c . .... . .- v 1 : ' ! 2 t I! J l! I 1 t! OPERA HOUSE BLOCK ii' ' : " " ' V ; 1 . :, : , 1 !' ' . . . .. - . , : -;;:.' ' -';'y'; " : fifM- I": : tPP tiff if f f 'Pi I fii if. fH njEI OPERA HOUSE V & U. tedflVRr.-. 3 Ve? HfcfHEA !! 3 if GENTS' FURNISHERS. Order taken for WILSON mats.' siMKTs. P WMHOT-News Depot, Hardware AT SAO!-:S Ol.H STAND. iS Viae BB?4 iilsae 66 66 66 To lc i.' Jti'l in tii.-' 'it- . N-v Di; pil.-v-s 7ho and 8hc9 i JOSC25TS03JT Kaimoiv, you can .-ave t'r..un to V cev.ts on tlic pouml, bv buv xv w ire ot'iiwarraiitesl to be as good as any wire made. Ve also keep in stock a general assortment of HAIiDWAKK. STOVES ami TIXAVAItE. and sell cheap as any Hardware hoiK-e in the country. all and see its in the Koekwood 5Uek. v imiUL Cass County I WAYMAN & IQRBY, Propr's. Plattsmontli. Neb. -BOILE2&S, EWGIWES, IRON FRONTS. HOUSE COLUMNS, 1 . AND CASTINGS, -p uOnr facilities or heavy work in Colu n.rs and 'Castings for Business Houses aro nsurpassed in the State. ,,., . e ,i i MACHINE REPAIRING of all kinds. Our Machine Shop is fully equipped for all classes of work in iron. ' ... Patronize Nebraska manufacturing. Se duplicate all eastern prices, saving freight and timt!. . plrtlcs building ia tny part of the State should write for our terms of castings 1 CASS aOTTITTr X23.02ST WOESS March llth, 2 83. pLATTSMOUTIT. NF3 STATION j;i:y. -MASON & IIAMLIX IlKNStV l MILLER niul . Toons l.OW l-'M .MAIN .-TllKMT. i Jook Stoves5 1?iiaws2S' .!.-Ty ;-? ii.i:. ; i i? me :i r:t!! T5 OFALL KINDS FOR SALE BY Excelsior ST. LOU IS, MO ron Works Emporium i i I FUTTSM0U1H IIME J L'l.l.rMIU DAILY Mi WKKKLY Tiis FlailSEicinii Hcraiii PiiblisiiiDg Co. Telegraphic WASHIXIiTOX NKVCS. riii' Civil Service Commis sion' it Jjnltimoro. Railroad Accepted, Etc .1 JiKI'AKTM KNT OI'INION. NVuhhiiiirtoii. July ll. I'ost master Adihin, of IJultimore, recently wrote to l'ostnianter Ot-iieral (Jrcsh-un that the civil HervitM. ciuiinissio:i was in commu nication directly with members of "the lora! e:iinhjin? hoard at Baltimore, v. !:o wire employees in his cilice, and that in hi. s (Adrian') opinion, tlds was detrimental to the discipline of his of and enntrary to custom, whkh rc- fjniivs ofli.-iii! communication to .iihor ! diuafes to go lir.-it to the heads of de- p-irtinenis. llie posima-acr gnnciui h.'- replietl to Adrian that he sees no improprh'ty whatever in the civil serv ice cnjinias5o:icrs communicat.ug di n tly with Un- iocal board of examin ei s rela'.l vi to - lu ir dutiea under law, notwithstanding tliat they are employ i in hi' ollice. The postmaster gen-n-dsay: "They are subordinates of yours in an offlchd sense, hut in respect to the du'fcs devolved upon tliem by the ! v j service law and the rules as in.;tjioer? ilie local board of examin e: re, :;iid s.'iould be independ ent, v.. authority except that cre ated nnd conferred by the law. Every object and spirit of the law requires thr.t they should be entirely free from any intcriVreuce or supervision on the part of the I;-:mi ofih'e in rn:ittr-rs relat- to their ivi! .-ci vic" duties. lu this c.'