The Plattsmouth daily herald. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1883-19??, August 03, 1883, Image 3

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8. H. BPIBESEj.lSr j
Dealek hi
m i: Die ix i:, perfumeuys,
A I ''ill 1 Ijlueof TriiMMCN
Ami in fuct everything coutaiiied in
n iTrst-cl ish Jmiij btorc. Pre-
mi ii li'ns mrclnll y compound-
fit (..omiiriitiou nu t in
nil lep:irt incut.
( '!:. Main .i Tiiinri
AVill UUV ami fcKLL all kinds of
Will advance inniry on all
on lower Main street.
One dror west of LVck'u Furniture ?ore
Plattuniouth. Feb. lat, 1882 46tf.
This beautiful three story trick structure, on
. lower Maid street. ba Just been finished and
A tted up for the accommodation of
A Gosd Bar ,uconnc,c&r Uh ,be
::r. 'jjjj tut-. jji
Old Reliable
VhoIe!aleand Ketail Dealer in
- 1UJNDS, &.,
your t a irf et. n. itsr cf t'i ia
l ATi5!.OITTII. ' - NEEKAgi A
S h e fwo 0 d ' S .
Platts mouth, Nebraska"
. Just. Eeceived
A "Challenge 5c Cigar,
S iahy made for the retail tra l -0Iy. .
Pepijerberg's Cigar Factory.
yJPraetical Architect.
P!..n aai 4pe3iloiaj wiU b car?&il!y
sarricd out. and full attention wtllJWven a
to safety apd ?auility.
, Water Coiors. Craj ou and i'euciL
tVk ; J lit! tlCrtV ilfailJ
1 1 fu. ULL
Tiie PlatlsmontH Herald tMi&m Co.
For City and County Directory, Railway Time
Table. Tolephoue Eichaux Iiuiiis Dl
rectory, Business Cards &c, " fourth pace.
Notlco to Advortisore.
Copy (or display advertisement or changes
In advertisements must be handed io to the
business otilce uot later than io a. . of the
day lu whicu they are to be Inserted. Copy
for pay local and special notices mut i
hamlet In b-jfore3 p. 111. each day to lusure 111-
rtl'U . , It M. 1U HII.NKI.I.,
Business Manager.
JLi r. Lu STONE. - City Editor.
A. hulllurj , !t-iitlit.
i". 4. tl:tr!.;ill, IHiitUt, niic
hMirtio .'luil'i' iv .larlitill.
'!'' tli 'xf lacietl wlllioiil puiu,
13 olMli'.iih Oxide tint.
Try Srlicicr'a Coin Cure, wairutitt'il
to cure without tiiiti, only 1 cent-; ut
Warrick. d-ii".
The 'river today standi
at 7 f"et 8
Tho teacher institute begins Mmi
dty. The attendance prouises to Le
uuuatially large.
Heavy travel webt blill coutiuues and
all traind carry all the passengers that
can comiortaoly get aboard.
Fiank Catruth recently made some
views of the Louisville quarries, and
has tlieui for sale ut his gallery.
The noble (?) red men who were here
the other evening, have bcr n entertaiu
iDir Omaha audience with the war
Ilasgorshek ISros. are locat d in their
new building in the Sherwood block,
and are taking measures for suits as
Frank llartlgan would bo pleaded to
see and retrain the possession ot a good
straw hat which he lost the ni"ht of
the fire.
Nebraska City has a dudine, aud the
married men down there neglect bust
liess to- watch her promenade the
streets.. ,
Earl v. morning horseback rides con
tinue to be a favorite exercise with a
number ol the ladies. Some of them go
alone too.
The fur will soon begin to lly on the
Flattsmouth & .Southwestern, ana it
means a boom of no small magnitude
to our city.
Farmers report bad weather for corn
planted siuce the hail storm, and hav
litJe hopes of realizing from corn
planted then.
John llocne was selected by the col
ored men's convention, iD Omaha, as
the member of the State executive
committee from Casn county.
A special car containing officers of
the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & North
ern railroad was attached to No. 1 west
this morning going to Denver.
' Sec'y WheeLr, ot the state fair, is
busily'engaged sending out 14,000 pos
ters of the comiDg fair, which will be
put tip in every town n the state.
Dick 0'N.eil is doing some line engra
ving on a t'ld watch for Prof. Drum
mond. On one side in the monogram
and ou the other th Dnnninond coat
of arius.
Connor aud Diaper have bnen re
ceiving a lurgs lot f Corn at their h;
va:or. the 1 tM IV-w das, nd theie is a
large ljt jet in Cvs couuuty to be
Aujdes nro beginning to come in and
the apple wairou greets the eye on al
most -every, street comer. Some of
them are very fine looking lruit, aud
are selling pretty cheap.
Business men ate informed that the
IIkrald has a large lot of erwrelopes.
of the best . quality that were Aougit"
cheap," and that we are making special
bargains to those wishing supplies iu
that line.
A petition is in circulation in Dodge
county arkiig the county commission
ers to submit the ques'ion of township
organization to a vote this fall A
n umbel of other counties are also agita
ting the matter.
Miller's lady-barber arrived last eve
ning aud is on dutv tialay. J. B Strode
went to Omaha this moiningand had a
clean shave be tore he started and when
interrogated as to whether th lady
shaved him or not. said, "Oh. no," but
his couu'enauce trave him away..
The body of Christian Schlunt wa'
brought down from Ashlaud this morn-,
ing and taken to Oak Hill cemetery,
where appropriate services were held,
at the grave by the pastor of ihe Ger
man Presbyterian church, a large num
ber of citizens attended the services. .
' The report gaiued circulation this
morning that Sheriff Hyers had a new
girl at his boue, which arose from bis
buying a box of cigars at the expense
of the county clerk Jennings, and set
ting them up to the. "boys. Reub didn't
deny it b -r a time, but finally laid it all
on to Mr. Jennings.
v - .
