I SI OPERA MOUSE BLOCK 1 ii i-.'i- i : ,c. :. ;.,,.' .-:'! :" 1 '' .I - - ( !' . I i -ii. r ' .. l i : ' :. ' " !, ..t Ki 1 : -i-i 3 IM. . . ! , I . " ' '. t -ti i '- ,i- . " jr. -J I ill' tl W WSjMlJ (TD nr Order taken for V ILSOX MIOS. SITIRTS. J JA.JSTX)1ES AJSfD CIGARS. II n nn aifis rem !! DECK BRO JL2I 13. Habdware AT SAGE'S OLD STAND, ON ITIie EBest ILine of d'ook tove9 (Kasoli ne Stoves, TTinware 66 To be found ia tbe City. New goods at prices MAIHIIIDWAIHIIB STTODIIEIE I'aimers, you can save from to 12 cents on the pound, by buy ing wire of us, warranted to be as good as any wire made. We also keep in stock a general assortment of HARDWARE, STAVES and TINWARE, and sell as cheap as any Hardware house in the country. Call and see us in the Rockworxl Block. XMuyy Cass County WATMAN & KIRBY, Propr's. Plattsmontli. aiAxUFACTOnmis JBOHLEI&S, IRON FRONTS. . - , AiNJJ CAbTlJNCiS. Oar facilities or heavy work in Cola inns and Castings for Business Houses ars I) surpassed in the State. MACHINE REPAIRING of all kincU. Our Machine Shop is fully equipped for all classes of work in iron. Patronize N'.'iraska manufacturing. We duplicnie all eastern prices, saving freight and time. Parties bnUdinsr &ny part of the State should write for our terms of casrinss MtTCb llth, 82. , p LATTSMOUTH, NV3 ' tvi on hand and for Ml t lowest cab - -fjyir r4 lor V&eat ad OPERA IICUSE (XOTIIIKKS, r ANI GENTS' FURNISHER TOST OFFICE ews Depot, STATIONERY. NOT ASOX & HAMLIN TOJDJD'S Emporium LOWER MAIN STREET. 66 (Keneral IHIarrt wai e that defy competion. Give me a call. And Tinners' StocTL ALL KINDS FOR SALE BY ST. LOU IS. MO Iron Works INTeTb. OF ENGINES, HOUSE COLU-SINS. mm d I j Mallei rree nfftf IIm iMtmt ffoiUtM la f5"t'ft "d.t,b elL?lb,1 of PLAT T8II0OTH HERALD. Ttc Flattsraontli Heral PalilislilDi Co. Telegraphic J)i:STItUCTlVE S10R31S That Extend from Nebraska to Pennsylvania. General . Miscellany. IOYA KOTEi. Hamburg, Ia July 13. About half- past twelvo today, lifter threatening uud Katliering all the morning, a huge storm cloud swooped down from the noriliU eat, aud burst over our little city. For a lw miuutea the streets wre tilled with debas of all kinds. c?igus, it-uus, buggi.', goods, b)xen, awu.us, were llyuig iielter-bkclter, iiigtiteuingUradLS, not ino;t, however, tliau humans Tiees wero v wrcucued asunder and uprooted. The South -M. E. church was razed to the ground. 1 he upper portion of Alexander' shoe store, ami quite a number of frune fronts Wiio blown out, also several binall iramea were totally wrecked. touiall Iruit, grain and corn were con bideruolv Uamaiie-i by wiuO, rain auu hail, i iiosu Wlio had uuixulpaied sucu ) a storm by preparing caves, had occa. siau to suek refuge tut rem uud que It their fears. BUFFALO COUNTY, Kearaey, Juiy 16. Imperfect reports uuitfiuio Kearuey of a temtic hail . .nu i i in j northeastern corner of .ituty. It seems to have origi nated bouicwneie in ?5 tier in an county, and traveled southeast over the corner of this county, the western part of iiall and across Adauis about llastiugs The reports are to the eliect that it swept all in its course. It was about two miles wide. Council liluffo, July 13. Specials to the Noupareil from Me I'aul, Pluui Hollow' Percival and Hamburg, on the Kansas City road, in Fremcub county, give particulars of a frightful cyclone auu lerritic bail storm that visited that rectiou at noon today. Particulars are meagre, owiug to the damaged wires. t McPaul great damage was done to buildings and crops. A large two otory brick school iioue was demol ished, beveral housed were biown down, one occupied by u family in which was a woman and a new born babe. It was blown to pieces, but the occu pants escaped serious injury. Another house was destroyed, but no one hurt. The front part ot Paine Bros, store was biown in. Wheat in the surrounding country was completely beaten to the ground. Corn, grass and trees were levelled and cut to pieces by the hail, which was as large as hen's eggs. The depot of the Kansas City railroad at McPaul is almost a total wreck, w hile there istuot a house in the town with a whole window in it. It is reported ten persons were more or less injured mere and In the viciuity, but no one killed. The storm seems to have start ed near Pacific Junction and took a southerly course, growing in dimen sions and power as it reached Percival, McPaul and Plum Hollow. At these points great damage was done by the wind and hail. XI i-.