.se I ttiiok il eatireiy proper that tlie civil servieu commission should com munieatc directly with theet iu mut ters relating to their duties :is members of the board. Of course it i' to be pre sumed that tlie commission will do njthing in this behalf that will inter fere with tho discipline of your ofiiee of that would be opposed to the spirit of civil service law." THE CIVIL SERVICE, Dr. Gregory, civil service commis sioner, and Chief Examiner Lyman, have returned to Washington. Eaton and Tliomxn are ex peeled this evening. An examination of applicants for cleri cal position in the executive thprt ircp.ts will o ht-ld tomorrow i'lid Fri day. One hundred and ten ;i; iicuts h tV: been notified to appeti; e;;cli day. These examination's are for the purpose of creating a list of - eligible"5 persons from which vacancies hereafter occur, ring in the executive departinei ts are to be filled. i bout 300 applicants for positions In the departments of the civil service at Washington have been placed on file by the com mi? sioncr. The ap plicants recently txamined ic the vari ous cities by tlie members of I he civil service commission uml lhe c!iief ex aminer will be notified by letter iu- to thv'ir standing, as to ja as the papers in tlieir respective cases can hit f-xau ineu and passed uyon. THE CKEtK Dn'KK'L'Ll'V. Secretory Teller has decided to :ij p im coiKuiissioner to visit the Indi an ;ciiiiory to investigate the differeucs be:- ien hhe Spioehe and thv Chicot factioas of tlie Creek Indians. ACCEPT En. The i'; si:lei;t. huA necepled the hfty tiiiles recently constructed of the North-, ni Paeinc railroad iu Montana, westward from the G23ih to the 075th mile. QUARANTINED. the United States steamer Vandaliat from ihs West Indies, has been quaran tined for fear of yellow fever. MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. The Sand Lots Orator in Chicago. A Gy clone in Kansas. A Brutal Murder in lowa J MUSK l-AUi'ilR.S. j Boston. July 11. Two hundred as sisted emigrants arrived this morning. I Most of them had money and are bound i i w est . ' YELLOW VEVEE. Galveston, July 11. The fever strick cn bark Salome, fully supplied with ev ery requisite, sails for Hampton Hi ad A dispatch shows that there is no abate ment of yellow fever tit Vera Cruz The weather is Intensely hot. AXOTIJlii: BANK ROBBERY. Albany, June 11. The bank of Franklin was robbed early tlds morn ing of $$00 in silver. Two families living near were found gagged. The. safe was blown after two hour's work The burglars took out nearly the whole front ot the building, and set fire to the papers. The money of the bank was ia the safe. dennis keabney's meetj's6. Chicago, July 10. Au opcu air meet ing was held tonight, at which Dennis Kearney, of California, was to speak. Owing to illness however ho did not ap- pe ;ir, I unload, however, Stephen MJ -I!!, of California, Kearney' coadjutor. spoUe upon the solution of the Cniueee question in California and the plan which Kearney nnd ho were tufting for increased wages for working men, r.nd fixing railroad tarifi and charges in other lines of business on tins increased pay ns a basis. Uetween 400 nml 1,000 p r.'on-: were present. TKornu: on A train. Tlreenfieid, 111. July ll.-()n Tu-sd iy night, four harvesters boarded a freight train at WhitehtJl. twelve miles north of this place, to steal a tide. While at this station four other men boarded the same cur apparently for the ame pur pose, but nlttr the truiu was in motion they drew tlieir revolvers on the tirst four men, and ;:fle.rmakirg them de liver what money they had, drove them off the running train. One man named Patrick Wright fell headlong and was killed. The four tramps responsible for the deed were arrested at lirighton yes-te-day. A COLLISION. Titusville, Pa, July 11. An excur sion train from thi3 city, containing about seventy live members of Masonic lodge, while returning from James town, collided '.vith a freight train on the Ilutralo & Southwestern at two this morning, two mile3 from Jamestown, instantly killing George Gates, conduc tor, M. D. Colby, brakeman of the freight train, and fatally injuring "W. J. Jones, another brakeman. No one was hurt on tlie excursion train. The en gineer and fireman of both trains saved theinselvc3 by jumping. Both engines were smashed to pieces, and man' freight cars. The lorce drove the ex cursion coaches back twenty-five feet, but they kept the track. Colby's limbs were crushed to a jelly. Gates, con ductor, was roasted in the ruins. The cause of the accident was the failure of the engineer of the freight train to obey orders. CYCLONE IN KANSAS. Dodge City, Kas., July 11. A cyclone struck Cimarron station, on the Atchi Topeka & Santa Fe, eighteen miles west of here, at 4:?,0 p. in., today wrecking six bui'.dings, besides a large livery barn. Nobody was injured. One large building occupied as a bil liard hall, was picked up and entirely turned twice aiound, and set down some yards away, uninjured. Wires are down and particulars unable to be had. ITolton, Kas., July 11. A tornado struck Soldier City, a town of two hun dred inhabitants, eighteen miles west of here, last night at 10 o'clock, com pletely demolishing sixteeen buildings and injuring a number of others, among the buildings blown down were two general stores, ont drug store, one livery stable, and several residences. Two women aud one child were killed cutriyht, and sotae fifteen injured, sev eral seriously. The storm pasted from the north directly south. Mr. Stephen son, ex-sheri:T of this couuty, living a mile south of Soldier Citv. lost his barn and hot house. A BRUTAL. MURDER. Des Moines, July 11. The particuhv of the murder of 11. Li. Clingan, of Pol yesterday, as far as are known, are as follows : Mr. C'ing-ui and hij clerk, D, Charger, were closing the store for the night when two men came to the door and said "Good evening, gentlemen," drawing revolvers at the same time, and without any warning one fired at Ciingan, the ball taking effect just below the left collar bone. He died iusiantly. There is no clue to the per petrators. Squads of men on horseback spent the night scorning this region There is a report that the pursuers are close on the track of the muiderers two horses they had stolen and ridden nearty dead having been found aban doned, and t wo mre horses stolen there. It is generally supposed that this is the second chapter of the mysterious mur der of Stubbs, mayor of the place, la6t year, who was shot dead by masked men who entered his bed room. Clin gan and he were treat friends, and Clingan had been taking an active part in ferreting out his murderers. Notica to Stock Owners. All stock found running at large in the city will be taken up and confined in the city Pound, us provided by ordi nance. The changes upon stocK so taken up are fifty cents a head, for taking up, aud fifteen cent: per day for feed ing, which costs must be paid before stock can be taken awav. P. B. MULPHY, Chief of Police. j Plattsmoutu. July 11, 18S3. ll.lit Wanted From five to ten thousand smokers to call on M. Sehlegel for his new brand of fivn cent cigar, "The .Piide of Nebraska." Try them, and you will smoke no other. dlOSlG REMEMBER if you want any cloth ing, hats, caps or furnishing goods, El son the only one price clothier will give vou 20 per cent from the marked price, until Aug. 1st, 1S83. ; oney avea. I By inlying your goods for cih of V i St. Baker. 