A man to have any standing in Plat-s-mouth
should own a chicken dog and
know. bow to put shells into a breach
loading shot gun In two more weeks,
prairie cbicKen8 nil i r pe. and the
log and gun take the .Jce of glass bal.'s
and base ball. We hear now, of arr
angements being made for big hunts. -
- There is one crop this season which
the hail storm did not affi-ct, and the
harvest has been a very fair one. The
Hekald rises to remark that it might
be an interesting feature of our coming
County fair to ofer a special premium
for a baby show, and send for Dick"
Thompson of the Hastings Democrat
to act as referee.
Fretuout is all' agog over a social
scandal, in' which a piomioent citizen
discovered one of the "good boys,' of
the town on too intimate terms with
his hired girl. Thi're was some feeling
aaiiut the p. c. on account of Ids treat
ment of the girl, since his discovery,
which calls out a statement of tho af
fair, very damaging to the young lady
turf kvr -utauosr uy." A
A Mandamus lsud by th Sup-
ram court on Application of
R D Silver.
Considerable interest was excited -(
tcrday by the rerun t that H. I) Biivir
hud couiineuccu his threatened legal
proceedings uguloet the board ot' public
Junds uud buildings to cotnel them to
award to him the state cuultol contract
instead of to W. II. JJ. Stout.
The reporter did not learn of the
matter until it wan too late to en to the
court records and get the full record of
the case. e understand, however,
tlint a wiit of mandamus has been isu-
eil iy the supremo court, and that the
papers wvre served yesterday upon the
tnt inliT of the hoard of public lanl9
and btiililiiii'S and W. LI. JJ. otout, and
thai ihey are cited to appear before the
i'.upretne court at :30 a. in. Auetist 4
The case will be Joiked up today and
a full record of the proceeding ot the
cjihe no far will be triven tomorrow
: iiioriimg. It in prob. title that nothing
' w ill l 'tit tomorrow beyond triviuir
the lei-pondeiits leave to answer 5tate
Badge WInnor.
Yesterday utter the dead sure thing
was disposed ot in the way of base bull
thei'H being quite a number of tport8-
meu picsciir, with their ordnance, a
slioituhoot was indulged in for the
poi Ismail's badge, which is supposed
to belong ot the best shot in the Halts
ihouth Hporismeu'a club -thin contest
proved that W J). Joues was the best
shot, and today haughtily wears that
emblem of bis skill aud superiority
with the double barreled fowling piece,
which he will probably modestly lay
down at the next contest; below will be
found the fccore;
1 0
0 1
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 1
1 1
1 1
0 0-0
1 11
0 0 14
10 17
0 0 16
1 1 0-8
1 0 0 G
Smith (I S
Smith C A
0- 1
1 1
0- 1
1- 0
1 0
0 0
1 0 1
1 1 1
0 1
County Treasurer's Settlement.
The County Commissioners, altera
three weeks siege have completed the
examination oi the county .treasurer's
semi-annual report. They took the
report and went through the book,
checking oir every item, and found it
correct t a cent without the correction
or alteration of a letter or figure. Dave
Campbell, deputy Treasurer, made up
the statement, and for accuracy and
neatness it cau't be beaten. The report
consists of an itemized account of each
fund iucludig back taxes collected, as
far back aa lo'iS, and lor as small an
amount us ninety cents. It is a piece of
work that Dave caD take a just pride
in as ocuig tne urst statement ever
made in the Treasure's office in Cass
Countj' which footed, balanced and
proved without a single error.
Base Ball.
The game of base bull played yester
day by the Weeping Water and Platts
mouth nines was the most closely con
tested game of the season. JJoth sides
played remarkably well and played the
game for all there was in it. A num
ber of goose eggs were indulged m by
both hides. At the beginning of the
seventh innings the score stood 8 to 3
in favor of the home club, but some wild
!ayiug let in fire or six tallies for the
Weeping Water boys. The score at the
close stood 8 to 9 in favor of the Weep
ing Water club. Dr. Salisbury acted
as umpire and gave pretty general sat
isfaction as to the fai-ness o,r his deci
sions. We have not been a'ue to get
the score by innings bat those who
witnessed the game say it was the best
game played on the grounds this sea
The Clrand Island times says that
North Patte ''sees her" and grts one
belter, fine hs a regularly graduated
woman physician in the person of Mrs.
A. II. Church, and now she add to her
list of prof asiouals a woman preacher.
Speaking of the lady the Nebraskiau
sa: "The Unitarian Society, at North
Platte has secured the services of Rev.
Anna J. Norris, late of Cedr.r Rapids,
Iowa, as pastor ami preacher. Miss N.
was raised and educated at Iowa col ege
iu Grinntll, taught iuthe Ceoar Kapids
scboois, completed thn full course of
study in the- Unitarian Theological
School at Meadvilie, Pean , last June,
and graduation day was regularly or
dained to the Unitarian ministry, rc-
uniucu iu mc kuiiuiinu iuiuuu;, ,. ,
cevmg the charge trom Rhv John Hill,
ex president or Harvard University."
Mr. F. S- White received a letter to
day from his son Alt" written aboard
the City of Rome, on the 22d of July,
he S4vs John cumm:ns took a very se
vere cold but is all right now, and feels
as lively as ever, he 6 ys they experi
enced very co d weather on midocean,
fl..ding overcoats very comfortable n
deck. Alt" doesn't say the boys were
seasick, but he- says they didn't have
any appetite to eai the delicacies that
were prepared for them. Health good
and o pleasant time being had.
