'4 V s lit '. ( " ( . VOL. I. plattsmout::, xr;;rs;:.v.. satukda v v?:nfkg, ji;lv hilU II ATT. Beef, Porc. Mutton HurrritiorN to AT WliOL.n.lAI.E AND RETAIL. ,.r.tr. IfM-.s. i'.ic.ri. Suit Alt'it' s t' nil kit.'!-5. m, m x - wa " - - 1 - - i:ul n'l i. tin.-1- iirtioL-j Thi Highest Mar ket Price i'.iid for Hides, Wool, Pelts, Grease, Etc. Fieah Lako Trout and White Fish Every Thursday Morning. -u- OHOCE1UES. THE DAYLIGHT Full, JAnc General JSIereliasMli. Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. Call and Satisfy Yourself JOSEPH have arrived, and I 3 3. to Oh, Vpq uilj iuO Dry Dres Goods, Trimmings Et., at lower i-uu es uy other Louho in the country. Also a full line of Groceries Queensw at prices to defy cm it'tion w. IP. J. 51 Dkalkk Groceries Also Choice ISraiuls of Flour. Aent for the German Fire lnsurncc Co., Freeport, 111.; German Fir Insurance Co., Peoria. 111.; Manhattan Lite Insurance Co., Xew York. Western Ilorso and Cattle Insurance fomp:.ii, OF OMAHA. Fire Insurance Policies If sued in Steamship Tickets sol J lrc m and to Lurope over tiie Unm: ar- American racket Co., ami the North-German L oyd .ents tor 100,000 acrca of land on the Northern Pacihc rail roao" in l iktta. ' l G-race & No old etock to work off. Tlie latest patterns tf GLASS atttj- QTJEEIsrS W"K IB FLOUB AND PROVISIONS. TIIE HIGHEST MARKET l'KICI PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. DREW BUILDING,- PLATTSMOUTH, . AI Alt Mil.-! V ft -inn (Ml! Bdl A. . 21 T. I.a:d ll-Ai-gii'A, turril market. 0. , y 12 i T V t5 will cuntinue to sell -3 than 1 U Yfiirs llespetfully, SlWSSW 9 IX urocK the English and German Language Tlaierolf J. Y a-iV Vi- -j j ra nr & 1 erv FLATiBMnufii ilKHALD. It: liiij l.Ali.v ni vi:i:klv !'. - in Flalteoiii Huidiii WMiiti Co. DAU.V, iMiVi r l l.y carrier to uny i:u: i.f :lu i!y Vr; Wl . k 9 I'm') w i i-i V-.ir . '.' ".'"'"iCl.Y. ly iiiiill, yin- ci'pv tlx I'liKithH. SI 'l r : ( .i.- v im r . ... ii-i t-i l 1 - I :: i I'ti.-t i 'U'l-i-. i'i.titr !!... I li. Nt'o.:l ci:is- in hi. Mr .Ioiin Km.i.i:v t-xjiinin tli troui'li Shut .i.it'I to I'i f;i ;..-,., i r. i i. . ...... i ; ..... . m.. 'cm. i.-... j II 1. 'II- 11'. il l.li.T ILI ll( ."II I mi' fioi:i )fii:a l're.-iiilr-iit in i'32C. Mr. Ht l'.y Siiyo. Ui.cle Sammy 'l il ic:: v.'-'K fiict j'.l.St wl.tn tie sliOiil l l:iVii "ni;i.iii Also, wliil- the D:l of Tam many i ali.'iit it, li" i.'XpJaiiir wt.y the inililur lii('i"i.-iiii, (Jeneral Il:iicx-k, misled -ir!? I'l-iiiieut ; in thii l itter cas- Mr. Kflley Hiiyg Uncld Sainiuy 'hrart-d up' against th nniniiieu just wlieu lie ahould have proved loyal hhJ tr.i; to tin: I' irty of iihtftruvii.-!.. This inova u i. tviy t li t', tiivif 'm iu.ii.li!.; like elea iu out;-.! inn.' I it all tioul-1; si)iii e cict.i Itel'ore joiii into 'iL;.h, ni..Ui: roiitcrt. o.n .m l aii thai; it clears the .ieck i'.r xciioii, aj'd pr-iu-Jles liari)i-ii) jou know. Xo'.v it will i' ia itl.