1 will guarantee to save you i 23 pel cent, on dress goods, trimmings j etc., if you will give me h chr.nce. Ve : have ali the new shades in buntings, i uwus veiling and other seasouaule goods. Cheapest line ot ladies, and children's ilosiery in the city. A few dolmans aud uisters to be closed regardless of cost. Best value in parasols and fans; , rock complete in all departments and must be closed out in limited lima for crab. Give me a call aud save money 7.3d&wtf w. II. Baker 20,000 envelopes in XX white and blue, in good quality Manilla, and in nils sizes, ju3t received at tnis office. These envelopes have been bought at a bargain, and parties deBiring' envelops fhouid leave orders, I03tf, Old papers tor sale at this office at orty centa per hundred. UKNRY bo?ck DEALKlt l.N FURNITURE SAFUS, CKAiRF. ETC., ETC., KTC Of A 11 Dcjcrtfjlion. METALLIC BURIAL CASE? WOODEN OOIFIZrSTQ f nil su'. ready made ..ml sM rlie apfw.nh MY FJX i: 11 FA Ii$ K IS NOW' KKA1V KOK SKhVICK. With muny lliaiiks lor past pairi ng-, invite all to call ami examine my LAlUiKSTOCKOi' 3Hf. KLKXTfUF. AMI rOFFIXM a r o ? O o o Si CO vi a ri 6 C O m v tn a -1 o 2-S S o 3 T3 S 5 co c S3 o o PS o.S ( 1 lH 3 rt O O x as S cj O (2 1 m J '2 . 1. 1. SIMPSON AGENCY www xiii :i ill IflOUMllbU uuo. CITY, of London, QUEEN, of Liverpool FIREMAN FUND, of California EXPEEESS COMPANIES AMERICAN EX TRESS CO.. WELL'S FARGo & CO.. EXPRESS. Oflleo iu Rot'kwood Blo:k, witli Jolmson Bros CdCin. MNIGA PREPARATIONS ciwiuiBtry tiM ciincovprod no remedy fij period trrnieaf v liealinK xtorunl crupClnus. Proper ly prepared ana coiubiiioO. ii I1u3.no equal as a toilet preparation. Ttio iiibest conUen- eation of amica. v ill speedily cure cliai- -l liiuKls, crack, cl i's Liid louImesH of the skin, 'Whether CRTiFed from dimotic inHti encea or tlie use of JITltTFUi. COS3IKT1CS. Will euro pimples on lace ami fleek, rendtrinp cho Bkin Bolt ami fair. Invaluable in Salt Kheuni. A family remedv for cuts, bums, bruises a iU sores. F1UCK 1 AlllXAl. WCliKS, 25c. TOiLET SOAP DelisrhtfuUy p e r -fumed, highly ol Icated. Abeomte lv Dure. Keens tlie Bkin from chappinsi and imparts to it life nnd a healthy Blow. Unrivnlied for cleaning Ibe sea ip aud eradicating dandruff. The most pet -feet toilet Boap in the world. JKKICK, 35 cent. Shaving Soap A medicated article of rare merit. Ire vnU all pimpled, heals n aore faeeand MAKES SHAVING a DELIGHT. Kndursed by Leading Barbers, who Bay of it, "Without parallel as a shaving noap." Kich in lather and lusting. Keeps the face and neck free from pimples. 13 cts. lot a large cake. A TOOTH SOAP ft Is without question xne muBb jwitui ai tide ever produced, a it rnt ot)1 v cleann es the teth thoroughly. 1-ut tho combination with arnica preserves and hardens the stums. It pivea to the breath a sweet, delicate odor. i.t3 taste is delightfu I'rice, 25c a hox. All drufisista se 1 the above articles, or wo wi a roa'il them, postpaid, oil receipt of price. C. H. STRONG & CO., Sole Proprietors and Manfrs., Chicago. WILL J. "WARRICK- AGENT, PI.ATTSMOUTII, XFTlIi ASKA H0RSE-SH0EI1TO xornncc; else iu:t fse-shoein I a:u iroiug to ilo all kinds ot shoeing, and 'o nothing f-Nr, and if you want a good hone shoeing slir.ji in this town, now Is your time to patronize i'.ie. S'Jop on Wathinston Avenue af. the Sorso-slic Sign, CB'-Oond Satisfaction Guliranteed. GEO. PALMKK. vl5tf Plattsmouth. Xel. jgSfJj State & Kcnraa Sis.. Chicago. r ..... . .. . i.t CA r ALOOUE. for loJ. -i Kutfrs.md of iD,tiaiU U. SmII. C,im. IVtiu, IP.mnwnt E:iu, CiivLMop. i Uiuni'i, mb tscta.la Initrw-t'on mod fcx- A R 1 1 1 C A ARIE m 1 U?