There has been considerable commo
tion around the county clerk's nirice
for the past day or two, and inquiry
as to tl e cauae of it develops the intel
ligence that count) clerk Jennings has
company at his house iu the person of
a young lady, a strawbetry blonde, who
will make them an extended visit. The
mother and daughter arc doing well,
but the father has not been eeen
The Platismouth base bail club went
to Weeping Water today to redeem it
possible the game so uu xpectedly lost
yesterday. They took with them $100,
as a purse to play for. and some of
their packers, with plenty ol money,
also But a Ion if, to either make or lose
on the game. .
The city council Uo not want to for
get that the Fifth street work by Sher
wood's block should be done immedi
ately, aud that the place is dangerous as
it is, and that the city is liable for aty
accideui that may occur.
TJre best dinner of ihe season was
partake'n-at Mrs. Geo. Fairfield's yes
terday, general good t'me was enjSy
ed by the guests present, who vote Mrs.
Ftdtjield a complete success as an en
tertainer. Sunday Serv loos
Prof. J. E. Han is will preach at the
Christian church, Sunday morning at
11 o'clock from the text, "What think
ye of Christ." All are requested to
attend. 12
Notice o Coffee Drinkers.
Buy your coffee at Murphy & Co's.
They hell the best, and grind it for you
Ui thyjUirgfcuJ. BSt '
rctnriifl last
General Stephenson went wet it
Master Mechanic Hawk-worth was a
passenger west last night.
Walter Ilousewerth came dowu from
Omaha last night.
J. W. Cutright ?p?nt last niirlit in
thi city.
District Attorney
8trole is doing
Omaha today.
Dr. Clutter was a passenger west this
Maj. Whcelar was a pa?3enger on the
Omaha train this uioruiug.
Mrs. (Jeo. Sayles, of Cedar Creek, is
In the ciy shopping today.
"Bain" Barnes, the bru'scr, from
Omaha, came dowu last night.
W. S. Stretch goes down to Falls
City to see his wife and baby, today.
Mr. S. McGosvan went home this
morning tor a short visit with Airs. M.
and the little Mc's.
A. C Clarke returned from the we6t
last night, aud resumes his old place
in the sli ps.
Master Mechanic Knapp, of the "Q,"
wife and sons, went to Omaha this
Mioses Laura Overhtnder and Ethel
Maryland, were passengers to Omaha
this morning.
Hon. Allen Beeson, went to Lincoln
this morning, to entertain the Supreme
Court, with several cases
Mrs. A. Hammer, of Chicago, arrived
yesterday, and is the guest of Miss
Ivate Dorrington. She will remain a
week or ten days.
Commissioners Crawford and Rich
ardson returned to their homes this
morning, having completed their exam,
luatioii o: the county treasurer's aemi-
aimual statement.
We notice that books are to be opened
in Plattsinouih, August 21. for subscrip
tions to the stock of the I'.attsmouth
& Southwestern railwav. These Top
ics hereby authorize Je ."Stone to sub
scribe for the two of us a cotroltiug in
terest, and pay the ten per cent required
in cash. Topics.
All right, Bro. Calhoun. Your assent
is all that we've been waiting1 for. The
501 shares have been spoken : for, and
we've also ordered a special car con
structed with ice box and cork screw
conveniences. We've sai i the prayer,
now you take up the collection.
List of Letters.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
in the post office at PlattsmouUi, Cass
County; Neb., August 3, 1883.
Eateman J T
Bordges Marshall
Clinkeuberg Mr J
Hot tie David A
Harrison Mr Geo
Jackson i Ion S X
Leavitt Edward
Mooie E J
McOrearty James
Brady Miss Mattie
L'arrothcrs John
Doty Shade
Henuings T J
Johnson Miss Julia
Lindenkugel Ernst
Lawless Richard
Masou Dick
Mundrick, John G
Phillipi John
St Jo berg J A
Merill Mr 31
Reece J D
Stone M C
Wheeler Mrs Jennie
Shephard Mrs Delilt
Tersons calling for the abovo will
please say "Advertised."
J. W. Marshall. P. M.
And a Glove
Contest iu
Fit2errld'8 l
Last night Baby Barnes, the pugilist,
from Omaha, came uowu to arrange
for a glove contest with the "Un
kuowu" ol Piattniouth, who works in
tne shops aud is ou his muscle.
Baby Barnes proceeded this morning
to issue u challenge as follows:
"I am ready to meet you in a glove
contest ul any time and place; come
ont and show yourself.
Babs Barnes
The challenge was accepted to-iay.
and the time tixed for tomorrow night
for the test of skill iu Fitzgerald's h..ll,
at the same tune another glove man,
and a Chicago boxer will have an exhi-
bition test. Bills to this effect are be
ing circulated and arrangements are
made fur the contests. dlt
To the Public
I am uow located at my new quar
ters iu the Sherwood block, firt door
on Fifth street, where I have in stock a
complete line of watches, clock, jew
elry, siiver and silver plated ware. To
my preseut slock I am constantly mak
ing additions and I shall be pleaded to
see all mv oid customers and many
new oues.
Remember the location Sherwood's
new block. u4t L. C. Ekves.
. The largest and finest, stock of hats
ever shown in Plaitsniouth. all of the
.tatest styles in fell and Ptifts just re
ceived at Elson s the only one price
clothier. Also a few of the nobbiest
suits ever seen. We take pleasure in
showing them. . S-ld6t w31tl
F. S. White has just received a fresh
supply of choice, patent, winter wheat
flour, also delivers corn, oats and bian
to any part of the city. 135tl
Elsou the only one- price clothier,
leaves f r the east. next week to buy
the finest stock of clothing and gent.s
furnishing goods ever brought to Platts
mouth. 135d6t2lwlt
The Monarch Billiard Hall
people keep the best ice cream o be
found in the city, also choice lemonade
cigars and tobacco. lOStf
Bargains in Bricks.
200,000 brick for sale, builders will
do well to see i before purchasing.
