlyl. iK-umlulu. ii lnlliu. dlx-n c.ol the kliJnfv.,ilnitl flliUM;a, torplil llvrr. ffuir' .emlnitl aniliilun. f riinol-nt y, t limit. livMri d,pflHt C'lin.lliiuf lull, 4r, liclim lnillfi. lion. brrnlK or ruiiturr, tltUtrrll, lli's cplleil., dumb it nf tt. When" y 5l.llltr Of thu iiV.Sr.lt ATI VK UUOkSH Ocrnn. loot vltullty, Ifti-1. urniTif force und vltfor, WHllnv wr.Ln'iM'i, and nil ibo IIhcmc' of A prr o li mI Hfnrr, 1 rc in wiiatrvr fHiiH. Uii cofitUiuuu. .irra of MutriM'tiKtri MTiii'fliitr -nit lbi purl, must rnlara thorn to n bexltb w lt Jlivl.luo oilnUik about till, r lp)lniii -. LA0'EuAGNETlC ABDOMINAL SUPPORTER. TO THE LADIES: -HZ'Fa- Kzba.tlan,Urprpiila.p' er, Kldoi'lK llesaunbc Wruk Anklr. or fuollt-a mr 4 old t et. p'wfillm . il nnlr i.t SI.LrnMK- 'uot iiatlrii-ll barn no .upf i-tur rm. or'inllrl M, an ixjominai iu-ie In tli ru'lff ftinl cure r.f ll tltfm roriipliiliit.. Tiff rarry a puwerlul uutgiit-Ua force tu tli kt-nt of ti for r.ama Kart, Wralne. of tbn Ppla. Vall iBb af tb womb, Ltarvrrbara. kraiilr laflaaiaaa tion (id rU'rrutloa of tbe Waab, lartdental llraa. orrbage or Floodlnc. I'alaful, fappreaa-d ad Jr. rrsular Menstruation, HirmirMi aad i of Life, tbl. lath' Ucat Appllajiao aad ClraUoo Aca Jtv nowi . For all form of Frmalo fNIBmltlra ft 1. t)D'ir paHed br anything tx-roi-o Invent!, botb mn a ctiiHUi. aver.t and a.a aourceof rov-r and -ritallxation. Frir of eltfarr Blt ith Marnrtic Foot Ila ttnM. 1 1 Bent bjr eipreu CO. D .aji l examination allowed. or tif mail on rocelpt of price. In ordrrlnif . wnd nMaaur of walut and air of hoe. RiinlttAnc caa bo luada in ear. rency, aent In letur at our rlk. Tha Magneton Oarnieniii a.-o adapted to all affaa, ara worn ovar the under clothing, uot it tm tbo body lib the mtmmy (iaWanla aad Klnecrla Hia. buff advertlard ao eitoo.lrelji and ahould bo taken off at night. Tlii-T hold tblrpetMroravar,aa4 are worn at all aeaaonn or the year. Kend .tamp for the "New Ipartare fa Medical Treat merit Without Medicine." witit U.UUHUMU of teaU'iiw. tuaio. THE MAGNETON APPtlAJTCK CO., 218 bUtto hU. CbicuKo. 111. ARNICA PREPARATIONS Cbomiatry hai discovered no remedy Kiperior to Arnica f r beJiiiK exteruai erntfloo8. froiw ly prepared and diiatiimsU, it lias no eqaai aa a tuilet preparation. JELLY. The LlUct CODK;ti- aation of arnica. Will peedUir cur c)um- el tuuida, cracked in. and roti vli nM of the akin, wbether conaed from climatic lntlu enceg or tbe use of Ill'KTFL'f. COHMKTICH, Will cure pimple on lave and heck, rendi-rin the ikin aott and fair. Invaluable in Halt lUieuin. A family remedy for cut", orns, bruiae auaaores. flUt AN MJ.TAL ILBtS, 5c TOILET SOAP Delightfully per fumed, lilKhly med icated. Atiaolute. lv mire. KeM tbe skin from ehappim? and lmpafta to it life aod a neait ny friow. UDnvaiitKi xor cleaning toe ftca I p and eradicating dandrnlT. Tbe moat per. Sect toilet eoap In the world. VOICE 25 cent. Shaving Soap A medicated article of rare merit. lie venta all pluiplea. lieala a a.e fWw anil M A KES SHAVTNO a DKLJOIiT. Kndorsed bv Ieadins Burbera. who aav of it. "Without parallel as a ".having aoap." Kich in latber and lasting. Keep the fane and neck free from pimples. KICK 15 ct. for a large cake. TOOTH SOAP Is without question tbe most perfect ar ticie ever produced, as it not only cleans aa the tth thoronchJv. but the combination with arnica preserves and hardens tbe trams. It Fives to toe Dreun a sweet, oeucave ouur. nm taste is deliAbtfu- Price, Si 5c a box. All druggista se 1 the above articles, or WO will ftfiii them, postpaid, on receipt of price. C. II. OTRONO & CO.. Sole Proprietors and Hanfrs., Chicago. -T. WAIJISICK,' AOEI?r, PLATTSMOUTIT, - NECKASKA. kL ON&HEALV State a Monroe Sts.. Chicago. V" 'dlinilpaU to t tAAnm MK 1o laauvawau, 8.1U, Capa, tWlla, Pampaaa, ErSoktta, rap-Laaaaa. c . n ti t u. J i tor Ini. Ml lata. .10 Cucranutl 'Mnaiai'i. .1 i In 'l'l laatfacala and K a4m.BWMana, mm mm AR OA AR OA n