-i I'nr ilu- .S;ij;ii i'f Gi:iiLieey to cjii lV-s tVr Mr K Hey, arul tti 1ein..:::.iU-- l.ir ly of New York Will be ie:uh fir A BAKE kmieKit filit is what Sena t'r Masulersoii imi-t. liavn wi;!i the sen ior semitor tteloro he cmi win his s!'w in th senate and in the uisii ihu.jorj ! (he imti'Kial l.iniei for this i t of the repuhiican dominion. The Ileraid w.U f.Ct HH Umjtile, W iietleVfl' the iMillli'Ht shall ojn n iiiiiier i l;e M;inju:s uf (.;. eii hurv ruln. Oiii.dia H r."!d. We have p. j;;'Uti2. wan. M ::v.l cu liotsed our iiir,.l ci' the (ai:.!ia IJerald in regard to thi.t lu ospeci . v .- mill We ue unwilling that lie sin n.i set .is um pire. We don't I hick he limit Tsta'ids t iie Marquis of Queiishury rides, nei iher (' we t'u.ik tin -Be ru'es will j;ov f-rn tlie set-to. This K. riuimnye, if it evi-r duos liappen, is likely to come off ii!dr the MeD-itX rul., and il the hit laanizer of the (Terald ii:Hits on fool mu ;jio?;:i i inside of that rinir, we will wash ou-i usiials of tin- whole ailair. When the Ifecdd prints edittaial mat r it is its own, no in... worthy oi . h- iianse of journalist w ho re-prints ik-.i ni 'er lets ;u:y rirht t credit it o any p";!ieular am .'ir.r.-liip To .'larle out aid as e artieh s to a pnr tieiilar 'ndividual )t a fcross violation of every rule of decency, avrl involve injustice to men to whom authorship "f HUi.l. articles is avi-rihed. In the recent i'hkh of Mr. Mor on, a wronij wa- done thai eentlpnian by holdinuf hitn re H..onsille for views which he might not entertain, and it was an outrage nu te Hf.uali w ich we think we know how to resent. Mr. Morton writes an occasional article for our paper, and ve wifh lie would eoutribiite more a'ei more of th'-in to our ciiIiiihih to lend s.i-ipf,h. mikI interest and zest to our dwensfcions, but unless lie puts his name to an article, no ninn has a right, on Ins account especially, to attribute it to him. Omaha Herald. The foregoiu1; is well put. Dr. Mil !er must b held responsible for the editorial page of hin paper, which lie in enerslly a!le to take care of, and we can se no gain p,-odding the great anti niou.ipoliPt from "Aibor Springs Lodge' by credi'injr the work of the editor of the Herald to that rebell'ous bourbon from Otoa. THE INDEPENDENTS OF MIS SISSIPPI. We don't take any ftoek in the Chal mers school of southern politicians who avail themselves of the ti-sae Ual lot, ad every other devilish device, from that refined instrument of irau I down to the load of buck sle tatthe hand of the midnight -ssnssiiis.to retain I olif ical power; and when all these appliances fail, and their party refuse fin t her to honor them with place, turn out refornu rs. Tin y remind u of the lines " When the devil Is ?1ck. 1 he devil a monk- would be, Wli-ti tiie d-vil is e.l. th'o levil a iionk i he." Hovt-vt-r, it appears ai'ftr the K qmb lirn party of Mississippi had pdet'v refund CoueraS Ch-dmeis a c.d'-t seat iu tiie sviiagogue, he, m.d his u'.murr (and ii is said ae has a veiv re.