Leave orders at Weckbach's store or at
the yard; all orders will receive prompt
attention. Rauen & Martin.
dl27mo 1
Teacher's Institute.
The fourth annual teacher's institute
will be held in Plattsmouth from Aug
6th to 17th. All teachers in the county
will be expected to attend. The prep
aration we are making is such that no
teacher can afford to lose this term.
Cybcb Alton.
County Supt.
.Fence Pos.,s,
fiOCO dry fence pcts for sale, inquire
Miss Sarah Wnrden
Adrertlwftirnt, under th! head. Thref centi
uur racu liierwoi!.
MONEY TO LOAN-On real estate by su'M
M. van ft Wooley. tf
W 'it sai.k iioutc and loin. rie $i'jO. moo
vain, uh inner in iiioutiiiy .yiiieui.
it. ii. W I.NDII M,
FOltHALK Se oral re! Jene-, eit.vtp. In
V,uiru of O. II. Wueelfr & Co.
POK HAI.K A fresh milch cow.
A h. ft. WlnUliiUU.
I:iiiire of
V, 11
t'oa BAi.t-wrawti mniffi in all (et
turn ortlce.
VOlt KKNTKKS--I.iMk at Wi-e'sad. and oi
A leelal!y tlio iialf a'r ioti and llm terms.
yOU 8AI.K a lot In KOd loentinii.
lars at tit is oIUco
.:if it'or. .ALL-An oratr lor a new American
eewlUK Maclilue. lii'iulie at tUUofllce.
VOH S vLK I.o jjcoidi of wood. Inmiire of
r W. . Wise. tf
IOU M.VI.E I Id papert for s:i!e at tlili oftlee
ul 4(1 f-t-Ilt ir liuii.lril fir K j.Mf.f. lu.r .I...-
fOltSAI.B tourloHtOKCtwerln kood loea
- lion iu till city. liKjuire at tal olit'-'e tf
VOli 1JEX T Twi houses Imiuiro oi .J, K
x Itoss .r J. 11. Strode. 12711
POU KKNT S utli toie r.iomof the Union
lilock K..iu.iv of i;. li. ltiacK, ti. Spur
lock, Aiva ircw, Hu-.lue.- ci.iunitlee. l.'Jll
IOH KKN 1 A good house, 5 tooiiih, flue lo
cation. Iiiquiro of 1. r. Gash. r.vio
Ij'OK KENT House for rent nenr ceiiter of
City. Euiiuire at i'atleisou's llaru. iw.
HE T UaeilliiK
lioiixes. Inquire of
W. 11. shaI'ck.
FilK Kent-Two rooms by L. 11. Wheeler &
F OK KKNT After July 15. the bulidiutf now
occupied by aherwood. Inquire of W. H.
'I' ) El Fuiuislied rooms.
iuqulre of Joe
U' ANTKli Hoarders or lodere, at ilr. K.
I'.utieiy's. Coiuer of ihru and t-ak M.
r ANTED. Information of the whereabouts
' of v illia J. Cornier, who was In i'latis
mouth a year ato. Any one kuowluK of bis
ore etit location will e outer a favor by nenoiiiic
bis adires to Mr. SaraU E. Conger. Wci
laltsburi:, N. V. dlwtf
nr ANTED -Two blacksmiths and a blaek
KiiillU helper at .chueHbachcr't shop, suit
IV ANTED- Day boardem at Ktadlemann's
' K-ntau ant. the best of board
reasonable it ruin-
U' A..TED . ohn Bauer bat bought the Stohl
luau piaie, cornet ot Till aud Vine, aud is
prepared to avcoie nod ite the public in the
way of hoard ig ai l lolling by tho week or
month. oiul
FOl'ND An inside safe key. Owner can find
it at litis oniee. loytf
Sheriffs Sale.
. Notee is hereby .iven that by virtue of an
execution issued by J. W. Johuson. county
jutlKe of Cas county. Nebraska, In favor of
Oeorue Dovey, aduiinisirator of the estate
ot E. U. Dovey, dec'U. and aKalut tirlflitti
Cooley and to me directed, 1 will at 10 o'clock
a. m. on the Cth day of August, 18M3, at the
bouse of ioUii Kenif&y. io tight .Mile Grove
pi eciuct in said codtay offer tor sale at public
vendue the following goods aud chattels t wJt :
Hitmen hoys, tbrte milch cows, one platform
spring waKOii, one brow n mare, me buy Keld
Iiik and one double set of harness ; taken on
execution as the property of (JriBith Cooley.
13U10 K. W. HVKKS,
Opening of the Books of the Platts-
mouth and South Western Railroad
To U whom it may concern.
Notice is hereby given that ou
Tuesday, the 21 day of August, 1883
at 10 o'clock A. M, in the city of Platts
mouth, at the ofHco of the Secretary, the
Stock Subscription Books of the Platts
mouth & South Western Railroad Com
pany will be opened to receive Sub
scriptions of stock, and will remain
open until closed by an order ot the
An installment of ten per cent, shall
be payable at the fmo ol making the
subscriptions, and the residue theieof
shall be paid iu such installments, and
at such times and places as may be re
quired by the directors of the company.
Joux Fitzgerald, President.
0. 11. 1akmele,Vicc President.
R. B. Wini.uam, Secretary.
V. W. McLAroftu.v, Treasurer.
123d 19 wlui
Hnrlburt and Miller
proprietors of the Omaha Fancy Steam
Dyeing and French Dry cleaning works
107, South Fifteenth street, Omaha
.Neb., recommend their facilities tor
c.eauing, dyeing and curling plumes
un'i tips on three days notice; ladies
auits in velvets. Silks, Satins etc.,
cleaned by the French Dry cleauingpnt
cesis. Ladies and gents' clothing clean
ed, dyetl and repaired. All kinds of
faucy dyeing, merchant's shelf-worn
goods a fpecialty.