- fury of the storm cann-'t be described. For a time the greatest fear wa felt by all who wit nessed it. It i3 thought a iargu uuniber of horses, cattle and hogs were killed by the hail, wnich fell thick aud fast. It is reported that considerable damage wajf auPe at Hamburg also. TUK TORNADO AT ST. SOSETII. Kausas City, July 13: A Times St. -Oseph (Mo.), special says: A toruadj passed over this region this afternoon? doing much damage. The first town in the track of the storm was Hamburg Iowa, which was struck about noon. A brick church and several frame buildiDgs were wrecked. The front walls of several business houses fell out in the street. The storm then ap peared in Westboro in Atchison coua .y, demolishing eight or leu houses and injuring nearly all buildings in the place. One child was killed. Stan bury, Mo., was struck about 1. The main tower in the normal school and the cupola of the Baptist church was blown down. . Three other churches were moved from their foundation and one wrecked. At Burliogton Junction a small place, it is said not a single house escaped injury. Main street pre sented a scene of destruction, filled with wrecks of buildings - The fronts of several stores were blown in, halls carried away and others unroofed, it is said that the people there are in need, of help, but it is impossible at this hour to learn definitely the situation. About twenty-five houses were blown down at Maiquetc. Nothing definite received from there. At 1 o'clock black clouds appeared here, but divided and passed without seiious injury. STORM AT ST. LOUIS. St. Louis, July 13. Thi9 evening a heavy wind and rain storm passed over the city, doing considerable damage on land and river. The tow boat, Charley Boweu, with the barge lied WiDg, was blown from her moorings at the foot of Buchanan street scross the river, and driven ashore above the bridge. She is sunk and her bow stove in. The propeller, Nagotache, and a canal boat belonging to Chicago, were blown from thai faeVerteirwhAtyou-are"'gotDj until you have done it." YegeUble.j All the forco that thia latter tmrrro ono of the lumber yards in the north part of the city across the river. Both lauded safely at Venice, 111. Kafts containing 900,000 f:ct-of boards and a raft of logs of half a mil lion feet wero driven from their moor ings and floated down the river. The lumber raft struck the bridge and broke into four pieces. Five men on it narrowly escaped drowning. Three tugs and a low boat were sent after the rafts. Damage ia the city consists of unroofing the Missouri Pacific freight house and blind asylum, and numerous minor injuries. T1IK STORM AT MARYVJLLK. St. Joseph. Mo., July 13. A special to the Herald from Maryville, Mo. says that place was visited by a cyclone between 12 aud 1 o'clock to-day. Thir teen of the best business houses wera unroofed, court house and jail were bally damaged. The city hall and Presbyterian church are nearly a total wreck. Union hall was also bauiy damaged. Mis. Reynolds was the only person injured. KANSAS SUFFERS. Larned, Juiy 13. Particulars of the tornado on Pawnee river are meagre. Kowa & Butler's mill is blown dou, and Fflzgerald's sheep sheds ant gone. Large hail stones killed young caives and lambs.' Corn U cut terribly. The cxteut ot the damage is not known. STOKM AT FEOKIA. Peoria, July 12. A wind storm this afternoon did some 34,000 damage to building. Several people were hurt, none seriously. Damage to crops Is not known. HIE BLOW IN DAKOTA. Bismarck, D. T., Juiy 13. At u this evening the heaviest wind .storm ever known here began, and lasted an hour aud a half. The wind was 60 miles an hour. .Lumber piles and some houses in course of erection wre blown down AtDtckeiBon one or two fronts were blown in by the storm. The Northern Pacific shop building at thafpoint was damaged slightly. FLOODS IK VIRGINIA. Uarrisburg, V-, July 13. The most damaging flood prevailed in this place lastnignt. About eight o'clock, two augry clouds met just north of town and rain poured down in torrents Black's run, a small rivulet through the town, became a