-eet aba? I p:iny in d.ssi-.p., a,,i I - Suit; JilCKsJ-Is wltll Mr i;,.lli.u i,:,vis, a t. .iiiv i. -1 nroe'-oe.t 'o oig;..iZ .in (: le r:ite -r o:ii i:T, Mini Co'lgreSs- lian. hs i hairiiiaii. Th-vi ry ti'st plank in the platform aem-.nds a free halior, and u fair count. and auothcr plank o-eclarcs iu favor of the control of railways bv legislation. Were it not thai we despise the motives that prompt men iike Chalmers to head a political party in'that State in favor of a free ballot, aud a fair count, we would be disposed to hurrah for Chal mers. COLORADO CORRESPONDENCE. Denver, Colo., July 4th, 883. As the date-lino of this letter shows, to day is the glorious Fourth. In tbis U . , t heie is i .i puMie . ec ignition i f tl.edav. Not that 1) uvii )! - are hik iii" In i.i.tilnti!!! it i- ' i '.: i : ; ji - dieated by e . i.- ' i.: :.':t! t'vw mot, lis j.i H i- ei:y :- ; :i g Jo be one gi.uid jaia day. ih- ob-eivanre of whii h will ilirow ai.y fri.!i:ary i'onrih of .Inly celebiatiou into tla: J'liad.-. Ilu: if tin re is no odieiul leeo-nition of the day, th " boy-1 have eert ainly bet n il'di :heir duty in "w hoi p ug it up ; ri r"!. t e io- kfni t'n- -,i ed id- I po tloil I f : li- i li hab'tH in - ' i -t .1 1 M:..i : li.o pfoji.t- b i'i I'lihc in'.;:;, 'l;' .. i.'ii'oii'-i ;:.,d . .c i: i s ' :s 1 1 : lo- i.'iulii;- l.-ii. a!i li.nii l'i- Uu le t !;. k X-'-t-.n!'- iinyi'O'iy v an inis-iog fnn,. tm. it d .e n i y ali fir'? ;ivi).g wrk j.e g--b ii r tie day. T his I'.i I nooi. and fivcuing there xsill - cro-.No- jmi :t ,hr'. ell I'.iTk, V. hTe Hi Tiiijg. me r. 'iv.- boi-.i made for a j l.y time. lier--js tiiti-ie ihere lo-day, by lure.; t.;..s bale'.-, a liiplny of .T ij,.'.i.. bi, i;giit ii ev.-f ri-:;, -.J-neing. ami a p r t; t ;ic display in tin- evening. THE G . A. K The (Ii.'iu l Aim', t-.iiii:: witi b- readv r r o cup-iiiey M U-.i.-.i a w. k before the day iiSru-mUiing I lie 2-1 1 (i inst. The Nat'-ona: (Council of Ailminisitii tion, will hold a meeting on .Moo..i,t t he '2-j 1, and t !.t following day th-n-will be a gr .ud ; arade of the veter in :i:d I he t-tate troops. The Cfhra-o National (l.aids, whu-h wi.l probably io eseort duty, consists of twenly-sevi-n companies, fm iv l:nifornicd. Altotiether the procession i!i probab v be about five miies in i. JiLdh. I here will be other public e.x.ieies lie- same day, iu ludiii, orations by distinguish ed Speakers. At night, a torei.liLdil parade will be mad by t'e taunaie Fiam'oeiti Club, of Topeka, Kansas, wiii'. ii is com post d of comrades of Abf Lii eoio I'o.-t ul that ity. Wediu.day, I hursi'ay inl Triday of tie same week wib ! o devot.-d to sessions ol the Na tional encampment. At -the close of H e legular eiitampment Ki-Siions, the office lb and delegates, with their 'ami lies, will be escorted to Mi.