All orders by mail or esprexs given
prompt attention.
If there are any citizens iu PJatts
tnouth near ihe school building, willing
io furnish board aud lodging at reas
onable rates, to some of our teachers
during tne institute, they will confer a
great favor by reporting to me ,by card
or other wise. State how many
ladies cr gentlemen you can keep.
Cvrus Alton.
12816 Plattsmouth, Neb.
A full stock of nice Sugar:cured
Hams and Break fas Bacon, at Central
Meat Market, at, 1")C per pound: Pickled
Pork, 12J2'c to 15c; Shoulders, 11c;
Shoulders, lie. Flesh Lard at 12c,
or 9 pounds for, $1.00 Fresh Fisb
every Friday. " L.vfe O'Neill.
Peterson jtfros. Sell
Best .Sugar Cnred Hams
" B. Bacon
" Shoulders
Dry Salted Pork
Dried Beef
Fresh Lard -or
9 lbs for $1,
- I2c
- 12c
For booth privileges at coming- Tweet
ing of Cass coanty .Ag'l Society. Apply
to W. 6. Wjse, S'c. 119dAwtf
Use Marsh's Cathartic Liver Pl!l3 for
Biliousness and Constipation. For sale
by Smith & Black Bros. d&wlt
FOR SALE. Lot H and 3 In
Block 41, Improved.
d97 It. il. HIMUHM.
A Square Jfteal
Can be had at tho City Hotel for only
25 cents and lodging at same reasonable
tates. Farmers and Commercial Men
will please bear this iu mind. dfcwtf
To the ladids of piaUamouth and
vicinity I wish to announce that I have
taken the rooms lately occupied bv
Mrs. Tutt in the Uuion block, where I
shall continue dressmaking: and invite
all to ca II. MB3. M. . ilOttTl i
Of the riattsinonth and Soulh Wrteru
Km I road Com pan.
Thin is to certlfly that John Hrrald, A. V,
Mel jtulilin. Km nk Cumuli, l. If . ' heeler, J.
. Wrekbucli, (1. W. Fliirlleld. It. It. Wiiidhaiu.
. K. fulnir. tieo. r. Mitiih, John VVnt-ruiM.
S.i in. M. Imiiiniin, l'. W. isiu-rninii. VVm, il.
Newell. Ired llorder, V. It. I'armele. K. it.
liiithuian, .1. M. ratlerson, Oeo. K. Dovey, O.
lent.t.eo. II. lllaek. ) II lltletlrld, J. II.
Areud, l-ouU HiM-bel, Win, Crmliuaii. N, K.
lirh'KS. J. K. Mnilth. r. K. Ha-liuiM. J. N. Mc-Coiiik-I,
O. N. Wlielofk. JhpoIi Klein. Thotmia
lUildne. U. K. EldiltlKe. .1. M. McDowell C.
1'. Mull C'ro!, aud li. V. Hansen, have
a"otU'eU themseives together for the putpoito
of foruilng an lucoriioiated Kallroud t ompauy
under the lucoipoiutlou ljiof the Nia.o of
llilsCoinnuny sh.-ill be known as the I'lutti
luoiitli mid .-Mjuth Wcu ru Kallroud Compaiiy
by w likh i::'.me it nhall elt and traiisaci linis
uess : Its rxixtauce nlisll be perpetual, audit
may ue and bcsueii, Iu ut corj.orie niu , It
may acquire," own and eouv. rial. I'eisoual
and mix d properly, may t aud be con
tracted witniu ll own name ;.niay inak aim
lit a coiiiiiiou real w hli-h 11 niay kilt at .
sure : may do all needful btls to eari v IntA r.
feet the ohjects for which II was creulcd.
it snail have power io exercise all the I It'll i,
privilege and franchises which iimv ! ueooo
' w'-i otftinri niAirrii oi 1 lie COilipilt-ll I
utesof Nelrtrk,
I liU corporation It eteated to lav out. !.. i..
courlruel, furuHli, iiiaiiilnui, and enl..
aiid I en-.-1,1 on w iih -n,,...
or double trael-g lilt -iu-.i ireks liirnouls
ollicet, and Ue,.ul-, as he iitccnt.uv I....'
tweeu the place oi the ii-munl ol n,. . ...i
road, wbicli i projected to eoinmeneeat a poiut
on the ill ii-Kourl liver at ri.ili,.,ouili. n , ....
county, late or .Netr,tka. un l to Ihm .n,-u urt-
ea lloiii HHId point, Iu a noiilh W.rlrily Oilic
tlou, tluouith Caxs Cuuiiiv. bv .n oi in.-
of Av.ic.i ; througii 'toe eouuiy , Oy way ol tho
luwuof .syr.icui-e, ll.roiiKh Joliii.o'u count y ly
way of ihe lo-vn o o ei-iuK, Hiiouko li'nue
couuty, to ine tovtnol lleatucc. Ihiouh Jrl
lersou county bj way ol r alrb ry to a ooinl ou
the male due, scar u lug Kaunu. from .Nobiao
ka, or as near as practlcaOie to mete points a
ui.ty be demonsiiated ovusuriev. i. n- i..
on t'ie roiupiel.ou of inU corporation : wltll
the prlvlli go ol rountruellng br.iiiehet liom I lie
malii hue to other town, or pUce. u It M iJa
limits I the laie.
