OPERA HOUvE BLOCK Orders taken for ULON BUOS.' HIIIItTR. D KOK jljuci J3. Hardware AT SAGE'S OLD STAND, ILiEie 66 T fotad U tb City. Xw guoJ ftt price P. Young, James Mm,, and JOHNSON Faimers, you can save from to 1 cents on the pound, by buy ing wire of unwarranted to be as good as any wire made. "We also keep in stock a general assortment of HAUL) WAKE, STOVES and TINWARE, and sell as cheap as any Hardware house in the country. Call and see us in the Rock wood Block. . swikilii,s Cass County Iron Works WAYMAN & KIRBY, Propr's. Plat.tsmoii.tli. ISTel). MANUFACTUJiKUS OF JBOIIL1EI1S, ENGINES. IRON FItONTS. HOUSE COLUMNS, ... v AND CASTINGS. Onr facilities or heavy work in Cola runs ahd Castings for Business Houses ara unsurpassed in the State. MACHINE REPAIRING of all kinds. Our Machine Shop is fully equippe. for all classes of work in iron. Patronize Nebraska manufacturing. We duplicate all easterr prices, eavlot freight and time. Parties buildins? ia any part of the State should rrite for our terms of cavmeP CASS GOTXDTT1T WOHK3 Mth tll -M. PLATT6MOUTB, KF3 OPERA IICUSE AND rURNISHERl GENTS' TOST OFFICE HTATIONnr.Y. NOT MASON & HAMLIN ItRNKY F. M1LLEK and Tonn's Emporium ON LOWElt MAIN STREET. ot L1ooIc Stves5 " CjJasoIine Stoves, THiiware tntt defy coDiprtion. GWe inc a n AMI SB TTOIDK. 8Co9 And Tinners' Stocli iOFALL KINDS FOR SALE BY Excelsior ST. LOU IS. MO PLATTSMOOTH HERALD- i' lie Plattsmoctli Heral PnMisliHU. Co. Telegraphic. TBIS, THAT AND THE The Platte on a JSemlcr. An Old Soldier Drowned at Ci ete. General Miscellany. KAIN AN1 WIND. Ilahtings, Neb. duly 0. A heavy rmi: storm viited Nortti I'laiti- lurt night. accompanied with a liiyh wind. The I'lutte river has left its bunks at that point, and the low laud are ovei llowed. A MKMUEK OF THK SMITH FAMILY. Boston, July 6. Timothy .Smith, a trusted clerk ia the broker'ii otlice of John Pickering & Mosley, U a defaulter to the amount 1 $170,u0i, loni in buck et shop speculations. S.nith wua v r r-teU and ci.fesM'd. A U AI.I.OONIST'S KXrEKIK.CE. ilins.l.tle Fa, Jily 6. A telegram lr 'in Oiimley, the ajr nuiur, who started from here Juiy 4, ut 3 p. m., say e he landed in the Catskili mountains in a severe hurrieauo. He had a terri'd time. A BOLD HOBBKWY. St. Louia, July 6. Jouu (j. rhuus.n r, a messenger in the German Cuutiumtui bank, this afternoon had a wallet eou t;iininj S2.ot0 and several ehecks wrenched front him after a de-perjtte struggle. Gerhaiisser chaed the thief three blocks, but i t track of him in a crowd, and the thief escaped. I'A YM A STICK WASfeON. San Aittonic, July G. Major Wnsson, ilxr-ihltinrr ti-u nn!i-r crcncrnl iinluil ef e B by lieutetiaut liartlett and three non- eo iiinii-ioned Hirers, starts this after noon for the Leavenworth, Kansas peuitentiury, to serve out his eighteen months. He desired to publish a fur ther statement, but permission was de nied. SKKVKD niM KIUI1T. Otsego Lake, Mich. July 6. A 6iee ial says Alexander Peney, fifty years old. attempted to enter the houso of Amos Bidwell while the young wife of the latter was alone. He had visited the house earlier in the day, but had ieft alter making improper overtures to her. When he was observed approach ing the second time be was warned by Mrs. Bidwell, and failing to heed she shot and killed him with a Win chester rifle. DHJWSED IX THE BLUB. Crete, Neb., July 0. Andrew Odea an old soldier living west of Crete, re ceived $850 pension