- principal points of interest ihiot.ghoiu jta-e Dining ihe w.ek, tin re will be vSus entertainni-liis proidcd, iticlading a co:. cert of war songs of all nations, by a chores of two hiindnd school chil dren. There wid also be excursions all llw tin to ihe cannons of Clear Creek, ."south rhttie and the Koyal Gorge of the Arkansas, a!so to the citie of Le:.dviile, lueblo,Georfetow-ii,(;ree!e. , Idaho, . Silvertoii. Canon '. ..,i Fort Collins. Cui'n, D' : -.j, Colorado 8oi iu is, . I'.tr.f.n, O.a.u-tK (luuniMJi;, Mu;;i: u .t:d . nd ' , Tiae-e points y-.iii ineiiioe ( i-. i.n- ot the eriiwlpal hgfi' uduiul aud miucral li Ida of Colorado. EXPOSITION NOTES. The exposition building was opened on Monday for the reception of exhib its, and the various articles are being put in place. Nonce has been receiv ed t hat the entire miuersl exhibit of the Tertio Millennial ill he brougi.t here t the close of that exhibition Advices from the New York Central and the Baltimore & Ohio railroads, state that the matter of r 'es will short ly be brought before the irunk Hue passenger committee, l,1,l that the probable outcome will be :he issuing of thirty d ij' excursion tickets. Gen eral Passenger Agent I, '-well, of ti e C. B. & Q. railroad, thinks that we can ob tain he first locomotive buiit in this country to add to the grand display i,.o i ',m,!U.innHr Miirohv. of Ari-I zona, assures th- management th'tt he will bring .1 very large exhibit from that territory, and the show will b? oetter, it is expec ed, Mian the veiy ex cellent displ iy which Arizona made last year. 1 In- J)en'er exhibitors ol ;at yearwho are going to contribute again, will in nearly everv case occupy the 8:une spaces hs at that time, pome of the applicants from the east are get ting anxi ais, and fear that they will not get into the building, but they will all be accommodated. The few (Otl -ties of the s'nie which hi. v.- ' ' " dila tory !) ul musing 'n t nu-iaiuiist kiiown, are bestirring ihems -ives and the Colorado s!e-v wii h o'ii up in irrttnd proportion". Jndg ng by the isa t ie xfoluts are const. u-; m, there w ll. no. be the de av of g-tiing into r.i unot' order .vhu ti was experienced las ..u. -The jie-'ple know just ho-v to ji-- io v .rk now , T:-t-rearo inisiy iustmices bi igcit e! now which s-iimv : a limited ex tent i! e gr-.t go-d wrought to the ujw poiiioi sot tin- West by the dis plays ot th. Ir wealth of leaource ma le by various localities lat year. It is truly wondetful that such is the case, aud that the effects could so soon be appuent t.nd distinctly traceable to their ciuse, but the proof is con- rlnsi vk. Much canital has been in vested, and a great extent of unsettled j territory ha been redeemed from dis use purely as the resnlt of knowledge .iKsseminated bv the Exposition. This is a source of encouragement to those who believe in the system of exposi tions as a means ef developing nev countries, and who desire that the Den ver enterprise shall beepmea perma- in nt intit u: ion, ami it e xhibitions n li'lil : ! . c ::i : t i.i'e. i In ;! I :s t;f anv '. ; ; i . r'.e In. i r.lr r..-ver h.H..k'd !'..! rj y. .!'