Eor the ouroose of this ori'Hiil.-i0..n ti,r. i
v , sifiit-i 01 i iiee AriK'les
iijic urni tuusru I'liectolH, lo UolU U-r ().
iivc uihii a oniiiu o I'ireciors are elected iroiu
tne stociiUoldei'M at Hereinafter prouded. . .
uu iiusn.uu, nana utli. oilauilo
Kldlidee 1 ho. A.Jiaibiue. N. K u-iiL.'-M.,;i
inn. i. . niuuiiaiu. u. 11 ivnm. t.
lieo. u. Lltl.cfleld.
iliefald Board of lilrectois huvo el
follow Iiik person at oth rrt of tn'ls e-.iiip.u,v
.lohu 1 -lUgerald I resident.
caivin ii . armelo. ice 1'iesldeut.
Itobert li. Uliiduaiii. Mecretary and
A. W. iMci.aUKUloi, I'leaxiirei.
AS soou n one thousand sha: en of stock shall
in Rood lailll be suo.tcrlOed. and leu ooiiar.t
peri-hare i aid Into Ihe ireaury ol tne com
pany. Lie present I'resulu it Sf crctary goal'
appoint a .line dud pi .ce for the u i n.eetinK
oi the eubscriocis of siock, and nhuJI tive
notice ihereol, Iu at least one neusi;iter ptim
ed lu the city ol I'latiAiiioiit.i, tiiiriy i,re
vlous lo the day of . eellnK, and su.-h iui,
scilber.t sliall theu ail. I there elect thirteen
directors lor raid eon pan v ; th. dlreelorH o
choeu as soon as may lie after liielr elec
tion elect trout iheir owu number a rrcxidcut
and Vice-1 reeldetil and aha 1 also electa
Treasurer and hecret r . who thai! lake llo-
piace oi the present wltlcem uuo hcIIhu In the
vaiue capacity.
So persou idiall be elected director in nu!d
company, uit es lie shall be a bona ltdo
owner ot at least five shares of s ock therein
1 be capital xtocK of this Conipauv shah be
Ten Hundred Thousand Dollars ; which may
lncreaseo at any time to four million dollars
when authoilzed by a t o-tnlids ote of tbt
stockholders, aud the shares shall be d'vi ed
Into eharen of one hundred dollars each - whli-u
shades shall be transferable ou be books of
the company, as iho-dir-.i-toln may provide
throiii'li oy law'-j. J ,,V4,ue
An ius'ail eut of ten per cent h.Ul be r,ny.
able at the time ot mkink the Nubscripiio-i
and the ieidue t. eleol shall be paid iu ucli
installments, and at sue i times aud plaee a
may be required by the directors of the eem
Ihe stockholder, may vote lu pnrsou or bv
written proxy, and may cast one wto fo ea-h
fhaielliey may own or repreie"
On the first Wediie-oUavv.; .Nuylu . very year
after the orgauia'ion of ibis company a bonni
of directors cousMiuu of thirteen member
Shall he Chosen by ballot, by such of the sioek
holders as NiuUi attend lor thai purpose eitli i
iu person or by proxy ; provided thai, a majori
ty ol the clock is represent, d. Sa.d directors
shall continue in utllce until their sucen-sura uh
elected. A majority of the board of Directors shah
have power to make By-law , and alier ihe
same at pieat-urc.aiid may transact all husineHo
ol the corporation, n.ay appoint Kugiueers
Agents and all ofiieers required to aid lu Ihe
construction ol the ltoad ; xiiali have power to
Issue Bonds after gettinj; the wri len consent
of two-thirds of tne s ock. may execute moit
gagea aud deeds of iruu, aim nlve its eocuiity
tuerelorauy vrojvrty belonging to the com
pany. ihe private property of the stock holder.
auan uoi oe tiaoie tonne ueDlsol the company
ihls company may be consolidated w ith any
other rail load company wlihiu or out of tiie
Ihe indebtednpBS of this corporation h1i;iJ1
not at any time exceed two-tiihus of theeaiu
tal Htock.
The principal place of transacting the buil
nessof tne company, shall be at i latl-niouili,
Nebsaska, till changed by a vote of the direc
tors, and the KUbc::D ion books of ti.
pany ehail be opened at thU i luce by perxons
de-ittiiated by the signer 1 tlearticles.after
piniiSu.tjsiiuute uj puuiic.illoli, uext pre
ceediutr the time of opening the books and
they niay be closed and re-opened as ttie Ui
reciors may deem expedient.
The time of beginning the corporate powers
of this company and Its liability thereunder
will be from aud alter the nth day of iay
Signed thi8 24tn day of April. 133.
John r Itzgerald.
A. W. McLaughlin,
Daniel 11. Wheeler,
Geo. W. Kalrfield
H. K, Palme.,
John Waterman.
C. W. Sherman.
Fred tiorder.
F. A. . uthmann.
Oeo. E. Dovev,
Ceo 11. . itileih-ld.
Louis Hoebel,
N. K. Griggs.
P ii. H-tMiiigs.
O. .N. VVIiellock,
i nomas Uarbine.
J. U. McDowell,
lieo. Crons,
O 11. Iitaek,
Frank . au utli,
Joseph V Weckbach,
It. ii. Windham.
Oeo, . Minitll.
ham. M. Cuaiiiian,
Win ii. .Vawell,
C. H. I'arinele.
J. M. 1'atterrtou,
Orlaudo lertt,
J. ii. Arned.
k in. BeeKmau,
J. K. Hit.
J. S. McConnell.
Jacor Klein,
td. k. tldreg,
C F. btuli,
U. V Hansen.
Cass CofMr. j
On thUaith day of April. 1883. before me K.
B.Windiiatn. Notary ublic.duly commi-sioned
aud qualified for and residing in oaiit County
personally cauie John Fitzgerald. i. H. black,
A. W McCauglilin, Frank Carrut h, Daniel H.
Wheeler, J-eph V . Weckbach, Geo. v. Fair
field, H. E. Palmer, (jeo. 8. hmiih, John Wat
erman, Sam. .VI. Chapman. C. W. bherman, W.