money yesterday. and after depositing P0 in the f?tate I bank, proceeded to All up. At half past nine be was noisy drunk, and the mar shal started him for home. He turned off his course, stumbled into the rirer and was drowned. Parties btve beeu dragging the river all day, and his body was recovered at six o,clock this even ing. TIIB ALLEGED DUELISTS. New York, July 6. It is reported this morning that the duel alleged to have been fought be ween J.thn Arruoy Knox and D. B. Sheahan yesterday, and which resulted in tin wounding of Knox, is a hoax, and that the princi pals never left the city. Many are of the opinion that the whole thing is a practic d j-ke originate I by Knox m his own interest, and k is certain that he h id no intention of fighting Nei ther of the men has shown himself since the first reported breach between them, and nothing definite is knowa in regard to their movement. AI OLLO C MHAN'OEKT. Chic-igo, Joy 6 Arranenieu.s have been completed tor a pilgrimage of Apollo coniinatidery, of tiiis city, to Europe, which is undertaken iu lieu of attending the tii-auuuat conclave at Su Francisco. The Sir Ivnithrs wtii leave Chicago next Thursday, arriving at New York Saiurd-iy. and after 111 u ing a parade in thir ci y, they win board the stenuer City of It miij. Arriving :n E gland, the p irty will go at once to London, where a reception will be tendered them by Knights Templar there. After leaving Loudon they will eparate, some going to France, and the remainder to other poiuts of interest on the continent. At New York the pilgtims will be joined by a delegation of eastern Knights, and the en' ire number will be about a 00. THE LARD IS VEoTlOATIOX. Chicago, July 6. Iu the lard inves tigation before the board of trade com mittee, in which Mc(eoch charges Fowler Brothers with adulterating pure pteam lard, the case for the de fense was concluded this afteruoou : with the testimony of Prof. Delfield, of beeu a constant increase in the vio Rutdi medical college, who exhibited a lence and extent of the solar storm series of magnified photographs ol lard and tallow, showing their difference ia crystalization, together -with ope-imeus of adulterated lard. The prosecution then put on the 6tand Wm. Martin, formerly fireman for Fowler Brothers, who corroborated the statements made by other w If newt to tb ffect that tallow and beef bones were nixed with hog fat and put into the render ing tub, nod the product put in tierciB and labeled ''prime tleain." He knew this positively, because he had em Ire chargoof tbe rendrriug. In December last, between 5,000 mid 6.000 liciceH of this Btuff was made by Fowler ISroth ers. Hnd liercfd at prime Bteuin lrd. This evidence contradicts tlmt iveu by I'rof. Hose, chemut lor F.wler llrothtr-. N ATONAL NEW . Crook Ill Washington The Cadet Engineers, Etc. TUE CONFtKESCK, Washington, Juiy 0. Toe Frcaivseui returned lrrnu Me a Yolk ia.v niglil uu the late truin, aul weui to Hit- u.Uieis Iloiue, where becretur) Line ln aiii Ueueial Crook are now in tuii-un tion Willi In in coiurriiii g iiM Oiopoi; i'.n iu be made oi the opiuieu Apaclien. Sect eta; y Lincoln, aceomauied by General Crook, had a coitltience with Secretary Teder tuoay in icard to the disposition of the Apache captives. fciL-eietary Tellei informed an Aociated press reporter that lie declined to re ceive the captives ou IheSau Carlos res ervation, and be responsible lor their good behavior. A pmp tiitiou was made to Lum theiu over to the war de puitineui police con lot ol he reser llou aliu hoid that Ocou; uielil l'espou nlle lot Hie goi behavior of the In dians, but the matter was .eft iu uej ance for the picsent. Alter leaving iLe lnurioi departnient Sene.