. ; piod. Ill fai t tliev mi- i.ot expected to show them selves only in an indirect way. But here is a case where a year has not yet c!aps-, 1 Htnce the beginning of the show, a:;d only thre-quurt is of a year has pashtd si:;ee its c'..-,e TJie peo ple have h mHy l.-tid t in." to ;.rr ri 1 ;. talk over dn matur, and L'hotd us !riit.i an- 1 1 ' i i t hat v. stt ri toauy !h I '. ! A'i'i :I iii- l ai vesL i.esogiea' iu u short a lime " .'.lim wiil the har vest be" ior y-:irt of co.itimii ng in so will doing? lor he o'-j-cts of the Kx posiiion are only partially realized I. en itsellect is in th" in -leased wo. l .n oi tin; U'esi. The Imposition is a national enterprise. It is intended ml uioce to show to tiie world what io be i..g done and w hat can be necoinpii-Led by -kili, capital and industry, in the tu b mineral and agricultural field of thi.i country, lut as well then source of the entire couidi y, and what cun be ae ompliahed in ad the wide fields of m ii.utactiii". science and art. It is not only tm exhibition of the capital find enterprise of the country and an invi tation lo all wiio id io come H'i I par take of the great opportunities; hut it is ;. n annoUiH etui III to ail the eiiliz.i ;iou of the world, thut A merica fctanda iu it j fort most rank. The ar;esian wattr borm fill contin ues, all of the experiments ita t'.rg w ith unbounded success. It is hoped lluil the tysttm n ay be aj'plied to irri gation, and then whether or not the spring ran s continue every year, the a; tici I'tir.d pursuits of the people may be cairied on without the obstacles which formerly retarded pregtess D. W. M. j .i..... I ii in m '!) SAKKa. I.jjy "-ITZIlKHALLl, A. W. MCLAUOHI.I I "n-si'tCDt. iCa-hier. i-k.sf NATIONAL 3A OF i'LATTSMOUTII. M.UllASKA. Oaers the very best faeiiilies for the rromrt trauacli-'ii ol legilhiiate BANKING BUSINESS. Stocks, timels. t!oiil. l;oieinnii-i:t a ret I.oc Ktteiiri! ie f ell ;IU am! Ne'tt. lf-;..s:t.-ree:iv-eti ii. -i eileifst . . .-u toi.e firuti- e.iO' -. Ur,:tl - in w .. . utiaMe a: any ,: sr.;- i' i:lteii .vale and all e.i.'.i-i;!:.! :.0-viiS ;t ICmui.e. -ilirtioits rri'K'i: it- proiitirtiy remitted. ibi-hest market riceu paid fr Cmiiity War rants. Statu a -d County Isondf. DTK ECTOR S : John Vitzeermil A. E. Tonalln, .lolin K. Vis.rK. K. C. Ctishlug. ieo. K Ijuvey. K. K. White. A. W McLauehltn. WEEPING VV AT 3 :h WEEPISG WATER. NEB. E. L. REEI. li .dent. . A. (iIBS()T, Vice-President. R. S. U i.'JvlNON. Cashier. A ssseral Erlms Business Transactel. K.H-aved. ad Interest allowed 03 Time Certi niafs. nr-. availabla ia auy part of the U-olted sra'i:s and h!1 the principal citissof Koroptf. o Agens fur te celebrated Mm Lias of vmm. Bank Cass County evtcerMaiii and Sixth Streets. PLATTSMOTTTH ZETZEDB 1 .JOHN BbACH.. President, I 1 J. M. ? ATT K RsjO N" , Cashier, f Transacts a feral Mum Bnsiiicss. HIGHEST CASH xILICE Paid lor County and City WaranU. -.nd promptly remitted lor. DIBECCTOIt : lolir Black. J. M. l'att : son. C. H. I'arn el F. R. Guthnianu. a. MorriMey, A. B. nit l. - t br lr. AGENCY FIRE IlKANGS tn j CITY, of