11. Newell. Fred Gorder. c. II. Parmele, F. It.
Gutnuianu. J. M. Patters'in. Geo. E.
Tcflt. personally to me known to b" the identi
cal persons whose names aie aiflxe-i to the
above instrument, and acknowledged the ex
ecution of the same tube the'r voluntary act
and deed.
Witness my hand and Notarial seal, the day
i and year last above written.
SKAi. Slgued. K. B. WINDHAM.
"T' Notary Public,
in aud lor Cass County. Nebraska.
Cas- Cocntv. ( 8 .
On the 27tU day of April ipgj. before me Ja.
S. Mathews, a Notary Public, duly commission
ed aud qualified for and residing fa said county
personally came it. li. Wlndha.u. to me known
to, the persou whose name ,
affixed to the above Instrument, aud aeknuwl
edited tne execution of the same to be nis vol
untary act and deed.
Witness my hand and Notarial Seal, the day
i aud ye-ir above wrtiten.
8K At. t Siuned, JA8. S. .MATHEWS,
' v Notaiyrublic
On this 3d day of May. 18S3. before rne W. E.
Page a Notary Public, duly commissioned and
appointed for and residing in Hoe County, per
sonally came Geo. H Littlefleld. J. H. Areud,
Louis Hoebel. Win. B'-ekman. to nie personally
known to be the Identic il persons whose name
are affixed to the foregoing article of loco oora
t:on. and acknot ledged the execution of the
same to be their voluntary act and deeo.
Witness my hand and Notarial seal, this 3d
, . day of May, 183.
seal binned W. E. PAGE.
' Notary Pn blic.
Gack Coot v. '
On this 4th day of May, mr-. before ne the
unaer-lgned. a Notary eubll.-. ia and for said
couuly, personally came V. K. Griggs. J h,
Hmith. P. E. Hastings. J E. McCouu.ll, O.N.
w beeilock aud lacob KJe'n.wh.- are wed known
to be the identical persoi: who signed the fore
Coitig iastrnnietit. and they acknowledge: a
same to be tbelr volu tary act and deed.
Given uudr my hand and Notarial seal
. 4th day of May. ts3.
seal J- Slcned, JILOH J. DOBB9
' ' Notary Public.
J Err a rsok couxtv ja
On this 4th day of May. A. Ti 183. before me
Benjamin L Pardy. a Notary Public eulycom-niii'-ioiied
and qualified, for Jeflerfou county.
Nebraska, personally cai,e TU-.mas Harbiue.
Kd t- Eld ridge. John B. Mcflow ell. C F. Stull.
Geo. Cross aud tl. W. Hansen, who are well
known tome, to be 'be Identical peroiis who
s'.Kuedthe foregoing In tranter. t. and tbyac
kuow ledgid tbe sauid to be their voluntary act
aud deeii.
Given under ray baud and Notaral Seal tLU
i4, 4th day of May. 15X
seal J- K.gued, UO j. L. PCRDV
' oty FuW.
Notice of I.V:ural. ,...
Wo wi.4i to Inform
we hnvti'tnoved Into Ihrt on h Morn
room in Jjlierwooil'ii rio'V I tl. n Sifi
at reef, where our p.itiom will lind in
hereafur, and where all wLhing nny
Ihing In . tho Merchai.t Tailoring lin.
fire iiM itd to ail and ' lis
13'.'dtf Ramkm!.ii:; Ri:.m.
Notlco to Stock Ownom.
All Ktock xeepi cw s found l tinuiiig at
large in t he i ily wbl be taken up and
(onthit din tin city pound i.s pint bled by
ordlnutice, TIiim long,'), up .r. to-K )
taken up nre rt) t i-m t a he nl, for laktti"
Up, and I'd ii en ct-iiij pt-rdi.v f r finl
in;;, w hich co-t-4 tuiist be pal l i p i
HUx.k cau be lukrii away.
I. I J. ML'I.I'IIV, Cbli f of I Vioc.
IYattMoUTM. July 11,1 m::. Uf,lt
.Old p.ipi i.t for h.ile at t!,h o'hVe ;il
OrtV CetlU per III'hI",.
lie ..nitry lint ii(-ov rtl iifM-Hnr
t-.r..ii l . li.-mliiK n titrnul eriii.f.i tin, li'x- .
Iv irc.rt. ami couibit.i-d. 1' has Ho cyuuli-ia
t'.i. 1 1, reitiulloU.
U llm hi.ut cotioi'ii
HJI hi llo.. of arnica Will
LJ kM'ili,y turn lo,o
JJ) Q l IimisiU, ei U il .
or lli kIIii, ivlmtlier ew f fioiv.e lii.Htlci inlln.
oni-uj or tim list of IIM.'lli;.. tlistll.lH x.
Wol fUiO tlniilea O'l (' himI ntiu. rei d tluw
.h iikiri olt iiu.l f,, r. lovtt ualilii In hull
Ulo'inii. A Inml.y reir e.lvf'.r cut lui ns, brniKix
i i kores. I'iUlJl.Nrf.tiAi-V.flli;, Hbv. irun cnnppiJ an I Uni'iuti io It lUe n.
t nvaiiiiy ir.ow. Uurivi I.cnI foi clouiilrif tho
n p i'id orinlicstlnii dniidrnfT. 'fln iruiiiii.
ct toi 1 1 soup lu I bo wor.d. 1-ltIC a (mil,,
Shaving Soap
A ln dicatod art lel
f't I ait) merit. J",-t-fll
all pliill,-li,
AKESSII V!0 al l l.K.n;; '
nd mod hy Lewlitil IihtIxth, wlo av Of It
'Without ptirtliol bh a fcliitvln j nonp " lllcb I.I
itlixr nn 1 i.tstiti, luwpn tin, fu t and n;k trn
I oua pimples. I' lei: 15 1 1. loi u lu! go cuke.