-i L,i..cni -i.il (j. 11.-1. ,1 crook pioeeeuid to ihe Executive mansion, Wheie ihev uici ine I'ltaiiicin. Tiie sit uation at AuhCariob agency Aas thor oughly discussed, out no pia.u dttiuitely agreed upon. In auwer to mi inquiry fioui a leporter Secretary Lincoln baiu that theie was no probab.lity of a nis hgreeujeui between the war and inter ior departments uiou this question. "The heads ot the deartmeuts io not disagree ," said liucoln, Mipy aieotriv- i iuif for a COUIUIOU ol Ject, the Ocaeet ill .... . .. ' 'i""""1" U1 klud. 1 he secretary thought a pian Would be decided Upon within a d ij or two. KKFLBED TO HE DISC 11 ARC ED. The Cbdet eugineeis of the class of who have been lioulitd ot tlieir distuissal from tiie navy un.iii ine pro visions ot llieaotoi August, lso4, re fused to accept their dldCi.l'-e iuil i.: year's pay tendereu witu it. tne ixuu j of claims decided that Una ac-i. had 1.0 ' application to these young men, while j the secretary ol the navy litre. dt-a ui- rectiy to the couii.oy 1 hi- aiiici.i 1 fen bound to re.-o c tut .t-c.o mia id i the court. It is uuacist 'ot in.. l 1. iv-' lc- j retary will not oppoot; th rvior c;on ol . these caueia 10 the so. v ce oj t-.e .aI j congress. WILL. SUKKtNDhK TilK ICEhUU V ATI JN. Asa resuit ot ihe couteience Willi Secretary Teller loans, duel Mo&ce agreed to eurieudei the rsci v,ti;un in Wasuingtuu icri woi. ati eei ic u.iii bts people on the coiyiue aesti vation aiijoiuuiif. It is expected that toe agreement between lue goer. uncut auo Chief .does aiii resiut ia throw i.g open for settlement two m.liioit acres of laud. WITNK63 MURDERED. The attorney geueial received a tele gram from Euwanl Guthruige, TJued S atesa lorney, dated Mimoia, Texas, saying thai Charles ilaughi, iae couuty judge of Marion t.uuuiy. IVx., and the principal witness in the Ma rion county election cases, was niur dered on the 3rd inst., it i Mipp.tsed by parties indicted iu the United States court. The attorney-rciier.li m ttructed Gulhridge to examine care fully and report fully upon the cir cumstances of the murder. A telescopist in Rochester X. Y., has beeu taking a jtcep old Sol, .nd iiudo viioi'gh to r. count for the m tcoi'digical oistur. :ii;c. s antl ele vation of tvmpeiaiuie of which peo ple complain at present. Disturb ances on the sun, he soys, have recently increased with great rapid ity. An observation yesterday re vealed a view tint was somewhat appalling. A group of sun spots, that was jiiit making i'.s appearance on the 23d, had reached the sun's centre and had spread over a vast area, while a new group of immense propoitions had made its appearance on the east. "This group consistsof two ver- large sports conuected by a chain of smaller ones. The region is torn iu every direction. About the two great storm centres there is 1 rl an nf o rr 111 i!innr m rtinn 1 r tongues of white flame which sur n una the dark chasms of the spots are bent in the direction ofthe cyclo nic motion. The area of disturbance is now greater than at any time since the sun - spot period began. Ihere has during the last year. The tremen doua outbieak of last November is fairly dwarfed bv the