mightv river spreading over some of the principal streets. Shocks of wheat from neigh boring fields, hogs, chicken?, fences small houses and endless drift came pouring through the main thorough fares. Many private houses were flood ed and greatly damaged. Sidewalks, and in fact bridges, were swept away and many streets greatly damaged. The whole population was out on tbe streets till past midnight. FATAL ACCIDE5T AT FIRTH. Lincoln, Neb., July 13. The most serious storm of the season occurred today. A man named M.J. Wilson, at Firth was fatally iujuied by a falling shed. A large brick block in course of construction in this city as leveled to the ground. Loss. 3,000. At Louis ville the crops are badly damaged by hail. Reports" from all directions show serious damage by hail. At some points the hail fell as large as hen s gs- Lincoln, Neb,, July 13. The worst general storm of the season occurred today. Rising, Neb., July 13. A severe wind and hail storm occurred this mornifig, breaking a little glass and de stroying all small grain iu some sec tions. The corn will recover. The loss to this section will be nearly ?100 000. DESTRUCTION OF THE INDIANA UNI VERSITY. Bloomington, Indiana, July 13.- Last night the Indiana University was dis covered on lire. The labnitory was soon in flames, and shortly alter wards the library and museum. The latter contained the famous Owen colleeuou and Dr. Joi dan's coilfction of fishes. The library had 15,0 JO volumes. The tire caught by lightning striking the telephone wire Loss S200.000; insur ance $30,000. FAILURE OF ORANGE JUDD. New York July 13. Orange Judd, the publisher, assigned yesterlay for the benefit of his creditors. His debts are individual and do not affect tbe Orange Judd Publishing Co. Judd was prostrated by a sun stroke about a mouth ago, and since then has been unable to attend to business. "He had a number of notes out which were about to mature, and for which he bad not made immediate provision. David W. Judd, his brother, stated he has not been connected with the firm for some time, and only nominally for several years. IN PENNSYLVANIA. Harrisbu rg' July 13. The most damaging floods occurred here last night about 8 o'clock. Angry cloud, met north of town' the rain poured down in torrents, brooks ran like small, rivulets through town. The river is spreading over some of the principal streets. Shocks of wheat from neigh boring fields, nogs, chickens, fonces small houses, and endless drifts poured thiough the main thorughf arcs, many houses are flooded and greatly damaged. Pavements, sidewalks and foot bridges are swept away, The streets are very much damaged.' The whole popula tion was out on the streets till past midnight. REMEMBER if you want any cloth ing, hats, caps or furnishing goods, El son the only one price clothier will give you 20 per cent from the marked price, until Aug. 1st, 1883. Go. to Mat Sculegcl's for all kinds of Smoking Tobacco. dl08tc 'TtfrgT 'tmiwrtflTicepma ttw ueveioprnenvwT-mr I fimire. the art of leninjr, and the oixMinf tKa tm'M U'-p thinsrs 1 am DANK. JOHN KITZOKHAU, A. W. MCLAUHHUW President. Cathler. FIRST NATIONAL 1 OF FLA TT.S .MOUTH. XtBRAHKA, Oiji-n the eiy best f:u Milra for tbe prompt tranHacilon ,r J' I-hnate BANKING BUSINESS. Mocks, IJomls. Hold. tSoverninent aud Loc hecurllieii ltuir;ui aim .-nu, jrjxmminri ed and luter-st nllo.ved on (i.-ne Certin Cfit:, Drafts lira a u, available iu any i:rt f tUrt I'nitftl fcitaiei aud all ihe principal t'uvim oi Kurupe. Collections made d promptly remitted. tlighcst niarVet price- paid lor Co.iuty War rants. State aud County J5ui. DIRECTORS : John FitzKPraid A. K. louzaun. Jolm it. Liar. :;"""' Goo. K. Dovey. . F. K. Vhlte, A. W .MCuaumimi. WEEPING WATER WEEPING WATER. - NEB. E. L. REED, President. 11. A. GIBSON, Vice-President. It. S. WILKINSON. Cashier. A General Easing Business Transacted. OEPOH1TM Received, and Interest allowed on Time Certl ficatcs. 