Is without qucntioii
tlii lii'it.t, pel fi et nr
t cln r ver I.iolnced
flK It tlfilntilv rl.HMii.
r tho t eth thorout-hlv. I ut the eoiiililui.tioo
wi h nmlcit pretcrvim n 11. 1 bnrdi ns ti e cuiuii. Il
El vox t th a sweet, (I.Iiomm, odor. ll
tanto is doliKlitfu . l'ri--. u ftc Im,k.
All druuKititit eo 1 tli uhnv) nrtlcios, or we irlll
luall tin 'iu, postpaid,. 11 rocei t of price.
C. H. GTROM0 & CO.,
Pi-opi ietora and Manfrs., CUcajtc
l'LATTSM )i;ril, .VHiK.tSI A.
WARRANTED 13 CUHZ r---"n? Re
1 . iiik di.riuwtt
without m-')lpn - !.( i:, l.i.c , ,, li ul. or
lliuli.. ii.-rvuu. I. l..ln.,, umi.ux. vi m. . ..I dt lillllr.
ehliniftll. in, furu'-ym'. m-uru:. u. ! .'Ifil. 1Im-
ot lb I. I:,if i- io-.1 tll.i'if,., icrptd llvfr,vir
rmliml cni!-tuii.. I:n ot- io ) , .t imih, knurl ll.
ff, d H-.til t -I i (.n t t r, . I ,!., In1lyr.
tl.n. h-rnlti or rtv-ur, tturA tli.s rpllru..
V. li. ii ,.ny o.;i,iii y nr (! CFXrit ATM fl-ltOM
Of -ir.. llulll) , l.a. k r urn l ,r e utoi lu-r,
WM.ItllK Wl-ut.lir. t . bii.I ,il tliu-l: .1. .. ,1., . ttT r
onul loilurr. t rt in !iaever c-ai.i... ' . ontliiieju
tr-rin tjf ..t:'iitl -in p. i iii-ft luff , . tUm pmi-im
mn.t .-.-lAn. fi-rn to a l-nltl-y t. i i.ers In u
r,j.t.ko .-tLivvt :l.i ..j.iwn.ii- c.
Jr-ifiiiiiiti RiinnnDTrn B
-. .b'w,..ti.'.ta ww, runiii, M
ro THE LAD!ES:-7r-"?-'-
Exli-i.f lr:i,n v;. v tt l.iMUMt oftloi l.iv
k- Ktltll-'TA, it; Itrl v!ll lt4l, fcuotltri cr
V. fuk A ul. !'-, or rt'-il Fret, IWI AI lifri.iltnl l;-i4,
r-prt a .nt ot'lil.tKrir'.iu Koot iOJtU-i c.- liv t no tupvnor
In the i . ii i r. -ul i r.f f '.i th" 9 .n-t!.ilti' 'Xli'K
c-Hrry a tu-igael..; iu.a l Ui 1 cf tfe
ritr I.nm ftH't-. tVriilniie (J,B f,ln, K1I
Inwof Oi5 M'tflit, liii-orrliii m, 4 Iii-iitt'ti lHflniiiinli
tiun find t lrfrrillnn oriho Womh, J cc-ltli'ii tbl Jliii
orrfausts or f-'lviMllns, I'rthrti), Ktiptrrpi' l find 1 r.
rrtBlHi- .Mrn.i-iitl.nv llnm nm ... unit f-t-irt !
I.Ue, t Ul. UHir ix.t Aitiiuuiu iittl tuu.Aiem
knon n.
lor nil fo.Tns of Prrniile mill mtO ft ti anmir.
PfH.l hy any iill: hrloi ln-.- . but li ilUtUlv.
.fffjr.t ami una n.jnrcic.f r.oi era- rl ritallut :cn.
PrlOiOf hlicrl. I: ith Haf.-nc.iri'oot lint eilra, (t.
fcentby exprriCo. it .an.J cun tnMion a ,l..r l,r
mall on re-I t of .ce. In onierlr. f menaura c.1f
walat and aize r f ,!i,$ rfft-i-l'tT.eti t--a 1 iuj lu 6UX-
reney, aent In W' r at rr k.
The Uatmeton O.i' .i- . -., a-laptd to all fm, aja
worn over the under c'-t:iltiif, d-ot ticst to ilia
body like tbe many Culcrnle an- f'lvc.rtv Hum.
lift adrertlard aa ut !r. I,i ar il aliouij Urn
tnken off at njgt. Thr-y h...' I II lrp'-iurorKr,.i)
are worn at all naf' of tin- war.
SiT-l ttnnip fonh-"NVv Ix- a 'urel l Matlltal TPMt
m-Mt W ithout Medicine." IIU lliuUa-u.'iaor UU-i.v-nuus.
81 btuto M Ckicutfo, III
I am golrg to ri? all k!nd of fcliocitig, aal
do i.otliin else, and if voij wnrtt i r d !lor.
fehoi-ing shop ia this town, new Is your time O
patronize mc. S'ioj oa Va-hinntt-n Avcouo
or 3 d-d h.- o Sign.
ttSGood Satl-faction Guhranlced.
wiGtf I'lattstiioiuh. Neb.
- , ii
S.VS 9 mm afk mm
tci'l iTT, T " - . N
tboat 1
liua rncr to u e,uLr.u, and to!
176 piswi. .lil'twratioua? prt iui atil vsnKlia TaJI--' "?-ut
L7?V. Vreuible and riow-e
r.rtetiaTef VUibl- .Ah ur' VSf
Hants. Frntt Tree. rto. lavmluable to il TZl
m c
9 fl IV 1 R H ff-A ' '-J.i.iafiiy M..-.I.
J llJ alUii of Uu ic'M 1 ai ointo.
17 1 uri l I ltd f 1,4
si m