London, QUEEN. FIREMAV FUN II. of c .lifun.iu EXPREISS COMPANIES AMERICAN EXPRESS CO.. WELL'S' FAROo & CO r.PKh. Oftlooia .Kockwxd lUock, with Job u son Bios " ' ' 6U6ui. --- . v. LUMBER EICHEY OF TISAOXXi DEALERS IN LumbsrtS ash.Doors nt, A FINE LOT OF MACKKIiEL, IxADK ADORE IIEIiHINO, TliOUT, WILD WAV1 COD FISH, Abo u choice lot of rOIT JxHTlD CHANGES We hsve a fine lock of GMQ'XC'E FAMILY GROCERIES, Fancy rands of MINNESOTA, KANSAS AND MISSOURI FLOUR. I have In ftoo a line line of Queensware, Glassware, Lamps, fro. All our xoods tc new and frt'b. Will EiciiaiiEe mr Country Proaace. Linseed Oil Meal Always on Hani ; .Next door to Court House, Plattsmouth, Neb, M B, MURPHY & CO. ITS -AND- At Wholcsnlcaiul .fiS.ct.ail. paid for all kinds of country produce. Call and sec me. a Opposite First EASTWARD Dally Kxpress Trains for Omvha. Chicago. Kansas t'ity, St. IOiiis. jind all points East. I iirontrli Car via Peoria to Ind anaj;lli. Kle Kaet Pullman I':ilace C:;rB und dy coaches on ah t!Hun trains, and Dining ear eat of Mis souri river Tlirouuh Ticket1 at the I-owest Rate are on ale at all Ihe tmpor'ant station, arid bacne'i will be checked to destitution. Any inforination as to rate, routes or time tables .i bo' cheerfully furnished upon application to any airenf or to P. S- EUSTI3, General Ticket A Rent, Oinalis. ytt. BURLINGTON- ROUTE""5'" (Chioago, Burlington & Qulncy a c 'read.) I 1 : ;4 CCiG EAST AKD WEST. Ele-rant Day Coshes, Parlor Cars with Recliii- ir.? tnans scis i.-!-ei, cluu.i.ii; v"' " , x.-lvlne Chairs, I-u'.lraan Palaee bl-inJCT Car ini h. fvic t- k r a. ninins- f ars run dauy to ana .from Chicago & Kan-vw JH7. C'faicAco-A t oaocU : Bhi.TP. CliK twro & IV Motuoa. Ilii a. fct. J ' !Mph. Ate.tson To-vka. Only thronc-i Urw lv inivn Chicago, Lirotin & Denver, lartrtiiih can ' between IndT.iDapolt i Council Bluffs vu. J toria '.Ml tonnectiona made in I nsm J???!- " kncwu as the preatl H.KULn li Finest Equipped Railroad In the World for all C!e-i of Travel- ,Vel fX. J. POTTER 3d 1o-Pn-s t wi l GonT Manay-r FJEHCFA'AL USZTSL. r. Tax. A t. C'ldf-aA-g j 1 TyU'IoVEIBIIIilR, BEOS., ViT23 0 133 VJU:;TTII O r:U ALL KINDS OK inds Pi-icrti t '9 Cash National iBank. WESTWARD Dsliy Exprs trains for Denvpr connertlnif In T'nifin Depot for all popirs In Colorado. L'th. California and the entire Went. This advent of ttiH lin cives the trareler a w Koate to thi West, with scenery und advantages uutquaJed elsewhere. GOIMC NCR TM ASJO BOUT!) FEEB- Solid Tr&ins of Ei. sar.t Iw.y Coarhos Pi..! M man, Palace Sl'--f--:i c'iTS rin daJy t.j kn l u rom t Dwi. v liaririibnl, CJ'nev, t. iv,:n BurVxf3oa.iJi.r laTiu.s iuq ,ii.;t.-:n.. y m m t Paul abd f-.ifinei : Pail r Cirw.ci .i-iiaj. v, ,i,u, Chairs to and 'roinbt. Louis and Peoria fa.nd U afiiiu and from tt. Louis and Ottumva. On.y on-- -:). o:. change o( ears between Kt. liOuia i.'id Ditfclnt loin.. Iowa, Lincoln, Nebraska, ac-i Ivn'Cfj i-j,r. Colorado. His uciversaaadiiilaBd to be the f 1 re id Pui: Ui ana,