present convul sions. Unlesss the sun is undergoing some permanent change, it would seem that tbe storms must soon reach a climax and subside. But eo long . I .. oriuit tin. f lent 6U)rins and unaccountable weath er on the earth. The precipitation of rail! over the north temperate zone has already become a matter of gient i-onceru. ami there are no immediate pro-ipects of a diminution. The wa ter has been pumped into the air by the sun's increased heat, and it must defend. If this state d thingV should continue for two or three years more, the moat disastrous consequen ces must follow. In the natural course of events il is expected that the solar disturbances will M'on subside. Ibit the.e is no telling what may happe n in our whirl through space, -Chicago Tribune. Ones More the Boy Is Ahead. I New York Mar. Among the guests of a New York ii(A as u maiden lady from the ru ral districts. The landlord noticed that about o'clock every night she came down stairs, get ajpitcher oi ice water and return ve her room. "One night," he naid,4 I made bold to speak to her, ami asked why he did not rini? the bell for a hall boy to bring the ice water to her. C7 'But there is no bell in my room. A "No bell in jour room, madam 103- let me show you," nnd with that I took the pitcher of ice water in my hand and escorted her to her apartment. Then I pointod out to her the knob of the electric bell. She gazed at it with a sort of hor ror and then exclamed: ' Dear me? Is that a bell? Why the hall boy told me that was the fire- ; alarm signal, and that I must never t.on-li it, except, in case of lire!' j "And that is how the hall bov sav- ed himself the tiouble of going for ice-wnter. $100 PEK 3I0NTII AND OUTFIT FREE. u r want men. women, lioyn aul nirl" to work rilit in their ovii towns. vut ins ami neiiilib-ir li od, on fftiury ir coiiiliil.SHioii. It if a pleas ant hiisint-sH w lf-r you. ami you need not le awav fr.-.m liomc over n'Klit rt chall bi K ail ! siiir.su in tie worm. All tllosw who engage to I II you an ouint Irre to start you in iu with us make money rapidly. You eainhote vour wlmle tiu or your snare ntoineiits. If you leeil to eiuaK in a paying biisiiiei-s, write at once for full particular. $. IX GOLD FOR A POSTAL CAKD. The i:l)ove is a bona-fide ofl"T, made to any ette who will aecept, and write earefully on a poft:l caril the names an J addr-sse of any lio'k ajrent, ,s;winir machine or fruit tree ajjetit aid -emit- ua. Send in l he iiame- and vre i i.u ixnv it is !!i . Heiii' lut'i'i', ! p t tl .-suit to secure t'"f'1 c. ''.! n lt'-r. Address ; o m n ! & ! ;'!' x.'S li if' - .. ' '. ;:- (U-Wloit i I c v. i. 1 s: n C i X &3 1. . B -r rs ri c 3 5-. a GO o o PS D I I 5- Z x .7 M i - si o C 3 . " i 1 -3 rsjz t. w 3 c j! r a, a. a; cc l a n& a .i I !j ci 2 j3 of. 9 m n Mil. SCHNELLBACHER HO SE CHOKING & WACON RKIWIIMNt; All K l.dS Of Faf33 i IE tiCSL tS u'ESuCf! ?llt Neatiif.-" ami !!