-7 A IF W-PIT UDeKiAMiig lltat reap some menviii irum fum low prices we siv low a lew of our prices. Strictly Pure AVhite Loal, (half inonn brand) $GM Haw Linseed Oil, er gallon, ' I Warner 8 Kidney and Liver Cure, 4'5 ' King's New Disco rv Cf These are only a few off oran low prices, all other gooda at rock hottoin prices. We warrant all our floods Up he Just us represented. C. G. HEROLU'S Louisville Branch Store! Can he found the largest aud best stock of ices, In C;i Comity, at !!-d H-k 0 A .M-JliM- J " " SAGE'S ADDITION TO T1IK CITY of lMiATTS3lOUrni Valnal outlots for i-.si-.ienc pur poses. . Sage's addition lies south-west ol the city, and all lots are very easy ol access, and high and sightly. ri- particulars call on ' E. SAGE, Pron r, AT SACK'S II A RDWAl'E STORK. Plattsroouth. NM. hi CO hi r- ! 0 1 3 u CD ' O Q pa CD gg r CD , b c r CrJ r w 2 CD 5r H (!) CO - o o ft AT J0K McVEYVS Sample Rooms Vou will find tlie Finest Imported French Rramly, Champaign, and other Fiua Wir.03, 1'ure Kentucky Whisaies, sevciJil ( f tin1 hest and most popular brand3 of UuTTLIi XEKU, Fresh Ucer always m draught, and Fine Ci- pr.rs. 0tf. ,-TOR 18B3.. I nil to &U ADTiicuita. mud to cue tomera of lata rear without c,rrtnntt It. Jtcoot&lua about 176 pas". lilmrtrttiouii, prices, accurate descriptions aud valuable directions for plan tiny lSuu varietiea of Vetretable and Flower Seeds. Plants, Fruit Tree, etc la valuable to all. eapeo lally to Morket Gardeners, fcend for It I O. M. FERRY & CO. Dethqit Micm- Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of an order Issued by the district judjte. I will, on the Uth day of July. 18S. at 2 oVlock p. m..ell the remainder of the tock forn'ierly owned byJ M. Woodfon. con.slnting of teas, crockery, glat are. cigar and tore outfit, and also one top buggy, one spring waijoa, and one set doubie hari'es. K. W. HYPES, Sheriff. M. A. ITAFTT'lA V, Plff'S Atty. 1f9ittflr-.'t . runks.Va ft. the public shall Gents' Msl Goods. UMTS, Boots and Shoes, Priee-'. Hemi juIk t lit" j.l.ve. y Tlie Fail Lie K. C. St. I and G - JHF Safest. Best and Most Reliatile LINK IN THE WEST. Magnificent D ning Caw, El!ffaLt Day Coacl;- 2 St Louis Trains Daily, ! 2 Omaha Trains Daily, 2 Kansas City Trains Daily 3 Atc'dson Trains Daily, Two .Tralni for St. Paul, llinnaapolii, Sioux Oitj And all pointit ia northwest, wilii Pullman Sleeping 0ars Between Kansas City and St. Paul WI T HQ li a? C HANGje All t. tains run on tliiie,roi;i.fotitip for all pMnl E ast W est. North & South 'tickets lor salu at all rcsular ticket oni:-, ' nforiaation r;;trdln rate, tl.no, t-c, rlipr- II Kiveu cy addiesniu T. r. r.AiiKAito. ('ea'l f.iipt. A. C. Dawfji, ROBERT DONNELLY'S "w.Ao-o:rsr AUD BLACKSMITH STTOP Wagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow r- pairing, ana gerteral jobbing I ani now prepared to Co all kinds of r ilr ir- 'f Ina aud othr machinery, m tot-re I? a good lathe In toy iioi. VET Ell It AU EN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker" hastaken churfie of the waj;on anop. lie well known as a -NO : WORKMAN. New Wadena and IlnsKte aade t Order. SATISFACTION GUAIUNT TENDERLOIN Meat Market, LAFE a NEIL, Prop'r. Beef Mutton:' Per: Veal CMcte. k Conntantlv on h.MC. ALc. all kind.4 of UA.TIR it sca-n. nnd ft- eo'thln,-: kept In rift.ST-CI.4SS MEAT SIIOl f At lwet possible ratea. sniy PLATTSMOUTn. NKMU GAIT, FLEISCHMAN k CO. COMPRESSED YEAST. The best yeast 1 1 use, received fresh every TUESDAY and FRIDAY mowings. t'rit -.'pi tat by J -7