1 it A FT Drawn available In any part ot the United States and all the principal cities oi fcurope. Agents fur the celebrated Hail! Line of Steamers. Bank Cass County CotnerfMalu and Sixth Streets. PLATTSMOTJTH- NEB JOHN RLACK. President, ) 1 J. M. PATTERSON. Cashier, f Transacts a Qencral Banline Business. tlUGIIEST CASH PKIU1S Paid for County and City War ants C01iLKCriOH MADE and promptly remitted for. DIRHCCTOItS : Johc Black, J. M. Fatt. rson, C. II. Farrrel F. K. Guthnrann, J. Morriesey, A. IJ. mica. F.ed i order. HENRY BCFOK DEALEK IN FURNITURE SAFcJ, CtfAiRF ETC., ETC., BTC Of All Descriptions. METALLIC BURIAL CASES WOODEN" OO-hf 'lUSTS f all sizes, ready made and sold cheap for cash MY F1NEHEARSB IS NOW itfcAWl tJD. OtAtV 1CH. With many thanks for past patronage invite all to call and examine my LARGE STOCK OF 3Hf. PLliXTI SE AXI tWKVIXt i .a 2 -H & rs o a? cc "3.3 ; w -i a - a ts Ql c3 cj m "3 ii cs e3 0 r C 4 CO -3 fO So I T. a QQ 3 13 3 CO a a a c3 s o u M o o a o 2 o o L a Sr- O S3 G oo 3 Q, Oi . 08 si ffl NEW Fmzmitmze Stare DEAL & IN FUENITURE g COFFINS, and all kinds of goods usually kept In a FIRM T CLAMS I'L'H.llTIIIlG STOltt Also, a very complete stock of Funeral Goods, Metallic&f ooflenCofflns Gaskets Rotes, EMBLEMS, &. Our New and elegant hearse ia always In readiness. Remember the place, in UNION BLOCK, on Sixth Street. TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun ty Bank. Whesr we may be found nizht or day. J. I UNRUHn 25.11 l.Tr3M07m. NE mystertea content latcl alli atlriii. cootntlv reap some Kpeiflejiiiii' luropjii low prices, we give toe low a lew of our prices Strictly Pure White Lead, (half moon brand) $0.00 Kaw Linseed Oil, jer gallon, CO "Warner's Kidney and Liver Cure, King's Xew Discovery . 65 TTliese are only a few of oar low prices all oilier jjootts at 'rock foottossi prices.9 We warraiit all oar jyoods to be jastas represented. C. G. HEROLD'S Louisville Branch Store! Can lc found the largest and best stock of CLOTHMG Trunks, Valices, Boots and Shoes, In Cass County, at Bed Koelc Price?. UemcmlxT llie j.I.h'P. IS. UIIS5n)JLlIi5 MaBaag-er. . J. iaiEiSlLIL5 Sole Propr9tor SAGE'S ADDITION TO THE CITY of PL ATTS3IO UTJI Valuable outlets for residence pur poses. Sage's addition lien south-west of the city, and all lots are very easy ol access, and high and sightly. For particulars call on E. SAGE, Pron r, AT S.UJK'S HARDWARE STORE. Vlattsmouth. Neb 4 0 CD pa h h 0 A rsr. 9 Soft S3 O wi a. W 0 5 I t O CD v CD P H 6 U He c Stt CO o" o 5 ft AT JOE McVEY'S Sample Rooms You will find the Finest Imported French Brandy, Champaign, and othtr Fine "Wines, Pure Kentucky WhisEiep. several cf the lest and most popular brands of BOTTLE BEER, Fresh Ceer always on draught, and Fine Ci gars 2ttf. tomers of lant yemr wttbcnit ordra-LDir it Itoaotalsa rai b nn to all aDDUoanto. Maa to oas- aeecnr ..w wrkt A&nlsnera. nl for It I D- M. FERRY A CO. OCT8CMT Miok- Sheriffs Sale. By Tirtneot an order Issued by the AMriet judge. I will, on the 14th day of July. 183. at 2 o'clock p. in., sell the remainder ot the i-toclc formerly owned by J M. Woodon. conslFtinK of teas, crockery, placsware clprari and store outfit, and also one top buirgy. one iprtug W.S0D. and one .et Oo" Sherilt . M. A. Hakti.jak, Plff Atty. iwdAWwjt V.J . i .. mm,j i, i u . aya on band. Come and Gents' FonisliiDg Goofls. Ik-Fmn I C. SL j7 M C B Safest. Best ani Host Reliable - S LINE IN THE WEST, Magnificent D ning Cars, Efczv.;t Day Ooacbc6 2 St Louis Trains Daily, 2 Omaha Trains Daily, 2 Kansas City Trains Daily 3 Ate ison Trains Daily, Two Trains for St Paul, llfnn-iapohs, Sicaz Cit A iid all point in northwest, with Pullman Sleeping CarS Between Kansas City ani St. Panl WITHOUT CHANGE AH trains run on tlme.coni.ectinK f.,rall ixrfnU East W est, North & South 1 lcket lor sale iit all renii'.ar ticket otTii-ee, nforinatlon rcaardiui rale-, tl.ne, &c. chee r I'y given ty uJUresliii; .1. 1'. J: nxAki. A.C,Dawm. O-'u l rtupt. MIKE SCHNELLBACHER, BLACKSMITH HOUSE SHOEING & WAGON REPAIKIKO ill Duds of Farm implements Mendel witt Neatnass and Dispatch. Horse, Mule& OxSlioeiug, a short, we'll shoe anything that h; t four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe. Come and see us. TSTK1"W SHOP a Kittti Sf between Main and Viti Street lit aprons e corner from the hkw HEUAt, TENDERLOIN Meat Market, LAPS (NEIL, Prop'r. Beef Mutton; Pork Yeal CMta&c" ConatantlT on hand. Also, all kinds of iAME inaeaaon. and v erytbing kept in a FII1ST-CL.ASS 91 CAT SHOP f At lowest possible rates. 523y FIJITTSMOUTII. NEBJ w'l .... t,'-' see u npd w vill Cw yoa c!id. 9l mil