(atcl: Horse, 31ulc& Ox Shoeing, n short, well shoe anything that hap four feet, from a Zebra to a Giraffe Comp and see us. jstthw shop n Fitfti S' between Main aai Vine Strwi 1st ;v.ps.. e corner from th mkw II Kit A L Kirt(: :o NEW PEAL ilt IX FUEUITUIIE f C0FPI1TS. aiifl all kind -if jjihs n'i.il'y "T :i Also, a very complete rtuck of Funeral Goods. r Metallic&WooflenCofflns CasietSjRolies, Our New and elegant hearse It always In readiness. Remember the place, in UNION BLOCK, on Sixth Street, TWO Doors sonth of Cass Coun ty Bank. Whear we may be found night or day. J. I UNRUH, LA JL-h C G. Louisville Can be 1 bu nd the largest and best stock of CLOTHING Trunks, Valices, In Caes County, nt Hod K'ock Pricej. KenifiiibiT the place. D. (K. IIinEIHlLIL9 SolclProor'tor TLh our trade iiicrvnsiMsr vIaeai oilier. coBMlstiH olTdnfill limes. FIRST. Uef.iuRc we possible livinr prices. S ECO N D. Hccause j)riccson J JO tlays time as for THIRD. --Because we prices than any house in the county. FOURTH. Because wc treat all alike, and e;ive ?' every man the worth ol" liis money. ? FIFTH. Because w; sell the half-moon hruntl of white lead at (i.Ufi per 100 pounds, v. hi!e others realize ) (5 50 to J?s.00. SIXTH Because we sell Vrall Paper from 10 to 15 j per cent, cheaper than our neighbors. j Are these not enough reasoim .ic t.'omg the business? SAGE'S ADDITION TO T1IH. C1T orriiATTS3I0UTJI Valuable otttlots for residence) pur poses. Sage's addition lien south-west of the city, and all lots are very easy ol access, and high and sightly. For particulars call on E. SAGE, Pron'r. AT SAGE'S HARDWARE STORE. riattsmouth. Neb CD e h h 0 (est 0 rrA CO u c 0 mat M 6 Til 5 CO O CD rg . cd DO r w S3 r H (!) c c-t- O o AT JOE McVEY Sample Rooms You will find Ihe Finest Imported French Urandy, Champaign, and other Fine Wines, I'ure Kentucky "VVhisKies, several of the best and most popular brands of BOTTLE B2KR, Fresh lieer always on draught, and Fine Ci- 2fltf. i n w & . a. -i lallr to Mrke OmrlD-n. Sena for it ! P D. M. FERRY & CO. OeTRCUT M .ok- Sheriffs Sale. . ByTirtue of an order Uvieu by the district tudge. I will, on th ttrh dy of .Inly i8 at clock p. m.. rell the renmiuder of the tock formerly owned byj M. Woodnon. coniFtinir or teas, crockery. pla."w are. citrar and -.tore outnt. aiid also one top bumo'. oue spriuK wacon, and ODe aet dotibi barneoii. ,, , K. W. HYKES, Sheriff OH HEROLU' S Branch Store! FurmsliM Boots and Shoes, nell all ooiIh nt llir lowct we Hell nil good at f-nntc roods at lowef cali sell the same L C. SI. J;, ailfl G Safest. Best and Most Mr LINE IN THK WEST..'' Magnificent D ning Car.7, Ea:.t Day 0oacbe 2 St Louis Trains Daily, 2 Onialia Trains Daily, 2 Kansas City 'Trains Daily, t Lie: ison Trains Daily, Two ".Traltm for St. Paul, Minneapolis, Bioai Qit Awl all point In northwest, witn Pullman Sleeping Cars, Between Xjbs s City an3 51. Pad WITHOUT CHANGE All train run on tirii.coiiii-tliiK friiU polnth East West, North & Soutb 1 ick tH tor mm' nt all rt-fiilar ticket offloMi. nfur. na! ion r ir1iu.' r.tle, time, AC. ctiovr il Kiveu :? a(Mieiliiif J. K. IUhnahti. A. C. Pwi., tieu'l Hu. tien'l I'rt.sg Aiin ROBERT DONNELLY'S BLACKSMITH SHOP. rr Uyw;, iwjyy, jaacmne ami flow re pairing, and general jobbing I wn now prepared to Co all kind of rcpalrioc of farm and otlnr machinery, ae toer Is a good lathe In my utiop. PETER JiAUEN, The old Reliable Vaon Maker ban taken etiarxe of tfi. wKoTsp. lie is well known a a no : workman: 8ati8facti0n gcakat TtiWUErlLOiN TXT, . , r . . , . . Meat MrKer, LATE UN El I., Prop'r. Escf Hnltoa PctjC Yea! CMcleiis. ic Court autlv u band. Also it kinds r ' A HK in naaub, itad ev erything kept In a H RSTCLAS 51 IJ AT SHOP f At loweat possiLilo rates. 521y PlJTT8MOUTH. NKB'J ( GAFF, FLElSCHMiN & CO. V COMPRESSED YEAST. : The best yeast il use, received frwh every TUESDAY and FRIDAT , mornings. Ctx. . plied uy , : m j nit; mm, LiiiG a. -j 'mi -in H.iiiii P